Trend web design 2015proiecte
Tu ce faci tu mereu in trend in decorarea casei albastre cu tine și să te
proiect de marketing pt Universitea Spiru Haret - 15 pagini in Limba Romana Examenul final la disciplina Proiecte de marketing constă în elaborarea unui proiect de cercetare, pe o temă la alegerea studentului, din domeniul marketing. Proiectul trebuie incarcat in platforma Blackboard pana in ziua examenului, 12.02.2021, ora 16, ...Editura Publica Bucureşti, 2010. Kotler P., Armstrong G., Principiile marketingului, Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 2004. Răboacă, Gheorghe; Ciucur, Dumitru, Metodologia cercetării ştiinţifice economice, ediţia a III-a, revăzută şi adăugită, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti, 2006. Vrânceanu D., Rolul eticii în deciziile de marketing în Revista de Marketing (online), vol I, nr.3, p.28-37, 2015, accesibil la
Doresc o evaluare a unui site prestashop realizat in 2015, aducere la zi si introducere de noi functionalitati. Doresc si creare de aplicatii IOS si Android pt. acest site.
Domeniile in care se incadreaza acest studiu: turism; drept comercial. Limba în care va fi scris: română Număr de pagini capitol: 50 de pagini. Data limită la care trebuie să fie gata proiectul: 6 sept. 2020 Contactează-mă pentru detalii.
...269 - 273) - română (traducerea în limba română nu este publicată momentan) Apelul național la propuneri de proiecte Erasmus+ Ghid de management al proiectelor Erasmus+ de mobilități în domeniul tineretului 2015 Ghidul Programului Erasmus+ 2015 (în paranteză sunt paginile relevante pentru proiectele de mobilități) - în limba engleză (paginile 30 - 85, 207 - 232) - în limba română (atenție, în cazul în care există discrepanțe între cele două versiuni, va prevala conținutul celei din limba engleză) Apelul Național la Propuneri de Proiecte 2015 Toate documentele relevante pentru anul 2015 la toate acțiunile sunt disponibile aici. 2014 Ghidul Programului Erasmus+ 2014 (în paranteză sun...
...motion platform called SmartRaces. It will offer virtual races for sale, the completion of the races being rewarded with a real medal. Similar project example: What do we need? SmartRaces project logo Colors: black + orange / white + orange - Code orange: # f7941d, rgb (247,148,29) Logo type: Icon + name / icon with name integrated in the design / icon from the initials S R Elements that we would include in the design: globe / moving person / running shoe sole, other elements that induce the idea of movement / virtual reality / world wide / competition / play / trails Attached: 1. SmartRaces brand description (how it works, target, tone of voice etc) 2. Examples of logos that attract our attention through colors, elements used ________________________________________
Ma numesc Stefan Mazilu si din 2015 detin CoMas Advertising, firma de publicitate prin care asiguram aproape intreg necesarul unei companii din punct de vedere de publicitate/branding lucrand la nivel international si national. Pe scurt, avem un proiect acum care necesita 1/2 persoane care sa introduca si/sau modifice produse in modulul de administrare al un magazin on-line. Clientul nostru are foarte multe produse ce trebuiesc ajustate astfel. Estimativ job-ul ar dura 2 luni cu un necesar de munca de aproximativ 7-8 ore/zi (depinde de cat de rapid lucrati - daca ar fi prea mult pt o persoana, putem sa divizam munca cu o alta). Nu este greu, doar trebuie atentie. V-am pune la dispozitie un catalog cu adnotarile clientului, link-uri catre paginile furnizorilor de unde ai prelua text...
