Rss directory add websiteproiecte
I need to convert to htaccess I use 2 domains, a main domain, a secondary domain, both domains have the same home directory. The rules are: Any request of the type (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file All requests to * go to * I have attached the original nginx files Other information on request. ====================================== Trebuie să convertesc în htaccess Eu folosesc 2 domenii, un domeniu principal, un domeniu
Salut, Sunt in cautarea unei persoane ce sa se ocupe rapid de 2 probleme ale unui site PS Pb. 1: As dori ca informatia disponibila in acest moment pe pagina clientului (nr total de comenzi nevalidate ale clientului) sa apara si pe pagina oricarei comenzi a acestuia (in prezent apare doar nr comenzilor valide). Pb. 2: A aparut o eroare de cateva zile cu stocul, mai exact nu se numara corect produsele fara stoc ce au fost comandate. Crezi ca ma poti ajuta? Pretul il actualizam impreuna.
Birou de proiectare CAD cu 5-6 utilizatori. Avem nevoie de un pic de ordine in retea: setare NAS, router, office 365, Azure Active Directory/retea PC-uri & imprimante.
Proiectul este crearea unui site de tip directory local cu prezentare firme si locuri de munca. Site-ul poate avea tema cumparata pentru a putea fi customizata. Locurile de munca rebuie sa apara ca sectiune separata dar cu filtre si link catre firmele din site. Site-ul trebuie sa aiba asigurat integrarea GDPR.
1. diferentiez pozele de la cele doua locatii Bucuresti si Cluj 2. sa adaug poza unui instructor la Yoga 3. sa optimizez poza unui instructor de Pilates 4. cresc viteza site-ului
Marţi, 11.28.2017, 6:30 PM V-aţi autentificat ca grozavlogs | Grup "Administratori" Site-ul meu Acasă | Profilul meu | Deconectare | RSS Pagina principală Informaţii despre site Director de fişiere Director de articole Blog Forum Albume Foto Carte de oaspeţi Contactaţi-ne Coş de cumpărături Coşul de cumpărături este gol Categoriile secţiunii Fişierele mele [4] Căutare Căutare Sondajul nostru Evaluează site-ul meu 1. Excelent 2. Groaznic 3. Bine 4. Rău 5. Satisfăcător [ Rezultate · Arhiva sondajelor ] Total răspunsuri: 1 Prietenii site-ului Blogul oficial Comunitatea uCoz FAQ Statistici Total online: 1 Vizitatori: 0 Utilizatori: 1 Acasă » Fişiere » Adăugare intrare Categorie *: - Selectează categoria...
Am o baza de date cu un numar infinit de tabele. coloane : - id : varchar(256) - message : tex...intervalu de timp stablit, si nr_hit1 sau nr_hit2 sau nr_hit3 se afla intr-un interval stabilit in config atunci vreau sa o trimit intr-un rss-feed + intr-un rss separat cu numele tabelei Exemplu config : Tabela 1 : - Daca l_type = AAAA: OK - daca a trecut mai mult de [60 min] de la publicare : ignore - daca are min nr_hit1 [606] : OK - Daca are min nr_hit2 [807] : OK - Daca are min nr_hit3 [444] : OK Tabela 2 : - Daca l_type = AQXC: OK - Daca a trecut mai mult de [33 min] de la publicare : ignore - daca are min nr_hit1 [107] : OK - Daca are min nr_hit2 [420] : OK - Daca are min nr_hit3 [512] : OK Rss feed : <...
Implementare rss feeds in pagini de grup din BuddyPress; taskul poate continua cu o etapa suplimentara securizare si monitorizare website (pe baza de plugins) - evaluata distinct.
Proiectul consta in realizarea unui site in limba romana (Wordpress, Joomla, Html5, etc) care sa conțină o harta interactiva (vezi template: ) Pe harta se vor găsi anumite repere (voi da toate detaliile celui care va câștiga proiectul). Pentru exemplificare, asa cum este prezentat in templateurile de mai sus, sa consideram ca aceste repere sunt apartamente, case, terenuri, etc., grupate pe categorii (exact ca-n template). Cerinte - Localizarea automata si focusarea hartii in zona din care utilizatorul accesează pagina (oras) - Filtrare automata pe harta funcție de cerinte (pret, cuvant cheie, oras, etc. ) - Formular înregistrare + inregistrare
I wish I could add servers counter strike 1.6 site a small little program I to put an ip and add the program ip 27015 respectively starting port to port 2099 automatically in minutes and must not reoccur CAPTCHA code .
salut ma poti ajata sa adaug un filtru pt masini dupa marca model an etc? ma poti contacta pe facebook sau la 0745455563
Am achizitionat de curand o tema de pe themeforest numita directory+ si as vrea sa-i aduc cateva modificari/completari. Trebuie mentionat ca tema este dotata cu un page builder extrem de usor de folosit si complet, setari seo pagina de administrare foarte bine pusa la punct, elemente vizuale cum ar fi bannere , butoane , icoane de diferite marimi cu sau fara text. Totul este inclus, trebuie doar puse in ordine. De asemenea trebuie mentionat ca site-ul se va baza in mare parte pe bannere ca si venit financiar, aceste detalii le vom discuta mai pe larg dupa inaintarea proiectului. DEtalii suplimentare in attach.
