Survey research exampleproiecte
Buna Andra, Am nevoie de 5 articole in limba romana pentru promovare produse affiliate ...2-3 articole pe zi, pentru inceput, cel putin. Bugetul meu este de $10 fix pentru cele 5 articole, asadar, $2 pe articol (aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte fiecare articol) Daca esti de acord cu termenii propusi de mine si vrei sa lucram impreuna, te rog sa accepti invitatia mea si iti voi trimite subiectele articolelor si site-urile de affiliate pentru fiecare articol in parte, pentru un eventual research. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti pe pagina produsului si sa scrii despre el pe stilul indicat mai sus. Termenul pentru completarea acestor articole initiale este de 3 zile, dar in viitor, daca vom colabora, ma astept la un timp mai scurt ( dupa cum ti-am spus as avea nevoie de 2-3 artico...
Buna Raluca, Am nevoie de 5 articole in limba...2-3 articole pe zi, pentru inceput, cel putin. Bugetul meu este de $10 fix pentru cele 5 articole, asadar, $2 pe articol (aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte fiecare articol) Daca esti de acord cu termenii propusi de mine si vrei sa lucram impreuna, te rog sa accepti invitatia mea si iti voi trimite subiectele articolelor si site-urile de affiliate pentru fiecare articol in parte, pentru un eventual research. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti pe pagina produsului si sa scrii despre el pe stilul indicat mai sus. Termenul pentru completarea acestor articole initiale este de 3 zile, dar in viitor, daca vom colabora, ma astept la un timp mai scurt ( dupa cum ti-am spus as avea nevoie de 2-3 articole pe zi ) Astept raspunsul tau. Multume...
Buna Raluca, Am nevoie de 5 articole in limba...2-3 articole pe zi, pentru inceput, cel putin. Bugetul meu este de $10 fix pentru cele 5 articole, asadar, $2 pe articol (aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte fiecare articol) Daca esti de acord cu termenii propusi de mine si vrei sa lucram impreuna, te rog sa accepti invitatia mea si iti voi trimite subiectele articolelor si site-urile de affiliate pentru fiecare articol in parte, pentru un eventual research. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti pe pagina produsului si sa scrii despre el pe stilul indicat mai sus. Termenul pentru completarea acestor articole initiale este de 3 zile, dar in viitor, daca vom colabora, ma astept la un timp mai scurt ( dupa cum ti-am spus as avea nevoie de 2-3 articole pe zi ) Astept raspunsul tau. Multume...
Buna seara, Caut o persoana din Galati interesata in a lucra la un proiect de data entry/research. Sunt necesare abilitati minime/medii de research in motorul de cautare Google, conexiune buna la internet. Training-ul va fi oferit in 2-3 sedinte in oras. Proiectul va dura cam 6-12 luni. Plata pentru inceput $3/ora. Persoana va trebui sa lucreze minim 25 de ore de luni-vineri si maxim 40. Rog seriozitate. Multumesc
Am nevoie de un traducator PRO. Proiectul include si putin research pe anumite site-uri similare in limba maghiara pentru o mai buna adaptare a traducerii. Traducerea va fi a site-ului in intregime. Deci nu am putut estimat exact numarul de cuvinte, in jur de 3500. Cei care vor bida trebuie sa imi puna la dispozitie si proiecte finalizate recent pentru o mai buna evaluare.
Salut, Job-ul nu este foarte greu si nu necesita mult timp. Doresc sa creez o baza de date a firmelor ce comercializeaza instrumente de masura(nivele, rulete, lasere etc) in regim de distributie sau retail. Aria de cautare este pe teritoriul Romaniei, in locatii specificate. Datele preluate vor fi apoi introduse intr-un fisier tip, in format excel ce va fi pus la dispozitia freelancerului. Dorinta este de a gasi un colaborator serios, intrucat datele introduse vor fi verificare pentru validarea terminarii job-ului. Plata se va stabili in urma negocierii. O zi cat mai frumoasa.
