Rss directory website submitproiecte
I need to convert to htaccess I use 2 domains, a main domain, a secondary domain, both domains have the same home directory. The rules are: Any request of the type (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file All requests to * go to * I have attached the original nginx files Other information on request. ====================================== Trebuie să convertesc în htaccess Eu folosesc 2 domenii, un domeniu principal, un domeniu
Birou de proiectare CAD cu 5-6 utilizatori. Avem nevoie de un pic de ordine in retea: setare NAS, router, office 365, Azure Active Directory/retea PC-uri & imprimante.
Proiectul este crearea unui site de tip directory local cu prezentare firme si locuri de munca. Site-ul poate avea tema cumparata pentru a putea fi customizata. Locurile de munca rebuie sa apara ca sectiune separata dar cu filtre si link catre firmele din site. Site-ul trebuie sa aiba asigurat integrarea GDPR.
...imi trebuie doar un buton de SMS acolo, scriptul de plata il am de la Netopia dar presupun ca trebuie integrat cumva ca sa ii pot servi clientului asa ceva pe mail sau in browser dupa efectuarea platii Sau, zic eu ca e mai simplu in cazul meu, avand nevoie doar de un buton SMS si nicio alta metoda de plata, butonul integrat direct la completarea datelor in Submit Aici textul apare dupa completarea datelor, si ar trebui sa apara cumva dupa confirmarea platii SMS. Deci nu prea stiu cum s-ar putea implementa mai usor SMS-ul, dar am documentatie la el in caz ca te pricepi. Eu pot pune din dashboard Netopia buton fix predefinit de 6 euro, am scriptul PHP. Problema aici e ca s-ar putea sa iau
Marţi, 11.28.2017, 6:30 PM V-aţi autentificat ca grozavlogs | Grup "Administratori" Site-ul meu Acasă | Profilul meu | Deconectare | RSS Pagina principală Informaţii despre site Director de fişiere Director de articole Blog Forum Albume Foto Carte de oaspeţi Contactaţi-ne Coş de cumpărături Coşul de cumpărături este gol Categoriile secţiunii Fişierele mele [4] Căutare Căutare Sondajul nostru Evaluează site-ul meu 1. Excelent 2. Groaznic 3. Bine 4. Rău 5. Satisfăcător [ Rezultate · Arhiva sondajelor ] Total răspunsuri: 1 Prietenii site-ului Blogul oficial Comunitatea uCoz FAQ Statistici Total online: 1 Vizitatori: 0 Utilizatori: 1 Acasă » Fişiere » Adăugare intrare Categorie *: - Selectează categoria...
Am o baza de date cu un numar infinit de tabele. coloane : - id : varchar(256) - message : tex...intervalu de timp stablit, si nr_hit1 sau nr_hit2 sau nr_hit3 se afla intr-un interval stabilit in config atunci vreau sa o trimit intr-un rss-feed + intr-un rss separat cu numele tabelei Exemplu config : Tabela 1 : - Daca l_type = AAAA: OK - daca a trecut mai mult de [60 min] de la publicare : ignore - daca are min nr_hit1 [606] : OK - Daca are min nr_hit2 [807] : OK - Daca are min nr_hit3 [444] : OK Tabela 2 : - Daca l_type = AQXC: OK - Daca a trecut mai mult de [33 min] de la publicare : ignore - daca are min nr_hit1 [107] : OK - Daca are min nr_hit2 [420] : OK - Daca are min nr_hit3 [512] : OK Rss feed : <...
Implementare rss feeds in pagini de grup din BuddyPress; taskul poate continua cu o etapa suplimentara securizare si monitorizare website (pe baza de plugins) - evaluata distinct.
