Rf transmitter and receiver kitproiecte


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2,000 rf transmitter and receiver kit proiecte găsite


$39 Average bid
$39 Oferta medie
12 oferte

Salut, Am un modul in nuxt3 facut cu nuxt-kit si am urmatoarea problema: - nu pot sa accesez o ruta de backend . Multumesc. Nota: Doar pentru romani

$25 Average bid
$25 Oferta medie
2 oferte

...-firme curatare aer conditionat -curatare aer conditionat de camera -solutie de curatat aer conditionat -curatare filtru aer conditionat -curatare unitate interioara aer conditionat -curatare unitate externa aer conditionat -igienizare aparat aer conditionat -husa curatare aer conditionat -curatare igienizare aer conditionat -curatare instalatie aer conditionat -igienizare aer conditionat acasa -kit igienizare aer conditionat -manopera curatare aer conditionat -curatare mucegai aer conditionat -curatare radiator aer conditionat -revizie si curatare aer conditionat -solutie curatare radiator aer conditionat -curatare turbina aer conditionat -curatare tavita aer conditionat Veti primi si 2 video ajutatoare. PS: Nu este nivel de dificultate mare, sunt oferite toate detaliile pentr...

$28 Average bid
$28 Oferta medie
12 oferte

Salut! Cautam o persoana/agentie care sa creeze clipuri de promovare pentru produsele noastre led. Pentru inceput, dorim sa promovam un kit banda led, am atasat 2 clipuri gasite pe internet, ca sa va faceti o idee la ce produs ne referim. Pentru persoana castigatoare, vom trimite si o mostra de produs. Multumesc

$140 Average bid
$140 Oferta medie
10 oferte

3 responsive Html, CSS (SASS), JS layouts for a travel site, executed according to the graphics cr...- Desktop / Mobile 2. Results page - Desktop / Mobile 3. Hotel detail page - Desktop / Mobile Layouts must be done with a CSS framework, such as Google Material Design Web, .. or a Bootstrap Material Design kit (ex Now UI from Creative Tim), MDB, etc. The framework will be chosen in agreement with the developer Google Material design kit for web (the graphics were executed in Adobe XD using this kit) * OR something like Css framework from Creative-Tim * * Project layouts

$516 Average bid
$516 Oferta medie
5 oferte

3, 4 layout-uri responsive html pentru un site web turism, executate după schița grafica (jpg sau photoshop) Home Pagina lista servicii/ Pagina content Pagina contact Layouturile trebuie realizate cu un framework CSS, preferabil unul cunoscut precum Bootstrap, Foundation, material design kit, etc. (se accepta și framework propriu dacă respecta cerințele baza) Schița atașată este doar pentru front un preview, nu este finala și conține doar pagina home.

$151 Average bid
$151 Oferta medie
15 oferte

...necesar să aveți JDK-ul de Java instalat, cel puțin versiunea 1.6. Aplicația va fi dezvoltată pentru versiunea 2.2 pentru a acoperi o plajă cât mai mare de telefoane. Ea va rula însă pe orice telefon care are versiunea mai nouă de 2.2, inclusiv 4.0 și tablete. Configurarea mediului de dezvoltare Primul pas pentru a putea începe este să ne pregătim mediul de dezvoltare. Software Development Kit-ul (SDK) Android este livrat sub forma unui utilitar prin intermediul căruia putem descărca versiunile necesare de API, precum și diverse add-on-uri. Acesta poate fi găsit pe site-ul oficial, aici. În continuare, dezarhivați arhiva într-un director ușor de accesat, de exemplu: ~/Development/SDK/Android. Executați apoi în terminal comanda andro...

