Web based stock chartsproiecte
Suntem o firma de import si export cu sediul in Cluj. Biroul nostru de vanzari este situat in Bucuresti. Cumpărăm o mulțime de produse de la licitațiile străine. Conduc o afacere în București care operează atât un magazin online, cât și fizic. Caut un specialist în marketing calificat care să mă ajute să măresc vânzările de produse. Specialistul selectat va fi compensat printr-un comision de 5% la toate vânzările pe care le generează. Responsabilitati cheie: - Dezvoltați și implementați o strategie de marketing cuprinzătoare pentru a stimula vânzările de produse. - Utilizați eficient atât canalele de vânzare online, cât și cele fizice. - Monitorizarea și analizarea eficienței diferitelor inițiative de marketing. Abilități și e...
Am nevoie de cineva , de preferat sa stie limba romana , care se pricepe la integrare module curier , le am instalate dar nu functioneaza nici unul , adaugare produse noi , organizare/cunostinte stoc avansat
Caut o persoană* care să se ocupe de editarea video-urilor pentru canalul de Youtube Hello Doggie (). - Editare video din stock footage - Realizare video long form & Shorts - Cuts din video-uri mai vechi pentru Shorts - Realizarea thumbnails - Inserare Motion Graphics Volum: 1-2 videos pe săptămână Este necesar să existe posibilitatea de emitere factură. *De preferat din România. Putem discuta mai multe detalii în privat.
Buna! Magazinul meu online (woocoomerce) este conectat la EMAG. La un moment dat am reusit sa transfer un produs in mod automat, p...product automatically, through the EMAG module which is installed on the site - directly in Emag. But I don't think it's connected anywhere or I don't know. Someone helped me and said that everything is set up correctly but it still doesn't work. The products are not transferred to e-mag, although we have configured them on the site as required. AND my e-mag orders don't even enter the site and the stock doesn't change automatically. So half of the work is already done. I need to transfer the products (there are a maximum of 30 products) and then exchange real-time orders and stocks from Emag directly into the online store...
Cine suntem? Suntem un studio de Animație și Vfx progresist, care creează spoturi publicitare și desene animate. La baza succesului nostru stă un portofoliu de peste 200 de proiecte implementate la nivel național și internațional, o echipa dinamică și multă creativitate. Sarcinile și atribuțiile postului: să cauți și să elaborezi bază de date cu potențiali clienți; deservirea clienților actuali; recepționarea si managementul comenzilor primite; să programați și desfășurați întâlniri / întâlniri Zoom cu clienții; să efectuarea prezentărilor de produs; să negocierea și semnarea contractelor; să construiești relații cu clienții de lungă durată; să faci constant follow-up către clienții indeciși; să conduci clientul către încheierea tranzacției; elaborarea unui b...
...realizeze un videoclip de calitate scurt de 30-40 secunde. In CANVA sau orice program cunoscut voua. Tema: prezentare produse tradiționale pentru Crăciun. Cartaboș, toba, rasoale, prăjituri, tot ce e nevoie pentru masa de Crăciun. Clipul este pentru a fi postat pe Facebook pe pagina unui magazin alimentar cu produse romanesti din UK. Va trebui sa gasiti voi poze cu produsele pe internet si free stock videos (gen pexels) pentru a le asambla impreuna. Pe fundal trebuie sa punem o colinda (instrumental) - de gasit pe internet. Exemplu de clip: - insa acesta este orientativ, este scurt si nu are produse. Timp de realizare 48h Buget: 50 USD Va rog sa aplicati cu portofoliu de proiecte similare si doar daca puteti onora timpul limita cat si bugetul. __ *vorbitori
Bună, Arpit A.. Ți-am remarcat profilul și-aș dori să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile pe chat. 1 50 5 days complete design of admin and agent panel 2 300 7 days admintagentlogin, product/supplier/employee add/edit/delete/stock/, agents will see prod PO, Chat, order form, order confirmation, sales process, sms gateway 4 100 5 days I nvoice, barcode generation,adding and remove the products by scanning barcodes, convert to Romania language 5 150 2 days Testing and live Total 600 28 days
Suntem o companie proaspat infiintata in Iasi si vindem ceaiuri. Dorim sa construim un site e-commerce pentru ele cu o tema de stock, cum e themeforest.com. Cautam un web designer roman. Am atasat un scurt brief cu mai multe informatii. Multumim
Aplicatie intranet formata din mai multe module scrise in diferite perioade de timp incepand cu 2004. Am nevoie sa obtin un redesign (migrare la boostrap 4) al aplicatiei pastrand functionalitatile existente. Unul din module as vrea sa fie redesenat astfel incat sa atat pentru mobil cat si pentru web, in momentul de fata existand doua aplicatii separate.