Buna ziua. Am doua site-uri care activeaza in zona fotografiei / videografiei / sonorizarii de evenimente. In general ma adresez persoanelor fizice. As dori sa le refac imaginea (nu mi se pare intuitiva pentrru utilizator), o rearanjare a paginilor + text + foto pentru a fi trend cu conditiile impuse de google, cat si o campanie SEO Off Page. Cele doua site-uri sunt: si Astept propunerile dumneavoastra O zi buna, Daniel Sabo
Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza integrarea TecDocului (minim 2015) in wordpress/prestashop/magento . Ma intereseaza sa extrag numai baza de date Opel din Tecdoc,(coloana;cod piesa,info articol,nume piesa,poza articol,poza brand). - De asemenea este foarte important sa pot edita categoriile/subcategoriile,sa adaug articole manual/automat. - cautare articole dupa denumire dupa ce userul a ales masina, WebDesign reponsive - Html5 - ccss type -knockoutjs -bootstrap dependency management -cross browser Internet explorer minim V9 Astept un raspuns. Multumesc,
...10 modalitati simple de a-ti creste rata de conversie la un magazin online 4. Cum sa implementezi Google Analytics la un magazin online 5. Cum se implementeaza corect un tag canonical ? 6. Ce este Google Search Console si cum poate ajuta un magazin online ? 7. Ce este HTTPS si de ce este atat de importanta conexiunea securizata la un magazin online? 8. Versiunea mobile nu mai este un trend, ci o necesitate 9. De ce este importanta o structura cat mai bogata la un magazin online ? 10. Cum se procedeaza cu produsele iesite din stoc ? 11. Cum se face un research de cuvinte cheie pentru un magazin online ? 12. Cum se analizeaza concurenta si link-urile obtinute de concurenti? 13. Cum se realizeaza optimizarea on-page a unui magazin online ? 14. De ce viteza de i...
Am nevoie de completarea unui fisier existent cu date suplimentare pentru aproximativ 7000 de firme .Datele de care am nevoie sunt: - Actualizarea si completarea datelor de contact, datele vechi raman insa se vor pune in paranteza si se vor colora cu alta culoare - – ma intereseaza datele financiare din ultimi 3 ani(cifra de afaceri, profit / pierdere, nr angajati pentru 2015/2014/2013), - – ma intereseaza daca au avut procese sau sunt in insolventa si daca da link-ul catre fiecare dosar . Va rog nu licitati daca nu aveti timp de lucru si bugetul maxim este de 30$.
Completare date in fisier excel pentru 2000 de firme Am nevie de completarea unui fisier existent cu date suplimentare pentru aproximativ 2000 de firme Datele de care am nevoie sunt: - Actualizarea si completarea datelor de contact, datele vechi raman insa se vor pune in firme Am nevie de completarea unui fisier existent cu date suplimentare pentru aproximativ 2000 de firme Datele de care am nevoie sunt: - Actualizarea si completarea datelor de contact, datele vechi raman insa se vor pune in paranteza si se vor colora cu alta culoare - – ma intereseaza datele financiare din ultimi 3 ani(cifra de afaceri, profit / pierdere, nr angajati pentru 2015/2014/2013), - – ma intereseaza daca au avut procese si daca da link-ul catre fiecare dosar
Prestashop Ne-am dori sa cunoastem oameni care: • Au 2+ ani in front end development pentru crearea de module si magazine virtuale in Magento 2 • Au lucrat cu JavaScript / jQuery • Se folosesc de Adobe Photoshop pentru a lucra cu layout-urile grafice • Sunt foarte atenti la detalii • Sunt la curent cu cele mai noi trend-uri in web development Si ne-ar impresiona daca pe langa cele de mai sus au orice combinatie de: • Experienta cu sisteme de template-uri PHP (eg. Smarty Template Engine) • Proiecte pe platforme e-commerce (Magento 2) • Optimizare SEO in structura HTML • Stiu sa faca optimizare cross-browser si cross-platform • Au experienta de lucru cu CMS-uri (eg. Wordpress)
Prestashop Ne-am dori sa cunoastem oameni care: • Au 2+ ani in front end development pentru crearea de module si magazine virtuale in PrestaShop • Au lucrat cu JavaScript / jQuery • Se folosesc de Adobe Photoshop pentru a lucra cu layout-urile grafice • Sunt foarte atenti la detalii • Sunt la curent cu cele mai noi trend-uri in web development Si ne-ar impresiona daca pe langa cele de mai sus au orice combinatie de: • Experienta cu sisteme de template-uri PHP (eg. Smarty Template Engine) • Proiecte pe platforme e-commerce (Prestashop) • Optimizare SEO in structura HTML • Stiu sa faca optimizare cross-browser si cross-platform • Au experienta de lucru cu CMS-uri (eg. Wordpress)
Prestashop Ne-am dori sa cunoastem oameni care: • Au 2+ ani in front end development folosind in principal HTML si CSS • Au lucrat cu JavaScript / jQuery • Se folosesc de Adobe Photoshop pentru a lucra cu layout-urile grafice • Sunt foarte atenti la detalii • Sunt la curent cu cele mai noi trend-uri in web development Si ne-ar impresiona daca pe langa cele de mai sus au orice combinatie de: • Experienta cu sisteme de template-uri PHP (eg. Smarty Template Engine) • Cunostinte de Adobe Flash • Proiecte pe platforme e-commerce (Prestashop) • Optimizare SEO in structura HTML • Stiu sa faca optimizare cross-browser si cross-platform • Au experienta de lucru cu CMS-uri (eg. Wordpress)
Modelarea unei arme din jocul Destiny trebuie sa aiba cat mai mule detalii si sa fie apoi impartita pe mai multe parti fiecare cu macar o suprafata plata si maxim dimensiunea de 20 cm. Trebuie sa poate fi printata pe o imprimanta 3d.
