
Căutările mele recente
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    2,000 web based easy database proiecte găsite

    Suntem o firma de import si export cu sediul in Cluj. Biroul nostru de vanzari este situat in Bucuresti. Cumpărăm o mulțime de produse de la licitațiile străine. Conduc o afacere în București care operează atât un magazin online, cât și fizic. Caut un specialist în marketing calificat care să mă ajute să măresc vânzările de produse. Specialistul selectat va fi compensat printr-un comision de 5% la toate vânzările pe care le generează. Responsabilitati cheie: - Dezvoltați și implementați o strategie de marketing cuprinzătoare pentru a stimula vânzările de produse. - Utilizați eficient atât canalele de vânzare online, cât și cele fizice. - Monitorizarea și analizarea eficienței diferitelor inițiative de marketing. Abilități și e...

    $1533 Average bid
    $1533 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    )* pentru o buna comunicare doresc doar programatori din Romania proiectul consta in migrarea produselor de pe o platforma veche (xt-commerce) pe opencart 3.0x sunt insa particularitati care trebuie clarificate si implementate

    $1107 Average bid
    $1107 Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    Buna ziua ! Caut o persoana pt un set up cu anydesk integreze toate marketplacesurile + site custom cu baselinker sau easy sales. 2. Sa imi afiseze toate produsele din site ul custom in google google merchant

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Cine suntem? Suntem un studio de Animație și Vfx progresist, care creează spoturi publicitare și desene animate. La baza succesului nostru stă un portofoliu de peste 200 de proiecte implementate la nivel național și internațional, o echipa dinamică și multă creativitate. Sarcinile și atribuțiile postului: să cauți și să elaborezi bază de date cu potențiali clienți; deservirea clienților actuali; recepționarea si managementul comenzilor primite; să programați și desfășurați întâlniri / întâlniri Zoom cu clienții; să efectuarea prezentărilor de produs; să negocierea și semnarea contractelor; să construiești relații cu clienții de lungă durată; să faci constant follow-up către clienții indeciși; să conduci clientul către încheierea tranzacției; elaborarea unui b...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Descrierea proiectului este in fisierul atasat.

    $96 Average bid
    $96 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    Factory shoes database
    S-a încheiat left

    Cautam pe cineva sa lucreze in PHP (Laravel) + MySQL pentru o aplicatie web care gestioneaza activitatea unei fabrici de incaltaminte. Aplicatia este facuta, insa are anumite erori care presupun niste ore de munca.

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Oferta medie
    17 oferte
    Access Database -- 2
    S-a încheiat left

    Creare de Baza de Date pentru firma

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    I would need a logo for a website that will offer web design services (websites / online stores), custom web application development, hosting. the website has the domain: The logo should be simple. It can be just a text with something to think about the activity we perform. to be clean and easy to use for future promotional materials. (T-shirts, coffee cups, etc.). the colors we would like to be no more than two, but to express energy.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta medie
    57 oferte

    Aplicatie intranet formata din mai multe module scrise in diferite perioade de timp incepand cu 2004. Am nevoie sa obtin un redesign (migrare la boostrap 4) al aplicatiei pastrand functionalitatile existente. Unul din module as vrea sa fie redesenat astfel incat sa atat pentru mobil cat si pentru web, in momentul de fata existand doua aplicatii separate.

    $488 Average bid
    $488 Oferta medie
    27 oferte

    Scop principal: - Citirea / extragerea unor datelor specifice din fisiere PDF (fisierele PDF au aceasi structura -versiune PDF 1.4), afisarea datelor si oferirea posibilitatii de modificare a lor - Ecran (form) selectare optiuni (yes / No) - Tiparire raport bazat pe datele extrase Functionalitati aditionale: - Creare conturi / profil. - Planuri tarifare (bazat pe numar de documente procesate per / luna) - Per fiecare utilizator – stocare ultimul document procesat - Stocare la nivel de utilizator numar de documente procesate / nr de pagii / data - Emitere automata factura conform plan tarifar ales (conectare cu smart bill)

    $1701 Average bid
    $1701 Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    Design site in format .psd
    S-a încheiat left

    I am looking for an experienced WEB DESIGNER. Its portfolio should include design proposals for: ad sites, social platforms, dashboard variants, user profile presentation variants, interactions, messaging, etc. I am looking to invest in a dating site and ads on the same topic. For now I only need the design of the pages in .psd format. I want to get in touch with people who have experience in design, because I want a modern design in which UI / UX blends perfectly so as to allow the user an easy navigation, to understand from the first moments the functionalities of the site, in the end to enjoy a pleasant experience.

