Yellow pages scriptproiecte
Am nevoie de un script pentru Open Cart care sa genereze un cupon cadou in valoare de 5% (sau alt procent) dintr-o comanda. Vreau ca scriptul sa aiba optiunea de a genera acest cupon cadou doar incepand cu o anumita suma (spre exemplu peste 200 RON). As vrea ca acest cupon sa fie generat in momentul in care statusul comenzii devine "Complete".
JUST FOR ROUMANIAN Buna Ziua As dori si eu pe cineva sa poate sa faca un script sau panel pentru youtube in special Views , dar daca se poate face si pt Like , Subscribe , Favorite e mai bine... Nu ma axez pe retelele de socializare Facebook si daca este cineva care deja are acest bot / Panel / Script si pentru ele , e OK :D Deci va rog, sa nu veniti : --- VAND View-uri ... si alea alea... EU VREAU PROGRAMUL ... Va multumesc frumos !
JUST FOR ROUMANIAN Buna Ziua As dori si eu pe cineva sa poate sa faca un script sau panel pentru youtube in special Views , dar daca se poate face si pt Like , Subscribe , Favorite e mai bine... Nu ma axez pe retelele de socializare Facebook si daca este cineva care deja are acest bot / Panel / Script si pentru ele , e OK :D Deci va rog, sa nu veniti : --- VAND View-uri ... si alea alea... EU VREAU PROGRAMUL ... Va multumesc frumos !
JUST FOR ROUMANIAN Buna Ziua As dori si eu pe cineva sa poate sa faca un script sau panel pentru youtube in special Views , dar daca se poate face si pt Like , Subscribe , Favorite e mai bine... Nu ma axez pe retelele de socializare Facebook si daca este cineva care deja are acest bot / Panel / Script si pentru ele , e OK :D Deci va rog, sa nu veniti : --- VAND View-uri ... si alea alea... EU VREAU PROGRAMUL ... Va multumesc frumos !
La importul de template-uri de pe un API in magento am urmatoarea eroare: [Mon Feb 10 20:10:59 2014] [warn] [client ] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: err...importul de template-uri de pe un API in magento am urmatoarea eroare: [Mon Feb 10 20:10:59 2014] [warn] [client ] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server, referer: [Mon Feb 10 20:10:59 2014] [error] [client ] Premature end of script headers: , referer: LA inceput, dupa instalarea magazinului am putut importa template-uri.
JUST FOR ROUMANIAN Buna Ziua As dori si eu pe cineva sa poate sa faca un script sau panel pentru youtube in special Views , dar daca se poate face si pt Like , Subscribe , Favorite e mai bine... Nu ma axez pe retelele de socializare Facebook si daca este cineva care deja are acest bot / Panel / Script si pentru ele , e OK :D Deci va rog, sa nu veniti : --- VAND View-uri ... si alea alea... EU VREAU PROGRAMUL ... Va multumesc frumos !
JUST FOR ROUMANIAN Buna Ziua As dori si eu pe cineva sa poate sa faca un script sau panel pentru youtube in special Views , dar daca se poate face si pt Like , Subscribe , Favorite e mai bine... Nu ma axez pe retelele de socializare Facebook si daca este cineva care deja are acest bot / Panel / Script si pentru ele , e OK :D Deci va rog, sa nu veniti : --- VAND View-uri ... si alea alea... EU VREAU PROGRAMUL ... Va multumesc frumos !
Buna, Am nevoie de un report in Engleza de vreo 30 pag. pe un topic in nisa break-ups / relationships advice. Am un outline detaliat + surse de referinta sa iti fie munca mai usoara. Poti sa-mi dai te rog un pret si timp de livrare ? Nu trebuie formatat, doar raw text. Mersi, Costin + Meniu flotant 2. Configurare: taxe, transport, interfata in limba Romana, ... 3. Aterizarea se face in Webstore-ul B2C. Accesul in Webstore-ul B2B se face doar cu login (dupa accesarea unui link specific de pe pagina B2C), dupa ce in prealabil cererea de acces a fost aprobata de Admin. 4. Script care sa adauge automat preturile din website-ul (store-ul) B2B in website-ul (store-ul) B2C conform unei reguli stabilite. Exp: pret produs in web-store-ul B2C = pret produs in web-store-ul B2B + 25%. Altele: - intre cele doua Webstore-uri nu vor fi diferente grafice, vor folosi aceiasi tema - preturi Webstore B2C sunt afisate cu TVA. Preturi Webstore B2B sunt ...