As vrea sa fac un add-on pentru un site de cashback. De asemenea, schimbat design-ul la site si adaugare pop-up in site. Toti cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita ofertele. Multumesc!
Proiectul consta in creearea unui "Lobby Room" pentru o aplicatie Visual Basic 6. Este vorba despre o platforma online, un joc de carti de strategie, numit Duel Masters. Jocul a fost creat prin 2003-2004 de un canadian. Eu am primit codul sursa in luna martie anul acesta de la un contribuitor important al jocului. Platforma a avut multe erori pe care am reusit singur sa le fixez in cod, desi sunt inca incepator in programare si m-am apucat sa invat VB 6 doar pentru a lucra in acest cod sursa. Problema este ca modul de conectare intre cei 2 jucatori se realizeaza foarte greu prin ip. Un jucator da listen, si altul conect, dar trebuie sa fie o sincronizare buna pentru functionarea conexiunii. Si din pacate, daca ambii jucatori au IP dinamic, este nevoie de un program aditional, Ham...
Scrfipt ce preia noutati prin rss si posteaza pe platforma site anunturi pe categorii.
Am nevoie de un RSS care sa importe de pe Facebook pe un forum IPBoard. Am un RSS bagat sub forma de hook (pentru ca cel stock de pe forum este praf) dar nu sunt multumit de el, importul este limitat. Nu importa numele celor care au postat si nici pozele acestora (in settings la rss trebuie sa aleg eu un membru al forumului cu numele caruia apar toate feed-urile) si daca tin bine minte nu importa comentariile la posturi ci doar posturile.
Avem doua proiecte pe care am avea nevoie de dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata ...dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custo...
Avem doua proiecte pe care am avea nevoie de dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centrali...dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom ...
1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor
Dezvoltare si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress ...baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET, C# - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza ...
Dezvoltare si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Tel...cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET, C# - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza ...
Dezvoltare si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress ...baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET, C# - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza ...
Avem doua proiecte pe care am avea nevoie de dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centrali...dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom ...
1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
Inscrierea in directoare, Link Exchange, Comunicat de presă, articol de marketing / promovare, Rss Feed Promovarea galben depunerea pagini, depunerea director local, forum de discuții, optimizarea produsului Google, Craiglist a posta, Netscape promovare etc Am nevoie de 1.000 de înregistrări de noi ---) 1000 utilizatori noi pentru site-ul meu care vinde / cumpara site-uri on-line
Inscrierea in directoare, Link Exchange, Comunicat de presă, articol de marketing / promovare, Rss Feed Promovarea galben depunerea pagini, depunerea director local, forum de discuții, optimizarea produsului Google, Craiglist a posta, Netscape promovare etc Am nevoie de 1.000 de înregistrări de noi ---) 1000 utilizatori noi pentru site-ul meu care vinde / cumpara site-uri on-line
I am facing a 403 error issue on my WordPress site. The problem arises when trying to access the /blog/ directory, which needs to be retained for old image paths. While the old image paths are functioning properly, the /blog/ path leads to a 403 error. The main tasks for this project include: - Diagnosing the cause of the 403 errors - Implementing the necessary fixes to enable access without errors - Ensuring that the fix does not interfere with the functionality of the old image paths I have not made any recent changes to the .htaccess file or the server configuration. However, I am not certain about the specific permissions set for the non-WordPress directory. There are no security plugins or firewalls in use on the site. Ideal skills for this project include: - Profici...
Shopify Store & Directory Website Setup Proposal Dear Freelancers, I’m seeking an experienced Shopify expert to help me create a professional e-commerce store and a complementary directory website. The aim is to establish an integrated system where the directory drives traffic to the Shopify store while also enabling additional revenue opportunities. For the Shopify store, I need a customized theme that reflects my brand, OmegaVision, and ensures a responsive, mobile-friendly design. The homepage should feature key products and build trust with potential customers, while the product pages should include a quality badge system to highlight top-performing items. Initially, I’d like to upload 50 products, optimized with SEO-friendly descript...
