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    2,000 repair kit supplier proiecte găsite


    $39 Average bid
    $39 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    Salut, Am un modul in nuxt3 facut cu nuxt-kit si am urmatoarea problema: - nu pot sa accesez o ruta de backend . Multumesc. Nota: Doar pentru romani

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    ...-firme curatare aer conditionat -curatare aer conditionat de camera -solutie de curatat aer conditionat -curatare filtru aer conditionat -curatare unitate interioara aer conditionat -curatare unitate externa aer conditionat -igienizare aparat aer conditionat -husa curatare aer conditionat -curatare igienizare aer conditionat -curatare instalatie aer conditionat -igienizare aer conditionat acasa -kit igienizare aer conditionat -manopera curatare aer conditionat -curatare mucegai aer conditionat -curatare radiator aer conditionat -revizie si curatare aer conditionat -solutie curatare radiator aer conditionat -curatare turbina aer conditionat -curatare tavita aer conditionat Veti primi si 2 video ajutatoare. PS: Nu este nivel de dificultate mare, sunt oferite toate detaliile pentr...

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    Salut! Cautam o persoana/agentie care sa creeze clipuri de promovare pentru produsele noastre led. Pentru inceput, dorim sa promovam un kit banda led, am atasat 2 clipuri gasite pe internet, ca sa va faceti o idee la ce produs ne referim. Pentru persoana castigatoare, vom trimite si o mostra de produs. Multumesc

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    Project for Arpit A.
    S-a încheiat left

    Bună, Arpit A.. Ți-am remarcat profilul și-aș dori să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile pe chat. 1 50 5 days complete design of admin and agent panel 2 300 7 days admintagentlogin, product/supplier/employee add/edit/delete/stock/, agents will see prod PO, Chat, order form, order confirmation, sales process, sms gateway 4 100 5 days I nvoice, barcode generation,adding and remove the products by scanning barcodes, convert to Romania language 5 150 2 days Testing and live Total 600 28 days

    $600 - $600
    $600 - $600
    0 oferte

    3 responsive Html, CSS (SASS), JS layouts for a travel site, executed according to the graphics cr...- Desktop / Mobile 2. Results page - Desktop / Mobile 3. Hotel detail page - Desktop / Mobile Layouts must be done with a CSS framework, such as Google Material Design Web, .. or a Bootstrap Material Design kit (ex Now UI from Creative Tim), MDB, etc. The framework will be chosen in agreement with the developer Google Material design kit for web (the graphics were executed in Adobe XD using this kit) * OR something like Css framework from Creative-Tim * * Project layouts

    $516 Average bid
    $516 Oferta medie
    5 oferte
    Trophy icon LOGO magazin EBIKE
    S-a încheiat left

    Am nevoie de LOGO pentru magazin cu punct de vanzare si reparatii de biciclete electrice. Logoul trebuie sa fie reprezentativ. Va fi folosit pe carti de vizita, stickere, panouri etc. Nume: e bike Culori: #00b7b7 #a2a2a2 #004a93 #141414 #d8ffec I need the LOGO for a shop and repair point of electric bicycles. The Logo must be representative. It will be used on business cards, stickers, panels, etc. Name: E Bike Colors: #00b7b7 #a2a2a2 #004a93 #141414 #d8ffec

    $394 Average bid
    105 intrări

    3, 4 layout-uri responsive html pentru un site web turism, executate după schița grafica (jpg sau photoshop) Home Pagina lista servicii/ Pagina content Pagina contact Layouturile trebuie realizate cu un framework CSS, preferabil unul cunoscut precum Bootstrap, Foundation, material design kit, etc. (se accepta și framework propriu dacă respecta cerințele baza) Schița atașată este doar pentru front un preview, nu este finala și conține doar pagina home.

