Wireless electrical light switchproiecte
Data Center... creare arhitectură pentru data center de la A la Z (servere, switch, firewall). Daca este posibil prezenta fizica la Cluj, altfel posibil si lucrul de la distanță.
Salutare! Suntem o firma care comercializeaza produse electronice sub marca proprie. Cateva exemple de produse electronice ar fi: smartwatch-uri, casti wireless, camere de supraveghere video, etc. Suntem o echipa mica, iar pana in prezent, noi, fondatorii companiei, ne-am ocupat de crearea manualelor de utilizare. Initial ne ocupam integral atat de partea de continut, cat si de design grafic. Cu timpul am externalizat partea de design. Cum cream manualele? In general primim din partea furnizorului un manual de utilizare in engleza, pe care il folosim ca inspiratie. Insa, in marea majoritatea a cazurilor manualul primit este incomplet, astfel incat obisnuim sa le construim de la zero. Pur si simplu ne imaginam cum e sa fii clientul care a achizitionat produsul si care sunt informa...
Light booking site ———Backend——— ~multiple users with separate access ~ user presentation page ~separate jobs with separate duties ~Calendar with data available to users where each user plans his own availability in the calendar (Like android/iOS year calendar) ———Frontend——— ~Search by day/date and return user availabilities ~With filter on different jobs ~Common day reservation for several users with separate jobs Not WordPress!
...agricultură ecologică și conectăm fermierii direct cu procesatori pentru a le obține fermierilor cele mai bune prețuri and ensure processors a sustainable safe source of organic raw-materials. Fermierii nostri sunt liberi să se bucure de pasiunea pentru pământ știind că la recoltă vor fi răsplătiți. Our processors are empowered to improve the quality of their products and also increase their income and light up their passion for organic. Eu sunt fondatorul companiei si ma gandesc de mult la un VA, dar nu stiu ce si cum as putea sa deleg acestuia fara ca delegarea sa imi ia mai mult timp decat realizarea sarcinilor in sine si asigurandu-ma si ca pot fi bine facute de cineva cu putin context in business-ul nostru, cum este un VA. Am nevoie de un audit de la un VA cu scopul ...
Este un proiect pentru facultate. Termenul este 17 mai 2021. Cerința detaliată a proiectului este în imagine. Mi-ar trebui documentația care să cuprindă cutia neagră a circuitului, descompunerea în Unitate...să cuprindă cutia neagră a circuitului, descompunerea în Unitate de control și Unitate de Execuție, o listă cu resursele pe care le voi volosi (ex: generator de numere aleatoare), organigrama, implementare in VHDL și o schema logică pentru că prezentarea proiectului trebuie făcută în Logisim, în care nu putem folosi decât componente de bază. Trebuie să folosim afișorul cu 7 segmente, butoane și switch-uri. La finalul documentației ar trebui să fie și Justificarea soluției alese, Manual de utilizare și întreținere, dar și Posibilități de ...
...• Să fii super pasionat de marketing online – asta se traduce prin faptul că ești la zi cu ce s-a mai schimbat în lumea online advertising, că știi strategii și tehnici noi pe care le poți folosi; • Stăpânirea principiilor fundamentale ale promovării pe acele platforme – să poți reduce în câteva bullets ce consideri că e primordial/esențial pentru a avea succes. Simțul umorului și o atitudine „light” sunt un bonus. Credem că o persoană care îndeplinește toate criteriile de mai sus are minimum 2 ani experiență în domeniu. Dar nu e musai. Dacă te consideri un geniu talentat, poți să ne dai un semn să vedem dacă ne potrivim. Descrierea jobului Misiunea ta: Sâ gândești și să implementezi strategii com...
1. Definirea a minim șase activități, populate cu controale vizuale corespunzătoare; 2. Utilizarea de controale variate (Button, TextView, EditView, CheckBox, Spinner, ProgressBar, SeekBar, Switch, RatingBar, ImageView, DatePicker sau TimePicker); 3. Utilizarea a minim un formular de introducere a datelor; 4. Transferul de parametri (obiecte proprii și primitive) între minim două activități; 5. Implementarea unui adaptor personalizat (cel puțin trei controale vizuale diferite); 6. Implementarea și utilizarea unor operații asincrone; 7. Utilizarea claselor pentru accesul la resurse externe (din rețea); 8. Prelucrarea de fișiere JSON. Fișierele trebuie să conțină cel puțin 3 noduri dispuse pe niveluri diferite. Fiecare nod trebuie sa aibă cel puțin 3 atribute; 9. Utiliza...