$519 Average bid
$519 Oferta medie
28 oferte

...imagini” va fi dezvoltata pe sistemele iOS, Android, cat si Windows, atat in limba romana cat si in limba engleza. Pentru denumirea / Numele aplicatiei – ne dorim sa primim o propunere creativa si de impact. Aplicatia va avea la baza un kit de materiale educationale pe care in prezent sunt aplicate in format fizic (1200 de imagini, structurate in 14 categorii, care exprima diverse actiuni sau stari emotionale ). Kit-ul a fost elaborat special ca suport in terapia copiilor cu Tulburari de Spectru Autist de catre psihologii din domeniu (). Acesta are elemente interactive atractive pentru copii si sunt structurate in programe si subprogram, facilitand procesul de predare - invatare din cadrul sedintelor de recuperare. Pe masura ce aplicatia va fi utilizat...

$7840 Average bid
$7840 Oferta medie
17 oferte

Am un script care atunci cand faci hover peste un element il face mai luminos / brightness increased si cand nu mai este hover / mouse out revine la culoarea initiala . Ca sa il fac mai smooth am adaugat web-kit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out, iar daca cursorul este miscat rapid peste elemente care sunt una langa alta acestea ajung sa se lumineze 100% fiind astfel "pierdute".

$14 Average bid
$14 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Programul trebuie sa opereze un drive head cu piston pe 2 directii (X si Y) sa ia un token si sa il puna intr-un container cilindric + sa verifice cand cilindrul e plin. Am toata descrierea programului cu o lista de inputs,outputs&co care trebuie respectata, cu video-uri si pasi ce trebuie urmati. Am nevoie de cineva care stie sa foloseasca i Tril...drive head cu piston pe 2 directii (X si Y) sa ia un token si sa il puna intr-un container cilindric + sa verifice cand cilindrul e plin. Am toata descrierea programului cu o lista de inputs,outputs&co care trebuie respectata, cu video-uri si pasi ce trebuie urmati. Am nevoie de cineva care stie sa foloseasca i Trilogi si poate sa urmeze instructiunile exact cum sunt trecute acolo. Pot sa ofer si kit-ul de instalare pentru i-Tr...

$193 Average bid
$193 Oferta medie
3 oferte
Trimiterea unor coduri HEX
S-a încheiat left

Va salut Am un cod in format hex si as dori sa il trimit prin emisie radio Emisia radio sa fie puternica atat de puternica incat acel cod sa se poate emite prin plastic sa fie preluat de cabluri mufe etc adica dau un exemplu sa pun acel cod pe o telecomanda RF si cand apas pe un buton sa imi trimita coduk HEX prin orice obstacol si sa fie preluat pe fire Sau prin IR...oricare modalitate dar mai in special prin RF ,,, Modulele RF de pe piata is foarte ,,blande,, si nu injecteaza acel cod hex Va multumesc astept pe cineva care stie

$1468 Average bid
$1468 Oferta medie
1 oferte
Soft Phone
S-a încheiat left

Aplicatia de care am nevoie este un Softphone si trebuie sa ruleze pe windows. Iata specificatiile, in mare: Sa fie protejat de parola, iar daca o sa fie instalabil si kit-ul sa fie de asemenea, protejat de parola. (Ideal e sa fie portabil, insa aici decizi tu in functie de cum iti este mai usor) Fereastra in care se introduce parola are, sub campul de text, buton OK si Cancel, ambele fara functii atribuite. Adevaratul OK va fi localizat, invizibil, altundeva. Telefonul se inregistreaza prin 3 parametrii: Server Username Password (campurile username si password devin hash-uri si nu pot fi vazute in clar) Telefonul functioneaza atat pe protocolul SIP cat si pe IAX2. Telefonul poate deschide oricate linii in paralel. Eventual, fiecare linie noua deschisa, le trec...

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
0 oferte

Experienta in microelectronica digitala, proiectare in ORCAD sau orice alt soft de proiectare asistata, experienta in domeniul RF, muncitor, indemanare, IQ peste 120, se asigura transport, locuinta si salariu motivant. Precizez ca perioada este de minum 2 ani, deci candidatul trebuie sa fie dispus sa plece din RO pt. perioada amintita.