    $158 Average bid
    $158 Oferta medie
    16 oferte
    Project for vtechiti 2
    S-a încheiat left

    develop and repair existing bug

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    I want to develop a management application for GSM service! -inputs and exits from service with issuance of documents (entry sheet, notice note, guarantee certificate, etc.) -posts of repair -localization of products in service or outsourcing -Guest of customers -stage store - product management - invoice issuance, proforma, house register, management report, non-fiscal receipt -marketing - sms, mail -all import / export data vcf. csv I also have some application models of this type that can be used as an example!

    $2106 Average bid
    $2106 Oferta medie
    33 oferte

    ...necesar să aveți JDK-ul de Java instalat, cel puțin versiunea 1.6. Aplicația va fi dezvoltată pentru versiunea 2.2 pentru a acoperi o plajă cât mai mare de telefoane. Ea va rula însă pe orice telefon care are versiunea mai nouă de 2.2, inclusiv 4.0 și tablete. Configurarea mediului de dezvoltare Primul pas pentru a putea începe este să ne pregătim mediul de dezvoltare. Software Development Kit-ul (SDK) Android este livrat sub forma unui utilitar prin intermediul căruia putem descărca versiunile necesare de API, precum și diverse add-on-uri. Acesta poate fi găsit pe site-ul oficial, aici. În continuare, dezarhivați arhiva într-un director ușor de accesat, de exemplu: ~/Development/SDK/Android. Executați apoi în terminal comanda andro...

    $519 Average bid
    $519 Oferta medie
    28 oferte

    ...imagini” va fi dezvoltata pe sistemele iOS, Android, cat si Windows, atat in limba romana cat si in limba engleza. Pentru denumirea / Numele aplicatiei – ne dorim sa primim o propunere creativa si de impact. Aplicatia va avea la baza un kit de materiale educationale pe care in prezent sunt aplicate in format fizic (1200 de imagini, structurate in 14 categorii, care exprima diverse actiuni sau stari emotionale ). Kit-ul a fost elaborat special ca suport in terapia copiilor cu Tulburari de Spectru Autist de catre psihologii din domeniu (). Acesta are elemente interactive atractive pentru copii si sunt structurate in programe si subprogram, facilitand procesul de predare - invatare din cadrul sedintelor de recuperare. Pe masura ce aplicatia va fi utilizat...

    $7840 Average bid
    $7840 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    Arrange a Wordpress theme , -inserare field Embed youtube video user profile (supplier ) The review -organizing supplier and organizer auction theme -traducere Aranjeaza o tema in Wordpress, -inserare field video embed youtube in profil user (furnizor) -sistem de review pentru furnizor si organizatorul licitatie -traducere tema

    $603 Average bid
    $603 Oferta medie
    74 oferte

    We care your Mobile Repair&ِAِccessories

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 oferte

    Am un script care atunci cand faci hover peste un element il face mai luminos / brightness increased si cand nu mai este hover / mouse out revine la culoarea initiala . Ca sa il fac mai smooth am adaugat web-kit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out, iar daca cursorul este miscat rapid peste elemente care sunt una langa alta acestea ajung sa se lumineze 100% fiind astfel "pierdute".

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Programul trebuie sa opereze un drive head cu piston pe 2 directii (X si Y) sa ia un token si sa il puna intr-un container cilindric + sa verifice cand cilindrul e plin. Am toata descrierea programului cu o lista de inputs,outputs&co care trebuie respectata, cu video-uri si pasi ce trebuie urmati. Am nevoie de cineva care stie sa foloseasca i head cu piston pe 2 directii (X si Y) sa ia un token si sa il puna intr-un container cilindric + sa verifice cand cilindrul e plin. Am toata descrierea programului cu o lista de inputs,outputs&co care trebuie respectata, cu video-uri si pasi ce trebuie urmati. Am nevoie de cineva care stie sa foloseasca i Trilogi si poate sa urmeze instructiunile exact cum sunt trecute acolo. Pot sa ofer si kit-ul de instalare pentru i-Tr...

