Usb hub cct designproiecte
1. Pagina principală Psiho Hub La accesarea site-ului, utilizatorii vor fi întâmpinați de un design clar. Si va avea urmatoarea structura. 1. Header simplu cu logo și meniu • Logo-ul Psiho Hub în stânga sus. • Meniu minimal în dreapta sus cu linkuri către paginile: o Despre Noi o Contact o Termeni și Condiții 2. Butoane principale mari și clare • Terapie ABA • Logopedie • Terapii • PsihoSport • Social • Voluntariat 3. Secțiuni suplimentare pe prima pagină: Sub butoanele principale principale..probabil 1. Parteneri: O secțiune unde să fie afișate logo-urile partenerilor cu care colaborează Psiho Hub sau Detalii despre acestia 2. Sprijină/Doneaza: Un apel către utilizatori pentru a sprijini proi...
Psiho Hub aspira sa devina un pol de referinta national , un centru de excelenta in suportul psihologic si social , o platforma de conectare si colaborare intre psihologi , terapeuti , institutii publice si private , organizatii non-guvernamentale si comunitatea Hub nu doar că va deservi beneficiarii direcți, dar va avea și o contribuție societală semnificativă, prin campanii de conștientizare, proiecte naționale, programe de voluntariat și intervenții în o astfel de viziune, Psiho Hub poate inspira un design de brand care să fie distinctiv și memorabil. Logo-ul trebuie să fie un simbol al stabilității și evoluției, al unității și diversității serviciilor si proiectelor oferite
Se dorește un nou website care sa includa urmatoarele: -Landing page -e-Store (woocomerce) pentru produse digitale si software -News&podcast -Talent hub (ljob-uri) -Coworking (inchiriere spatiu coworking) -Facturare- Integrare cu Smartbill Integrare plati- Stripe -Contact
Să se proiecteze un sistem de măsurare a temperaturii și umidității ambiante portabil, cu afișare pe calculator (laptop), folosind senzorul de umiditate capacitiv HS1100, senzorul de temperatură integrat LM35 și placa de achiziție NI USB-6008. Programul trebuie facut in LabVIEW
...Audio pentru cel putin urmatoarele iesiri selectabile din optiuni: - analog jack 3.5mm - HDMI - Bluetooth - rebroadcasting (compatibil Sonos) – compatibilitate programe DarkIce si Icecast2; d) Modificarea softului existent pentru a citi din fisierul de configurare descris la punctul (b) care este mediul de stocare utilizat pentru stocarea datelor sub forma cuvintelor cheie QberryStorage= (USB, SD) d) actualizarea configuratiei software prin download fisier de configurare mentionat la pct (b) utilizand conexiuni securizate FTPS cu verificare perioadica necesitate actualizare si fara interventia remote pe dispozitivul Raspberry Pi pentru act...
Nevoie de listing si pe Germania pentru stick. Cu tot cu grafica, A+ si tot ce tine de asta.
Ciprian, vreau sa montez un produs de pe europa, pe USA. Ma ajuti ?
Sunt mai multe programe (20) scrise in Delphi 2010 interconectate cu o baza de date. Programele preiau date nu de la tastatura ci de la accesorii prin intermediul unei interfete ARDUIONO UNO pe port USB.
I am doing a biometric lock in Arduino. I already have the necessay components: fingerprint reader, USB to TTL RS232 module, servomotor, ESP32 module and a power source of 12V. I need to do this physically so I need someone who is from Romania, preferably from Bucharest or Constanta. Thank you!
1. Gestionați inv...Creați și gestionați documente de stand. Creați și gestionați categoria documente. Alte caracteristici Aspecte de proiectare a materialelor. Autentificare / Înregistrare / Modificare parolă și Modificare e-mail acceptate. Pagina Detalii magazin. Suport multi utilizatori și suport multi standuri. Reclame Google. Logare personal. Imprimați din Bluetooth și din software-ul de imprimare terță parte (USB, WIFI și Bluetooth) Si multe altele. Ce puteți face cu această aplicație Puteți crea mai multe conturi pentru multi-tarabe Creați inventar Creați personal Creați clienți Creați furnizori Faceți o achiziție Faceți o vânzare Lista produse Consultați rapoartele angajaților, furnizorilor și clienților Produse de reaprovizionare *** limba ROMANA
Buna, caut specialist pentru instalarea si configurarea unui server asterisk/freepbx ca centrala telefonica si cu dongle usb cu functie SMS-gateway. cu stima,
Salut! Am nevoie de un program care sa ruleze in Windows (si sau macOS) si care sa uneasca pe aceeasi pagina doua imagini provenite de la doua scannere portabile cu alimentare doar prin port usb si o imagine provenita de la o camera web. In atasament vedeti un exemplu de cum ar trebui sa arate aplicatia.