Cautam persoana care sa scrie articole pentru doua website-uri de prezentare din portofoliul nostru. Firma noastra se ocupa cu vanzarea de piese pentru utilaje de constructii si utilaje agricole iar articolel...bun? - Piese aftermarket de origine europeana versus piese Asia cu origine incerta; - Cat de mult conteaza suportul tehnic si experienta furnizorilor in identificarea corecta a pieselor ; Acceptam si alte teme propuse de dvs. atata timp cat se incadreaza in domeniul nostru. Stam la dispozitie cu toate informatiile de care aveti nevoie, legate de compania noastra dar va trebui sa faceti si research pentru a avea un articol complet. Bugetul il discutam pe baza propunerilor dumneavoastra, cel trecut este doar informativ. Va rugam specificati costul pe un articol/numar d...
Am nevoie de un traducator PRO. Proiectul include si putin research pe anumite site-uri similare in limba engleza pentru o mai buna adaptare a traducerii. Traducerea va fi a site-ului in intregime. Deci nu am putut estimat exact numarul de cuvinte, in jur de 3500. Cei care vor bida trebuie sa imi puna la dispozitie si proiecte finalizate recent pentru o mai buna evaluare.
Am nevoie de cineva cu experiența in scris articole si research. Articolele sunt legate de industria transporturilor si corelate cu platforma pe care o promovez. Nu pot preciza dimensiunea pentru ca nu știu cat de multe date se găsesc.
Avem nevoie de un researcher roman pentru a construi o lista cu cu firmele de transport din romania care au un website si pot fi gasite folosit google. Datele trebuiesc arangajate intr-un anumit format pentru a fi mai simplu de folosit. Avem nevoie de numele firmei, locatia, website-ul , numar de telefon, adresa de e-mail ( daca poate fi gasita ). Cu cat ai multe cu atat mai bine. Proiectul trebuie incheiat in maximum 10 zile din data acordarii.
Avem nevoie de un researcher roman pentru a construi o lista cu cu firmele de transport din romania care au un website si pot fi gasite folosit google. Datele trebuiesc arangajate intr-un anumit format pentru a fi mai simplu de folosit. Avem nevoie de numele firmei, locatia, website-ul , numar de telefon, adresa de e-mail ( daca poate fi gasita ). Cu cat ai multe cu atat mai bine. Proiectul trebuie incheiat in maximum 10 zile din data acordarii.
Am nevoie de cineva minutios si experimentat pentru research folosind google care sa indeplineasca cateva taskuri.
Canditatul ideal: - sa cunoasca foarte bine limba romana (exprimare naturala si cursiva, fara greseli gramaticale sau de exprimare) - sa respecte targetul stabilit; un articol va avea in medie 750 de cuvinte (sa includa keyword research) - sa aleaga subiectul articolului dintr-o categorie primita, in asa fel incat sa fie atractiv si util pentru cititori - sa scrie articolul in jurul unui cuvant cheie pe care il va alege singur si va respecta o densitate de 0,5 - 1% a cuvantului / expresiei cheie in cadrul articolului - sa furniza doar articole unice si de calitate Postul presupune: - gasirea de noi surse de informare pentru articole - citirea si intelegerea surselor de informatie, urmate de rescrierea articolelor in limba romana, fara sa se copie sau sa se traduca mot-a-mo...
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
Cautam o persoana capabila sa faca research la un nivel avansat. Este nevoie de realizarea profilului detaliat al unor companii, dupa anumite puncte de reper care vor fi date. Redactarea informatiilor se face in limba engleza.
cv30 proiectecteaza viitorul tinerilor, ii indruma, oferind unelte celor in cautare de oferte educationale. Job-ul de fata consta in cautarea informatiilor corecte de la ofertantii de programe educationale (programe de licenta, masterat, doctorat, programe extracurriculare, burse, scoli de vara, internshipuri). Fiecare intrare (intrare = program de licenta, masterat, doctorat, program extracurricular, bursa, internship) este platita cu 1 RON, va puteti desfasura activitatea de acasa. Pragul minim de remunerare este de 120 de intrari, iar in fiecare luna top performer-ul este bonusat.
