Web based task listproiecte
...colaborarea continua pe termen nelimitat cu acordul ambelor parti. Volumul de munca lunar este intre 300-500 de comentarii, distribuite egal pe zile, si poate creste, in functie de randament si disponibilitate. Nu aplicati daca: -nu stapaniti bine limba romana -nu stiti cum se posteaza un comentariu -nu stiti sa tineti o evidenta simpla in Excel -nu puteti dedica minim o ora zilnic acestui task Personale selectate vor primi mai multe informatii. Plata se face prin transfer bancar sau Paypal, dupa preferinte. Ofer si pretind seriozitate. Cand aplicati va rog sa specificati de ce credeti ca va potriviti pentru acest job. Suma licitata este irelevanta, va rog specificati in textul mesajului ca ati luat la cunostinta pretul oferit si sunteti de acord cu el, pent...
Caut 2 persoane pentru comentare pe bloguri. Candidatul ideal: -vrea un venit lunar extra ( colaborare de lunga durata) -are minim o ora libera z...Pentru acei candidati care demonstreaza calitatile cerute, volumul de munca in luna a doua poate creste pana la un castig lunar de 250-300 de RON sau chiar mai mult, in functie de timpul disponibil pe care il au. Nu aplicati daca: -nu stapaniti bine limba romana -nu stiti cum se posteaza un comentariu -nu stiti sa tineti o evidenta simpla in Excel -nu puteti dedica minim o ora zilnic acestui task Personale selectate vor primi mai multe informatii. Plata se face prin transfer bancar sau Paypal, in doua transe (jumatate+sfarsit). Cand aplicati va rog sa specificati de ce credeti ca va potriviti pentru acest job. Mu...
Caut 3 persoane pentru comentare pe bloguri. Candidatul ideal: -vrea un venit lunar extra ( colaborare de lunga durata) -are minim o ora libera...Pentru acei candidati care demonstreaza calitatile cerute, volumul de munca in luna a doua poate creste pana la un castig lunar de 250-300 de RON sau chiar mai mult, in functie de timpul disponibil pe care il au. Nu aplicati daca: -nu stapaniti bine limba romana -nu stiti cum se posteaza un comentariu -nu stiti sa tineti o evidenta simpla in Excel -nu puteti dedica minim o ora zilnic acestui task Personale selectate vor primi mai multe informatii. Plata se face prin transfer bancar sau Paypal, in doua transe (jumatate+sfarsit). Cand aplicati va rog sa specificati de ce credeti ca va potriviti pentru acest job. Mult...
Avem un proiect de aplicatie mobila si website care se ocupa cu microjoburi. Avem deja desenat logo-ul, precum si webdesign si designul aplicatiei deci acestea vor trebui luate in considerare pentru task. Am vrea ce inseamna restul dpdv al identitatii (carti de vizita, design de tricou, sapca, sticker) si cateva vizualuri pentru ca oamenii sa se prinda ce facem si cum facem. Ne dorim si o animatie demonstrativa/explicativa pentru inceput dar asta se poate sa nu fie un must daca nu ai abilitati de creare de animatie.
Am o platforma si trebuie sa rezolv urgent urmatoarele task-uri .Astept oferte Back-up fisiere server si baza de date Lista de apeluri in asteptare nu functioneaza La terminarea apelului VoIP, clientul nu este taxat In cazul in care consilierul nu raspunde la apelul VoIP, linia ramane "agatata" si consilierul blocat. Mutare site Bannere noi home page Reactivare+corectii pagina testimoniale Instalare modul newsletter Mentenanta consilieri Reparare chat/baza de date Reinstalare chat Implementare sistem automat calculare curs valutar Euro/Leu
...noi, adaptabilitate. Taskurile de indeplinit: -postat comentarii pe bloguri din nisa indicata (exclus comentarii simple de tip: articol excelent, keep it up, etc. Comentariile trebuie sa fie putin elaborate si la subiectul articolului pentru a fi aprobate -> 1-2 propozitii) -postat anunturi pe site-uri de anunturi -inscriere in directoare de firma / companii Pentru fiecare tip de task este necesara crearea unui scurt text (2-3 propozitii) UNIC, fie comentariu, fie anunt, fie descriere companie/website. F Important: textele trebuie sa fie unice, nu se poate folosi acelasi text de 2 ori! Timp necesar: 10-20 min / zi Pt un proiect, link builderul va primi un Excel cu taskurile pe 30 de zile (100 de taskuri). Aceste taskuri fac parte din categoriile indicat...
