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    2,000 trading companies logo proiecte găsite

    Căutăm un content writer talentat pentru a crea conținut de calitate pentru un site de prezentare (landing page) al firmei noastre de distribuție și dealer trading de combustibil. Dorim ca textele să fie informative, captivante și să reflecte valorile și profesionalismul companiei noastre. Obiectivele Proiectului: Crearea unui conținut atrăgător și bine structurat pentru site-ul nostru de prezentare. Utilizarea informațiilor furnizate de firmă pentru a asigura acuratețea și relevanța textelor. Optimizarea conținutului pentru SEO, pentru a îmbunătăți vizibilitatea site-ului nostru în motoarele de căutare. Structura Site-ului landing page: 1. Acasă: - Introducere captivantă care să atragă vizitatorii și să le ofere o imagine de ansamblu asupra ac...

    $183 Average bid
    $183 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Join Libertex! Try our risk-free demo account REGISTER or start live trading now Yen keeps on dropping as worldwide interest rates rise Fri, 10/20/2023 - 11:15 BACK Financial News Many people in Europe were shocked by the historic parity achieved between the US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable t...

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 oferte
    Design pentru tricou
    S-a încheiat left

    Am nevoie de un design bun pentru un tricou personalizat. (Tema - Trading)

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    Curs CryptoTradind
    S-a încheiat left

    Va ofer un curs pentru a invata trading.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 oferte
    Brand promoter
    S-a încheiat left

    Jobul presupune promovarea serviciilor de turism si E-learning. Ca promoter al brandului nostru vei avea acces la clubul nostru exclusivist de turism, prin care tu si cei carora le promovezi oferta veti avea parte de discounturi considerabile la hoteluri, bilete de avion, etc. Pe langa asta, oferim si cursuri pentru dezvoltare personala, motivational si psihologie, precum si cursuri despre Binary trading, Forex si Crypto. Daca esti o persoana comunicativa si intreprinzatoare te asteptam cu bratele deschise.

    $100 - $30000
    $100 - $30000
    0 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    We are looking for a web site administrator for our companies, besides the basic general knowledge in IT, we want flexibility and availability.

    $384 Average bid
    $384 Oferta medie
    13 oferte
    Creează un Logo
    S-a încheiat left

    ...brought by Covid 19 in the field of outdoor activities, it would turn our attention to indoor activities in online. We want to launch a motion platform called SmartRaces. It will offer virtual races for sale, the completion of the races being rewarded with a real medal. Similar project example: What do we need? SmartRaces project logo Colors: black + orange / white + orange - Code orange: # f7941d, rgb (247,148,29) Logo type: Icon + name / icon with name integrated in the design / icon from the initials S R Elements that we would include in the design: globe / moving person / running shoe sole, other elements that induce the idea of ​​movement / virtual reality / world wide / competition / play / trails Attached: 1. SmartRaces brand description (how it works, target,

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Oferta medie
    31 oferte

    De cateva luni am descoperit o noua oportunitate de business online ce poate produce un venit pasiv lunar. In general nu dedic mai mult de o ora pe zi dar nu pot scala singura, am nevoie de o echipa. Asadar, daca esti dispus(a) sa oferi o ora pe zi, esti serios(a), determinat(a) si crezi in ideea de business online lasa un mesaj si te voi contacta pt mai multe detalii. Daca ai auzit de trading si te intereseaza sa inveti mai mult, cu siguranta acest tip de business iti va parea atragator. ROiMarketsLive Community

    $98 Average bid
    $98 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    SEO si Google Aswords
    S-a încheiat left

    Compania Vuv Trading Ltd, firma ce comercializeaza produse de incaltaminte pentru dama, cu sediul in Manchester cauta o persoana care sa preia activitatea de SEO si Google Adwords. Jobul consta in realizarea campaniilor de Google Adwords cu un buget prestabilit. Analizarea si testarea procesului pentru rezultate pozitive. Responsabilitati principale: - Dezvoltarea si cresterea vanzarilor pe website - Desfasurarea de Campanii Google Adwords si de gestionare corecta a bugetului - Aplicare SEO on site si off site - Activitatea va fi concentrata doar pe piata si clientii din Marea Britanie

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Oferta medie
    39 oferte
    Project for Sergiu S.
    S-a încheiat left