Scop principal: - Citirea / extragerea unor datelor specifice din fisiere PDF (fisierele PDF au aceasi structura -versiune PDF 1.4), afisarea datelor si oferirea posibilitatii de modificare a lor - Ecran (form) selectare optiuni (yes / No) - Tiparire raport bazat pe datele extrase Functionalitati aditionale: - Creare conturi / profil. - Planuri tarifare (bazat pe numar de documente procesate per / luna) - Per fiecare utilizator – stocare ultimul document procesat - Stocare la nivel de utilizator numar de documente procesate / nr de pagii / data - Emitere automata factura conform plan tarifar ales (conectare cu smart bill)
Agentie Brokeri Imobiliari . Doresc logo design ( fara proiecte stock ) . am nevoie de : Format vectorial: DA , Design coala cu antet , Design carte de vizita , Formate logo predate: jpg, eps, pdf, png, tiff
Cautam un developer care poate dezvolta un sistem web based de gestiune a clientilor. Functii esentiale: posibilitate de preluare date din Google Sheet; generare rapoarte si salvare in PDF si Excel generare contracte PDF dupa un model; gestiune clienti, documentele lor, situatie plati.
Hello! I own an online shop that sells woman shoes! Now if you want to see if your size is on stock you have to enter the product page and select the size and it will tell you if it is on stock! What I want to do is: The variations (sizes) on stock to be displayed on the first page under every product like in the picture! The site is in worldpress it uses woocomerce and ocean wp theme!
!!! ONLY ROMANIA !!!!! In mare Baza de date include ca functionalitati urmatoarele: Functie adaugare persoane in baza de date Campuri disponibile intre 60 si 100 in functie de necesitatile clientului ; Se customizeaza in functie de informatiile oferite ; Pot fi adaugate ulteriol si alte campuri in baza contractului de mentenanta ; Functie editare fisa persoana adaugata Permite orice modificare a informatiilor introduse anterior; Posibilitate de cautare in baza de date dupa oricare din campurile folosite Se poate cauta dupa unul sau mai multe campuri simultan ; Vizualizare fisa personala: Administrator – vizualizare date complete, acces functii complete (inclusiv contact) Editor – in functie de alegerea Administratorului Utilizator – vizualizare date partiale (ce alege ...
Buna ziua, Nu imi dau seama daca imi permit serviciile dvs, intrucat nu stiu sa apreciez tariful orar. Cat costa, de exemplu, ilustratia "my hare's house" din portofoliul dvs? Dar o ilustratie in genul Am nevoie de 5-6 ilustratii pentru o carte pe care am publicat-o in regie proprie (self-publishing), in creion, alb-negru. Va multumesc
Aplicatia este pentru a administra o retea de panouri publicitare, care sa fie impartita pe mai multe module de exemplu: - vanzari (ofertare, posibilitatea de a intocmi o oferta personalizata in functie de cerintele clientilor intr-un format excel, rezervare locatii in urma une cereri , costuri de vanzari, raportare...media(adaugare de panouri noi in aplicatie, modificarea lor si a datelor,contracte cu proprietarii unde sunt amplasate panourile, raport lunar cu ce plati sunt de facut catre proprietarii de locatii) - suport tehnic (gestionarea montarii reclamelor pe zile, trimiterea pozelor ca reclama s-a afisat catre clienti, raport periodic plata a muncitorului care monteaza reclama.. etc) Aplicatia as vrea sa fie web si responsive pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa ma ...