Salut, citind portofoliul tau nu stiu sigur daca esti apt pentru acest task si m-am gandit sa te contactez sa ma asigur ca poti duce la bun sfarsit un proiect in guest posting si article writing in germana , as-i avea nevoie pe termen lung ... eventual daca ai ceva portofoliu pe aceasta tema ar fii bine venita Cu Stima, Muller
Proiectul este pentru o companie Belgiana care doreste o combinatie intre platforma de freelanceri si un site. Proiectul trebuie finalizat pana in martie 2015, iar in cadrul echipei vor fi 3 specialisti. Se ofera: > salariu atractiv; > posibilitatea de a lucra la de acasa; > se poate lucra cu contract PFA;
Avem urmatoarele task-uri de rezolvat pentru site-ul : 1. A aparut o eroare la sistemul de mailing, adica nu mai primim mailuri de confirmare la inregistrarea comenzii sau alte operatiuni din site, nici noi nici clientii. 2. De creat un data feed pentru site-ul de comparatoare (avem ghidul/modelul de creare si model data feed shopmania, difera putin cele doua) 3. Concurs Newsletter (de creat o pagina a concursului care sa fie usor editabila, adica sa poata fi oricand actualizata de orice persoana de la noi) 4. Avem nevoie de date din adminul vechi al site-ului parfumeriedelux.ro. Site-ul a fost inchis iar baza de date a fost mutata pe serverul noului site. Odata cu mutarea a aparut o eroare care nu ne mai lasa sa vedem vechiul admin. Dar baza de date poate fi
We are an Italian Web Agency interested in working with bucuresti programmers. We will be in Bucuresti from 07 OCtober to 10 October; we will meet programmers. Send us your portfolio and work experience. We will evaluate and contact for an appointment in Bucuresti. ************************************ Suntem o agentie web italian interesat de lucru cu bucuresti programatori. Vom fi in Bucuresti de la 07 octombrie până la 10 octombrie; ne vom întâlni programatori. Trimite-ne portofoliul și experiența de muncă. Vom evalua și contacta pentru o programare in Bucuresti.
Cunostinte solide PHP, JS, Jquery, MySql, HTML, CSS, Ajax si tot ce este nevoie pt. un magazin online. Cunoasterea Wordpress/Woocommerce este un mare avantaj, la fel si o minima cunoastere Photoshop. Suntem un magazin online care functioneaza ca marketplace pentru partenerii nostri, activitatea principala consta in importul de feed-uri si...continuu platforma prin module achizitionate si adaptate propriilor nevoi sau prin custom scripts. Se doreste automatizarea platformei pana la intregrarea modulului de curierat. Persoana selectata trebuie sa fie un om foarte serios, care sa respecte deadline-urile convenite in comun, cu un portofoliu reprezentativ. Colaborarea este pe termen nelimitat! Putem discuta despre abonament lunar, plata per task, pe ora etc. Cerem si oferim maxima se...