Proiectul consta in realizarea unui site in limba romana (Wordpress, Joomla, Html5, etc) care sa conțină o harta interactiva (vezi template: ) Pe harta se vor găsi anumite repere (voi da toate detaliile celui care va câștiga proiectul). Pentru exemplificare, asa cum este prezentat in templateurile de mai sus, sa consideram ca aceste repere sunt apartamente, case, terenuri, etc., grupate pe categorii (exact ca-n template). Cerinte - Localizarea automata si focusarea hartii in zona din care utilizatorul accesează pagina (oras) - Filtrare automata pe harta funcție de cerinte (pret, cuvant cheie, oras, etc. ) - Formular înregistrare + inregistrare
Doresc crearea unui site simplu care sa contina pagina de inregistrare si interfata user. Pagina de inregistrare sa contina (Add username/Password/Email/Countr...mai contina un grafic si o statistica cu click-uri (din ce tara provin, de pe ce site provin si suma primita pe acel click adica 0.05) In stanga un meniu care sa contina (Dashboard, Account, Request payout).Plata sa poata fi primita la suma de 100$ si inainte de a putea primi plata sa apara un popup in care eu sa pun orice mesaj ce inchide popup sa poata adauga email de paypal si submit payout. Din admin panel sa pot trimite mesaje popup (care sa apara cand userul se logheaza).Sa pot selecta tarile pentru care trimit pentru USA doar membrii care au adaugat la inregistrare tara USA sa vada acel popup.
Am nevoie de un 'webapp' ce consta in: O singura pagina html ce contine 2 forme, 1. contine 4 campuri multipli...un 'webapp' ce consta in: O singura pagina html ce contine 2 forme, 1. contine 4 campuri multiplicate de 'n' ori n<=7 ceva de genul; sensors = 5 (cati senzori sunt in sistem) va multiplca cele 4 campuri de 5ori campuri sunt: 1text; 1number; 2radio action 'submit' si 'submit defaults' cand se deschide webbapp-ul campurile trebuie sa aiba valorile curente. 2. contine 2 campuri campuri sunt: 1text; 1number; action 'submit' si 'submit defaults' cand se deschide webbapp-ul campurile trebuie sa aiba valorile curente. submit (ambele) trebuie sa scrie in 2 fisiere...
Am achizitionat de curand o tema de pe themeforest numita directory+ si as vrea sa-i aduc cateva modificari/completari. Trebuie mentionat ca tema este dotata cu un page builder extrem de usor de folosit si complet, setari seo pagina de administrare foarte bine pusa la punct, elemente vizuale cum ar fi bannere , butoane , icoane de diferite marimi cu sau fara text. Totul este inclus, trebuie doar puse in ordine. De asemenea trebuie mentionat ca site-ul se va baza in mare parte pe bannere ca si venit financiar, aceste detalii le vom discuta mai pe larg dupa inaintarea proiectului. DEtalii suplimentare in attach.
Hello Ma'm My name is Ravi i am from India, i am freelaner i can do data entry works (DATA ENTRY-- COPY PASTE---- AD POSTING-- FORM FILING- ARTICLE SUBMIT ION --- WORD-EXCEL POWER POINT PRESENTATION ---- ORDER PROCESSING --- Virtual Assistant -VIDEO’S UPLOAD GENERAL OFFICE --- DATA PROCESSING --- EMAIL HANDLING) well. i have 3 years experienced person as a freelancer worker.... this is my freelancer profile link
SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123
Scrfipt ce preia noutati prin rss si posteaza pe platforma site anunturi pe categorii.
Hello, I want to encrypt and decrypt FORM strings and POST to page. Salut, Doresc sa criptez si sa decriptez FORM-urile apoi sa POST-ez catre pagina. Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <form method="POST" action="/add" role="form"> <div class="form-group">Title: <input type="text" name="title" class="form-control" /></di...Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <form method="POST" action="/add" role="form"> <div class="form-group">Title: <input type="text" name="title" class="form-control" /></div> <div class="form-gro...
Am nevoie de un RSS care sa importe de pe Facebook pe un forum IPBoard. Am un RSS bagat sub forma de hook (pentru ca cel stock de pe forum este praf) dar nu sunt multumit de el, importul este limitat. Nu importa numele celor care au postat si nici pozele acestora (in settings la rss trebuie sa aleg eu un membru al forumului cu numele caruia apar toate feed-urile) si daca tin bine minte nu importa comentariile la posturi ci doar posturile.
Avem doua proiecte pe care am avea nevoie de dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata ...dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custo...
Avem doua proiecte pe care am avea nevoie de dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centrali...dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom ...
1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor
Dezvoltare si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress ...baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET, C# - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza ...
Dezvoltare si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Tel...cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET, C# - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza ...
Dezvoltare si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress ...baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET, C# - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza ...
