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2,000 virtuemart fireboard proiecte găsite

Hello dear people. On a Joomla Virtuemart website we have a issue with a unwanted radio span which probably is caused by our template. (not sure) We use a component and plugin to show custom fields but somehow they are shown inside a radio span. We need this radio span code out because it results in not being able to css style the select buttons. Please see image and link to see the issue live. Should not be this hard for someone who is familiar with this system. LINK: Please let me know the price and time. Thanks in advance, Matthias

$125 Average bid
$125 Oferta medie
10 oferte

We have a custom made Virtuemart plugin that allows products to be purchased from Articles in Joomla. Current Versions: Joomla 3.9.x Virtuemart 3.8.x We need to add some sort of calendar function to allow students to sign up for programs at specific times. For example, it could be a custom field that is added to the products, and selectable from the custom plugin on the article. There are a few other feature requirements as well which will be best discussed during a call. Ideal freelancer will have experience in custom product development for Virtuemart. The plugin needs to be optimized for speed.

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Oferta medie
8 oferte

I have built a webshop with virtuemart in french for +/- 120 products : magazines, memberships and booklets. Latest Joomla version 3.9.28 and latest Virtuemart version 3.8.8 All is working perfectly well. The invoices produced by my virtuemart shop should be in french, but are half english, half french. (see attached file) The emails sent by the shop (order confirmation etc) are in english. On the invoices, I would like to delete the 'discount' row and add a footer under the invoice. The project is not urgent

$128 Average bid
$128 Oferta medie
25 oferte

custom product vm vendor (://) 1. Simple list to select the plugins in frontend (available frontend plugin only listing them is required ) 2. compatible with all the templates. :// 1. error message for mandatory if data is not provided before saving.

$13 Average bid
$13 Oferta medie
3 oferte

Hi Kuldeepak T., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

$310 Average bid
$310 Oferta medie
1 oferte

I need paymaya payment solution to be integrated with virtuemart shop. Make sure the offer you post for me is full price. If you quote me one price and give other price if I chat with you, I will stop talking to you. I will register with paymaya and get everything ready for you to integrate it. the job is to be done 23.June.2021. It is two shops but after you done the work in shop number one it is just copy paste so second website go fast. Can you do it? how many hours of work do you excpect it to be and what is your price?

$51 Average bid
$51 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Help in completing a virtuemart project (eshop)

$163 Average bid
$163 Oferta medie
19 oferte

Es una aplicación para gestionar medianas y pequeñas empresas. En la que puedes: Gestio...modificaciones, gestión stock y control de precios) Gestionar Proveedores ( Altas y modificaciones) Gestionar Clientes ( Altas y modificaciones) Gestión de compras ( Pedidos a proveedores, albaranes de entrada , control de que te factura y cobran) Gestión de ventas ( Tickets-POS, pedidos de clientes, albaranes y facturación) También se puede conectar con una tienda e-comerce (Joomla + Virtuemart ), tiene la posibilidad conectarse otros e-comerce. ¿ Lo que busco? Programadores para realizar tareas de mejoras y soluciones issues Requisitos: - Conocimiento git y github - Experto en php y mysql. - Ordenado y curioso P...

$173 Average bid
$173 Oferta medie
7 oferte

...E-Commence expert who can make Web Site Modifications & Make changes to Joomla Version 3918 web site on our E-Commence on-line store We are looking for E-Commence expert who can make Web Site Modifications & Make changes to Joomla Version 3918 web site on our E-Commence on-line store. Please only apply for this project if you have worked on Joomla 3.9.18 VirtueMart 3.8.2 and have had minimum of 5 years experience in Joomla 3.9.18 VirtueMart 3.8.2 E-Commence on-line Stores Web development and making modifications and changes to a E-Commence web sites. You will have experience setting up shipping costs along side already existing shipping costs on current product ranges. You will be required to make the necessary corrections and fix any issues relating to the project...

$211 Average bid
$211 Oferta medie
24 oferte

Hi there. I am using Joomla 3.x.x and VM 3.8.8 and default virtuemart cart module is not working properly. I don't want to change template. Issues are: 1) When you hit on remove product, product is being removed but it stays inside the cart module and you need to refresh to see the result 2) When you add a product to the cart, when you hit continue shopping and open the cart, product is not there but if you refresh page product is there. So, generally vm shopping cart module is not getting the ajax refreshes when someone adds/removes an item. An experienced developer should be able to solve this within an hour

$40 Average bid
$40 Oferta medie
6 oferte

A través de un complemento necesito migrar todo lo que sea posible de un ecommerce en Virtuemart a un prestashop. Se migra de un servidor a otro también.

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Oferta medie
8 oferte

in the site I need to change the view of the products in a category, example: Image in first column, the next in the second column (first row) - title (second row ) - short description (third row) - price (fourth row) - SKU (fifth row) - add to cart In the product detail page ...