Inscriere de site-uri in directoare WEB romanesti + creare descriere unica pentru fiecare inscriere Durata proiect: 1 luna Inscrieri zilnice: 4 site-uri x 7 inscrieri fiecare = 28 inscrieri totale: 28 / zi x 5zile /saptamana x 4 saptamani = 560 Pentru fiecare inscriere trebuie redactata o descriere unica - 2-3 propozitii ~ 30 de cuvinte - in TOTAL 560 de Descrieri necesita redactare Fiecare set de 28 de descrieri trebuie redactat cu minim o zi inainte de inscriere si trimis spre aprobare managerului de proiect. Fiind vorba de un task simplu, ma intereseaza cel mai mic pret oferit in conditile in care aplicantul are experienta in domeniu. Multumesc!
Salutare, Cineva care sa ma poata ajuta cu un program vechi (scris inainte de anul 2.000) de evidenta a unui mic hotel (facturare, reserve, clienti, blablabla cu baze de date .dbf ; executabil .exe) - firma software nu mai asigura nici un fel de suport, am depashi...oooold application, the creator doesn't offer support anymore,written before year 2000, easy to modify for somebody who knows compiling things (I do not know, hahahaha...), need to eliminate shittie protection (allowed maximum data 2.010 !!! from some clipper who calls now a blinker exceeded data ??? - god knows what does it means) and remove also some hwid prot. (hdd based???, also other devices I guess). I repeat, an old win98 based application (small hotel billing and reservations, with clients,bills,pri...
Aplicatia consta in gestionarea fluxului de comenzi si obtinerea de rapoarte privitoare la activitate. Preferam un partener din Galati pentru a usura documentarea si implementarea aplicatiei. De principiu am fi interesati de o persoana care sa dezvolte proiectul tinand cont de: - limbaje pentru implementarea aplicatiei, de ales dintre (in ordinea preferintei noastre, dar nu este o conditie): PHP, RUBY, PYTON, JAVASCRIPT, JAVA sau C++, C#, J#, Objective C, .NET - cunostinte SQL necesare pentru gestionarea/manipularea bazelor de date (se va utiliza ca preferinta MySQL), HTML si CSS. - ne-ar avantaja cunoasterea bibliotecilor javascript gen JQUERY, PROTOTYPE, etc. Precizam ca avem deja in functiune o aplicatie care functioneaza dar dorim un upgrade de substanta care presupune rescrierea...
Salut, Ma numesc Florin si am nevoie de un dezvoltator Magento pentru un site de deal-uri din Romania. La site s-a lucrat pana acum, dar se avanseaza greu. Dorim un om care sa raspunda prompt la e-mail si sa fie serios in ceea ce face. In mare parte este gata site-ul, are nevoie de niste traduceri din engleza in romana, de mici modificari design, de setat platforma de newsletter aut...ceea ce face. In mare parte este gata site-ul, are nevoie de niste traduceri din engleza in romana, de mici modificari design, de setat platforma de newsletter automat. Dupa terminarea site-ului am dori sa te putem contacta pentru ulterioare probleme/idei dezvoltare. As dori sa stiu daca poti emite factura pe serviciile prestate. Bugetul se poate stabili fie pe ora fie un pret fix in functie de task...
Salut, Dezvoltam un site in OpenCart si avem nevoie de ajutor pentru a finaliza proiectul in timp util. Se va lucra in doua formatii asupra proiectului, divizat pe task-uri. O formatie va fi interna si cea de-a doua speram sa fiti voi. Te rog sa-mi lasi un semn pentru a detalia pe larg proiectul. Multumesc,
...-acesta este website-ul la care se va lucra! Avem nevoie de un programator care sa faca mai multe modificari in cadrul site-ului,sa aduca cateva elemente noi, si care sa se ocupe si de administarea acestuia pe durata proiectului! Proiectul are o durata medie de executie de cca 2 luni.(maxim) Noi oferim un contract de colaborare pe o perioada de 6 luni. Alaturat gasiti contractul oferit cat si task-urile care sunt puse in cum este mentionat,70 % din acestea sunt deja pe site dar trebuiesc customizate!..Restul,se creeaza de la 0. Site-ul este construit in php curat,nu este preluata/cumparata o platforma care sa fi fost customizata in functie de cerinte. Va rog lasati o modalitate de contact sau trimiteti email cu datele dvs folosind sectiunea contact de aici: http://swinger-r...
