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    2,000 scada data reportingjob description proiecte găsite

    ...Suma / Punctul de lucru ( Moinesti / Victoriei ) / Departamentul ( care a cheltuit sau a incasat) / Explicatie ( pentru cateva detalii ) / Plata efectuata din : ( Caseria Moinesti , Caseria Victoriei / Cont Bancar 1 / Cont Bancar 2 ) / Sold Final Caserie Moinesti / Sold Final Caserie Victoriei / Sold Final Cont Bancar 1 / Sold Final Cont bancar 2. • Este foarte important ca sumele sa se adune /scada automat odata cu fiecare a inregistrare a unei plati sau incasari • Ma intereseaza sa vad total incasari , total plati , cheltuieli si incasari pe fiecare punct de lucru si pe fiecare departament...

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    App To do list
    S-a încheiat left

    ...VN18BSC - 13300litri. VN28BSC - 18800litri. VN38BSC - 20700litri. VN58BSC - 37500. aceste valori nu trebuiesc afisate. trebuie afisat doar cantitatea existenta in cisterna. 6.3 in partea de jos a paginii parcare1 sa avem 3 butoane numite asfel. 1. VANDUT, 2. TRANSFER, 3, INCARCA. si o casuta de introducere text numita textparcare 6.4 userul indiferent care este el, pe pagina parcare1, cand vrea sa scada cantitatea dintr-o cisterna, scrie cantitatea in casuta text numita textparcare da tap pe cisterna/chenarul dorit, odata dat tap, chenarul trebuie sa inceapa sa fileze, asta inseamna ca avem valoarea introdusa in casuta text , avem cisterna selectata si ne atentioneaza prin faptul ca fileaza si apasam butonul VANDUT. se face operatiunea de scadere din cisterna cu valoarea introd...

    $32 / hr Average bid
    $32 / hr Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    ...technical areas where updates are needed include: API Level Updates: Android 14 introduces new API levels, and any app targeting earlier versions must be updated to comply with these changes. This includes updating targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion to Android 14 (API Level 34). Permission Changes: Android 14 introduces new permission requirements, including changes in how apps access user data such as location, background activity, and notifications. The app's permission system will need to be reviewed and updated accordingly to comply with the new privacy standards. UI/UX Compatibility: Android 14 introduces design changes that may affect the app's user interface and user experience. The app's layout, themes, and responsiveness will need to be tested to ensu...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Angajam automatist sau echipa de 2-3 automatisti pentru proiecte de automatizare care controleaza sisteme de conveioa...conveioare. SCHNEIDER in principal sau SIEMENS. Oferim intre 1000 Euro si 20000 Euro in functie de complexitatea si dimensiunea proiectului, precum si de tipurile de sarcini indeplinite: : PROIECTARE: solutie (layout electric), proiectare scheme monofilar, scheme electrice, tablouri electrice, EXECUTIE: tablouri, cablare pe solutia mecanica si legaturi in vederea testarii PROGRAMARE: software PLC, HMI, SCADA etc MANUALE DE OPERARE TESTARE de tip FAT: running and testing la fabrica producator COMMISSIONING si PIF la sediul clientului (Romania, Spania, Franta, Grecia, Anglia, tari din Middle East, Africa, India, America de Sud). Pentru mai multe detalii va stam la d...

    $9094 Average bid
    $9094 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Creează un Logo
    S-a încheiat left

    ...integrated in the design / icon from the initials S R Elements that we would include in the design: globe / moving person / running shoe sole, other elements that induce the idea of ​​movement / virtual reality / world wide / competition / play / trails Attached: 1. SmartRaces brand description (how it works, target, tone of voice etc) 2. Examples of logos that attract our attention through colors, elements used ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Brief description of the brand: 1. Background / Overview: ● Context In April 2020, following restrictions imposed by the authorities to prevent the spread of the Covid 19 virus, we identified the need for people to continue their sports activities even at home, to co...

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Oferta medie
    31 oferte
    Project for Iustinian N.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, am un site de trotinete electrice si as avea nevoie de ajutor pe partea de SEO, Product Description etc. De ex acest putea sa ma ajuti cu o descriere mai elaborata?

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for White D.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, am un site de trotinete electrice si as avea nevoie de ajutor pe partea de SEO, Product Description etc. De ex acest putea sa ma ajuti cu o descriere mai elaborata?

