Self develop cartoon characterproiecte
...cheltuiasca tot bugetul. Am zile in care imi consuma maxim 10-20% din bugetul alocat/zi si nu este ok deloc. De preferat cu romani sau vorbitori avansati de limba romana. Fara Google translate sau agentii cu 3rd party in afara Europei. Multumesc I'm seeking a professional with extensive experience in Google Ads to help me boost sales of my physical products in Romania. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute a comprehensive Google Ads campaign targeting a specific demographic group. - Strategically promote my physical products to maximize reach and engagement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in managing successful Google Ads campaigns, particularly for physical products. - Strong understanding of targeting specific demographic groups. - Exceptio...
Hi there, We're looking for a native Romanian content writer to write business articles in Romanian. Ca. 1000 words/each for $30/each. You need to have excellent writing skills, offer value in every sentence you write, and self-edit your work to make it publish-ready. AI and other tools are not allowed. Please bid $30 for the first article.
Pentru cei din Romania Cautam un asociat pentru dezvoltarea unei aplicatii de servicii astrologice personalizate, asemanatoare cu Co Star. Avem nevoie de o persoana care sa aiba aptitudini tehnice pentru a putea dezvolta softul necesar. Cunostintele/interesul fata de astrologie reprezinta un plus. Oportunitatea este foarte buna. Mai multe detalii despre proiect vom oferi celor interesati.
...myself. I don't want you to do it for me. You will have to do it on your onw computer on Laravel 8. What you have to do: Install Laravel 8 Install When installing it you have to use: composer require mrbig00/oblio-php-client The developer made an arror on the documentation on github What i receive: Step by step instruction on how to: - install my self the GitHub wrapped on my Laravel 8 - Make migrations for clients invoices - make migrations for clients foreach invoice there is a payment (card, bank, cash) - Make controller to do all these - Make button for each client "New invoice" - page for invoices foreach client with payments foreach invoice. I don't what other files, i don't need anything else. After i receive files from you, i need to
Chioșc self-service cu ajutorul căruia pot tipări singuri formulare tipizate.
Caut ghostwriter pentru un ebook de aproximativ 25000-30000 de cuvinte in limba romana. Subiectul este Texting si Dating, nisa self-help pentru barbati. Candidatul ideal pentru job este o persoana deschisa catre comunicare, are rabdare sa inteleaga viziunea mea si sa faca research online. Pot oferi bullet point-uri pentru capitole, un exemplu de ebook ca sa se inteleaga vibe-ul lucrarii si video-uri in engleaza pentru research.
Buna ziua ASV Collective! Am vazut ca sunteti din Romania si am decis sa va scriu direct in romana. Eu as dori un proiect de branding pentru o spalatorie auto in regim self-service pe mai multe faze (doar logo pentru proiectul de fata), iar o data ce vom avea proiectul de structura din Italia si toate dimensiunile de la producatorii de echipament, un alt proiect mai mare de design grafic pentru acestea. Putem incepe cu logo-ul si apoi va pot descrie intreg proiectul. Cu stima, Vlad.
3 responsive Html, CSS (SASS), JS layouts for a travel site, executed according to the graphics created in Adobe XD 1. Home - - Desktop / Mobile 3. Hotel detail page - Desktop / Mobile Layouts must be done with a CSS framework, such as Google Material Design Web, .. or a Bootstrap Material Design kit (ex Now UI from Creative Tim), MDB, etc. The framework will be chosen in agreement with the developer Google Material design kit for web (the graphics were executed in Adobe XD using this kit) * OR something like Css framework from Creative-Tim * * Project layouts can run once or by dividing the race into several runs, provided that the chronological calendar is maintained; - you will run with your colleagues in the virtual race, and an entire community will encourage you as you progress in your virtual run or in the virtual races that will bring you wonderful medals; - you will form new connections and make friends within the community; - you will develop the spirit of competition within the community, where you will always have new challenges and objects to achieve. 3. The target audience of the brand: who are we addressing? B2C: 20-50 years / men and women / secondary-higher education / medium to high, high and very high incomes / active people, with a competitive spirit, desire for recognition / hunters and / or collectors of meda...
Cautam developer cu experienta in PHP pentru lucru intern, full time in Bucuresti. Va rog sa aplicati doar daca aveti experienta intrucat e nevoie de cunostinte avansate de PHP, smarty. Preferam developeri romani sau vorbitori de limba romana. Multumim.