Salut, Folosesc Arduino IDE si recent inceput sa folosesc STM32. As dori sa trec de la Arduino IDE la VSCode platformio cu arduino plugin. Ai fi interesat sa ma ajuti cu 1-2h suport ca sa imi arati : - configurarea unui proiect - adaugarea/management librarii - debuging cu USB si STLink. STLink nu am reusit sa-l fac sa mearga. - alte tips/tricks Am incercat sa migrez singur dar am consumat mult timp pe tutoriale dar nu sunt multumit. Mersi
Buna, Sunt untilizator Arduino IDE si doresc sa migrez la STM32Cube IDE pentru a utiliza STM32F1xxx. Am incercat sa inteleg noul IDE dar este foarte dificil datorita timpului limitat. As avea nevoie de cateva sesiuni de training ca sa pot: - Sa inteleg cum se gestioneaza librariile (.h, .cpp) . Adaugare de librarii noi in proiect - Configurare Cube IDE - Configurare ST Link V2 si USB bootloader - Utilizare mediu CubeIDE si debugger - Tip & Tricks Cube IDE Nu sunt incepator in utilizarea MCU si Arduino. Sesiunile pot fi pe Chrome Remote sau alte applicatii similare Am cateva placi STM32F103C8T6 + ST Link V2. Cube MX si Cube IDE sunt instalate si functioneaza. Sper sa va intereseze Mersi
Caut o persoana care sa cunoasca linux pentru configurarea unui server freepbx cu dongle usb
...Cerințe și Funcționalitate: 1. Aplicația web trebuie să funcționeze pe SO: Windows (de la v.7 în sus!) și Android (de la v.4.2 în sus!) cu posibilitate de extindere și pe sistemele iOS. 2. Aplicația web se va deschide într-o pagină de browser (preferate Google Chrome și Mozilla Firefox, în această ordine!), atât online cât și offline (intranet sau pe dispozitive externe: CD/DVD, HDD portabil sau Stick usb). 3. Tipul paginii web să fie de preferat php (care să includă coduri html5, xhtml, aspx, CSS, java, flash, etc – în funcție de scrierea codului sursă). 4. Structura paginii va fi tip frameset, div,etc (sau, altfel spus, împărțită pe zone!), cu 5 zone de lucru, top, topdown, middle, bottom și other, (Zone nr. 1 – nr. 5)...
...Cerințe și Funcționalitate: 1. Aplicația web trebuie să funcționeze pe SO: Windows (de la v.7 în sus!) și Android (de la v.4.2 în sus!) cu posibilitate de extindere și pe sistemele iOS. 2. Aplicația web se va deschide într-o pagină de browser (preferate Google Chrome și Mozilla Firefox, în această ordine!), atât online cât și offline (intranet sau pe dispozitive externe: CD/DVD, HDD portabil sau Stick usb). 3. Tipul paginii web să fie de preferat php (care să includă coduri html5, xhtml, aspx, CSS, java, flash, etc – în funcție de scrierea codului sursă). 4. Structura paginii va fi tip frameset, div,etc (sau, altfel spus, împărțită pe zone!), cu 5 zone de lucru, top, topdown, middle, bottom și other, (Zone nr. 1 – nr. 5)...
