Vba macro run automatically wordproiecte
I wish I could add servers counter strike 1.6 site a small little program I to put an ip and add the program ip 27015 respectively starting port to port 2099 automatically in minutes and must not reoccur CAPTCHA code .
introducerea diacriticelor, corectare gramaticala si aranjarea in pagina (font, aliniere, numerotare, cuprins, etc…) ca pentru o lucrare de licenta, lucrarea fiind redactata deja. Lucrarea are 50 de pagini.
Actualizare/reparare sablon scriere tipizate in EXCEL folsind functii macro. Folosesc in prezent un tabel in care sunt introduse date, acesta contine functii macro si genereaza niste sabloane care apoi vin tiparite pe niste tipizate. Doresc repararea unor functii care nu mai genereaza anumite campuri si actualizarea intregului sistem prin care sa creasca usurinta de utilizare si functionalitatea.
Am nevoie de cineva care sa ma ajute sa transcriu o problema de mecanica in VBA. Multumesc.
Selectam urgent dezvoltatori de proiect pentru piata este lansat de curand si are mari este necesara niciun fel de experienta! Asiguram suport si logistica in desfasurarea activitatii si lucrati intr-un mediu placut, proactiv iar plata castigurilor realizate este garantata prin contract legal, cu posibilitatea unor bonusuri substanti...logistica in desfasurarea activitatii si lucrati intr-un mediu placut, proactiv iar plata castigurilor realizate este garantata prin contract legal, cu posibilitatea unor bonusuri lucreaza part-time (100$) sau full-time(285$), la seriozitate maxima si dorinta de a invata ceva absolut nou si de cunostinte minime de operare pe internet, de lucru cu fisiere word si pdf si navigare online.
Am nevoie de o aplicatie in netbeans de exemplu un ceas pe langa care sa existe u proiect scris in word despre cum a fost facuta aplicatia pas cu detalii lasati un de predare 3 zile
Pot crea prezentari powerpoint, pot completa tabele in excel sau scrie in word, dactilografia lucrari de diploma sau licente, de preferat in romana. Am rapiditate la introdus date si corectitudine. De asemenea pot cauta pe net sau trimite mailuri sau orice tine de folosirea calculatorului si internet. Pot traduce materiale si orice fel de documente in/din limba engleza in limba romana, pot face asezari in pagina, redacta documente, pot tehnoredacta orice fel de document (carti, proiecte, etc). POt concepe si redacta orice fel de contract de vanzare-cumparare.
Am nevoie de o aplicatie pentru cadastru,care sa importe date .xml si apoi sa genereze un document word cu anumite date de acolo.
Proiectul consta in crearea unui formular simplu, cu deign curat minimalist de introducere date (nume, prenume, cnp, loc nastere, nume parinti, telefon, email) plus butoane (adauga, editeaza, cauta (dupa criterii diferite), sterge)). Datele introduse in acest formular doresc sa fie stocate intr-un tabel excel de unde sa poata fi folosite in word la scrierea unor scrisori te tip "mail merge". De asemenea in momentul introducerii datelor pentru o persoana acestea vor fi atribuite unor grupe cu membrii intre 1 si 28 de persoane. Fiecare individ va primi un numar unic de identificare numit nr. matricol. Aceleasi date introduse in formular va trebui sa se duca automat si in niste sabloane in excel pe care le voi pune la dispozitie ca model (in genul link object). Mai exista dou...
Proiectul consta in introducerea de text si imagini pe o platforma de cursuri online. Textul este intr-un format "dezordonat", convertit din pagini scanate in document word. Imginile trebuiesc decupate dintr-o carte scanata si uploadate pe platforma de cursuri.
Ma intereseaza sa convertesc un cod VB in Java script, folosit de google. Acesta este unul mic care aduna datele din mai multe fisiere excel intr-unul singur. Doresc sa folosesc google docs si foloseste in loc de macro script-ul java.
...au fost finalizate Faza 5 include diverse modificări necesare pentru darea in folosință a proiectului 2. Modul proiecte Faza 1 adaugare, editare, stergere activitati si subactivitati, afișare Gannt a fost finalizata Faza 2 include funcții de: calendar proiect, splitare activități, WBS, adaugare, editare, stergere, afisare resurse Faza 3 grafic de incarcare resures, rapoarte specifice in Word, excel, pdf: grafic gannt, grafic de incarcare resurse, flux de numerar, resurse 3. Modul gestiune Faza 1 intrari, definire gestiuni, afisare stocuri Faza 2 iesiri, scadere din stock, rezervare stock Faza 3 rapoarte pe gestiune Aștept un email in care sa specificați: Ce proiecte ați realizat in trecut? Ce tehnologii ați folosit? Care dintre modulele prezentate mai sus ...