$141 Average bid
$141 Oferta medie
9 oferte

Greetings, I have API documentation on how to integrate a payment gateway. I need this to work with Joomla Virtuemart website. API:

$220 Average bid
$220 Oferta medie
5 oferte

We have custom field plugin to integrate in front end module/component. The virtumart custom field plugin is working in backend and we need that for front end also. We have virtuemart front end entry module/component aswell.

$126 Average bid
$126 Oferta medie
3 oferte

Hi Virtuemart developers, I am looking for an experienced VM developer and good thinker to help me adjusting a live site with 2 things 1. Display tax component to the invoice 2. extract some data from descriptions to make its own field (such as year). This is more about export existing data into CVS file and using Excel to extract data - our team can help with this if needed. Re-config the database so that can be sorted/displayed using categories or in the order of year. Only experienced developers should bid for this project. Prefer good database knowledge and experience. we provide clear instructions, support, and collaboration. specs are ready. Note: Site using Joomla 3.9 Budget $120 Thanks

$159 Average bid
$159 Oferta medie
16 oferte

Virtuemart 3 webshopunkat összekötnénk online számlázóval. lehetőség szerint Billingóval.

$239 Average bid
$239 Oferta medie
6 oferte

Good experience of working with CMS such as Joomla. (Drupal,Wordpress and Magento will be a big advantage). Concrete knowledge of open source technologies such as Php,CSS, HTML . Excellent knowledge of MVC framework Strong understanding of SDLC Experience with various Joomla extensions like CB, Easy Social, Jticketing, SOBI2, VirtueMart,etc Code optimization using frameworks and patterns Exposure to AJAX is desired. Excellent Communication Skills Ready to accept any Challenging Target Joomla standard website and web application development Joomla custom website and web application development Joomla responsive website and web application development Joomla e- commerce solutions using Virtue mart programming Joomla theme and template design and development Joomla compon...

$175 Average bid
$175 Oferta medie
9 oferte

Es una aplicación para gestionar medianas y pequeñas empresas. En la que puedes: Gestionar productos (Altas, modificaciones, gestión stock y control de precios) Gestionar Proveedores ( Altas y modificaciones) Gestionar Clientes ( A...modificaciones, gestión stock y control de precios) Gestionar Proveedores ( Altas y modificaciones) Gestionar Clientes ( Altas y modificaciones) Gestión de compras ( Pedidos a proveedores, albaranes de entrada , control de que te factura y cobran) Gestión de ventas ( Tickets-POS, pedidos de clientes, albaranes y facturación) También se puede conectar con una tienda e-comerce (Joomla + Virtuemart ), tiene la posibilidad conectarse otros e-comerce. ¿ Lo que busc...

$504 Average bid
$504 Oferta medie
6 oferte
Trophy icon Display shopper Field in invoice virtuemart
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In a Click and collect context , I want to display a shopper field in a confirmed invoice .

$23 Average bid

We need to create a custom quotation by using Virtuemart products selection. The user can key in their own quotation details and choose the products from virtuemart that they want to include in the quotation. Basically there will be 5 steps for the user to key in. You can check the attachment below and we can discuss more.

$572 Average bid
$572 Oferta medie
17 oferte

I have to modify ONLY the pdf of the invoice as per the attached image

$19 Average bid
$19 Oferta medie
4 oferte

We have a JS conflict on one page at Joomla 3 / Virtuemart 3 website. We need a person who can asap resolve this. We will provide you full description and link.

$26 Average bid
$26 Oferta medie
10 oferte

Our custom Joomla setup is quite outdated but useable, unfortunately Viva Payment do not have a plugin for Joomla. We require a small script that can be implemented in Virtuemart to process payments from the website to Viva Payment using their API for this reason. Speed is a must - we want this completed by Friday. Documentation can be seen here:

$288 Average bid
$288 Oferta medie
5 oferte

1. The price should be without the tax (simple modification in VM configuration) 2. The price should write as it price per unit, per meter...or piece. The price calculation should be ...calculation should be correct. This can be done with VM custom fields but. We have the example and will show you from one website. 3. Quantity - The client wants the user can write not just click with arrows (now is only possible to click with arrows. It should be enabled enter value). 4. The cart layout should be modified. We are using a one-page cart plugin. We have the layout example. 5. On Virtuemart category page - client want to have on category page ADD TO CART button and price with unite (per unite, per kg, is explained before in point 2) We will provide you full description with examp...

$91 Average bid
$91 Oferta medie
3 oferte

I am needing to build a VirtueMart online store for a sports supplement company. Something vaguely along the lines of this site - but obviously not exactly the same. It needs to have Paypal payment processing and an Australia Post shipping calculator. All I need is the framework and basic design. I will handle the graphical elements and setting up the products. The logo for the website is attached, colouring of the site needs to match with the logo.