$1500 - $3000
$1500 - $3000
0 oferte

...Pintilie si sunt fondatorul conceptului si firmei 9PM-Running Coach. Mi-am deschis proaspat afacerea si am nevoie de vanzare pentru produsele si serviciile oferite. Ofer deci: produse deja construite - training online pe subiectele de Inteligenta Emotionala si Psihologie Cognitiva in Management Avantajele principale ale clientului sunt: - obtinerea increderii in fortele proprii - obtinerea unui KIT - pachet informational minim necesar pentru a-si schimba radical viata, in bine - exemple din viata reala si de business in care interactiunea cu stimulii, diverse decizii luate si interactiunea cu sine si cu alti oameni conduc la succesul actiunilor planificate - probleme punctuale rezolvabile: start-up-ul propriei afaceri, pierderea in greutate, castigarea unui job mai bun,...

$1506 Average bid
$1506 Oferta medie
2 oferte

...Pintilie si sunt fondatorul conceptului si firmei 9PM-Running Coach. Mi-am deschis proaspat afacerea si am nevoie de vanzare pentru produsele si serviciile oferite. Ofer deci: produse deja construite - training online pe subiectele de Inteligenta Emotionala si Psihologie Cognitiva in Management Avantajele principale ale clientului sunt: - obtinerea increderii in fortele proprii - obtinerea unui KIT - pachet informational minim necesar pentru a-si schimba radical viata, in bine - exemple din viata reala si de business in care interactiunea cu stimulii, diverse decizii luate si interactiunea cu sine si cu alti oameni conduc la succesul actiunilor planificate - probleme punctuale rezolvabile: start-up-ul propriei afaceri, pierderea in greutate, castigarea unui job mai bun,...

$1468 - $2937
$1468 - $2937
0 oferte

...For Adults & Kids Basic Equipment: • Bat (English Willow/Kashmir Willow for Adults, Lightweight for Kids/Thick Plastic Bats for Adult and Kids) • Ball (Leather, Tennis, Rubber, Wind Ball, Swing Ball, Reaction ball) • Stumps & Bails (Wooden/Plastic) • Batting Pads • Batting Gloves • Helmet (with Face Guard) • Thigh Guard • Arm Guard • Chest Guard • Abdominal Guard (L Guard) • Wicket Keeping Gloves & Pads • Cricket Shoes (Spiked or Rubber Studs) • Cricket Whites (Clothing) Accessories & Training Equipment: • Bat Grip • Overgrip • Grip Cone (For Applying Grip) • Knocking Hammer (For Bat Preparation) • Bat Oil (Linseed Oil for Maintenance) • Kit B...

$22 Average bid
$22 Oferta medie
16 oferte

...the Documents we added a bit more to it but is the same core project Description We are looking for an experienced mobile app development team or freelancer to create a self-checkout mobile application for supermarkets and grocery stores. The app must allow customers to scan products using their phone camera, add them to a cart, and complete the payment digitally—eliminating the need for traditional checkout queues. The system should also sync with the store’s inventory in real time, ensuring accurate stock updates and pricing. The goal is to improve customer experience and reduce checkout time with an easy-to-use, mobile-first solution. ? Features & Requirements ✅ Core Features: 1️⃣ Product Scanning – Customers scan products using t...

$5000 - $10000
Sigilat Acord de confidenţialitate
$5000 - $10000
81 oferte

roject Title: Logo & Brand Kit Design for [Your Business Name] Budget: $50 Project Description: We are a labour broker specializing in the warehousing space, where safety is a top priority. Our company connects licensed professionals—qualified to operate forklifts and other warehouse equipment—with warehousing opportunities. We are seeking a creative and experienced graphic designer to develop a professional, memorable logo and a comprehensive brand kit that reflects our industry focus and commitment to safety. While we have a draft concept in mind, we welcome your creative input to refine and enhance our vision. Scope of Work: Logo Design: Create a unique logo that communicates reliability, safety, and professiona...

