Simulate mouse activity keyboardproiecte
RO/ENG Bună ziua tuturor, Lucrez la un start-up pentru a sprijini doua persoane care se ocupa de catering independenți si au nevoie de un site sim...customizable menus. • Interactive Calendar: Caterers can schedule their events and plan availability dates. • Customer Accounts: Login/registration to save favorites, manage bookings, and view orders. • Contact form: a way for customers to directly contact the caterers without customers logging in. • Mobile-Friendly Design: Optimized for mobile users. • Admin Panel: A basic dashboard to oversee activity and manage users. We are aiming to complete the prototype in an average of two to three weeks but it is negotiable. If you’re interested, please let me know your thoughts and suggestions. Looking...
...casuțe colorate pentru afișarea numărului total al sarcinilor în lucru astăzi și în următoarele 30 de zile, cu posibilitatea de a selecta și alte perioade. Afișarea sarcinilor întârziate. Afișarea sarcinilor deschise sub formă de rânduri, cu opțiuni de filtrare și sortare după data cea mai recentă. Informațiile afișate să includă: Asociația, tipul sarcinii, titlu, detalii (cu pop-up la trecerea mouse-ului), responsabil, prioritate și data sarcinii. Accesarea detaliilor complete ale unei sarcini printr-un pop-up fără a schimba pagina curentă. Șabloane: Crearea de șabloane pentru emailuri, sarcini, SMS-uri și fișiere, cu utilizarea variabilelor din modul. Automatizări: Generarea automată a sarcinilor pe baza schimbărilor de status al unei asociații, ...
...such as location, background activity, and notifications. The app's permission system will need to be reviewed and updated accordingly to comply with the new privacy standards. UI/UX Compatibility: Android 14 introduces design changes that may affect the app's user interface and user experience. The app's layout, themes, and responsiveness will need to be tested to ensure compatibility with Android 14's design guidelines. Performance Optimization: Android 14 includes performance optimizations that improve battery life, app startup times, and memory usage. To take full advantage of these improvements, the app's code may need to be optimized. Background Services and Battery Management: Android 14 introduces stricter controls on background services and app ...
...crosses like NOK/JPY and SGD/JPY. Experience the excitement of trading! Try our risk-free demo account TRY NOW or start live trading now Previous article Oil and gas volatile as geopolitical instability spreads Oil and gas volatile as geopolitical instability spreads. © 2023, Libertex Risk Warning: Trading in financial instruments is a risky activity and can bring not only profits, but also losses. The amount of possible losses is limited by the amount of the deposit. Libertex is a trademark of Libertex International Company LLC. is operated by Forex Club International LLC, a company registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (Registration No. 1277 LLC 2021), and by MAEX LIMITED, a company registered in the Republic o...
...and other networks if you wish), for which I present some details: 3. SMM (Social Media Marketing) SERVICE: Social Media services are based on the creation and personalization of Facebook pages (and optionally Instagram), the development of a content strategy and the creation of an editorial plan to achieve commercial and visibility objectives. It is extremely important that there is constant activity on the Facebook page in order to keep the company's brand visible, but also to increase the visibility of actions / promotions / services already carried out on other promotion channels (google, website, etc.) A. Creation / Customization / Audit of the Facebook page (optional), includes: I already have a Facebook account and a business page possibly personalization of the Face...
I would need a logo for a website that will offer web design services (websites / online stores), custom web application development, hosting. the website has the domain: The logo should be simple. It can be just a text with something to think about the activity we perform. to be clean and easy to use for future promotional materials. (T-shirts, coffee cups, etc.). the colors we would like to be no more than two, but to express energy.
