Yoast redirects not workingproiecte
Salut! Site-ul nostru ca...cele mai multe ori rau. La acesarea anumitor pagini se intampla sa primim erori mai ales pe mobil si atunci cand il accesam, punem o pagina in google ads sau facebook ads, care spun "to many redirects". Deasemenea uneori primim erori 404 cu toate ca pagina respectiva exista si nu am mutat-o. Problemele au ineput sa apara de vreo 1-2 luni si s-au manifestat intermitent, iar acum par a se manifesta continuu. Caut pe cineva care are experienta in rezolvarea de probleme de acest tip. Multumesc! Exemplu de pagini care au fost puse pe google ads si facebook ads si nu au functionat (eroare: redirects to many times ): Exemplu de pagina care da erori 404 uneori :
Solaris Technologies @Solaristech
Se da , un site ce vrea sa deserveasca jucatorii de pariuri sportive. Momentan, el este online, dar nu functioneaza si arata cum mi-as dori. Cine a facut s...site-ul a ramas intr-o stare nu tocmai ok. A luat o tema de wp si a modificat-o, a facut unele module, pe care nu stiu sa le modific, iar la design la fel. Nicio pagina care implementat modulul lui nu merge editat cu vreun plugin de wp (wp bakery, elementor, etc). 99% din modificari sunt la partea de design front-end. Ma intereseaza deasemenea ca toate paginile sa pot fi optimizate SEO pentru Yoast (campurile de acum nu sunt vazute de plugin) si imbunatatita varianta de mobil. Am atasat un fiesier in care explic de doresc modificat si daca acele module exista sau nu. Deasemenea site-ul se icnarca cam greu in opinia mea.
Buna ziua, Avem un website cu 100 de pagini de servicii. Avem YOAS Premium achizitionat si am editat la toate paginile CUVANTUL CHEIE - TITLUL - META DESCRIERE. Totusi mai sunt anumite lucruri de facut pe pagina pentru a primii scorul VERDE de la YOAST. Siteul este indexat cu google search console. ATENTIE Continutul este facut pentru toate 100 de pagini, cuvintele cheie, titlurile si meta descrierile sunt facute! Cautam pe cineva, profesionist, care ne poate face verde toate „bulinele” de la YOAST. Multumesc.
Avem nevoie de Copywriter pentru articole de blog, scrise in baza unor cuvinte cheie si indicatii foarte generale. Articolele sunt publicate intr-o platforma WordPress, iar subiectele sunt despre diverse teme sau produse. Articolele trebuie sa respecte regulile Yoast. Fiecare articol va fi publicat doar dupa aprobarea prealabila a noastra. Plata se va face saptamanal, dupa aprobarea articolelor livrate in saptamana respectiva. Bugetul este de 15 EUR/articol. Necesarul este de 3-5 articole/saptamana. Este necesara scrierea corecta in limba romana. Experienta in SEO/SEM reprezinta un avantaj. Incepem cu articol de test scris conform indicatiilor de mai jos: Tema articol: Imprimanta Epson Titlu: il alegeti voi Cuv cheie: epson l382 imprimanta epson epson l310 imprimante epson im...
Avem nevoie de Copywriter pentru articole de blog, scrise in baza unor cuvinte cheie si indicatii foarte generale. Articolele sunt publicate intr-o platforma WordPress iar subiectele sunt despre diverse teme sau produse. Articolele trebuie sa respecte regulile Yoast. Fiecare articol va fi publicat doar dupa aprobarea prealabila a noastra. Plata se va face saptamanal, dupa aprobarea articolelor livrate in saptamana respectiva. Bugetul este de 30 EUR/articol. Necesarul este de 3-5 articole/saptamana. Este necesara scrierea corecta in limba romana. Experienta in SEO/SEM reprezinta un avantaj. Incepem cu articol de test scris conform indicatiilor de mai jos: Tema articol: cifra de afaceri. Titlu: il alegeti voi Structura: articolul trebuie sa fie lizibil, impartit in paragrafe, sa...
