Spring security mutual authentication exampleproiecte
...PCISV app was initially developed using Ionic, a popular open-source mobile app development framework based on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This framework enables developers to create cross-platform apps that function seamlessly on both Android and iOS. However, with the introduction of Android 14, several changes have been made to the Android system, including updated APIs, security features, and performance enhancements, which have rendered the app incompatible with the latest OS version. The key technical areas where updates are needed include: API Level Updates: Android 14 introduces new API levels, and any app targeting earlier versions must be updated to comply with these changes. This includes updating targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion to Andr...
Aplicatia trebuie sa aiba backend-ul facut in Spring Boot, iar frontend-ul in Angular sau React. Aplicatia trebuie sa implementeze cateva functionalitati pentru userii de tip pacient (realizarea programari, vizualizare detalii medici, oferit rating), precum si functionalitati pentru userii de tip medic (modififacre programari, adaugare zile de concediu in program etc).
As dori sa creez un material didactic, care sa poata fi pus la dispozitia angajatilor via platforma LMS interna, cu sfaturi despre cum se poate naviga in siguranta in mediul online.
Am un site pentru care am nevoie de ajutor PROFESIONIST: 1. Sa se foloseasca tema AVADA pentru ...page cu elemente UI, UX si viteza de incarcare. 5. Daca e necesar penru viteza, se va folosi doar LiteSpeed Web Server pentru care am varianta platita pe un server dedicat foarte puternic. 6. Design bussines. 7. Sa fie gata in maxim 10 zile lucratoare 8. Pentru coockies voi folosi , pentru care am varianta configurat de dvs. 9. Pentru securitate voi folosi iThemes Security pentru care am PRO. Trebuie sa fie optimizat de dvs. 10. Continutul este asigurat de noi si partea legala. Veti pozitiona texte gen ”ddjsfja dgfsjf fsdfsd dgk” in site pentru a face partea de design.. 11. Site va avea max 10 pagini 12. Asta e realizarea mea 13. 600 EURO
Buna seara, Raducu, Lucrez la proiectul de licenta dar m-am blocat. Sunt de parere ca se incadreaza in aria ta de expertiza: proiectul este o aplicatie web scrisa in Java folosindu-ne de Spring MVC (se poate folosi si Spring Boot) si gestionata cu Maven. (aplicatia va rula doar in Tomcat); aplicatia este nevoie sa fie integrata cu o baza de date MySQL (persistenta implementata cu Hibernate). Daca esti interesat, iti pot oferi toate detaliile aici sau pe Whatsapp. Multumesc pentru timpul tau!
Buna seara, Robert, Lucrez la proiectul de licenta dar m-am blocat. Sunt de parere ca se incadreaza in aria ta de expertiza: proiectul este o aplicatie web scrisa in Java folosindu-ne de Spring MVC (se poate folosi si Spring Boot) si gestionata cu Maven. (aplicatia va rula doar in Tomcat); aplicatia este nevoie sa fie integrata cu o baza de date MySQL (persistenta implementata cu Hibernate). Daca esti interesat, iti pot oferi toate detaliile aici sau pe Whatsapp. Multumesc pentru timpul tau!
Majoritatea fermierilor se luptă pentru obținerea prețurilor pe care le merită pentru culturile lor ecologice. Most organic processors really want to achieve food security and get the best organic quality. Suntem brokeri în agricultură ecologică și conectăm fermierii direct cu procesatori pentru a le obține fermierilor cele mai bune prețuri and ensure processors a sustainable safe source of organic raw-materials. Fermierii nostri sunt liberi să se bucure de pasiunea pentru pământ știind că la recoltă vor fi răsplătiți. Our processors are empowered to improve the quality of their products and also increase their income and light up their passion for organic. Eu sunt fondatorul companiei si ma gandesc de mult la un VA, dar nu stiu ce si cum as putea sa deleg acestuia fa...