sal man am nevoie de un script pentru youtube high retention views . contacteaza ma pe georgemarola - messenger yahoo
salut gimi . detin un script care ofera views-youtube si din pacate numai merge de la ultimul update yt din 26 decembrie . am vazut ca ai postat la cineva care doreste acelasi lucru . mai putea ajuta si pe mine ? am putea sa colaboram ca la fiecare update facut de yt sa imi faci update la script . id-ul meu yo_kroko sa vorbim mai detaliat si daca stabilim ce trebuie facem tranzactia aici . multumesc
detin un script pentru views-uri youtube si dupa data de 26 decembrie numai merge din cauza unui update . ai putea face in legatura cu asta . as putea sa te platesc de fiecare data cand yt face un update si tu sa imi faci update la script. yo_kroko id-ul meu daca ai vrea sa colaboram .
*Only Romanians should apply, please don't bother if you're not from Romania. Salut, Pe scurt, am nevoie de un script care preia informatiile completate de clienti pe diferite formulare de inregistrare (zona in care clientii se inregistreaza pe un site). Scriptul trebuie sa preia informatiile doar de la clientii care inchid pagina unde au completat informatiile. Nu vorbim de injection, scriptul va fi instalat de catre companii de buna voie. Cateva detalii scurte despre script: - cat mai light, secure, functional, performant - legat prin API la un client de mail, integrare incat sa functioneze automat - filtrarea informatiilor preluate in mod automat In partea a doua, va trebui construit un website de prezentare a scriptului (selling website, nimi...
Implementarea unei functii de upload si a unui player video gkplugins dintr-un script in altul, trebuie doar de mutat dintr-un script in altul. Si poate eventual alte mici modificari. Mai multe detalii despre scripturi pe privat
...- in administrare trebuie sa aiba un buton de update. de fiecare data cand va fi imbunatait codul, cel care are scriptul. cu un singur click, scriptul sa se conecteze la serverul meu si sa isi faca update ( cum este la wordpress ) Nota : cel care va bida la acest proiect trebuie sa aiba in vedere si realizarea scriptului de pe server meu. Script care se va ocupa cu generarea de licente, si livrarea updateurilor. ( detin design si pentru acest script - trebuie doar implementat ) Functii suplimentare ale scriptului care trebuie create ca plugiunri/module ( sa poate fi instalate dar sa nu fie necesare ) : - plugin integrare plata anunturi SMS/Card ( cu mobilpay ) - plugin integrare plata Paypal - plugin advertising ( bannere in difereite zone ale sitului ) - plugin ...
Buna ziua, Suntem o companie locala ce distribuie internet si telefonie mobila, avem nevoie de un profesionist care poate crea un script php pentru un anume model de router pe care il distribuim noi clientilor nostri. Scriptul va face o setare automata. Momentan detin un script cu care pot face setarea necesara dar numai pentru 2 modele doresc sa updatez scriptul pentru inca 10 modele. MUltumesc
*Only Romanians should apply, please don't bother if you're not from Romania. Salut, Pe scurt, am nevoie de un script care preia informatiile completate de clienti pe diferite formulare de inregistrare (zona in care clientii se inregistreaza pe un site). Scriptul trebuie sa preia informatiile doar de la clientii care inchid pagina unde au completat informatiile. Nu vorbim de injection, scriptul va fi instalat de catre companii de buna voie. Cateva detalii scurte despre script: - cat mai light, secure, functional, performant; sa nu interfereze cu orice proces prezent in pagina respectiva - legat prin API la un client de mail, integrare incat sa functioneze automat - filtrarea informatiilor preluate in mod automat In partea a doua, va trebui constr...
Am nevoie de schimbarea unui logo şi de implementare adsense pe un script cumparat de pe nu durează mai mult de o oră.
Despre tine • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Flash, cunoştinţe solide de grafică vectorială în Flash; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare orientată pe obiect; • Cunoştinţe de algoritmică cel putin medii; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare în Action Script 2 şi 3; • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Photoshop; Despre proiect • Dezvoltarea de interfeţe de utilizator, animaţii, tranziţii şi elemente interactive pentru jocuri; • Transpunerea mecanismelor de joc în elemente vizuale şi funcţionale integrate în proiect; • Optimizarea interfeţelor dezvoltate conform capacităţii platformei proiectului; • Integrarea functională a modulului de flash implementat în proiectul dezvoltat; • Depanar...