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Am nevoie de un Frontend developer pentru o aplicatie web cu Angular 9 with Material Design plus unele componente din Covalent , HTTP, JWT Auth si NgRx si .Net Core pe backend. Structura aplicatiei este: Login, Dashboard, 5 Module care contin in general formulare pentru introdus date si informatii din baza de date afisate sub forma tabelara, Rapoarte care se genereaza in xls, upload de documente, Setari si contul utilizatorului. Activitatile care trebuie facute sunt legate de UX, functionalitate, UI, ma intereseaza un design simplu gen Apple app, easy to use, eye catching, light, colorful, clean etc,

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Cautam un developer care poate dezvolta un sistem web based de gestiune a clientilor. Functii esentiale: posibilitate de preluare date din Google Sheet; generare rapoarte si salvare in PDF si Excel generare contracte PDF dupa un model; gestiune clienti, documentele lor, situatie plati.

    $1239 Average bid
    $1239 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    It is a short and easy Read and Record task. Takes 20-30 minutes. I will provide further details.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte
    prestashop integrare API
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, RO only (no offence but is easy for me to explain technical terms) Am un site in prestashop Trebuie testat/implementat cateva functionalitati precum: inserat lista feed, comanda produse. Integrare API. De preferat firma. Ma intereseaza o colaborare pe termen lung pentru ca am mai multe de facut in perioada care urmeaza, cum ar fi: inserare plata cu cardul, optimizare seo (activat/dezactivat si modificat module) si altele .. Mihai

    $158 Average bid
    $158 Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    Cautam pe cineva smart & active, care sa ne ajute cu crearea de continut pentru paginile noastre de Instagram si Facebook, dar si cu crearea si administrarea de campanii publicitare pe retelele de socializare. Persoana care isi va asuma ...precum si termenul de executie. Este proiect unic, nu se imparte in loturi, plata se face numai la finalul fiecarei campanii saptamanale sau lunare. Valoare estimata a proiectului: 1000 euro/lunar. Procedura de lucru: Freelancerii implicati vor elabora un plan de marketing saptamanal/lunar/trimestrial supus aprobarii noastre inainte de implementare. Skilluri necesare? - illustrator sau photoshop easy worker - facebook/instagram ads specialist - copywriter ballanced IMPORTANT: Pretul afisat NU este cel real. Despre pret discutam in mesaje s...

    $52 Average bid
    $52 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    !!! ONLY ROMANIA !!!!! In mare Baza de date include ca functionalitati urmatoarele: Functie adaugare persoane in baza de date Campuri disponibile intre 60 si 100 in functie de necesitatile clientului ; Se customizeaza in functie de informatiile oferite ; Pot fi adaugate ulteriol si alte campuri in baza contractului de mentenanta ; Functie editare fisa persoana adaugata Permite orice modificare a informatiilor introduse anterior; Posibilitate de cautare in baza de date dupa oricare din campurile folosite Se poate cauta dupa unul sau mai multe campuri simultan ; Vizualizare fisa personala: Administrator – vizualizare date complete, acces functii complete (inclusiv contact) Editor – in functie de alegerea Administratorului Utilizator – vizualizare date partiale (ce alege ...

    $480 Average bid
    $480 Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    Aplicatia este pentru a administra o retea de panouri publicitare, care sa fie impartita pe mai multe module de exemplu: - vanzari (ofertare, posibilitatea de a intocmi o oferta personalizata in functie de cerintele clientilor intr-un format excel, rezervare locatii in urma une cereri , costuri de vanzari, de panouri noi in aplicatie, modificarea lor si a datelor,contracte cu proprietarii unde sunt amplasate panourile, raport lunar cu ce plati sunt de facut catre proprietarii de locatii) - suport tehnic (gestionarea montarii reclamelor pe zile, trimiterea pozelor ca reclama s-a afisat catre clienti, raport periodic plata a muncitorului care monteaza reclama.. etc) Aplicatia as vrea sa fie web si responsive pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa ma ...