Am un proiect neterminat, am nevoie de cineva care stie VBA Excel sa il poata incheia. Liciteaza doar daca ai experienta in VBA, proiectul nu este chiar usor de inteles si realizat, pentru cine are experienta insa dureaza f putin de incheiat.
te rog sa ma anunti daca esti disponibil in a ma ajuta intr-un project excel vba. e un singur elgoritm de corectat. chstie de cateva minute. mersi
Am un proiect aproape terminat si abandonat. Nu este foarte amplu, Am nevoie de cineva care il poate incheia. Este in Excel VBA si voi trimite specificatii pe mail celui interesat. Multumesc!
Locatia de realizare a proiectului: Brasov la sediu firmei Consultanta si suport pentru: Migrare aplicatie realizata din VBA in C# Migrare de la lucru cu tabele excel la tabele Access si SQL Realizare Interfata Profesionala in C# Realizare legatura intre Interfata relaizata in C# si tabele realizate in Access sau SQL Realizare strucura logica de organizare interna a datelelor din tabelele in Cccess sau SQL Relizarea "Relationships" intre tabele in access Teste
...registered online, * 5. Listing options. 6. Provider ability to change fee structure. 7. Customer automatically sent payment request via Paypal / CC / internet banking 8. Dashboard for users and providers 9. Feedback score. 10. Box for additional information 11. Calender. * 12. Auction in reverse order like Shiply or Uship 13. Automatic create report 14. Bid Calculator for providers to calculate their net earning after our fees (Please see Uship). * 15. Message screening to avoid customers and providers exchanging any contact information. 16. Need a digital counter to show amount raised for charity. It will update immediately after the deposit has been received. Should be able to automatically subtract amount if a refund has been made. 17. Google map API i...
Pot completa tabele in excel sau scrie in word , proiecte in power point...de preferat in limba romana.
Acest bid este pentru vorbitorii nativi de limba romana si presupune scrierea unui mini curs in limba romana despre SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Persoana care se va ocupa de aces proiect trebuie: - sa aiba cunostinte tehnice ...cuprins cu capitole si subcabitole - realizarea continutului fiecarui capitol cu exemple si informatie teoretica. Rezultatul final trebuie sa fie bine documentat tehnic si 100% original. Exemplu curs seo (rezultatul final va fi in romana, nu neaparat la fel de cuprinzator): Nu ma intereseaza formatarea, aceasta poate fi minimala. Se livreaza ca documente word. Termenul de executie de de maxim 30 zile (nu ma intereseaza sa fie gata cat mai repede ci cat mai bine). Eu voi detine toate drepturile de copywrite.
...Facebook; rna5. Toate persoanele cu acces B2 si B3 sa poata fi puse în drepturi de catre Admin conform punctelor a2, a3 si a4 printr-o procedura simpla; rn rnb. Caracteristici site: rnb1. Obligatoriu posibilitatea de utilizare diacritice în toata structura; rnb2. Paginile din zona B trebuie sa fie editabile gen wikipedia, si sa suporte operatia de Lipire din procesorul de text Word sau OpenDocument Text; rnb3. Integrare retele sociale, fiecare pagina; rnb4. Logare simpla direct cu ID Facebook pentru toti utilizatorii; rnb5. Orice user logat, inclusiv nivel B4 sa poata posta subiecte noi pe forum, si sa poata raspunde la subiectele existente; rnb6. Toate paginile de continut sa afiseze Toolbox pentru editare de...
I am looking for writers interested in writing or rewriting articles on a regular basis (long time colaboration). At the moment i have Article-Set-Pack (3-5 Articles/pack) to offer but i will increase that size continuously. Every 1 or 2 day i will send you packs to write. One Article-Pack contains Main-Keywords-Articles, each of 300-500 words in length. INFO:...Article-Pack contains Main-Keywords-Articles, each of 300-500 words in length. INFO: I will provide you with all of the articles to be rewritten as well as all keyword phrases. The Keywords/Keyphrases will be in the same market/niche of each Article-Pack but Topics will change from article set to article set. All articles must be unique related to the Keyword. I pay $1.50 per 400 word articles and $0.75 per 300 w...
I need a Word press Responsive Html. Serious Designer Can bid.. Please download the attached PSD file.. Need within an hour. Must have previous experience with responsive Designs. Budget: ~ 500 INR
Pot crea prezentari powerpoint, pot completa tabele in excel sau scrie in word, dactilografia lucrari de diploma sau licente, de preferat in romana. Am rapiditate la introdus date si corectitudine. De asemenea pot cauta pe net sau trimite mailuri sau orice tine de folosirea calculatorului si internet.
