Simple security risk assessmentproiecte


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    2,000 simple security risk assessment proiecte găsite

    ...PCISV app was initially developed using Ionic, a popular open-source mobile app development framework based on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This framework enables developers to create cross-platform apps that function seamlessly on both Android and iOS. However, with the introduction of Android 14, several changes have been made to the Android system, including updated APIs, security features, and performance enhancements, which have rendered the app incompatible with the latest OS version. The key technical areas where updates are needed include: API Level Updates: Android 14 introduces new API levels, and any app targeting earlier versions must be updated to comply with these changes. This includes updating targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion to Andr...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Join Libertex! Try our risk-free demo account REGISTER or start live trading now Yen keeps on dropping as worldwide interest rates rise Fri, 10/20/2023 - 11:15 BACK Financial News Many people in Europe were shocked by the historic parity achieved between the US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable t...

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 oferte

    Salut! Am nevoie de cineva care sa stie sa lucreze in Android Studio cu Java, pentru a face cateva proiecte simple si de baza in acesta.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    Curs cyber security
    S-a încheiat left

    As dori sa creez un material didactic, care sa poata fi pus la dispozitia angajatilor via platforma LMS interna, cu sfaturi despre cum se poate naviga in siguranta in mediul online.

    $985 Average bid
    $985 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Project for Ionel T.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut Ionel , Am un proiect pentru un site, ma gandesc in wordpress, dar orice alta propunere este binevenita. Este un site pentru consultanta de business. Siteul va avea 9 pagini: 1. landing page 2. home page - descrierea serviciilor 3. Blog 4. Resources- 5. Who we are 6. Assessment center- 7. Terms of use 8 .Privacy and cookies policies 9. Contact ca model pentru oferta initiala , fara modificare culorilor pe landing page

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Salut Marian , Am un proiect pentru un site, ma gandesc in wordpress, dar orice alta propunere este binevenita. Este un site pentru consultanta de business. Siteul va avea 9 pagini: 1. landing page 2. home page - descrierea serviciilor 3. Blog 4. Resources- 5. Who we are 6. Assessment center- 7. Terms of use 8 .Privacy and cookies policies 9. Contact ca model pentru oferta initiala , fara modificare culorilor pe landing page

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    WordPress site
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut Ionel , Am un proiect pentru un site, ma gandesc in wordpress, dar orice alta propunere este binevenita. Este un site pentru consultanta de business. Siteul va avea 9 pagini: 1. landing page 2. home page - descrierea serviciilor 3. Blog 4. Resources- 5. Who we are 6. Assessment center- 7. Terms of use 8 .Privacy and cookies policies 9. Contact ca model pentru oferta initiala , fara modificare culorilor pe landing page

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Am un site pentru care am nevoie de ajutor PROFESIONIST: 1. Sa se foloseasca tema AVADA pentru cu elemente UI, UX si viteza de incarcare. 5. Daca e necesar penru viteza, se va folosi doar LiteSpeed Web Server pentru care am varianta platita pe un server dedicat foarte puternic. 6. Design bussines. 7. Sa fie gata in maxim 10 zile lucratoare 8. Pentru coockies voi folosi , pentru care am varianta configurat de dvs. 9. Pentru securitate voi folosi iThemes Security pentru care am PRO. Trebuie sa fie optimizat de dvs. 10. Continutul este asigurat de noi si partea legala. Veti pozitiona texte gen ”ddjsfja dgfsjf fsdfsd dgk” in site pentru a face partea de design.. 11. Site va avea max 10 pagini 12. Asta e realizarea mea 13. 600 EURO

    $325 Average bid
    $325 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Majoritatea fermierilor se luptă pentru obținerea prețurilor pe care le merită pentru culturile lor ecologice. Most organic processors really want to achieve food security and get the best organic quality. Suntem brokeri în agricultură ecologică și conectăm fermierii direct cu procesatori pentru a le obține fermierilor cele mai bune prețuri and ensure processors a sustainable safe source of organic raw-materials. Fermierii nostri sunt liberi să se bucure de pasiunea pentru pământ știind că la recoltă vor fi răsplătiți. Our processors are empowered to improve the quality of their products and also increase their income and light up their passion for organic. Eu sunt fondatorul companiei si ma gandesc de mult la un VA, dar nu stiu ce si cum as putea sa deleg acestuia fa...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta medie
    20 oferte

    called automatic labeling of reviews with Clustering, it can be done by automatic labeling of texts, you should have a set of reviews labeled positively / negatively and then run an automatic classifier that learns from these labels after to run such of the classifier you must first "clean" the text, remove all words without content, figure out what words you have left (bring them to the dictionary form) and then see if based on the remaining words the classifier can determine the class of your review: poz or neg .... with a small interface. Python has these clarifiers in English ... romanian: Se numește etichetarea automata a recenziilor cu Clustering, se poate face prin etichetarea automata a textelor, tu ar trebui sa ai un set de recenzii etichetate pozitiv/negativ si apoi s...

