Web design photoshop web20proiecte
Buna ziua, Cautam Grafician/Concept artist din Bucuresti pentru un proiect si in funtie de eficienta putem colabora pe termen lung Despre noi: Cautam liber-profesionist sa se alature echi...colabora pe termen lung Despre noi: Cautam liber-profesionist sa se alature echipei noastre. Programul este lejer, iar atmosfera de lucru foarte relaxata. Despre tine: Ai intre 19 si 27 Iti place sa lucrezi cu persoana tinere si cu simtul umorului Esti rezistent la stress si poti comunica rabdator cu clientii Cerinte minime Cunostinte avansate de limba engleza Cunostinte avansate de Photoshop, Illustrator, Vectorial Files Posesia unei tablete grafice reprezinta un mare plus ATENTIE: NU DA BID DACA NU ESTI DIN BUCURESTI, LUCREZI IN ALTA PARTE SAU NU CORESPUNZI CERINTELOR ...
Buna ziua, Cautam Grafician/Concept artist din Bucuresti pentru un proiect si in funtie de eficienta putem colabora pe termen lung Despre noi: Cautam liber-profesionist sa se alature echi...colabora pe termen lung Despre noi: Cautam liber-profesionist sa se alature echipei noastre. Programul este lejer, iar atmosfera de lucru foarte relaxata. Despre tine: Ai intre 19 si 27 Iti place sa lucrezi cu persoana tinere si cu simtul umorului Esti rezistent la stress si poti comunica rabdator cu clientii Cerinte minime Cunostinte avansate de limba engleza Cunostinte avansate de Photoshop, Illustrator, Vectorial Files Posesia unei tablete grafice reprezinta un mare plus ATENTIE: NU DA BID DACA NU ESTI DIN BUCURESTI, LUCREZI IN ALTA PARTE SAU NU CORESPUNZI CERINTELOR ...
Buna ziua, Cautam Grafician/Web Developer din Bucuresti pentru un proiect si in funtie de eficienta putem colabora pe termen lung Despre noi: Cautam liber-profesionist sa se alature echipei noastre. Programul este lejer, iar atmosfera de lucru foarte relaxata. Despre tine: Ai intre 19 si 27 Iti place sa lucrezi cu persoana tinere si cu simtul umorului Esti rezistent la stress si poti comunica rabdator cu clientii Cerinte minime Cunostinte avansate de limba engleza Cunostinte avansate de Photoshop Cunostinte avansate de Html5, Css3, PHP Cunostinte dezvoltare platforma WordPress (creare teme sau pluginuri reprezinta un mare plus) ATENTIE: NU DA BID DACA NU ESTI DIN BUCURESTI, LUCREZI IN ALTA PARTE SAU NU CORESPUNZI CERINTELOR DE MAI SUS
Caut programator cu experienta in php pentru a modifica un script si java pentru a aduce modificari unor aplicatii (android si iOS) sa creeze un logo (photoshop) .numai din Brasov sau Bucuresti ..only Brasov or Bucharest !!!!
Am experiență în domeniul photoshop de 3 ani în prelucrarea cărților de vizită, logo-uri sau alte designuri. De asemenea caut si un job de introducere date. Stau mult în fața laptopului și am mult timp pentru a face asta.
Angajam urgent un programator full-time pe o perioada cat mai lunga, trebuie sa cunoasca urmatoarele -wordpress -php -html/css -jquery -photoshop mai multe detalii in interviu
Companie ce dezvolta jocuri pentru casinouri online recruteaza: - 1 grafic designer - 1 sound engineer Se ofera posibilitatea de lucru per proiect, sau full time - 8 ore pe zi. (cu contract) Cerinte: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Fruity Loops, Adobe Sound Studio. Pentru relatii suplimentare, rog sa ma contactati prin intermediul site-ului
Vreau cel putin 50 de creeati in PHOTOSHOP,AFTER EFFECTS SI ASA MAI DEPARTE! Creeati aleatorii,diverse imagini. Pe toate imaginile vreau textul eVo sau EvO design.[Vreau ca jumatate sa fie fara text] Astept ofertele voastre!
