Whmcs setup cpanel configurable optionsproiecte
ENG: Hello! I need your help to set up an automated system for email collection and newsletter sending. I want to: Provide a link to a form (containing fields for phone and email through various marketing campaigns), Prospects will fill out this form, Email addresses will be automatically collected and sent to the Brevo platform, Brevo will then automatically send an email. Technically, the project includes the following requirements: Email Collection Form: Create an online form (Google Forms, Typeform, or a similar platform) for collecting email addresses from visitors. I also need instructions on how to create future forms. The form should be simple, asking only for the email address and possibly other essential details. Integration with Brevo: Integrate the form with Brevo, the pla...
...to expect the BoJ to raise rates eventually in a bid to shore up USD/JPY or at least prevent further rises. Trade forex and more CFDs with Libertex As a CFD broker with decades of experience connecting ordinary traders and investors with the financial markets, Libertex gives the opportunity to trade CFDs on a wide range of covered asset classes — from stocks, commodities and ETFs through to options, crypto and, of course, traditional currencies — Libertex offers both long and short CFD positions in a variety of underlying assets. For instance, Libertex can offer competitive leveraged CFD trading in forex pairs such as USD/JPY and EUR/JPY, as well as more exotic crosses like NOK/JPY and SGD/JPY. Experience the excitement of trading! Try our ri...
...campaigns (performance/branding/awareness, promoting promotions/products, shopping) through which various ads will be displayed in the search engine and partners. With this type of service, there are 3 types of "stages" and implicitly 3 types of costs associated with this type of service (Google Ads - Pay Per Click) A. Creating a Google Adwords campaign, which includes (Technical and creative setup): Creating and configuring a Google AdWords account, Configuring Google Tag Manager (including setting goals, conversions, etc.), Configuring Google Analytics + Connecting AdWords Search campaigns and budget function, even Display / Performance campaigns (the first set of banners is free) B. Optimization of Google Ads campaigns, which includes: monitoring of Google Ads camp...
We have a new client that has a custom made website and we need someone to help us with GTM Tracking and checking the analytics goals setup + pixel checkup Our budget is 300E I need someone who speaks Romanian
Am nevoie de urmatoarele: 1. Verificare si remediere link-uri front-end (WordPress/Divi) 2. Remediere erori comenzi Client Area WHMCS 3. Implementare procesator de plati nationale/internationale (Accept propuneri de procesatori. De ex. MobilPay, Stripe) 4. Remediere erori modul SSL Certificates From DigiCert 5. Alte eventuale probleme Ma intereseaza un termen de rezolvare pentru punctele 1-4 in ore/om si un tarif pe ora/om Pentru o buna comunicare, prefer persoane din Romania.
Salutare, doresc realizarea unui website care sa vanda domenii si servicii de gazduire. Tema WordPress, Licenta WHMCS, contul de reseller le voi achizitiona dupa, nu ma intereseaza SEO sau alte servicii, vreau doar implementarea WHMCS . Multumesc
Am un site destul de complex, creat in wordpress, care nu poate fi accesat pe iphone. Am acces la cpanel si adminul serverului e disponibil daca e necesar.
403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied! Am effectuate toate satarile de aici ( ) dar degeaba.
Proiectul va include 3 siteuri web, identice ca structura dar cu branduri diferite. Prima etapa a proiectului este cea mai importanta, daca site-ul va fi crea...parte se vor pune la dispozitie: poze, content. Dorim sa avem si promovare SEO . ----------------------------------- The project will include 3 website, identical as structure but with different brand presentations. First step it's the most important one consist in creating first site and then duplicate this site two more times. Will be a presentation site but also it is necessary to have "buy" options. The candidate mus have knowledge about graphic design, we will put on his disposal pictures and content but it will be also necesary to create some banners , modify some photos etc. We would like to have a go...