We are a company of memorable activities, unique events in nature, both b2b and b2c. See our activity on With the changes brought by Covid 19 in the field of outdoor activities, it would turn our attention to indoor activities in online. We want to launch a motion platform called SmartRaces. It will offer virtual races for sale, the completion of the races being rewarded with a real medal. Similar project example: What do we need? SmartRaces project logo Colors: black + orange / white + orange - Code orange: # f7941d, rgb (247,148,29) Logo type: Icon + name / icon with name integrated in the design / icon from the initials S R Elements that we would include in the design: globe / moving person / running shoe sole, other elements that induce the
Doresc modificarea meniului magazinului online astfel incat sa fie identic cu cel mobile. La mouse hover asupra "Categorii produse" - sa se afiseze Categoriile , iar la hover asupra ele sa se deschida in dreapta Subcagetoriile . Asa cum este setat acum la versiunea mobile can simply add articles and information to the site. - The site must be translated into English or it can be translated into several languages. We are open to any other futuristic proposal that will raise the standard from a qualitative point of view. We currently have a site but we think it can be significantly improved. This site can be accessed at: The medical activity is carried out in the field of gastroenterology and any other requested information will be provided promptly. The basic idea is that we want an optimized site that will impact and offer the image of professionalism. We expect concrete proposals from you so that the design and graphics of the new site are much more attractive than the current version. Romanian: La baza este vorba de un site
youtube script view with very good algorithm to simulate a person
Buna ziua, Spuneti-mi va rog cat costa configurarea unui magazin online pe platforma Wordpress, nu am cumparata o thema momentan (puteti propune - dar am cateva cerinte): - sa se poata traduce rapid din setarile themei (nu prin traducere de fisiere) - sa am butonul "adauga in cos" fix (nu sa apara atunci cand pui cursorul de la mouse pe produs) - buton whish list si comparare (tot "in fata" fixe + in pagina de produs) - buton de share pe diferitele platforme sociale (doar in pagina de produs) - sa pot trimite un feed catre alte magazine partenere (sa publice produsele automat pe magazinele partenerilor in momentul in care public eu / la fel si sa se actualizeze pretul) - sa pot sa import produse produse prin feed - posibilitate de filtrare (filtre mai avansate...
...transmita vizual ideea: de tren care transporta masini sau vehicule impreuna cu numele "Auto Tren". Mai doresc ca designer-ul care va face acest logo sa respecte regulile de baza in crearea unui logo. Sa nu foloseasca mai mult de 2 culori. Tematica logo-ului trebuie sa fie business. Va doresc success si astept ideile voastre. I want to design a unique logo for the web domain The main activity of this company is rail transport for vehicles of all categories across the EU and some countries bordering directly to Romania. The logo must visually transmit the idea: of a train carrying cars or vehicles together with the name "Auto Train". I also want the designer who will make this logo comply with the basic rules in creating a logo. Try not use mor...
Aplicația pe care o avem în vedere este una foarte simplă și este menită să ilustreze două concepte de bază: Activity și Intent, precum și modul în care aceastea interacționează. Ea va avea două ecrane, primul reprezentând un pas de login, iar al doilea va afișa un mesaj de bun-venit, precum și numele utilizatorului. Pentru că scopul principal este să vedem cum se folosesc componentele de Android și care este procesul de dezvoltare, nu vom lua în considerare aspecte precum autentificarea efectivă a utilizatorului. Înainte de a începe, trebuie spus că articolul de față necesită cunoștințe de bază în limbajul Java. Este recomandat ca sistemul de operare să fie bazat pe UNIX (Ubuntu sau MacOS X), dar și Windows poate fi folosit fără nicio pr...
Doresc un add-on pentru situl flightradar24 pentru a avea acces la unele instrumente suplimentare. 1. Calculeze diferența dintre ruta reala vs ruta cea mai scurta a aeronavelor precum si introducerea acestora într-o baza de date. 2. Posibilitatea creeri unui aeronave simulate cu abilitatea de a fii manevrata din soft (directie, viteza, altitudine). 3. Afișarea unor alerte de coliziune intre aeronava simulata si o aeronava reala/simulata precum si generarea unor soluții de deconflictare conform unor algoritmi.