    $1274 Average bid
    $1274 Oferta medie
    31 oferte

    Caut Freelancer din Constanta pentru joburi Project-Based. Cerinte: - Limba engleza nivel avansat - Cunostinte HTML5/CSS3 - Cunostinte javascript/jQuery - Cunostinte PHP si CMS (Wordpress) - Cunostinte medii Photoshop Detinerea unui laptop bun este necesara, alte detalii pe privat. Jobul consta in realizare de siteuri PSD to Wordpress. Cunostinte de folosire ACF reprezinta un mare plus

    $510 Average bid
    $510 Oferta medie
    19 oferte
    Build an Online Store
    S-a încheiat left

    Magazin Online piese auto cu baza de date TecDoc integrata Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de ad...optimizat pentru motoarele de cautare, posibilitate de cautare dupa coduri , denumiri , etc ! Nu licitati decat daca stiti exact ce presupune baza de date TecDoc ,pentru a nu ne pierde timpul unii altora ! Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site [url removed, login to view] site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... Please only bid if you know what TecDoc ...

    $861 Average bid
    $861 Oferta medie
    22 oferte

    Caut statistician pasionat, cu experienta, pentru finisarea unui proiect de cercetare, in perioada mai-iulie 2016.

    $440 Average bid
    $440 Oferta medie
    14 oferte
    Chat Room with database
    S-a încheiat left

    Doresc un chat room in care sa se intre daca utilizatorul s-a logat cu succes, cu inregistrarea utilizatorilor, a mesajelor din chat room intr-o singura baza de date cu mai multe tabele care sa se integreze perfect in site-ul pe care il am deja construit in Asp.Net MVC in Visual Studio 2015. Dupa inchiderea si apoi redeschiderea applicatiei doresc sa vad toate mesajele scrise vreodata in site-ul web. Pentru mai multe detali contactati-ma pe email sau aici!

    $38 Average bid
    $38 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Design si functionalitate il avem trebuie doar partea de programare php mysql: pe scurt se introduc date prin forms dupa o anumita logica dupa care se genereaza si se listeaza pe imprimanta pdfuri, se salveaza datele introduse in baza de date de unde pot fi incarcate din nou pe baza de cautare.

    $376 Average bid
    $376 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Am nevoie de o baza de date pentru un producator de jaluzele , cu managemnet clienti, produse, oferte de pret, statusuri, task si calendar . Atasat este explicat tot proiectul . Multumesc

    $1698 - $3395
    $1698 - $3395
    13 oferte

    I need a specialist in romania to move a database difference and it all worked perfectly

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    tecdoc website
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de administrare , cos de cumparaturi , modul mes...pentru a nu ne pierde timpul unii altora ! ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... ! Please only bid if you know what TecDoc data base means...

    $733 Average bid
    $733 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    Proiectul este pentru o companie Belgiana care doreste o combinatie intre platforma de freelanceri si un site. Proiectul trebuie finalizat pana in martie 2015, iar in cadrul echipei vor fi 3 specialisti. Se ofera: > salariu atractiv; > posibilitatea de a lucra la de acasa; > se poate lucra cu contract PFA;

    $1712 Average bid
    $1712 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    We are an Italian Web Agency interested in working with bucuresti programmers. We will be in Bucuresti from 07 OCtober to 10 October; we will meet programmers. Send us your portfolio and work experience. We will evaluate and contact for an appointment in Bucuresti. ************************************ Suntem o agentie web italian interesat de lucru cu bucuresti programatori. Vom fi in Bucuresti de la 07 octombrie până la 10 octombrie; ne vom întâlni programatori. Trimite-ne portofoliul și experiența de muncă. Vom evalua și contacta pentru o programare in Bucuresti.