Este vorba despre un magazin virtual (softul este de tip open source) care are nevoie de: 1. Traducere engleza-romana (este partial tradus). 2. Adaptare Romania, inclusiv metode de plata, conectare BNR, model factura, etc 3. Adaptare grafica pe tipul de business 4. Contributie sigle, logo, etc, optimizare grafica, SEO (partial...frecvent in Constanta. (oferiti detalii..) 4. Exista un proiect in mediul online la care ati participat? [Orice fel de proiect din care noi sa intelegem nivelul dv de competenta, de ex un site sau un blog sau partial contributie la un site etc.] Marcati mai multe proiecte daca este cazul. familiar(a) cu php, baze de date Mysql, webdesign (ne referim aici si la partea de lucru cu Photoshop, Gimp, etc si optimizare grafica)? 6. Seriozitate...
Este vorba despre un magazin virtual (softul este de tip open source) care are nevoie de: 1. Traducere engleza-romana (este partial tradus). 2. Adaptare Romania, inclusiv metode de plata, conectare BNR, model factura, etc 3. Adaptare grafica pe tipul de business. 4. Contributie sigle, logo, etc, optimizare grafica, SEO (partial indeplinit) 4. ...deplasare frecvent in Constanta. (oferiti detalii..) 4. Exista un proiect in mediul online la care ati participat? [Orice fel de proiect din care noi sa intelegem nivelul dv de competenta, de ex un site sau un blog sau partial contributie la un site etc.] Marcati mai multe proiecte daca este cazul. familiar(a) cu php, baze de date Mysql, webdesign (ne referim aici si la partea de lucru cu Photoshop, Gimp, etc si optimizare grafica)...
Graphic artist pentru jocuri online. Cerinte: - Cunostinte avansate de Adobe Photoshop; - Cunostinte de compozitie si cromatica; - Abilitatea de reproducere in desen a diferitor elemente si personaje care vor fi prezente in jocuri; - Capacitatea de a surprinde si pastra directia artistica stabilita de Lead Graphic Artist; *Portofoliu relevant in domeniul grafic constituie un mare avantaj. *Cunostintele in Adobe Illustrator constituie un avantaj; Responsabilitati: Graficianul va fi responsabil de crearea decorurilor si personajelor pentru jocuri cat si elementelor de interfata. Oferta Mediu de lucru relaxat, echipa creativa in care initiativa este binevenita.
Aceasta imagine a fost facuta in Photoshop CC si reprezinta un scriitor, care desi pare suparat, el nu isi gaseste inspiratia, aruncand foile peste tot,iar in final aprinzadu-si o tigara,probabil din cauza nervilor.
...folosim Photoshopul mai mult decat pentru a taia un design. De regula nu iau proiecte care includ si designul dar intentionez, putin cate putin, sa incep sa ofer clientilor mei si posibilitatea asta. De aceea caut sa colaborez cu un designer web. Persoana potrivita trebuie sa fie din Romania, sa poata face templateuri web, logouri, bannere si alte elemente web in Photoshop, sa respecte termene limita si sa fie de cuvant. Trebuie sa spun ca partea financiara este foarte importanta si ca in general facem site-uri pentru oameni cu bugete mici si mijlocii. As vrea ca la fiecare proiect sa stabilim pretul in functie de cerintele clientului. Pentru cei interesati, va rog sa-mi trimiteti linkuri catre (sau sa atasati mesajelor) elemente web cr...
Dezvoltarea unui plan de promovare complet, conform unui buget prestabilit. In mare, responsabilitatile sunt legate de urmatoarele zone: - social media - relatie/articole/colaborari cu revistele de specialitate - newslettere de informare retaileri - reprezentare la evenimente (expozitii) - branding in cadrul magazinelor - avantaj - Photoshop sau orice program de editare
salut am nevoie de un wordpress blog template, am designul facut in photoshop, doar trebuie codat ca template wordpress + cateva plug-ins... am putea vorbi in timp real chiar acum sa iti explic mai in detaliu?
Despre tine • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Flash, cunoştinţe solide de grafică vectorială în Flash; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare orientată pe obiect; • Cunoştinţe de algoritmică cel putin medii; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare în Action Script 2 şi 3; • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Photoshop; Despre proiect • Dezvoltarea de interfeţe de utilizator, animaţii, tranziţii şi elemente interactive pentru jocuri; • Transpunerea mecanismelor de joc în elemente vizuale şi funcţionale integrate în proiect; • Optimizarea interfeţelor dezvoltate conform capacităţii platformei proiectului; • Integrarea functională a modulului de flash implementat în proiectul dezvoltat; • Depanar...