Caut Freelancer din Constanta pentru joburi Project-Based. Cerinte: - Limba engleza nivel avansat - Cunostinte HTML5/CSS3 - Cunostinte javascript/jQuery - Cunostinte PHP si CMS (Wordpress) - Cunostinte medii Photoshop Detinerea unui laptop bun este necesara, alte detalii pe privat. Jobul consta in realizare de siteuri PSD to Wordpress. Cunostinte de folosire ACF reprezinta un mare plus
Este vorba despre un site care ofera spre vanzare produse organice cu sursa locala, si rechizite agro-urbanistice pentru domeniul HoReCa si nu numai. Template-ul este deja achizitionat, dorim doar personalizarea site-ului si punerea in functiune shop-ului online cu pluginurile necesare. Site mai are rolul de catalog online care poate fi mentinut si...vorba despre un site care ofera spre vanzare produse organice cu sursa locala, si rechizite agro-urbanistice pentru domeniul HoReCa si nu numai. Template-ul este deja achizitionat, dorim doar personalizarea site-ului si punerea in functiune shop-ului online cu pluginurile necesare. Site mai are rolul de catalog online care poate fi mentinut si updatat in permanenta. Suportam costurile contentului stock. Template-ul se numeste tomoko org...
Caut statistician pasionat, cu experienta, pentru finisarea unui proiect de cercetare, in perioada mai-iulie 2016.
Made and posted on various and multiple sites advertising commercials and advertisements and commercials for various private companies and individuals. I promote my shop online through various businesses. Do not hesitate, prices are low and negotiable. Create and manage Facebook pages Plateaus in...multiple sites advertising commercials and advertisements and commercials for various private companies and individuals. I promote my shop online through various businesses. Do not hesitate, prices are low and negotiable. Create and manage Facebook pages Plateaus individuals and private companies, post ads and online marketing advertising and commercial companies, financial companies, auctions, stock exchanges, banks and financial institutions, businessmen, stars and movie stars, fash...
Numele = STOCK folosit la comercializarea si promovarea conservelor de legume si fructe
Proiectul este pentru o companie Belgiana care doreste o combinatie intre platforma de freelanceri si un site. Proiectul trebuie finalizat pana in martie 2015, iar in cadrul echipei vor fi 3 specialisti. Se ofera: > salariu atractiv; > posibilitatea de a lucra la de acasa; > se poate lucra cu contract PFA;
360 Business Soft oferă soluții software profesioniste pentru afaceri. Proiectul este in construcție, se lucrează pe module, fiecare modul fiind alocat unui pro...Gannt a fost finalizata Faza 2 include funcții de: calendar proiect, splitare activități, WBS, adaugare, editare, stergere, afisare resurse Faza 3 grafic de incarcare resures, rapoarte specifice in Word, excel, pdf: grafic gannt, grafic de incarcare resurse, flux de numerar, resurse 3. Modul gestiune Faza 1 intrari, definire gestiuni, afisare stocuri Faza 2 iesiri, scadere din stock, rezervare stock Faza 3 rapoarte pe gestiune Aștept un email in care sa specificați: Ce proiecte ați realizat in trecut? Ce tehnologii ați folosit? Care dintre modulele prezentate mai sus prezinta interes pentru dumne...
Am nevoie de un RSS care sa importe de pe Facebook pe un forum IPBoard. Am un RSS bagat sub forma de hook (pentru ca cel stock de pe forum este praf) dar nu sunt multumit de el, importul este limitat. Nu importa numele celor care au postat si nici pozele acestora (in settings la rss trebuie sa aleg eu un membru al forumului cu numele caruia apar toate feed-urile) si daca tin bine minte nu importa comentariile la posturi ci doar posturile.
We are an Italian Web Agency interested in working with bucuresti programmers. We will be in Bucuresti from 07 OCtober to 10 October; we will meet programmers. Send us your portfolio and work experience. We will evaluate and contact for an appointment in Bucuresti. ************************************ Suntem o agentie web italian interesat de lucru cu bucuresti programatori. Vom fi in Bucuresti de la 07 octombrie până la 10 octombrie; ne vom întâlni programatori. Trimite-ne portofoliul și experiența de muncă. Vom evalua și contacta pentru o programare in Bucuresti.
Salutare, Cineva care sa ma poata ajuta cu un program vechi (scris inainte de anul 2.000) de evidenta a unui mic hotel (facturare, reserve, clienti, blablabla cu baze de date .dbf ; executabil .exe) - firma software nu mai asigura nici un fel de suport, am depashi...oooold application, the creator doesn't offer support anymore,written before year 2000, easy to modify for somebody who knows compiling things (I do not know, hahahaha...), need to eliminate shittie protection (allowed maximum data 2.010 !!! from some clipper who calls now a blinker exceeded data ??? - god knows what does it means) and remove also some hwid prot. (hdd based???, also other devices I guess). I repeat, an old win98 based application (small hotel billing and reservations, with clients,bills,pri...