    $184 Average bid
    $184 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    Buna Bogdan, sper ca esti bine? Nu vorbesc atat de bine romuneste dar sper ca inteles ce vrei. Prima la mana sunt fericit ca te am gasit. In moment eu fac un training in germania pentru system integratie. Am invatat cu cisco dar as vrea sa fac pentru diplomul meu un project pe care as vrea sa integrezi un Security-Monitoring intre Proxmox. Putem sa vorbim poate 30 de minute pe telefon sau skype orce plattform? Salut Alex

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Site personal
    S-a încheiat left

    I want to create a personal website for my personal branding where I can post articles about the two major areas of interest and expertise for me, CSR and mental health. I want it to be a user friendly site on both laptop and mobile, to be safe in terms of security, cookies, etc., and from the design point of view of the site is has to be simple and airy, fresh, to give readers a state of well-being, of inspiration that they are in contact with nature, with themselves and that motivates them to read and discover how they can be better and gentler with themselves and the environment. Total budget - 60 E.

    $178 Average bid
    $178 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    Am nevoie de cineva care sa ne ajute cu o solutie pentru a preveni atacurile prin SQL injection deoarece suntem atacati iar serverul nostru este down plus si celelalte solutii pentru prevenirea de atacuri DDoS, XSS and SSL attacks.

    $227 Average bid
    $227 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    Simple website
    S-a încheiat left

    Am nevoie de un website de prezentare pentru site-ul acesta Cerinte: sa arate modern si sa poata fi modificabil ulterior de un neprofesioist ( texte, adaugat poze, etc)

    $176 Average bid
    $176 Oferta medie
    23 oferte
    Simple data entry project
    S-a încheiat left

    Completarea unui chestionar (test de personalitate). Durata estimata - aproximativ 10 min. Rezultatul trebuie trimis pe adresa mea de email.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Oferta medie
    41 oferte

    Our company, a software development provider in the iGaming industry, is looking for Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, Kafka and RabbitMQ specialists, who can help us with the assessment (evaluation) based on which a training can be delivered to our colleagues. We would like this training to be delivered in Bucharest, Romania and Lviv, Ukraine. For more details, please contact me!

    $3103 Average bid
    $3103 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Am inceput un proiect pentru SNSPA - Cursul de management al riscului si de fezabilitate a afacerilor - dar nu dispun de timp suficient pentru a-l termina. Trebuie sa ai notiuni de baza din Marketing, Risk Management, Studii de Fezabilitate

    $400 Average bid
    $400 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for Mihai C.
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, Am gasit profilul vostru pe freelancer si as dori sa stiu daca va ocupati si de assessment . Sunt inscris la un colegiu in londra si trebuie sa scriu 4 assessment despre bussiness. Astept mesajul vostru . Va multumesc!

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Cautam un Java Developer pasionat, cu experienta in Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Security, CSS, Git, Maven, Angular, pentru un proiect pe care il dezvoltam alaturi de clientul nostru din SUA, care este unul din cei mai mari jucatori mondiali in domeniul logisticii. Noul nostru coleg ne dorim sa fie deschis si catre atributii de coordonare a echipei, dar daca acest lucru nu face parte din planurile tale de cariera pentru moment, nu este un impediment pentru a continua discutiile. Proiectul este in dezvoltare de 12 ani, clientul opereaza la nivel global si acopera monitorizarea aspectelor ce tin de logistica in cadrul unei companii, de la bugetare, la planificare si pana la livrare.

