Ubuntu install fails partition raid arrayproiecte
Caut un freelancer roman pentru instalarea Qwebirc pe VPS-ul meu cu Ubuntu 20. Proiectul nu ar trebui să dureze mai mult de 10 minute. Va fi o instalare standard, fără personalizări sau teme speciale.
Am nevoie de un freelancer roman care sa ma ajute cu o problema banala. Am reinoit un certificat ssl si cred ca am facut ceva gresit ca nu imi mai merge pagina de kiwi. De asemenea am nevoie de ajutor si cu alte aspecte ale site-ului, in special cu actualizarea continutului.
Am facut o alta mașina virtuală vps cu ubuntu 20. Am backupul bazei de date si fisierele. Am nevoie de restaurarea bazei de date si refacerea legăturilor catre site. Apoi înlocuirea vechii locații cu cea noua
Doresc un programator ce poate instala pe un server serviciul Instalare Server Streaming STMP. Typ Linux-Server v2 Betriebssystem Ubuntu 20.04 LTS / 64 bit
...8. What you have to do: Install Laravel 8 Install When installing it you have to use: composer require mrbig00/oblio-php-client The developer made an arror on the documentation on github What i receive: Step by step instruction on how to: - install my self the GitHub wrapped on my Laravel 8 - Make migrations for clients invoices - make migrations for clients foreach invoice there is a payment (card, bank, cash) - Make controller to do all these - Make button for each client "New invoice" - page for invoices foreach client with payments foreach invoice. I don't what other files, i don't need anything else. After i receive files from you, i need to be able to do it myself. I know little Laravel. I managed to install the Wrapper on Lara...
Am nevoie de o aplicație în limbajul Java. Aplicația va conține: clase simple cu atribute private / protected și metode de acces cel puțin 2 colecții diferite capabile să gestioneze obiectele definite anterior (eg: List, Set, Map, etc.) dintre care cel puțin una sa fie sortata – se vor folosi array-uri uni- /bidimensionale în cazul în care nu se parcurg colectiile pana la data checkpoint-ului. utilizare moștenire pentru crearea de clase adiționale și utilizarea lor încadrul colecțiilor; cel puțin o clasă serviciu care sa expună operațiile sistemului o clasa Main din care sunt făcute apeluri către servicii. Tema: catalog (student, materie, profesor) sau biblioteca (sectiuni, carti, autori, cititori)
Devirusarea unui domeniu WEB ce ruleaza Wordpress , configurarea pe un server Ubuntu 18.04 cu ISPConfig 3.2 si PHP 7. COnfigurare certificate SSL prin Let's Encrypt pentru domeniul respectiv si subdomeniile sale.
Transferul a 3 domenii WEB (un domeniu foarte vechi realizat cu pagini web HTML4 si 2 domenii realizate cu WORDPRESS) de pe un server Linux cu ISPConfig 3 fara HTTPS catre un nou server Linux Ubuntu 18.04 si ISPConfig 3.1 cu HTTPS. Se cere transferul domenului WEB, baze de date , adreselor de e-mail (fara e-mailuri) si DNS.
Salut, Am nevoie de ajutor cu un VPS / Ubuntu/Plesk. Pe scurt e vorba de o problema de update Plesk, care din ceva motiv a dus la inchiderea unui port (8443) folosit de Plesk pentru interfata grafica si la inchiderea porturilor 21 si 22 deci nici FTP si nici SSH. In momentul de fata am doar acces direct la server printr-o consolaa virtuala (cel putin asa cred ca ii zice...). Am incercat sa fac update, sa repornesc serviciul dar de fiecare data mi se afiseaza erori si mai devreme sau mai tarziu ajung in faza in care mi se afiseaza o problema de dependecy. Am incercat dar fara succes: sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -f Intr-un final se pare ca ceva pachete de update nu sun gasite/nu functioneaza si blocheaza orice incercare de upgrade. Crezi c...
