Samsung galaxy tab arabic keyboardproiecte vreau sa le aduc acestui addon. Cs-Cart Multivendor Customizare addon XML and CSV import care consta in: 1) La tab-ul OPTIUNI: - posibilitatea adaugarii si calcularii TVA direct la pretul produsului (cel din lista de import CSV/XML); -optiunea de a importa produse cuprinse intre anumite preturi. Exemplu: Am lista cu produse CSV/XML cu preturi de la 100 dolari la 1000 dolari. Vreau sa import doar produsele care au preturile cuprinse intre 200 dolari si 400 dolari. Astfel am nevoie de 2 campuri: - 1 camp cu pret minim; - 1 camp cu pret Maxim. – optiunea de a nu importa produse care au stoc zero(0) 2) Creaza un nou TAB cu denumirea Reguli de pret. - la acest nou tab creat trebuie sa putem crea campuri in care sa editam reguli de pret si adaos commercia...
Buna seara, Am nevoie de un proiect de semestru cu...preciza o propunere de titlu a invenției propuse de dumneavoastră); Cap. 5. Rezumatul invenției – maxim 10 rânduri; Cap. 6. Desene (schițe) ale invenției; Cap. 7. Revendicări (minim o revendicare); Bibliografie (se referă la ambele părți ale proiectului) 2 Cerințe de tehnoredactare: Referatul va fi tehnoredactat în pagină A4, font Times New Roman, caractere de 12 pct, spațiere la un rând și jumătate, Tab-ul de 1.27 cm şi va avea marginile setate la 2 cm (toate cele 4 margini ale paginii). Alte cerințe: - Fișierul Dumneavoastră va avea denumirea: Nume sau Nume - Nu se vor lua in calcul fisiere word denumite sub alta formă. - Proiectul va fi trimis în format word (Nu utilizați alt format)
Salutare, Andrei! Am nevoie de un checkout bot în Puppeteer node.js -> care în proporție de 90% e deja construit Botul are 4-5 funcții, deja construite: -givePage -addToCart -login -payment.. Funcționează, dar fiecare se deschide într-un alt window browser și nu e ok. Pentru a plasa, cu succes, comanda trebuie să se deschidă într-un alt tab, nu în altă fereastră. Paymentul funcționează doar dacă reține datele din login și addToCart. La fel și placeOrderul Mă poți ajuta, te rog? Zi frumoasă
Salut. Am nevoie de un programator in python sau html, php. Am facut un program in excel care-mi calculeaza un deviz, il genereaza in pdf. De asemenea genereaza si un contract care este in word, salveaza datele pe care le introduc in devize intr-un alt tab (un fel de baza de date :)) ) . Am nevoie de o interfata care sa comunice cu acest excel in care sa bag datele sa fie user-friendly. Pentru informatii in plus astept mesaje
...componente grafice cu funcționalități pentru fiecare din cele 3 aplicații Fereastra principala - cu cel puțin 3 din următoarele caracteristici titlu, imagine meniu sistem, , culoare/imagine fundal, poziție, dimensiune Container obișnuit- respectarea temei de culori, bordură Container-scroll orizontal/vertical, respectarea temei de culori Container Tabbed – respectarea temei de culori, cel puțin 2 tab-uri - tratare eveniment Container-split orizontal/vertical cu setarea unei dimensiuni, culori fundal diferite cu respectarea temei de culori Eticheta – cu cel puțin 3 din următoarele caracteristici imagine, font, aliniere, dimensiune, toolTip bordură, respectarea temei de culori Zona de text-font, aliniere, dimensiune, acceptă număr cu 2 zecimale – tratare eveni...
Service GSM exclusivist iPhone si Samsung, avem nevoie de seo de calitate webdesign si unde e cazul content original.