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    Salutare, Cineva care sa ma poata ajuta cu un program vechi (scris inainte de anul 2.000) de evidenta a unui mic hotel (fa...nenorocitele de protectii ca sa mai pot lucra pe el pana trec la o versiune mai moderna. ***** Hello there, need small help with an veryyyy oooold application, the creator doesn't offer support anymore,written before year 2000, easy to modify for somebody who knows compiling things (I do not know, hahahaha...), need to eliminate shittie protection (allowed maximum data 2.010 !!! from some clipper who calls now a blinker exceeded data ??? - god knows what does it means) and remove also some hwid prot. (hdd based???, also other devices I guess). I repeat, an old win98 based application (small hotel billing and reservations, with clients,bi...

    $391 Average bid
    $391 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Aplicatia consta in gestionarea fluxului de comenzi si obtinerea de rapoarte privitoare la activitate. Preferam un partener din Galati pentru a usura documentarea si implementarea aplicatiei. De principiu am fi interesati de o persoana care sa dezvolte proiectul tinand cont de: - limbaje pentru implementarea aplicatiei, de ales dintre (in ordinea preferintei noastre, dar nu este o conditie): PHP, RUBY, PYTON, JAVASCRIPT, JAVA sau C++, C#, J#, Objective C, .NET - cunostinte SQL necesare pentru gestionarea/manipularea bazelor de date (se va utiliza ca preferinta MySQL), HTML si CSS. - ne-ar avantaja cunoasterea bibliotecilor javascript gen JQUERY, PROTOTYPE, etc. Precizam ca avem deja in functiune o aplicatie care functioneaza dar dorim un upgrade de substanta care presupune rescrierea...

    $784 Average bid
    $784 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    I want a website for travel agency with the following characteristics: - Takeover offers by XML filtering and display - Search engine based on XML travel offers from suppliers - Once found offer the possibility to book and pay - Possibility of creating customer registration account - Section like hotels booking dot com - Section tickenting - SEO - easy to add keywords, metatags, description etc. - Easy to manage the backend - Newsletter - Creating a customer database in the backend ------------------------------- Romana ------------------------------- Doresc un website pentru agentie de turism cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - preluare filtrare si afisare oferte prin XML - motor de cautare oferte turistice pe baza XML de la furnizori - ...

    $2135 Average bid
    $2135 Oferta medie
    17 oferte
    C# database app
    S-a încheiat left

    Am un magazin de pateuri vreau sa-mi faci o baza de date si o aplicatie sa gestioneze vanzarea de pateuri. Avem mai multe tipuri de pateuri unele sunt expirate altele sunt din ficat de gasca vreau sa fie o baza de date optimizata nu ceva de mantuiala

    $13595 Average bid
    $13595 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    tecdoc website - repost
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de administrare , cos de cumparaturi , modul mes...pentru a nu ne pierde timpul unii altora ! ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... ! Please only bid if you know what TecDoc data base means...

    $404 Average bid
    $404 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    introducing date
    S-a încheiat left

    I ' can write very fast on keyboard :) , i have an experience , not so big , but 2 years i work with this domain in Bucharest . I think it s very easy for me to work with many windows and responsible!

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 oferte

    I'm in need of a professional to design an elegant beauty treatment menu for me. The menu should be in a PDF format suitable for easy reading on a smartphone. Key Elements of the Menu: - Service descriptions: Clear and concise descriptions of each treatment. - Pricing: Transparent and straightforward pricing information. - Contact details: Easy access to contact information for bookings or inquiries. Design Preferences: - Style: The overall aesthetic of the menu should be elegant, with a touch of modern sophistication. - Color scheme: The use of bold and bright colors is preferred, to create an eye-catching contrast against the elegant design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: Proficient in using design software to create a visually appealing menu. - PDF...

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Oferta medie
    33 oferte

    I'm in need of a skilled web designer and developer from Latin America who possesses a strong modern design vision. Your portfolio should reflect a clean, professional, and contemporary aesthetic, aimed at creating impactful, user-friendly, and visually stunning corporate websites. This is a freelance role, and I am looking for a professional who can collaborate on a project-by-project basis. For this particular project, I require the creation of a 5-page corporate website. While the exact layout and content will be discussed, expect to include standard pages like Home, About Us, and Contact. Ideal candidates should: - Have a strong portfolio of modern, minimalistic web design - Possess excellent web development skills - Be based in Latin America - Have ...