    $250 - $250
    $250 - $250
    0 oferte
    Project for Andrei A.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, am un site de trotinete electrice si as avea nevoie de ajutor pe partea de SEO, Product Description etc. De ex acest putea sa ma ajuti cu o descriere mai elaborata?

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for Negoita D.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, am un site de trotinete electrice si as avea nevoie de ajutor pe partea de SEO, Product Description etc. De ex acest putea sa ma ajuti cu o descriere mai elaborata?

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for Razvan M.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, am un site de trotinete electrice si as avea nevoie de ajutor pe partea de SEO, Product Description etc. De ex acest putea sa ma ajuti cu o descriere mai elaborata?

    $1 / hr Average bid
    $1 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Cautam un programator sa rezolve urmatoarea problema. Detinem 3 magazine fizice de pantofi si unul online. Fiecare magazin are propria lui gestiune Fiecare magazin are propria lui gestiune pe Smartbill. Dorim ca aceste gestiuni sa se sincronizeze cu site-ul de pe shopify si daca produsul se afla pe stoc si se comanda, acesta sa se scada automat dintr-una dintre gestiuni. In cazul in care se comanda, spre exemplu, 3 perechi si in fiecare magazin se afla cate una, atunci sa se faca cumva sa se scada din fiecare gestiune produsul (am primit propunerea de a sparge factura in 3 facturi diferite). Ca sa fie mai clar, daca produsul nu este pe stoc in niciunul dintre magazinele fizice, pe site sa apara stoc epuizat. Daca se comanda un produs, sa se scada din magaz...

    $2915 Average bid
    $2915 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    Am nevoie de o persoana care sa scrie corect din punct de vedere SEO meta title, meta description si meta keywords pentru: - 33 categorii de produse - 19 producatori - 6 furnizori

    $53 Average bid
    $53 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    ... - Crearea prezentarii pentru produse (70 – 100 cuvinte) optimizata pentru cautari. Ca format 1 -2 fraze de prezentare, urmate de bullet points care sa evidentieze trasaturile esentiale ale produsului si care sa indeplineasca si rolul de cuvinte cheie pt SEO. - Introduce si linkuri interne catre paginile de categorie. - Textele pentru meta title si meta description - Introducerea in site a produsului cu texte, imagini si adaugare filtre, categorii, pret, titlu, etc - Crearea de noi pagini de categorie atunci cand este cazul si apare ceva nou. - Texte optimizate pentru categorii : de ex rochii de zi cu maneca lunga () . - Articole in blog care sa ajute echipa

    $385 Average bid
    $385 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    Am nevoie de o serie de articole pentru un viitor blog de design grafic unde sa fie dezbatute subiecte de genul "de ce ai nevoie de o sigla", "ce reprezinta o sigla",, "identitatea unui brand" etc. Informatiile vor fi preluate cel mai probabil de pe blog-uri cu texte in engleza, articolele finale fiind compuse din diferite bucati din mai multe postari, o sigla", "ce reprezinta o sigla",, "identitatea unui brand" etc. Informatiile vor fi preluate cel mai probabil de pe blog-uri cu texte in engleza, articolele finale fiind compuse din diferite bucati din mai multe postari, ca sa fie mai simplu. Vreau ca articolele sa fie scrise avand in vedere normele SEO. Am nevoie pentru inceput de 5 articole, cu tot cu textele pentru meta...

    $64 Average bid
    $64 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    Am un site creat pe CMS Made Simple in care trebuie sa cream campuri pentru inserarea de meta descrition la unele pagini unde inca nu exista aceasta facilitate in CMS. Astept cunoscatori PHP interesati.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    Project Description Caut traducator (articole din engleza in limba romana). Ofer seriozitate si caut seriozitate. Prefer sa lucrez numai cu oameni care stiu sa respecte un deadline si sa ofere calitate in servicii. Daca nu consideri ca ai aceste calitati, te rog nu aplica la acest anunt, vom pierde amandoi timpul aiurea. Candidatul ideal: - vrea sa castige niste bani in plus (cateva sute de lei pe luna) - intelege engleza la nivel mediu-avansat si stapaneste perfect limba romana (punctuatie, gramatica, etc) - stie sa redacteze un articol pornind de la un model - poate livra min 2-3 articole pe zi (1000 - 1500 cuvinte in total) - are un minim de imaginatie si creativitate pentru a adapta articolul astfel incat sa sune bine in limba romana - nu ma intereseaza traducere m...