    $193 Average bid
    $193 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Soft Phone
    S-a încheiat left

    Aplicatia de care am nevoie este un Softphone si trebuie sa ruleze pe windows. Iata specificatiile, in mare: Sa fie protejat de parola, iar daca o sa fie instalabil si kit-ul sa fie de asemenea, protejat de parola. (Ideal e sa fie portabil, insa aici decizi tu in functie de cum iti este mai usor) Fereastra in care se introduce parola are, sub campul de text, buton OK si Cancel, ambele fara functii atribuite. Adevaratul OK va fi localizat, invizibil, altundeva. Telefonul se inregistreaza prin 3 parametrii: Server Username Password (campurile username si password devin hash-uri si nu pot fi vazute in clar) Telefonul functioneaza atat pe protocolul SIP cat si pe IAX2. Telefonul poate deschide oricate linii in paralel. Eventual, fiecare linie noua deschisa, le trec...

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 oferte

    ...Pintilie si sunt fondatorul conceptului si firmei 9PM-Running Coach. Mi-am deschis proaspat afacerea si am nevoie de vanzare pentru produsele si serviciile oferite. Ofer deci: produse deja construite - training online pe subiectele de Inteligenta Emotionala si Psihologie Cognitiva in Management Avantajele principale ale clientului sunt: - obtinerea increderii in fortele proprii - obtinerea unui KIT - pachet informational minim necesar pentru a-si schimba radical viata, in bine - exemple din viata reala si de business in care interactiunea cu stimulii, diverse decizii luate si interactiunea cu sine si cu alti oameni conduc la succesul actiunilor planificate - probleme punctuale rezolvabile: start-up-ul propriei afaceri, pierderea in greutate, castigarea unui job mai bun,...

    $1506 Average bid
    $1506 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    ...Pintilie si sunt fondatorul conceptului si firmei 9PM-Running Coach. Mi-am deschis proaspat afacerea si am nevoie de vanzare pentru produsele si serviciile oferite. Ofer deci: produse deja construite - training online pe subiectele de Inteligenta Emotionala si Psihologie Cognitiva in Management Avantajele principale ale clientului sunt: - obtinerea increderii in fortele proprii - obtinerea unui KIT - pachet informational minim necesar pentru a-si schimba radical viata, in bine - exemple din viata reala si de business in care interactiunea cu stimulii, diverse decizii luate si interactiunea cu sine si cu alti oameni conduc la succesul actiunilor planificate - probleme punctuale rezolvabile: start-up-ul propriei afaceri, pierderea in greutate, castigarea unui job mai bun,...

    $1468 - $2937
    $1468 - $2937
    0 oferte

    I am in need of a skilled and experienced plumber to address a leak issue with my concrete water tank. The leak is located at the top of the tank. Ideal Skills and Experience - Expertise in repairing concrete water tanks - Proven track record of leak detection and repair - Excellent problem-solving skills - Ability to work safely and efficiently at heights - Good communication skills to explain issues and solutions

    $1 - $5 / hr
    $1 - $5 / hr
    0 oferte

    I'm in need of a reliable supplier for ZTE and Huawei branded routers. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience in sourcing suppliers from platforms like Alibaba or other social sites. Key Responsibilities: - Find and verify suppliers of ZTE and Huawei routers. - Ensure suppliers have a good reputation and can provide quality products. - Negotiate prices and terms of service with suppliers. Skills and Experience Required: - Experience in supplier sourcing, particularly from Alibaba or other social sites. - Familiarity with ZTE and Huawei products, specifically networking equipment. - Strong negotiation skills. - Good understanding of quality assurance processes.

    $114 Average bid
    Acord de confidenţialitate
    $114 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...highly desired. The software should be compatible with desktop. The software should include user roles and permissions management. The software should also be accessible via web-based platforms. Property Listings & Tenant Management – Track units, leases, and tenant details. Accounting & Financials – Rent collection, expense tracking, invoicing, and reporting. Maintenance & Work Orders – Manage repair requests and vendor assignments. Lease Management – Automate lease renewals, rent increases, and compliance tracking. Online Payments & Tenant Portals – Enable tenants to pay rent online and submit requests. Owner & Investor Reporting – Provide financial reports for property owners. AI & Automation – Automate remind...