Buna Bogdan, sper ca esti bine? Nu vorbesc atat de bine romuneste dar sper ca inteles ce vrei. Prima la mana sunt fericit ca te am gasit. In moment eu fac un training in germania pentru system integratie. Am invatat cu cisco dar as vrea sa fac pentru diplomul meu un project pe care as vrea sa integrezi un Security-Monitoring intre Proxmox. Putem sa vorbim poate 30 de minute pe telefon sau skype orce plattform? Salut Alex
I want to create a personal website for my personal branding where I can post articles about the two major areas of interest and expertise for me, CSR and mental health. I want it to be a user friendly site on both laptop and mobile, to be safe in terms of security, cookies, etc., and from the design point of view of the site is has to be simple and airy, fresh, to give readers a state of well-being, of inspiration that they are in contact with nature, with themselves and that motivates them to read and discover how they can be better and gentler with themselves and the environment. Total budget - 60 E.
Am nevoie de cineva care sa ne ajute cu o solutie pentru a preveni atacurile prin SQL injection deoarece suntem atacati iar serverul nostru este down plus si celelalte solutii pentru prevenirea de atacuri DDoS, XSS and SSL attacks.
Doresc colaborare cu java developer cu experienta(ca mentor) pe java/spring/cloud/docker pentru realizarea unei aplicatii tip social network. Colaborarea ar putea fi de tipul sedinta online 2-6 ore pe sapt. cu plata pe ora sau suma integrala. Nu exista termen limita la aplicatie. Este in scop didactic.
Buna Lucian, Observ ca ai multa experienta cu ASP.Net si cred ca am putea colabora. Caut pe cineva sa ma ajute cu Sinsle Sign On authentication cu CAS. Noi fiind aplicatia client.
...asseturi grafice intre serverele interne aflate in diverse zone din US si UK. Pentru syncronizare vom achizitiona una din solutiile Aronis, File Catalyst, IBM Sterling peste care vom dezvolta o solutie ligh java de integrare. Principala provocare pe care o avem este legata de crearea toolului java pentru managementul asseturilor in mod efficient prin intermediul serviciilor SAP. Vom folosi Spring Boot, Spring Data, Hibernate si putin ABAP pt customizari. Ce ne dorim sunt web-service-uri de comunicare a datelor si expunerea informatiilor catre utilizator prin Angular sau JSP, Javascript, HTML, CSS. Baza de sincronizare si informatiile de SAP trebuie sa fie gata in luna iulie-august. Deadline-ul proiectului este Noiembrie, insa din iulie pana in septembr...
Cautam un Java Developer pasionat, cu experienta in Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Security, CSS, Git, Maven, Angular, pentru un proiect pe care il dezvoltam alaturi de clientul nostru din SUA, care este unul din cei mai mari jucatori mondiali in domeniul logisticii. Noul nostru coleg ne dorim sa fie deschis si catre atributii de coordonare a echipei, dar daca acest lucru nu face parte din planurile tale de cariera pentru moment, nu este un impediment pentru a continua discutiile. Proiectul este in dezvoltare de 12 ani, clientul opereaza la nivel global si acopera monitorizarea aspectelor ce tin de logistica in cadrul unei companii, de la bugetare, la planificare si pana la livrare.
Buna ziua, Nu imi dau seama daca imi permit serviciile dvs, intrucat nu stiu sa apreciez tariful orar. Cat costa, de exemplu, ilustratia "my hare's house" din portofoliul dvs? Dar o ilustratie in genul Am nevoie de 5-6 ilustratii pentru o carte pe care am publicat-o in regie proprie (self-publishing), in creion, alb-negru. Va multumesc
Cautam programatori, ROMANI, cu o engleza buna, experienta solida (preferabil senior), care sa lucreze de acasa sau la sediul nostru daca sunt dispusi sa se relocheze in Timisoara, FULL TIME, pe partea de JAVA Web, pentru...acelasi Delivery Manager si Architect si apoi fiecare cate 1 Lead Developer, 1 Scrum Master, 3 Senior Java developers si 1 Java tester. Avem disponibile 3 poziti de Senior Java developeri si un tester pe fiecare echipa. Mai jos cerintele pentru aceste pozitii: • -AngularJS 1.5 or higher (no Beta) • -Jasmine • -Spring-Boot • -TestNg • -Maven • -Spring MVC (to use web services for AngularJS, not the full MVC) • -Spring Security • -Spring Session • -Spring Data JP...