Buna, Ne aflam in cautarea de dezvoltatori (Red Hat, Linux, Ubuntu/Suse) cu cunostiinte de C++ Contractul este pe termen lung si presupune dezvoltare locala pe proiecte internationale. Putem discuta (detalii, timing, rate etc)? Multumesc, Ioana
Doresc sa instalez Ubuntu server sau CentOS pe un server virtual, si o aplicatie software ce are documentatie destul de clara si pe inteles. Instalarea aplicatiei dureaza 1 ora, cu setarile aferente si cu studierea documentatiei
salut, avem nevoie de un om pe wordpress/proj based (ideal si ceva mai avansat sa mai umble la un plugin sa mai faca un plugin) nu numai install/config de wp.. oricum daca poti sa-mi dai un nr sau contact ceva sa luam legatura putem discuta mihai 0786 189 329 sau mihai arond sbmweb punct ro
salut, avem nevoie de un om pe wordpress (ideal si ceva mai avansat sa mai umble la un plugin sa mai faca un plugin) nu numai install/config de wp.. oricum daca poti sa-mi dai un nr sau contact ceva sa luam legatura putem discuta mihai 0786 189 329 sau mihai arond sbmweb punct ro
...precum și numele utilizatorului. Pentru că scopul principal este să vedem cum se folosesc componentele de Android și care este procesul de dezvoltare, nu vom lua în considerare aspecte precum autentificarea efectivă a utilizatorului. Înainte de a începe, trebuie spus că articolul de față necesită cunoștințe de bază în limbajul Java. Este recomandat ca sistemul de operare să fie bazat pe UNIX (Ubuntu sau MacOS X), dar și Windows poate fi folosit fără nicio problemă. În plus, este necesar să aveți JDK-ul de Java instalat, cel puțin versiunea 1.6. Aplicația va fi dezvoltată pentru versiunea 2.2 pentru a acoperi o plajă cât mai mare de telefoane. Ea va rula însă pe orice telefon care are versiunea mai nouă de 2.2, inclusiv 4.0 și tablet...
Doresc sa gasesc pe cineva sa imi faca un miner pentru Monero, si binenteles cateva functi, cum ar silent install, sa foloseasca doar 75% din resurse, si altele care le putem discuta
Doresc importarea produseleor a 2 situri intr-un singur fisier csv. Exemplu cod pentru a genera fisierul csv: <?php ...Exemplu cod pentru a genera fisierul csv: <?php $f = fopen('php://output', 'wb'); if($f) { foreach(toate_produsele_active() as $produs) { $coloane = array( $produs['id'], $produs['titlu'], $produs['categorie'], $produs['descriere_html'], $produs['moneda'], $produs['pret'], $produs['cantitate'], implode('[,]', str_replace('[,]', '[%2C]', $produs['array_urluri_poze'])), ); fputcsv($f, $col...
Realizarea unei aplicatii mobile de recunoastere muzicala (asemanatoare Shazam) cu ajutorul Echoprint. Resurse disponibile aici: Cerinte: Android/Java pentru realizarea aplicatiei si Ubuntu/lucru cu servere pentru partea de server.
Salariul incepe de la 1000 lei pentru full-time. Avem niste proiecte foarte interesante care asteapta sa fie incepute, asa ca suntem in cautarea unei persoane serioase care sa se alature echipei noastre. CERINTE: - CALITATE - experienta minim 3 ani, preferabil 5 - ex...cautarea unei persoane serioase care sa se alature echipei noastre. CERINTE: - CALITATE - experienta minim 3 ani, preferabil 5 - experienta in lucrul cu Custom Post Types - Creere teme si pluginuri wordpress de la zero - experienta in lucrul cu BuddyPress - cunostinte superioare php si mysql - cunostinte ajax si front end development reprezinta un mare avantaj - cunostinte linux / ubuntu reprezinta un mare avantaj - PFA-urile au prioritate, daca nu disponibilitatea de a deveni PFA reprezinta ...
Salariul incepe de la 1000 lei pentru full-time. Avem niste proiecte foarte interesante care asteapta sa fie incepute, asa ca suntem in cautarea unei persoane serioase care sa se alature echipei noastre. CERINTE: - CALITATE - experienta minim 3 ani, preferabil 5 - ex...cautarea unei persoane serioase care sa se alature echipei noastre. CERINTE: - CALITATE - experienta minim 3 ani, preferabil 5 - experienta in lucrul cu Custom Post Types - Creere teme si pluginuri wordpress de la zero - experienta in lucrul cu BuddyPress - cunostinte superioare php si mysql - cunostinte ajax si front end development reprezinta un mare avantaj - cunostinte linux / ubuntu reprezinta un mare avantaj - PFA-urile au prioritate, daca nu disponibilitatea de a deveni PFA reprezinta ...
Salut cred ca stii Limba daca poti sa ma ajuti sa-mi instalezi si mie OpenGTS pe un server .Multumesc!
Vreau un soft, un program ce sa se deschida o data cu Windows-ul si sa afiseze un bord cu mai multe optiuni: - open Google Chrome - go to Partition C - go to Partition D - open CMD
Salut, Detin un server de email pe care doresc sa-l configurez, in prezent folosesc Interspire +exim dar vreau sa trec de la exim la powermta si sa reconfigurez server-ul asa cum trebuie.