Salut! Scriptez servere de FiveM de 2 ani si am facut foarte multe servere misto!(ex:Dinamic,Galaxy,Gold) Pretul este negociabil! Imi puteti da mesaj pe discord!() -Server cu 250 resurse 20€ -Server cu 300 resurse 25e -Server cu 400 resurse 50€ (Plata se face prin PaySafe)
Salut! Scriptez servere de FiveM de 2 ani si am facut foarte multe servere misto!(ex:Dinamic,Galaxy,Gold) Pretul este negociabil! Imi puteti da mesaj pe discord!(∞?̶?̶?̶?̶?̶?̶?̶?̶™#2232) -Server cu 250 resurse 20€ -Server cu 300 resurse 25e -Server cu 400 resurse 50€ (Plata se face prin PaySafe)
Ma intereseaza o aplicatie pentru televizoarele Samsung Smart . Aplicatia trebuie sa fie in genul aplicatiei Smart Iptv ( cei interesati pot cauta acea aplicatie )
siteul este va fi dedicat clientilor si potentialilor angajati din UK. la fiecare tab din meniu este necesara o descriere unica care sa contina cuvintele cheie din titlul tabului . ca si lungime pentru fiecare tab 1/2 - 1 pagina de text este suficient. Textul trebuie sa fie unic, corect gramatical si poate fi inspirat din textele care se afla momentan pe site ...sau chiar inspirate de la competitori*( am sa va dau siteurile competitorilor pt inspiratie)
...) Date de plecare Numar nopti Tarif/persoana intreg Tarif/persoana redus FOOTER -cateva testimoniale cu link catre pagina de testimoniale -restul informatiilor necesare Exemplu aproximativ: Pagina Detaliu Tur Titlu imagine cu galerie imagini posibilitate introducere text cu imagini(varianta folosita de wordpress) Tab-uri cu : Descriere, Tarife si cazare, Servicii Incluse, Servicii Optionale La descriere apare descrierea turului si detalii zbor daca este cazul la Tarife si cazare pot aparea mai multe variante de hotel cu tariful aferent fiecarui hotel pentru persoana in camera single, persoana in camera dubla, Extra tarif de copil pana in 12 ani si adult (peste 12 ani), detalii de plata. Se va selecta cu Radio
- Customizarea temei pentru adaptarea la un site atat de prezentare cat si magazin ( ex: Tab suplimentar in pagina de produs pentru incarcarea documentatiei) - alte magazine pentru diferite domenii, aceasi baza de date, multiple storeview(ro/en) - Suport pentru probleme intalnite in configurare - Optimizare SEO Magento 2 este deja incarcat pe serverele noastre. Configurarile de baza au fost deja facute, avem nevoie de o persoana cu experienta pentru consolidarea acestora, depasirea problemelor intalnite, sfaturi in privinta modului de configurare ( extensii cumparate sau dezvoltarea acestora de catre respectiva persoana, dezvoltarea unei teme copil). Momentan lucram cu tema Ultimo de la Infortis pentru care avem nevoie de diferite modificari). Suntem interesati si de co...
Descrierea proiectului o gasiti si in fisierul atasat. Important: - Formularul trebuie completat cat mai repede, deoarece atunci cand se atinge numarul maxim de programari, nu se mai pot face programari cu success. - In momentul in care vedeti ca pagina cu formularul se deschide complet, inainte de a il completa, deschideti de 3 ori formularul in cate o fereastra (sau tab) nou. Faceti acest lucru pentru ca atunci cand ati apasat butonul TRIMITE, sa puteti trece imediat la completarea celui de-al doilea formular (confirmarea inregistrarii dureaza mai mult). Ulterior verificati si confirmarile formularelor anterioare. - Datorita incarcarii serverului la momentul respectiv, durata poate fi intre 2 si 30 de minute (situatie in care marea majoritate a timpului se va da refresh la pag... inregistreze nume, telefonul, emailul, nr auto. Aplicatia sa poata rezerva pentru abonati si clienti ocazionali. Abonatii pot rezerva cu minim 1 ora inainte iar clientii ocazionali cu minim 3 ore. Rezervarile se fac pe maxim 2 zile inainte. Sa ne poata trimite mesaje, feedback, reclamatii, propuneri. Sa implementam mobilpay pentru diverse servicii ale spalatoriei, abonamente s.a. Sa avem un tab pentru promovarea serviciilor si unul pentru oferte curente. Sa ii transmitem mesaj cand intra in zona spalatoriei...