Caut un programator java care a mai lucrat sau are experienta in lucrul cu Framework-ul Spring MVC. Si cunostinte minimale de baze de date Oracle. Pot furniza un proiect demo, care contine toate configurarile necesare si trebuie doar modificat.
windows application that can simply verify user by otp to connect the shared wifi. You may write in any language and use any free getway for sending sms . i want this project within 4-5 days. you may contact me : [REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN]
Buna Florin, In cazul in care te-ar interesa un job de FrontEnd developer full time in bucuresti, te rog sa nu eziti sa ma contactezi. Lucrez in acest moment pentru un client, o companie pe nume Heimdal Security care is cauta un coleg nou pe partea de frontEnd pentru un job full time pe perioada nedeterminata. Asptept cu entuziasm vesti de la tine. Multumesc, Alina @
Buna Florin, In cazul in care te-ar interesa un job de FrontEnd developer full time in bucuresti, te rog sa nu eziti sa ma contactezi. Lucrez in acest moment pentru un client, o companie pe nume Heimdal Security care is cauta un coleg nou pe partea de frontEnd pentru un job full time pe perioada nedeterminata. Asptept cu entuziasm vesti de la tine. Multumesc, Alina @
...acum sa putem cauta dupa nume, numar telefon, adresa de mail. Mai trebuie setat pentru aceste 2 atribute. 7. Cateva modificari la search.(la sugestii sa apara in coloanele pe vertical toate produsele care contin cuvantul cautat. Ex: pentru cautarea cuvantului Euphoria noi avem in mod normal 15 produse: Euphoria EDP, Euphoria EDT, Euphoria Men, Euphoria Men Intense, Euphoria Blossom, Euphoria Spring Tentation, Deo Stick Euphoria, etc) In acest moment nu apar decat 6 la aceasta cautare iar denumirea lor nu este corecta la toate. De ex: euphoria ed ar trebuii sa fie defapt euphoria edp 8. De setat la Live Chat data si ora. Am instalat un modul pentru Live Chat dar nu a fost setat corect sau nu a fost conceput sa fie vizibil peste tot data si ora conversatiei ca orice messenger...
Salutare, Sunt in cautare de un developer (sau mai multi) pentru o aplicatie iOS. Nu este ceva complex, structura este simpla si basic, iar o parte din flow se repeta. Tema aplicatie este money/finance management. Design-ul este deja facut. In cadrul aplicatiei totul se face m...e foarte relevant acum, dar este bine de stiut pe viitor. Va trimit acest mesaj cu propunerea de a lucra pe acest proiect. Am atasat cateva screenshot-uri, doua ale unei aplicatii mai vechi, iar una cu flow-ul aplicatiei in discutie. V-as ruga daca puteti sa imi dati un estimat in ore, strict pe ceea ce exista in diagrama de flow, din atasament (fara cloud, fara setarile de care vorbeam sau security). Am un buget si sunt in cautare de mai multe oferte. Multumesc frumos, astept un raspuns :-) O zi fai...
...(cel mai urgent) - Pentru 2. Cateva modificari la search (la sugestii sa apara in coloane pe vertical toate produsele care contin cuvantul cautat, de scos blog post pentru ca lungeste foarte mult cautarea). Ex: Euphoria (la sugestii sa apara toate parfumurile ce contin cuvantul euphoria: Euphoria EDP, Euphoria EDT, Euphoria Men, Euphoria Men Intense, Euphoria Blossom, Euphoria Spring Tentation, Deo Stick Euphoria, etc) 3. Avem nevoie de date din adminul vechi al site-ului parfumeriedelux.ro. Site-ul a fost inchis iar adminul mutat pe serverul dedicate al noului site. Odata cu mutarea a aparut o eroare care nu ne mai lasa sa vedem vechiul admin. Dar baza de date poate fi extrasa de exemplu intr-un excel (sau oricare alta variant mai usoara/rapida). Avem nevoie de acolo ...