    Sergiu salut! Am nevoie de un trading bot care va lucra cu tradingview script signal si va crea ordere in Binance putea sa faci asa ceva?Un exemplu cum as vrea sa fie e tradingview auto trader bot,poti sal cauti in google si o sa vezi cum

    $750 Average bid
    $750 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for eabuilder
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut! In acest moment fac trading pe eToro insa sunt nemultumit de rezultate, motiv pt. care doresc sa migrez catre MetaTrader. Din partea ta as avea nevoie de 1-2 ore de consultanta (Skype, Webex etc). Multumesc, Razvan

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Build a Website - major
    S-a încheiat left

    ...requirements mentioned below and i want to add property rentals as well need to create a portal through which rentacar companies could showcase their cars to the general business and customers in Qatar or anyone traveling to Qatar. will be needing SEO help as well. Mobile application will also be built accordingly so the website structure should be very sophisticated in order to be enhanced to any level at any time. company registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter thei...

    $238 Average bid
    $238 Oferta medie
    18 oferte
    Build a Website
    S-a încheiat left

    ...what i need exactly with little legal requirements mentioned below. need to create a portal through which rentacar companies could showcase their cars to the general business and customers in Qatar or anyone traveling to Qatar. will be needing SEO help as well. Mobile application will also be built accordingly so the website structure should be very sophisticated in order to be enhanced to any level at any time. company registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter their da...

    $393 Average bid
    $393 Oferta medie
    15 oferte
    Oracle developer
    S-a încheiat left

    ...internationala si posibilitatea relocarii pe alte proiecte • asigurare medicala, tichete de masa • salariu competitiv Cei interesati pot transmite candidatura pe recruiting[at]brusch[dot]ro. Multumim pentru interes. Descrierea companiei We are an European software and IT consulting company. As a service provider for IT projects (nearshore) and personnel recruiting (IT sourcing), we support companies to find and establish flexible sourcing decisions, to overcome a temporary gap of personnel and to decrease costs. The efficiency of a company will be increased by making advantage of the international IT services of our company. Especially for well educated, experienced and multilingual IT experts there are always good chances for limited and interesting onsite ...

    $1496 Average bid
    $1496 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    Content Writing in Romana
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut. Am nevoie de continutul unui Splash Page pe nisa Forext Trading/Optiuni Binare. Mai multe detalii in privat. Bugetul este pur orientativ. Pretul final se discuta ulterior.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    Acord de confidenţialitate
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Made and posted on various and multiple sites advertising commercials and advertisements and commercials for various private companies and individuals. I promote my shop online through various businesses. Do not hesitate, prices are low and negotiable. Create and manage Facebook pages Plateaus individuals and private companies, post ads and online marketing advertising and commercial companies, financial companies, auctions, stock exchanges, banks and financial institutions, businessmen, stars and movie stars, fashion, etc

    $154 Average bid
    $154 Oferta medie
    5 oferte
    Creare site de trading
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut! Vreau sa fac si eu un site de trading de bitcoin. Se poate sa discutam pe skype ?

    $1000 - $1000
    $1000 - $1000
    0 oferte
    Un site de trade
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut. As dori si eu un site de trading de bitcoin. Putem discuta mai multe pe skype ? Da-mi add te rog pe id adrianhuma

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Salut. As dori si eu un site de trading de bitcoin. Putem discuta mai multe pe skype ? Da-mi add te rog pe id adrianhuma

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Site de trading
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut. As dori si eu un site de trading de bitcoin. Putem discuta mai multe pe skype ? Da-mi add te rog pe id adrianhuma

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Un site de trading
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut. As dori si eu un site de trading de bitcoin. Putem discuta mai multe pe skype ? Da-mi add te rog pe id adrianhuma

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    un site de trading bitcoin
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut. Vreau sa fac un site de trading de bitcoin. Te rog contacteaza-ma pe skyp e id adrianhuma . Discutam mai multe acolo. Multumesc

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Caut webmaster pentru a-mi finaliza un trading website. Site-ul este gata in proportie de 80 - 90%, doar mici detalii mai trebuie ajustate.