    $786 Average bid
    $786 Oferta medie
    79 oferte

    We're looking for a Dispatcher Manager with exceptional communication skills to lead our home appliance repair service. Your role will involve scheduling, technician coordination, job progress monitoring, customer interaction, and issue resolution. Responsibilities: - Handling customer requests and scheduling repair appointments - Coordinating work between technicians and clients - Monitoring job progress and ensuring timely service delivery - Keeping records of completed repairs and customer interactions - Resolving customer issues and ensuring high service quality Requirements: - Outstanding communication skills - Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite - Extensive experience in home appliance repairs - Strong organizational skills - Ability to multitask and work under...

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Oferta medie
    14 oferte
    Oracle Visual Builder Developer Form
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    Hello, I need a skilled developer to create finish a Oracle Visual Builder form for internal staff to search supplier data, I look forward to collaborating with someone who can help me shape this project. Happy Bidding

    $95 Average bid
    $95 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Fix ABA (Australian Bankers’ Association) file generation issues in a React-based web app. Ensure ABA files pass bank validation checks. Identify formatting errors and correct header, transaction, and footer records. Current Tech Stack Frontend: React (TypeScript), Vite, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui. State Management: TanStack Query (React Query). File Processing: JavaScript/TypeScript logic for text-based ABA file creation. Key Objectives ✅ Analyze & Fix ABA File Structure – Ensure proper formatting, spacing, and field alignments. ✅ Implement Validation Checks – Prevent invalid ABA files from being generated. ✅ Test ABA Files – Validate against bank portal and other verification tools. ✅ Enhance User Experience (Optional) – UI feedback for errors, preview opti...

    $131 Average bid
    $131 Oferta medie
    29 oferte

    I need a highly realistic, detailed 3D model of a soccer kit including the jersey, shorts, and socks. The model should be able to represent real-world characteristics such as wrinkles and stitching. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experience in creating detailed and realistic models - Previous work designing sports gear or clothing is a plus - Able to deliver in specific software format Please note, the final 3D model should be delivered in PDF format.

    $52 Average bid
    $52 Oferta medie
    15 oferte
    Orofle SMC
    6 zile left

    Orofle (from ) Online Regional Official First Level E-Commerce Respected Company, We are an upcoming portal for online shopping where your business is one of the category for online shopping for Retail/WHOLESALE (B2B). A Manufacturer can also provide this service to their Supplier for smooth supply. The booking for Franchise Dealership has been started. Category Ownership / Franchise Type Rs. Per Month @country level 25000/- + GST Product Maintenance Per Year Rs. 100 Each Unlimited User IDs Available Categories - Artificial Jewellery (Excluding Gold; Platinum & Silver etc.) - Electronics (TV, Washing Machine, Mobiles Phones, Cooler, AC, Press, Heater & Geysers etc. Computers Products, Desktop/Laptop etc.) - Garm...

    $68 Average bid
    $68 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    FoxPro Program Error Repair
    16 ore left
    Cont confirmat

    I need a FoxPro program fixed. When I try to use the program I receive the following message: Proc CAL1099 line 64, type mismatch (in filter). Need to have this fixed.

    $53 / hr Average bid
    $53 / hr Oferta medie
    15 oferte
    Urgent MySQL Connection Error Repair
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm facing a pressing issue with my MySQL database. The connection error occurs during database startup, preventing access and causing significant downtime. I require a skilled database administrator with extensive experience with MySQL who can promptly diagnose and repair this issue.