    $186 Average bid
    $186 Oferta medie
    34 oferte

    ...produs nu este 'Accesorii' ci 'Casti Bluetooth' - 'item title' este numele produsului. - 'item subtitle' si 'item description' vor ramane goale. Acestea vor fi folosite mai ales la promotii si vor fi completate cu texte promotionale. - Preturile trebuie sa fie formatate ca in exemplu, virgula ca despartitor la mii, punct ca despartitor la zecimale si cu spatiu si literele " RON" dupa pret. - 'sale price' va avea pret daca se desfasoara promotii la acel produs si va ramane gol in afara acestora. - 'final url' este url-ul paginii produsului. - Imaginile nu trebuie sa fie mai mari de 149 kb. - 'contextual keywords' sunt cuvintele cheie din meta description-ul pa...

    $274 Average bid
    $274 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Se cauta colaborare pentru SEO on-site, în principiu pentru: titluri, , tag-uri, short description, , sitemap, corectat erori din Webmaster Tools, etc. Magazinul online folosește platforma Prestashop. Persoana care va prelua proiectul va trebui sa cunoască atât noțiuni de SEO, dar și de programare/implementare în Prestashop!

    $92 Average bid
    $92 Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    Buna ziua, Doresc o oferta pentru un site de licitatie. Mai exact as dori sa semene foarte multe cu acest site In afara de acesta este necesar sa am un cronomentru la vedere care numara descrescator iar in momentul in care se adauga o licitatie sa creasca cu 30 de secunde si sa scada in continuare. Doresc ca accesul sa se permita doar clientilor logati in platforma, cu optiunea de a cumpara credite cu cardul sau eventual Paypal. Conform cu site-ul trimis sub posibilitatea de a licita si poze sa apara desrierea completa a produsului.

    $267 Average bid
    $267 Oferta medie
    11 oferte
    Project for vasilecaldarus
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna Vasile. Sunt Alecsandra si in prezent particip intr-un program de voluntariat intermediat de angajator. Incerc sa ajut in ONG din Filipine cu automatizarea fisierel...intr-un program de voluntariat intermediat de angajator. Incerc sa ajut in ONG din Filipine cu automatizarea fisierelor excel pe care le folosesc. M-am impotmolit si as avea nevoie de putin ajutor / indrumare. Acum incerc sa le automatizez template-ul de factura in excel astfel incat sa ia Item ID din drop down si cu un lookup sa imi aduca Item Description si Cost. Am incadrat totul intr-un tabel a.i atunci cand adaug un nou rand sa copieze formulele si data validation din randul anterior. Pana aici totul ok. Problema apare cand trebuie sa adaug si imaginea...Ma poti ajuta? Multumesc Alecsandra @

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Important!!! We need bids only from NATIVE Romanians. Thus, the project description will be in Romanian. ==================================================== Cautam traducator din Germana in Romana pentru traducerea unui site informational la tema Online Casino. Rugam sa aplice DOAR cei, pentru care Romana e limba materna. Pretul maxim: $7 per 1000 cuvinte. Avem nevoie de traducator cu EXPERIENTA. Doritorii de a participa la concurs sunt rugati sa solicite o proba de text in PM. Vor fi analizate candidaturile doar celor, ce vor traduce proba. Preferam parteneriate de lunga durata.

    $98 Average bid
    $98 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Important!!! We need bids only from NATIVE Romanians. Thus, the project description will be in Romanian. ==================================================== Cautam traducator din Germana in Romana pentru traducerea unui site informational la tema Online Casino. Rugam sa aplice DOAR cei, pentru care Romana e limba materna. Pretul maxim: $7 per 1000 cuvinte. Avem nevoie de traducator cu EXPERIENTA. Doritorii de a participa la concurs sunt rugati sa solicite o proba de text in PM. Vor fi analizate candidaturile doar celor, ce vor traduce proba. Preferam parteneriate de lunga durata.