Reprezint o firma de ingrijire medicala la nevoie de un program gen Teamviewer prin care sa pot accesa de la domiciliul pacientului printr-un mini-laptop,desktop-ul de la sediul nostru in care introduc serviciile prestate intr-o aplicatie numita SIUI....partea mai grea este ca am nevoie ca atunci cand introduc in usb-ul laptop-ului (la pacient acasa) un cititor de carduri de sanatate , vreau sa fie detectat pe desktop-ul de la sediu ca si cum ar fi introdus in usb-ul lui. URGENTA SI SERIOZITATE MAXIMA! multumesc
Dorim scrierea unui program in Labwiev pentru achizitia de semnale electrice in functie de timp pe 4 canale simultan utilizand un modul de achizitie extern USB Advantech fi prevazute filtre reglabile pentru semnale si butoane pe FP pentru reglarea sa fie accesibile ca fisiere pentru a putea fi transferate in Origin.
Salut, eu sun un fotograf, si as dori ca pentru clientii mei sa le inscriu pe disc sau pe usb drive fotografiile in forma de un meniu. Unde clientul sa poate usor si placut sa vizioneze pozele. Nu doresc ceva sofisticat, doar sa fie citeva categorii de fotografii, buton dreapta / stinga si posibil pe viitor auto slideshow. Mai pe scurt eu am desenat in exemplu mai de jos cum asa dori sa arate produsul final.
Hy there :) I need to send data to an Arduino integrated plate from Delphi. The board connects via USB and comes with drivers and its own software, editable, limited, in C or C++ ... Pretty please, I need someone who knows how to communicate with peripherals, especially Arduino, from Delphi. Thanks :) / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Salutari :) As avea nevoie sa trimit date catre o placuta de integrate Arduino, din Delphi. Placa se conecteaza prin USB, si vine cu drivere si program propriu de operare, limitat, in C. Va rog frumos, am nevoie de cineva care sa ...
Project Description: We are looking for a talented freelance web developer/designer to create a visually stunning, user-friendly, and engaging website for our comic book/entertainment brand. The website should serve as a hub for showcasing our universe of characters, stories, and media, similar to leading sites like and Key Features: Homepage: Eye-catching design with dynamic elements (e.g., carousels, animations). Featured content sections such as "Latest Releases," "Upcoming Events," and "Character Spotlights." Character Pages: Dedicated pages for individual characters with detailed bios, backstories, and media (images, videos). Character filtering/sorting options (e.g., hero, villain, team affiliation). Comic and Media Section...
I'm looking for a skilled product engineer with expertise in bag design. The project involves creating a range of bags, including backpacks and handbags, as well as travel bags. Backpacks: - Must be made from waterproof material - Feature multiple compartments - Equipped with a built-in USB charging port Handbags: - Should have adjustable straps - Include multiple pockets - Incorporate a secure lock mechanism The specifics for the handbags will be communicated once the freelancer is hired. Ideal skills for this project include product design engineering, materials science, and experience in designing multifunctional bags. A keen understanding of market trends in bag features is also a plus. Please provide examples of relevant past work with your bid.
I need someone skilled at social media marketing to help promote my premium community. This community is a hub for freelancers and agencies to share and bid on projects.
...when storage falls below 5GB. Advanced Settings User Login for Remote Viewing and Vehicle Assignment Require user authentication to enable remote viewing and assign the app to a specific vehicle. Keep Wi-Fi On After Engine Off: Maintain Wi-Fi connectivity for additional app features. Keep Mobile Data On After Engine Off: Allow the app to continue using mobile data. Keep USB Power On After Engine Off: Provide power to USB-connected devices for data storage or charging. Delayed App Activation After Engine Start: Delay app activation for a few seconds after the engine starts to reduce system load. Mobile App (Companion App) The mobile app is designed to work as a companion to the vehicle DVR system, providing remote access and control features for enhanced convenience and ...
I'm in need of a talented web designer who can create a visually pleasing and engaging webpage for RDJ Bakeries Ltd. This page will be a hub to showcase our quality baked goods, our commitment towards sustainability and our healthier product options like multigrain and organic baked goods. The main goal of the webpage is to showcase our baked goods. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Experience in creating 'Rustic and homely' styled webpages. - Skills in product photography and description layout. - Ability to integrate customer reviews and testimonials seamlessly. - Proficiency in conveying a company's story and mission through web design. The webpage will include: - Product images and descriptions. - Customer reviews and testimonials...