...avem nevoie de un programator care sa faca cateva modificari in cadrul site-ului,sa aduca cateva elemente noi, si care sa se ocupe si de administarea acestuia pe durata proiectului! Proiectul are o durata medie de executie de cca 2 luni.(maxim) Noi oferim un contract de colaborare pe o perioada de 6 luni. Alaturat gasiti contractul oferit cat si task-urile care sunt puse in cum este mentionat,70 % din acestea sunt deja pe site dar trebuiesc customizate!..Restul,se creeaza de la 0. Site-ul este construit in php curat,nu este preluata/cumparata o platforma care sa fi fost customizata in functie de cerinte. Va rog lasati o modalitate de contact sau trimiteti email cu datele dvs folosind sectiunea contact de aici:
This task takes less than 5 minutes of your time daily We are creating a website where people can read headline news and engage or start a discussion to express their free will opinion, reaction, suggestions about news they read as well as make new friends with people of substance. User can also customise which news they would like to get update on in their feed. We will have an extensive list of news categories from Celebs, fashion, personal, football and many more. We need intelligent people to help us start up the discussion so this project require you to create a real profile account on our website and engage/ leave a reaction to any news that catch your fancy. Note that this is not a compulsory comments. If you dont have anything to say , you shouldn't talk a...
...listed box sizes. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Adobe Illustrator, especially for creating print-ready die cut files. - Experience in packaging design, particularly for children's products. - Strong understanding of design scalability and functionality for manufacturing. Timeline: We need this project completed ASAP and are looking to collaborate with a designer who understands the urgency of the task and our commitment to child-friendly design....
I'm seeking a talented illustrator for a leadership-themed book steeped in fantasy and steampunk elements. The illustrations should be a...illustrations identical to the line art, yet coloured. * All art to be provided as finished image files, and originating course files as well (in case minor edits are needed) * You will need to manage your own time with these deadlines in mind. You are required to ask ask ask, if anything does not feel clear, you must ask. * You will need to be able to have some autonomy in your approach to this task. Ideal Skills: - Strong portfolio of fantasy and steampunk illustrations. - Ability to create a mix of realistic, whimsical, and gritty illustrations. - Experience with spot illustrations. - Good understanding of how to depict leadership con...
I'm looking for an expert in blockchain technology, specifically someone with deep understanding and experience in Solana, to help me create a meme coin. This coin's primary purpose is to enhance community engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Understand the requirements of creating a meme coin on the Solana blockchain. - Develop and deploy the meme coin with a focus on community interaction and engagement. - Suggest and implement effective strategies to leverage the coin for community building. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in blockchain development, particularly on the Solana network. - Previous work with meme coin creation is a plus. - Strong understanding of community engagement strategies within the crypto space. - Excellent communication skills to keep me updated thr...
I need a skilled developer with extensive experience in API integration to connect my project with the payment method "IDEAL". I don't want to use a payment gateway, since these companies can hostage your funds. - Main Task: The primary task involves integrating payment method "IDEAL" into my website(wordpress) via API. The IDEAL payment that is initiated must generate a transfer in IDEAL directly to my bank account. - Required Skills: Proficiency in API integration is a must. Experience with various payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and Square would be highly advantageous. - Ideal Freelancer: The ideal freelancer for this job would be someone who is not only technically adept but also understands the importance of security and user experienc...
I'm looking for an expert to help me modify user activity history on a website's database. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in database management and web technologies. - Previous experience with user data modification. - Knowledge of data privacy regulations and ethical standards. Task: - Edit existing user activity entries. Please note, the selected freelancer will have to work under strict confidentiality and adhere to data protection laws.