$372 Average bid
$372 Oferta medie
40 oferte

- transfer ALL features to Wordpress platform on our server. After the job is complete work with us on developing new features.

$488 Average bid
$488 Oferta medie
44 oferte

Approx 850 products needs moved from VirtueMart (Joomla) ---> Woocommerce. Please respond only if you have done this work previously. Put "I have moved from virtuemart to woocommerce" in your proposal to be considered.

$84 Average bid
$84 Oferta medie
49 oferte

We have a virtuemart jewelry website that is approximately 80% complete. Due to unfortunate circumstances, our current developer will not be able to complete the work so we need a virtumert expert to carry on and complete the work. The last task in the tasks list that we'll provide will be to optimize the website to improve the loading speed of every page especially products category pages. Any previous work in this regard will be highly considered.

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
0 oferte

Would like some SEO help for a magento 2 site We switched from a Virtuemart site 5 months ago and haven't been able to get the same rankings.

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Oferta medie
107 oferte

JOOMLA/VIRTUEMART/APACHE WEBSITE MAINTENANCE We are a small business serving the HVACR industry and do a small amount of business from our existing website which has fallen out of date and needs some changes and updates

$33 / hr Average bid
$33 / hr Oferta medie
66 oferte
Esperto virtuemart
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ricerco programmatore esperto per eliminazione campi spedizione (è un prodotto che non ne necessità), traduzione di alcune voci che sono rimaste in inglese e altre piccole modifiche

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Oferta medie
5 oferte

...TEMPLATE APPLIED TO MY WEBSITE, NO OPTIMISING FOR MOBILE. 1. Checkout function is not working correctly, returns errors such as "500 Layout bs2-edit_address not found" and "0 Call to a member function CustomsFieldCartDisplay() on null". I need this to be fixed so the Checkout system works. 2. I would like price/kg removed from my product display, and just display 1 price, the base price. 3. The virtuemart homepage has no formatting currently and looks unprofessional, i would like for this to be tidied up. ( I DO NOT WANT A TEMPLATE APPLIED TO THE WHOLE WEBSITE) 4. I would also like, once the checkout has been completed, for the user to be re-directed to a new page, where they can fill in a form (The products being sold are virtual products, and this will be th...

$163 Average bid
$163 Oferta medie
6 oferte

My website is runnig Joomla 3.9.x with the Virtuemart shopping module. Problem is that the RocketTheme template is not compatible with Virtuemart. The result is that Virtuemart looks very bad on the frontend. I need someone to modify the CSS accordingly and make this a proper integration, while respecting the RocketTheme template styling/CSS. See screenshots in Word doc, showing the current situation and what would be expected (just shown as example). If needed, I can buy extra Virtuemart extensions to further improve the overall user experience and look&feel, just let me know. It has to look beautiful and be efficient, as a professional shop. Please give relevant references when applying for this project. Thank you!

$496 Average bid
$496 Oferta medie
37 oferte
Joomla / Virtuemart Plugin
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I need a plugin that automatically generates links on completed purchases, a field appears in the order and with the text explaining what that link is and directs the person to a page that is restricted for a period of time. The page we want to show is from a 3d virtual tour. After x days the link will stop working and the person will no longer be able to see the page.

$607 Average bid
$607 Oferta medie
24 oferte

We have developed 2 versions of the plugin. The older version was working ok the second one has issues and needs to be fixed. I will provide both versions. I also need the plugin to be working on php 7 and above as the original plugin was written for php v5.6.

$184 Average bid
$184 Oferta medie
11 oferte

Hello freelancers I need to do a small task on my website made in joomla 3 virtuemart 3 and joomgallery. What i need is sell the images from joomgallery, your php script has to generate from a photo item in joomgallery a virtuemart item with a button "download now" to place under the picture. the virtuemart item goes in the cart and the joomgallery item name alias became the virtuemart sku. after the list of pictures added in to the virtuemart cart, virtuemart send the email with the link to download the joomgallery original image (the high resolution one). the website is already online and the components and template are already installed. take a look at the pictures, this what i need. thanks to everybody

$158 Average bid
$158 Oferta medie
8 oferte

We would like to show and sell our suppliers products in our own website, which should be connected with API, so we are selling directly from their stock. Our website is build in Joomla, in combination with Virtuemart.

$213 Average bid
$213 Oferta medie
14 oferte

Skydropx shipping integration for Joomla Virtuemart 3. Here you can check docs about API key.

