Sample letter company introduction letter suppliersproiecte
...satisfaction, retaining market share, and expanding our user base. 2. Technical Requirements The PCISV app was initially developed using Ionic, a popular open-source mobile app development framework based on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This framework enables developers to create cross-platform apps that function seamlessly on both Android and iOS. However, with the introduction of Android 14, several changes have been made to the Android system, including updated APIs, security features, and performance enhancements, which have rendered the app incompatible with the latest OS version. The key technical areas where updates are needed include: API Level Updates: Android 14 introduces new API levels, and any app targeting earlier versions must be updated ...
Se cauta voce feminina pentru urmatorul text: "Purtați masca de protecție acoperind nasul si gura, pe tot parcursul vizitei, cu excepția perioadelor de antrenament intens. Păstrati distanța de 2 m față de persoanele din jur și continuati să aveti un stil de viata sanatos. Pentru siguranța voastra și a celor din jur, dezinf...Păstrati distanța de 2 m față de persoanele din jur și continuati să aveti un stil de viata sanatos. Pentru siguranța voastra și a celor din jur, dezinfectati echipamentele inainte si dupa utilizare și bucurati-va de un antrenament sigur. Evitati sa va atingeti fata in timpul antrenamentelor. Spalati-va frecvent pe maini sau folositi dezinfectantul pus la dispozitie. " Va rugam sa trimiteti un sample cu una dintre propozitiile de mai sus. Va...
I would prefer silhouettes instead of images that is more professional and expressive but well shaped especially the desert, I have to choose the desert two different backgrounds that merge with related elements
Îngrijirea companiei este serviciul de care aveti nevoie
It needs a php function that takes some information from an API and returns it to a database. it is a webservice for hotels suppliers . XML-based functions for an on-line search agents systems
Caut un colaborator pt inceput sa finalizeze cateva taskuri la un proiect care exista de mult timp ca si platforma de stocare informatii. Anumite functii trebuiesc usor modificate, adaugate informatii, corectate. Nu caut pe cineva fara experienta, caut pe cineva disponibil imediat pt 1-2 zile si apoi cateva ore pe zii. Atasez un sample de taskuri care sunt de efectuat pe acest proiect. Ma intereseaza intai sa vad ce experienta ai pana sa mergem mai departe. Am ales sa lucrez cu programator din Romania pt ca eu sunt in Las Vegas si am 10 ore diferenta, ceea ce inseamna ca ne putem completa usor. Ce am atasat ca si taskuri dureaza maxim o zi... astept sa discutam daca ai disponibila aceasta zi si cat costa ... apoi vedem cum mergem mai departe pe ora sau pe proiect. Bafta.
Doresc transformarea textelor in audio intr-o maniera profesionala. Va rog sa furnizati odata cu oferta si un scurt sample audio din textele atasate
Dorim realizare a mai multor bannere, aproximativ 30 buc, in diverse dimensiuni. Bannerele vor fi folosite atat pe website-uri, advertoriale cat si pe Facebook in reclame sponsorizate. 851x315 (10buc) 600x460 (2 buc) 1080x1080 (10 buc) 1260x360 (3 buc) 1800x496 (3 buc) 640x220 (2 buc) Dupa ce primim cateva sample-uri, va dam tematica exacta. In atasament gasiti un exemplu de banner. DOAR freelanceri din Romania!
I want a project that contains visual identity design for the following : logo Business card Presentation folder personalized bill badge car design A4 and A5 envelopes I want that project to use colors that denote seriousness. The project to be done in Illustrator or Corel Draw The company is called FunIMOB and its field of activity , real estate Doresc un proiect de identitate vizuala care sa contina design pentru urmatoarele: Logo Carte de vizita Mapa de prezentare factura personalizata ecuson car design plicuri A4 si A5 Doresc ca in proiect sa se foloseasca culori care denota seriozitate. Proiectul sa fie realizat in Illustrator sau Corel Draw Firma se numeste FunIMOB si are ca domeniu de activitate, imobiliare
Salutare am nevoie de o traducere Germana - Romana 1. Sunt 20 de pagini bugetul meu e de 2 $ pe pagina 2. Am nevoie sa fie gata in 5 zile 3. Va voi cere un sample pentru a verifica calitatea design, daca ai viteza si claritate in exprimare - avem cum sa fim rabdatori sa ajungi la alt nivel, ne trebuie doar sa fii serios(serioasa) si sa iti vezi de treaba. Programul este flexibil si il stabilim de comun acord. Primul proiect implica un logo pt o pizzerie numita Brother's Pizza Astept : 1. portofoliu 2. intrebari clarificatoare (sa vad ca ai inteles proiectul totusi) 3. sample similare daca exista Nu ma astept sa vad copy&paste quote ... nu ma intereseaza agentii(echipe) si nu caut sa fiu stres pt tine pe seara. Vreau si ofer seriozitate si nu e nevoie sa ne pierdem timpul, evident nu ma plictisesc. Nu ma cauta daca nu esti din Romania, locuiesti in Romania si vorbesti fluent si corect Romana. Engleza este foarte importanta de asemenea pt ...