Looking for a Designer to Create Anime/Manga-Themed Images I’m looking for a creative designer who has at least a basic understanding of anime. Experience is not required but will be a plus. Task: Create eye-catching images for videos about anime/manga. You can check examples of the desired style here: Types of Images: Full-Screen Image: The main character and background fill the entire workspace. The character and background are generated, and additional elements (like portals, magic, etc.) are added to the scene. The goal is to create vibrant, attention-grabbing images featuring magical elements and "systems" (e.g., portals or neon panels symbolizing transportation to another dimension). Split Image (Two Parts): The first part shows the character as weak
I'm looking for an experienced professional to assist with reconciling my business bank account using Microsoft Excel. This task involves reviewing deposits, withdrawals, and transfers. Key Responsibilities: - Bank Account Reconciliation: You will be responsible for ensuring all transactions are accurately recorded and accounted for. - Invoice
We need to have the 2024 Rate card converted to an Excel sheet. They have discounted rates by 12.5% for Platinum Winter and 15% for Gold Winter, as shown in a column.
I'm in need of a dedicated personal assistant who can help me with daily task planning and building my LinkedIn profile. The ideal candidate will have excellent organizational skills and a knack for networking. Key Responsibilities: - Daily Task Planning: Help me prioritize and manage my daily tasks effectively. - LinkedIn Profile Building: Assist in enhancing my LinkedIn presence, focusing on genuine, non-salesy connections. What I'm Looking For: - Networking Expertise: Strategically connect and build trust with new prospects. - Profile Growth: Increase my profile followers in an organic, meaningful way. - Genuinely approach people. - Someone who’s genuine, trust worthy & pays attention. - Someone who’s active and is always there and who care...
...following: **Fetch Data from SQL: Retrieve the correct row from an SQL database based on a value passed in the URL query (e.g., ?workorder=12345). Extract the corresponding URL from the database. Display PDF: Use the retrieved URL to display a PDF file in a viewer, such as , in the same way as in this demo: **Integrate with Forminator: Pass the retrieved URL into a hidden field in a Forminator form, allowing it to be submitted with the form. **Additional Information: * The website is built with Oxygen Builder. * You will have access to all necessary systems to complete the task. * If you have experience with WordPress, SQL, PDF viewers (e.g., ), and Forminator, this task should be straightforward. I am open for alternative solutions. Let me know if
We are a startup freelancing company looking for clients in various fields, including websites, mobile/desktop apps, AI engineering, and UI/UX design. Your task will be to find potential clients for us. For every client you find, you will earn 10-20% of the overall profits, depending on the complexity of the project. If a project is valued at $1000, you will receive $100-$200 for finding the client. Please feel free to DM me to discuss more about the advertising! Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong networking and communication skills - Experience in client acquisition for tech services - Understanding of various tech fields - Proficient in content marketing strategies
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was created by React Native Expo. We recently decided to remove expo in the project. 【Task】 You help us create a build package for the Web without using expo. You will be paid after the build package deployed to the remote server and tested. You have to work remotely on my computer via【AnyDesk】
I'm in need of a web-based roof estimating application primarily for contractors. The app should incorporate the following features: - Ability to have PDF drawings uploaded and the software able to measure the roof and associated lengths. - Material Estimation: The application should be able to provide accurate calculations on the amount and type of materials needed for various roofing projects. - Labor Estimation: The app should also estimate the labor cost based on the complexity and size of the roofing task. This project would suit a freelancer who has experience in developing contractor-focused web applications, and ideally, a background in construction or roofing. A keen understanding of material and labor estimation processes is also benefi...
I'm nearing the completion of a Dotnet core application designed to send prompts to an Open API and retrieve responses in HTML format for a viewer. I need some assistance with the final touches. - Main Task: - I need help primarily with the integration of the application with the Open API, specifically focusing on error handling and retry logic. - API Details: - The Open API I am working with is a RESTful API. I am looking for someone who is experienced with Dotnet core and has a strong understanding of RESTful APIs. Prior experience with error handling and retry logic in API integration is a plus. Your help will be invaluable in ensuring the final product is robust and reliable.