Doresc un chat room in care sa se intre daca utilizatorul s-a logat cu succes, cu inregistrarea utilizatorilor, a mesajelor din chat room intr-o singura baza de date cu mai multe tabele care sa se integreze perfect in site-ul pe care il am deja construit in Asp.Net MVC in Visual Studio 2015. Dupa inchiderea si apoi redeschiderea applicatiei doresc sa vad toate mesajele scrise vreodata in site-ul web. Pentru mai multe detali contactati-ma pe email sau aici!
Doresc un chat room in care sa se intre daca utilizatorul s-a logat cu succes, cu inregistrarea utilizatorilor, a mesajelor din chat room intr-o singura baza de date cu mai multe tabele care sa se integreze perfect in site-ul pe care il am deja construit in Asp.Net MVC in Visual Studio 2015. Dupa inchiderea si apoi redeschiderea applicatiei doresc sa vad toate mesajele scrise vreodata in site-ul web. Pentru mai multe detali contactati-ma pe email.
Buna tuturor, Detin o mica afacere de START-UP cu o cifra de afaceri de 220.000 lei in anul 2015 in domeniul intermedierii vanzarilor de asigurari. Intentionez penetrarea pietei online care momentan este destul de scazuta in Romania comparativ cu tarile din vest ! Fiind un Start-up, dupa cum bine stiti, nu sunt bani de investit, insa impreuna, cu o mica echipa formata din cateva persoane cu diverse abilitati am putea avea succes ! Ce cred eu ca este de facut? Un site de vanzari RCA + blog . SEO on page/off page, landing page etc. O aplicatie pt mobil pt comenzi asig. Promovare adwords, facebook , youtube, google+ Creatie de content pt blog si pt retele social media. Administrare site, blog, fb, youtube,google+ Cateva postari video + text + foto constant in ...
This is a very small task, but it will get a successful freelancer a 5-star rating and an excellent review. In May 2015, we have summarized the gambling laws from 225 countries of the world into this table For each country, we found the law for land-based casinos, online casino law for operators, and online casino law for players. For Romania, we have noted that there is no penalty for ordinary players gambling online. In support of this claim we have found the following sources: Având în vedere "Scrisoare de punere în întârziere - încălcarea nr. 2013/4216" a Comisiei Europene, prin care "se atrage atenţia asupra anumitor dispoziţii din Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 77/2009 privind organizarea şi exploatarea
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Aplicatia Pixendr versiounea 1.0 va fi lansata luni, 15 iunie 2015. Caut un al doilea developer pt diferite task-uri de upgrade. Exista un iOS dev deja dar a devenit extrem de ocupat. o scurta idee despre ce face aplicatia pe
...noastre: tricou, pantalon, geaca, vesta, rucsac, manusi, etc) optimizat SEO - limba engleza cu posibilitatea traducerii in mai multe limbi pagini pe retele de socializare o campanie de promovare a site-ului in toata lumea, desigur nu in toata lumea o data, ci cu o planificare astfel incat sa avem un buget de promovare acceptabil. Asteptam propunerile dumneavoastra pana cel tarziu luna mai 2015,...