    $276 Average bid
    $276 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Project goal To develop a unique and meaningful logo for qfactorial that embodies the vision of minimizing waste and maximizing potential through quantum computing solutions. Brand Guidelines Innovative, cutting-edge, and impactful. The identity should communicate efficiency and advanced technology. Scope of work - Design a logo with the representation 'Q!' - Incorporate the slogan 'Minimize waste, maximize potential' - Optional: Provide a few variations for different contexts (e.g., website, business cards) Additional information - The company focuses on quantum computing solutions for optimization problems across industries. The domain name of the company is or , but the Name is just Q! - With the lettering, it is basically a Q with a ! (exclamation ...

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta medie
    125 oferte

    I'll provide you names of companies just want you to find the email addresses

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Oferta medie
    26 oferte

    I need help finishing my Pocket Option trading bot. It's primarily designed to maximize profits. All the necessary scripts are ready, I just need someone to implement the following functions: - Access the websocket (ws) - Fixed pair selection - Receiving market data - Candlestick analysis - Timeframe selection - Expiration selection - Trade automation (CALL and PUT) Ideal freelancer for this project should be proficient in Python, with experience in developing trading bots. Understanding of trading concepts and market analysis is a plus. Ultimately, I want a bot that can effectively analyze market trends and execute trades to maximize profits.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta medie
    36 oferte

    I'm in need of a comprehensive database of real estate investors who have recently shown interest in investing in properties in Ludhiana, India. Specifically, the properties should be valued between 2-4 crores. Key Requirements: - The data should be sourced from companies that market for real estate firms, and acquire leads by running their campaigns. - The information should include the investors' contact information, specifically their email address, phone number, and mailing address. - I also need insights into the investors' property preferences, particularly their interest in the location within Ludhiana and the type of property (residential/commercial).

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer with substantial knowledge in blockchain and trading systems to help me enhance my crypto exchange platform with a new feature. Key Requirements: - Develop and integrate Futures Trading capability into existing exchange platform - Ensure the feature is intuitive, efficient and secure - Work closely with my team to understand our current platform and future goals Ideal Skills and Experience: - Significant experience in crypto exchange development - Strong understanding of Futures Trading mechanics - Proven track record in developing in-demand trading features - Excellent collaboration and communication skills - Detail-oriented with a passion for creating seamless user experiences. Please provide examples of similar p...

    $261 Average bid
    $261 Oferta medie
    19 oferte
    Trophy icon Logo Design
    6 zile left

    I'm looking for a modern, minimalist logo for my software, This software helps users manage their business finances, including email and budgeting, all in one place. ***Follow the color scheme of Key Requirements: - A minimalist style that combines both text and symbols within the logo. - A focus on highlighting the email management aspect of the software. - A design that adheres to the existing color scheme of Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design and branding experience, with a portfolio of minimalist style designs. - Ability to create a balanced and engaging combination of text and symbols. - Experience with designing logos for software or tech companies would be a plus.

    $30 Average bid
    152 intrări

    I'm on the lookout for a skilled investigative journalist to help me produce a captivating radio feature story focused on corruption. - Task: Investigate, script and present a radio news feature on corruption. - Target Audience: General public, with an interest in uncovering societal issues. - Required Skills: Deep investigative skills, excellent ...ability, and charismatic presentation skills. - Experience: Previous work on radio news and with a focus on corruption preferred. Your role will be critical in bringing this important social issue to light, engaging listeners and sparking necessary conversations. We have a story in the gun manufacturing/ Hunting industry of bad actors that need to be exposed for stealing millions from several companies. They also have grand ju...

    $880 Average bid
    $880 Oferta medie
    42 oferte

    I have an Excel spreadsheet of companies and need someone to find their respective domains and add them to the spreadsheet. Requirements: - Find the domains of each company in the list - Add the domains to the existing Excel spreadsheet - Perform basic verification of the domains for accuracy Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel - Internet research skills - Basic understanding of domain verification processes - Attention to detail

    $113 Average bid
    $113 Oferta medie
    96 oferte

    I'm seeking a proficient Python developer with extensive experience in the latest version of the Kucoin Python SDK. The primary focus of this project is to automate trading on the Kucoin platform using Python. Key requirements: - Expert Python programming skills - In-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with the latest Kucoin Python SDK - Proven track record in the development of automated trading strategies - Strong problem-solving skills with a strategic mindset If you have a passion for algorithmic trading and a solid foundation in Python and the Kucoin SDK, I would love to hear from you.