$343 Average bid
$343 Oferta medie
10 oferte

Ho necessita di fare alcune modifiche su un sito su joomla 3 con joomgallery e virtuemart. bisogna creade i giusti override per farsi che joomgallery possa creare una richiesta per vendere la foto utilizzando virtuemart, con il carrello e tutto il resto faccia il resto, il link per scaricare la foto "original" verra' inviato con l email di virtuemart insieme ad una thumb con prezzo, descrizione e tutto il resto. Ovviamente si possono aggiungere piu immagini al carrello.

$182 Average bid
$182 Oferta medie
9 oferte

Hello, we have a virtuemart eshop and we need a xml product feed for google shopping. Our products have 2 prices (before and after discount), so we would like the xml to have both prices.

$200 Average bid
$200 Oferta medie
7 oferte

Please only apply for this project if you have worked on Joomla 3.9.18 VirtueMart 3.8.2 Web sites and have had minimum of 3 years experience in Joomla 3.9.18 VirtueMart 3.8.2 web site development and making modifications and changes. We are looking an expert on Joomla 3.9.18 VirtueMart 3.8.2 who can make the following changes to our web site: 1. Modify Sort by filter to be named from Product Price to Best Match 2. Install a drop down menu on the Sort by Filter to show a. Highest-Lowest price b. Lowest-Highest price Important Note: We will be adding new product categories later Example: Rugs. It imperative when a customer is using the Sort by filter they can only see the category they are currently viewing and NOT all categories are displayed. 3. Add approx. 9800 new...

$365 Average bid
$365 Oferta medie
17 oferte

Payment gateway integration for Virtuemart 3. Payment gateway is with the bank: Banco del Bajio from Mexico.

$227 Average bid
$227 Oferta medie
13 oferte

We want to export our Joomla/Virtuemart 3 orders in excel file for used it directly in our ERP soft.

$137 Average bid
$137 Oferta medie
18 oferte

We have an issue with Joomla 3 / Virtuemart website with the .htaccess or apache configuration. After the website is activated we have the issue that is next: 1. If accessing the website from Chrome issue is next: This site can’t be reached The webpage at ******* might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. ERR_FAILED NOTICE: If this is refreshed the website load after ctrl + f5. 2. The same is from opera 3. The same error is on the mobile version if you go to the menu and then you click on the home page link in the mobile menu shows The website is on the apache Linux server. We have multiple websites are none have the same issue. we will provide you a full description. What we think the issue is in PHP configuration or .htaccess file confi...

$45 Average bid
$45 Oferta medie
13 oferte

I need to have a developer, who knows the basics of the plugins and components of VirtueMart Extensions. We have bought additional plugin for Size and Colors of our products, which is okay, but we want to add additional data bellow the size button of the products. The project is for Shoes and must add the lenght of the foot bellow the size of the shoes. For example for Number 36 shoe option, the size of the foot is 24.5 cm. We have project, where this is done and you can take all from the other project and transfer to ours. We have FTP logins and Administrator logins. I can explain which is the plugin, component and all info you need. The job is to take the function from there, maybe is hardcored into some files and to transfer to ours website. We need to know and make this for ...

$31 Average bid
$31 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Hello My contest is here :, i cannot accept that bad design I Have 5 différent models of scissors. I took pictures today : i want you too choose at least 2 or 3 pictures by model, and edit it, in order to have this kind of result : give me your price if you think my purpose is too cheap

$76 Average bid
$76 Oferta medie
33 oferte
Trophy icon Edit the pictures of my scissors
S-a încheiat left

Hello I Have 5 différent models of scissors. I took pictures today : i want you too choose at least 2 or 3 pictures by model, and edit it, in order to have this kind of result : give me your price if you think my purpose is too cheap

$18 Average bid

I have a Joomla site running Virtuemart. Most of the easy items are completed I just need someone to setup the final settings and provide hourly support on an ongoing basis. I require someone with a proven record in completing Joomla and Virtumart projects.

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Oferta medie
23 oferte

New virtuemart site is not sending email order confirmation to customers or admin, I tested ask a question and it is working if I update an order it notifies the customer. I have checked the emal confirmation settings for admin and shopper and they are set to all.

$52 Average bid
$52 Oferta medie
3 oferte

Abbiamo un sito fatto con Virtuemart. il nostro produttore ci invia due file csv con tutti i prodotti e immagini. Cerchiamo soluzione per caricare gli articoli tramite file csv che il produttoreci invia. I file sono due: (file contenente le informazioni sui prodotti) (file contenente le informazioni sulle foto dei prodotti) Il metodo di trasmissione può essere effettuato (2 volte al giorno in automatico): tramite caricamento su nostro FTP invio tramite e-mail l file creato è nel formato CSV standard. Il file è creato con la funzione PHP "fputcsv". Il separatore dei campi è virgola (,); il delimitatore testo è il doppio apice ("); il carattere doppio apice (") inserito come carattere in una str...

$31 - $103
$31 - $103
0 oferte