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Oferta medie
    43 oferte

    I'm in need of a skilled developer to scrape phone numbers from The data should be categorized into Plumbers, Electricians, HVAC companies, Roofers, and other trades. Key Requirements: - Delivering the data in an ...of a skilled developer to scrape phone numbers from The data should be categorized into Plumbers, Electricians, HVAC companies, Roofers, and other trades. Key Requirements: - Delivering the data in an Excel spreadsheet - Including the Company name and Website URL along with the phone numbers - Formatting the phone numbers in International format for easy dialing Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web scraping and data collection - Experienced in using Excel for data organization - Knowledgeable in categorizing t...

    $116 Average bid
    $116 Oferta medie
    38 oferte

    I'm looking for a developer to create an Android app using Android Studio Ladybug with Kotlin. The app will utilize the device's camera to take pictures, convert them to text, and extract VIN numbers. Key Features: - Logs GPS coordinates immediately after a picture is taken - Displays GPS coordinates alongside the triggered VIN - Ability for the user to scan multiple VINs in a single session The app does not require any user authentication or login features. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in Android Studio - Proficiency in Android Studio kotlin - Experience with camera and text extraction integration in mobile app environment -- Ability to create user-friendly interfaces

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I am seeking a skilled web developer with expertise in the MERN stack. The project involves creating an innovative health tracker website that isn't already existing, but shares some similar elements. The website should incorporate the following core features: - Activity Logging: Users should be able to log their daily activities, from physical exercise to dietary habits. - Health Metrics Dashboard: A comprehensive dashboard that visualizes users' health metrics over time. - Personal Goal Setting: A feature that allows users to set and track their personal health goals. This description is given by only You may change the topic by yourself. What I want is a mern stack project that uses certain good functionalities but is not the exact something which is ex...

    $227 Average bid
    $227 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    I am looking for Google PPC experts who can teach me how to run successful campaigns for my websites. My primary goal is to generate leads or sales for these businesses. Therefore, I need someone who can guide me through the process and teach me. Before hire: * Please verify you can speak good English that is easy to understand for training. * Please provide proof you are able to get great result with previous clients Do these things when applying: * We will use any desk screenshare to my pc for training + voice chat. * When applying, Put "I've Read Everything" to be considered * When applying, show me your successful case study form past work

    $5 - $10 / hr
    Sigilat Acord de confidenţialitate
    $5 - $10 / hr
    3 oferte, We offer TV, Radio, Podcasts and On-demand content. This project is related to data entry for schedules from radio stations. Please read below to learn more. Only bid in our budget to get hired. Project Requirements / Scope: Manually enter or copy & paste schedules for up to 8 Radio stations into my web site. You will also find images to upload for each radio show you enter in the schedule. This should be a very easy job. I will train you. You visit each radio station web site to get the schedules. The images must be high quality. If you can not find a good one on the radio station schedules. I will be provide you a few sites you can get images for radio shows. No Coding will be needed. No Graphic Design. Skills: * Data Entry accuracy * Good At...

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Oferta medie
    54 oferte

    ...silver and with gold lines A name card for a design and build contractor should reflect the qualities of professionalism, premium quality, and trust. Here’s how you can achieve that: ### **Design Elements** 1. **Clean and Minimalistic Layout:** - Use a minimal design with plenty of white space to convey sophistication. - Opt for a well-organized layout that makes contact information easy to read. 2. **High-Quality Materials:** - Use premium cardstock or materials like textured paper, matte finish, or soft-touch lamination. - Consider unique options like metal cards, wood veneer, or embossed details for a luxurious feel. 3. **Typography:** - Choose elegant, modern fonts—combine a sans-serif font for clarity with a serif or script font for...