    $91 Average bid
    $91 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    I need someone who can call my spreadsheet of United States phone numbers and ask the questions in the headings. Please write down everything they say. The spreadsheet with the script is attached. QUESTIONS FOR YOU 1. How much does it cost for you to call the United States? 2. What will they see in the caller ID when you call? 3. Can you leave a number for them to call back? If yes: a. What format is the number? b. What days and times in the United States EST do you answer that phone? c. Do you prefer to leave a number or to call again later, and why? d. How many times will you call each number if needed to reach them? 4. About how much would you charge per number or per call attempted? 5. Please include an audio file of you asking the spreadsheet questions. First answer the above quest...

    $76 Average bid
    $76 Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    I need a Python expert to develop a momentum trading algorithm for the stock market. The algorithm should be capable of backtesting and detecting institutional trading activity as well as sudden spikes in the market. Key Skills: - Proficient in Python - Experience with financial trading algorithms - Familiarity with stock market data - Knowledge of backtesting methodologies - Ability to incorporate detection mechanisms for institutional activity and market spikes With your bid, please include previous relevant work and any thoughts you have on the project.

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    I have a list of about 320 companies along with there website links. I need the url of the company website page where they publish all there sustainability reports/climate report/GRI/CDP/TCFD report latest along with for previous years. I need only url for each of the company i have. Nothing else. maximum 4-5 hours of work. I need it in next 15 hours.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    I'm seeking an expert in fundamental analysis with a focus on small-cap companies within Brazil's stock market. The aim is to gain a comprehensive understanding of these companies' potential and viability. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough fundamental analysis on small-cap companies - Provide detailed descriptions of the businesses, including their regulatory and competitive environments Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in fundamental analysis - Extensive knowledge of Brazil's stock market - Experience working with small-cap companies - Ability to provide clear, detailed business descriptions

    $368 Average bid
    $368 Oferta medie
    34 oferte

    I'm...facilitate exchanges between Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Key requirements: - The API should support transactions that allow for the exchange between BTC and ETH. - The API should have advanced integration capabilities with third-party services, particularly trading platforms. This will likely involve working with price feeds and possibly other data sources. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong background in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. - Proven experience in developing APIs. - Familiarity with trading platforms and their integration requirements. - Knowledge of security best practices in API development, even though specific security features are not requested at this time. Please provide examples of relevant projects you...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Oferta medie
    85 oferte

    I'm on the hunt for a capable developer who can create an automated Quotex signals trading robot that interacts directly with a Telegram Signal room. The key features this robot should encompass are: - A functional web dashboard, where I can conveniently: - Configure the robot's settings. - Specify the value of operations. - Determine which Telegram channels to copy signals from. - Sophisticated automation capabilities that enable it not just to: - Copy signals directly from the defined Telegram channel, but also, - Place trades automatically based on these signals, and, - Provide real-time notifications about its activities. Given the above, excellent skills in trading bot development, a strong understanding of Quotex and Telegram APIs, and a knack...

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr Oferta medie
    84 oferte

    I have a trading strategy in Amibroker that I need translated into Zerodha using the Zerodha API and Python. The main task will be replicating the Buy/Sell signals of the strategy. - Key Responsibilities: - Convert Buy/Sell signals from Amibroker to Zerodha. - Implement performance analytics features. - Fully automate the startegy with few changes - Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python and familiar with Zerodha API. - Experience in converting trading strategies between platforms. - Strong understanding of performance analytics.

    $109 Average bid
    $109 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    I have a list of about 290 companies along with there website links. I need the url of the company website page where they publish all there sustainability reports latest along with for previous years. This is the first step of project. In the next step I will ask you to download those reports. Please see this company website page url where you can find the sustainability reports for all the years. So I need only this url for each of the company i have.