$75 Average bid
$75 Oferta medie
50 oferte
Advanced GA4 Setup for WordPress Site
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

...GA4 Configuration and Analytics Setup Request 1. Overview The goal is to enhance the performance of the WordPress site and establish a robust analytics setup using Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Tag Manager (GTM) to track user behavior. The target pages are online school pages built with Elementor and Gutenberg. Additionally, conversion tracking for the app installation button is included in the scope. 2. Number of Requested Tasks AB Split Test configuration and GA4 integration (conversion tracking for form display and input, and data connection with GA4). Goal setting for Elementor and Gutenberg (after setup, guidance on how to configure it independently). Optimization of Google Analytics integration for WooCommerce a...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Oferta medie
126 oferte

Looking to have Electro...made that can relay the key information from a distance to a car's door handle to unlock the car and to start the car. Will need 2 devices. First device to grab the key information from a distance and to send it to the second device that will replay it to the car to unlock and start the car. Completed Project will include: 1 Completed Test Device Firmware PCB drawings Manufacturing Files Gerber Files Some kind of plastic housing for the device. Anything generic or off the shelf housing is fine. Any other files that are needed to complete the device. Simple way to program the device with the firmware once we get it manufactured. i.e USB This is for my final project for my Computer Security and Investigations degree. There is...

$250 - $750
Recomandat Sigilat Acord de confidenţialitate
$250 - $750
13 oferte

...logos and current favorite logo). Would like a couple logo (min 3) options to review with board to get approval. Only one point of contact, but board must approve final branding. Starting to order giveaways for summer home shows and want everything to be consistent. Lots of embroderery products for staff, logo will need to be easliy utlized for embrodery. End result: brand identity packet for easy use for employees that includes a list of colors, fonts, and appropriately sized logos and images for drag and drop. File types - (vector) AI, EPS, PNG, JPG etc Color Palette #s – CMYK, RGB, WEB Currently use three colors: Black/White/Orange – probably currently using Vivid Orange HEX # FF5EOE Logo Square(ish) for profile pics, business cards...

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
107 oferte

Keywords: Solar flat-plate receiver, An absorption cooling systems, TRNSYS, . Introduction , Methodology, Model Solution,. Computer Simulation, Results and Discussion Conclusions I'm in need of an engineering specialist who can help me in authoring a research paper focused on modeling and simulating an absorption solar cooling system, specifically in the context of Iraqi weather conditions. The primary objective of this research is to evaluate the performance of solar cooling systems, however, it is crucial that the simulation results provide a detailed technical analysis. Key Expertise: - Engineering background with a strong focus on energy systems and/or climate control. - Experience and knowledge in modeling and simulation, specifically ...

$32 Average bid
$32 Oferta medie
27 oferte

Hello, We are EreaStudio, a video game development studio. We created EreaDrone, our first drone racing simulator. We are now aiming to develop a new drone racing video game and want to establish a completely new visual identity, separate from our existing projects. For this project, we are looking for someone who can create and deliver: - Brand strategy - Creative direction - Visual identity - A set of logos with variations - A kit of patterns, illustrations, palettes, and various assets - Iconography - Brand guidelines - Social media templates - Print templates - Merch templates Experience in game UI design is a plus. This work will be done remotely, but being based in the Lyon or Paris region would be an advantage to facilitate occasiona...

$3939 Average bid
$3939 Oferta medie
56 oferte

Requiero crear una landing page para un upsell de mi producto, es una pagina que debe ser muy sencilla pero llamativa para ofrecer un upsell luego de que mi cliente realiza la compra de uno de mis productos. ES MANDATORIO que se debe hacer en WORDPRESS ya que el resto de mis paginas estan en esta plataforma. Yo entrego todo el texto y las imágenes principales. Yo cuento ya con la tipografía y todo el kit de marca. La necesito para entrega máximo en un día. Adjunto un modelo pero estoy abierto a recibir sugerencias del diseno.