    $40 Average bid
    $40 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Salutare. Am de programat un Arduino Mega 2560 care trebuie sa faca urmatoarele chestiuni: - sa transmita semnal PWM catre LDD-uri care alimenteaza grupur...maxima la care poate ajunge un Led - senzor de temperatura care sa fie conectat la radiator, atunci cand temperatura ajunge la o anumita valoare sa porneasca ventilatia, cand temperatura ajunge la o valoare mai joasa prestabilita, sa opreasca ventilatoarele. - ar fi ideal ca ventilatoarele sa fie dimate PWM, sa creasca turatia odata cu temperatura, sa o scada la scaderea temperaturii. - odata ajuns la un anumit punct critic de temperatura sa scada intensitatea ledurilor. Astea in mare, am toate componentele deja achizitionate, daca esti curios da-mi un semnal cu un cost/timp de executie aproximativa vieru_calin2005@yahoo...

    $9775 Average bid
    $9775 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...cele 12 luni. D. Aplicație model: Pentru completarea detaliilor in ceea ce priveste necesarul de functionalitate poate fi verificata aplicația „CPB Store” în App Store sau Google Play. Acesta este modul in care vrem sa arate si sa functioneze aplicația din acest proiect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Title: EVS e-Book B. Description of the project 1. Compatibility - The operating system iOS devices (iPhone and iPad); - For devices with Android operating system (smartphones and tablets); - For devices with Windows Mobile (smartphone and tablet). 2. The project includes: - Programming; - Graphics (maybe is even possible collaboration with our graphic); - The implementation by the nor...

    $2431 Average bid
    $2431 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    ...mens/ladeis underwear website. The products are - MENS Boxer Shorts - 8 colours Boxer Briefs - 9 colours LADIES G-String - 5 colours Boyleg - 5 colours bikini brief - 5 colours full brief - 5 colours EACH PRODUCT ABOVE COMES IN PACK, AND WE WILL LIST A SEPARATE PAGE FOR EACH PACK - SO WE ALSO NEED DESCRIPTIONS DONE FOR THE PACKS - LIKE BELOW WE ARE THINKING A DIFFERENT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION BELOW FOR EACH PACK AND ITEM - MOST WILL HAVE THE SAME PRODUCT POINTS, THEN THE DESCRIPTIONS TO BE ALTERED TO HELP WITH GOOGLE KEYWORDS Boxer Shorts a. single $14.50 b. single black $15.50 c. 5 black pack $70.50 - $14.10ea d. 5 pack other 7 colours ex black $67.50 - $13.50ea e. 8 black pack $95 - $11.875ea f. 8 pack multi (1 of each colour) $89 - $11.125ea B...

    $232 Average bid
    $232 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    ...mens/ladeis underwear website. The products are - MENS Boxer Shorts - 8 colours Boxer Briefs - 9 colours LADIES G-String - 5 colours Boyleg - 5 colours bikini brief - 5 colours full brief - 5 colours EACH PRODUCT ABOVE COMES IN PACK, AND WE WILL LIST A SEPARATE PAGE FOR EACH PACK - SO WE ALSO NEED DESCRIPTIONS DONE FOR THE PACKS - LIKE BELOW WE ARE THINKING A DIFFERENT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION BELOW FOR EACH PACK AND ITEM - MOST WILL HAVE THE SAME PRODUCT POINTS, THEN THE DESCRIPTIONS TO BE ALTERED TO HELP WITH GOOGLE KEYWORDS Boxer Shorts a. single $14.50 b. single black $15.50 c. 5 black pack $70.50 - $14.10ea d. 5 pack other 7 colours ex black $67.50 - $13.50ea e. 8 black pack $95 - $11.875ea f. 8 pack multi (1 of each colour) $89 - $11.125ea B...

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Oferta medie
    6 oferte
    Web scrapping de pe Amazon
    S-a încheiat left

    O sa scriu in engleza (am mai pus pe un site in engleza si de aceea fac copy / paste). I need to obtain from you a script that will extract periodically some data from amazon website. Link: Then, from each category I need the following information: For example, category in this products: I need: 1) Price 2) Name of product 3) Product description 4) Product dimensions 5) Amazon Best Sellers Rank (in this case: #3 in Clothing) 6) Sold By 7) if found: Fulfilled by Amazon, then save it. If not, save NOT BY AMAZON 8) Average Customer

    $123 Average bid
    $123 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Wordpress integrari
    S-a încheiat left

    Project Description: Salut, Ma poti ajuta cu integrarea unui site static Wordpress cu alte platforme? plati - netopia conferinte - skype sau altceva programari - xandaro sau altceva form-uri - jotform date - google spreadsheets Multumesc, Lucian