Pot completa tabele in excel sau scrie in word, dactilografia lucrari de diploma sau licente, preferabil in romana. De asemenea, ofer consultanta in domeniul securitatii si sanatatii in munca (decizii, instructiuni specifice, analize de risc posturi de munca etc).
am un document pdf pe care vreau sa il convertesc in document word mai multe detali dupa aceptarea proiectului am un document pdf pe care vreau sa il convertesc in document word mai multe detali dupa aceptarea proiectului am un document pdf pe care vreau sa il convertesc in document word mai multe detali dupa aceptarea proiectului
Pot crea prezentari powerpoint, pot completa tabele in excel sau scrie in word, dactilografia lucrari de diploma sau licente, de preferat in romana. Am rapiditate la introdus date si corectitudine. De asemenea pot cauta pe net sau trimite mailuri sau orice tine de folosirea calculatorului si internet.
Pot completa tabele in excel (cu formule de calcul )sau scrie in word, preferabil in romana,engleza sau italiana. De asemenea, pot face diverse situatii in excel...depinde ce doreste fiecare. Can fill tables in Excel (with formulas) or write in Word, preferably in Romanian, English or Italian. They can also make various situations in excel ... depends on what each wants.
Pot completa tabele in excel sau scrie in word, dactilografia lucrari de diploma sau licente, de preferat in romana, dar ma descurc si in engleza. am rapiditate la introdus date si corectitudine. De asemenea pot cauta pe net sau trimite mailuri sau orice tine de folosirea calculatorului si internet.
Tehoredactare de calitate in Word, Excel. Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine.
Tehoredactare de calitate in Word, Excel. Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine.
Tehnoredactare de calitate orice fel de lucrare (teze, referate, articole etc.) in Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Corecturi lucrari. Efectuez monitorizare surse deschise si analize de specialitate din surse deschise. Seriozitate, calitate si operativitate.
Tehoredactare de calitate in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe, Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine.
We’re running into a problem with provider blocks in our business. What we’d like to do is identify the countries of users’ IPs when they log in to our site. If their IP is from a country on our blacklist, we want to automatically redirect their traffic through a proxy or a similar solution that changes their IP to one from whitelisted regions like South Africa, Colombia, Finland, or others. Basically, we need a way to make sure all traffic from blacklisted countries goes through trusted IPs. We’re open to your suggestions on how to best handle this. I'm looking for a professional who can assist me in setting up a proxy solution to redirect traffic. The main purpose of this project is to bypass certain restrictions. Skills Needed: - Expertise ...
Puede usar chatgpt sin abusar. De ello Descripción del proyecto: Tengo un documento en Word que estoy convirtiendo en un Ebook, pero necesita varias mejoras para que quede profesional. Las tareas que necesito que realices son las siguientes: Correcciones: Ortografía y gramática. Redacción y estilo para mejorar la claridad y presentación. Estructura general del texto. Índice: Crear un índice nuevo. El índice debe incluir solo las especialidades y las enfermedades en orden alfabético, sin repetir la especialidad encima de cada enfermedad. Enumeración: Las enfermedades están actualmente enumeradas, pero el formato no es estético. Necesito que cada enfermedad tenga una enumeración clara, organ...
...and Android) app for my takeaway business brokerage. The app should integrate with both thermal and inkjet printers onsite for received orders. The order will come to my platform, using user interactions via app and website. The platform should be able to direct automatically to the takeway of choice accordingly to the area ordered from. Key Features: - Order Management: The app should allow the owner to direct orders to different takeaways based on the postcode or area the order has come from. This should be done both automatically and manually. - Printer Integration: The app must be able to interface with both thermal and inkjet printers, ensuring seamless printing of orders. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Cross-platform mobile app development (iOS and Android) - Expe...
...seeking an expert in AWS to help me analyze my received invoices. My goal is to establish a system that not only stores these invoices, but also processes and analyzes them. Key requirements include: - **Data Extraction**: The system should be capable of pulling out relevant information from the invoices. - **Automatic Categorization**: Invoices should be sorted into appropriate categories automatically. - **Validation Checks**: The system should perform checks to validate the information extracted from the invoices. Invoices come in various formats, including PDF, Image files (JPEG/PNG), and Excel/CSV. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with AWS and invoice management systems. - Strong skills in data extraction and automatic categorization...
Hello, I have a video playback application developed with , and I would like to improve it. I am...clicked, the related works are listed. Users can click on a work to access its details. 4. Video Management Screen: After clicking on a work, the video management screen opens. Here, users can upload video files and select specific clips from those files. 5. Clip Adding and Editing: Users can select a specific time segment from the video file (for example, a 10-second clip). Each clip is automatically numbered by the application (1, 2, 3, etc.). The clips are organized in sequence. 6. Multiple Video Support: The application allows adding clips from multiple video files within the same workspace. Each clip can be organized under different categories and tracked in sequential order.