Project Description for Eastleigh Hub Shopper - Objective: Develop an e-commerce app and website to connect customers with local shops in Eastleigh, making it easier for buyers to find the right stores. - Target Audience: Local residents and visitors in Eastleigh looking for a convenient shopping experience. - Key Features: - User Registration: Allow customers to create accounts to manage their profiles and orders. - Shop Directory: Comprehensive listings of local shops with detailed product information. - Search Functionality: Enable users to search for products and filter results by categories, price, and ratings. - User Reviews: Allow customers to leave feedback and ratings for shops and products. - Promotions: Highlight special offers and discounts from local seller...
...Concept We aim to create a **visual simulation of an immersive pod** that provides users with a calming and engaging environment tailored to their preferences. The pod is designed to be a self-contained space for activities such as **meditation, relaxation, education, or entertainment**. This initial phase focuses on building a **3D on-screen simulation** to visually demonstrate the pod's **design, structure, and basic features**, laying the groundwork for future development. #### Context on the Idea: The immersive pod is a futuristic concept aimed at creating a personal retreat for users, offering a multisensory experience to enhance their mental focus, relaxation, or learning. The pod will feature **customizable environments**, adaptive lighting, surround sound, and ...
I'm looking for a skilled hardware designer to create a board for the STM32L031K6 microcontroller. The create a board for the STM32L031K6 microcontroller. The board will be used for prototyping, and needs to be compatible with the ST-Link V2 programmer. Key Requirements: - The board should include GPIO pins and Analog inputs/outputs. - The power source for the board will be USB, so it needs to be designed accordingly. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in hardware design, particularly with STM32 microcontrollers. - Familiarity with ST-Link V2 programming. - Ability to design for USB power supply. - Good understanding of GPIO and Analog inputs/outputs. I need a professional who can ensure the board is designed e...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a mental health support website primarily aimed at teens and young adults. The website will serve as a resource hub, providing a wealth of information and resources about mental health. Key Features: - Comprehensive articles and blogs covering various aspects of mental health. - Research studies and reports to provide evidence-based information. - Practical mental health tips and strategies for everyday life. Ideal Skills: - Web development and design - SEO optimization - Content management system (CMS) proficiency - Understanding of mental health issues and resources The goal is to make the website user-friendly, informative, and engaging for the target audience. Experience in developing similar websites would be a si...
Halló brauche Hilfe mit proxmox Install mit usb stick , Hatte ich einem fehler: Found iso9660 FS but no or ero già proxmox …
The project is based on our prior discussions.
We are seeking a skilled web developer or development team to create an MVP for an engagement-focused platform. The platform is designed to support user-generated content, discussions, and community interaction. While the specifics of the project will be disclosed to the selected developer, the objective is to create a scalable and user-friendly platform that serves as a hub for content sharing, feedback, and categorization. The ideal developer will have experience building feature-rich websites that prioritize responsiveness, scalability, and seamless user experience. User Registration and Profile Management Account creation with user profile setup (name, email, password). Ability for users to specify their interests during registration. Content Upload and Categorization A system ...
Project Description I need a professional hardware/electronics designer to create a complete ESP32-S3-based pcb. The design will feature: - ESP32-S3 module (placed on edge side of the PCB) with USB-C for programming. - 18 high-resolution analog inputs for NTC 10K/20K/100K sensors with shared COM pins. - 8 solid-state relay (SSR) outputs for controlling contactor signals, with shared COM pins. - One high-reliability 0-10V analog output. - Ethernet port with the W5500 IC and RJ45 connector at the bottom edge. - Integration of an external RTC module (DS3231) with battery backup for accurate timekeeping. - Power regulation, protection circuits, and optimized PCB design. - Milled slits for isolating I2C sensors.