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Oferta medie
    1 oferte momentul de fata arata produse din ambele categorii 5. Cand se incarca pagina shop apare o eroare care ulterior dispare (se afiseaza categoria Barbati/femei si nr de produse din fiecare categorie scris cu fundal galben) 6. Site-ul este partial tradus in limba romana, trebuie tradus in intregime. 7. In pagina individuala a produselor apar niste sectiuni care trebuiesc eliminate. "description" si "aditional information" (vezi imaginea 2) 8. Toate paginile din meniu trebuie sa contina tagline-ul "Urban Apparel" 9. Vom modifica impreuna grafica emailurilor generate de site, inregistrare, schimbare parola, confirmare comanda etc... (ma voi ocupa personal de grafica, ea trebuie introdusa in emai-uri, sau putem opta pentru o varianta de ...

    $251 Average bid
    $251 Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    magazin online de masini si utilaje prelucrari matalice. introducerea manuala a aproximativ 500 produse. introducerea descrierii , a 8-9 poze, meta tag key si description. site-ul este facut pe o platforma de open-cart. produsele se copiaza de pe website-ul furnizorului.

    $145 Average bid
    $145 Oferta medie
    23 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    ...want a website for travel agency with the following characteristics: - Takeover offers by XML filtering and display - Search engine based on XML travel offers from suppliers - Once found offer the possibility to book and pay - Possibility of creating customer registration account - Section like hotels booking dot com - Section tickenting - SEO - easy to add keywords, metatags, description etc. - Easy to manage the backend - Newsletter - Creating a customer database in the backend ------------------------------- Romana ------------------------------- Doresc un website pentru agentie de turism cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - preluare filtrare si afisare oferte prin XML - motor de cautare oferte turistice pe baza XML de la furnizori - odata gasita oferta ...

    $2135 Average bid
    $2135 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    Salut, Doresc customizarea indicatorului Parabolic SAR din platforma de tranzactionare MT4. Deschidere pozitie: La inceputul celei de-a DOUA lumanari dupa ce semnalul de BUY/SELL a aparut (dupa ce punctul a sarit). Practic cand apare al doilea punct, echivalent cu deschidere...SL-ul trebuie sa fie dinamic. Atunci cand apare un punct nou (adica la inceputul fiecarei lumanari) si daca el este mai mic de 50 pips, SL trebuie sa se mute odata cu el. Un alt exemplu: daca initial SL este de 50 pips (pentru ca valorile punctelor sunt mai mari de 50 pips fata de pretul de deschidere) si apoi punctele se apropie de pretul de intrare la mai putin de 50 pips, atunci SL trebuie sa scada odata cu punctele. Specificatiile pentru indicatorul Parabolic SAR sunt: STEP: 0.01 MAXIMUM: 0.3 ...

    $555 Average bid
    $555 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Hello thanks for reading my project. To keep it short: I need someone for my Minecraft Server who develops me a few plugins. First I will need a plugin called Surf (see the description added file). Please only apply for this job If you are already informed about Minecraft Bukkit. And If you know how to programm plugins in it (it's based on Java). Contact me here or in skype (REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN to discuss about your price. I'm not only looking for only one plugin I will need more plugins, so I'm also looking for a longtime partnership. Informations about the plugins are in the added file please take a look at it (and tell me your price only If you are able to programm this).

    $419 Average bid
    $419 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    i have one wordpress site,need to fix some bugs: 1. search function in homepage(need make it work as the header search) 2. product sub-category listing page, the pagination do not work properly,and product pagination is not working find(page 9-13 no product,but still display the page number on the bottom),need to fix it. 3. product details page, do not disp...sub-category listing page, the pagination do not work properly,and product pagination is not working find(page 9-13 no product,but still display the page number on the bottom),need to fix it. 3. product details page, do not display some descriptions which i have input from the admin it display in the place of product details page 4. product listing page, need one line title + one line description down of the product image

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    This project involves Romanian Language Translation, so the description will be in Romanian. Do not bid if you are not a native Romanian. Traducere din limba engleza in limba romana a unui text de dificultate medie. Este necesara traducerea adaptata, cu exprimare academica respectand normele gramaticale ale limbii romane. Textul original va fi furnizat sub forma de poze ale textului. Textul este in jur de 50 de pagin, vreau minim 10 pagin pe zi.