$30 Average bid
$30 Oferta medie
19 oferte

Requiero crear una landing page para un upsell de mi producto, es una pagina que debe ser muy sencilla pero llamativa para ofrecer un upsell luego de que mi cliente realiza la compra de uno de mis productos. ES MANDATORIO que se debe hacer en WORDPRESS ya que el resto de mis paginas estan en esta plataforma. Yo entrego todo el texto y las imágenes principales. Yo cuento ya con la tipografía y todo el kit de marca. La necesito para entrega máximo en un día. Adjunto un modelo pero estoy abierto a recibir sugerencias del diseno.

$132 Average bid
$132 Oferta medie
44 oferte

...designer or design agency to create a cohesive branding kit and packaging design for an emerging pet food brand. The project will involve developing a strong visual identity that resonates with modern pet owners and aligns with our brand’s mission to provide high-quality, health-specific pet food products. Scope of Work: Color Palette and Typography Guidelines Brand Style Guide Packaging Design for Multiple Product Variants (breed-specific, age-specific, health-specific) Mockups for Digital and Print Use Requirements: Proven experience in branding and packaging design, preferably within the pet food or FMCG industry Ability to create visually engaging, modern, and clean designs Strong understanding of design trends that appeal to ...

$78 Average bid
$78 Oferta medie
23 oferte

...converters. The control should be through an ESP32 GPIO and MOSFETs. Key Requirements: - Design for AC input (210V-220V) and DC 48v supplied through USB. Only one Input channel can be active at a time. - AC to DC converter to convert to DC 48V. - 5 unique buck-converter channel using LM2596 ot LM2576 to stepdown the voltage to 3.3v, 5v, 9v,12v, 24v - Each of these unique channel only turn on the Switching regulator once it receives signal from ESP32 GPIO. - Dupont pin (female) connector pin should be available to connect esp32 Dev Kit board (32 pin). - Array of Dupont Femail pin should be available for above 5 channel linked by jumper cable - 1 AC output channel should be available that should also be control via esp32 gpio and TRIAC Note - Must do sim...

$27 Average bid
$27 Oferta medie
11 oferte

I'm looking for a comprehensive and cohesive brand kit for my real estate business, with a modern and minimalist aesthetic. The brand kit should be tailored for Canva and include: - existing logo and refined color scheme - Typography and fonts - Graphics and icons In addition to the brand kit, I need: - 2-3 flyer templates - 2-3 email templates - Business card refinement (both physical and digital) - Social media templates - A buyer/seller guide - A listing sheet - A website homepage design and build (using a GoDaddy template as the base is acceptable) I have some existing branding materials, including logo, and a first pass at a business card; they are all limited. Therefore, I am seeking a profes...

$379 Average bid
$379 Oferta medie
126 oferte

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Recomandat Urgent Acord de confidenţialitate

I'm looking for an expert in RF design to create a cellular receiver for me. This receiver will need to operate in a rural environment, specifically reading and retransmitting 1925MHz signals. Key features of the design should include: - Automatic Gain Control: This will help the receiver adjust to varying signal strengths. - Low Noise Amplification: Essential for improving signal quality and strength. - Feedback Suppression: This will be a bonus if possible, as it could be implemented as a second design. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with RF design, particularly in creating cellular receivers. Understanding of signal retransmission and experience working on projects intended for rural envi...

$139 Average bid
$139 Oferta medie
11 oferte

I'm seeking an expert in brand development and social media content creation. Brand Kit Development: - Design a striking, 'bold and colorful' logo. - Develop an appealing and vibrant color palette. - Create comprehensive typography guidelines and select suitable fonts. Content Creation: - Design the first 100 social media posts using the new brand kit. Ideal candidates should have: - A strong portfolio demonstrating experience in creating bold and colorful brand kits. - Proven expertise in designing engaging social media content. - Excellent understanding of typography and color theory. - Ability to deliver high-quality work within a set timeframe.