...partner=Johana Deschizi la "cum functioneaza" si vezi prezentarea, apoi registration. Cu toata stima. Come in our team. Please look this. It is a system of mutual financial, exponentially each international financial assistance, works and is reliable. Safe and without risk. Donate and win. Is true and werry important. You can see presentation ( 6 minutes) here For registration GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL (is partener of Interntional children caritable WHOLEWORLD ) is a system of mutual financial aid at the international level that relies on donations of its members (75 USD) once and that those who enroll and help each other while helping children
Te invit sa vezi prezentarea (doar 6 minute) si sa participi la...in care cei care se inscriu se ajuta intre ei si in acelasi timp ajuta copii bolnavi de cancer prin donatia catre organizatia WHOLEWOLRD. In linkul acesta Deschizi la "cum functioneaza" si vezi prezentarea Please look this. It is a system of mutual financial. Donate and win. Is true and werry important. For registration GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL is a system of mutual financial aid at the international level that relies on donations of its members (75 USD) once and that those who enroll and help each other while helping children with cancer through the donation by WHOLEWOLRD organization.
Te invit sa vezi prezentarea (doar 6 minute) si sa participi la...in care cei care se inscriu se ajuta intre ei si in acelasi timp ajuta copii bolnavi de cancer prin donatia catre organizatia WHOLEWOLRD. In linkul acesta Deschizi la "cum functioneaza" si vezi prezentarea Please look this. It is a system of mutual financial. Donate and win. Is true and werry important. For registration GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL is a system of mutual financial aid at the international level that relies on donations of its members (75 USD) once and that those who enroll and help each other while helping children with cancer through the donation by WHOLEWOLRD organization.
Te invit sa vezi prezentarea (doar 6 minute) si sa participi la...in care cei care se inscriu se ajuta intre ei si in acelasi timp ajuta copii bolnavi de cancer prin donatia catre organizatia WHOLEWOLRD. In linkul acesta Deschizi la "cum functioneaza" si vezi prezentarea Please look this. It is a system of mutual financial. Donate and win. Is true and werry important. For registration GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL is a system of mutual financial aid at the international level that relies on donations of its members (75 USD) once and that those who enroll and help each other while helping children with cancer through the donation by WHOLEWOLRD organization.
Proiectul consta in segmentarea unei imagini medicale in functie de informatie mutual si entropie a unori matrici (2x2 sau 3x3) si determinarea unori praguri in functie de acestea, pentru a vedea anumite elemente pe imaginea initiala.
Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului dupa anumite "paterns" si daca gaseste ceva listeaza fisierele infectate. Acest plugin trebuie deasemenea sa poata face scanari programate (cron jobs) dar si backupuri locale sau remote a fisierelor, inainte de curatarea lor. Pluginul trebuie sa aiba o interfata foarte simpla si doar 3 taburi : setari, backup, scan. Doresc ca acest plugin sa se conecteze la wordpres API si sa poata sa faca diferente intre fisierele wordpress pe care le ai si cele originale. Sa listeze fisierele care sunt diferite fata de original si deasemenea sa sublinieze liniile de cod care sunt diferite. Trebuie sa aiba optiunea de restore : adica sa pot da restore la anumite fisiere ...