Avem doua proiecte pe care am avea nevoie de dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centrali...dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom ...
1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor
Inscrierea in directoare, Link Exchange, Comunicat de presă, articol de marketing / promovare, Rss Feed Promovarea galben depunerea pagini, depunerea director local, forum de discuții, optimizarea produsului Google, Craiglist a posta, Netscape promovare etc Am nevoie de 1.000 de înregistrări de noi ---) 1000 utilizatori noi pentru site-ul meu care vinde / cumpara site-uri on-line
Inscrierea in directoare, Link Exchange, Comunicat de presă, articol de marketing / promovare, Rss Feed Promovarea galben depunerea pagini, depunerea director local, forum de discuții, optimizarea produsului Google, Craiglist a posta, Netscape promovare etc Am nevoie de 1.000 de înregistrări de noi ---) 1000 utilizatori noi pentru site-ul meu care vinde / cumpara site-uri on-line
How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is s...networks: revmob, charboost, and applovin 4) Must be able to integrate in-app purchases 5) Good English 6) Ready to begin now and can complete quickly/will complete project on time Please provide: 1) Price for iPhone app only (may want iPad app later and Google Play app later) 2) Length of time to complete I can create the app icon, create app screenshots, set up in-app purchases, submit the binary to Apple, and set up all other parts of iTunes Connect to save time and money. I can provide you with IDs for Chartboost, Revmob, and Applovin. ...
I'm looking for a professional web developer who can create a responsive, minimalistic, and clean one-page HTML5 landing page for promoting a product. The landing page should have both English and Spanish options, catering to a bilingual audience. Check the videos attached, I can provide you the images. Key Requirements: - The a minimalistic and clean style. Please avoid clutter and unnecessary elements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing landing pages. - Strong understanding of minimalistic and clean design principles. - Proficiency in HTML5. - Ability to create bilingual (English and Spanish) web pages. - Experience with creating functional 'Contact Us' forms on web pages. Please submit your proposal with examples of similar p...
...realistic voice generation will be given priority. Payment Terms: Strict Quality Assurance: Payment is contingent upon the delivery of a system that meets all outlined requirements, including emotional expression and flawless performance in every use case. If the output is not 100% realistic and indistinguishable from human voices, no payment will be made. Bid Only If Capable: Bidders should only submit proposals if they are confident in their ability to meet these standards. We welcome experienced developers or teams with a proven track record in AI, TTS, and machine learning. Deliver a cutting-edge solution, and we look forward to working with you!...
...driving business growth. Why Join Us? Work remotely for a leading US-based SaaS company. Collaborate with a global team of professionals. Opportunities for professional growth and skill development. Inclusive work environment where talented females are encouraged to excel. Application Instructions: Qualified candidates from Pakistan who meet the requirements are encouraged to apply. Please submit your updated resume and a cover letter outlining your relevant experience and achievements. No agencies allowed....
...mdf', MOVE 'ADD_Catalogos_log' TO 'c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDATA' Msg 5133, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Directory lookup for the file "c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDATA" failed with the operating system error 3(El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada.). Msg 3156, Level 16, State 3, Line 1 File 'ADD_Catalogos' cannot be restored to 'c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDATA'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file. Msg 5133, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Directory lookup for the file "c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDATA" failed with the operating system error 3(El sistema
I'm looking for a talented video creator who can produce a short, engaging video that blends live-action footage with graphics. This video is intended for sharing with friends and famil...engaging video that blends live-action footage with graphics. This video is intended for sharing with friends and family our journey through our most recent renovation. Ideal freelancers for this project should have: - Experience in creating mixed media videos/images - A strong understanding of pacing and visual storytelling - Skills in video editing and graphic design We will share a full directory of images on google photos, these images and videos have been collected and uploaded throughout the life of the renovation. we need this to work in sequence of events, everything has been timesta...
...our channel continues to grow. - The chance to work with a passionate team dedicated to making educational content accessible and enjoyable. - Additional benefits or incentives may be offered based on performance and long-term collaboration potential. Application Process: If you’re a hardworking, honest individual with a passion for video editing and education, we’d love to hear from you. Please submit: - A resume or brief introduction highlighting your experience. - A link to your portfolio or examples of videos you’ve worked on, particularly those that showcase similar styles or educational content. - A short note on why you’d be a great fit for our team, focusing on your values and work ethic along with any questions you have based on this posting. - Y...