Freelancer, imi ofer serviciile in internet marketing,social media,inscriu in directoare de articole,data entry,web research.
Salut, Am nevoie de 1000 de inregistrari privind hotelurile si pensiunile din Romania intr-un excel cu 3 coloane care sa contina numele pensiunii/hotelului, adresa web si email (este foarte importanta adresa email, o inregistrare este considerata valida doar daca contine adresa de mail), precum si gruparea lor pe statiuni: sinaia, predeal, busteni, azuga, litoral, baile herculane, sovata, baile felix, etc. Fixed price - 12 USD. Se va alege freelancerul cu cel mai mic pret.
Salutare, Am nevoie de cateva articole despre anumite statiuni. 1. Articolul o sa urmeze o structura cu titlu, subtitlu, etc - o sa trimit structura cu detalii 2. Un articol trebuie sa aiba intre 500 si 700 cuvinte (nu vreau sa se taie din el informatii utile doar ca s-a ajuns la 500 de cuvinte) 3. Informatiile prezentate in articol trebuie sa fie relevante (se va face research pe forumuri, site-uri, etc). 4. Articolele sunt scrise in limba romana (fara diacritice) Pretul pentru acest proiect vreau sa fie pe un pachet de 3 articole. Intr-un mesaj imi puteti trimite un pret pe alt pachet de 3 articole dar cu tema impresii (povestiri, text liber). PS: Am nevoie de foarte multe pachete de genul asta (as vrea o colaborare pe termen lung) ! Multumesc
...and ranking. - Meta Descriptions and Titles: Crafting compelling meta descriptions and titles that can drive clicks and improve my site's search engine performance. As I currently do not have a list of target keywords, I would require your expertise in creating one. Therefore, experience in keyword research and analysis is essential. A knack for crafting catchy meta descriptions and titles will be a plus. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in On-page SEO - Proficiency in keyword research tools - Excellent understanding of crafting SEO-friendly Meta descriptions and Titles - Experience in working with various content management systems - Up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and best practices. Please provide examples of previous SEO projects you've w...
I need a freelancer to help me rewrite an academic paper with a word count of around 4000 words. The primary focus will be on: - Removing any traces of AI-generated content - Eliminating plagiarism - Rewriting the paper to en...a word count of around 4000 words. The primary focus will be on: - Removing any traces of AI-generated content - Eliminating plagiarism - Rewriting the paper to enhance clarity and coherence The final document should adhere to the Harvard formatting style. Ideal candidates should have experience in academic writing and a deep understanding of the Harvard style. A prior background in academic research would be a plus. Please provide samples of your previous work and your strategy for ensuring the paper is original. The project needs to be completed by tomo...
I'm seeking a highly skilled programmer with expertise in machine...skilled programmer with expertise in machine learning and AI for an exciting project that intersects computer vision and natural language processing (NLP). Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Computer Vision techniques - Advanced skills in Sentiment Analysis - Experience analyzing survey responses Ideal candidates will have a strong programming background, with a focus on machine learning and AI, alongside a proven track record working with computer vision and sentiment analysis. You will be tasked with interpreting survey responses using sentiment analysis, and leveraging computer vision techniques to enhance the project outcomes. Your ability to deliver high-quality analysis will be crucial to the su...
I'm seeking a freelancer based in Nairobi, Kenya, to conduct comprehensive market research on safari travel packages. The focus is on pricing and cost structures, understanding customer preferences and trends, and conducting competitor analysis. The primary target for this research is international tourists. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze the pricing and cost structures of various safari travel packages. - Understand and report on customer preferences and trends in the safari travel sector. - Conduct a thorough competitor analysis within the safari travel market. The research should cover a variety of safari packages, specifically luxury, budget, and family packages. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - In-depth knowledge of the Nairobi safari tr...
I'm seeking a virtual assistant to help me with market research in Vietnam, specifically to source manufacturers. The ideal candidate should have experience in market research in vietnam Key Responsibilities: - Conduct market research to identify potential manufacturers in Vietnam. - Communicate with potential suppliers in Vietnam Ideal Skills: - Experience in market research. - Excellent communication skills. The market research should focus on identifying potential manufacturers of textiles and plastics in Vietnam. The project is expected to be completed within 1-2 weeks.