Buna ziua, Suntem o companie locala ce distribuie internet si telefonie mobila, avem nevoie de un profesionist care poate crea un script php pentru un anume model de router pe care il distribuim noi clientilor nostri. Scriptul va face o setare automata. Momentan detin un script cu care pot face setarea necesara dar numai pentru 2 modele doresc sa updatez scriptul pentru inca 4 modele. MUltumesc
Buna ziua, Suntem o companie locala ce distribuie internet si telefonie mobila, avem nevoie de un profesionist care poate crea un script php pentru un anume model de router pe care il distribuim noi clientilor nostri. Scriptul va face o setare automata. Momentan detin un script cu care pot face setarea necesara dar numai pentru 2 modele doresc sa updatez scriptul pentru inca 4 modele. MUltumesc
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'login system in existing script'
Caut programator ajax - php, in cazul in care nu o sa primesc o oferta de la cineva care cunoaste ajax si php, voi lua in calcul ofertele php. II rog pe cei interesati, cunoscatori php sa ma contacteze. Este vorba despre un crawler care sa ext...o oferta de la cineva care cunoaste ajax si php, voi lua in calcul ofertele php. II rog pe cei interesati, cunoscatori php sa ma contacteze. Este vorba despre un crawler care sa extraga date de pe un website si sa le introduca in baza de date MySQL. Datele introduse in Baza de Date trebuie extrase si afisate intr-un script ajax. Ce ar trebuii facut? 1. Scrierea unui crawler 2. Crearea fisierului MySQL (inserarea datelor obtinute in baza de date) 3. Crearea unui script ajax si afisarea datelor din baza de date. P>S> ...
Salut, Pe scurt, am nevoie de un script care preia informatiile completate de clienti pe diferite formulare de inregistrare (zona in care clientii se inregistreaza pe un site). Scriptul trebuie sa preia informatiile doar de la clientii care inchid pagina unde au completat informatiile. Nu vorbim de injection, scriptul va fi instalat de catre companii de buna voie. Cateva detalii scurte despre script: - cat mai light, secure, functional, performant; sa nu interfereze cu orice proces prezent in pagina respectiva - legat prin API la un client de mail, integrare incat sa functioneze automat - filtrarea informatiilor preluate in mod automat In partea a doua, va trebui construit un website de prezentare a scriptului (selling website, nimic deosebit). De asemenea, ...
Pentru optimizarea unui script php imbatranit, realizat in urma cu vreo 7 ani. Cerinta esentiala este aceea de a pastra starea indexarii pentru google (link-uri, meta-name)
Atestatul a fost realizat cu ajutorul programului Adobe Dreamweaver cu ajutorul programului Adobe Photoshop folosit pentru a edita pozele si logo-ul . Ca si componenta , site-ul este format din 5 pagini , pe prima pagina se gaseste un mic script java ce reda 3 slide-uri consecutive . Pentru contact am folosit un script php cu sendmail integrat si un design conceput special pentru aceasta pagina . Pentru un mai bun aspect , la pagina a fost adaugat un favicon , o mica imagine ce adauga un plus de imagine paginii in browser . Am ales ca tema de atestat echipa de fotbal Stiina Craiova pentru ca , dupa parerea mea , ea reprezinta caracterul oltenesc , una dintre cele mai iubite si mai indragite echipe de fotbal din Romania , dezafiliata pe nedrept .
As dori sa creez un sistem de dat like la mai multe pagini urmand cateva conditii.
Am nevoie de 5 pagini traduse din Engleza in Romana. Traducerea trebuie sa aiba diacriticele necesare. Deadline: 24 de ore din momentul acordarii proiectului. Este un text rocket science. Buget de 3$ pe pagina. Happy bidding!
I'm looking for a talented video editor and storyteller to help me turn my script into a compelling 10-15 minute documentary. The focus of this piece will be on the historical events of a famous Indian city, so a strong understanding of pacing and narrative construction is crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Use of various video generation tools and premium stock footage to create a high-quality, Netflix-style documentary. - Dividing the video into 11 sections, plus an intro at the start and a CTA at the end. - Crafting creative thumbnails for different segments of the video. - Adding captions and subtitles in a clear and timely manner. - Ensuring the video is SEO optimized for maximum visibility. - Creating a trailer from the entire footage. Narration and Tone: The documentary...
Job Overview: We are seeking an experienced developer to create a system or script capable of recognizing and identifying characters displayed in a YouTube livestream screen. The project involves analyzing live video content and extracting text or character information in real time. Key Responsibilities: Develop a tool to capture and process frames from a YouTube livestream. Implement Optical Character Recognition (OCR) or similar technologies to detect and recognize text or characters within the video feed. Ensure high accuracy in text recognition, even with varying fonts, sizes, and colors. Optimize the system for real-time processing with minimal delay. Provide a solution that can handle dynamic changes in the screen layout or content. Deliver clean, well-documented, and mainta...