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I am seeking an experienced WordPress developer to assist me with setting up and customizing the paid WordPress directory script, GeoDirectory. Key Tasks: - Rerouting of Category Pages and Individual Listing Pages - Assisting in the initial setup and configuration of a module to populate the directory with Service Listings - Providing ongoing content updates If you are familiar with this script and can help me get everything running smoothly, please reach out. PLEASE, NO BAIT BID. YOUR BID IS YOUR OFFER
Project Title: Website Overhaul with New Theme Installation, Recruitment Features, and Future Update Training Project Overview: We are seeking an experienced WordPress developer to assist in overhauling our existing website. The project involves installing a new theme, enhancing the website’s current capabilities, and incorporating new features related to recruitment. Additionally, we require training on how to manage and update the new theme moving forward to ensure that we can handle future changes independently. Key Deliverables: New Theme Installation: Install a modern, responsive theme that aligns with our branding and website goals. Ensure the new theme is fully optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. Transfer existing content to the new theme with...
I need a professional logo for my home services company. Logo MUST have a character as in the attachment. The two blank panels are also a requirement. The logo should be original, modern, and convey a sense of trust and reliability. It should not infringe on the competitor logo that I have attached. Please submit your design idea if it fits these criteria. I also want two panels when I can place the services we offer. Thank you.
Freelance Vendor Sourcing Specialist Needed in Canada We're seeking a skilled freelancer to help us source various vendors in Canada for EcoFlare Solutions, an innovative online platform for fresh produce. This is an exciting opportunity to collaborate with a startup poised for growth, with an ecommerce website and mobile app launching soon. Responsibilities: - Research and identify potential vendors for various services, including: - Logistics and Shipping - Shipping carriers - Freight brokers - Trucking companies - Warehouse and fulfillment centers - Payment and Financial - Payment gateways - Merchant banks - Accounting and bookkeeping services - Technology and Development - Web development compani...
I'm seeking a graphic designer for a logo that embodies modernity, softness, and pastel hues. The design should creatively integrate a lotus flower, vines, the number 22, hearts, and the star of David. The number 22 needs to dominate the design. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic software - Strong portfolio in modern logo design - Experience with floral and spiritual design elements - Ability to work with soft and pastel color schemes. Specific Design Elements: - The lotus flower should be represented in a simple and abstract style. - The number 22 should be styled in a script and elegant font. - The hearts should be subtly incorporated within the design. Please submit your bid with your understanding of these requirements, alongside examples of your relev...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a dynamic event management website for me. The primary purpose of this website is to handle event registration, management, and payment integration. Key Features: - Comprehensive event registration and management - Full-fledged event management tools - Seamless payment gateway integration - Automated email confirmations for attendees - Custom registration forms tailored for specific events Payment Gateway Integration: - PayPal - Stripe - Additional India-specific gateways Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing dynamic websites, specifically for event management - Expertise in integrating multiple payment gateways - Proficient in creating automated systems for email confirmations - Experienc...
I'm in need of a Chris Martin impersonator for a fun office prank on a colleague. - Purpose: The voice-over will be used for a prank on a friend. - Event: This will take place during an office event. - Impersonation: The impersonator should convincingly mimic Chris Martin's voice and style. Ideal skills for this project inclu...impersonator for a fun office prank on a colleague. - Purpose: The voice-over will be used for a prank on a friend. - Event: This will take place during an office event. - Impersonation: The impersonator should convincingly mimic Chris Martin's voice and style. Ideal skills for this project include: - Voice imitation - Acting - Good sense of humor - Professionalism for an office setting Please submit your bids if you can deliver a hi...
...formatting of product data. Tools and Workflow 1. Integration with Shopify and DSers: ○ Understand how DSers imports product data and images from AliExpress to Shopify. ○ Implement tools/scripts to optimize and clean up data for Google Merchant Center. 2. Bulk Editing Solutions: ○ Use feed management tools or scripts to update multiple products at once instead of manual fixes. 3. Manual Reviews: ○ Submit resolved product issues for manual review to Google Merchant Center. Deliverables ● Active and compliant Google Merchant Center account with no policy violations. ● Bulk updates to product data, ensuring all flagged issues are resolved. ● Clean product images and descriptions. ● Updated and accurate product attributes (gender, size, color, GTIN, etc.). ● The specialist shoul...