Compania noastra Magazin...cu echipa noastra si sa realizeze designul revistei. Cerinte: - prelucrare / ajustare imagini, - cunostinte foarte bune Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, InDesign, etc, - cunoasterea tendintelor in domeniul graficii (fonturi, culoare, layout, etc), - cunostinte de design, fonturi si machetare necesare transpunerii materialelor de creatie intr-un format pentru tipar sau productie publicitara, - cunoasterea parametrilor tehnici pentru diverse tipuri de tipar, - optimizarea fisierelor si pregatirea lor pentru tipar, - efectuarea corectiilor si a eventualelor modificari, - experienta in domeniul graficii si design-ului, - cunostinte excelente de comunicare vizuala (compozitie, cromatica, echilibru). - realizare...
Compania noastra Magazin...cu echipa noastra si sa realizeze designul revistei. Cerinte: - prelucrare / ajustare imagini, - cunostinte foarte bune Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, InDesign, etc, - cunoasterea tendintelor in domeniul graficii (fonturi, culoare, layout, etc), - cunostinte de design, fonturi si machetare necesare transpunerii materialelor de creatie intr-un format pentru tipar sau productie publicitara, - cunoasterea parametrilor tehnici pentru diverse tipuri de tipar, - optimizarea fisierelor si pregatirea lor pentru tipar, - efectuarea corectiilor si a eventualelor modificari, - experienta in domeniul graficii si design-ului, - cunostinte excelente de comunicare vizuala (compozitie, cromatica, echilibru). - realizare...
Salut am de modificat ceva in photoshop si am nevoie amre de ajur! Te og sa imi rapunzi cat mai repede !
Se cauta webdesigner/grafician cu experienta in photoshop si alte programe de profil, pentru creare de grafica PSD pentru website-uri. Codarea temelor in HTML5 + CSS3 reprezinta un mare avantaj. Se cauta: CREATIVITATE INVENTIVITATE ATITUDINE INITIATIVA CONFIDENTIALITATE
Se cauta webdesigner/grafician cu experienta in photoshop si alte programe de profil, pentru creare de grafica PSD pentru website-uri. Codarea temelor in HTML5 + CSS3 reprezinta un mare avantaj. Se cauta: CREATIVITATE INVENTIVITATE ATITUDINE INITIATIVA CONFIDENTIALITATE
- Realizarea site-ului ; - Programarea paginilor web în HTML, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop; - Testarea site-ului; - Publicarea site-ului pe Internet si promovarea acestuia.
Proiectul se numeste " Imagini Clare " , consta in moficarea imaginii ( luminozitate, culoare, claritate, calitate ), prin programul Photoshop
The certificate was developed using Adobe Dreamweaver with Adobe Photoshop used to edit pictures and logo. As a component, the site consists of 5 pages, the first page is a small java script that plays three consecutive slides. To contact I used a PHP script integrated with sendmail and a design specifically designed for this page. For best appearance, the page was added a favicon, a small image that adds a page image browser. We chose the theme of science Craiova certified football team that, in my opinion, it is the character Oltenia, one of the most popular and beloved teams in Romania, dezafiliata unjustly.
Atestatul a fost realizat cu ajutorul programului Adobe Dreamweaver cu ajutorul programului Adobe Photoshop folosit pentru a edita pozele si logo-ul . Ca si componenta , site-ul este format din 5 pagini , pe prima pagina se gaseste un mic script java ce reda 3 slide-uri consecutive . Pentru contact am folosit un script php cu sendmail integrat si un design conceput special pentru aceasta pagina . Pentru un mai bun aspect , la pagina a fost adaugat un favicon , o mica imagine ce adauga un plus de imagine paginii in browser . Am ales ca tema de atestat echipa de fotbal Stiina Craiova pentru ca , dupa parerea mea , ea reprezinta caracterul oltenesc , una dintre cele mai iubite si mai indragite echipe de fotbal din Romania , dezafiliata pe nedrept .
I need an expert photo editor to remove sweat stains from a group photo. The stains are only present on one person, so your task will be to clean up this individual while maintaining the integrity of the...person, so your task will be to clean up this individual while maintaining the integrity of the image. Key Details: - Photo Type: Group photo - Background: Busy background. Needs careful editing to ensure no traces of alteration are visible. - Subject: Sweat stains need to be removed from one person. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in photo editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop. - Attention to detail to ensure a seamless edit. - Experience with editing group photos. I look forward to seeing your bids. Please provide examples of similar work you've do...
I have a photo of a candle and need someone to create a photoshop mockup so that I can use photoshop to insert candle designs, and list the finished product in my online store.
