Looking for website and a developer with ongoing work. Website will have auction function, link to paypal, search, front page CMS, archive, Blog, forum functions. initially, like to get simple website up and running but in future I like to have all these functionalities. This website will get complicated in future so if you don't have web technology experience, please do not bid. For forum, blogs and for other stuff, I don't mind if you use available tools. person need to be aware of web technology really well. link to past projects will be really usefull.
Once I choose the developer, I will give you specs in detail. Make sure when you big for this project you have enough time, knowldge of web technology and interest. Initially I only need 5 0r 6 pages so bid according to that. For main on going work, I will post again.
## Deliverables
Rent A Coder requirements notice: As originally posted, this bid request does not have complete details. Should a dispute arise and this project go into arbitration "as is", the contract's vagueness might cause it to be interpreted against you, even though you were acting in good-faith. So for your protection, if you are interested in this project, please work-out and document the requirements onsite.