i am in need of reliable writers who can write at least 10 to 20 (500 words) unique articles daily. please bid for 30 articles only.
************Please post a sample of your work without which no bid will be entertained.************
=> Bid Without sample will be ignored.
=> Bid over $30 will be ignored.
These articles must be 100% unique Copyscape passed.
any plagiarism or low quality would not be tolerated.
You must be able to write perfectly in US English and pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation, also should have excellent research skills in order to craft write on any topics.
Ask any questions you have and start bidding with a sample immediately. I will choose the winners within today.
you must be able to write ezine quality articles. Payment release after article accepted by [login to view URL]
Lower bid would be appreciated.
thank you.
ID-ul proiectului: 3215558
Despre proiect
21 propuneri
Proiect la distanță
Activ: 14 ani în urmă
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21 freelanceri plasează o ofertă medie de $20 USD pentru proiect