We are looking for a detail-oriented Content Writer to create 6 weekly blog posts (800-1000 words) on the benefits of Mastic Gum. Topics include digestive health, oral care, and anti-inflammatory properties, with research-backed claims. Each article should be SEO-optimized, error-free, and engaging. Payment is AUD $15 per article. Articles must be original, with no plagiarism.
...Discoveries." These lists should captivate readers and provide unique, well-researched information presented in an exciting and readable way. Requirements: 1. Write detailed lists with approximately 2,000 words per list. 2. The content must be written in an engaging, error-free, and reader-friendly style. 3. Ensure all content is 100% original and free from plagiarism. 4. Demonstrate excellent research skills to guarantee accuracy and depth in the content. 5. Create compelling headlines that encourage readers to keep reading. 6. All writing must be 100% human-generated. If AI-generated content is detected, the contract will be immediately terminated without discussion. Conditions: Adherence to agreed deadlines is essential. Prior experience in writing detail...
Project Overview I am looking for an experienced AI/ML developer to create a cutting-edge AI system that generates original, high-quality novels from scratch with long-term coherence, character consistency, and dynamic storytelling. This AI should be future-proof, incorporating the latest AI research, including: • Fine-tuned LLMs (LLaMA 3, Mixtral 8x7B, DeepSeek) • Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) • Vector Search (ChromaDB, FAISS, Weaviate) • Semantic Search for Contextual Relevance • Multi-Agent AI (Self-Improving AI) • Graph-Based Memory Systems (Neo4j, LangGraph) • Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) • LoftQ for Low-Cost Fine-Tuning • FlashAttention-2 for Efficient Model Training • RWKV for Adaptive Long-Form Wri...
I'm ...factual, science-driven, environmental studies data related to modern history. Your tasks will include: - Finding and compiling information based on specific queries I pose - Ensuring the data is strictly factual and devoid of personal bias or interpretation - Focusing on the intersection of environmental studies and modern history Ideal candidates will have: - Strong research skills - a "lack of" interest in the research subject specifically as to not accidentally apply bias - An ability to comprehend and distill complex scientific data - Excellent attention to detail - A commitment to delivering objective, fact-based information Your goal will be to help me make sense of the historical context of our current environmental challenges, using empiric...
I'm looking for a web developer to build a portfolio website for me. This site will serve as an online professional business resume, aimed at showcasing a new agriculture business concept. Key Features: - Education and research - Breakdown of business concepts and future acquisitions - Investments and required capital Ideal Skills: - Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.) - UX/UI Design - Portfolio Website Creation - SEO Optimization
Project Details $250.00 – 500.00 USD I'm looking for a professional web developer who can create a web form for collecting user information. The web form should be able to collect: - Contact details (name, email, phone) - Survey responses - Sign-up or registration details Additionally, all the collected information needs to be stored in a database. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in web development - Experience in creating interactive web forms - Knowledge of database management - Understanding of user data privacy and security protocols More Info: See attachement and our convo
More details: What is the specific objective of the educational SS7 exploit? Academic research Which specific aspect of SS7 vulnerabilities are you focusing on for academic research? Interception of communications/location What type of communication interception are you interested in demonstrating? Voice and sms
...looking for an experienced UI/UX freelancer to design and enhance our digital product’s user experience. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in user-centered design, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing. This project requires a deep understanding of modern design trends, intuitive interfaces, and accessibility standards. Project Scope: User Research & Analysis: Conduct market and competitor research. Identify user needs and pain points. Wireframing & Prototyping: Develop low and high-fidelity wireframes. Create interactive prototypes for usability testing. UI Design: Design aesthetically pleasing and functional interfaces. Ensure consistency in branding and design elements. UX Enhancements: Improve user journey and navig...