I have a few images that need some simple edits. This is a small, quick job. The job entails: - Adding text to the images Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in image editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, etc.) - Attention to detail - Fast turnaround time
I run a dropservice agency and am looking for a talented graphic designer to create eye-catching social media visuals for Instagram and Facebook. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Experience designing social media graphics - Understanding of brand consistency across platforms - Ability to deliver high-quality designs on a tight schedule Your role will primarily focus on creating graphics that align with our clients' branding and marketing strategies. Please include a portfolio of your previous social media designs in your proposal.
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer/illustrator in the Selden, New York area to help me edit a 20-page book and cover. Most of the tasks (95%) involve Illustrator for color changes and copy-pasting Arabic text—no need to know Arabic, as I’ll be assisting in person. Minor work (5%) with Photoshop and (3%) with InDesign is also required. If you're experienced and available for face-to-face collaboration, let’s make this project happen.
I'm looking for a talented photo editor/graphic designer who can create 8-10 wedding photos from scratch. I have photos of the couple separate, but not together. I also have photos of the outfits they have requested. The st...poses should include a mix of formal and romantic moments. Key Tasks: 1. Create 8-10 realistic wedding photos with different poses, backgrounds, and lighting. 2. Change the outfit of a couple people in a provided photo. 3. Add a friend to 3-4 movie posters, and perform face-swapping for a couple of photos. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Photoshop or similar software - Strong creative and visual skills - Experience in photo manipulation and graphic design - Ability to create realistic and engaging images Please provide samples of similar work you ...
I'm looking for a creative professional who can assist with comprehensive product branding, with a strong focus on packaging design. Key Responsibilities: - Create a unique and appealing brand identity for a new product, including logo design, color palette, and typography. - Design innovative and attractive packaging that aligns with the brand identity and appeals to the target audience. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in product branding and packaging design. - Strong graphic design skills. - Ability to understand and translate brand messaging into visual design. - Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and others. If you're a creative thinker with a knack for visually appealing design...
I'm looking for an innovative designer to create a "Me and Karma Vibe Like That" T-shirt design. I am looking for a talented designer to create a minimalist and artistic t-shirt design with the phrase "Me and Karma Vibe Like That." The design should include a cosmic or celestial-inspired cat illustration, reflecting a peaceful and mystical vibe. The overall style should be clean, monochromatic, and visually striking for printing on dark-colored t-shirts. Key Elements: Typography: Bold, clean, and easy-to-read text for the phrase "Me and Karma Vibe Like That." Text should complement the illustration without overpowering it. Graphics: A sleeping or calm cat with celestial patterns (stars, moons, or galaxy-like elements) integrated int...
...The logo should incorporate "western" imagery along with the brand name "SIERRA WORK PRO" in a stylish and impactful way. They can include imagery such as terrain or mountains. Key Requirements: - Expertise in logo design, particularly with a vintage, terrain, western aesthetic. - Strong understanding of design principles and ability to create visually appealing logos. - Experience with brand identity creation. Preferred Skills: - Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. - Excellent communication skills for understanding and interpreting design briefs. - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. The color palette for the logo should be earth tones, reflecting the rugged, outdoor nature of th...
...using square pipes and fix colorful sheets to this frame. The sheet width is constant at 3.71 feet. The height of the sheets can be cut as needed. The concrete building already exists. Around the building, with a small gap, I need to create an iron square pipe frame. I want to fix these sheets in different colors, with a 2-inch gap between each sheet. I need assistance with the following: * Photoshop images: Visual representations of the structure. * Square pipe sizes: Appropriate dimensions for the frame. * Sheet sizes and quantities: Determine the required dimensions and number of sheets. * Color combinations: Suitable color schemes for the sheets. * Frame construction details: Including the use of cross-pipes between the frame and the building's wall. * Maintaining ...
We are seeking a highly skilled and creative PowerPoint Presentation Designer to create a compelling and informative 50-slide presentation for a Scientific Field. design and develop a visually engaging and professional 50-slide PowerPoint presentation. Conduct thorough research on the scientific subject matter to ensure accuracy and clarity. Translate complex scientific information into concise and easily understandable visuals. Incorporate high-quality images, graphs, charts, and other multimedia elements. Ensure the presentation is visually consistent and adheres to professional design standards. Work closely with [mention any relevant stakeholders, e.g., subject matter experts, researchers] to gather information and incorporate feedback. Present the final presentation for...
I have a nature photo that needs a winter makeover. The task involves adding a light dusting of snow and changing the lighting to a cooler tone. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g., Photoshop, Lightroom) - Creative vision for winter aesthetics - Attention to detail Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I need a skilled designer to create a minimalist style poster for a client. The poster's main purpose is event promotion aimed at adults. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Proficiency in design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Experience with minimalist design - Understanding of adult-targeted design aesthetics - Ability to design for event promotion Please provide a portfolio of relevant work.