I'm looking for an experienced editor who can seamlessly integrate realistic campfire effects into a campsite scene in a short film. Film shot in 4K, 24 FPS and Rec-709A. Total VFX footage run time: 55 seconds of footage Key Requirements: - Adding realistic campfire fire effect to a medium shot of a campsite (x 12 shots, still camera) - Adding a realistic campfire in distance to scene with sm...creepy effects to a quick, small jump scare of 4 ghosts (1 x shot, 1 second long, filling out their eyes with white) Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software, preferably Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects - Experience with VFX, particularly fire effects - Strong attention to detail and ability to match the fire's intensity with the surrounding scene - Creativity and passion...
We are working on a computer vision project in the space domain. Our task is to find existing code for specific space-related applications, run the code on our computers, and understand how it works. (meaning we just have to run existing code from the internet e.g. GitHub... modifications on the source are allowed but no writing of code with no reference of an existing code) We have already identified the following applications and their corresponding GitHub repositories: 1. Crater detection on planetary surfaces Repository: [YOLOv5 Moon and Mars Crater Detection]((Krishna).ipynb) 2. Colorizing grayscale telescope images Repository: [Colorizing Space Images with GANs](https://www
Need an image retouching, and am looking for an experienced photo editor who can help me with this task. Please reach out if you think you can help.
...linkage and torque equations. Key Requirements: - Implementing the model in MATLAB/Simulink - Designing a vector control strategy for field-oriented control (FOC) with a primary focus on maximizing efficiency - Analyzing and presenting specific results I have specific parameters for the induction machine that need to be used. These parameters will be provided upon project commencement. Your task will also include analyzing and presenting: 1. Speed and torque responses under a step change in reference speed. 2. Current waveforms during acceleration and steady-state conditions. 3. Efficiency comparison under light-load and full-load operating conditions. Ideal Skills: - Advanced knowledge in electrical engineering - Proficiency in MATLAB/Simulink - Experience with field-orient...
I'm in need of a skilled Photoshop expert to assist with photo editing. The primary task will be removing people from images with solid color backgrounds. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Adobe Photoshop - Experience with photo editing and retouching - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines Your task will involve: - Removing people from images without compromising the quality of the photo - Ensuring the edited images look natural and seamless Please provide examples of previous similar work in your proposal.
I'm in need of a proficient Webflow developer to assist with some minor alterations to my website's header and footer. This is a straightforward task with a fixed budget of $11. Tasks include: - Rearranging current sections in the header - Removing existing sections in the footer - Adding social media icons in the header - Ensuring responsive design across all devices Please note: - Only experienced Webflow developers should apply - You must agree to the fixed budget - A quick turnaround time is highly appreciated!
I am in need of a freelancer that can assist me with copying data from a protected Excel worksheet to a new, unprotected spreadsheet. Details: - I do not have the password to the protected worksheet - I can edit the worksheet, but cannot remove the protection - I need all data transferred from the protected worksheet to the new spreadsheet Ideal skill...Details: - I do not have the password to the protected worksheet - I can edit the worksheet, but cannot remove the protection - I need all data transferred from the protected worksheet to the new spreadsheet Ideal skills for this job would include proficiency in Excel, data entry, and an understanding of data confidentiality. As I cannot remove the protection, the freelancer will need to handle this task with discretion and profes...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me edit my logo. The primary task is to decrease the spacing between words in the text of my logo as there is a small gap that for some reason im having trouble changing (Between golf and ball). Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic Design - Logo Editing - Attention to Detail Please submit your proposal if you can assist with this.