...Aceste documente contin campuri care se updateaza automat si instantaneu, cu informatiile introduse de catre utilizator intr-un formular Accesul in portal se face de pe un site web de prezentare, prin apasarea unui buton, iar portalul se va deschide intr-un tab nou. Situl web de prezentare va fi dezvoltat intr-o platforma open source (Word Press, Joomla, etc.) In portal va exista un buton cu un link permanent catre situl de prezentare, pentru ca utilizatorul sa se poata intoarce oricand. La apasarea acestui buton, se deschide un tab nou cu situl de prezentare, astfel incat informatiile inca nesalvate in portal sa nu se piarda. Se doreste generarea automata documente, pe baza informatiilor introduse si salvate de operatorul economic (OE) intr-un formular-sursa. Dupa c...
Realizarea unui feed de remarking pentru campania de promovare prin Adwords. Acesta va permite ca remarketingul sa se actualizeze zilnic, automat. Mentiuni: - Scopul acestui feed este setarea campaniei de Remarketing in contul Adwords. - Fisierul trebuie sa fie .txt in format CSV sau TSV (Tab Separated Values) si sa fie afisat pe pagina (deci sa nu se faca download) - Fisierul trebuie sa fie codat in formatul UTF-8. - spatiile din url-uri trebuie inlocuite cu *** 20. - Ordinea coloanelor si denumirile trebuie sa fie identice cu acestea. - 'item category' este subcategoria de produs, cea mai apropiata de produs. De exemplu la al doilea produs nu este 'Accesorii' ci 'Casti Bluetooth' - 'item title' este nu...
Buna ziua, Doresc o aplicatie care sa ruleze pe tot ecranul tabletei banere aleator. Sistemul de operare este Android 5.0 iar tableta este un Lenovo Tab 2 A7 toate paginile ar trebui să fie Verdana. Este necesar ca fiecare pagină a site-ului să aibe un meniu cu tabs: Home, Despre Noi, Baza (care va avea două subtab-uri: Produse, Clienţi), despre care fiecare dintre aceste tab-uri se va referi pe paginile cu acelaşi nume. Meniul trebuie să fie plasat orizontal. Pe pagina Home se află login. Utilizatorii se conectează la internet (nu se utilizează autentificarea Windows). Pe pagina Despre noi, se află informaţii despre companie. Pe pagina Baza, se află un tabel în care sunt prezentate toate comenzile. În subtab-urile tab-ului Baza, se află Produse şi Clienţi. Produsele includ un tabel cu toate produsele pe care compania le oferă, iar tabelul clienţilor cu toţi clienţii înregistraţi. Tabele în car...
Salut, As avea nevoie de modificat un template de magento. Template-ul este online la adresa: vreau urmatoarele modificari: -deasupra noutatilor sa fie un tab exact identic doar denumit proiecte noi care se populeaza din produsele care sunt selectate cu rol de proiect ordonate dupa pret descrescator in limita a 12 proiecte
Salut, As avea nevoie de modificat un template de magento. Template-ul este online la adresa: vreau urmatoarele modificari: -deasupra noutatilor sa fie un tab exact identic doar denumit proiecte noi care se populeaza din produsele care sunt selectate cu rol de proiect - search filed sa fie static intre meniul principal si lupa de search te rog sa ma anunti daca ai dispobilitatea sa executi asa ceva, un cost si o estimare de timp
Salut, As avea nevoie de modificat un template de magento. Template-ul este online la adresa: vreau urmatoarele modificari: -deasupra noutatilor sa fie un tab exact identic doar denumit proiecte noi care se populeaza din produsele care sunt selectate cu rol de proiect - search filed sa fie static intre meniul principal si lupa de search te rog sa ma anunti daca ai dispobilitatea sa executi asa ceva, un cost si o estimare de timp
Salut, As avea nevoie de modificat un template de magento. Template-ul este online la adresa: vreau urmatoarele modificari: -deasupra noutatilor sa fie un tab exact identic doar denumit proiecte noi care se populeaza din produsele care sunt selectate cu rol de proiect - search filed sa fie static intre meniul principal si lupa de search te rog sa ma anunti daca ai dispobilitatea sa executi asa ceva, un cost si o estimare de timp
Proiectul se numeste Texturarea dinamica prin intermediul tastaturii si trebuie realizat in OpenGl The project is called dynamic texturing through the keyboard and should be done in OpenGL
salut, am tema drupal ( am site ul vizual ca exemplu) trebuie instalata tema si setata conform cerintelor din link ul deze dropbox ( tab uri , poze , texte ) cel mai important este formularul de inscriere la care trebuie puse conditionalele aferente de creat sectiune pentru evenimente viitoare ca aici : am completat brieful cu toate paginile din site (este in link)