...afiliere care este construit pe platforma WordPress cu produse de curățare si etanșare a pietrelor naturale. Avem nevoie de un scriitor de înaltă calitate care să știe sau să dorească să scrie conținut direct pe o pagină Wordpress cu Yoast SEO plugin pentru a ne asigura că conținutul este 100% optimizat pentru Google. Cerinţe: 1. Conținut SEO pentru 104 pagini cu produse care urmează să fie rescrise: - vom furniza conținutul original de la producător care poate fi re-scris; - avem nevoie de cel puțin 300 de cuvinte pe pagină; - On-page SEO va fi făcut folosind Yoast SEO plugin. Aceasta ar include Optimizarea adăugării titlului SEO, descrierea meta etc. (vrem ca toate punctele sa fie verzi); - Avem nevoie de 1 cuvânt cheie (Fokus Keyword) pe pagină; - Conțin...
Design pagina web Design + upload continut (gata realizat) pentru site web de prezentare produse. Designul va urmari look and feel-ul unui site existent. Noul site-ul va contine 4 pagini: Prezentare, Produse, Avantaje, Contact. Va contine un nr. aproximativ din urmatoarele elemente: cca 2900 cuvinte, cca 30 poze, cca 12 tabele. Se va realiza in wordpress. Apreciem cunostinte woocommerce si yoast SEO
...de optimizarea acestui website pentru motoarele de cautare - in special Google si modificari de structura / continut ce ar putea avea efect favorabil in acest sens. (web analyses, site arhitecture, onpage / offpage, content writing, traffic, ranking, indexing keywords, backlinks etc). Mentiuni : - platforma de lucru Wordpress () - este deja instalat Yoast SEO Premium content (5 cuvinte cheie) - nu ne intereseaza foarte mult promovarea marcii "Danube" cat in special ne intereseaza sa ajungem in prima pagina din google cu cuvinte cheie generale, cum sunt cele din primele 3 meniuri de pe website. - precizam cateva cuvinte cheie care ne intereseaza in mod special, pentru a va ajuta sa faceti o evaluare cat mai completa si pertinenta a proiectului
...de optimizarea acestui website pentru motoarele de cautare - in special Google si modificari de structura / continut ce ar putea avea efect favorabil in acest sens. (web analyses, site arhitecture, onpage / offpage, content writing, traffic, ranking, indexing keywords, backlinks etc). Mentiuni : - platforma de lucru Wordpress () - este deja instalat Yoast SEO Premium content (5 cuvinte cheie) - nu ne intereseaza foarte mult promovarea marcii "Danube" cat in special ne intereseaza sa ajungem in prima pagina din google cu cuvinte cheie generale, cum sunt cele din primele 3 meniuri de pe website. - precizam cateva cuvinte cheie care ne intereseaza in mod special, pentru a va ajuta sa faceti o evaluare cat mai completa si pertinenta a proiectului
...de optimizarea acestui website pentru motoarele de cautare - in special Google si modificari de structura / continut ce ar putea avea efect favorabil in acest sens. (web analyses, site arhitecture, onpage / offpage, content writing, traffic, ranking, indexing keywords, backlinks etc). Mentiuni : - platforma de lucru Wordpress () - este deja instalat Yoast SEO Premium content (5 cuvinte cheie) - nu ne intereseaza foarte mult promovarea marcii "Danube" cat in special ne intereseaza sa ajungem in prima pagina din google cu cuvinte cheie generale, cum sunt cele din primele 3 meniuri de pe website. - precizam cateva cuvinte cheie care ne intereseaza in mod special, pentru a va ajuta sa faceti o evaluare cat mai completa si pertinenta a proiectului
Angajez urgent un web developer sa lucreze impreuna cu mine salariu lunar intre 500-1000 euro, depinde de cat avem de munca, cu timpul putem creste salariul, depinde de abilitati, si de interesul oferit Caut o persoana serioasa, nu azi sa lucreze si maine sa dispara Cunostinte necesare: - wordpress - convert psd to wordpress - woo commerce - psd to html - photoshop - responsive design Mai multe detalii in privat Astept oferte
...Dvs.: - cunostinte de programare, nu doar de implementare WP (in cazul in care nu vom gasi impreuna o platforma care sa corespunda cerintelor noastre personalizate de prezentare si functionare ale site-ului ) - cunoastere a ultimelor tendinte preferate de Google in materie de SEO-izare + analiza cuvinte cheie SEO in functie de concurenta actuala din online (o imbinare dintre recomandarile Yoast si realitatea de pe piata noastra). - Avem nevoie de un SEARCH foarte inteligent si eficient in site. Acesta va fi vedeta, avand in vedere complexitatea, diversitatea si imbinarile dintre marci numeroase, categorii numeroase ce pot avem aspecte foarte comune. (fie ca aveti deja unul "facut in casa" sau cunoasteti un gadget foarte evoluat cu costuri ce nu sunt supralicitate)...