-Se va emula o retea de tip SDN formata din comutatoare de retea (switch) cu ajutorul utilitarului Mininet -Se va implementa o aplicatie pentru controlerul SDN care va construi topologia retelei prin colectarea datelor de pe dispozitivele de retea. -Se va implementa a aplicatie care va emula functionarea protocolului STP pentru eliminarea buclelor din retea. Se va construi arborele de tip spanning tree, iar pe baza acestuia se vor configura starea porturilor comutatoarelor (blocat, root port, designated port). -Se vor construi scenarii pentru validarea functionalitatilor implementate(cu mesaje de tip ping intre switch-uri si sa vedem cum fara aplicatie se vor forma bucle in retea si cu aplicatia activa pe controller nu vor mai exista bucle si porturile se inchid corespuzator)...
Buna! Am nevoie de 10 articole (gen tutoriale) in LIMBA ENGLEZA, despre plannere digitale pentru iPad. Exemplu articol bun de urmat pentru inceput: Este esential: 1. Sa stii ENGLEZA scrisa la nivel profi 2. Sa iti placa planificarea Ideal ar fi sa: 1. ai iPad si apple pencil 2. stii ce este un planner digital pentru iPad 3. stii sa folosesti aplicatiile Goodnotes, Noteshelf / Notability. Daca nu, ne putem vedea in Bucuresti si vei primi "training" despre cum se folosesc aceste aplicatii, ca apoi sa scrii despre ele. Multumesc!
Am nevoie de un Frontend developer pentru o aplicatie web cu Angular 9 with Material Design plus unele componente din Covalent , HTTP, JWT Auth si NgRx si .Net Core pe backend. Structura aplicatiei este: Login, Dashboard, 5 Module care contin in general formulare pentru introdus date si informatii din baza de date afisate sub forma tabelara, Rapoarte care se genereaza...Structura aplicatiei este: Login, Dashboard, 5 Module care contin in general formulare pentru introdus date si informatii din baza de date afisate sub forma tabelara, Rapoarte care se genereaza in xls, upload de documente, Setari si contul utilizatorului. Activitatile care trebuie facute sunt legate de UX, functionalitate, UI, ma intereseaza un design simplu gen Apple app, easy to use, eye catching, light, colorful, ...
Este vorba de un robot autonom Arduino echipat cu diversi senzori (temperatura, umiditate etc). Datele transmise wireless de acesti senzor sunt interpretate pe o interfata grafica construita in Labview.
Am un produs on-line si as dori sa fie promovat pe piata din Romania, promovare on-line. Nold Open - dispozitiv/aplicatie pe telefon pentru control acces Nold Open este un dispozitiv de control pentru smartphone-urilor care se conecteaza la un sistem existent de usi / usi de garaj (actionate cu motor, electromagneti etc.). Acesta utilizeaza cea mai avansata tehnologie Bluetooth wireless prin care poti controla confortabil usile, accesele sau comenzi ON/OFF, toate printr-o singura aplicatie telefonica gratuita. Aplicatia va permite sa gestionati un numar nelimitat de invitati: prin introducerea unei adrese de e-mail, puteti partaja cheia virtuala, care poate fi retrasa oricand sau de la distanta. Ca utilizator principal, puteti adauga un numar nelimitat de instrumente la aplicat...
sa fac un brand specializat in fotografie, productie video si fotografie 360 numit "Chameleo" si motto-ul sa fie "capturing light". Pentru brand-ul acesta am nevoie de logo, un layout cu font corelat si carte de vizita. De asemenea as avea nevoie de un logo pentru personal pe care sa-l pun pe fotografii si de un design pentru o carte de vizita. Poti sa imi propui un pret pentru ce ti-am spus?
Salut Vlad, Vreau sa fac un brand specializat in fotografie, productie video si fotografie 360 numit "Chameleo" cu motto-ul "capturing light", As avea nevoie de logo, un layout cu font corelat si o carte de vizita, Imi poti propune un pret?