Exista de ceva vreme acest setup dar anul asta au fost enorm de multe spam-uri. Doresc sa adaug un reCAPTCHA sau ceva similar in tentativa de a reduce loadul inutil. De asemenea, baza de date trebuie curatata de toate acele inregistrari SPAM (drop la tabela etc). Nu e un proiect de durata, astept pe cineva care a facut deja si nu pierde vremea!
Hi Marian, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. Am o problema cu CDN-ul. Am vrut sa activez cloudflare din cpanel si mi-am pus site-ul pe butuci o zi. De curand activam din cpanel versiunea free si e ok. Acum am vazut ca trebuie sa instalezi pluginul lor, si apoi maisunt configurari de facut. Ma poti ajuta cu activarea acestui serviciu pentru un site ? daca da, care ar fi pretul ? Mihai
Avem nevoie de SSL - redirectarea site-ului si a scripturilor si instalarea certificatelor Let's Encrypt din platforma cPanel a fiecarui cont
Salut Marian, Te-ar interesan un contract de colaborare intre echipa ta si o companie de web development din UK? Practic compania mea se intalneste cu clientul si aduna toate specificatiile, dupa care echipa ta se ocupa de setup si development. Crezi ca putem sa discutam? Sunt pe skype cu id mex9marius
Buna ziua, Am facut download la modulul de plati cu cardul de la mobilpay special pentru WHMCS. Am nevoie de cineva care sa-l configureze sa functioneze plata cu cardul. Multumesc
Buna ziua, Doresc modificarea facturii PDF si factura afisata in frontent pentru clienti. Am atasat un pdf cum doresc sa arate noua factura. O zi buna
Am blogul Incepand cu data de 01 iulie blogul se va sterge de serverul actual. Am cont de cpanel si gazduire in alta parte. Doresc sa mut blogul de pe actualul server pe celalalt server. Am salvat baza de date de la blog si blogul in sine. Doresc noul blog sa raman la fel pentru a nu pierde linkurile blogului. Astept un raspuns cine doreste sa ma ajute.
Buna Ziua ! Am si eu o problema pe care nu o pot rezolva deoarece nu detin suficiente cunostiinte pentru a ma putea apuca de treaba ! Problema este urmatoarea : Vreau sa implementez pe platforma WHMCS o implementare MobilPay bitcoin , dar aceasta este facuta pentru php si trebuie convertita pentru cineva care se pricepe. Am atasat mai jos documentatia tehnica si Implementarea ! Rog sa fiu contactat de cineva care se pricepe . Va multumesc Anticipat si va urez o zi frumoasa in continuare . Stima ,
Dezvoltam evenimente tematice pentru copii de toate varstele. Proiectele noastre presupun in general un setup (incl. props), decoruri, activitati tematice pentru copii, costume. Cautam un freelance designer care sa ne ajute sa punem in plan ideile pentru aceste proiecte. Buget negociabil.
Salutare! Doresc implementarea modului fan curier pentru woocommerce si a pluginului smart bill pentru facturare. Versiunea de wordpress este : 4.5.4 iar versiunea de woocommerce este : 2.5.5 Setup-ul este instalat pe un VPS cu acces SSH.
BUNA Ziua , am si eu o mica eroare la site , cand dau sa ma loghez in admin imi zice HTTP ERROR 500. Am atasat poze mai jos si cu raspunsul celor de la whmcs. Multumesc
I new in WHMCS. Just need only to convert. I don't want to create bitcoin payment from 0. Example : use the same script what i need.
Vreau sa convertesc fisierele puse la dispozitie de catre mobilpay ( PHP ) sa le pot implementa pe platforma whmcs . Am atasat mai jos ce pune mobilpay la dispozitie
Buna Ziua ! Am si eu o problema pe care nu o pot rezolva deoarece nu detin suficiente cunostiinte pentru a ma putea apuca de treaba ! Problema este urmatoarea : Vreau sa implementez pe platforma WHMCS o implementare MobilPay bitcoin , dar aceasta este facuta pentru php si trebuie convertita pentru cineva care se pricepe. Am atasat mai jos documentatia tehnica si Implementarea ! Rog sa fiu contactat de cineva care se pricepe . Va multumesc Anticipat si va urez o zi frumoasa in continuare . Stima ,
Buna ziua! As avea nevoie sa modific o tema WHMCS si nu numai. Ma gandesc la mai multe lucruri cu care ati putea sa ma ajutati. Putem vorbi mai multe ? sunteti disponibil ?