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Design a Logo for a Startup Software Company'
Doresc sa construiesc un site al unei agentii de publicitate....acesta ar trebui sa contina 5 pagini diferite (despre noi, ce oferim/servicii/contact, galerie foto, si news letter). De asemenea doresc acces C PAnnel . Multumesc
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Design a Logo for a Tire Service Company'
Proiectul este relativ simplu si distractiv. Avem nevoie de un freelancer care sa stie, in primul rand, sa scrie corect si, daca se poate, cu o tenta personala. Articolele sunt din domeniul adult, deci job-ul nu este recomandat celor care se inrosesc usor. Fiecare material va avea aproximativ 350 de cuvinte si va fi insotit in mod obligat...aproximativ 350 de cuvinte si va fi insotit in mod obligatoriu de imagini reprezentative. Proiectul se desfasoara timp de minim o luna sau mai mult, daca va fi o colaborare productiva. Avem nevoie de 20 de articole in fiecare saptamana si oferim 7 RON pe articol, ceea ce inseamna 560 RON pe luna, pentru un numar de 80 de materiale. Pretul nu este negociabil. Va rog sa atasati ofertei si doua sample-uri scrise de voi, din orice domeniu. Hap...
SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123
Doresc crearea unui site de vanzari online asigurari cu urmatoarel atribute - calculator si comanda online - plata online - sa fie accesibil atat desktop cat si mobile - sa se poata incarca talon auto si CI iar sistemul sa recunoasca textul si sa completeze automat campurile - news letter - trimitere sms automat inainte de expirare sau rata scadenta
Acesta este unul dintre multele articole, scrise ce imi apartin in totalitate
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am prins un proiect pe termen nedeterminat de la un client roman. E vorba de scris articole foarte lungi. Sunt studenta, vine sesiunea si nu ma mai pot ocupa de articole, dar nu vreau nici sa pierd clientul. De aceea mi-ar placea sa te angajez pe tine. Deocamdata am doua intrebari: 1. Poti scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi? 2. Ai un sample, ceva, scris in ton serios, profesional? Asta ar fi tonul articolelor. Multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns :)
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
O sa scriu in engleza (am mai pus pe un site in engleza si de aceea fac copy / paste). I need to obtain from you a script that will extract periodically some data from amazon website. Link: Then, from each category I need the following information: For example, category in this products: I need: 1) Price 2) Name of product 3) Product description 4) Product dimensions 5) Amazon Best Sellers Rank (in this case: #3 in Clothing) 6) Sold By 7) if found: Fulfilled by Amazon, then save it. If not, save NOT BY AMAZON 8) Average Customer Review Please give me a sample first in Excel format. Thank you
Buna, ti-am facut un sample dar calitatea logo-ului e foarte scazuta. Daca doresti as putea sa il refac intr-o rezolutie mai mare si dupa aia sa il vectorizez! ramane la aprecierea ta!
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'Need logo for my company'
I want a website for travel agency with the following characteristics: - Takeover offers by XML filtering and display - Search engine based on XML travel offers from suppliers - Once found offer the possibility to book and pay - Possibility of creating customer registration account - Section like hotels booking dot com - Section tickenting - SEO - easy to add keywords, metatags, description etc. - Easy to manage the backend - Newsletter - Creating a customer database in the backend ------------------------------- Romana ------------------------------- Doresc un website pentru agentie de turism cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - preluare filtrare si afisare oferte prin XML - motor de cautare oferte turistice pe baza XML de la furnizori - odata gasita oferta p...
Salut, Am nevoie de un web designer pentru pagini de vanzare tip WSO. Pentru detalii, vorbim pe privat. Mersi mult.