Aplicatia consta in gestionarea fluxului de comenzi si obtinerea de rapoarte privitoare la activitate. Preferam un partener din Galati pentru a usura documentarea si implementarea aplicatiei. De principiu am fi interesati de o persoana care sa dezvolte proiectul tinand cont de: - limbaje pentru implementarea aplicatiei, de ales dintre (in ordinea preferintei noastre, dar nu este o conditie): PHP, RUBY, PYTON, JAVASCRIPT, JAVA sau C++, C#, J#, Objective C, .NET - cunostinte SQL necesare pentru gestionarea/manipularea bazelor de date (se va utiliza ca preferinta MySQL), HTML si CSS. - ne-ar avantaja cunoasterea bibliotecilor javascript gen JQUERY, PROTOTYPE, etc. Precizam ca avem deja in functiune o aplicatie care functioneaza dar dorim un upgrade de substanta care presupune rescrierea...
I'm in need of a reliable integration of price alerts into a web platform for stocks trading. This will be specifically for Sensibull. Key Requirements: - Development of price alerts for stocks. - Integration of these alerts into a web platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong experience with stock trading alerts. - Proficiency in web development and platform integration. - Previous experience with Sensibull is a plus.
...sourcing, I’d love to work with you! Here’s what I need assistance with: ✅ Amazon Seller Account Setup ✅ Product Research & Validation ✅ Sourcing 5 High-Quality Products ✅ Listing Creation and Optimization - Titles, Bullet Points, and Descriptions - SEO to improve discoverability ✅ Supplier Negotiations & Coordination ✅ Shipment Creation - Label generation for units and boxes - Organizing and sending stock to Amazon warehouses ✅ Micro Brand Registry Assistance I’m looking for someone with a proven track record of successfully launching products on Amazon. If you can guide me through the process and help set up a profitable business, please reach out with your portfolio or previous work experience. Let’s work together to build a successful Amazon...
...user-friendly interface for customers to book tables. - Admin Dashboard: This should include features for managing bookings, overseeing sales reports, and having an overview of table availability. - Availability Check: The system should be able to check the availability of tables in real-time. - Booking History: Keeping track of past bookings for future references. - Sales Report: Generating reports based on sales data. - Simple Design: The design should be uncomplicated, focusing on smooth functionality and effective table management. Moreover, customers should receive booking confirmations via SMS. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Laravel - Previous work on restaurant booking systems or similar projects - Strong understanding of adm...
I'm in need of a seasoned Amibroker expert who can code a custom AFL for stock screening based on multi-timeframe analysis. Key requirements: - Proficient in Amibroker and AFL - Experience in developing stock screening tools - Knowledge of multi-timeframe analysis - Able to incorporate Hourly and Daily timeframes into the exploration The objective is to screen stocks, specifically mid-cap stocks, using a custom multi-timeframe approach. The ideal freelancer would have a strong background in stock market analysis, coding, and the use of Amibroker. Please include examples of relevant past projects in your bid.
I'm looking for a knowledgeable professional with a passion for learning about open-source and proprietary Large ...knowledgeable professional with a passion for learning about open-source and proprietary Large Language Models (LLMs) such as OpenAI, Anthropic, Bedrock, etc. The ideal candidate will have the ability to design a robust cloud-based solution architecture on AWS right from the start. Key Responsibilities: - Designing solution architectures using various LLMs - Utilizing AWS for a cloud-based infrastructure - Delivering high-quality, efficient designs quickly Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of LLMs - Proficiency in AWS - Experience in designing cloud-based solutions - Strong problem-solving skills - Passion for learning and staying ...
I'm seeking a dedicated and driven Sales Telecaller to assist with following up on warm leads, specifically within the EdTech industry. Your primary goal will be to close sales during these follow-up calls. Key responsibilities: - Contacting potential clien...I will provide comprehensive product training sessions to ensure you have a solid understanding of our offerings. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in sales and telecalling, particularly in the EdTech industry, is highly desirable. - Strong communication and persuasive skills. - Ability to follow a script while also using discretion and judgement to steer conversations. The role is commission-based, which means your earnings are directly tied to your sales success. This offers significant potential for high income for ...