    $161 Average bid
    $161 Oferta medie
    26 oferte

    This project involves Romanian Language Translation, so the description will be in Romanian. Do not bid if you are not a native Romanian. Traducere din limba engleza in limba romana a unui text de dificultate medie. Este necesara traducerea adaptata, cu exprimare academica respectand normele gramaticale ale limbii romane. Textul original va fi furnizat sub forma de poze ale textului. Textul este in jur de 50 de pagin, vreau minim 10 pagin pe zi.

    $193 Average bid
    $193 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Project Title: Development of an Advanced Stock Market Analytics SaaS Platform for Investors and Traders Project Description: We are looking to develop a cutting-edge Stock Market Analytics SaaS platform designed to cater to both investors and traders. This tool will combine advanced screeners, charting programs, scanners, market breadth monitors, and company research tools to provide unparalleled insights into the financial markets. Message from the Lead: "In India, the financial markets have long been a playground for the elite, powerful institutions, operators, and tax robbers who often exploit the common retail investor. We aim to change this. Our mission is to bridge the gap by equipping the everyday investor with the same tools, knowledge, and insights that were once ac...

    $602 Average bid
    $602 Oferta medie
    12 oferte
    Tally Bank Import Ledger Setup
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I need assistance in importing my bank transactions into Tally. Details of the project: - The transactions are exclusively from my bank - The data is in an Excel file - The file includes the following details: date, amount, description, category, and balance Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Tally - Excel data handling and manipulation - Understanding of accounting principles - Experience with Tally's import functionality I look forward to your bids.

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Oferta medie
    11 oferte
    Product Landing Page
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I need a landing page for a product - Football mat for kids. We are going to launch a facebook ads directing to that page where cutomers can order the product. Plus some pictures, links to videos in youtube and description Ideal Skills: - Web design - UX/UI - HTML/CSS - JavaScript - Experience with product landing pages Please provide examples of previous product showcase landing pages you've designed. If you have experience with facebook ads will be advantage, so you can help me with entire project.

    $136 Average bid
    $136 Oferta medie
    200 oferte
    WordPress Website for E-Book Store
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...from WP. Under Store menu, there will be a dropdown with the following: - Subscribe - Issues The subscription page: (subscriptions are for 1yr) - Needs option for buyer to select if they are either an individual or institution/company - Needs option to purchase either a Print/Digital or Both. - Needs option for auto-renewal The Issues page: - Should show covers with mouse over of a basic description. User Account Management: Subscribers should be able to manage their accounts, subscriptions, and payment details. If they purchased digital editions, they should be viewable from their account. Admin area: Admins should be able to see/change users - and their subscriptions. Should have an option to enable/disable PDF downloads so only can view embedded for digital accounts. ...

    $397 Average bid
    $397 Oferta medie
    308 oferte

    ...Freelance Developer for Carbon Emission Monitoring SaaS (Backend/Frontend) Description: We are building an innovative SaaS platform focused on carbon emission monitoring and management for businesses. The platform will include a carbon calculator, customizable dashboards, and reporting features. We are looking for experienced freelance developers to help us build the MVP within 2–3 months. Roles: Backend Developer: Experience with Python (Django/Flask) or Node.js. Knowledge of RESTful APIs. Database setup and optimization (PostgreSQL/MySQL). Familiarity with integrating third-party APIs (e.g., Climatiq, Carbon Interface). Frontend Developer: Expertise in React.js or Vue.js. Experience with or Plotly for data visualization. Proficiency in responsive design...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Oferta medie
    22 oferte

    Description: I need a Python script to scrape the pages of up to page 20 and save the data into a CSV file. Requirements: Functionality: The script should automate data extraction from the specified pages. All visible information on a sample page (see attached screenshot) should be scraped. Attention: Not all fields are available/filled with data for rows. There might be also different description or time fields, etc. Please take care that all fields with data are scraped! Data Fields (final definition based on the screenshot): Deal title Deal link Description Price and original price Discount Temperature Creation date/time Vendor Shipping costs User/author Comments Image URLs File creation: The CSV file should be created anew e...