    $1873 Average bid
    $1873 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Am un site creat pe CMS Made Simple in care trebuie sa cream campuri pentru inserarea de meta descrition la unele pagini unde inca nu exista aceasta facilitate in CMS. Astept cunoscatori PHP interesati.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    Cautam programatori, ROMANI, cu o engleza buna, experienta solida (preferabil senior), care sa lucreze de acasa sau la sediul nostru daca sunt dispusi sa se relocheze in Timisoara, FULL TIME, pe partea de JAVA Web, pentru un proiect ce ar putea sa dureze intre 6 luni...fiecare cate 1 Lead Developer, 1 Scrum Master, 3 Senior Java developers si 1 Java tester. Avem disponibile 3 poziti de Senior Java developeri si un tester pe fiecare echipa. Mai jos cerintele pentru aceste pozitii: • -AngularJS 1.5 or higher (no Beta) • -Jasmine • -Spring-Boot • -TestNg • -Maven • -Spring MVC (to use web services for AngularJS, not the full MVC) • -Spring Security • -Spring Session • -Spring Data JPA • -Java 1.8 • -Testin...

    $503 Average bid
    $503 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Simple project
    S-a încheiat left

    Simple project Simple project Simple project Simple project Simple project

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Buna Florin, In cazul in care te-ar interesa un job de FrontEnd developer full time in bucuresti, te rog sa nu eziti sa ma contactezi. Lucrez in acest moment pentru un client, o companie pe nume Heimdal Security care is cauta un coleg nou pe partea de frontEnd pentru un job full time pe perioada nedeterminata. Asptept cu entuziasm vesti de la tine. Multumesc, Alina @

    $155 Average bid
    $155 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Oportunitate de Job
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna Florin, In cazul in care te-ar interesa un job de FrontEnd developer full time in bucuresti, te rog sa nu eziti sa ma contactezi. Lucrez in acest moment pentru un client, o companie pe nume Heimdal Security care is cauta un coleg nou pe partea de frontEnd pentru un job full time pe perioada nedeterminata. Asptept cu entuziasm vesti de la tine. Multumesc, Alina @

    $149 - $149
    $149 - $149
    0 oferte

    având o capacitate f mare de producție și o experiență indelungată ( de 2 ori locul întâi la Premiile Display- germania pt un display Gillete și cutia de coniac Brâncoveanu) însă f afectați de o decizie de insolvență care s-a dovedit ulterior o gravă eroare judiciară, suntem în punctul de a începe să redevenim ce am fost și mai mult decît atât. Vreau deci să reconstruiesc o echipă de client service și vânzări pt cele două categorii mari de produse:; ambalaje și materiale publicitare( POSM-uri) precum și oferirea de servicii tipografice speciale pt tipografii mai mici sau agenții de producție( lac uv, lac uv selectiv, plastifieri, cașerări, ștanțări) Cele 2 categorii mari de produse pot fi vizionate și înțelese pe siteul

    $6111 Average bid
    $6111 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    ...cateva mici stilizari a aplicatie pe care utilizatorul le poate face (gen simple-view si extended-view al listei de tranzactii, etc). Poate si un mic sistem de securitate, code sau swipe undeva dupa splashscreen. Inca o chestie de mentionat, vor fi doua variante a aplicatiei: una simpla, iar una premium/extended/vip whatever. Nu e foarte relevant acum, dar este bine de stiut pe viitor. Va trimit acest mesaj cu propunerea de a lucra pe acest proiect. Am atasat cateva screenshot-uri, doua ale unei aplicatii mai vechi, iar una cu flow-ul aplicatiei in discutie. V-as ruga daca puteti sa imi dati un estimat in ore, strict pe ceea ce exista in diagrama de flow, din atasament (fara cloud, fara setarile de care vorbeam sau security). Am un buget si sunt in cautare de mai multe...

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...In-Map. In-Map este companie de dezvoltare software. Aplicatia pe care acestia o au este in cloud, hosted pe 3 servere, in Europa, Asia si US. Lucreaza atat cu dealeri mai mici, dar si cu HP si Konica Minolta. Proiectul consta in dezvoltarea unei solutii online destinata brigazilor de pompieri care simplifica managementul planurilor de preventie si interventie. Vor sa dezvolte o aplicatie de risk management ce va fi realizata in .NET si se va integra cu platforma existenta In-Map. Front-end-ul va fi facut cu ASP.NET MVC. Proiectul va fi unul intern (in In-Map) si ulterior se doreste sa fie vandut catre alti clienti Solutia va permite cooperarea continua intre brigada de pompieri si “clientii” sai - companii din zona de acoperire deservite de aceasta, care are...