I need a dashboard that visualizes and organizes the errors found in the List 1 and List 2 tabs of my Excel file. The goal is to track missing or blank cells within the data. The dashboard should include charts and graphs to clearly display the error data. Additionally, it should feature a mini database section with filters, showcasing the missing data headers and cell references for quick identification and navigation.
**Website Overview:** This website will serve as a player stats and management system, featuring a **homepage** with a **top navigation bar**. The navbar will have a **text logo on the left** and **page navigation links on the right**. ### **Homepage Features:** - **Search Bar** (centered) – Players can search for gamertags. - **Leaderboard** – Displays rankings based on **total balance (descending order)**. - Columns: **Rank, Username, Total Balance, Additional Income, Total Deaths, Total Tickets, Overall Tickets, RP Played, Played as Cop, Played as Civ**. ### **Balance Page:** Accessible via the navbar, this page includes: - **Character Photo** - **Balance & Personal Assets** (Vehicles & Weapons) - **Payments** – Players can pay ou...
I'm looking for an expert in Tableau, specifically for creating interactive dashboards. The data will primarily come from Excel/CSV files, so proficiency with these sources is essential. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Tableau - Proficient in working with Excel/CSV files - Ability to design interactive charts and graphs The dashboard should feature interactive charts and graphs. I'm not looking for a static, one-dimensional dashboard; I need something that can engage users and allow them to explore the data on their own. If you have a proven track record of creating such dashboards and can deliver a high-quality, user-friendly product, I would love to hear from you. My cost is 10USD
I'm looking to create a Python-based pricer for equity total return swaps, specifically focusing on single stocks. The primary objective of this pricer is for valuation purposes. Key Requirements: - The pricer should be able to take into account the dividend yield and interest rates as inputs. - It should be able to accurately calculate the value of the swap based on these inputs. - The code should be clean, well-commented and easy to understand. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Python, with a strong background in financial modelling and valuation techniques. - Previous experience in developing financial software or tools. - Understanding of how equity total return swaps work, particularly in relation to single stocks. - Ability to incorporate various fina...
...comments. --- ### **Timeline:** - **Week 1:** Research myths/truths, finalize design template, and approve initial post draft. - **Week 2-4:** Create and deliver 12 posts and their corresponding stories/reels. --- ### **Tools and Resources:** - **Design Tools:** Adobe Photoshop, Canva, or similar. - **Bio Clinic Branding Assets:** Logo, approved fonts, and colors (provided by Bio Clinic). - **Stock Photos:** Use high-quality, royalty-free images if additional visuals are needed. --- ### **Review and Feedback:** - Submit drafts of posts and stories for review. - Incorporate feedback and deliver final versions ready for posting. --- ### **Expected Results:** - Increase in Instagram engagement (likes, comments, shares). - Improved brand awareness and patient inquiries. - Cl...
I'm in need of a full-fledged, reseller-ready School Management System website. This platform should encapsulate a multitude of core modules, alongside several essential additional ones. Core Modules: - Student Management - Attendance Tracking - Gradebook Management - WhatsApp integration - Payment integration - Free mobile application - Multi-role system - Mass SMS sending - Stock and inventory - Multi-campus - Parent/Student, Staff/Admin access in the same system - Examination Management - Hostel Management - Online Admissions - Reporting - Biometric/Face attendance Critical Additional Modules: - Examination Management - Hostel Management - Online Admissions Access Levels: - Parent/Student - Staff/Admin - Multi-campus The ideal freelancer for this project should have ext...
...Progressive Web App (PWA). ________________________________________ Project Scope Key Features 1. Locate Nearest Waste Dump/Bin Station and Recycling Center: o Use free APIs (e.g., Google Maps, OpenStreetMap) to display nearby waste bins and recycling centers based on the user’s geographic location. o Allow users to search for locations manually. 2. Learning Module: o Provide information about waste types, categories, and recycling tips. o Include a simple, interactive interface for users to browse content. 3. Waste & Recycling Log: o Allow users to log waste and recycling activities. o Fields: Waste Type (Dropdown), Weight (Number Input), Date (Date Picker), Loca-tion (Text Input or Geolocation). 4. Basic Reports and Dashboard: o Generate basic reports and visua...
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...business models • Gaps in existing research Methodology • Research design (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods) • Sampling techniques and participant selection • Data collection methods (surveys, interviews, case studies) • Data analysis strategies (statistical analysis, thematic analysis) • Ethical considerations in conducting research Results/Findings • Presentation of collected data (charts, graphs, tables) • Key findings related to AI implementation in business models • Insights drawn from case studies or interviews Discussion • Interpretation of results in the context of existing literature • Implications of findings for businesses and AI practitioners • Challenges and limitations of implementing AI in busin...