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Oferta medie
    69 oferte

    Confirmis () is a Singapore-based business information provider specializing in connecting businesses with global capabilities; comprised of industry veterans, Confirmis's business model is designed to overcome perennial lack of data (let alone quality data) to support effective decision-making, particularly in developing economies. As a Site Verifier, you will be responsible for verifying a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its ...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Job Title: Product Designer for Beverage Enhancer, Social Media, Video Editing, and E-commerce Website Job Description: We are looking for a talented and versatile product designer to join our team! You will be responsible for designing a beverage and drinks enhancer, creating engaging social media materials, editing videos, and developing a user-friendly e-commerce website to sell our products. If you have a passion for design and digital marketing, we want to hear from you! Key Responsibilities: • Beverage Enhancer Design: • Create eye-catching and functional designs for our beverage enhancer. • Develop attractive packaging that reflects our brand. • Social Media Materials: • Design graphics and posts for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. &b...

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Oferta medie
    35 oferte

    python flask app feature addition I want you to add a feature in my existing app. Description of App : Price Bidding Platform Between Buyer and Mutliple Suppliers Tech Stack : Python Flask, HTML, Javascript Feature Required: The knockround round functionality Functionality Required * Buyer should be able to create/edit knockout rounds * Number of Knockout Rounds with Duration * Have Start/Pause/End buttons * Once the Knockout round is live..Display Animation.. * Store this information, so that if buyer refreshes the page, or logs back in, it should not reset. Right now, it is resetting. * Suppliers should also be notified that they are in knockout round.. * Suppliers with lowest rank should be eliminiated * After one round finishes, the second round should start automatically with ...

    $58 Average bid
    $58 Oferta medie
    48 oferte

    As a certified SEO content writer with 12 years of experience from Australia, I'll ensure the landing page is crafted according to your specific needs. Project Description This is the target page Please note that it's similar to - but they are not the same injection molding service includes plastic injection molding service. The vocabularies of these two pages are very similar, but I hope to distinguish them. In our industry, injection molding includes many types of methods, and one of them is plastic injection molding. US English.

    $180 Average bid
    $180 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...(title, description). Use headers (H1, H2, H3) with primary and secondary keywords. Ensure URLs are clean, descriptive, and keyword-rich. Add alt text to images with keywords. Create an XML sitemap and submit it to search engines like Google and Bing. 2- update the page view count 3- Local SEO (if applicable) Like all keywords about Data Science e.g. Data Science Cources in Sydney .... 4- Add google Analytics plugin 5- Security Features SSL Certificate: Ensure the site is HTTPS-secured. Data Protection: Include features like Captcha to prevent spam. 6- Load Speed Optimization Optimized Content: Compress images and minimize code to reduce load time. 7- Automate Data Science News Aggregation RSS Feeds: Use RSS feeds from reliable data...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta medie
    91 oferte

    READ CAREFULLY!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE DESCRIPTION, THERE'S NO CHANCE I'LL REPLY TO YOU. IF YOU HAVE READ IT AND THINK YOU CAN HELP, WRITE TO ME! Hello, I am looking for someone knowledgeable in Python who can help fix an existing script. Brief description: Currently, I use JavaScript to collect HTML from a specific page with product information, such as descriptions, photos, specifications, etc. Script to be fixed: Previously, the script used Selenium to fetch HTML, download it into a folder, and upload it to my site via an API. It also used Google Translate to translate the content into 4 different languages for buyers. However, the translations were inaccurate, so improvements are needed. The page from which the HTML is fetched has strong protections...

    $175 Average bid
    $175 Oferta medie
    119 oferte

    I'm in need of a complete redesign of my current logo to give it a modern twist. The new logo should incorporate both text and an icon, ensuring it's suitable for my social media accounts. Key Requirements: - The new logo must be a modern style - It should include both text and an icon - The design should be adaptable for various social media platforms - description of ideal design upon interest. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Experience with social media branding - Understanding of modern design trends

    $51 Average bid
    $51 Oferta medie
    162 oferte

    Adding an interest-bearing fixed deposit feature to a wallet application can significantly enhance users’ financial management capabilities. Below is a detailed description of each component of this feature: 1. Types of Fixed Deposits and Interest Rate Settings • Deposit Period Options: Provide users with multiple deposit period options to choose from, such as 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 5 years. Offering a variety of terms allows users to select the option that best suits their financial goals. Each period should have clearly defined interest rates and calculation methods to ensure transparency. • Interest Rate Settings: Set competitive interest rates for each deposit period by considering current market trends and competitor offerings. For instance,...

    $4046 Average bid
    $4046 Oferta medie
    107 oferte