...Furnizori, In home page sa existe un link care sa duca la o pagina unde Furnizorii pot intra pentru a ne contacta. 13. Logare prin cont de Facebook (de implementat API). 14. Sus in Header sa apara in stanga Numarul Comenzilor onorate 15. Abonare Newsletter - Pop-Up (necesita din start un sistem de e-amil in spate) 16. Meniu Stanga - fiecare categorie o sa aibe in momentul in care se va muta mouse-ul deasupra o imagine reprezentativa si subcategoriile 17. Sub butonul "Comanda" sa apara Risc Zero. 18. Pretul sa fie mai mare scris. 19. Timpul ramas sa fie tot mare. Ofer acces la contul pentru acces in spate la Cargus, practic aici se vede exact ce am nevoie. Detalii suplimentare doar in privat. PS: Site-ul exista deja trebuie doar dezvoltate si implementate pun...
I want a project that contains visual identity design for the following : logo Business card Presentation folder personalized bill badge car design A4 and A5 envelopes I want that project to use colors that denote seriousness. The project to be done in Illustrator or Corel Draw The company is called FunIMOB and its field of activity , real estate Doresc un proiect de identitate vizuala care sa contina design pentru urmatoarele: Logo Carte de vizita Mapa de prezentare factura personalizata ecuson car design plicuri A4 si A5 Doresc ca in proiect sa se foloseasca culori care denota seriozitate. Proiectul sa fie realizat in Illustrator sau Corel Draw Firma se numeste FunIMOB si are ca domeniu de activitate, imobiliare
Proiectul se numeste Texturarea dinamica prin intermediul tastaturii si trebuie realizat in OpenGl The project is called dynamic texturing through the keyboard and should be done in OpenGL
...for syste. Promotion adwords, facebook, youtube, google + Creation of content for blogs and social media for networking. Administration site, blog, fb, youtube, google + video + text + few posts photo constant in social media. ... And some other things that I will tell you as specialists! What are my resources? 1. legally constituted company specific brokerage activity. 2. authorizations necessary for the activity. 3. automated platforms necessary sales information. 4. own infrastructure for SMS alerts expire. - API 3. Specialized personnel and authorized sales. 4. responsive help desk team. - 3 persons employed full-time. 5. Office for offline sales. 7. Experience in field sales 7 years in insurance. 8. Experience 13 years in the management of smal...
Buna ziua, Caut programator pentru o aplicatie care sa ruleze in fullscreen. Odata pornit, programul va trebui sa a...numar de litere (pe fundal negru, cmd-like), iar utilizatorul sa aleaga un anumit cuvant prin intermediul sagetilor de pe keyboard. Daca primul cuvant ales nu este corect, aplicatia va spune cate litere din cate sunt corecte. Utilizatorul alege un alt cuvant pana cand il gaseste pe cel corect. Vor fi disponibile un anumit numar de incercari. Mai am nevoie de un buton de reset prin care programul sa afiseze alta lista de cuvinte. Vreau sa pot configura lista de cuvinte (ideal prin modificarea unui fisier cu notepad). Foarte important, programul trebuie facut astfel incat utilizatorul sa nu poata inchide aplicatia, indiferent ce taste apasa. El nu avea mouse...
Hello, I need a web page on my admin web application, that will be similar with the picture from attachment. ( my admin web page is build with Metronic A...and if was inserted with success than will remain inserted in cell, otherwise an error message occur. You will understand more from picture below. If at the end I will like the page/work, than I have more work to give to the awarded freelancer so we can collaborate for others project. A very small idea about this table you can see here : (i try here to simulate something...just click on table cells). If you do not understand something...just ask! Picture design is not the final one...the final design should be much better. More details/specification will be provided to awarded freelancer.
Am un script care atunci cand faci hover peste un element il face mai luminos / brightness increased si cand nu mai este hover / mouse out revine la culoarea initiala . Ca sa il fac mai smooth am adaugat web-kit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out, iar daca cursorul este miscat rapid peste elemente care sunt una langa alta acestea ajung sa se lumineze 100% fiind astfel "pierdute".