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Oferta medie
    81 oferte

    ...Ad (1080 x 1080 pixels): Reference: Use images attached Design Layout: Background: Clean, high-contrast background that complements both Black ⚫ and Orange ? (product colors). Subtle road textures or a highway outline in the background to create a travel vibe without overcrowding. Light grey or metallic gradient to keep the focus on the product. Top Section (Headline): Bold, attention-grabbing text: "Tow with Confidence ?⚡" Font: Strong, bold sans-serif (e.g., Montserrat, Oswald) for maximum readability. Main Visual (Center): Product Images: Showcase high-quality images of the Vehicle & Trailer Safety Chain Hook Kit in both Black ⚫ and Orange ?. Display the products diagonally or side-by-side to highlight both

    $31 Average bid
    Recomandat Urgent Garantat Concurs de top

    ...user. People should be able to choose a repair, be it simple or advanced, by choosing a repair from the a list once they selected their brand and device. - An integrated SMS and email system to notify users about their appointments, also with cron options to inform customers after a succesfull repair appointment but also 1 or 2 hours before the repair is planned as a reminder. - The amount of brands and models should be updateable by new plugin updates to keep adding new devices. - Prices of each and every repair that is listed should be changable in the backend for users to be able to selected their own prices and margins per repair. - Plugin needs to be able to take feed and/or api data from multiple wholesale suppliers to suggest prices per ...

    $2155 Average bid
    $2155 Oferta medie
    132 oferte

    I'm looking to build a Shopify dropshipping website centered around electronics. I need full assistance with product sourcing and supplier integration. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with Shopify and dropshipping - Strong knowledge of electronics product sourcing - Ability to integrate with reliable suppliers - Skills in creating engaging and user-friendly e-commerce websites Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. Thank you!

    $242 Average bid
    $242 Oferta medie
    41 oferte
    Bat File Repair & Explanation
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    need to fix a bat file and explain to me how you fixed it here is the code i dont discuss the prize of payment i only accept what you bid if you want to talk to me about budget i will leave the chat please respect my wishes @echo off SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION REM Define source file, destination folder, and executable SET "SOURCE_FILE=C:UsersmartiMusicver" SET "DESTINATION_FOLDER=C:Program Files (x86)PCGameBoostSmart Game Booster5.3.1" SET "EXECUTABLE_FILE=C:Program Files (x86)PCGameBoostSmart Game Booster5.3.1" REM Check if the source file exists IF NOT EXIST "%SOURCE_FILE%" ( echo ERROR: Source file not found: %SOURCE_FILE% exit /b 1 ) REM Create destination folder if it does not exist IF NOT EXIST "%DESTINATION_...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Settling the payment for 4 suppliers found and verified

    $45 Average bid
    $45 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...Insights & Demographics: Analyze order trends, geographic sales, and repeat customers✅ Error Handling & Troubleshooting: Identify and correct data discrepancies✅ Customer Service Data Integration: Assist in managing customer inquiries, tracking refunds, and organizing order follow-ups✅ Administrative & Operations Support: Help with managing daily reports, updating spreadsheets, and organizing supplier communications✅ Marketing & Ad Data Analysis: Provide insights into top-performing products, ad spend efficiency, and geographic targeting for campaigns✅ Social Media Management & Analytics: Track and report on social media performance, engagement rates, follower growth, and ad ROI✅ Content & Ad Creative Coordination: Assist in creating, organizing, and optim...

    $8 - $15 / hr
    Recomandat Urgent Sigilat
    $8 - $15 / hr
    36 oferte

    I need help uploading 300 items onto my Shopify store. The products are categorized by category and involve 15-20 different product types, so a lot of the work will be repetitive. Your tasks will include: - Sorting through a library of images based on an invoice from my supplier. - Uploading products and filling in specific attributes, primarily price and description. Ideal skills include: - Previous experience with Shopify. - Attention to detail for sorting images and filling in product information accurately. - Basic understanding of price and product description formatting. The project needs to be completed within 2 days. Products will not require any variant options. Tags are not needed for this project. Organize the products by product type on the store. Additionally, SKUs n...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Oferta medie
    110 oferte