    $225 Average bid
    $225 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    .NET MVC Developer
    S-a încheiat left

    ...In-Map. In-Map este companie de dezvoltare software. Aplicatia pe care acestia o au este in cloud, hosted pe 3 servere, in Europa, Asia si US. Lucreaza atat cu dealeri mai mici, dar si cu HP si Konica Minolta. Proiectul consta in dezvoltarea unei solutii online destinata brigazilor de pompieri care simplifica managementul planurilor de preventie si interventie. Vor sa dezvolte o aplicatie de risk management ce va fi realizata in .NET si se va integra cu platforma existenta In-Map. Front-end-ul va fi facut cu ASP.NET MVC. Proiectul va fi unul intern (in In-Map) si ulterior se doreste sa fie vandut catre alti clienti Solutia va permite cooperarea continua intre brigada de pompieri si “clientii” sai - companii din zona de acoperire deservite de aceasta, care are...

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    .NET Developer
    S-a încheiat left

    ...In-Map. In-Map este companie de dezvoltare software. Aplicatia pe care acestia o au este in cloud, hosted pe 3 servere, in Europa, Asia si US. Lucreaza atat cu dealeri mai mici, dar si cu HP si Konica Minolta. Proiectul consta in dezvoltarea unei solutii online destinata brigazilor de pompieri care simplifica managementul planurilor de preventie si interventie. Vor sa dezvolte o aplicatie de risk management ce va fi realizata in .NET si se va integra cu platforma existenta In-Map. Front-end-ul va fi facut cu ASP.NET MVC. Proiectul va fi unul intern (in In-Map) si ulterior se doreste sa fie vandut catre alti clienti Solutia va permite cooperarea continua intre brigada de pompieri si “clientii” sai - companii din zona de acoperire deservite de aceasta, care are...

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    ...In-Map. In-Map este companie de dezvoltare software. Aplicatia pe care acestia o au este in cloud, hosted pe 3 servere, in Europa, Asia si US. Lucreaza atat cu dealeri mai mici, dar si cu HP si Konica Minolta. Proiectul consta in dezvoltarea unei solutii online destinata brigazilor de pompieri care simplifica managementul planurilor de preventie si interventie. Vor sa dezvolte o aplicatie de risk management ce va fi realizata in .NET si se va integra cu platforma existenta In-Map. Front-end-ul va fi facut cu ASP.NET MVC. Proiectul va fi unul intern (in In-Map) si ulterior se doreste sa fie vandut catre alti clienti Solutia va permite cooperarea continua intre brigada de pompieri si “clientii” sai - companii din zona de acoperire deservite de aceasta, care are...

    $477 - $477
    $477 - $477
    0 oferte
    ASP.NET MVC Developer
    S-a încheiat left

    ...In-Map. In-Map este companie de dezvoltare software. Aplicatia pe care acestia o au este in cloud, hosted pe 3 servere, in Europa, Asia si US. Lucreaza atat cu dealeri mai mici, dar si cu HP si Konica Minolta. Proiectul consta in dezvoltarea unei solutii online destinata brigazilor de pompieri care simplifica managementul planurilor de preventie si interventie. Vor sa dezvolte o aplicatie de risk management ce va fi realizata in .NET si se va integra cu platforma existenta In-Map. Front-end-ul va fi facut cu ASP.NET MVC. Proiectul va fi unul intern (in In-Map) si ulterior se doreste sa fie vandut catre alti clienti Solutia va permite cooperarea continua intre brigada de pompieri si “clientii” sai - companii din zona de acoperire deservite de aceasta, care are...

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Am nevoie de o aplicatie Hadoop care sa foloseasca un fisier csv dat de mine si care sa realizeze cateva operatii simple Map/Reduce, cum ar fi ordonarea dupa un anumit camp, gasirea tuturor inregistrarilor cu o anumita valoare. Rezultatele vor fi aratate intr-o interfata web.

    $231 Average bid
    $231 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    ...Interntional children caritable ( ). In linkul acesta Deschizi la "cum functioneaza" si vezi prezentarea, apoi registration. Cu toata stima. Come in our team. Please look this. It is a system of mutual financial, exponentially each international financial assistance, works and is reliable. Safe and without risk. Donate and win. Is true and werry important. You can see presentation ( 6 minutes) here For registration GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL (is partener of Interntional children caritable WHOLEWORLD ) is a system of mutual financial aid at the international level that