Este o tema pentru facultate la un curs "Modele Formale de Concurenta si Comunicatii", deci e nevoie de o aplicatie mai mult demonstrativa, in c# cu 2 baze de date preferabil, concurenta + alte detalii de implementat: !!!!! NU LICITA DACA NU AI CITIT TOT TEXTUL !!!!! Aplicat...commit (poate fi gandit impreuna cu cell de rollback) un mecanism de detectie si rezolvare a deadlock-urilor (grafuri/liste de conflicte etc.) - Atentie: Focus-ul aplicatiei trebuie sa cada pe implementarea sistemului tranzactional, nu pe cazuri de utilizare, intrefata web sau frameworkuri pe care le-ati folosit. Puteti folosi framework-uri care sa va usureze munca (e.g. Hibernate sau alt JPA, Spring, .NET MVC etc.), dar nu trebuie sa folositi nici un fel de suport tranzactional de la aceste...
1, houstonarea, Galveston 1, houstonarea, Houston 1, houstonarea, Katy 1, houstonarea, Montgomery 1, houstonarea, Richmond 1, houstonarea, Spring 2, sanantonioarea, Boerne 2, sanantonioarea, Canyon Lake 2, sanantonioarea, Kerrville 2, sanantonioarea, New Braunfels 2, sanantonioarea, San Antonio 2, sanantonioarea, Spring Branch 3, dallasarea, Arlington 3, dallasarea, Corsicana 3, dallasarea, Dallas 3, dallasarea, Fort Worth 3, dallasarea, Granbury 3, dallasarea, Runaway Bay 4, austinarea, Austin 4, austinarea, Burnet 4, austinarea, Kingsland 4, austinarea, Lago Vista 4, austinarea, Leander 4, austinarea, Marble Falls 5, elpasoarea, Alpine 5, elpasoarea, Anthony 5, elpasoarea, Clint 5, elpasoarea, Fort Davis 5, elpasoarea, Vinton 5, elpasoarea, West...
I'm looking for a web-based program that can help me keep track of job participants, their payment statuses, and visualize data through a bar chart. Key Features: - Each participant should have a unique ID for identification. - A section to add new participants, requiring their Name and Contact Details, Date Joined and Payment Status. - Capability to indicate how many people ar...and Payment Status. - Capability to indicate how many people are involved in a job and how many have made a payment. - A chart to visualize the number of participants added each month. Access: - Users should be able to log in with a Username and Password. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development. - Experience with data visualization and creating interactive charts. - Knowledge in user authenticati...
As a small organization, we need an IT policy expert to help us draft comprehensive IT policies. These policies should cover areas such as:...help us draft comprehensive IT policies. These policies should cover areas such as: - Acceptable Use Policy - Data Protection Policy - Cybersecurity Policy - Password Management Policy - Remote Work Policy - Information Security Policy The primary goal of these policies is to ensure our compliance with various regulations and standards, specifically GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO 27001. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Deep understanding of GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO 27001 - Proven experience in drafting IT policies for small organizations - Strong knowledge in IT security and data protection - Ability to create clear and concise ...
...Configuration: Allow dynamic updates of key application configurations (e.g., URL, settings) without requiring app updates. Print Functionality: Integrate functionality to print documents or web pages directly from the Web View. Upload and Download Features: Allow users to upload photos/files via the Web View. Support downloading PDFs and saving them to the device. Security Measures: Prevent URL exposure to the user. Ensure user data security and comply with best practices for handling sensitive information. Requirements: Cross-platform support (iOS and Android). The application must be lightweight and optimized for performance. Must follow modern coding practices and use secure frameworks/libraries. Detailed documentation for code and setup is required. Deliverables: ...
I need a professional backend developer to create the backend for a video live streaming app. Key Responsibilities: 1. Admin Panel: The admin panel should prioritize user management. This includes overseeing user activity, managing user accounts, and resolving user issues. 2. API Development: I need an API for user authentication (primarily via email and password), managing subscriptions, uploading videos, and fetching live streams and video data. 3. Media Streaming Setup: The developer will set up media streaming for the app. 4. Video Processing: The app should feature video processing that allows pre-recorded videos to play in a loop. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in backend development, specifically for video streaming applications. Skills in API developme...