As vrea sa aduc cateva modificari/adaugiri unei teme WHMCS.
Sunt interesat de magazin online pentru produse alimentare (categorii,subcategori,produs,descriere,cos,plata online,livrare,urilizatori,cpanel,stoc produse,adaugare usoara a produselor etc)
Am nevoie de un freelancer sau echipa, care sa imi realizeze o platforma gen WHMCS, pornind de la un script opensource. Ideea platformei este gestionarea clientiilor si a facturiilor. Nu vreau o platforma de hosting. Avem un script deja cu majoritatea functiilor, dar vrem pe cineva care sa poata face orice customizare cerem. Doar romani! Only romanians!
Am nevoie de un programator Roman, pe o perioada de minim o luna, cu disponibilitate de minim 6 ore pe zi. Cunostiinte necesare: Php, mysql, vps, whmcs, etc. Salariu fix, sau per proiect.
Salut, Doresc crearea unui modul whmcs pentru un server de cardsharing in care sa pot crea suspenda si termina lininile direct din whmcs si automat linia sa fie scris pe servarul cccam gazduit pe un vps in cccam.cfg. ma poti ajuta.
Este vorba despre un site de dating. Site-ul va fi construit pe o platforma open source pentru site-uri de dating, Skadate, insa este destul de limitata. De aceea, 80% din modificari trebuiesc facute custom. In, spate, exista o baza de date in PHP, de aceea am nevoie de o persoana care sa se descurce cu design-ul si ...PHP. Site-ul va fi in limba germana, voi pune la dispozitie toate materialele (texte, poze). Am nevoie de o persoana care sa faca modificarile recomandate si sa stie sa le lege in PHP. Site-ul va avea in jur de 50 de pagini. Am atasat cateva capturi cu design-ul si functionalitatile cerute pe cateva pagini. Restul de informatii le pot oferi doar daca sunteti interesati de proiect. (acces la tema, CPanel etc). Cei interesati ma pot contacta la (Removed by Freelancer.c...
Angajam 3 persoane pentru mentenanta site-uri, creare site-uri, publicitate online. Avem nevoie de 3 oameni buni in ceea ce fac,seriosi si inventivi . Job la Biroul nostru ,numai candidatii care pot lucra in Bucuresti . Interviu practic pentru evaluarea cunostinte...practic pentru evaluarea cunostintelor . Se accepta studenti disponibili full-time, suntem aproape de REGIE-Basarab . O oportunitate care nu trebuie ratata! Renumeratie in functie de rezultate ,Salariu fix+ Comisioane . Ce trebuie sa stiti: - PHP nivel mediu; - Java nivel mediu; - Wordpress nivel avansat - plugin-uri necesare; - CSS3 nivel mediu - avansat; - HTML5 nivel mediu - avansat; - cPanel nivel mediu - avansat; - Google Adwords nivel incepator - mediu - constituie un avantaj. Programul de lucru est...
ONLY ROMANIAN PEOPLE . Small Price Design angajam frontend/backend developer, mentenanta site-uri, creare site-uri, publicitate online. Avem nevoie de 3 oameni buni in ceea ce fac. Job la Biroul nostru ,numai candidatii care pot lucra in Bucuresti . Interviu pra...pentru evaluarea cunostintelor . Se accepta studenti disponibili full-time, suntem aproape de REGIE-Basarab . O oportunitate care nu trebuie ratata! Renumeratie in functie de rezultate ,Salariu fix+ Comisioane . Ce trebuie sa stiti: - PHP nivel mediu; - Java nivel mediu; - Wordpress nivel avansat - plugin-uri necesare; - CSS3 nivel mediu - avansat; - HTML5 nivel mediu - avansat; - cPanel nivel mediu - avansat; - Google Adwords nivel incepator - mediu - constituie un avantaj. Programul de lucru este d...