ARE PROCESOR DUAL-CORE 1GB DE RAM 8GB merge foarte bine ARE 8 ingi
Buna ziua, Caut programator pentru o aplicatie care sa ruleze in fullscreen. Odata pornit, programul va trebui sa a...numar de litere (pe fundal negru, cmd-like), iar utilizatorul sa aleaga un anumit cuvant prin intermediul sagetilor de pe keyboard. Daca primul cuvant ales nu este corect, aplicatia va spune cate litere din cate sunt corecte. Utilizatorul alege un alt cuvant pana cand il gaseste pe cel corect. Vor fi disponibile un anumit numar de incercari. Mai am nevoie de un buton de reset prin care programul sa afiseze alta lista de cuvinte. Vreau sa pot configura lista de cuvinte (ideal prin modificarea unui fisier cu notepad). Foarte important, programul trebuie facut astfel incat utilizatorul sa nu poata inchide aplicatia, indiferent ce taste apasa. El nu avea mouse, doar...
Salut , am nevoie de transformarea unui site nefunctional intr-unul functional, nici un "tab' nu duce nicaieri .
noul proiect va include o aplicatie pentru andreoid ,telefoanele samsung si alte telefoane care va arata un nou joc care iti va sta inima in loc
Ar mai trebui aplicatii penbtru android sunt putine si cele care pentru display mic eu am displeyul de 5.7 si sunt foarte putine jocuri si aplicatii pentru el.
I ' can write very fast on keyboard :) , i have an experience , not so big , but 2 years i work with this domain in Bucharest . I think it s very easy for me to work with many windows and responsible!
I am looking to develop an iOS mobile a...application that utilizes a Large Language Model (LLM) to summarize uploaded PDF school papers and tests into concise, handy notes in Arabic and English. The app should prioritize the accuracy of the summaries while maintaining an easy-to-use interface. Key Features: - PDF summarization: Users should be able to upload their PDF files for summarization. - Bilingual Support: The app should summarize in both Arabic and English. - User Authentication: The app should have a simple yet secure email and password login system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in iOS app development. - Familiarity with integrating LLM for summarization. - Bilingual (Arabic and English) proficiency. - Experience with secure user authen...
...application and platform for my business. The ideal candidate should be skilled in both mobile and web development, with a strong portfolio showcasing previous work in building similar applications. The freelancer should be fluent in both Arabic and English, as the application will need to support both languages. Requirements: Proven experience in mobile app development (iOS/Android) and web development. Strong knowledge of modern technologies and frameworks (React, Flutter, etc.). Ability to create scalable, secure, and high-performance applications. Fluent in both Arabic and English, with the ability to develop multilingual platforms. Strong communication skills to ensure smooth collaboration and timely updates. A portfolio showcasing previous apps/websites developed. ...
I'm looking for a professional to create a high-end quality company profile that is in both Arabic and English. The profile should be designed in a modern and minimalistic style, and it needs to be editable on Adobe Acrobat Pro for any future adjustments. The profile should highlight: - Our Company history - Product/Service offerings - Company Documentation and Projects list - And other important aspects of our company. A strong understanding of corporate design is crucial as the preferred color scheme for the profile will be our corporate colors. The ideal freelancer for this project will have: - Exceptional design skills - Proficiency in both Arabic and English - Experience in creating company profiles - Ability to use Adobe Acrobat Pro for design purposes - Underst...
...Excel file with multiple tabs, each representing a month of the year. Within each tab, my products are listed in one column, and the days of the month are represented in rows. The cells that intersect contain a number representing the quantity of products sold on the corresponding day. I need a new dynamic tab created that has at least two columns: one for products that have sold at least one unit, and another for the total number of items sold. Products that have no sales on a given day should not be displayed. This new tab should be dynamic, allowing me to see which products have sold on a given day. There should be a day selector that filters the products accordingly. Specific Requirements: - The new tab should be formatted as a simple table - The proje...