I'm in need of an expert who can create G-code from scratch for a Ghost Gunner 3 CNC machine, specifically focused on firearm component manufacturing using 3D printed parts. - G-Code Creation: The main task involves developing G-code to manufacture various firearm components, including lower receivers, upper receivers, and trigger assemblies, from 3D printed parts. - CNC Proficiency: A deep understanding of the Ghost Gunner 3 CNC machine is essential, along with expertise in G-code programming. Ideal candidates for this project would have a background in firearm component manufacturing, CNC operation, and G-code programming. Good attention to detail and adherence to safety and legal standards in firearm manufacturing is crucial.
I need assistance with data entry from approximately 170 invoices. All invoices are in PDF format and have a consistent layout. The task involves locating EAN codes in the left section of the invoices, extracting prices and calculating the total sum. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry - Attention to detail - Ability to follow instructions precisely Experience: - Prior experience with data extraction from invoices preferred.
I'm seeking a talented writer experienced in crafting Wikipedia articles to create a biographical piece about a public figure. Key Requirements: - Proven experienc...to create a biographical piece about a public figure. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing for Wikipedia - Exceptional research and writing skills - Ability to adhere to Wikipedia's standards and guidelines - Capable of creating a compelling and neutral biography I can provide a wealth of resources including: - News articles - The official website of the subject - Interviews Your task will be to sift through these materials, extract the most relevant information, and present it in a manner that's suitable for Wikipedia. Please ensure to maintain a neutral point of view and adhere to Wikipe...
...contractors and vendors. 4. Project Management: Maintain a task list for multiple ongoing projects to help me prioritize and stay focused. Regularly follow up with contractors and suppliers to ensure deadlines are met. 5. Sugarcrete Initiative: Research and compile a list of bagasse suppliers in Belize for future brick manufacturing. Track costs related to Sugarcrete separately from gym expenses. Ideal Skills & Experience: Strong project management and organization skills. Experience with branding, marketing, and social media management. Proficient in financial tracking tools like Excel or Google Sheets. Familiarity with website development, online payment systems, and POS systems. Great communicator and skilled at keeping others on task. Resourceful...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a logo for my car dealer. We already have a concept in mind, and your task will be to bring this vision to life. The name of our car dealer is ”BEST GERMANY AUTOS”. All cars are imported from Germany. In the attach you can see one example. PLEASE CHECK IT BEFORE READING! The ”shield” from the back of the car should be replaced with one minimalist shape of land/country Germany. The car in the image should be replaced with one representative german car (I think BMW or Volkswagen will be perfect). The text in the image will be replaced with our car dealership name: BEST GERMANY AUTOS Key Elements: - The logo should incorporate a car graphic and our company name. Color Scheme: - The logo should utilize the colors...
...Description: We are looking for a sharp, experienced bookkeeper to review our instructional manual for preparing weekly income reports. Our current manual, paired with a video tutorial, is causing confusion for new hires, and we need an expert to evaluate it for clarity and usability. Key Details: The manual is specific to property management software, not traditional bookkeeping software. The task involves: Reading the instructions and watching a short video (about 1 hour). Identifying areas of confusion or improvement. Providing suggestions or edits to make the manual clearer and more user-friendly. This is a one-time project that we need completed as soon as possible. Requirements: Strong bookkeeping experience. Excellent attention to detail and communication skills. Abilit...
I'm in need of a proficient sourcing agent who can help me procure fur tails for resale. The quantity will be less than 100, but I expect a reliable supplier network and the ability to negotiate competitive prices. If they offer drop shipping even better!! Ideal S...Experience with fur-related products or similar items - Knowledge of the resale market - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Your primary responsibilities will include: - Identifying and vetting potential suppliers - Negotiating prices and terms - Ensuring the quality of the sourced products - Coordinating delivery and logistics Please provide a detailed plan on how you would approach this task, along with any relevant past experiences. A strong track record and positive reviews will be highly regar...
I have trained multiple targets to predict football outcomes and now I'm seeking a machine learning expert. Your task will be to thoroughly review my models and improve the accuracy of each target by at least 5%. Key details: - The current model in use is Random Forest. - The primary aim is to improve accuracy