Salutare. Doresc sa realizez pentru o spalatorie auto o interfata touch screen bazata pe arduino si matrix led 128x64 ca cea din exemplul: Aceasta interfata doresc sa o realizez din plexiglass cu grafica ca cea din filmuletul de prezentare. Astept pareri si oferte pentru realizarea unui asemenea proiect !!
Am nevoie de 5 articole pe teme de beauty, self care (tematicile vor fi date ulterior). Word count: 500-700 cuvinte
Buna ziua, Nu imi dau seama daca imi permit serviciile dvs, intrucat nu stiu sa apreciez tariful orar. Cat costa, de exemplu, ilustratia "my hare's house" din portofoliul dvs? Dar o ilustratie in genul Am nevoie de 5-6 ilustratii pentru o carte pe care am publicat-o in regie proprie (self-publishing), in creion, alb-negru. Va multumesc
I need somebody to develop excel templates for business plans according to giudelines we are willing to provide. We need somebody close to our location - Bucharest, Romania. Avem nevoie de un expert in excel care sa creeze template-uri pentru planuri de afaceri pe baza unor guidelines pe care noi le vom furniza. Sunt necesare intalniri periodice la sediul nostru din Bucuresti, Romania.
I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed . Probleme mysql legate de aplicatia Emag Marketplace. Intampin dificultati la trimitere produse din MAgento in MArkeplce ca urmare a modificarilor de categorii de catre EMag
I would like a program written in C # with which to do some operations as shown in file joined. Image 1 is fixed. Image 2 will change after a logical file name increments. Final images must be in jpg format. The program must be edited using Sharp Develop. I must have access to the source program and the program must have comments.
- Take advantage of the start! - We are looking urgently for MLM leaders who want to develop a newly appeared MLM business! - You know too that those who start early have the greatest benefits! - This MLM business is unique all over the planet and has a reward plan which pleases even the ones who aren`t interested in MLM! - We address to those who love to read novels and personal development books, namely a market of tens of millions of people. - Our product is a virtual package consisting of several highly spectacular personal development books and a novel which has a unique worldwide subject, a subject which you have never seen in any other novel or movie. - This is the only MLM business that promotes online a novel written with t...
I work in Corel Draw and i make all kind of advertising layers - i search projects to work.1 month free time to develop every kind of graphic things!
Salut Ma intereseaza sa lucream impreuna pentru un proiect de email marketing pe termen lung. Eu construiesc liste in aweber si getresponse dar am nevoie sa le folosesc si prin servere self hosted sau prin alte metode de a putea trimite emailuri , sa nu fiu limitat ma intereseaza. Putem sa lu-am legatura pe s k y pe:sabopaul Mersi Paul
Salut Ma intereseaza sa lucream impreuna pentru un proiect de email marketing pe termen lung. Eu construiesc liste in aweber si getresponse dar am nevoie sa le folosesc si prin servere self hosted sau prin alte metode de a putea trimite emailuri , sa nu fiu limitat ma intereseaza. Putem sa lu-am legatura pe s k y pe:sabopaul Mersi Paul
character certificate character certificate character certificate character certificate character certificate character certificate
Avem urmatoarele task-uri de rezolvat pentru site-ul : 1. A aparut o eroare la sistemul de mailing, adica nu mai primim mailuri de confirmare la inregistrarea comenzii sau alte operatiuni din site, nici noi nici clientii. 2. De creat un data feed pentru site-ul de comparatoare (avem ghidul/modelul de creare si model data feed shopmania, difera putin cele doua) 3. Concurs Newsletter (de creat o pagina a concursului care sa fie usor editabila, adica sa poata fi oricand actualizata de orice persoana de la noi) 4. Avem nevoie de date din adminul vechi al site-ului Site-ul a fost inchis iar baza de date a fost mutata pe serverul noului site. Odata cu mutarea a aparut o eroare care nu ne mai lasa sa vedem vechiul admin. Dar baza de date poate fi extrasa de exempl...
Buna, Marius ma numesc si locuiesc in Graz (Austria). Vreau sa develop un joc pentru Android si IOS. Caut o persoana/un team cu experienta. Pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa ma contactati pe mail.
Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la di...20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Tha...
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la di...20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Tha...
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la di...20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Tha...
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la di...20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Tha...
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la di...20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Tha...