Salut vreau si eu un script javascript sau cumva care da click automat pe playerul embed de video cand cineva intra pe site exemplu tu intri pe site-ul meu si cand intri mouse-ul tau va fi directionat cate clipul youtube embed si face click apoi videoclipul porneste. in asa fel se va conta ca views in youtube. youtube nu may contorizeaza viewsulrile din autoplay din embed-uri. sunt disponibil sa platec 10 dollari daca merge si contorizeaza am gasit cateva pe net dar nu merg de nicio culoare primesti 5 dollari inainte de a incepe munca si daca merge iti mai dau 5 dollari doar dupa ce am testat eu pe site-ul meu fara boti si roboti trafic real in site videoclipul poate fi ascuns adica 1x1 la size sau 300x300 size astept rapsuns de la tine ionutp23 este skype- ul meu
Salut vreau si eu un script javascript sau cumva care da click automat pe playerul embed de video cand cineva intra pe site exemplu tu intri pe site-ul meu si cand intri mouse-ul tau va fi directionat cate clipul youtube embed si face click apoi videoclipul porneste. in asa fel se va conta ca views in youtube. youtube nu may contorizeaza viewsulrile din autoplay din embed-uri. sunt disponibil sa platec 10 dollari daca merge si contorizeaza am gasit cateva pe net dar nu merg de nicio culoare primesti 5 dollari inainte de a incepe munca si daca merge iti mai dau 5 dollari doar dupa ce am testat eu pe site-ul meu fara boti si roboti trafic real in site videoclipul poate fi ascuns adica 1x1 la size sau 300x300 size astept rapsuns de la tine ionutp23 este skype- ul meu
I ' can write very fast on keyboard :) , i have an experience , not so big , but 2 years i work with this domain in Bucharest . I think it s very easy for me to work with many windows and responsible!
Am nevoie de un banner flash 234x60 pixel. este un logo care va trebuii sa aiba impactul de flexibilitate, sa se stranga, sa se dilate doar in momentul in care suntem cu mouse ul pe el, si sa ne redirectioneze catre site. In momentul in care nu avem mouse ul pe banner el sa ramana static.
4 Video Bannere BMW Seria 4 si BMW Z4. Dimensiune initiala: 250x250 si 300x250 (este nevoie de ambele dimensiuni si pt. Seria 4 si pt. Z4) Dimensiune expand: 640x480 (pentru ambele dimensiuni initiale) Autoexpand si rulare la mouse over. Oprire dupa 5 secunde cu invite la click (poster). On click - go to URL and/or play la restul clipului si apoi click pt. URL (detalii care raman de stabilit)
...system should generate a certification for users which can be sent to their email and is downloadable and printable. This requires experience in backend development and email API integration. - IP Tracking: The application needs to track users' IP addresses. A solid understanding of privacy laws and ethical coding practices is necessary. - Develop an analytics dashboard for users to track their activity and interactions. - Set up automated email notifications for various user actions like registration, payment, and updates. The right freelancer for this job will not only have the technical skills required but also a keen attention to detail and a proactive approach to problem-solving. I look forward to collaborating with a dedicated professional who can bring this pro...
I'm in need of a bot that can automate my participation in an online classroom discussion. The bot should be able to: - Log in to my canvas account - Navigate to the latest discussion post from each student - Respond to all posts with predefined random text This project requires a developer with experience in creating automated bots, particularly for - Log in to my canvas account - Navigate to the latest discussion post from each student - Respond to all posts with predefined random text This project requires a developer with experience in creating automated bots, particularly for online platforms. The ideal candidate should be able to familiarize themselves with the workings of an online classroom and create a bot that can effectively simulate human interaction i...