    $2132 Average bid
    $2132 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului dupa anumite "paterns" si daca gaseste ceva listeaza fisierele infectate. Acest plugin trebuie deasemenea sa poata face scanari programate (cron jobs) dar si backupuri locale sau remote a fisierelor, inainte de curatarea lor. Pluginul trebuie sa aiba o interfata foarte simpla si doar 3 taburi : setari, backup, scan. Doresc ca acest plugin sa se conecteze la wordpres API si sa poata sa faca diferente intre fisierele wordpress pe care le ai si cele originale. Sa listeze fisierele care sunt diferite fata de original si deasemenea sa sublinieze liniile de cod care sunt diferite. Trebuie sa aiba optiunea de restore : adica sa pot da restore la anumite fisiere ...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Plecând de la şi se va realiza o componentă de interfaţă grafică în HTML5, JavaScript pentru a permite vizualizarea într-un panel a ordinelor plasate de investitor în ASETS, împreună cu posibilitatea de face Update şi Cancel pe un ordin selectat din listă. Funcţionalitate încapsulată într-un Java servlet care să funizeze lista de ordine plasate de investitor.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy more coins or upgrade account (upgrade will allow more pictures to be liked per day, gain more coins per like, and remove ads). 6) Get bonus coins by posting an advertisement on Instagram for this app 7) Ad interstitials when app opens and while liking pictures Please see the app: "WowLikes" as an example. Looking for: 1) high-quality development team 2) knowledge of Instagram API 3) knowledge of SDKs for ad networks: revmob, charboost, and applovin 4) Must...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 oferte
    UGC Cross-Platform Mobile & PC App
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for an experienced developer to create a fully functional User Generated Content (UGC) mobile and ...on iOS, Android, and Windows platforms. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Comprehensive experience in cross-platform app development - A strong portfolio of UGC apps - Excellent understanding of iOS, Android, and Windows standards - Proficiency in UI/UX design principles for each platform - Capacity to implement and manage quality assurance testing - Knowledge of integrating security measures to protect user-generated content. Please note, the specifics of the content the users will generate has yet to be determined, as well as the core features of the app. Therefore, your expertise in suggesting and implementing engaging features would be highl...

    $8165 Average bid
    $8165 Oferta medie
    36 oferte

    ...Bollinger Bands, and Fibonacci Retracement. Price Action Analysis: Detect support/resistance levels, trendlines, and candlestick patterns. Multi-Timeframe Analysis: Analyze market trends on short (1 minute), medium (1 hour), and long-term (daily, weekly) timeframes. 3. Risk Management Stop-Loss and Take-Profit: Automatically place stop-loss and take-profit orders to control risk and lock in profits. Position Sizing: Calculate trade sizes dynamically based on portfolio risk percentage. Dynamic Risk Adjustment: Use AI to adapt risk levels based on market conditions. 4. Order Book Features Real-Time Order Book Tracking: Display live order book data from Binance and Bybit. Market Depth Analysis: Detect large buy/sell orders and measure liquidity at various...

    $106 Average bid
    $106 Oferta medie
    63 oferte

    I'm looking for a Python expert to build a script that backtests screener results from over the past 9 years. The objective is to evaluate specific trading strategies, primarily breakout trading using indicator-based breakouts. Requirements: - The script should output results in an Excel file, allowing for the assessment of performance based on preset target/stoploss and max holding period. - It should focus on evaluating breakout trading strategies using indicator-based breakouts. - Prior experience with trading strategy backtesting and data analysis is highly desirable. Please note, the main goal of this project is to understand how effective specific trading strategies have been over the last 9 years. A deep understanding of Python, as well as knowledge of trading strateg...

    $132 Average bid
    $132 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    We are looking for a skilled flutter developer to create an user friendly app for our AI based product. Tasks & requirements- 5 screens -...5) create efficient search systems. Also, the developer should be adept at developing production grade app. Conversations have to be real time. Developer should have good understanding of web sockets and real-time databases. Page navigation should be seamless and optimized for latency Application should be tested thoroughly. Testing to be performed - 1) Load testing 2) Performance testing 3) Security testing 4) cross-browser testing 5) cross-device testing 6) Localization and Internationalization Testing App has to be developed on both android and IOS platforms. Developer will also be responsible for IOS and android deployment on Appst...

    $303 Average bid
    $303 Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    We are looking for a skilled flutter developer to create an user friendly app for our AI based product. Requirements - 5 screens - 1) l...5) create efficient search systems. Also the developer should be adept at developing production grade app. Conversations have to be real time. Developer should have good understanding of web sockets and real-time databases. Page navigation should be seamless and optimized for latency Application should be tested thoroughly. Testing to be performed - 1) Load testing 2) Performance testing 3) Security testing 4) cross-browser testing 5) cross-device testing 6) Localization and Internationalization Testing App has to be developed on both android and IOS platforms. Developer will also be responsible for IOS and android deployment on Appstore/...