Buna, am nevoie de cineva sa imi dezvolte un soft cu care sa pot trimit campanii de mail (bulk mail). *** Hi, i m looking for someone who can develop me a software for bulk mail. Thanks
The certificate was developed using Adobe Dreamweaver with Adobe Photoshop used to edit pictures and logo. As a component, the site consists of 5 pages, the first page is a small java script that plays three consecutive slides. To contact I used a PHP script integrated with sendmail and a design specificall...consists of 5 pages, the first page is a small java script that plays three consecutive slides. To contact I used a PHP script integrated with sendmail and a design specifically designed for this page. For best appearance, the page was added a favicon, a small image that adds a page image browser. We chose the theme of science Craiova certified football team that, in my opinion, it is the character Oltenia, one of the most popular and beloved teams in Romania, dezafiliata...
I'm in need of a skilled mobile app developer who can help create an iOS-based e-commerce application. Key Requirements: - Expertise in iOS mobile app dev...functionalities - Knowledge of automated testing frameworks like XCTest - Familiarity with Apple's ARKit for augmented reality features - Proficiency in using Git or other version control systems - Experience in integrating analytics tools like Google Analytics or Firebase An understanding of e-commerce business models and consumer behavior would be a plus. I am looking for someone who can not only develop the app but also provide valuable insights into how to make it successful in the competitive e-commerce landscape. The project should be completed within 6 months. The application will feature physical goods ava... and holidays based on parameters downloaded from the MerlinX system (). The system should offer basic functionalities similar to established platforms like , , and Key Features: - Selection of destination country - Selection of vacation types (Last minute, Promotional, All-inclusive) - Specification of transportation options (Airplane, Coach, Self-drive) - Customization for the number of people and their ages - Choice of time period - Additional parameters as needed The system will automatically search for suitable offers based on the selected parameters. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in UI/UX design with a modern and clean style - Experience in developing travel booking systems - Familiarity with the MerlinX system
I'm in need of a skilled mobile app developer who can help create an iOS-based e-commerce application. Key Requirements: - Expertise in iOS mobile app development - Prior experience in creating e-commerce applications - Strong skills in UI/UX design to ensure a user-friendly inte...- Prior experience in creating e-commerce applications - Strong skills in UI/UX design to ensure a user-friendly interface - Knowledge of the latest iOS development tools and technologies - Ability to implement secure payment gateways and user authentication systems An understanding of e-commerce business models and consumer behavior would be a plus. I am looking for someone who can not only develop the app but also provide valuable insights into how to make it successful in the competitive e-comm...
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? English Description: We are looking for a creative and experienced graphic designer to develop a professional and visually appealing advertisement for digital marketing campaigns. ? Requirements: ✅ Modern, clean design aligned with our brand identity. ✅ Optimized formats for social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.). ✅ Eye-catching visual elements that create impact and engage the audience. ✅ Deliverables in editable formats, ready for publication. ? What are we looking for? • Creativity and professionalism in the design. • A strategic approach that effectively communicates the campaign message. • Opportunity for a long-term collaboration if the results are satisfactory. If you believe you can deliver a high-impact and innovative design, we look for...
I'm seeking a blockchain developer proficient in smart contract development specifically for the Ethereum platform. The primary task involves creating a token, either ERC20 or ERC721, according to my specifications. Attached test task. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio demonstrating their ability to develop secure, efficient smart contracts and tokens on the Ethereum network.
I'm looking for a part-time expert to assist with Amazon marketing, focusing mainly on managing and optimizing Sponsored Ads. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute strategic ad campaigns to boost product visibility and sales. - Monitor ad performance and adjust strategies as necessary. - Conduct keyword research to maximize ad efficiency. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Amazon marketing and Sponsored Ads in particular. - Strong analytical skills to assess ad performance. - Excellent communication skills for regular updates and strategy discussions.
I'm looking for a creative and skilled surface pattern designer to develop unique patterns specifically for wallpaper. The designs should be suitable for home decor and can potentially be used in a variety of settings within the home. Key requirements: - Expertise in surface pattern design, particularly for wallpaper - Understanding of home decor aesthetics - Ability to create a range of designs to suit different styles and tastes As the project progresses, I would appreciate a collaborative approach where we can refine the designs based on feedback. If you have a portfolio of similar work, I would love to see it.