$87 Average bid
$87 Oferta medie
86 oferte

I'm looking for an Alexa skill that retrieves and vocalizes my reminders for each day of the week. Key Features: - The skill should only pull reminders and vocalize them on command. - User interaction will solely be through voice commands, so voice recognition and response are crucial. - There will be no need for notifications, the skill will only respond when prompted. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in developing Alexa Skills is a must. - Proficiency in voice user interface (VUI) design. - Strong understanding of Amazon's Alexa Skills Kit (ASK). - Excellent software development skills, particularly in Node.js and JavaScript. - Experience in working with reminder systems. Please include examples of relevant work in y...

$54 Average bid
$54 Oferta medie
25 oferte

...Customer & Driver Documents ✅ Invoice & Receipt Templates ✅ Terms & Conditions Page Design ✅ Privacy Policy Page Design ✅ Driver Welcome Kit (Guidelines, promo materials, referral program) ✅ Rider Support Kit (FAQs, safety guidelines, help center assets) 8. Additional Digital Assets (Expanded & Completed) ✅ App Store & Play Store Screenshots (Showcase images for app listing) • High-resolution screenshots of the app interface. • Features like booking a ride, real-time tracking, fare estimation. • "Why Choose Us" highlights (e.g., safety features, multiple ride options). • Driver and rider dashboards displayed professionally. ✅ Branded QR Codes (For marketing and easy downloads) • Custom QR codes linking to...

$115 Average bid
$115 Oferta medie
56 oferte

...seeking a complete branding package for my multi-oriented company. The package should include: - Unique Logo Design: The logo should reflect the innovation and dynamism characteristic of the international industry,technical,inovation,industrial and electrical aspecsts. - Business Cards: These should integrate seamlessly with the overall branding and convey professionalism and creativity. - Letterhead: A letterhead that aligns with the branding and can be used for formal company correspondence. - Font: A distinctive, tech-appropriate font that can be used across all branding materials. - Social Media Kit: This should comprise branded images and templates for various platforms, ensuring a consistent online presence. Ideal candidates for t...

$107 Average bid
$107 Oferta medie
131 oferte

Queremos desarrollar una web que nos permita internamente gestionar todo lo relacionado con la formación bonificada por FUNDAE El sistema funciona por ejercicios (2025, 2024, etc) - Alta de empresas, modificación. eliminación. Importación del año anterior. Cada empresa tiene acceso a su area privada - Alta de trabajad...de formación - Generación de documentos en Word/PDF (control de asistencia, recibí de material, diplomas, cuestionario calidad, información a la RLT, anexo facturas, informe de evaluación). Posibilidad de envio por email. - Posibilidad de tener un repositorio de documentación cada empresa en cada grupo formativo (ahí se puede subir la documentación firmada de cada curso). - Se valora...

$1176 Average bid
$1176 Oferta medie
105 oferte

I'm looking for a talented illustrator to create 30 minimalist style illustration for an emergency kit. This illustration will be used in emergency kit vehicles and needs to show the steps to help a patient in need. Each steps of each case need tp have a concerning illustration. Key Requirements: - Create a sequence of images demonstrating the steps to assist an individual in an emergency. - Clear, simple, and engaging illustrations that fit a minimalist aesthetic. Same with with the attached file called Capture d’écran 2025-02-10 à Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in creating minimalist illustrations. - Strong understanding of visual storytelling through sequential images. - Ability to simplify complex actions into clear steps. The winner awa...

$104 Average bid
213 intrări

I'm seeking an expert to help me develop a PCB shiled to connect on pin header cinnections ESP32-S3-DEV-KIT-N16R8 shield. PCB will be used to route signals from ESP32 to LPT adapter to be used wiht Fluid NC for CNC contol. No programming, no firmware. Only PCB design. ESP32 is 3.3V and LPT is 5V so optoelectric isolation is required. External power supply of 5V will be used to power shiled and stepdown to 3.3 for ESP32. I need schematics and all gerber files for production.