...inre in echipa mea) completeza un chestionar cu persoanele juridice (non casnici), iar cu cei casnici documentatie de trecere la un nou furnizor. Castigul dumneavoastra principal: • la fiecare factura achitata de clientul cu care ati incheiat un contract de aderare la noul furnizor va intra un comision LUNAR in cont; • vestea minunata pentru noi consumatorii casnici este, ca de la 1. ianuarie. 2015 toti consumatorii casnici (si dumneavoastra) veti avea posibilitatea schimbarii furnizorul de energie electrica, Persoana ideala pentru aceasta activitate este acela care are: abilitati de comunicare, conversatie pe idei constructive si de calitate, are o atitudine pozitiva, energica, sincera si dornica de a muncii. Pentru buna functionare a modului de ofertare cer si o...
...inre in echipa mea) completeza un chestionar cu persoanele juridice (non casnici), iar cu cei casnici documentatie de trecere la un nou furnizor. Castigul dumneavoastra principal: • la fiecare factura achitata de clientul cu care ati incheiat un contract de aderare la noul furnizor va intra un comision LUNAR in cont; • vestea minunata pentru noi consumatorii casnici este, ca de la 1. ianuarie. 2015 toti consumatorii casnici (si dumneavoastra) veti avea posibilitatea schimbarii furnizorul de energie electrica, Persoana ideala pentru aceasta activitate este acela care are: abilitati de comunicare, conversatie pe idei constructive si de calitate, are o atitudine pozitiva, energica, sincera si dornica de a muncii. Pentru buna functionare a modului de ofertare cer si o...
...sper una realista - fiind de a aparea pe prima pagina de rezultate Google dupa 3 luni la cautarea sintagmelor "tabere internationale", "tabere anglia", "tabere de vara", "tabere 2015" etc.) Logo: Nu sunt sigur daca vreau sa apara si "AMG" in logo, depinde de cum arata mai bine. Nu vreau sa fie rotund (gen stampila) si in principiu as vrea sa se foloseasca dintre culorile: alb/argintiu, auriu/galben, albastru/bleu marin, negru. Aceleasi culori si la design-ul site-ului, pentru a avea o unitate. In niciun caz nu rosu sau verde. Important este sa fie vizual atractiv si nu complicat. Site: Imi doresc un site cu design simplu, aerisit, fara multe bannere (cum este cazul la majoritatea site-urilor agentiilor de tur...
Proiectul este pentru o companie Belgiana care doreste o combinatie intre platforma de freelanceri si un site. Proiectul trebuie finalizat pana in martie 2015, iar in cadrul echipei vor fi 3 specialisti. Se ofera: > salariu atractiv; > posibilitatea de a lucra la de acasa; > se poate lucra cu contract PFA;
Salut. Doresc sa construiesc un site care sa faca analiza financiara pentru firme. Firmele vor introduce datele financiare si vor primi un set de analize financiare (trend, buget etc) Multumesc
Fetch google trend data for the 200 companies using python and pytrendz API
...their job-seeking skills. Key Features: - Resume Scoring & Job Readiness Evaluation: Prioritize this feature to assess candidates' readiness and provide comprehensive feedback. - AI Career Planner & Skill Matching: Develop an intelligent planner that aids users in their career paths. - Gamified Skill Assessments & Learning Paths: Create engaging and interactive learning paths for users. - Industry Trend Analysis & Skill Demand Prediction: Integrate this feature to provide insights into industry trends and skill demands. Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in Full-Stack Development, with a strong portfolio showcasing previous projects. - Extensive experience in AI integrations and API development. - Ability to create an interactive and engaging platform. - Excell...
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I'm seeking a Pine Script coder to help me set up a trading strategy on Trade View. I have a book that outlines all the necessary indicators, so your task will primarily involve coding these into Pine Script. Key Tasks: - Deve...indicators, so your task will primarily involve coding these into Pine Script. Key Tasks: - Develop a trading strategy using Pine Script - Code indicators from my trading book into the script - Set up the script for use on Trade View Essential Skills: - Proficient in Pine Script - Experience with Trade View - Strong understanding of trading strategies and indicators The specific indicators for this trend-following strategy are 5 and 30 minute volume bars. If you have experience with this type of strategy, please get in touch. I'm looking forwar...