I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create a super realistic animal who will talk to another person… 2 clips from 30 seconds. The clips will be sent to you, the only thing you have to do is add a small animal who talks to “Storm” about that his base is getting raided in a videogame called “Rust”
...Instagram. The app should include two-factor authentication for added user security. Ongoing maintenance and support will be required for a period of 6 months post-launch. Include automatic notifications and updates for all types of activities such as messages, friend requests, and activity feeds. User profiles should include basic information such as name, profile picture, and bio. The app should be developed using Java for Android. Integrate an analytics dashboard feature allowing users to track their activity and engagement metrics. The app should cater to professionals, emphasizing networking and productivity features. The app should feature a light theme design. User profiles should allow advanced customization including themes, custom widgets, and layout options. Th...
...but moves a piece elsewhere instead, the piece that should have made the capture is removed from the board. If there are multiple capture options and the player does not take any, the piece that was supposed to capture is removed. This rule makes the game more challenging and strategic. 4. Graphical Interface 8x8 board with clear squares. Pieces and kings must be moved by dragging with the mouse – the player should not click on squares but rather drag the piece to the desired position. The program should prevent illegal moves (e.g., no undoing a move, no placing a piece on an invalid square). 5. Technology Any programming language – Python, C++, Java, etc. It can be a desktop application or work in a web browser. 6. Additional Features (Optional) Abilit...
I'm looking for an AutoHotKey, PowerAutomate,UIPath or Macro Express professional to create a script for simulating mouse and keyboard events. Key Requirements: 0- Create a simple dialogn box with a) Button Start/Stop mouse capture b) enter the name of target program (text box) 1- capture mouse events for 10 second and save in a file ( precisely , clicks, moves, click+move etc etc , with timestamps) 2- play all these mouse events save in a file on a target program (word, paint, canva, etc etc) target program will be specificed 3- The events recorded in file must play exactly on the target window . This is simple 1 hour job, and might be more next week.. use any tool of your choice
I'm looking for a professional capable of developing a secure, remote access tool primarily for Wi...release should prioritize Windows as the core platform. - The Android version should incorporate several core functionalities including the Black Screen feature, Microphone enable, File Transfer, Unattended connection, and compatibility with multi-OS (Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS). Security: - The tool should implement end-to-end encryption to secure the connection. - It should also feature Activity Logging to monitor the interaction with the remote system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in cross-platform software development. - Strong background in implementing security features within software. - Previous experience in designing remote access tools would be hig...
...provide real-time insights and proactive recommendations to support workplace well-being. 2. Key Features 2.1. Predictive Diagnosis Data Collection: Manual input: Work absence history (dates, duration, reason). Self-reported workload levels and stress indicators. Integration with external sources: Wearables (smartwatches, fitness bands) to collect heart rate variability, sleep patterns, and daily activity. Email communication analysis (Gmail, Outlook) to assess volume, response time, and tone using AI-based sentiment analysis. Integration with HR management platforms (e.g., Workday, BambooHR) to fetch work schedules and performance reviews. Predictive Analysis: Machine learning models to identify correlations between absenteeism, workload, and employee well-being. Classification...
I'm seeking a professional to analyze my Facebook and Instagram activity history. The primary goal of this analysis is to identify any suspicious activity, particularly unexpected interactions such as friend requests or follows that seem dubious. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in social media analytics - Experience with detecting unusual patterns - Ability to interpret data and report findings clearly Please cover the last 5 years in the audit. The primary goal is to identify any suspicious activity without additional recommendations. Provide a summary of the suspicious activities identified. "We do not need detailed logs of activities for specific time periods, as we have detailed history downloaded from Facebook for the l...
EcoBill is a company offering a solution for managing and centralizing business invoices. All companies, whatever their activity, can be interested in this solution, as they all have purchase invoices to organize. The aim is to help them save time, optimize their accounting and better structure their financial documents. Core business: Invoice centralization EcoBill offers an online platform where companies can easily store, organize and retrieve their invoices. Key features - Centralized invoice storage - Easy import via file or photo - Organization and tracking for improved accounting management - Fast, structured access to facilitate financial management Automation technology is being developed to improve invoice processing, including automatic document recognition (OCR) and...