Salut, Detin un server de mail care in prezent nu este configurat cum trebuie. Vreau sa fie reconfigurat server-ul. In prezent folosesc Interspier+exim si vreau sa trec de la exim la powermta.
Salut, Detin un server de email pe care doresc sa-l configurez, in prezent folosesc Interspire +exim dar vreau sa trec de la exim la powermta si sa reconfigurez server-ul asa cum trebuie.
Salut, Detin un server de mail care in prezent nu este configurat cum trebuie. Vreau sa fie reconfigurat server-ul. In prezent folosesc Interspier+exim si vreau sa trec de la exim la powermta.
Salut, Detin un server de emailcare in prezent nu este configurat asa cum trebuie. Vreau sa reconfigurez server-ul si sa cresc livrabilitatea atat ca volum/ora cat si ca rata de inbox.
Salut, Am un server de email si vreau sa il configurez. In prezent functioneaza dar stiu ca se poate mai bine.
Salut, Am un VPS cu FreePBX functional. Doresc sa adaug HylaFax + AvantFax si sa pot sa trimit faxuri prin iax sau sip. Am vazut ca ai facut ceva similar. 40$ fixed rate Poti sa ma ajuti?
Salut, Am un VPS cu FreePBX functional. Doresc sa adaug HylaFax + AvantFax si sa pot sa trimit faxuri prin iax sau sip. Am vazut ca ai facut ceva similar. 40$ fixed rate Poti sa ma ajuti?
...in cautarea unei persoane serioase care sa se alature echipei noastre. CERINTE: - CALITATE - experienta minim 3 ani, preferabil 5 - experienta in lucrul cu Custom Post Types - Creere teme si pluginuri wordpress de la zero - experienta in lucrul cu BuddyPress - cunostinte superioare php si mysql - cunostinte ajax si front end development reprezinta un mare avantaj - cunostinte linux / ubuntu reprezinta un mare avantaj - PFA-urile au prioritate, daca nu disponibilitatea de a deveni PFA reprezinta un avantaj BENEFICII: Pentru o persoana cu genul acesta de experienta, ceruta mai sus, probabil ca oportunitatea de alucra intr-un mediu placut, fara stres, cu zero corporatisti, reprezinta o schimbare buna. Castigurile sunt proportionale cu munca, dar la full-time nu ai c...
Salut, am nevose sa instalez munin 2.x in modalitate fast-cgi (ca in ace...instalez munin 2.x in modalitate fast-cgi (ca in acest tutorial) pe nginx 1.5.6 (deja instalat si configurat de mine) pe un server ubuntu 12.04 curat (am instalat si compilat nginx si atat). Am adaugat si repository ppa:tuxpoldo/munin (pentru a avea ultima verione de munin). Lucrul important este ca trebuie sa mearga bine. Inclusiv zoom-ul pe grafic, ca in aceasta demo: Ai cum sa ma ajuti? https://www.freelancer.com/projects/Linux-ubuntu/Munin-Nginx-Fast-CGI-Ubuntu.html Numai bine, Ionut
Salut. Am nevoie de rescrierea unei functii in codul meu, mentionez ca programul il voi folosi strict pe propriile mele servere. - codul a fost scris in mai multi pasi ca sa ruleze mai multe functii, de multe ori de alti coderi - programul se compileaza static si ruleaza pe urmatoarele platforme Linux: CentOS, Debin, Ubuntu, RedHat. - in urma testelor am descoperit ca programul la inceput ruleaza foarte rapid si exact asa cum trebuie iar apoi circa dupa 1 ora de functionare totul incepe sa devina slow si ajunge sa mearga din ce in ce mai greu. - am constatat ca problema principala este de la Threadurile pe care le face ( probabil au fost scrise gresit ) - in rest toate functiile lui functioneaza asa cum ar trebui sa functioneze Mai jos am atasat o arhiva cu o scurta s...
Salut am nevoie de configurarea unui emulator android ca in acest exemplu despre ce este vorba am o aplicatie taxi care doresc o s-o rulez din emulator dar autentificarea probabil este pe baza de IMEI si altele Am instalat ubuntu 13 si team viewer pentru teste
We bought a NextJS React Material UI based Dashboard Application (See Vuexy links attached below). We wanna run this Dashboard as a Microsoft Teams Application. Microsoft Teams has a developer toolkit which does the scaffolding for a Microsoft Teams App (DOCS: ). Your Task is to run the bought Dashboard as a Teams App with SSO. When The App is rendered you have the Teams App Context which gives you the values if Teams is used in Dark or Lite Mode and you should pass this to the Dashboard where a Dark or Lite Mode is also implemented. Here are links to the Dashboard Documentation: Installation Guide: (we removed the complete Next Auth Part form the Dashboard because the SSO is handled by Microsoft Teams as Application Host) Dashboard Preview: Teams Development Resources: Toolkit Docs: ...