...la Dvs.: - cunostinte de programare, nu doar de implementare WP (in cazul in care nu vom gasi impreuna o platforma care sa corespunda cerintelor noastre personalizate de prezentare si functionare ale site-ului ) - cunoastere a ultimelor tendinte preferate de Google in materie de SEO-izare + analiza cuvinte cheie SEO in functie de concurenta actuala din online (o imbinare dintre recomandarile Yoast si realitatea de pe piata noastra). - Avem nevoie de un SEARCH foarte inteligent si eficient in site. Acesta va fi vedeta, avand in vedere complexitatea, diversitatea si imbinarile dintre marci numeroase, categorii numeroase ce pot avem aspecte foarte comune. (fie ca aveti deja unul "facut in casa" sau cunoasteti un gadget foarte evoluat cu costuri ce nu sunt supralicitate)....
Caut cel putin o persoana care sa-mi furnizeze articole sportive, in limba engleza. Am nevoie de 4-5 articole pe zi despre cele mai importante evenimente sportive ale sapta...urmatoarele cerinte: 1) Sa fie corecte gramatical; 2) Sa respecte brief-ul dat si numarul de cuvinte cerute (de regula intre 300-500); 3) Sa fie originale si sa nu contina fragmente copiate din alte surse (online sau offline). Puteti totusi traduce alte articole si/sau rescrie ideile din ele cu cuvintele voastre. 4) Sa respecte anumite cerinte SEO, sa obtina un scor SEO bun de la pluginul nostru. ( Yoast ) Se pot scrie articole despre diverse sporturi, fotbal, baschet, hockey, fotbal american, box, lupte, tennis. Voi plati intre 1 si 2 euro pe articol, in functie de calitatea acestuia. Multumesc ...
Optimizarea produselor dintr-un magazin online pe platforma wordpress pentru un seo corect cu ajutorul aplicatiei yoast.
Avem un ziar online facut in Wordpress (continut unic) zilnic se posteaza 8 articole si sunt optimizate cu pluginul Yoast. Avem traficul contorizat cu si dorim cresterea traficului zilnic *cu persoane din romania.
Buna! Am nevoie de un Video de prezentare, si de promovare, in domeniul hrana pentru albine. pagina web este Am 3 produse pe care trebuie prezentate intrun mod dinamic, si professional. Am numai cateva poze despre produse deci trebuie creat in mod graphic de la a-z tot. Videoul sa fie realistic, si in 3D si normal. Si o varianta animata de secolul 21. deci modern. Produsele sunt urmatoarele: ApiSweet, ApiFood, ApiDrink ApiSweet cu inlocuitor de polen, ApiFood simpla, ApiDrink lichid sirop.
Doresc ajutor pentru implementarea corecta a scriptului Yoast; Verificarea conexiunilor cu google analitycs si webmastertools. Și binențeles o analiză pentru optimizare SEO on page și off page siteul este
Doresc ajutor pentru implementarea corecta a scriptului Yoast; Verificarea conexiunilor cu google analitycs si webmastertools. Și binențeles o analiză pentru optimizare SEO on page și off page siteul este
Pentru site-ul doresc sa implementez frameworkul thesis si skinul Ce trebuie urmarit: 1. integrare tema cu 2-3 modificari 2. integrare slider articole suplimentar 3. integrare plugin yoast seo cu thesis 4. integrare mailchimp 5. integrare woocommerce - existent deja pe site 6. adaugare meniu suplimentar in partea de sus 7. creare spatiu reclame adsense in posturi si pagini 8. setari pentru scor mare in pagespeed 9. corect css si html
trimite pe privat o adresa de email sau un id de skype, nu pot sa iti raspund la un proiect pe care nu l-am castigat.rnsi te pot ajuta cu ce mai ai nevoie. rnrnrndo not bid rndo not bidrntest project.rnThanks
Salut,nnAm vazut proiectul tau, si vreau sa te ajut. Crezi ca ma poti angaja? :)nPretul il stabilesti tu.