Format .avi .mpeg .wmw Minimum Resolution 1080 Recommended Resolution 1998x1080 ; (1:1.85 Flat) Format 1:1.85 FPS 25 Bitrate 25.000 Audio Stereo Sample rate 48Hz Sample bit depth 16 bit Peak Level -9dbfs Or DCP usual Cinema content format
Detin designul ( fisiere .PSD ) la un site de anunturi gen mercador[punct]ro. Doresc sa gasesc un programator care sa implementeze designul pe care eu il am deja, si sa scrie scriptul bazat pe Symphony framework. Foarte important este ca toti cei interesati, sa pregatesca si un sample de cod. Doresc o calitate a codului superioara ( va fi verificata de un cunoscator ). Scriptul trebuie sa fie scalabil si optimizat foarte bine pentru a consuma cat mai putine resurse (CPU, RAM) indiferent de trafic. Scriptul trebuie sa respecte urmatoarele regului : - calitatea codului superioara (cod curat); - sa fie gandit modular, doresc pe parcurs sa pot din administrare sa instalez teme/templateuri, pluginuri - trebuie sa poata fi instalat foarte usor : se urca scriptul pe un server ce re...
Email parser maven project. Sample data: Salut Alex, Avem o problema la ZP-ROHRER 06 cu calculatia SAP nr 15794. Calculatia asta nu poate fi inchisa, presupun ca din cauza ca una dintre comenzi are deja status-ul “Inchisa”, spre deosebire de celelalte care au statusul “Acceptata” (vezi export detalii atasat) Poti sa ne ajuti sa putem inchide calculatia asta si implicit comenzile aferente? (noi nu putem schimba status-ul comenzii marcate cu galben, din “Inchisa” in “acceptatata”)? Cu stima, Kind regards, Silviu Mangeac E&P – MTN&LOG System & SAP OMV Petrom S.A. PETROM CITY Str. Coralilor,
imagini clare , apreciere in materie ,e un desen in forma de floare care sunt puse nasturi culori deferite
I'm looking for a reliable professional for regular color correction of our product showcase reels. The reels will primarily be shared on Instagram, and the color correction should align with a natural style. Pls do this sample of color-grading and share along with per 30 second reel cost to take the dicussion ahead. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in color correction software - Experience with product showcase content - Understanding of Instagram's aesthetic Expectations: - Efficient and cost-effective service - Consistent, high-quality results - Willingness for ongoing collaboration
About PyGov • Mission: To harness cutting-edge technology and data to transform public sector operations, ensuring secure, efficient, and citizen-centric outcomes. • Vi...Inclusion) • Provide brief guidance on PyGov’s brand personality: authoritative yet approachable, data-driven, and secure. • (If you have expertise in brand messaging, we welcome suggestions to align visuals with tone.) 6. Comprehensive Brand Guide Document • Introduction & brand overview (mission, vision, and core values). • Logo usage (full-color, single-color, sizing, clear space, etc.). • Detailed color specifications (HEX, RGB, CMYK if possible). • Typography hierarchy (headlines, subheads, body text). • Imagery guidelines and sample mocku...
I need a professional brand video that communicates our company's story to potential clients. The video should be crafted in a polished, professional manner, embodying the tone and style that we wish to project to our audience. Key Requirements: - Video production and editing - Storyboarding and scriptwriting - Ability to convey a professional tone Ideal skills for this project include experience in corporate video production, a knack for storytelling, and a keen understanding of brand communication. I have a timeline in DaVinci Resolve I need help pulling it all together and cleaning it up.
I need a creative and vibrant presentation for an upcoming project update. The slides should cover the following key aspects of the project: - Timeline - Process - Team achieve - Charts - Sample ad campaign Ideal freelancers for this project would have experience in designing engaging presentations and a knack for creative design. A portfolio showcasing previous work in this style would be highly beneficial. The final product should be visually captivating while effectively communicating the necessary information. Please see attached slides - this is mostly the final content, but some slides are not complete. Slide 11 especially needs attention as it attempts to show the process but is NOT working and hard to read. Our current agency did that and I don't like it at all.
...images will be provided, with space for contact details and a clear call-to-action. Deadline: [Specify your desired deadline, e.g., within 1 week of project assignment]. Requirements: Experience in flyer design with a strong portfolio Creative and detail-oriented Ability to incorporate feedback efficiently and professionally Additional Information: If you're interested, please send us: A brief introduction about yourself and your experience A link to your portfolio Your pricing and the number of revisions included We look forward to collaborating on a great design!...
I need a comprehensive valuation of my technical services company. With over a decade of operations and recent acquisition offers, it's crucial to understand our worth. Key Aspects to Evaluate: - Revenue and profitability: We have consistently kept our revenue under $2m per year, but anticipate exceeding this threshold this year. - Market position and competition: We operate across all 50 states in the technical services sector. - Assets and liabilities: A thorough appraisal of our company's assets and liabilities is essential. Current Financials: I have access to internal financial statements, but we do not have audited financials or any recent appraisals.