I need assistance confirming the date of birth of an individual involved in divorce proceedings. I have access to their name...birth through social media platforms, primarily Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. - Provide optional screenshots of the verification if necessary. - Cross-reference the individual’s date of birth with information shared by their friends or family on social media platforms. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using and navigating social media platforms. - Experience in data verification and research. - Access to Australian databases. - Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information with discretion. The date of birth verification needs to be completed within 3 days. A summary of the findings along with relevant screenshots shoul...
...purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to see how psychology applies to your different aspects of life. By this point in the class, you should have become aware of how you interact with psychology daily. Understanding this connection between your life and psychology is one of the core objectives of this class. Below is a link to the psychology research section in the Ivy Tech Online Library. Psychology Research Link - Ivy Tech Online Library Instructions Complete the following steps: Find and describe three scholarly articles that discuss the practical applications of psychology. For a reminder of what a scholarly article is, and how use the library to find scholarly articles, please watch the video linked below. Finding Scholarly Articles in the L...
I'm seeking an SEO expert for my WooCommerce online shop, based in Australia. My primary goal is to boost product sales through improved visibility and reach on search engines, particularly Google. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct a comprehensive SEO audit of the website. - Develop and implement a tailored SEO strategy focused on enhancing product sales. - Conduct detailed keyword research to identify high-potential keywords for product pages. - Develop a content strategy that supports SEO goals and drives organic traffic. - Optimize on-page elements including meta tags, headers, and product descriptions. - Enhance local SEO tactics, including Google My Business optimization. - Identify and implement technical SEO improvements for better site performance. - Analyze competitor S...
I need assistance filling out more than 500 online forms with survey responses. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in online form filling - Attention to detail - Ability to work with a high volume of data Experience: - Prior experience in data entry, particularly with survey responses, is highly desirable.
Hi there I'm seeking a professional who can URL - Work email addresses of facility managers and office managers (London-based) - LinkedIn profile URLs of the aforementioned managers - The source link for each piece of data An Excel template will be provided for you to input the data. The ideal freelancer for this project should be: - Detail-oriented and able to follow instructions accurately - Proficient in data collection and research - Familiar with LinkedIn and its functionality - Able to work with Excel Please note, I only require work emails, not personal ones. The companies should be in the legal industry. Budget: Flat rate 5 NZD per 100 companies (100 office managers & 100 facility managers) Time: 2 days Please start your bid "5NZD" I a...
Long-Term Fundraising & Partnerships Specialist (French Required) Hello, I am looking for a long-term freelancer to help my NGO, MetanoTalk, secure funding, grants, and strategic partnerships. The NGO is based in France and serves French-speaking communities, so fluency in French is required. Responsibilities: ? Fundraising & Grant Applications • Research and apply for relevant grants, sponsorships, and funding opportunities. • Draft compelling grant proposals and reports. • Identify new sources of revenue for the NGO. ? Partnership Development • Find and reach out to potential corporate, institutional, or NGO partners. • Negotiate collaborations that can bring financial or strategic benefits to MetanoTalk. • Maintain relationships wi...
...executive positions - Understanding of various industries including, but not limited to, Healthcare, Finance and Information Technology - Capability to write compelling cover letters tailored to different job applications - Ability to deliver high-quality resumes within tight deadlines - Skill in customizing resumes to match specific job descriptions and roles - Competence in conducting keyword research for resume optimization - Experience with resume design and visual layout to enhance readability - Expertise in writing resumes for individuals undergoing career transitions - Strong proofreading and editing skills to ensure error-free resumes Experience in corporate, creative and technical fields will be an added advantage. The goal is to create a resume that showcases a well-ro...
Creating a pitch deck to assist with securing bank loans and managing financials for investing in residential properties. Pitch deck will be in accordance to the market research and business plan completed.
I'm looking for s...paper focused on the energy sector within the realm of science. The analysis should specifically cover the experimental results presented in the paper. Key Requirements: - Expertise in the energy sector of science. - Strong skills in analyzing experimental results. - Ability to provide clear and concise interpretations of findings. Task: - Understand the method that undergoes in the following research paper - Write the maths that goes from the data till the results step by step on paper and send the pdf - After that make an excel for conducting such step by step maths The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong background in science, specifically the energy sector, and can demonstrate experience in analyzing academic papers and their experi...