1. Se ia filmu acesta ,searchweb201602_2_10034_507_10032_10020_10001_10002_10017_10010_10005_10011_10006_10021_10003_10004_10022_10009_401_10008_10018_10019,searchweb201603_6&btsid=9c6d69dc-fc92-4a77-a3c2-6f0ef14ff661 2. Se decupeaza primele 19 secunde 3. Se scoate tot scrisul in chineza 4. Se schimba logo de sus cu logo atasat 5. Se traduc toate textele
Lanterna flash light, cu grafica foarte buna, diferite moduri functionalitate, printre care si modul strboscop sau altul ptr persoane din agenda ,cand suna, caut ceva iesit din comun, fata de ceea ce este in appstore acum.... sunt deschis la idei ....
Caut grafician cu experienta in Unity pentru design-ul unei scene 3D. Majoritatea elementelor grafice (assets) exista, dar trebuie aranjate in scena dupa un model predefinit, facute setarile corespunzatoare pentru shading, light, etc.
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'design in 20-sim 4.1. electrical circuits'
...nevoie de un script care preia informatiile completate de clienti pe diferite formulare de inregistrare (zona in care clientii se inregistreaza pe un site). Scriptul trebuie sa preia informatiile doar de la clientii care inchid pagina unde au completat informatiile. Nu vorbim de injection, scriptul va fi instalat de catre companii de buna voie. Cateva detalii scurte despre script: - cat mai light, secure, functional, performant - legat prin API la un client de mail, integrare incat sa functioneze automat - filtrarea informatiilor preluate in mod automat In partea a doua, va trebui construit un website de prezentare a scriptului (selling website, nimic deosebit). De asemenea, informatia preluata va fi afisata pe website catre clientii care folosesc scriptul (parte d...
...nevoie de un script care preia informatiile completate de clienti pe diferite formulare de inregistrare (zona in care clientii se inregistreaza pe un site). Scriptul trebuie sa preia informatiile doar de la clientii care inchid pagina unde au completat informatiile. Nu vorbim de injection, scriptul va fi instalat de catre companii de buna voie. Cateva detalii scurte despre script: - cat mai light, secure, functional, performant; sa nu interfereze cu orice proces prezent in pagina respectiva - legat prin API la un client de mail, integrare incat sa functioneze automat - filtrarea informatiilor preluate in mod automat In partea a doua, va trebui construit un website de prezentare a scriptului (selling website, nimic deosebit). De asemenea, informatia preluata va fi a...
...nevoie de un script care preia informatiile completate de clienti pe diferite formulare de inregistrare (zona in care clientii se inregistreaza pe un site). Scriptul trebuie sa preia informatiile doar de la clientii care inchid pagina unde au completat informatiile. Nu vorbim de injection, scriptul va fi instalat de catre companii de buna voie. Cateva detalii scurte despre script: - cat mai light, secure, functional, performant; sa nu interfereze cu orice proces prezent in pagina respectiva - legat prin API la un client de mail, integrare incat sa functioneze automat - filtrarea informatiilor preluate in mod automat In partea a doua, va trebui construit un website de prezentare a scriptului (selling website, nimic deosebit). De asemenea, informatia preluata va fi a...
mobil cu jocuri, internet wireless cu baterie reicarcadila solara greutate 70 g dagonala 0.70 cm cu windows
mobil cu jocuri, internet wireless cu baterie reicarcadila solara greutate 70 g dagonala 0.70 cm cu windows
...connects to the kitchen. o The bar should seamlessly integrate with the restaurant's overall aesthetic and functionality. 3. Seating Capacity o The restaurant must accommodate 75 to 85 seats, ensuring comfort and efficient use of space. Aesthetic Guidelines 1. Materials and Colors o Use light wood and natural materials for a warm, inviting atmosphere. o Olive trees or similar elements should be incorporated to evoke a Mediterranean ambiance. o The overall design should be bright and airy; utilizing light tiles and pale wood tones to create a tranquil setting. This minimalist approach ensures that the vibrant greenery of the plants becomes the central visual highlight, adding lively bursts of color throughout the space. 2. Ceiling Design o Incorporate woode...