I am looking for working source code for a web-based sports betting platform, similar to 1xbet, bet365, or heeraexchange. The provided source code should include: - Live Betting: The possibility to place bets during an ongoing game. - Casino Games: Integration of various online casino games. - Virtual Sports: An array of virtual sports where bets can be placed. In terms of payment methods, I require support for all forms of payment in INR. Ideal candidates for this project should demonstrate: - Profound experience in developing sports betting websites. - Proficiency in integrating various payment methods, specifically fitting with INR. - Knowledge on live betting, casino games, and virtual sports integrations.
I have a specific WordPress/PHP theme that needs to be installed and configured on my website. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with WordPress and PHP - Proven track record of installing and configuring WordPress themes - Strong understanding of website scripting - Excellent attention to detail to ensure the theme is set up correctly Please note, the theme is compatible with the latest version of WordPress/PHP.
...microphones of two Raspberrys to be accessible from the Internet simultaneously. The goal is to achieve a system that is scalable later to transmit image and sound from up to 10 Raspberrys simultaneously from the same Internet connection. To do this, I intend it to use Raspberry's software called UV4L, which should connect to a Janus Gateway server that is on a PC with the Linux Ubuntu operating system. On this Ubuntu is installed the Apache web server and a reverse proxy module. I've tried setting it up, but it doesn't work. I will give remote access to both the PC and two Raspberrys, understanding that if we manage to make it work with two it will be easily scalable up to 10 Raspberry. They will all be within the same local network and there will be a sin...
I'm seeking a professional to help me integrate "Obfuscar" into my Visual Studio environment and assist with publishing my project. The final published project should include an obfuscated DLL and install without errors. Key project components: Objective 1: - Full obfuscation of my C# code. - Project publishing and ensuring successful installation. Objective 2: - cpp code obfuscation using LLVM Obfuscator on ubuntu - Including support to install LLVM obfuscator and obfuscator should be able to manage all kind of cpp software functionality. For objective 1: To demonstrate the project cycle, you may use this PowerPoint add-in project: and perform the obfuscation. Currently, I can run Obfuscar, but I'm having issues with the manifest file not
I'm in search of a multifaceted commercial model for a clothing line. You should be comfortable showcasing a wide array of styles, from casual wear to formal attire and sportswear. Your ability to adapt to different styles will be crucial for this project. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Prior experience in commercial clothing modeling is a plus - Runway and editorial modeling experience is welcome - Ability to model diverse styles - Comfortable with casual, formal and sportswear - Excellent presentation and communication skills - Punctual and reliable
Description: I have a project using Laravel 11 as the backend and Vue.js 3 as the frontend, integrated with a pre-defined theme. The project leverages Vite for module bundling and automatic Vue Router for route management. I am looking for a developer to collaborate with me on completing the following tasks: Project Setup: Install and configure the project on my system or server. Authentication: Implement register (website/register) and login (website/login) pages. Use Laravel Passport for authentication. Login with username or mail CRUD Functionality: Create a CRUD and index interface for the units table with the following structure: id: Primary key name: String is_active: Boolean created_at: Timestamp updated_at: Timestamp We will work on this project together, allowing us to...
I'm looking for an experienced system administrator with expertise in Linux to install Infinite Scale (the new version of Owncloud) in a production environment for me. The purpose of the installation is to set up a OneDrive alternative. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Linux operating system - Proven experience in installing and configuring Infinite Scale or similar platforms - Familiarity with setting up and configuring LDAP authentication system - Experienced in setting up SSL using LetsEncrypt or similar. - Must have good presentation skills to create step-by-step installation documents and handover training. - Installation in a virtual environment on Ubuntu OS in Docker Setup.
As a company ready for a transformation, we're looking for a modern and sleek rebrand. This project will involve designing a new logo, a landing web page, business cards, letterheads, an email letter head, an e signature, and stickers for our install work. Your task will include: - Crafting a sophisticated, modern logo that embodies our brand ethos - Designing a sleek, user-friendly landing page with a product/services overview and a contact form - Updating our business stationery to reflect the new brand While we're open to suggestions for the color scheme, we're leaning towards a two-colour palette with a dark main colour. The ideal candidate will be a seasoned graphic designer with a strong portfolio of modern, sleek designs. Experience in web design is a must, ...