I'm seeking a web developer who can create a comprehensive, user-friendly informational website for my transportation company. The site should include the following sections: "About Us", "Services", and "Contact Us". Key Features: - The website should have a section for testimonials or reviews, showcasing our customer satisfaction and reliability. - An interactive map displaying our service areas is also a necessary feature. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development and design - Experience creating interactive maps and review sections - Prior work with transportation or similar service-based companies is a plus.
I'm in need of an Excel list containing at least 5,000 UK-based healthcare and wellness companies, specifically hospitals and clinics, fitness centers and gyms, as well as wellness spas and retreats. Key Requirements: - The list should include the business name and address for each company - The data should be delivered in .xlsx format Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data mining and Excel - Previous experience in compiling business lists - Understanding of the healthcare and wellness sector is a plus.
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I'm seeking an expert writer to help me craft a heartfelt letter to my mentor expressing my gratitude for their guidance and support in my professional development. Key Requirements: - Highlighting the mentor's role in my professional growth - Including specific examples of the mentor's assistance - Conveying sincere appreciation and respect Ideal Skills and Experience: - Excellent writing and communication skills - Experience in writing personal letters, especially thank-you notes - Understanding of professional development contexts
I'm in need of a modern logo design for my new company. The specific style I'm envisioning is quite unique - it's the letters OG in a block style font, like automotive racing style, featuring a high resolution, waving American flag inside the letters with the word FASTENERS underneath. I will need another variant that is the same concept side by side. I would appreciate if you could deliver this in high quality and provide a few variations to choose from. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with modern, geometric logo design and a strong portfolio to demonstrate their skills. NO GRADIENT OUTLINES, I NEED EVERYTHING HIGH RESOLUTION WITH VIBRANT COLORS AND MUST BE ABLE TO BE CUT INTO A STICKER.
Experienced Pitch Deck Designer for Golf 918 Investor Presentation ...project start. - Experience designing pitch decks for startups or businesses seeking investment. - Proficiency in tools such as PowerPoint, Keynote, or Canva. - Strong graphic design skills with an eye for detail and brand consistency. - Ability to communicate technical and financial information clearly and effectively. Please submit your application with the following: 1. A brief introduction to your background and relevant experience. 2. Examples of previous pitch decks or similar projects you’ve worked on. 3. Your proposed timeline and total cost for the project. We look forward to working with a creative professional to bring Golf 918’s vision to life and showcase our poten...
***MUST BE LOCATED IN SOUTH AMERICA OR NORTH AMERICA*** We are a 40-year-old food company based in the United States with a dynamic, global workforce. We are looking to add a bookkeeper as we continue to grow. As a Bookkeeper in our accounting department, you will play a crucial role in managing our financial records and ensuring accuracy in all financial transactions. You will work closely with the Comptroller and other team members to maintain the integrity of our financial data. Key Duties: ● Accurately enter financial data into our accounting systems, ensuring that all information is up-to-date and correctly recorded. ● Utilize QuickBooks Online, , OnPay, or similar applications to manage and track financial transactions. ● Maintain a high level of professionalism and organiza...
I'm looking for a skilled animator to help create an interactive, animated portfolio for me. The portfolio should include text descriptions, images, and videos, and should have animated sections for the introduction/about me, project showcase, and contact information. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in creating interactive animations - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Experience with portfolio creation - Proficient in animation software - Ability to integrate text, images, and videos smoothly
I'm looking for a seasoned Hybrid Mobile App developer to help me create a productivity-focused app. The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android devices. Key Requirements: Vehicle Parking System Project Overview 1. Project Title Vehicle Parking System 2. Introduction Purpose: To develop an efficient parking management system accessible via mobile (iOS & Android) and desktop applications. Scope: Manage parking reservations, payments, and space availability. 3. Features User Authentication User registration and login (social media integration). Parking Space Management View available parking spots in real-time. Reserve a parking space. Payment Integration Support for various payment methods (credit/debit cards, digital wallets). Notification System Alerts ...
I need a professional who can convert an Instagram video into a WAV audio file for me. The audio has to be 100% perfect, with no loss in quality. I have turned down 5 or 6 people already who used third party tools and the quality wasn’t quite good enough. I can tell the difference betw...or 6 people already who used third party tools and the quality wasn’t quite good enough. I can tell the difference between the original audio and the conversion. That’s not good enough. So please let me know how you plan to convert this Instagram video to audio, using the highest quality converter available. Thank you. Here is the instagram link. Send me a sample of your highest quality conversion if you’d like, and if it’s perfect conversion, I will buy from you.