Shopify Jewelry Website Improvements Development & Functionality $4,000+ Product Page Restriction: - Implement code that redirects customers to a form when trying to purchase jewelry over $4,000. - Ensure form submissions are sent to an associate for follow-up. Stuller API Integration & iFrame Removal: - Remove Stuller’s iframe functionality. - Set up Stuller’s API integration so products can be searched using filters. -- API Documentation: - Ensure Stuller products appear within Shopify’s native product display. CleverGem API Setup & Testing: - Confirm CleverGem API is correctly integrated and products are being pulled in properly. - Verify that products are categorized correctly and follow Shopify’s tagging system. Filters & Categor...
Wordpress Elementor Pro not working. Always said "Enable Safe mode" but it's enabled. Loaded 10/1 times.
I'm looking for an SEO expert to help boost online sales for my new Wordpress website. The site is equipped with Yoast, and I need someone to handle keyword research, on-page and off-page SEO, create a Google Webmaster page, and implement all necessary meta tags and keywords. Key Responsibilities: - Perform comprehensive keyword research. - Initial implementation of on-page and off-page SEO. - Create and manage a Google Webmaster page. - Implement all meta tags, keywords, and other SEO best practices. The top priority for this project will be the homepage and the product pages, as these are crucial for driving sales. If you have a strong background in SEO, particularly for eCommerce sites, and can effectively help increase organic traffic and improve my site's search eng...
I'm looking for an experienced professional to help me with a multi-projector spherical mapping project in an indoor event space. - Responsibilities: - Configure and execute multi-projector spherical mapping. - Calibrate projectors for seamless edge blending and geometry correction. - Handle tools like TouchDesigner, VIOSO Anyblend, or equivalent. - I will be using TouchDesigner for this project and I require full assistance with projector calibration and alignment. - Preferred Skills: - Experience with projection mapping software (TouchDesigner, Resolume, MadMapper). - Proficiency in spherical geometry alignment and warping tools. If you have the skills and experience to help me make this event a success, I would love to hear from you.
I am looking for a freelancer who can help me with an issue I am experiencing on my static HTML website's contact page. I recently made some changes to the website, and since then, I have not been receiving any emails from the contact form. Skills and experience needed: - Proficiency in HTML and website development - Experience troubleshooting issues with contact forms - Knowledge of email settings and configuration The ideal freelancer should be able to identify and fix the issue causing the contact form emails to not be received. They should also be able to ensure that the emails received are complete and correct.
My Wordpress website has been compromised. () I've been observing unusual behavior, and my customers are reporting redirects to other sites and unexpected pop-ups. I need a professional to remove the malware, infected pluggin and restore my site to its proper function. My budget is around $50. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Wordpress and web security - Experience in malware removal - Ability to restore site's functionality and integrity - Capable of implementing security measures to prevent future attacks Please, if you have the necessary skills and experience, submit a bid.
Hello, I am wanting someone to review and fix my log viewer page on my automotive website. It needs to be able to accept uploaded files (such as a csv file with data in it) which will then display the results into a graph. Unfortunately this isn't fully functional and I require someone to...file contains data that gets logged from the car sensors. Every column is a different sensor. When uploading the CSV file into my log viewer page, it needs to translate from numbers to a graph. At the moment it pushes the data but cannot change x and y axis. I need x and y axis added too. I need whoever helps out to study the following site and use it as a baseline to make my log viewer page working again. The log viewer page should display the uploaded data using a line graph.
I'm facing an issue on my Wordpress site where images are not displaying. This problem has persisted for some time, and I cannot pinpoint its exact reason. Ideal freelancer should have: - Extensive experience with Wordpress troubleshooting - Strong understanding of image server issues - Ability to identify and rectify plugin or theme conflicts - Proficient in server management and image hosting solutions - Can provide preventative measures for future occurrences Images load, then next time they don;t load Must be software conflict. Check out the site, observe the issue and Then place a bid and start by saying "I know where you pictures are and I can help make them stick"
I'm working on a React Native app for my first time. using Expo and Laravel as the backend. when opening the app, loads , and redirects to login screen or search screen depending if you are logged in already or not. and I am not sure if redirecting this way is proper, and either I dont even know how to wrap the app properly, The app behaves smoothly on the emulator but freezes on actual Android devices. I'm seeking assistance with: - Optimizing the app structure: I suspect I need to store the Bottom Tab Navigation pages in the 'screen' folder and define the tab navigation within the navigation component. - Fixing the initial screens: I need guidance on how to properly handle and wrap the app. have a look on the files and please let me know ...