...ling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=149%3A2579&show-proto-sidebar=1 Key Requirements: - All components from the old site must be retained and linked to the same DB, but with a new identity. - The design must be compatible with the Figma design and implemented using .NET framework 8, SQL server DB, JavaScript, and AJAX (in search). - Two language versions are required: Arabic and English. - All website functionalities need to remain unchanged, including user authentication, data reporting, real-time updates, and all existing links and data. Some links should be editable from the control panel to open external links ; So you need to use same control panel (I Well provide old source code). - Integration of social media into the new version. - Yo...
I’m looking for a creative Arabic graphic designer who can write in clear and engaging Arabic, stays updated with Instagram trends, and knows how to capture attention through color selection, engaging post designs, and interactive stories. The designer will be responsible for managing content for four different accounts. Each account will require eight posts (including carousels, so it might exceed eight posts depending on the content) and four stories per month. The starting budget is $250 per month. If the designer consistently delivers high-quality work, adheres to schedules and deadlines, and shows improvement and creativity in their designs, the payment will be increased accordingly with an annual percentage increase based on performance. NOTE: If you are intere...
I'm seeking an exam invigilator with at least a Bachelor's degree to administer an on-site exam in Manma, Bahrain. This is a one-time gig with the potential for future opportunities. We provide test administration and accommodation solutions to hourly for the entire scheduled time, even if the exam ends early. We have a computer exam coming up where a test taker has been approved for Reader and Recorder. This where you read exam content aloud to the test taker and then enter the answers as they direct. The exam is taking place at a professional testing center in Manama, Bahrain. The individual should be comfortable in English and Arabic. The exams will take place on 17 January, 2025 from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. We provide full training, and this assignment...
Complete Requirements for Shopify Website Development General Setup 1. Theme: • Koto Theme: Purchased and to be customized as needed. 2. Languages: • Support for 3 languages: Arabic, English, and French. 3. Currency and Pricing: • Main currency: SAR (Saudi Riyal). • Two Price Categories: • International Price: Converted to local currencies for 13 countries using a custom exchange rate. • Local Morocco Price: Always converted to MAT currency for Morocco customers only. 4. Access Control: • Morocco customers: • Can only view local prices in MAT. • Blocked from viewing international prices. • International customers: • Can only view international prices. • Morocco customers are blocked from accessing this ca...
I'm looking for a playful and colorful, dynamic bilingual (Arabic & English) website designer. The site will feature 20 products, and should be designed as a single-page scroll layout. Key Features: - The site needs to support product search and filters to manage the 20 items. - The budget for this project is set at 700 Egyptian pounds. Ideal Skills: - Experience in designing playful and colorful websites. - Proficiency in creating dynamic, bilingual sites. - Expertise in e-commerce website design. - Ability to design a single-page scroll site. - Knowledge of product search and filtering systems.
I am seeking a web developer with expertise in creating a bilingual (Arabic & English) automated news aggregation website. The site should pull in content from trusted sources, such as renowned news agencies like Reuters and AP, as well as general news categories like politics and sports. Key Requirements: - Integration with trusted news sources - Content categorization into general news categories - Implementation of real-time updates for news content Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development - Experience with news aggregation platforms - Bilingual in Arabic and English would be a significant plus. Please bid if you have a proven track record in these areas.
I'm looking for a talented logo designer who can create a logo for me that is modern, arabic, and minimalist in style. The logo should use bright colors and adhere to a specific theme that we will discuss. Key Requirements: - Expertise in logo design with a modern, minimalist, and arabic style. - Proficiency in using bright colors effectively. - Ability to understand and design according to specific themes. - Willingness to provide multiple logo revisions until the desired outcome is reached. Your experience and skills in these areas will be crucial for the success of this project. I'm looking forward to seeing your creative proposals.
We need a freelancer to create subtitles for an entire English lectures, which includes some parts spoken in Arabic. Key Requirements: - Listen to the lecture and generate English-Arabic subtitles directly from the audio. - Ensure the subtitles are suitable for educational purposes. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in both English and Arabic. - Experience in subtitling and transcribing lectures. - Ability to create clear and accurately timed subtitles for educational content. Please note, we do have a sketch transcript of the lectures in an SRT file. We need Proofreading and checking of transcript Subtitles. include the Arabic text in Arabic part of lecture. We require someone on a long term bases to proofread our lectures in subtitles and correct them. ...