I'm seeking an experienced professional to deploy an object detection vision AI app using Docker. The app will process images from a live camera feed, precisely a USB webcam. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Docker for deployment. - Previous experience with object detection vision AI apps. - Knowledge of working with live camera feeds. - Ability to ensure seamless integration with a USB webcam, IP camera, and Raspi Cam - user and tool database interface for tool checkin/out management Windows on-premise integration is a must among other platforms. would have to go to the download tab and click download and save I would like to be able to put a list of Patent numbers put a list of Pat numbers: US5512121 US5542135 US6712321 Etc Have it run through the script to download the pdf(s) to a folder desktop I’ve done this in the past, but it’s been years ago my coding mind is not up to it nowadays And easy to use cheap app maybe at or on a USB plug a simple script to download or I can embed it in my website where they have to login with the username and password whatever simplest Rate of pay can vary, depending on how we can develop this I WILL WANT TO SPEAK TO THE PERSON THAT WANTS TO DO THIS Tom...
...This is complemented by a variety of functions and tools that serve both administrative and operational purposes. Thanks to its flexible architecture, ResQMedic is easily adaptable to individual needs and provides a comprehensive solution for all aspects of operation management and execution. Core Features of ResQMedic 1. Modular Design: ResQMedic consists of three main modules that are closely interconnected: ACP (Admin Control Panel): The central management hub for administrators, allowing control over users, permissions, mandates, and global system settings. UCP (User Control Panel): A user portal for managing personal data, creating mandates, and accessing support tickets and invoices. Mandates: Individual subsystems designed for specific tasks such as operation docu...
...using an ESP32-S3. The low-power design will encompass various components such as a GPS, sensors buttons, and connectors. Key Features: - Incorporate ESP32 WROOM S3 and u-blox MAX-M10S GPS with chip antenna - Integrate a Speaker and 5 Pushbuttons - Include a Micro SD Card Slot and USB-C Connector - Have a Barometric Sensor, Accelerometer/Gyro, and Ambient Light Sensor - Implement a LoRA Radio and 4 connectors for battery & peripherals - Support LiPo charging and power management Board Dimensions: Approximately 44mm x 72mm Deliverables: - Altium Designer Schematic - Detailed Parts List (BOM) with supplier information - Altium Designer PCB Layout - Complete Fabrication data (Geber files etc) Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in PCB design, pa...
I'm seeking an IT specialist with experience in web development and AI integration to create a comprehensive educational website for me. Key Features: - The primary purpose of the website is to serve as an informational hub focused on education. - It will feature a variety of content, primarily centered around educational materials. - Important user interactions will include: - Online courses - Quizzes and assessments - Sales of related products Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge in IT with a proven track record in web development. - Experience in creating e-commerce sites, particularly in the educational sector. - Proficient in AI integration within websites. - Skills in creating interactive elements such as quizzes and online courses. - Understa...
Hi Prime SEO Hub, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
...charge, payment on account), discounts, coupons, gift card sales and redemptions. - USB peripheral device support: scanning (UPC codes for item identification), printing and controlling a cash drawer opening actuator. - Advanced inventory management: tracking all product details, price, quantity on hand, cost, supplier info, notes, tax. This should dynamically adjust with sales transactions. - Comprehensive reporting: generating sales reports, inventory reports, tax reports and statistical sales trending. The project will require: - Proficient knowledge of POS software development. - Extensive experience with SQL Server and database management. - Skills in developing for Windows systems and integrating with USB peripheral devices. - Understanding of inventory management ...
I'm looking for a UI designer to create a vibrant and imaginative design for my app development company's website. The site should have a modern, sleek feel while embodying a creative and vibrant aesthetic. There will be total of 7 pages. One main hub page and 5 details page and one case study page. For some of the pages, need app design for screenshots to show along side the text. The screenshots have to be designed new, should not use existing apps or from internet. Ideal Skills: - UI/UX Design - Branding Integration - Modern & Creative Web Design - Understanding of App Development Industry I'm excited to see how you can bring a unique and engaging design to this project.
I'm in need of a proficient freelancer who can assist with configuring VTSCADA for sending and receiving ASCII messages through a USB COM port on a Windows PC. The ideal candidate should have a solid background in VTSCADA, serial communication, and programming. Key responsibilities include: - Configuring VTSCADA for accurate message transmission. - Setting up the system for sending and receiving ASCII messages via a USB COM port. - Troubleshooting any issues related to message transmission. If you're skilled in this area and can ensure high-quality, precise results, I would be eager to hear from you!