...templates, and a larger gallery. >Platinum Tier: Maximum visibility, priority placement in search results, AI-powered tools, and exclusive features for showcasing work. Each service provider membership will include options for individual professionals or corporations, with pricing adjusted based on the type of entity. For Regular Users (Non-Service Providers): >Free Tier: Ability to browse the directory, use basic search, and contact service providers. >Premium Tier: Access to advanced search filters, AI team-building tools, and exclusive features like event RSVPs and templates. 2. Advanced Search System Error Tolerance: Corrects typos and interprets synonyms for accurate results. Filters: Search by location, role, specialties, keywords, and availability. Dynamic Sor...
...cardboard, acrylic, and LED lighting to craft cost-efficient, sustainable, and durable designs. Cost Optimization: Focus on reducing material costs while maximizing the visual appeal and functionality of the stands. Execution-Ready Designs: All designs should be practical, easy to manufacture, and scalable for production. Submission Requirements: 3D Visualizations: Designers must submit detailed 3D models of the displays, including dimensions, materials, and finishes. Production Guidelines: Include clear instructions on how the stands should be manufactured, including material specifications, assembly methods, and any technical requirements. File Formats: Submissions should include files compatible with popular design software such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Sk...
Urgent! Need freelance data entry to complete 2024 financial budget project in a short time. Data accuracy is essential. Define the scope of the job: Describe in detail the type of data that needs to be entered, the file format, and the amount of data that needs to be processed. * Define the skills required: In addition to basic data entry skills, you can include into a spreadsheet. This project includes: * Data: 2024 company transaction, expense, and revenue data. * Format: Data will be provided in Excel format. * Time: Project is expected to be completed within 2 weeks. * Skills: Experience in data entry, a basic understanding of accounting, and the ability to use Excel formulas are a plus. If you are interested and meet the requirements, please submit your sample work...
...layout that incorporates the speaker’s image, name, bio, website, and social media links in an aesthetically pleasing way. • Keep the design within our brand colors (blush pink, gold, white) and maintain consistency across all future graphics. Key Points: • Creativity is highly encouraged! We want a designer who can think outside the box while maintaining brand cohesion. • The winning designer must be fast, adaptable, and able to create the additional two graphics with the same design but updated content after being awarded the contest. Deliverables After Contest: 1. Finalized promotional graphic for Jane Doe (editable format). 2. Two additional graphics with content provided for other speakers. Submission Guidelines: • Submit one graphic...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can set up an auto blogging site for me. The primary function of this site should be curating content from various sources, including news websites, social media platforms, and RSS feeds. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an auto blogging site that focuses on content curation from diverse sources. - Implement keyword-based filtering to help sift through content and select what gets posted. - Organize curated content into categories for easy navigation. - Create a system for applying custom tags and metadata to posts, enhancing SEO and discoverability. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development, particularly in creating blogging platforms. - Experience with content curation tools and techniques. - Knowledge of SEO practices an...
I'm in need of a seasoned marketer to craft a full suite of promotional materials for my online directory. The objective is to create a highly professional and engaging suite of flyers, brochures, and social media graphics tailored for Facebook and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Develop eye-catching brochures and flyers. - Create tailored, platform-specific social media graphics for Facebook and Instagram. - Formulate professional email marketing templates. - Use a provided logo and source additional imagery to enhance the promotional materials. The tone of voice for all promotional content should be formal and professional. All necessary facts and figures can be sourced from the website, but I expect the marketer to leverage their expertise and build upon this as...
Project Overview Business Data Page with Chatbot Integration To ensure genuine interest and thoughtful proposals, only bidders who download and thoroughly review the attached project description will be considered. Please confirm in your message that you have reviewed the document. Important Notes: Final Bids Only: The bid you submit will be considered your final offer, with no further negotiations. By bidding, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the project requirements and are confident in your ability to complete the work within the specified budget. Attention to Detail: Generic or auto-generated responses will not be considered. Please demonstrate your understanding of the project in your response. Thank you for your professionalism and attention to th...