I'm looking for a solution that can simulate mouse clicks on a desktop application to keep a webviewer connection active. Key Requirements: - The clicks will need to be automated in a way that simulates a real user to prevent timeout or disconnection. - The application will run on Windows, so the solution must be compatible with this OS. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating automation scripts for Windows desktop applications. - Familiarity with simulating user interactions on a desktop. - Prior experience with mouse click automation would be a plus.
I'm trying to simulate (using 3dsmax + tyflow) some particles falling into a rotating mesh and having some of them stick to the face of the mesh, only to be scrapped off later on by another mesh. The particles need to drop from the top, fill up the cup of the A mesh, which then starts rotating counterclockwise, the particles then drop down BUT some of them need to stick to the face of the A mesh, only to be later scrapped off by the B mesh which also rotates (clockwise). The main issue I'm facing is making the particles stick to the face of the rotating A mesh, when the cup holding the particles ends up on the bottom side. I've attached a couple of images and a video with how the animation is supposed to go and how the tyflow event looks so far.
...On-Screen Keyboard (OSK). - The OSK must be reusable and configurable to work with multiple MudTextField components. - Create a service class to manage the OSK’s visibility and interactions. 2. On-Screen Keyboard Component Details Appearance & Behavior: - Style the OSK using MudBlazor components (e.g., MudButton with Variant="" and default MudBlazor color scheme). - Follow the QWERTZ layout from the provided screenshot (include special characters: Ä, Ö, Ü, ß). - Include alphanumeric keys, space, backspace, enter, and an optional numpad (configurable via a parameter, e.g., ShowNumpad=true). - Ensure keys are touch-friendly (minimum button size: 48x48px for desktop touch screens). - Do not disable physical ...
create a animation with 10 balls inside an esphere to simulate a raffle of 10 numbers with javascript or any library suggested and after pick a ball put the ball with the number inside again to re raffle
I am seeking a Senior DevOps Engineer to assist with a critical GIS server migration activity involving our ArcGIS platform. This role will require a month-long visit to our Mumbai office. Key Responsibilities: - Oversee the migration of various components including our Database, Services and Applications, and Data and Maps. - Ensure the migration is executed in a way that enhances performance, reduces costs, and improves security. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with server migrations, specifically within a GIS context. - Proficiency in working with the ArcGIS platform. - Strong DevOps background with a focus on performance, cost and security optimisations. This is a key role for our project and will require the selected candidate to be on-site in Mumbai for one month.
I'm looking for an expert to simulate a multipurpose changing arena within a stadium, along with a retractable roof. The changing arena will adapt based on the event, be it a sports event, a concert, or a trade show. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a simulation of a changing arena that can accommodate different types of events. - The arena's layout will be based on a rough sketch I provide, but your expertise in optimizing the design is welcomed. - The simulation should also include a retractable roof for the stadium. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in stadium design or simulation. - Strong understanding of multipurpose arena requirements. - Ability to work with preliminary design sketches and optimize layouts. - Experience with designing and simulating... a responsive, functional, and intuitive frontend that allows users to: 1. Select Services: Choose from a list of available services (e.g., fitness classes, therapy sessions, or workshops). 2. Add to Cart: Add services to a cart and view/edit cart details. 3. Customer Management: Optionally add customer details (e.g., name, email, phone) during the checkout process. 4. Payments: Simulate a checkout and payment flow (mocking is acceptable; real payment integrations are not required). 5. Receipt Generation: Display a receipt with transaction details upon successful checkout. Technical Guidelines: 1. Tech Stack: - Use any modern frontend framework/library of your choice (React, Angular, Vue, etc.). - Ensure responsiveness for web and mobile devices. 2. F...