$31 Average bid
$31 Oferta medie
17 oferte

...replace my PC with parallel port for CNC control, using the ESP32-S3-DEV-KIT-N16R8 shield. The BoB is a 5-axis board and will be connected to the shield. Key Responsibilities: - Ensure the shield performs all necessary functions of the current parallel port: sending control signals, receiving feedback signals, and managing power supply. - Implement the transmission of specific control signals through the shield: step pulses, direction signals, and enable signals. - Facilitate the receipt of expected feedback signals from the CNC machine: end-stop switches, probe signals, and spindle speed feedback. Ideal Skills: - Experience with ESP32-S3-DEV-KIT-N16R8. - Familiarity with CNC control systems. - Proficient in handling control and feedbac...

$28 Average bid
$28 Oferta medie
5 oferte

...Call or send us a text to see when we will be in your area next Ask us about shipping options Supplies we sell getting progressively smaller in font, emphasis on the following (just include list do not label section): BRAKE BLOCKS • ROD & TUBING TOOLS • SWAB CUPS • RUBBER GOODS • FISHING TOOLS • AIR VALVES • HYDRAULIC RIG PUMPS • HAND TOOLS AIR BACK-UP DIES • AIR CAN • AIR CYLINDER • ATTACHMENT KIT • #4 BABBIT • BEARINGS • BIW RUBBER • BRAKE BAND • BRAKE SHOE LINING • BRASS • BUSHING • DERRICK TAPE • DOUBLE ‘E’ • FLAG MATERIAL • GAGE LINE • GLOVES • GLASSES • HARD HAT • HOSE • HOOK & HEELS • HYDRAULIC RIG PUMPS • HYDRAU...

$26 Average bid
$26 Oferta medie
64 oferte

Project Overview: Design and draft / draw a wall-mounted floating closet featuring wooden sliding doors, tailored to accommodate hanging garments and adjustable shelving for shoes and accessories. Dimensions: Width: 83 inches Height: 101 inches Depth: ~22 inches. The goal is to cut a 4x8 sheet of plywood in half as the basic box sides Materials Needed: Lumber and Panels: Plywood Sheets (4x8 feet, ¾ inch thick): 4 sheets Side Panels: 2 pieces at 96" x 22" Top and Bottom Panels: 2 pieces at 83" x 22" Shelves: 4 pieces at 39.5" x 21.5" (adjust quantity as needed) Hardwood for Face Frame: 1x2 inch Boards: Approximately 30 linear feet Sliding Doors: Solid Wood Panels or Hollow Core Veneer Doors: Sized to fit the clo...

$128 Average bid
$128 Oferta medie
27 oferte

I'm looking for a professional to create an engaging and visually appealing DJ press kit for me. The press kit should include: - My bio - High-quality photos - A list of gigs I've done - The genres I play - My instagram page links and contact details The final product should be in a PDF format, designed with a bold and vibrant style. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, copywriting, and an understanding of the music industry. Experience creating press kits or similar materials would be advantageous. Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal.

$11 Average bid
$11 Oferta medie
9 oferte

I have a word document containing the format and structure of our ELISA kit instructions (Boster ). I also have additional word documents from our suppliers with their own kit instructions (boster - (Human SDC1 / Syndecan-1 / CD138 ELISA Kit PicoKine®)) Your task is to: 1. Extract the text from the boster original documents. 2. Reformat the suppliers’ kit instructions to match the style, structure, and formatting of our ELISA kit instructions. removing all trace of their company name and replacing it with ours, as well as any labeling on pictures, cannot be in the new word doc 3. Maintain consistency in headings, font styles, and layout throughout the restructured documents. Headings in calibri 12, body writin...

$11 Average bid
$11 Oferta medie
30 oferte

I have a word document containing the format and structure of our ELISA kit instructions (Boster ). I also have additional word documents from our suppliers with their own kit instructions (booster - (Human SDC1 / Syndecan-1 / CD138 ELISA Kit PicoKine®)) Your task is to: 1. Extract the text from the boster original documents and put them into the corresponding sections in the boster template 2. Reformat the suppliers’ kit instructions to match the style, structure, and formatting of our ELISA kit instructions. removing all trace of their company name and replacing it with ours, as well as any labeling on pictures, cannot be in the new word doc. Text and layout in the new word doc must be calibri 11 for bod...