I'm looking for a talented video creator who can produce a short, engaging video that blends live-action footage with graphics. This video is intended for sharing with friends and famil...engaging video that blends live-action footage with graphics. This video is intended for sharing with friends and family our journey through our most recent renovation. Ideal freelancers for this project should have: - Experience in creating mixed media videos/images - A strong understanding of pacing and visual storytelling - Skills in video editing and graphic design We will share a full directory of images on google photos, these images and videos have been collected and uploaded throughout the life of the renovation. we need this to work in sequence of events, everything has been timesta...
need done 8 images according to client need
I am seeking an experienced WordPress developer to assist me with setting up and customizing the paid WordPress directory script, GeoDirectory. Key Tasks: - Rerouting of Category Pages and Individual Listing Pages - Assisting in the initial setup and configuration of a module to populate the directory with Service Listings - Providing ongoing content updates If you are familiar with this script and can help me get everything running smoothly, please reach out. PLEASE, NO BAIT BID. YOUR BID IS YOUR OFFER
...templates, and a larger gallery. >Platinum Tier: Maximum visibility, priority placement in search results, AI-powered tools, and exclusive features for showcasing work. Each service provider membership will include options for individual professionals or corporations, with pricing adjusted based on the type of entity. For Regular Users (Non-Service Providers): >Free Tier: Ability to browse the directory, use basic search, and contact service providers. >Premium Tier: Access to advanced search filters, AI team-building tools, and exclusive features like event RSVPs and templates. 2. Advanced Search System Error Tolerance: Corrects typos and interprets synonyms for accurate results. Filters: Search by location, role, specialties, keywords, and availability. Dynamic Sor...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can set up an auto blogging site for me. The primary function of this site should be curating content from various sources, including news websites, social media platforms, and RSS feeds. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an auto blogging site that focuses on content curation from diverse sources. - Implement keyword-based filtering to help sift through content and select what gets posted. - Organize curated content into categories for easy navigation. - Create a system for applying custom tags and metadata to posts, enhancing SEO and discoverability. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development, particularly in creating blogging platforms. - Experience with content curation tools and techniques. - Knowledge of SEO practices an...
I'm in need of a seasoned marketer to craft a full suite of promotional materials for my online directory. The objective is to create a highly professional and engaging suite of flyers, brochures, and social media graphics tailored for Facebook and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Develop eye-catching brochures and flyers. - Create tailored, platform-specific social media graphics for Facebook and Instagram. - Formulate professional email marketing templates. - Use a provided logo and source additional imagery to enhance the promotional materials. The tone of voice for all promotional content should be formal and professional. All necessary facts and figures can be sourced from the website, but I expect the marketer to leverage their expertise and build upon this as...
I'm seeking an experienced web developer to create a simple, professional WordPress site on GoDaddy for my business. Core Requirements: - A few basic pages: Home, About Us, Contact Us - A 'Registration' form that customers can fill out. This form must be able to populate an Excel sheet stored in a shared cloud directory, such as Dropbox. - Must include OTP validation before form is submitted. There will be mandatory fields on the form. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive WordPress and GoDaddy experience - Excellent understanding of creating business-oriented websites. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
We have a list of reviews from past clients. I would like these added to our new Google and Directory listings to boost our Google search and backlinks. New email addresses must be created. Reviews must be submitted exactly as given in Word document. The reviews should not appear as spam or fake.
...predefined times. Google Indexing Optimization: Integrate with an SEO plugin (e.g., Yoast SEO or RankMath) to optimize post titles, meta descriptions, and on-page elements for better Google search rankings. Optional Enhancements: Integrate RSS feed aggregation to source content from other relevant websites. Consider automated image generation or integration for blog posts. Explore options for generating different content formats (e.g., listicles, how-to guides). Current Manual Process: Manually write blog post content using ChatGPT. Create a new page in WordPress. Add images, header, and footer manually. Manually index the page. Desired Outcome: Significantly reduce manual effort in blog post creation and publishing. Increase blog post frequency and consistency. Improve ...
I need a professional to set up the IT infrastructure for my office with capacity up to 30 users. This includes: - Workstations (max user 30) - Servers - Network devices (routers, switches, Firewall, WiFi Access points, Controllers) - CCTV -Access control system The selected expert will al...better performance, so expertise in setting up and configuring a robust Wi-Fi network is crucial. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven experience in IT infrastructure setup with Switches, Routers, Wifi Access point(Ubiquiti/Unifi experience is desired) -Experience of Firewall setup(Fortigate) - Strong knowledge of various Servers including Domain controller, DNS and Active Directory - Experience with CCTV setup, and physical access control system - Excellent troubleshooti...