I need a professional Photoshop expert to edit some Facebook Messenger messages for me. The editing involves replacing the text content in the messages. Key Details: - I will provide screenshots of the messages that need to be edited. - I have the original text that needs to be used for the replacement. - The editing is simple and not malicious. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Photoshop - Attention to detail - Able to handle sensitive information discreetly - Experience with text editing in images
I'm looking for a professional image editor to remove the background from a small number of product images (1-10). The final output should be in SVG format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in image editing software (Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, etc.) - Experienced in background removal for product images - Knowledgeable about exporting images in SVG format - Attention to detail for high-quality images
I need a Photoshop expert to prepare a photo I took with an iPhone camera for metal printing at a size of 24x36. The ideal candidate will have: - Proficiency in Photoshop - Experience with photoshopping for metal prints - A strong understanding of modern design aesthetics - Ability to work with vibrant colors Please provide samples of previous similar work.
Adjustments made of AI DALL-E created image to be done in Adobe Illustrator or photoshop and delivered in each fully layered file in return. NO OTHER software desired. Photo adjustments should be very easy for someone who is experienced in Adobe Illustrator or photoshop software. (Do not use other software) A - Change text to "Passion Water" with background being as if it is part of the container. B - Repair/adjust pot to make it correct size on each side C - Remove straws on the each side D - Erase one flower and steam and repair the background after E - Transparent background F - Complete the butterfly image at top H - Adjust entire photo to make it sharp and CMYK for printing for Amazon Merch and others t-shirts ect. I - Deliver image in layers for Adobe file. No...
I need a quick photo edit where the canvas size is increased at the bottom and additional rocks are photoshopped into the image. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Photoshop - Experience with canvas size adjustments - Skilled in realistic object integration Requirements: - Enhance the canvas size of the image. - Seamlessly integrate additional rocks into the bottom of the image, matching the style of the existing rocks. Please note, the rocks to be added should be identical in appearance to the existing ones at the bottom of the image.
I'm in need of a colorful and bold thumbnail for my YouTube video. It should feature a catchy slogan in the text overlay, and incorporate images or icons in an eye-catching way. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience with YouTube Thumbnail creation - Proficient in design software (e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator) Please provide examples of your previous work, particularly any YouTube thumbnails you've designed.
We seek a freelancer with a proven track record in branding and design who can deliver the following: 1. Brand Name Development Creative and Unique: The name should reflect the essence of women’s fashion—feminine, stylish, and forward-thinking. Memorability: Easy to remember and pronounce for a global audience. Domain Availability: Must verify the availability of domain names in extensions like .com, .in, .store, .shop, etc. 2. Logo Design Aesthetic Appeal: A visually compelling logo that captures the brand’s core values—elegance, empowerment, and sustainability. Versatility: A design adaptable across different platforms—website, social media, product tags, packaging, etc. Modern and Minimalistic: The logo should stand the test of time ...
I'm seeking a graphic designer to create a logo, brochure, and business card for EcoShine. The designs should adhere to a minimalist style, using a green and white color scheme. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Extensive experience in creating minimalist design materials - Strong understanding of brand identity and visual storytelling - Exceptional attention to detail - Good communication skills to understand and implement feedback.
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create marketing materials for my company. The specific items I need designed include brochures, flyers, and social media graphics. In addition to designing these materials, I need your expertise to help establish our brand guidelines. Th...flyers, and social media graphics. In addition to designing these materials, I need your expertise to help establish our brand guidelines. This will involve creating a cohesive visual identity for our company that can be applied across all materials. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Experience in designing marketing materials - Knowledge of brand development - Strong understanding of visual communication - Experience with social...
I'm seeking a talented photo editor to enhance my wedding photos. The primary task involves color correction to achieve a vintage/retro look. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. - Strong understanding of color theory and vintage aesthetics. - Attention to detail and ability to work with high volume of images. Please note, I have specific requirements for how I want the final images to look. For more information, feel free to contact me.
I'm looking for a Photoshop professional who can help me combine two images into one for a social media post. The final image needs to be a realistic blend, with particular emphasis on making my face and the faces of others in the picture stand out. Ideal skills for the job: - Proficient in Photoshop - Experience with realistic image blending - Ability to highlight specific elements in an image I look forward to seeing your bids and hopefully working together on this project!