I'm looking for a skilled game developer to create a multiplayer card game for the web. Key Requirements: - Design and develop a unique, engaging multiplayer card game. - Ensure the game is exclusively for web platforms. - Implement smooth, reliable multiplayer functionality. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web-based game development. - Experienced in creating multiplayer card games. - Creative and capable of developing unique game concepts.
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... so it needs to meet high academic standards. the paper should be unique and novel>> mybe i uses multiple or around 10 case studies of buildings using DFS (Double skin facade) and mybe you make thermal comfort statistics on them . you may find data from other references. and then you compare the data or you can use another methodology you see appropriate. i want to see analyses including charts, data statistics , or numbers then you reach a novel result about the facade technique DFS usage in particular type of buildings or new design or particular location this is what we need to do i need this research paper to be fully done under a suggested journal guidelines you can see other similar researches on Scopus and google scholar . you can rephrase them in a...
... I'm in need of a top-tier stock trader and commentator for our trade-bot in a weekly live streaming event. The primary focus of the event will be analyzing specific stocks. Key Requirements: - Expert in technical analysis, with a strong emphasis on: - Chart patterns - Indicators like RSI and MACD - Volume analysis - Excellent communication skills for live commentary - Ability to engage and educate the audience Ideal Skills: - Proficient in using technical analysis tools - Experience in live trading commentary - Strong understanding of stock market dynamics - Ability to analyze specific stocks in real-time Experience: - Previous roles as a stock trader or analyst - Experience in live streaming or broadcasting - Proven track record of successful s...
...(EDM) to create an innovative AI agent that delivers daily updates on trending EDM tracks. This AI agent will serve a community of dedicated EDM fans who exclusively use Spotify, offering them a curated and seamless way to stay up-to-date with the latest music trends. Project Goals: Track Discovery: Develop an AI agent that locates trending EDM tracks daily from various sources such as Spotify charts, blogs, social media, and forums like Reddit or EDM-focused sites. Gather metadata about each track, including artist information, release date, genre, and popularity trends. Create a brief description for each track, highlighting why it's trending or what makes it unique. Playlist Curation: Automatically update a dedicated Spotify playlist with the day’s trending track...
I have raw data spread across 8 Excel tabs, primarily ...Excel tabs, primarily focused on economic analysis. The data encompasses critical economic indicators such as GDP growth, unemployment rates, and inflation rates. I urgently need someone to summarize this data and create a visually appealing, comprehensive dashboard. Key Requirements: - Summarize the data across 8 Excel tabs - Create a detailed, user-friendly dashboard - Utilize various types of charts, formulas, functions, and Pivots as necessary Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel, particularly with data analysis and visualization - Experience in economic data analysis - Ability to create aesthetically pleasing and clear dashboards Please note, the timeline for this project is urgent. Your promptness and efficiency will b...
Outlaw Helsinki, a Finnish streetwear brand, is seeking skilled freelance graphic designers to create dynamic and visually striking designs based on textual slogans. The designs should embody the rebellious yet positive spirit of urban culture, inspired by graffiti, street art, and the vibrant energy of the streets. About Outlaw Helsinki Outlaw Helsinki challenges traditional business norms by promoting fairness and equality. Our mission is to break the rules positively to make a difference. We embody a bold, progressive ethos, sharing all profits equally among our team. As a streetwear brand, we draw inspiration from the raw, unfiltered essence of urban culture and street style. We’re commissioning multiple designs that blend textual slogans with illustrative elements. Y...
...Haunting Hour. This channel explores paranormal stories, haunted locations, and mysterious events, and I need your skills to help bring these tales to life visually. Job Overview: Your task is to produce a high-quality AI video that captures the essence of the paranormal while aligning with the style and tone of The Haunting Hour. Responsibilities: • Create an engaging, visually appealing AI video based on a provided paranormal story or topic. • Integrate eerie and atmospheric visuals to match the theme of the paranormal. • Incorporate high-quality sound effects and background music to enhance the mood. • Ensure smooth transitions, captivating animations, and a cohesive storyline. • Add the channel name, The Haunting Hour, prominently in the intro ...