...of a scalable platform powered by AI. The project will use Vercel or a similar service for deployment, potentially starting from an existing template, and will involve customization to meet modular requirements. Key Features: AI Integration: Connection to an external DeepSeek AI API for dynamic and adaptive functionality. User Management: Dashboards for different user roles. Tracking user activity and progress over time. Subscription Management: Monthly subscription model with the ability to cancel at any time. Integration with Stripe or equivalent services. Technical Stack: Frontend: React/Next.js. Backend: Node.js or Python-based API. Database: PostgreSQL or MongoDB for data storage. Hosting: Vercel or similar platform for seamless deployment and scalability. Deliverables...
...on flow rate and head pressure. Additional Components: Pipework, guiderails, controls, and level controls. 3.2 Quote Generation Dynamic price updates. Automated PDF quote including pricing and technical specifications. Direct download or email option. 4. Admin Features Manage Pricing & Products to adjust for market trends. User & Quote Tracking for lead management. Report Generation on quote activity. 5. Technical Requirements Frontend: React.js / Vue.js for an intuitive user experience. Backend: Node.js / Django / Laravel for handling pricing logic. Database: PostgreSQL / MongoDB for storing configurations. APIs & Integrations: Market Pricing API, PDF generation, Email system. The quoting system will streamline the commercial quoting process, ensuring accuracy, e...
I have a membership management system built in Next.js. I need a skilled developer who can debug the existing code,...implement new features. Key Tasks: - Fix data inconsistency errors, particularly in member profiles and subscription details, as well as wrong calculations that have been problematic. - Clean up old code to improve system performance and reliability. - Add new features to the system. (Specific features will be discussed but may include payment integration, automated email notifications, and member activity tracking.) Ideal Skills: - Strong proficiency in - Excellent debugging and problem-solving skills - Experience in optimizing code for performance - Ability to implement new features effectively - Prior experience with membership management systems would be a pl...
I have multiple Facebook accounts and I'm considering deleting some, if not all, of them. I need a professional with experience in Faceb...Facebook accounts and I'm considering deleting some, if not all, of them. I need a professional with experience in Facebook account management to assist me with identifying which accounts should be deleted based on their activity and relevance. Your task will be to help me navigate this process, ensuring that my privacy concerns are addressed and that I am not left with unnecessary accounts. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Facebook platform navigation - Experience in social media management - Understanding of privacy settings and measures - Ability to analyze account activity and relevance - Good communication skills to explain f...
...correct serial commands (set limit up, C, etc.) in each step and reads the device’s responses. B. Control Tab Real-time status (motor positions, voltage, etc. if available). Buttons for Up, Down, Stop, Move to Preset 1, Move to Preset 2, Toggle AUX1, Toggle AUX2. Possibly show an indicator for debug mode, auto mode on/off, etc. C. Monitor Tab A serial terminal with scrolling text and an on-screen keyboard to manually send commands (e.g., debug Y, show config, help). All incoming lines from the controller are displayed. The user can type any text command. This is for advanced troubleshooting beyond the normal “Control” UI. 3. Firmware Updates The controller and a second “sidekick” board both need the ability to flash firmware from within the app. Th...
...the products itself. Theres no videos or photos. g. Right now, the categories are doubling as tags. I want to make a separate tags section for seo or change the categories into tags and enhance the tags to work with the search engines. h. Add text tags for accessibility. i. It needs some focus indicators when using the tab keys. j. It is Hard to control videos with just the keyboard. k. The creators should be able to add tags to their photos and videos. Right now, they can only add photos and videos to a category. The tags are to be used for seo for google and other engines. Plus, ...
I need a professional to assemble an under-desk mounted keyboard tray to my electric motor extendable desk. The job requires special tools for the assembly, which I need to be provided by the freelancer. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in assembling furniture and desk accessories - Experience working with electric motor desks - Able to provide necessary tools for assembly - Skilled in ensuring proper installation for optimal functionality Please see the pictures below. If there are any items missing or you do not have the tools for installation or require more pictures for assessment, please let me know. Thank you. Please note that the office is in Sydney CBD.