...(site speed, mobile usability, crawlability, indexation, schema markup). • Implement structured data, meta tags, and alt attributes to enhance search engine understanding. • Work closely with developers to resolve technical SEO issues and improve website performance. • Ensure compliance with Google's core web vitals and other search engine ranking factors. Keyword Research & Content Optimization • Conduct in-depth keyword research to identify high-impact opportunities. • Optimize website content, blogs, and landing pages for target keywords. • Monitor content performance and provide recommendations for ongoing improvements. • Make content to create SEO-friendly, engaging content. Link Building & Off-Page SEO • Develop an...
...elevate my website's visibility and search engine ranking. The site is just 3 months old, and I need a professional to help increase its traffic and engagement over a long-term partnership. Your primary tasks will include: - Implementing effective SEO strategies to improve our search engine ranking. - Leveraging content marketing techniques to drive website traffic. - Conducting thorough keyword research to identify high-potential search terms. - Optimizing website content, meta tags, and images for better search engine ranking. - Identifying and fixing technical SEO issues, such as broken links and crawl errors. - Developing and implementing a backlink strategy to improve domain authority. - Conducting competitor analysis to understand and outperform their SEO strategies. ...
...generation. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and implement Google Ads campaigns across the Search Network, Display Network, and YouTube - Monitor campaign performance and make necessary adjustments to maximize lead generation - Provide regular updates on campaign progress and lead generation stats - Analyze competitor campaigns to identify opportunities for optimization - Perform detailed keyword research to identify high-potential search terms - Conduct A/B testing to determine the most effective ad copies and landing pages Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience in managing Google Ads campaigns - Strong understanding of lead generation strategies - Excellent analytical skills to assess campaign performance - Experience with the Search Network, Display Network, ...
I'm seeking a product development expert to create an innovative, environmentally-friendly skincare herbal product formula for women in Pakistan. The product should to create an innovative, environmentally-friendly skincare herbal product formula for women in Pakistan. The product should address common skincare concerns and be suitable for the local climate and skin types. Key Responsibilities: - Research and propose unique skincare product ideas. - Conceptualize the product in various forms (e.g. creams, scrubs, serums). - Ensure the product is made from sustainable, herbal ingredients. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of skincare and herbal ingredients. - Experience in product development and market research. - Understanding of environmental sustainabil...
...focusing on simplifying navigation. The main objective is to simplify menu options, making it easier for users to navigate through the project. Key Responsibilities: - Assess the current navigation structure and identify potential improvements - Redesign the menu options to make them more user-friendly - Test the new design to ensure it enhances the overall user experience - Conduct user research to gather insights on navigation pain points - Create wireframes to visualize the proposed navigation changes - Develop interactive prototypes to test navigation changes with users - Perform usability testing with real users to validate the proposed design - Iterate on the design based on feedback from usability tests - Analyze navigation-related metrics to measure improvements - En...
I'm looking to run a campaign on tools to monitor ad performance and ROI - Ability to conduct A/B testing to determine the most effective ad strategies - Experience in managing advertising budgets effectively to maximize ROI - Ability to create visually appealing ad graphics and visuals - Expertise in writing compelling ad copy that drives engagement and conversions - Experience in conducting thorough target audience research to optimize ads The primary objective of the ad campaign is generating leads. The budget for the ad campaign is under $1,000. The campaign duration will be 1 month. The primary focus for the ad campaign will be on Facebook. The ad campaign will primarily target the age group 41-60. Please prioritize creating and running carousel ads for...
Storecheckers are a Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits. These visits are ONLINE test center assignments. The fee is $50. For this online visit, you will be posing as someone taking an exam ONLINE using a Proctor test-taking system. Via a series of actions and challenges, you will be assessing the security standards of the Proctor system and the vigilance of the proctor who will be monitoring the online test. In order to proceed with the online test you will need to have: • A desktop/laptop with Windows 8 or above • Google chrome installed as a browser • One form of ID bearing your name, signature and a recent photo The test will take up to one hour, and you will need to complete a report about your experien...