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer to customize the KROWD template according to my specifications. The tasks include layout changes, color scheme adjustments, and adding new functionalities and new plugin Specific customizations include: - Layout: I need a complete redesign of the homepage, a rearrangement of the menu layout, and adjustments to the footer design. - Color: You will need to change the primary colors, update the background colors, and adjust font colors. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with WordPress and the KROWD template. - A strong eye for design and color coordination. - The ability to implement new functionalities as per request. - Excellent data entry skills to populate the site post-customization. Please provide...
The site is composer is set up on the server so you can edit directly on the server. This is a testing site not a live site. You must put in the title or first sentence (Sponzy v5.5 or Laravel) or I WILL NOT READ YOUR PROPOSAL. I've been working on code for seo using JavaScript, PHP, Laravel. The code has not been made yet. Key points: - **Current State**: The code has not been made yet, it requires completion and bug fixing. - **Required Actions**: Add tags to all blades that are required for seo purposes. Right now, the categories are doubling as tags. I want to make a separate tags section for seo or change the categories into tags and enhance the tags to work with the search engines. There is no seo on the po...
I'm looking for an expert to set up a Smart DNS for me that permanently works with UK streaming services like BBC iPlayer and ITV Hub. i will providing service to client so not wanting buy a smart dns i want to host my own
Context: In the cradle of civilization, the Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia pioneered the earliest known accounting systems, laying the groundwork for modern...technology and decentralized networks, the firm offers transparent, secure, and efficient financial services, echoing the clarity and precision of ancient Sumerian accounting. By embracing the innovative spirit of the Sumerians, Sumer Advisors positions itself as a leader in the financial sector, offering clients a blend of time-tested wisdom and modern technological solutions. This unique approach not only honors the past but also paves the way for a future of transparent and efficient financial services. Instructions: Please send the logo, typography and color palette codes used for this and elaborate why you decided to...
I am looking to improve my website's search console I have had my website for over 2 years, and the tags are not indexed, some errors appear in the search console, I don't know if the Yoast plugin is configured with the page template or the template's SEO configuration I will leave an example of the search console, I am looking for someone who knows how to work with this
...successful payment processing Workflow 1️⃣ Website1: The user places an order and selects Stripe as the payment method. A button or redirection sends the order amount and order_id to Mobropa.com. 2️⃣ Mobropa: Receives the order data (amount and order ID from Website1). Creates a Stripe Checkout session, adding the order_id as metadata. Redirects the user to the Stripe Checkout payment page. 3️⃣ Stripe Checkout: Processes the card payment. Redirects the user back to a confirmation page on Website1. Sends a webhook notification to upon successful payment. 4️⃣ Webhook: Listens for events from Stripe. Extracts the order_id from the metadata. Calls the WooCommerce REST API on Website1to update the order status to Completed.
Deliverables: We will provide three well-researched, SEO-friendly, and Yoast-optimized blog posts on topics relevant to your industry. Each blog post will meet the following requirements: - Word Count: Each blog post will be approximately 700 words in length. - Originality: All content will be written from scratch, without the use of AI tools or any plagiarised material. - SEO Optimisation: Each blog post will be optimised for search engines, incorporating relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and optimising images. -Yoast Friendliness: All blog posts will be written with Yoast SEO guidelines in mind, ensuring optimal readability, keyword density, and content analysis. - External Linking: Each blog post will include relevant external links to credible sources, enhanci...
I need a website on Shopify for my clothing brand pre-launch. I need a password page, and a display of one product, with other tabs. 15-minute disappearing shop with minimal setup: • A Hype Landing Page (Always Visible) • Simple page with brand visuals + messaging that t... • A teaser page hyping up what’s next. • The discord Tech Stack to Keep It Lean • Landing Page & Store: Shopify, Webflow, or Notion (super simple) • Countdown Timer: Hextom (Shopify) or Countdown Timer by Elfsight (Webflow) • Email/SMS Collection: Klaviyo (email) + Postscript or Attentive (SMS) • Redirection for Disappearing Shop: Shopify’s "Page Redirect" feature or Webflow's timed redirects Could be different and I am open to any...
I'm looking for command line based application for a Students Grading System. The key feature of this grading system should be the ability to input grades and have them calculated automatically (ple...calculated automatically (please follow the specification of the project in the attached file). Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Windows desktop application development - Strong understanding of grade calculation algorithms - Experience in creating user-friendly interfaces - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy in grade computation Please note, the scope of this project does not currently include features such as student performance tracking or report generation. However, the design of the system should allow for potential future upgrades to incorporate ...