Small Price Design angajam frontend/backend developer, mentenanta site-uri, creare site-uri, publicitate online. Avem nevoie de 3 oameni buni in ceea ce fac. Job la Biroul nostru ,numai candidatii care pot lucra in Bucuresti . Anuntul contine un mini-intervi...Anuntul contine un mini-interviu necesar. Se accepta studenti disponibili full-time, suntem aproape de REGIE-Basarab . O oportunitate care nu trebuie ratata,renumeratie in functie de rezultate ,Comisioane +salariu fix . Ce trebuie sa stiti: - PHP nivel mediu; - Java nivel mediu; - Wordpress nivel avansat - plugin-uri necesare; - CSS3 nivel mediu - avansat; - HTML5 nivel mediu - avansat; - cPanel nivel mediu - avansat; - Google Adwords nivel incepator - mediu - constituie un avantaj. Programul de lucru este ...
Salutare, caut un programator sa imi poata face un modul pentru Plata SMS ONLINE oferita de MOBILPAY. Sa faca acelasi lucru ca si modulul pentru plata SMS OFFLINE pentru WHMCS. Multumesc.
as dori configurarea cpanel intr-un server dedicat,DNS,...................................................................................................................................................
configurare cpanel in server dedicat creare DNS si nameserver..................................................................
Salut, Intampin anumite probleme in procesul de functionare al serverului apache. De ex., un subdomeniu creat pe un cont de cpanel vrea sa incarce continutul altui cont de cpanel. Problema trebuie rezolvata via team viewer, nu se ofera acces la server.
Optimizara unui server pentru site-ul ( si altele)
Migrare site existent de webhosting pe platforma WordPress. Trebuie replicat designul curent si functionalitatile pe o tema Wordpress pe care o vom cumpara. Siteul trebuie integrat cu WHMCS pentru cart, verificare disponibilitate domenii, billing etc. Ar fi ideal daca deja ai mai facut asa ceva, dar ne putem descurca si doar cu partea de design.
Caut programator pentru crearea unui modul WHMCS care sa lucreze cu api ul oferit de Api-ul foloseste la trimiterea sms-urilor catre clienti. ( cont nou, tichet, instiintare facturi... etc, etc.) Modulul probabil poate fi folositor multora dintre cei ce folosesc WHMCS. Ma intereseaza: 1. Pret 2. Timp de executie
...consumatori. agenții de publicitate - Ar trebui să fie capabil de a selecta locatii de publicitate necesare. - Auto-administreze și să plătească pentru aceste anunțuri. - Încărcați și de a gestiona Cateva detalii suplimentare: 1. Free to register 2. Register user and provider 3. must be simple and friendly use 4. Providers needs to be verified once registered online, * 5. Listing options. 6. Provider ability to change fee structure. 7. Customer automatically sent payment request via Paypal / CC / internet banking 8. Dashboard for users and providers 9. Feedback score. 10. Box for additional information 11. Calender. * 12. Auction in reverse order like Shiply or Uship 13. Automatic create report 14. Bid Calculator for providers to calculate ...
I'm looking for an expert who can connect my predictive autodialer with Anveo. The job involves configuring both outbound and inbound routes. Key Requirements: - Experience with predictive autodialers. - Proficiency in working with Anveo. - Competence in setting up both inbound and outbound routes. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm in need of a professional who can assist me in creating metafields and meta objects for my physical products on Shopify. My goal is to store additional product specifications and customer reviews. Key Responsibilities: - Create appropriate metafields and meta objects for my physical products on Shopify. - Ensure the storage of additional product specifications and customer reviews. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Shopify. - Proficiency in creating and managing metafields and meta objects. - Understanding of product specifications and customer review systems. Your expertise in these areas will greatly enhance my e-commerce platform's functionality and user engagement. Looking forward to your proposals.