More details: What primary assistance do you need with the parent-child relationship setup? Both size and color variations Do you already have a specific template or format for listing the shoes? I'm not sure Do you need assistance with creating product descriptions for the different variations? No, I have the descriptions ready
...device in portrait mode that is to be used by employees from within organisations who are running Microsoft 365 at the desktop. • This MS Power App was designed using Microsoft Canvas • The Database is MS Sharepoint • Connectors include access to the Microsoft Global Address List (GAL) and SharePoint • The application is designed for internal users only and utilises existing Azure Active Directory Authentication. SSO is automatically enabled so the user will be able to authenticate to the applications once the required security role has been allocated (see Deployment and Pre-Requisite section). • The data layer is built on SharePoint Online where a SharePoint list is created to render the application data as well as store potential decisions that ...
My Heroku app is experiencing crashes during user interactions, specifically page navigation. These issues hinder the user experience and need immediate attention. Heroku app interacts with ESRI geodatabase to display information based on geospatial sorting. Rivers on map are binned either by state or by managing agency. Attempting to use site search bar or attempting to navigate using the directory results in the error attached as an image below. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Heroku and its troubleshooting. - Strong background in application development and debugging. - Experience with performance optimization and crash resolution. - Familiarity with page navigation processes in web applications.
...promote my online directory. The payment structure is unique - I offer a 5% commission for each customer that signs up. Your expertise is paramount, as no specific instructions will be provided. I trust you to devise a robust marketing plan. Key Focus Areas: - Social Media: Leveraging different platforms for maximum outreach and engagement. - Email Marketing: Creating compelling email campaigns to attract potential small business clients. - Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enhancing the directory's visibility on search engines. Target Audience: - Small Businesses: The primary aim is to reach and engage with small businesses, encouraging them to sign up. Main Goal: - Drive Website Traffic: The ultimate objective of this marketing campaign is to increase the traffi...
...WordPress-based website to monetize this vibrant community with three planned revenue streams: - Branded Merchandise Sales (Launch Priority) Sell branded apparel, mugs, lanyards, and more via print-on-demand dropshipping. This is required for the initial launch. - Paid Weekly Newsletter Subscriptions Offer exclusive curated content (articles, guides, hacks) via RSS feed integration. Preferred to launch with this, but can be deferred if it delays the project significantly. A follow-up job post will be created if deferred. IMPORTANT NOTE - PLEASE READ! We are open to launching first with EITHER the Branded Merchandise or the Newsletter Subscription - whichever is the shortest dev time! - Paid Membership for Exclusive Content Provide access to premium content, including w...
...members (with 55% active engagement) for monetization and compliance with Facebook’s Terms of Service (TOC). Our goal is to transform the group into a powerful business asset while ensuring all strategies are fully compliant with Facebook’s rules. Background Context: We are building a website to monetize the group through the following revenue streams: - Branded Merchandise Sales via a “Shop” feature. Merchandise will be POD, dropshipped. - Paid Weekly Newsletter sourced from curated niche RSS feeds. - VIP Access to Private, Members-Only Content (comprehensive written and video content updated daily). We need actionable insights and clear recommendations to help unlock the group’s full potential. Scope of Work 1. Initial Consul...
Redesign marketplace built on lavarel / HTML.
I need a skilled photo editor who can add a realistic piece of paper onto a photo and superimpose a handwritten personal note onto it. The text should be made to match the mid-quality of the photo and its lighting. Photo attached. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software (e.g., Photoshop) - Experience with realistic photo manipulation - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to replicate handwritten text convincingly The note to be added is: "piwowspreju (today's date) /talk". So, you'll need to update the date appropriately. Please ensure the final product looks natural and seamless.
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a city website that primarily serves to provide information about city services and amenities. It should also promote tourism and highlight local attractions, along with offering a platform for resident engagement and feedback. Key Features: - The website should provide detailed information about the city, including public transportation, parks and recreation, and emergency services. - A comprehensive section dedicated to the city's historical background, upcoming city events, and a local businesses directory. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong web development skills, particularly in creating informational websites. - Experience in developing interactive chatbots is a must. - Previous work with city ...
I need assistance with my website's full-screen menu. Currently, the menu opens as expected and can be closed by clicking the "X" icon. However, I want users to be able to close the menu by clicking on the overlay background as well. The menu and overlay are already functioning, but the overlay click-to-close feature is missing. I'm looking for someone to implement this feature quickly and efficiently, ensuring no conflicts with existing site functionality or responsiveness.
...freelancer myself, working for someone else, and I hire freelancers for my boss. I cannot risk my boss ending up with a broken website, nor can I afford to lose the work we’ve done. This is why I’m asking: **Please do not apply for this job if you don’t know how to handle Wix properly.** This is serious work, and I don’t want anyone wasting our time or jeopardizing our efforts. **Only contact me if you are 100% confident in your Wix skills.** Looking for Wix Freelancer - Urgent Job I’m looking for a freelancer available immediately to: Add variants to approximately 25 products. Link each variant with the corresponding photo (e.g., dress, kaftan, short tunic). Add options for neckline: V-neck or round neck. Please only contact me...