Descripción del proyecto: Tengo un documento en Word que estoy convirtiendo en un Ebook, pero necesita varias mejoras para que quede profesional. Las tareas que necesito que realices son las siguientes: Correcciones: Ortografía y gramática. Redacción y estilo para mejorar la claridad y presentación. Estructura general del texto. Índice: Crear un índice nuevo. El índice debe incluir solo las especialidades y las enfermedades en orden alfabético, sin repetir la especialidad encima de cada enfermedad. Enumeración: Las enfermedades están actualmente enumeradas, pero el formato no es estético. Necesito que cada enfermedad tenga una enumeración clara, organizada y visualmente agradable. Dise&ntild...
We have a service based ecommerce that allows to buy credits in order to get the service. When the credit finishes the service ends till the customer buy new credit. We actually send an email to tell the customer that the credit is low or finished. We want to insert an option to automatically recharge the credit. We need to integrate the Api for the payment system in order to allow the automatic recharge.
PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION BEFORE CONTACTING ME I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a WordPress site for my constructio...logos and will supply images and videos. We do nkt want stock images to be used, dont mind if AI is used for the info but we will supply the key points we want included. DO NOT CONTACT ME OUTSIDE OF freelancer. I NEED an quotation on what you think it will cost before proceedings so i can discuss with my business partner. Please supply links to websites younhave already done, if not i will automatically skip past your offer. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience in developing corporate websites, preferably in the construction or engineering sector - Good understanding of lead generation forms and their importance in a cor...
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...The app automatically calculates the total employee and driver payments for each job, ensuring accuracy and reducing manual calculations. Client Payment Tracking: Record partial or full payments from clients. The app allows you to log partial payments (e.g., 20% upfront) and tracks subsequent payments until the full amount is paid off. Set up payment schedules for clients (e.g., daily, weekly, or monthly installments), and track remaining balances. The system generates reminders or alerts when payments are due, ensuring that you stay on top of client payment schedules. Expenses Management: Log and manage all expenses related to each transport job, including fuel, vehicle maintenance, and other operational costs. The app automat...
I need a translation of catalogs from Spanish to French, specifically focused on electricity and renewable energies. The document is around 2000 words. - Audience: The catalog is aimed at industry professionals. - Technical Terminology: The translation should incorporate advanced level technical terminology appropriate for the industry. - Format: The final document should be delivered as a Word document. Ideal candidates should be fluent in both Spanish and French, with a deep understanding of the electricity and renewable energy sectors. Prior experience in translating technical documents is highly preferred.
...1. Online Form: • The form must capture the user's name, surname, and email address. • Include a pre-written message/text that users can read and endorse by submitting the form. 2. QR Code Integration: • A QR code must direct readers to the online form. This QR code will be used in a letterbox drop. 3. Email Notifications: • Upon form submission: • Send a confirmation email to the user. • Automatically send the local council an email containing the user's name and surname in a scripted message. • Send a copy of the council email to a designated mailbox. 4. Testing Support: • Assistance in testing the entire process using dummy email accounts to ensure functionality and reliability. Additional Requirements: • The messaging...
I need assistance in entering mixed data, which is currently stored in digital files, into MS Word. Requirements: - Proficient in MS Word and data entry - Able to work with mixed data (text and numeric) - Experience handling digital files, particularly text files The data is sourced from various digital files including Excel, PDF and text files. Your role would primarily involve transcribing this into MS Word, so attention to detail and accuracy is crucial.
...follows: Registration Options: - Individual Registration: The user provides their full name, age, rank, and their WhatsApp number is automatically captured. - Group Registration (1 to 3 friends): The system collects the information (full name, age, rank) for each friend and tries to form teams of 5 players by matching them with others who registered without a complete team. Once a team is formed, a WhatsApp group should be created with all the players in the team. - Full Team Registration: The user provides the details (full name, age, rank) for all 5 players, as well as the WhatsApp numbers for everyone except the leader (the leader's number will be automatically captured). Additional Features: - Follow-up Messages: The system should send daily messages t...
I need help formatting my typed notes in Microsoft Word. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word - Attention to detail - Good understanding of formatting conventions - Ability to follow specific preferences Please Note: - I do not have a specific template or style guide, but I do have preferences.
BUDGET: $50 I need a WordPress developer to work with Constant Contact API. Here are the things we need- From the Trips single post if the user submits the form it will create automatically a List in the Constant Contact using the Trip name. Submitted data will be in the List.
I'm seeking a graphic designer to create artwork as p[er the attached Word Doc for a trophy. The design should primarily use blue and gray, incorporating text, shapes, and my logo. Key Requirements: - Design should as per the sample provided. - Use of primary colors: Blue and gray. - Incorporation of text, shapes, and my logo into the design. - Delivery of the final design in vector format: .ai and .eps Ideal Candidate: - Expertise in graphic design, particularly in creating modern designs. - Proficient in vector graphic software. - Strong understanding of color theory and design aesthetics. - Experience with incorporating logos into designs. - Ability to deliver high-quality, print-ready files.