I'm seeking an experienced algo developer to create a Python algorithm for trend following in stock trading. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python and algorithm development - Extensive knowledge of trend following strategy - Experience in stock trading algorithms - Good understanding of stock market trends Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
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...the current time frame. o Color Customization: Provide input settings for users to customize these colors. 2. Trend Lines: o Diagonal Trend Lines: Draw a diagonal line connecting: HH to LH for bearish trends LL to HL for bullish trends o Line Behavior: These lines should extend until broken by price action. Provide input settings to optionally disable these lines. 3. Signal Generation: o Pivot Break Signal: Generate a signal when the price closes above or below the wick of a pivot point, indicating a potential trend change or confirmation. 4. Market Structure Color Change: o Color-Based on Market Structure: Change the color of the zigzag pattern based on whether the current trend is bullish (e.g., green) or bearish (e.g., red), with user inputs for co...
...budget-friendly yet scenic location. Your role would involve finding and engaging potential guests through various platforms like social media, forums, remote working communities, and professional networks. Our Offer: As a token of appreciation, we will provide a 10% commission for every confirmed booking generated through your efforts. Why Collaborate With Us: Growing demand: The remote work trend has surged, creating a strong market for extended stays in peaceful locations. Unique offering: A rare combination of affordability and an ideal work environment amidst nature. Transparent partnership: Clear terms and timely payment of commissions for successful leads. If this opportunity aligns with your expertise, I would love to discuss further details and explore how we can...
Important! If your bot/employee posts a bid without even reading the description, and when we start talking about the project and you report that the bid price does not match the actual cost of the project - I will blacklist you and file a complaint for violating the rules with a re...test a hypothesis through Reddit and reach a more targeted audience through comments. I am looking for a freelancer to help me publish the content and get more attention. Success Measurement: Upvotes + Upvotes + Direct Contact with Potential ICPs - I plan to measure the success of this promotion by the number of upvotes and the number of Reddit upvotes. Ideally, I would like the content to trend on the Reddit front page. As proof, please include your Reddit profile link or handle at the end of the...
I need a skilled data analyst who can help me identify trends using my data reports. The analyst should be able to: - Examine the data thoroughly to uncover patterns and insights. - Present findings in an understandable manner. The ideal candidate would have experience with trend analysis and data interpretation. Proficiency in using data analysis tools and software is a plus.
I'm looking for an accredited ISO certification body to renew my company's ISO 9001:2015 certificate, which has expired. The company is sized between 90 to 100 employees and operates in the services industry.
I'm looking for a creative designer who can help conceptualize and design a line of trendy, fashion-forward hair accessories made primarily from fabric. The ideal candidate should have: - A strong background in accessory design, particularly in hair accessories. - A finger on the pulse of current and emerging fashion trends. - Experience working with fabric, with an understanding of its potential and limitations in accessory design. - Strong creative skills, with a portfolio that showcases innovative and stylish designs. If you're passionate about creating unique, trend-setting hair accessories and can deliver high-quality designs, I would love to hear from you.
I need an Excel expert who can help me analyze our sales data and identify trends. The main objective is to leverage Excel formulas and tools for data analysis. I have a considerable amount of sales data that needs to be examined. The ideal candidate for this project should be proficient in Excel, with a strong background in data analysis. Experience with analyzing sales data specifically will be a plus. Key tasks will include: - Utilizing Excel's advanced features for data analysis - Identifying and interpreting trends within the sales data - Providing clear, concise insights based on the analysis Please bid if you can help me find trends in my sales data using Excel. captivate our audience, showcase the beauty and functionality of our products, and ultimately drive sales. Responsibilities: Content Creation: Develop and execute high-quality, visually appealing reels that highlight our furniture pieces in unique and compelling ways. Storytelling: Create short, impactful narratives that resonate with viewers and showcase the lifestyle our furniture brings. Trend Integration: Incorporate trending sounds, effects, and formats on Instagram/TikTok to ensure high engagement. Sales Focus: Use a call-to-action or persuasive techniques to encourage purchases or inquiries. Requirements: Proven experience in creating engaging video content or reels (portfolio required). Strong storytelling skills with the ability to connect emotionally with an audie...