    $72 Average bid
    Trophy icon SchemeEasy Logo Design
    4 zile left

    Contest Title: Logo Design Contest for "SchemeEasy" – Simplifying Government Benefits Project Description: We are launching a digital platform called SchemeEasy that aims to simplify access to government benefits and schemes in India. We are looking for a professional, modern, and innovative logo that captures the essence of our mission: making government services more accessible, transparent, and easy-to-use for millions of citizens. The logo should be trustworthy, approachable, and scalable for both digital and print formats. Logo Requirements: Name: SchemeEasy Tagline (optional): Simplifying Government Benefits The logo should convey ease, trust, and inclusivity. Prefer modern, clean, and minimalist designs. The logo should be versatile for use on a website, mo...

    $50 Average bid
    Recomandat Garantat Sigilat
    126 intrări

    ...Represent sports teams, rosters, schedules, and achievements. Highlight Reels: Space to upload video clips of key performances, practices, or training sessions. 2. Networking & Community Building Peer Connections: Connect with other athletes, coaches, and sports professionals. Mentorship Programs: Facilitate mentor-mentee relationships for career guidance. Community Groups: Create or join groups based on sports, interests, or goals. Fan Engagement: Allow fans to follow athlete profiles and interact through comments or Q&A. 3. Training & Development Skill Workshops: Host or attend training sessions, both virtual and in-person. Performance Analytics: Integrate wearables or tools to track and share fitness stats. Challenges: Participate in fitness or sports challenges ...

    $369 Average bid
    $369 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Need Malay Speakers -- 20553
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    Malay Recording Project We have a project, that needs Native Malay speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 363 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $5 dollar for 363 sentences sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte it might be okay to just link to one of those. However, integrating it into this program would be even better. 5. Ideally, I also want a bet tracker that will allow me to track bets, losses, winnings, etc. If needed to complete this project, I can probably give you access to an OddsJam account. This script will only be used by me, so I don't need any real web design to speak of. The information just needs to be presented in an easy-to-read format. You can ask me via private chat if you want to know which sportsbooks I want to track....

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Oferta medie
    31 oferte

    I'm looking for a simple, user-friendly WordPress site for my homeowners association. Key Requirements: - The site should feature essential sections such as Community Guidelines, Association Documents, and a 'For Sale' section. - The site must be easy to navigate and understand for all homeowners. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in WordPress website development. - Prior work on community-focused or association websites would be a plus. - Ability to create a clean, professional, and easy-to-use design.

    $177 Average bid
    $177 Oferta medie
    115 oferte
    Online Trading Academy Development
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for an experienced professional to help me build an Online Trading Academy geared towards beginners. The academy will provide video content and live webinars. Key elements to include: - The content will focus on technical analysis and trading strategies. - The primary audience is beginners, so the content should be easy to understand and engaging. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in creating educational content, specifically in trading and finance. - Excellent communication skills for live webinars. - Experience in video production or working with video content. - Understanding of beginner-level trading concepts and strategies.

    $1157 Average bid
    $1157 Oferta medie
    53 oferte

    ...elementary-aged, early readers (5 to 10 years old). The document needs a complete visual overhaul, while keeping all of the current copy intact. The desired style is 'playful and colorful'. It should engage young readers and keep their attention. You have creative freedom over the color scheme, though it should remain cohesive and improve legibility. Key Focus Areas: - Text Formatting: Ensure all text is easy to read and appropriately formatted for young readers. - Graphics: The most important aspect of this project. You'll need to edit existing graphics and potentially replace some with more suitable ones. - Background Colors: Adjusting background colors to improve legibility and maintain a cohesive color scheme. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Canva is a must....

    $105 Average bid
    $105 Oferta medie
    88 oferte

    ...brochures. Postcard templates. Requirements for All Templates: Editable Layers: All templates must have fully editable layers in Photoshop, making it easy to swap out text, images, and colors. Brand Consistency: Designs should reflect the company’s branding, including color schemes (e.g., professional blues, grays, and whites) and fonts (clear, modern, and professional). Responsive & Scalable: Designs should be adaptable for various platforms (i.e., resizing without losing quality for print, social media, or web). High-Quality Graphics: All assets (images, icons, fonts) used in the templates must be high-quality and royalty-free or properly licensed. Easy-to-Follow Instructions: Provide brief guidelines on how to use and modify the templates....

    $70 Average bid