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    Key Skills Needed: 1.⁠ ⁠Expertise in Google Ads: • Campaign Creation and Management: • Proficiency in creating, managing, and optimizing Google Ads campaigns tailored to the insurance industry. • Skilled in keyword research specific to insurance-related searches, writing compelling ad copy, and managing bids to maximize ROI. • Certifications: • Possession of current Google Ads... terminology, and compliance requirements of the insurance market. Targeted Job Titles: When searching on platforms like Fiverr or Freelancer, look for profiles with titles such as: • Google Ads Specialist (Insurance Industry) • Insurance Landing Page Designer • Lead Generation Expert (Insurance Sector) • Performance Marketer (Specialized in Insurance) &bul...

    $2068 Average bid
    $2068 Oferta medie
    27 oferte

    I'm looking for an experienced algorithm developer to create a simple mean reversion trading algorithm for me. The algo should be implemented in Python and be capable of automated trade execution on IG Index and DMA Trader CFD platforms. Key Requirements: - Develop a mean reversion trading algorithm - Implement it in Python - Link to platforms - Ensure it can execute trades automatically on specified platforms Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing trading algorithms - Proficiency in Python - Familiarity with IG Index and DMA Trader CFD platforms

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Oferta medie
    72 oferte

    I'm seeking a professional with expertise in Operations Research, particularly in Linear Programming and Monte Carlo Simulation, to conduct a comparative analysis of the transportation systems of Flipkart and Amazon. The analysis should cover delivery time, cost efficiency, and route optimization. Key Requirements: - Proficient in using Excel Solver for linear programming and Monte Carlo...cost efficiency, and route optimization. Key Requirements: - Proficient in using Excel Solver for linear programming and Monte Carlo simulations - Experience in conducting transportation analyses - Ability to collect and process relevant data - Expertise in Operations Research methods I currently do not have data sets for this analysis and would require assistance in collecting data for both ...

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    I'm in need of a modern-styled logo for my trading card company. The logo should incorporate the company name and an icon or symbol, with a specific focus on a space theme. Key elements: - A sleek, minimalist, modern design - Incorporation of the company name within the logo - An icon or symbol that fits the space theme Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Graphic design with a focus on modern minimalist aesthetics - Experience in designing logos for gaming or trading card companies - Ability to creatively interpret and incorporate a specified theme (space) into the design.

    $337 Average bid
    $337 Oferta medie
    227 oferte

    I need a Flutter-built application for managing various employee-related tasks for multiple companies. The app won't be white-labeled but will have features catering to different companies' needs. Key functionalities of the app include: - Attendance Management: Employees can check in through QR code, manual entry or face recognition. This will also include location tracking. - Staff Management: This will encompass creating employee profiles, leave tracking and performance reviews. - Payroll Management: The app will handle salary calculations, tax computations and payslip generation. - Field Management: For employees working off-site or in the field. - Conveyance Management: To track employee transport. - Task Management & Reporting: Assign tasks and generate re...

    $1402 Average bid
    $1402 Oferta medie
    112 oferte

    I need a database for Space and Space Technology Companies - with a focus on company names and Email ID. Key Points: - The main data points to be included are full name, company names and Email ID's - Accuracy of data, specially Emails - Sample File of Required database is attached - To start with we require 10,000 records. - Will pay INR 0.60 per record. Ideal Freelancer: - Prior experience in creating detailed databases - Proficiency in data gathering, scraping and organization - Familiarity with the USA market would be a plus Please include your relevant experience in your application.

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Oferta medie
    60 oferte
    HR Head Email Collection for India
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm seeking an expert data researcher to compile a list of HR head email IDs from the top 200 companies in India. This project involves gathering data from: - Company websites - Professional networking sites - Business directories While the email IDs do not need to be verified and confirmed, their accuracy should be 'reasonably accurate'. This is not a request for any available data; quality is key, and you should aim to deliver information that is useful and relevant. Please note that additional contact details besides email IDs are not required for this project. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in data collection and research - Familiarity with company websites, professional networking sites and business directories - Ability to filter for quali...

    $66 Average bid
    $66 Oferta medie
    80 oferte

    I'm looking for a Python expert to create an integration that connects signals from Telegram to my Binance trading account for automated trading. The system should be robust, secure and able to handle high-frequency trading data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python with extensive experience in developing trading bots - Familiarity with Binance API and Telegram bot API - Knowledge in implementing and automating complex trading strategies - Strong understanding of trading concepts and market dynamics - Ability to create a secure and reliable system

    $131 Average bid
    $131 Oferta medie
    64 oferte