I'm looking for an expert in electronics and design to help me create a flexible cable for my Samsung A31's rear camera. This cable will allow the camera to rotate freely around the front camera. Key Requirements: - Design a 10cm long flexible cable that can extend from the rear camera. - Ensure the design allows for potential creative uses of the cable, such as 360-degree video capture or unique photography angles. Ideal Skills: - Experience with smartphone hardware and modifications. - Proficient in schematic design and cable manufacturing. - Creative problem solver with an understanding of photography and videography needs. Please refer to the attached Samsung A31 motherboard schematic diagram for your design. I am looking to replicate the design from this ref...
I'm seeking a talented designer for comprehensive branding of my retail business. The project includes a logo crafted in both Arabic and English, infused with contemporary design elements and color trends. Key requirements include: - A modern and clean style, avoiding clutter and unnecessary complexity - Incorporation of a crown element into the logo, symbolizing quality and excellence - Use of current design trends and color palettes to ensure the brand is visually appealing and relevant Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in retail branding, a strong understanding of Arabic and English design elements, and a knack for modern, minimalist design. I look forward to seeing your creative proposals.
... Solution 2 - Using a URL scheme such as googlechrome://domain to redirect the URL request to the native mobile browser. Here is how: Solution 3 - Using JS to open a new tab or new window. Most of these solutions do not work and even when they do, Instagram prompts the user saying "You are leaving the app. Do you want to continue?". This is not ideal. Recently, I found a service which has achieved this without triggering any Instagram prompt. The service is and on their website they call it Deeplink Technology. Here is an example link: https://getallmylinks
Hello, Greetings of the day! I am in need of Arabic Voice-over Artists as well as Dubbing Studios for my project. Details for freelancers/Artists : Source Language: Any Target Language: Arabic Target file - MP3/Wav NOTE- Kindly share your samples. I will be waiting for your response and I hope that we can discuss this project further. If interested, kindly share your samples. Looking forward to your bids.
I'm looking for an Excel expert who can create a dynamic data visualization tab for analyzing financial data specifically for ROI metrics. The main focus will be on cost savings and investment returns. Key Requirements: - Use of Charts and Graphs: I need clear and engaging visual representations of the data. - Pivot Tables: Help in summarizing the data and making the analysis more manageable. - Conditional Formatting: To highlight key trends and important information in the data. Ideal Skills: - Advanced Excel: Proficiency in using Excel's more complex features. - Financial Analysis: Understanding of financial data and metrics. - Data Visualization: Ability to present data in a clear and engaging way. Please only bid if you can deliver a high-quality, professional Exce...
I'm looking for a reliable personal assistant in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The job mainly involves meeting a person in Al Kharj and providing interpreting or translation services. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native Arabic speaker or fluent in Arabic - Proficient in English - Previous experience in personal assistance - Good interpersonal skills - Trustworthy and reliable
I need to build app in react native across platform android and iOS in the same time ,Responsive and user-friendly UI,Real-time chat using WebSockets ,Push notifications The app will include 3 kinds of users 1- service provider 2-service consumer 3- admin all of the users need to b...consumer 3- admin all of the users need to built profile as is service provide/consumer It have Chat System • Real-time messaging between Clients and Talents. • Push notifications for new messages. Events Listing • The admin can fill event details and schedule the date/tie/location. • Registered users will get a notification about the new event. • Users can view the event inside the app as separate tab. Deployment to app stores and hosting platform. also, we need to ...
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer to create a professional, realistic-style logo for my business, "Deals In Orbit." The logo should have a space, galaxy theme, incorporating spaceships and designed in a bright and vibrant color scheme. Key Requirements: - Expertise in graphic design, particularly logo design - Experience with creating realistic-style graphics - Ability to integrate specified elements (spaceships) into the design - Understanding of color theory and ability to create a bright and vibrant palette - Strong communication skills to understand and incorporate feedback The ideal freelancer for this project should have a portfolio showcasing their ability to create detailed, realistic-style logos, particularly those with a space or science fiction ...