...x loadbalancers - can create plans and assign, basic plan, proplan, select options like can have support, can not have support, can max allowed X balancers used. - show expiring cmsids, send main anancounement with expires at X days, posisble to add special text/delete text from that cmsid - can login direct to cmsids from clients, look and setups and change things if needed by support Cloud-Based CMS Installer (vps server wille be used as cloud server) CMSID Creation with Admin & Password DNS Record Linking to CMS Cloud Server Installer for First-Time Server Configuration Support for 4 Migration Panel Options Database Import & Replacement for Migration Fresh Installation with Server Details (IP & DNS, Proxy Setup yes/no(reverse proxy)) Main Server &a...
I'm looking for a professional who can set up a Google Form to send welcome emails with attachments. The content of the attachments will include an automatically generated reference number. Excel is already setup just need the welcome mail Key Requirements: - Expertise in Google Forms and email integration - Ability to configure automatic reference number generation - Experience with setting up email attachments - Knowledge of ensuring email deliverability Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
...help optimize our online presence. The ideal candidate will have expertise in Google Console, Google Analytics, Microsoft Clarity, and email campaign platforms like Mailchimp. This role requires a proactive individual who can identify and resolve technical challenges while providing clear, actionable insights. ________________________________________ Responsibilities: Google Console & Analytics Setup and Training • Provide one-on-one training on how to effectively use Google Console and Google Analytics. • Troubleshoot and fix issues such as: o Missing sitemaps. o Over 30+ 404 errors. o Unindexed pages (some intentionally, others due to errors). • Set up tracking and provide insights on improving website performance and search engine visibility. Website Behavio...
...JavaScript, and I will need access to the complete code. Key features of the website: - Product Range: The site will primarily sell gym equipment and supplements. Therefore, a well-structured product catalog with clear visuals and descriptions is crucial. - User Features: The website must support a user login and registration feature. This should be secure, user-friendly, and efficient. - Payment Options: The site should support multiple payment methods, including Credit/Debit Cards, PayPal, and Bank Transfer. A secure, seamless checkout process is a must. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Experienced in eCommerce website development - Knowledgeable about building secure user authentication systems - Familiar with various online payment syste...
I'm seeking help to set up Google Local Services ads for my roofing company, Burhill Roofing. My primary objective is to increase leads through these ads. Key Requirements: - Set up Google Local Services ads - Experience with lead generation through online ads - Knowledge of the roofing industry is a plus Additionally, I currently do not have an active Google My Business profile for my company. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding and experience with creating and optimizing Google My Business profiles will be highly beneficial. Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of setting up Google Local Services ads - Experience with Google My Business - Strong understanding of lead generation strategies - Knowledge of the roofing industry is a plus
Developer Instructions for Successful Freelancer Project Overview The goal of this project is to build a crypto tracking bot that performs the following functions: 1. Data Collection: • Integrate with Swyftx, CoinGecko, and Twitter APIs. • Collect data on: • Market capital...Management: • Use GitHub private repository for version control. • Commit regularly with descriptive messages. 2. Hosting Suggestions: • AWS EC2 for processing. • AWS Secrets Manager for API key storage. 3. Testing: • Implement unit tests using pytest. • Conduct security and load testing. Submission Requirements 1. Deliver the full source code via GitHub. 2. Provide detailed documentation (setup, deployment, usage). 3. Handover all credentials and re...
I need a WooCommerce expert to help me setup of my WooCommerce Multisite page. I've already made some progress, including setting up basic information and the Stripe payment gateway. I need help primarily with the multisite setup, storefront and product setup, specifically for digital products like E-books, but also for physical products. I would like to use Eleementor for the storefront. I have Eduma Theme. Stripe is already setup and working - Product Types: The store will be selling digital products (E-books), physical products, and Amazon products, so experience in setting up varied product types is a plus. - Design: Create a template for the storefront using Elementor. Minor customizations may be needed, but no custom design or branding is required....