I need assistance in ensuring that the emails sent from our in-house server to our customers are not being marked as spam by Google. We had our server compromised by a bot and hit was hitting a script that sent emails to fake a email addresses and we got marked in Google postmaster. Key Requirements: - Expertise in email deliverability and anti-spam strategies - Familiarity with Google's Postmaster tools - Experience with in-house email systems - Familiar with using Plesk Currently, our email authentication methods include DKIM and DMARC, but we need help fine-tuning our system to improve our email reputation and deliverability. Skills Needed: - Email deliverability specialist - Google Postmaster tools expert - In-house email systems professional - Experience with DKIM and...
... deleting and list all the normatives. Frontend: The main components for authentication are working correctly: Home, Login, Register The users are able to authenticate and be redirected to the main page or to their corresponding dashboard. The session is persistent between navegations. Key components such as CompanyDashboard, EvaluatedDashboard, and ManageUsers have been partially connected with the backend, and are able to retrieve some information. Several UI components have been built using Material UI for a consistent user experience. The component Home is able to display the name of the user, and to handle the logout logic. The Login component handles the login correctly and redirects to the Home page after a successfull login. A demo login option is availabl...
Καλημέρα,ανάζητώ κάποιον να κάνει ενημέρωση το θέμα.Το μήνυμα που εμφανίζει είναι το παρακάτω. Το θέμα σας (WooPress Child) περιέχει ξεπερασμένα αντίγραφα ορισμένων αρχείων προτύπ&omic...
Mantenimiento de Wordpress. Actualizaciones de versiones, temas y plugins de WordPress. También incluye: – Actualización de la mayoría de plugins Premium de pago como Elementor Pro, WP Rocket, LearnDash y addons, Rank math SEO, Yoast Premium, AIOSEO, etc. – Informes mensuales. – Comprobaciones regulares de rendimiento. – Comprobaciones regulares de seguridad. – Copias de seguridad mensuales. – Moderación de Comentarios – Eliminación de Comentarios de Spam. – Optimización de archivos y versiones. – Precio imbatible 20€ / mes. – Cancela en cualquier momento.
I need a skilled developer to help me troubleshoot and fix an existing Rage Multiplayer script that currently isn't working. Details: - The script is built using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, and Vue.js. - The primary issue appears to be script errors or bugs, particularly in the Node.js portion of the script where I’m encountering runtime errors. - I've been informed that a key dependency, necessary for the core of the server to execute commands, is missing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in JavaScript, Node.js, and Vue.js. - Strong problem-solving skills, particularly in identifying and fixing script errors and bugs. - Experience working with multiplayer scripts or similar projects would be a plus. - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve runtim...
...online and offline and be designed to work independently of a mobile phone, meaning it can be accessed through alternative devices if needed. The independencey of smartphone is something more in the future, i want to start off with IOS and android. Key Features: • QR Code Scanning: Users can scan QR codes on gym machines to access relevant workout details. • Device Independence: The app should not be restricted to only IOS/Android - but for now: IOS/android phones. • Offline Mode: The app should store essential data locally, allowing users to log workouts without an internet connection. Logged sessions should sync automatically when the device goes online. • Deep Linking & Universal Links: QR codes should open the correct section within the app, even...
...pre-purchased theme, configuring essential plugins (including SEO, Google News, Discover, and AdSense), and implementing specific design customizations. Responsibilities: * Install WordPress and the pre-purchased theme on our hosting platform. * Configure the theme and implement design customizations as needed. * Install and configure essential WordPress plugins, including: * SEO plugin (e.g., Yoast SEO, Rank Math) * Google News plugin * Google Discover plugin * Google AdSense plugin * Caching plugin * Security plugin * Contact form plugin * Optimize the website for search engines (basic on-page SEO). * Ensure proper integration with Google News and Google Discover. * Integrate Google AdSense and configure ad placements. * Thoroughly test the website...
I'm experiencing an issue with my Java application; it isn't displaying on the Android Auto screen when connected to my car. The app was functioning properly before this issue arose. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive experience with Java programming - In-depth knowledge of Android Auto - Proven track record of debugging and troubleshooting applications - Prior experience with car connectivity issues - Ability to deliver quick, effective solutions