...for a brand name and logo from you as detailed below. 1. Purpose of the Competition: We are creating a new brand! This brand will encompass all cloud services of our 30-year-old Information Technology company and represent our mission to provide the best cloud solutions to our customers. We need creative ideas to find a strong, memorable, and industry-differentiating name for our brand and to design a logo that visually represents it in the best way. 2. About the Brand: The new brand will consolidate our company's managed services and cloud-based solutions under one roof, offering customers end-to-end IT infrastructure, managed services, and security solutions. 3. Services Under the Brand: • Cloud Infrastructure Services: Primarily Azure, other cloud services, Hybrid... strategies. If you’re someone who loves creating beautiful, engaging content and has a sharp eye for analytics, we want you on our team. What You’ll Do: - Set up, create and implement Instagram content strategies that build engagement and reflect our brand’s aesthetic. - Design stunning, on-brand posts and stories for the first month. - Track and analyse Instagram metrics to optimise performance. - Manage organic and paid campaigns with a focus on results. - Keep us ahead of the curve with fresh, trend-driven content. What We’re Looking For: - Experience with Instagram marketing and content creation. - A strong grasp of analytics and the ability to turn data into actionable insights. - Creative, detail-oriented, and able to align conte...
...Collaborative Filtering: Companies that viewed similar influencers will receive recommendations based on what other similar businesses found helpful. Content-based Filtering: Recommendations based on past influencer selections, search queries, and criteria input by the company. For example, if a company has engaged with multiple beauty influencers, the system will suggest influencers within the same niche. Trend-based Suggestions: AI will surface emerging influencers or those experiencing a surge in popularity based on social media trends. Performance Tracking: User Interaction Data: Track how companies interact with AI-matched influencers (e.g., views, messages, saves) to continuously improve the AI. AI Monitoring: Implement a feedback mechanism where companies can rate the qua...
...I have received the comment from st. Louis County for permit. Provide mechanical plans signed and sealed by a Missouri Professional Engineer. If no mechanical work is being done, then due to the change in occupancy classification the following shall be provided signed and sealed by a Missouri Professional Engineer: o Heat loss and gain calculations. o Ventilation calculations in compliance with 2015 IMC Section 403 and Table 403.3.1.1. o Information on the existing HVAC (capacity and verification the outdoor air from item b will be provided). Please provide manufacturer, model, specs, and location for the condensers. Please provide manufacturer, model, specs, and location for the evaporators. Please provide manufacturer, model, and specs for the walk-in coolers. Let me know wha...
I'm looking for a few product suggestions from trend-savvy individuals based in India, specifically in the men's fashion accessories category. Kindly look through the brief. Key Requirements: - Knowledgeable about current and upcoming trends in an Indian man's world - Based in India, preferably South India - Able to provide practical, marketable product suggestions Ideal Skills: - Trend analysis - Understanding of men's fashion and trends - Ability to identify potential bestsellers
Join the team redefining how the world experiences design. Hey, g'day, mabuhay, kia ora, 你好, hallo, vítejte, 안녕하세요! Thanks for stopping by. We know job hunting can be a little time consuming and you're probably keen to find out what's on offer, so we'll get straight to the point. -Where and how you can work Our flagship campus is in Sydney, Australia but we engage our Contractors and Freelancers all over the world to help us meet our crazy big goals. As a Contract or Freelancer at Canva you can work remotely in the country listed on this job ad, meaning you have ultimate flexibility. Wherever works for you, works for us. -What you’d be doing in this role As Canva scales change continues to be part of our DNA. But we like to think that's al...
...and recommendations for improvement. • Adjust strategies based on data-driven insights to optimize performance. • Campaign Management: • Develop and execute social media campaigns for product launches, events, and special promotions. • Collaborate with the team on influencer partnerships and brand collaborations. • Utilize paid social media advertising when necessary to boost visibility. • Trend Research & Innovation: • Stay updated with social media trends, platform updates, and industry best practices. • Experiment with new content formats and engagement strategies to keep the brands ahead of the curve. Requirements • Proven experience in social media management, preferably in the luxury, wedding, or event industry. &b...