$19 Average bid
$19 Oferta medie
28 oferte

...user authentication. Below you can find more information and tecnichal rules of the API Tecnical rules GITHUB - Certificate configuraiton - Tecnical procedure - Tecnical rules Italian GOV - Important !! Validation Tool: a work in progress NODE JS rep for SPID - Software Development Kit for SPID access integration with SimpleSAMLphp, it seems to

$515 Average bid
$515 Oferta medie
86 oferte

...create a modern logo and branding kit for our web agency, Valvi Websolutions (). Our current Website is totally outdated, and we want to rebrand ourselves SVG Logo with Color, same Logo with Black and white. Exported Logo only as SVG and Favicon. What We Need: A colored logo that includes both a small graphic and our name next to it. Our main goal is for people to recognize our name rather than just the logo, so the text should be prominent. A professional color scheme, typography, and overall branding that reflects our agency’s identity. A clean, sleek, and minimalistic design that aligns with our target audience. About Us: We specialize in creating websites for medium-sized businesses and want our brand to appear...

$358 Average bid
$358 Oferta medie
134 oferte

We have a store hosted on shopify. We received a message from Shopify indicating deprecation of the current Shopify Checkout API and need tp transition to the new Storefront Cart API or Checkout Sheet Kit. Need Shopify Expert to facilitate the migration.

$90 Average bid
$90 Oferta medie
19 oferte

I need a highly realistic, detailed 3D model of a soccer kit including the jersey, shorts, and socks. The model should be able to represent real-world characteristics such as wrinkles and stitching. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experience in creating detailed and realistic models - Previous work designing sports gear or clothing is a plus - Able to deliver in specific software format Please note, the final 3D model should be delivered in PDF format.

$47 Average bid
$47 Oferta medie
20 oferte

...1080 pixels): Reference: Use images attached Design Layout: Background: Clean, high-contrast background that complements both Black ⚫ and Orange ? (product colors). Subtle road textures or a highway outline in the background to create a travel vibe without overcrowding. Light grey or metallic gradient to keep the focus on the product. Top Section (Headline): Bold, attention-grabbing text: "Tow with Confidence ?⚡" Font: Strong, bold sans-serif (e.g., Montserrat, Oswald) for maximum readability. Main Visual (Center): Product Images: Showcase high-quality images of the Vehicle & Trailer Safety Chain Hook Kit in both Black ⚫ and Orange ?. Display the products diagonally or side-by-side to highlight both color options

$31 Average bid
Recomandat Urgent Garantat Concurs de top

I'm seeking a skilled Flutter developer to build a 5-15 page web app for a package delivery system. This app needs to cater to three user roles: Sender, Receiver, and Admin. Key features are: - Package creation and delivery scheduling - Real-time package tracking - Status updates and changes - Comprehensive package tracking dashboard - Delivery statistics overview User authentication will be through email and password only. The app should also include a simple, intuitive interface to uphold a seamless user experience. At the end of the project, I would require a thorough walkthrough on how to maintain the app myself, as I am familiar with Flutter as a no-code app builder. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Flutter development - Experience in building...

$4340 Average bid
$4340 Oferta medie
123 oferte

I'm seeking a solution for my Windows system to ensure a specific USB device - a Zero Delay Arcade DIY KIT USB ENCODER PC TO JOYSTICK - always appears last in the Game Controllers USB list. This should be consistent across different USB ports, reboots, and system configurations. Key Requirements: - The device should always be identifiable by its position in the list, regardless of how or where it's plugged in. - If absolutely necessary, I'm open to installing additional software or drivers to achieve this goal, but I would prefer not to. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Windows operating system. - Proficiency in USB device management. - Experience in software installation and system configuration. Prefer a software-based solution to ensure the d...

$150 Average bid
$150 Oferta medie
22 oferte