I am looking for an experienced React Native developer to assist me with bug fixing. Specific features needed for the app include user authentication and push notifications. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expertise in React Native development - Strong knowledge of Android app development - Familiarity with user authentication and push notification integration - Ability to troubleshoot and fix bugs efficiently - Attention to detail and ability to follow design specifications Please note that I already have existing designs for the app, so design assistance is not required for this project.
I'm experiencing access issues with my private GitHub repository and need assistance to diagnose and resolve the problem. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in GitHub and understanding of its access protocols. - Prior experience with troubleshooting GitHub repository access issues. - Familiarity with different GitHub authentication methods (Password, SSH, OAuth). - Ability to communicate solutions clearly.
I'm in need o...development, as well as design. The utmost priority for this project is the security and trustworthiness of the escrow system. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a secure blockchain escrow system on the many different coins platform - Design a user-friendly front-end - Build a robust back-end - Ensure the system incorporates essential security features such as multi-signature transactions, smart contract auditing and two-factor authentication Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in blockchain development, specifically on the Ethereum platform - Proficiency in front-end and back-end development - Strong design skills - In-depth knowledge of multi-signature transactions, smart contract auditing and two-factor authentication - Exp...
We are in search of a Blockchain Security Analyst to enhance our security protocols. Your role will involve auditing smart contracts, identifying vulnerabilities, and implementing robust security measures. Candidates must have experience in blockchain security and a strong understanding of cryptographic principles. This freelance position offers flexible hours and the opportunity to contribute to a secure and innovative blockchain environment. Apply now to showcase your security expertise in blockchain technology.
I'm looking to incorporate Firebase Storage across my web platform, admin panel, and Flutter app. The main functionalities I want to implement include: ...Users should be able to upload files seamlessly. - Data backups: Ensuring data integrity and availability through regular backups. - Media streaming: Allowing users to stream media content directly from the app. Furthermore, user authentication is a crucial aspect of this integration. All Firebase Storage access will require authenticated users to ensure data security and privacy. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in Flutter and web development. - Extensive experience with Firebase Storage. - Strong understanding of user authentication protocols. - Previous work implementing data...
I'm facing an issue with renewing a self-signed certificate on my windows 2008r2 domain controller. I need an experienced professional to both diagnose the problem and assist with the renewal process. I need someone that has dealt with this issue before. My understanding is that this can be done through the command line but the synta...it and I do not have anyone that has faced this issue before. You must be fully proficient with AD as it appears there are some other issues with it as well and we would like to get all issues resolved. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Active Directory and Certificate services. - Proven track record of diagnosing and resolving network security issues. - Expertise in handling self-signe...
I'm seeking a professional to build a simple e-commerce site for collecting donations. The website needs to be user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing, leveraging templates for a speedy build. Key requirements include: - Setting up secure credit card processing...to be user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing, leveraging templates for a speedy build. Key requirements include: - Setting up secure credit card processing. - Implementing a recurring donation option. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in e-commerce website development, particularly for non-profit or donation-oriented platforms. Knowledge of credit card processing systems and security measures is essential. Strong skills in using web templates and customizing them for a unique look and feel will be...
...Sends an email notification to a designated email address if any PC goes offline. Scalable design to handle up to 100+ PCs as the network grows. Server Functionality: Collects status reports from the monitoring software. Serves data to the web-based interface. Scalability and Reliability: Designed to handle up to 100+ PCs and possibly more in the future. Ensure reliability and minimal downtime. Security: Encrypted communication between the PCs and the server. Secure web interface with protection against unauthorized access. Deliverables: Fully functional PC monitoring application. Web-based interface for monitoring the statuses. Automatic email notification system for offline PCs. Complete installation and deployment instructions. Documentation for future scalability and main...