...II, III), NAIA, and USBC-sanctioned/Club teams. This section will allow youth athletes to explore collegiate opportunities, understand scholarship possibilities, and connect directly with coaches—all within a searchable, filterable platform. The website will generate revenue through ads from relevant businesses and paid tournament promotion services. As the platform grows, it will also serve as a hub for bowlers and athletes looking for training resources, coaching advice, and career development opportunities. Features & Functionality 1. Homepage Primary Call to Action: Display a search bar and filters prominently on the homepage so users can easily begin their search for tournaments, coaches, and resources. Advertising Space: Sections on the homepage should be designa...
...This includes USB dongles, SIM cards, and a Linux-based server environment. The system will be used for commercial purposes and needs to provide secure, rotating mobile IPs with features like IP rotation, user authentication, and scalability. Key Responsibilities: - Setup and configuration of Squid proxy server software. - Integration of USB dongles or SIM card banks to enable mobile IPs. - Automating IP rotation and managing dynamic IPs. - Securing the system with user authentication and traffic monitoring. - Providing detailed documentation for future maintenance and scalability. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in configuring proxy server systems, specifically Squid. - Extensive knowledge of Linux operating systems. - Experience with hardware integrati...
I'm in need of an experienced professional to configure a mobile proxy system utilizing my existing hardware - USB dongles, SIM cards, and a server environment. The goal is to create a system providing secure, rotating mobile IPs for commercial use. Key features should include IP rotation, user authentication, and scalability. Key Responsibilities: - Setting up and configuring 3Proxy as the main proxy server software. - Integrating USB dongles or SIM card banks to enable mobile IPs. - Automating IP rotation and managing dynamic IPs. - Securing the system with user authentication and traffic monitoring. - Providing detailed documentation for future maintenance and scalability. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in configuring 3Proxy. - Experience with setting up ...
I'm seeking an expert who can design a modified version of the Zoom G1 four multi-effect/sampler. The device needs to include: - A Drum machine: Similar to the Zoom's, but with more memory and the capability to incorporate new midi-patterns. - Multi-Inputs: At least 4-5 inputs for various instruments. - Effects: Designed specifically for guitar, bass, and vocals. - Sampler: Able to run loops of 4-5 minutes. - Bluetooth Connectivity: To connect with a phone, which will serve as a screen and interface. - Optional: A simple DAW integrated into the design. - Optional: WahWah pedal which should modify all effects onboard - usb-port It would be ideal if the device can be powered by 5v. If you're interested, please send me a private message detailing your re...
Paul Savluc: Pioneering the Future of Tech with OpenQQuantify and Tomorrow’s AIIn the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and artificial intelligence, visionaries who can bridge the gap between innovation and accessibility are rare. Paul Savluc stands out as one such pioneer, whose work is reshaping the fields of electronics design, AI-driven platforms, and collaborative innovation. Through his leadership in OpenQQuantify and Tomorrow’s AI, Savluc is not just pushing the boundaries of what’s possible—he’s making advanced technology accessible to Savluc: A Journey of Tech Innovation and EntrepreneurshipPaul George Savluc’s journey in the tech world is marked by a unique blend of technical expertise and entrepreneurial spirit. His background s...
I'm in need of a Shopify-based website that mirrors Mulesoft's functionality but exclusively selling services rather than products. The site should be capable of supporting various subscription-based pricing levels. Key Services: - Consulting - Development - Support and Maintenance Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Shopify - Proficient in creating service-oriented websites - Deep understanding of subscription-based and tier based pricing models - Ability to provide ongoing support and maintenance Please note, this project requires a professional who can replicate Mulesoft's complex features on the Shopify platform, with a focus on service delivery rather than product sales.
I am looking to sell several yoga center properties. The primary goal is to find potential buyers and successfully close sales on these properties. - Target Audience: The focus is primarily on individuals who may be interested in owning a yoga center or a property suited for yoga practice. The property is already located in a small international yoga hub that is on the edge of the Abruzzi National park and it is well-connected with public transportation from Rome and naples - Key Features: The properties' location and surroundings are crucial in attracting potential buyers. Therefore, it is essential that these aspects are highlighted effectively in the marketing strategy. Skills and Experience: Ideal freelancers for this project should have experience in real estate sales,...