...large spinosaurus-like arms and a small sail on its back. With mostly scales, light fur on its back and slight feathers. Yellow eagle-like eyes. Dark greenish skin. Sharp claws. Slight horns on its head. Also curved quills sticking out from the back of it neck. Specifications: - The creature should combine features of the following… African wild dog Polar bear and Kodiak bear Hippopotamus Golden Eagle Velociraptor (Jurassic Park III specimen) Tyrannosaurus (Sue specimen) Spinosaurus (Jurassic Park III specimen) Utahraptor Saltwater crocodile Chimpanzee Collared Lizard Allosaurus Carnotaurus Tabby cat Shrew - A realistic interpretation of this hybrid dinosaur with both feathers, scales and light fur on its back. - Attention to detail and ability...
I'm looking for a professional graphic designer who can update our current logo as part of our rebranding effort. Key Requirements: - Understands and can implement a minimalist design approach - Proficient in creating designs that can be used across various formats (AI, PDF, TIFF, PNG) - Can creatively incorporate red and black into the design, with small touches of light blue - Has experience with rebranding design projects The primary goal is to modernize our logo while ensuring improved readability on digital platforms. The ideal freelancer will have a strong portfolio of similar projects and be able to provide examples of previous work.
We're in search of a Visual Effects Artist for our film production project. Your main tasks will include: Key Responsibilities: - Design and create cinematic visual effects, such as: - HUDs, light effects, and sci-fi holograms. - Simulations of natural elements like lightning, flame-like energy, and energy pulses. - Handle compositing and rotoscoping, specifically of character movements interacting with CGI elements. - Collaborate with our talented team of VFX artists across various disciplines. - Deliver high-quality work efficiently, meeting competitive turnaround times and reasonable rates. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of creating visual effects for feature films or similar high-caliber projects. - Proficient in industry-standard soft...
I'm looking for a minimalist design for a t-shirt that incorporates my logo, a specific mountain (Matterhorn), and geometric shapes. The design should be limited to three colors: dark blue, light blue fluorescent, and white. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - T-Shirt Design - Brand Incorporation Specific Requirements: - Use of provided mountain images as reference - Incorporation of my logo in the requested format - Geometric shapes blended seamlessly into the design - Center placement of the design on the t-shirt Please note: I will provide all necessary reference images.
I'm seeking assistance to edit out a light streak on a family photo. The streak is unfortunately impacting a person's head in the picture. - Desired Retouching Level: The retouching should be done in a natural manner. The photo should not look overly edited. - Photo Format: The photo is in JPEG format. Ideal candidates should have a keen eye for detail, experience in photo editing and retouching, and able to deliver a high-quality, natural-looking edit.
I'm looking for an editor for my YouTube channel that features anime videos. I will provide a specific editing style that includes overlays, sound effects, and clips. Key Requirements: - Experience in video editing, particularly with anime content. - Experience using the editing app CapCut. - Ability to follow the provided editing style. - Knowledge of anime, manga, and light novels. - Proficiency in adding text overlays as per instructions. - Creative input is welcome but not necessary.
I am seeking an expert in scoping reviews and literature reviews, specifically within the realm of mental health in medical research. Key aspects of the project include: - Conducting a scoping review as a second reviewer on mental health literature. - Doc...health literature. - Documenting search results - Selecting studies from search results to be included in literature review The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Experience in conducting scoping and literature reviews. - A background in medical research, particularly in mental health. - Excellent English in reading and writing. - Immediate availability. Your expertise will help shed light on the current state of mental health research and its implications for public health, informing future research and policy d...
I need a skilled photo editor to enhance a few images by alleviating harsh shadows. The primary subjects of these photos are people. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in advanced photo editing software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) - Experience in portrait photography editing - Excellent understanding of light manipulation - Attention to detail - Able to deliver high-quality work within a short time frame.
I'm seeking a professional pitch deck creator for my ...Key Elements to Highlight: - Market Analysis: Comprehensive understanding of our target market, potential growth, and competitive landscape. - Financial Projections: Clear, compelling forecasts highlighting the brand's profitability and return on investment potential. Visual Style: The pitch deck should have a corporate and professional demeanor, presenting our brand in a serious yet attractive light to potential investors. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in creating pitch decks - Strong understanding of market analysis and financial projections - Ability to present information in a corporate and professional style. Your expertise in these areas will be crucial in making our brand appealing to ...