...interfaces (e.g., Malay and English). Security: - Data encryption to protect user information. - Role-based access control for admin and users. Deliverables: 1. Fully functional Al-Ihya mobile app (Android & iOS). 2. Admin panel for content and user management. 3. Documentation (user guide, admin guide, and technical documentation). 4. Source code with proper comments. 5. Deployment to Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Budget & Timeline: Budget: 1000USD. Timeline: 30-45 Days Required Skills: - Experience in Flutter or React Native for cross-platform development. - Proficiency in backend technologies (Node.js, Firebase, etc.). - Strong UI/UX design skills. - Familiarity with integrating live streaming and push notifications. - Knowledge of data security an...
I need a proficient developer to integrate AWS S3 into my website and app for storing user files, primarily images and videos. Key Requirements: - Implement AWS S3 for storing user files - Ensure the integration allows for authenticated access only - Use a custom authentication service for access control Ideal Skills: - Experience with AWS S3 - Knowledge in website and app development - Proficiency in implementing access control systems - Familiarity with custom authentication services
I'm seeking a web developer to create a vibrant and colorful ecommerce site for my store. The site must allow customers to place orders and make payments via PayPal. Key Requirements: - Design a Home Page, Product Catalog, and Contact Us Page - Product categorization by product type - Implement a secure and user-frien...site must allow customers to place orders and make payments via PayPal. Key Requirements: - Design a Home Page, Product Catalog, and Contact Us Page - Product categorization by product type - Implement a secure and user-friendly PayPal payment system Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating colorful, vibrant, and engaging e-commerce websites - Proficiency in PayPal integration and e-commerce security - Strong web design skills to create a clean and user-fri...
I'm seeking a professional software tester to evaluate the Apache Commons Text project. The focus will be primarily on...found or provide justifications for not fixing them. 4. Prepare and publish a Docker image on DockerHub. 5. Ensure the Docker container is operational (e.g., as a web app or Java application). 6. Analyze code coverage with Cobertura or Jacoco. 7. Perform mutation testing using PiTest. 8. Conduct performance tests with JMH. 9. Create automated tests for poorly tested code components. 10. Assess security using OWASP FindSecBugs and OWASP DC. Ideal candidates should be proficient in Java, have extensive experience with Jenkins, and be well-versed in software testing methodologies. Familiarity with Docker, SonarCloud, Cobertura, Jacoco, PiTest, JMH, and OWASP to...
...faster filtering results. 2. Map Fixes • Current Issue: • The map is either broken or lacks the necessary interactivity. • Upgrade Requirements: • Ensure the map updates dynamically when filters are applied. • Add functionality for users to click on map pins to see property details. 3. Update Login Options • Current Issue: • The login system is outdated and does not support modern authentication methods. • Upgrade Requirements: • Integrate OAuth2 for social logins: • Google Login • Apple Login • Facebook Login • Ensure all login methods are secure and work seamlessly across all devices. • Provide proper error handling and feedback (e.g., invalid credentials, account recovery). • Update the...
I'm seeking an expert in proxy server settings and routing to set up a dedicated proxy on my server. The proxy should be tailored for Instagram and the authentication method must be IP-based. Key Requirements: - Set up a proxy on my dedicated server with IPv6/32 - Proxy should be designed specifically for Instagram - Use of IP-based authentication method If the initial proxy setup proves successful, I will contract you for the creation of additional proxies on the server. Ideal candidates should: - Have extensive experience with proxy server configuration - Be knowledgeable about Instagram's functionalities - Provide high-quality service within a reasonable timeframe Anyone who sends a message to this project, I will come to you privately, but please create a...
I have a ring video I need to enhance. When I zoom in, the video is blurry and I need to have it clear. This is important because if it’s my wife and she’s cheating, then we’re through. Ideal skills for this project include video editing, video enhancement, and possibly some experience with security footage analysis. I'm looking for someone who can specifically sharpen the faces in the video as much as possible. The footage was recorded in daylight at a resolution of 1080p, so you won't be working with low light conditions or a lower resolution. Please, bid only if you can professionally enhance the video without making it look artificially altered.