...base color and primary theme should be Hysteria Purple (the color of the car. The face will be placed on the hood of the vehicle and will be surrounded by flames, to mimic the colors and theme of the design. A second graphic is included for reference to “flames” on the car. Instead of traditional yellow and red flames, as shown in the secondary graphic, the primary colors should match the face graphic. In other words, the customer is looking for flames to compliment the Joker graphic. Red and yellow can be included but the primary theme of the flames should match the Joker graphic provided. An additional template graphic is provided for placement reference on the vehicle. The graphics will need to be laid out in a manner to wrap from the hood to the sides of ...
I'm looking for a talented developer to create a Instagram video downloader script for me in PHP. The script will be used primarily for downloading videos from Instagram for the purpose of re-uploading them on another platform. #need Instagram Video Downloader Script in PHP I am looking for a freelancer who can deliver a high-quality script that is reliable and easy to use. Please include relevant examples of your previous work in your bid.
...audience, emphasizing sophistication, professionalism, and care. Key Features: 1. Design Aesthetic: o Classical and timeless elegance. o Minimalist design elements to convey professionalism and refinement. 2. Colour Palette: o Soft pastel tones (e.g., blush pink, lavender, gold and silver). o Subtle gradients or combinations of pastels to enhance visual appeal. 3. Typography: o Elegant serif or script fonts for the business name. o Clean, modern sans-serif for supporting text, if needed. 4. Iconography: o Symbolic elements that represent beauty and hair health, such as a stylized hair strand, floral motifs, or abstract shapes. o Option to incorporate an initial-based monogram ("A" or "AS") for versatility. Deliverables: • Primary logo (full colour). &bull...
I'm in need of a custom HTML script that can create a disposable email service. This script should specifically allow the use of custom email domains. Key Requirements: - The script should be written in HTML code. - It should be capable of creating a disposable email service. - It must support the use of custom email domains. - multiple domain supported option. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML and able to deliver a clean, efficient script. - Experience in creating disposable email services. - Knowledge of custom email domain integration. Your ability to understand and work on this project will greatly enhance your chances of winning it. Please share relevant past projects when bidding.
Can you create the figma design pages for my sleeping app Restify. -sync the app with the user's calendar to set bed times per day / week / month -our app comes with smart home integration: make the design to link with philips hue, smartthings or Alexa -the app gives a notification when it is almost time to sleep, sets a blue filter on your phone, and blocks other apps and notifications except the telephone app when it is bedtime -the app has the option to start a meditation playlist if you need to get relaxed before going to bed, you need to be able to choose a playlist. If the user has a smart watch the heart rate is monitored and if it is still high before sleeping the app can recommend specific meditation -custom product: smart sleep earplugs Design for connecting earp... handle processing tasks on the backend. For login there is Kinde, but we also use sumsub. Tasks: 1. Bunny CDN migration (Right now the site uses Cloudinary to serve images and video. I need it to change to bunnyCDN.) 2. Watermarking implementation (All content viewed on the site must be watermarked with the user ID of the person viewing it. I have a python script that applies a watermark to images. That script must be adapted to apply the watermark to each frame of videos. It needs to process all images and videos (including pfps and cover photos) with the userID of the person viewing it. There should be some database to avoid reprocessing data for viewers who see the same things repeatedly, like pfps for example. There needs to be a progress bar showing how ...
I'm looking for a Pine Script expert to modify existing Pine script, I have 2 fundamental strategies I use print buy, and sell only. I want to add DCA to them just for the backtest, the DCA code also exists but needs some modifications, I will explain everything in detail... 1) - its strategy number 1 I use - add DCA to it 2) SuperTrend - its strategy number 2 I use - add DCA to it 3) DCA long and - its the DCA code to take and modify 4) 3 images attached with more details
I'm seeking a Pine Script expert who can help create a custom indicator for TradingView. The custom indicator should analyze various technical indicators. Key Requirements: - Deep knowledge of Pine Script programming - Proven experience in developing custom indicators - Strong understanding of various technical indicators - Ability to communicate and discuss technical details effectively The specific technical indicators to be used will be discussed in detail during the project.