...entry when HH or LL break with smaller Profit 4e) Cloud Cross Entry: This is a Big MA Crossover Entry. Need MA Setting in Strategy Input 4F) EMA Crossover Entry: This is a small EMA crossover Entry. Need MA Setting in Strategy Input 7. Stop and Reverse Feature: This feature applies to 4a) Reversal Bar Entry , 4c) MID band entry , 4e) Cloud Cross Entry and 4f) EMA Crossover Entry. If trade fails in one direction, Strategy should enter trade in the reverse direction with multiple or addition of the trades. If one Long trade is lost in Buy direction, then the system should enter SHORT trade with multiple or addition of contracts. Multiple mean if 1 lond trade lost enter 2 short, if again 2 short lost. Enter Long with the multiple of 2, 3, 4, up to maximum times as ment...
I am looking for an expert who can install the PMTA application on my CentOS server. The primary use of this application will be for email marketing. Key Requirements: - Installation of PMTA on CentOS Access: - You will be provided with root access to the server. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with PMTA - Proficient in CentOS
...geolocation requirements. Responsibilities: 1. Server Setup and Configuration: - Install and configure an Ubuntu Server (22.04) or Debian-based operating system. - Set up VPN services (e.g., WireGuard or OpenVPN) with Maryland-based IPs. - Configure load balancing using NGINX or HAProxy. - Implement monitoring tools (Prometheus, Grafana) and logging tools (Fail2Ban, UFW). 2. Networking and Security: - Set up a secure local network with a router supporting VPN functionality. - Configure a 24-port Gigabit switch for device connectivity. - Develop firewall rules and security protocols to prevent unauthorized access. 3. Laptop Configuration: - Install and configure Linux OS (Ubuntu Desktop 22.04) on 10 Dell XPS 13 laptops. - Set up ...
...optimization. I’m excited to bring OmegaVision to life and look forward to collaborating with the right professional to create something impactful. Please feel free to ask questions or share ideas to enhance the project further. Here is the breakdown at a glance- Shopify Store Setup • Customize theme for OmegaVision • Upload 50ish SEO-optimized products • Configure payments, shipping, and taxes • Install review, email marketing, and fulfillment apps • Optimize for SEO and analytics • Test responsiveness, functionality, and checkout Directory Website Development • Create OmegaDirectory to drive traffic to Shopify • Display 50ish products with links to Shopify • Include searchbar, categories, and filters • Optimize for SEO ...
...jpg before you state a fee. +++ BUDGET $100 +++ NO AUTO BIDS I'm looking for a skilled Magento 2.4.7 p3 developer with a strong background in CSS to implement several modifications on my Magento store. Using Magento 2.4.7 p3 on a Dedicated Ubuntu 22.04 Server. 1. Install forum software. Not sure which to use. mybb v. phpbb I like these themes: a. Install mybb forum software and selected theme. If I don't like the theme, install the phpbb and theme. Once I decide theme, modify layout as shown in forum_layout.jpg. b. Create ONE login for forum and magento profile, Once logged into magento, user can post topic or access forum without need to login. c. add header and footer
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a comprehensive Islamic clothing e-commerce website. The site should cater to both men's and women's Islamic clothing, featuring a wide array of items such as: - For Women: Hijabs and scarves, Abayas and dresses, Modest casual wear. - For Men: Thobes and Jubbas, Modest casual wear. - For Children: Boys and girls thobes and abayas The ideal freelancer should have a solid portfolio of e-commerce site development, with a good understanding of Islamic clothing trends and styles. Exceptional skills in UX/UI design, SEO, and responsive web design are crucial. Familiarity with secure payment gateways and e-commerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce will be an added advantage. Please provide examples of previous similar ...
I need an experienced modder to help improve my gameplay experience on Fallout: New Vegas and Disco Elysium. I've beaten both these games multiple times, so I know the ins and outs. For Fallout: New Vegas, I want to install various mods which enhance the vanilla experience, add a sprint function, and improve the graphics and textures. The specific mods I'm interested in include: - Vanilla mods - Sprint update - Gameplay graphics and textures - Gameplay mechanics - Character mods On Disco Elysium, I need assistance manipulating the save files to tweak my character stats. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with modding Fallout: New Vegas - Knowledge of various mods available for the game - Experience with manipulating save files in Dis...