...already programmed the bypass module (iDatalink Blade-AL) myself, so this step is complete. The installation should include keyless entry and an alarm system setup. The kit is already purchased and ready for installation. Ideal Candidate: Proven experience with Compustar remote start systems installations. Skilled in integrating keyless entry and alarm systems. Strong understanding of automotive electrical systems and wiring. Detail-oriented to ensure the installation is safe, clean, and fully functional....
I need a professional to redraw my current electrical circuit. The new version should be of better quality and formatted as a PDF. The circuit design should remain unchanged, but it should have a moderate level of detail. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficient in circuit design software - Attention to detail - Able to deliver in PDF format - Able to maintain the same design
...to attract readers of all backgrounds. Key Elements to Include Title & Tagline Placement Title: "The Ultimate Habit" should be bold, impactful, and stand out immediately. Tagline: "Two Minutes a Day: Breathe God’s Word, Exhale Peace, and Transform Your Life Forever" should be clear and complementary to the title. Imagery Use light, breath, or radiance as central themes to symbolize God’s Word and its transformative power. Consider faith-based imagery like a dove, light breaking through clouds, or a glowing path. Include a sense of calm and renewal, such as a serene landscape or abstract elements evoking breath and peace. Color Palette Soft blues, golds, or gentle whites to represent peace, spirituality, and divine connection. Typograp...
I need a single line diagram (SLD) for a solar ground mount system. The primary purpose of this SLD is for permitting and inspection, so it needs to be meticulously detailed and adhere to the National Electrical Code (NEC). Key Components to Include: - Solar panels and inverter - Disconnect switches and breakers - Grounding system and transformers - Tigo - DC and AC breakers PE stamp massachusetts Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in creating single line diagrams for solar installations - Deep understanding and adherence to NEC standards - Previous experience with designs intended for permitting and inspection - Familiarity with incorporating components such as Tigo and various breakers into SLDs. professional engineer 324 canadian solar 705w panels on g...
...video calls, settings, tips, etc. Consistency: Ensure design consistency across all pages and app sections to provide a cohesive user experience. Deliverables: High-quality, layered UI design files (e.g., Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, etc.). Responsive web designs for desktop, tablet, and mobile views. Mobile app designs (Flutter-specific, optimized for iOS and Android). Admin panel design in both light and dark modes (if applicable). Design System: Include a basic design system with color schemes, typography, icons, and UI elements for future development. Please submit your design proposal with an estimated budget and timeline for the entire project. Questions: If you have any questions or need more details about the project, feel free to reach out! please start your bid with &quo...
I'm seeking a talented writer to help compose a casual-toned autobiography for a family member. The narrative should encompass key aspects of their life, including: - Childhood experiences - Career achievements - Personal challenges The ideal candidate will have a knack for storytelling, an understanding of casual language, and the ability to convey emotional depth while maintaining a light-hearted tone. Prior experience with autobiography writing or personal narrative development is a plus.
...of the screen or along the edges. They should be clear but not detract from the main focus. 3. Live: I do not need 3d animation, just an overlay showing my socials. 4. Ending Overlay: Alien spaceship: Similar to the Starting Soon overlay, but this time, show the spaceship ascending or leaving the area, indicating the end of the stream. The ship can be fading into the distance, with a beam of light shooting upwards, symbolizing the stream’s conclusion. Aliens: Inside the ship, the two aliens should be visible again—perhaps now waving or showing some other form of interaction that signifies the stream is wrapping up. They should look like they’re preparing to leave. Night Sky & Logo: The night sky should have the same feeling of depth as the Starting Soon o...
I'm looking for an expert in IoT and app development to design an LED light control system using an ESP32 chip. The lights should be controllable via a dedicated app on a smartphone, with features for color changing, brightness control, and timer settings. The system should also be integrated with Amazon Alexa for voice control. Key requirements: - Experience with ESP32 chip and related hardware - Proficient in app development for both iOS and Android - Knowledgeable in IoT and home automation systems - Experience with integrating systems with Amazon Alexa - Able to design user-friendly interfaces and intuitive controls
Seeking a comprehensive analysis of the Environmental Services market. The deliverables should be formatted for both PowerPoint and Excel. Key requirements: - Convert ESC pages into RCP format (contained in the Insurtech market update) orange, light blue, grey, black - Add additional competitive analysis of the market from the internet (2024 only please) - Insights into current trends and forecasts You'll need to format various types of content into Excel, including: - Data tables - Graphs and charts - Text and annotations Ideal candidates will have experience in market analysis, data interpretation, and proficient skills in both PowerPoint and Excel.