I'm in need of 2D animation for a cartoon intended for an adult audience. This project aims to create entertaining content, so experience in delivering engaging animations is key. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating 2D cartoon-style animations - Understanding of adult humor and themes suitable for a cartoon - Ability to deliver high-quality animation within a set deadline. Ideal Skills: - Deliver exact videos as reference( ) . I need more than 10 videos
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I'm seeking a talented illustrator to adjust and create a cartoonish character with a cynical personality for a dark humor satire project. Ideally i'd like to work toether with you, screen sharing so that we can experiment with ideas together. Key Responsibilities: - Design a unique, cartoonish character with a cynical persona - Illustrate in a style suitable for dark humor and satire - Provide designs suitable to turn into 3d animation - Ability to understand and convey a cynical perspective through visual storytelling
I'm in search of a seasoned PR freelancer to enhance my brand's visibility and reputation. Your primary focus will be on media outreach and social media PR efforts, with an emphasis on securing coverage on online news websites. Key Responsibilities: - Media Outreach: Build connections with journalists and influencers, focusing on online news platforms. - Social Media PR: Develop and manage engaging PR strategies across various social media platforms. Your goal will be to increase brand awareness through compelling storytelling and impactful PR strategies. If you have a portfolio of successful PR campaigns and a passion for getting brands noticed, I'd love to hear from you. Please include your relevant experience and proposed rates in your application.
I need a seasoned web developer with robust ASP.NET expertise to build a custom corporate portal for my company. This website needs to be able to handle a significant amount of traffic, so experience with load management is crucial. Key responsibilities: - Develop a comprehensive corporate portal with integrated functionalities such as a Content Management System (CMS), User Authentication, and Internal Communication Tools. - Regularly update the website, primarily modifying existing features OR implementing new functionalities, to keep up with corporate needs. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong understanding of ASP.NET and C# with a strong portfolio of corporate website development. - Experience with load management for high traffic websites. - Capability to implement a CMS,...
...authentication through both mobile OTP and email. 2. **KYC Compliance** - Document verification process using passport and driver's license. 3. **Cross-Border Transfer** - Enabling remittances to family and friends outside the country. 4. **QR Scanner Integration** - Linking credit card payments via QR scanner. 5. **Comprehensive Dashboard** - - Options to pay with credit card, - Transfer money to self or others, - Bill payments, - Managing credit card. Additionally, an Admin dashboard on a web page is needed to track all transactions and assist the support team with queries. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in Android and iOS app development. - Prior experience in developing payment applications. - Understanding of KYC regulations and implementatio...
I'm in need of a skilled 2D animator to create a looping, cartoonish-style animation for my website's background. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in 2D animation, specifically in creating engaging, seamless loops. - Experience in crafting animations with a cartoonish aesthetic. - Ability to deliver a high-quality animation suitable for a website background. Ideal Skills: - 2D Animation - Cartoon-style Animation - Web-optimized Animation
...integrations & e-commerce feasibility. 2️⃣ Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) - Purpose: Define detailed functionalities and system workflows - Develop a plan for collecting and analyzing user feedback during the platform's initial phases. - Outline the requirements for ensuring mobile compatibility across different devices - Provide detailed specifications and acceptance criteria for each UI component.. - Create comprehensive integration testing scenarios for each third-party API. - Develop a plan for supporting multiple languages and local formats in the GCC region. - Define detailed permissions and access controls for different user roles. - Develop guidelines for user-friendly error messages and system alerts. - Specify the requirements and da...
...for research and academic purposes. Ideal candidates should have: - Proficient knowledge and experience with Mathematica - Strong understanding of Calculus and Linear Algebra - Prior experience in research and academic use of Mathematica - Excellent teaching skills - Proven experience in solving complex mathematical problems - Advanced programming skills in Mathematica The primary goal is to develop a new method involving Calculus and Linear Algebra using Mathematica. The tutoring sessions should be conducted through online video meetings. Tutoring sessions will be conducted daily. The primary outcome is to complete an academic thesis on the new method. Tutoring sessions will be 1 hour each, conducted daily. Candidates should have a PhD level of experience in Mathematics and...
I'm looking for an experienced game tester for my mobile action/adventure game. The focus of the testing should primarily be on character leveling and abilities. Key requirements: - Thorough understanding of action/adventure games - Experience in testing mobile games - Ability to provide detailed feedback on character leveling and abilities Please include any relevant experience you have in your proposal.
App Development for Organizational Workflow Management We are seeking to develop a tailored app for our organization to streamline workflow management and enhance efficiency across various departments. The app will feature role-based access, ensuring each employee has access to the tools and templates they need to perform their tasks effectively. Key Features: Login-Based Access: Every user must log in daily to access their tasks and templates. This ensures secure, personalized access to the app based on their assigned roles. Role-Based Access to Templates: Each role will have customized templates that align with their specific responsibilities in the organization. These include templates for QC personnel, production teams, HR, and more. Storage Solutions: All reports and docum...