Neceitamos actualizar el codigo script php de una web simple de subida de archivos para clientes y revisiones de productos. Al mismo tiempo, mejorar el responsive con estandares modernos css3 o similares Eliminar de la tabla del vehiculo dos columnas y reagrupar todo para que quede correctamente entablado Añadir un texto de Garantia en la tabla de garantias que se muestra al cliente Aplicar un nuevo boton para descarga de un nuevo manual para los clientes, actualmente tenemos uno y seria aplicar un segundo manual de descarga siguiendo el mismo patron. Aplicar una nuevo filtrado en tareas mailing donde podamos eliminar los emails enviados por fechas determinadas
I'm seeking an experienced SEO specialist to optimize my website's landing pages. The primary objective is to enhance search engine rankings and consequently increase website traffic. Requirements: - Expertise in SEO, particularly with landing pages. - Proven track record of improving search engine rankings. - Proficiency in word optimization. Please note, I have my own set of phrases and words that will be provided. This project does not require keyword research and analysis services, as I already possess the necessary keywords. Your role will be to effectively incorporate these phrases and words to enhance our landing pages and improve our visibility on search engines.
...alternating black and gray stripes. His fur is a light grayish-brown, and he wears a utility belt with small tools (such as a wrench, gloves, and a trash picker). Personality: Bandit is friendly but has a bit of a cheeky side, reflecting the raccoon's reputation for rummaging through trash. He’s always ready to help organize, clean, and make waste disposal easier for homeowners or businesses. Clothing: A yellow vest or branded t-shirt that says "Trash Can Helpers" with a logo of a trash can and Bandit’s face in the center. Pose/Actions: Bandit might be holding a trash bag in one hand, with the other paw pointing to a clean, organized space. He could also be shown standing next to a neatly disposed trash can, with a playful wink or thumbs up or rolling a...
I'm looking for an automation script tailored for Google Chrome on a Windows PC. This script should control a third-party VPN application, opening links in the browser and repeating the process until I manually stop it. Key Requirements: - The script should be able to turn on the VPN, open all designated links in the browser, then close, and repeat the process. - It should be triggered by manual input, allowing me to start and stop as needed. - The script should be compatible with Google Chrome. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in scripting languages suitable for Windows and Chrome. - Experience with VPN integration in scripts. - Understanding of Chrome's automation tools.
I'm looking for a talented 2D or 3D animator to bring my YouTube script to life. The animation should be in a storytelling. Key Requirements: - Proficient in 2D animation - Experience in creating engaging, narrative-driven animations - Able to work from a provided script - Able to meet deadlines and communicate effectively I have a script ready, but I'd appreciate your expertise in transforming it into an engaging animated piece. The purpose of the video is to entertain and captivate viewers, so a strong storytelling ability is crucial. Please provide examples of previous similar work in your proposal.
I am encountering a 403 error on my PHP script hosted on a shared server. This issue has been ongoing since the inception of the script. I need an experienced PHP developer who can: - Diagnose the root cause of the 403 error - Implement necessary fixes to allow proper access to the script Skills in working with shared hosting environments and troubleshooting PHP scripts are a must. Please provide examples of similar issues you've resolved in the past.
The application, which has scanner, printer and fax features, will be designed in 30 pages. ( figma )
...lively Hinglish voiceover for my 23-second advertisement video. Key Requirements: - The voiceover should embody an 'energetic and enthusiastic' tone, appealing to a target demographic of 'young adults'. - The artist must be able to convey a 'friendly and casual' attitude, yet remain professional and authoritative at key moments in the script. - The voiceover must be performed in clear, fluent Hinglish, with a natural, engaging delivery. I have a complete script ready for the voiceover, and I'm open to suggestions for enhancing the delivery. Ideal candidates will have a portfolio demonstrating: - Previous work in voiceover for similar projects - A clear, strong, and engaging voice - An ability to convey energy and enthusiasm through the...
I am urgently in need of a professional who can create a custom 3D avatar for me. The avatar needs to be able to lip sync accurately to a given script. The avatar will be primarily used as a virtual assistant. Key Requirements: - Creation of a unique, 3D avatar model - Implementing precise lip sync capabilities to the avatar - Ensuring the avatar can function as a virtual assistant Please note, I am not looking for overly elaborate timelines or costs. I need a reasonable, genuine person who can deliver this project as soon as possible. Experience with creating and animating 3D avatars is crucial, as is a solid understanding of lip sync technologies.
I'm in need of an expert in TensorFlow, Pytorch CNN to build a handwritten-digits-recognition model for me. The model will be trained on a combination of the MNIST dataset and a custom dataset . I need Training script and Model and inference example . Key Requirements: - The model needs to have an accuracy above 99%. - It will primarily be used in a script. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in AI, TensorFlow, Pytorch CNN - Experience with image recognition models - Ability to work with both MNIST and custom datasets - Proven track record of achieving high accuracy models i will provide few images after you show the dome on those i will award the project.