...draftsman specializing in electrical drafting. The primary focus will be creating circuit layouts. The draftsman should be capable of producing detailed, precise wiring diagrams with full specifications and annotations. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in AutoCAD, particularly in electrical drafting - Extensive experience in creating circuit layouts - Ability to produce detailed wiring diagrams with full specifications and annotations - Strong attention to detail and accuracy in technical drawings - Good understanding of compliance with project specifications This project requires someone who can transform design concepts into accurate, scalable 2D and 3D representations, ensuring clarity and efficiency in the designs. Please provide samples of your previous work in el...
We want a unique and minimalistic logo for our brand «MultiLed» It is all about led light but we dont want a logo with alot of noice. But it should be unique
The project is to work with our developer to...was initially migrated is not running properly as it is missing primary and unique keys on almost all of the database tables. In summary this project is to fix whatever might be wrong with the new server so that it will accept the website and database to be migrated, perform the migration and once we test it to be sure it is running well to sync the database to include the latest orders before we switch the IP addtess from the old server to the new server. The website to be migrated that is now operating on the old server is and the job is to migrate it to so it is running very well. A copy of the website is on the new server now but it does not operate properly. Please give us a quote to complete this job.
I'm in need of a professional graphic designer to create a logo for my dental clinic, 'Holiday and Smile.' The ...bright, summer holiday colours, with Aqua Green as the main brand colour. The final deliverables should include both a 3D logo and a basic logo, in PDF and PSD formats. I'm open to your expertise when it comes to typography, so feel free to choose what you think works best. Your choice could be a sans-serif for a modern look, a script font for a more elegant feel, or a combination of bold and light styles. The ideal candidate will have proven experience in logo design, preferably for healthcare or lifestyle brands, with a strong understanding of modern, minimalistic design principles. Most importantly, you should be able to translate complex ideas i...
I'm seeking a skilled designer who can create intricate 2D floor plans and detailed 3D interior and exterior models for my hospital and commercial space. 1,Plan Plan 3. Electrical Plan 4. Plumbing 5. Interior 6. Lighting 7. 3D Walkthrough Key requirements: - 2D floor plan designs - 3D interior designs - 3D exterior designs These models should be: - Highly detailed with measurements - Textured to reflect a modern design aesthetic Ideal candidates will have: - A comprehensive understanding of modern design principles - Prior experience in designing commercial spaces - Proficiency in creating highly detailed, textured models.
...align with the core design elements to emphasize innovation and progress. --- ### **3. Color Palette** - **Primary Colors:** - **Blue (#1E90FF):** Symbolizes trust, technology, and professionalism. - **Orange (#FFA500):** Represents energy, creativity, and accessibility. - **Secondary Colors:** - **Dark Gray (#333333):** For text, ensuring a clean and professional look. - **Light Gray (#F5F5F5):** For neutral backgrounds, maintaining a modern and fresh aesthetic. - **Color Meaning:** The blue-orange combination creates a perfect balance of reliability and vibrancy, reflecting a dynamic learning experience. --- ### **4. Typography** - **Font Style:** - **Primary Font:** A bold, modern sans-serif typeface (e.g., **Montserrat Bold**) for the...
Change the original three graphics – Cut off end of monkey tail and make electrical plug bigger and more visible. Graphics should not have a background color, make white or transparent if possible. New graphics 1. Monkey coming straight with big tires on front of ebike 2. Monkey sitting on handlebars of ebike 3. Monkey riding on one wheel of ebike 4. Monkey riding on electric etrike 5. Monkey riding on two back wheels of etrike
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a PDF flyer for me. This will be a promotional flyer intended for Businesses to sign up for this plan for ATT Mobility. Its for ATT 5G MOBILITY FO...me. This will be a promotional flyer intended for Businesses to sign up for this plan for ATT Mobility. Its for ATT 5G MOBILITY FOR BUSINESS. Thats the title that will need to be retyped in the graphic provided at the top of the page. Right now it says something else, you will update that graphic to say "ATT 5G MOBILITY FOR BUSINESS in the graphic in place of what's there now and Graphics in ATT light blue color can be spread across the page to look professional and inviting. This will be an $80 dollar Contest. Its a bit time sensitive so entries done in the next 24 hours ...