    $272 Average bid
    $272 Oferta medie
    21 oferte
    Online Quote-Bind System for Insurer
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...payment options. 2. Project Goals and Objectives • Develop a user-friendly platform for online quoting and policy binding. • Ensure integration with our SQL database and CRM system via API. • Provide customers with secure payment options (annual and monthly instalments - already have api connected to gateway for annual payment) • Deliver a solution that complies with Australian data security and privacy regulations. 3. Scope of Work The project includes: 3.1 Core Features • Online quote form with all relevant customer and property data fields. • Integration with a pricing algorithm to calculate premiums in real time. • Underwriting guidelines evaluation: • Approve eligible customers for policy binding. • N...

    $4588 Average bid
    $4588 Oferta medie
    26 oferte

    I'm developing an AI-powered real estate platform and need an AWS expert. Your role involves configuring the AWS Management Console, setting up essential services, securing access for ChatGPT Copilot, and creating appropriate IAM rol...appropriate IAM roles and permissions. You'll be crucial in optimizing deployment settings for a secure and efficient integration. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with AWS services - Proficiency in setting up EC2, S3, and Lambda - Expertise in configuring IAM roles and permissions - Knowledge of network security measures - Experience with data encryption Experience with deploying AI platforms on AWS is a significant advantage. Specifics about the AWS services to be configured, security concerns, and the type of deployment setup...

    $74 Average bid
    $74 Oferta medie
    22 oferte

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to set up an Elastic Stack for visualizing logs and creating dashboards that monitor anomalies and patterns in my Relational Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL). Requirements: - The Elastic Stack should connect primarily to my relational databases. - It should monitor and visualize user activity tracking, performance metrics, and security events. - The system should check for critical events such as unauthorized access or failed logins every hour. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Elastic Stack. - Proficient in working with relational databases. - Previous experience with setting up monitoring systems. I need someone who can help me set this up effectively and can ensure I'm alerted to any critical events in real-time.

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    ...designers, product managers, and stakeholders to deliver user-friendly solutions. Optimize application performance and security. Write clean, well-structured, and maintainable code. Integrate APIs, third-party services, and payment gateways. Perform debugging, troubleshooting, and code reviews. Maintain clear documentation for development processes. Required Skills and Qualifications: Proficiency in PHP and Laravel Framework. Strong understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL. Experience with RESTful APIs and third-party integrations. Knowledge of version control systems (Git). Familiarity with cloud services, hosting, and deployment processes. Good understanding of security practices and data protection. Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Abil...

    $280 Average bid
    $280 Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    ...efficient booking system. It should allow users to easily search for properties, check availability, and make reservations. - Support for Multiple Property Listings: The app should have the capacity to host and display listings from a variety of properties. This would require a comprehensive backend system to manage and update listings. - User Authentication via Phone Number Verification: For user security and simplicity, the app should authenticate users through phone number verification. A smooth and reliable verification process is crucial. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in developing cross-platform mobile applications, particularly in the hotel booking sector. Proficiency in backend development for property listings and implementing user a...

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Oferta medie
    21 oferte

    ...ensure that users can only add information to specific placeholders without being able to access, edit, or duplicate the design or Slide Master. The key requirement is to restrict unauthorized access and modifications, so users cannot copy or take control of the template for their own use. Additionally, I need guidance on how these protections are implemented and maintained to ensure long-term security. The design must remain intact while allowing users to interact only with the designated editable areas. Important Note: I will only release payment if the freelancer successfully achieves the stated goals, including protecting the template, restricting access to non-editable elements, and ensuring users cannot copy or modify the Slide Master or design. Please apply only if you a...

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Oferta medie
    69 oferte
    Simple Video Editing Needed
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...Video to edit: I need someone who will complete the work in a timely manner without demanding extra payment. Please refer to the following videos: - This edit was good, but not what I want full time: Skills and experience required: - Proficient with basic video editing - Previous experience with simple video edits - Excellent time management - Reliable and trustworthy - Good communication skills Please reach out if you have relevant experience....

    $442 Average bid
    $442 Oferta medie
    94 oferte

    I'm seeking a seasoned ethical hacker to identify vulnerabilities in my custom-built web applications. The primary goal of this project is to pinpoint any security weaknesses that could potentially be exploited. This isn't about merely testing for penetration, but a thorough investigation for security vulnerabilities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in ethical hacking - Extensive experience with web application security - Familiarity with custom-built web applications - Strong skills in identifying security vulnerabilities - Knowledge of penetration testing techniques - Experience with conducting comprehensive network security audits.

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Oferta medie
    15 oferte