    I'm seeking a solution for my Windows system to ensure a specific USB device - a Zero Delay Arcade DIY KIT USB ENCODER PC TO JOYSTICK - always appears last in the Game Controllers USB list. This should be consistent across different USB ports, reboots, and system configurations. Key Requirements: - The device should always be identifiable by its position in the list, regardless of how or where it's plugged in. - If absolutely necessary, I'm open to installing additional software or drivers to achieve this goal, but I would prefer not to. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Windows operating system. - Proficiency in USB device management. - Experience in software installation and system configuration. Prefer a software-based solution to ensure the device position...

    $152 Average bid
    $152 Oferta medie
    22 oferte

    I am experiencing random power outages in my home. These outages are happening throughout the day, with no specific pattern or trigger. I need a professional with experience in electrical systems to assess the problem and carry out the necessary repairs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in electrical systems - Problem-solving skills to diagnose the cause of power outages - Ability to carry out necessary repairs - Good communication skills to explain the situation and solution

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    ...Corporate Pitch Deck – A well-structured PowerPoint/Google Slides deck introducing our agency, services, case studies, and value proposition. ✅ Sales Collaterals – Professionally designed sales one-pagers for our key services. ✅ Case Study Templates – Branded layouts to showcase client success stories. ✅ Pricing & Proposal Templates – Customizable templates for client pitches. ✅ Client Onboarding Kit – A branded, professional onboarding document for new clients. ✅ Brand Consistency – Ensure the design follows our corporate colour guidelines, fonts, and overall visual identity. Ideal Candidate Should Have: ? Proven experience in corporate presentation design ? Expertise in PowerPoint, Canva, Visme, or Adobe InDesign. ? Understanding of dig...

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    I am looking for a professional app developer to create an e-commerce app similar to SHEIN, specifically targeting the Jordanian market. The app should connect end-users with local retailers, both big and small. In addition, a supplier website is needed for retailers to display their products. android app and supplier web and Admin panel  App Features: - Multiple product categories: Women, Men, Kids, Shoes, Sport, Bags, Lingerie and Sleep wear, Toys, Home, Jewelry, Accessories, Pets, Electronics, Appliances - Support for Visa card transactions - Order tracking with a unique pin code - A merchant panel - Support for discount codes and coupons - Option for users to create and manage wishlists - Support for Arabic and English languages - Allow users to leave and read prod...

    $552 Average bid
    $552 Oferta medie
    60 oferte

    I need a skilled developer to create finish a Oracle Visual Builder form for internal staff to search supplier data. Project Files and Scope Attached

    $165 Average bid
    $165 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    I'm looking for an expert who can manage a Google Ads campaign for third party Apple and windows devices Repair service. The primary goal of this campaign is to generate leads. As you already know google has banned third party repair business with its policies. However there are still ad campaigns running, for repair businesses and their websites, shows as sponsored ads. There is a particular way of running these ads so google still shows the websites and landing pages and does not suspend it. Only bid on this project if you are aware of this method and have experience in this. Otherwise please do not bid. Key requirements include: - Experience with Google Ads campaigns that circumvent restrictions on advertising third-party repairs. - Ability to create ads ...

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Oferta medie
    68 oferte

    I need an OCR and document management expert to streamline our equipment verification process. The project involves: - Creating an OCR system for immediate delivery note checks - Automating how we handle discrepancies and supplier disputes - Setting up real-time alerts for pertinent teams I prefer the use of Python and OCR technologies like Tesseract or Google Vision, as well as ERP systems and APIs. The project is estimated to take two weeks and will be conducted remotely on a freelance basis.

    $640 Average bid
    $640 Oferta medie
    56 oferte

    We are looking for an expert in scraping, APIs, and ERP integration to automate stock management and product substitution in case of shortages. Main Tasks: - Automate the consultation of internal and supplier stock levels. - Develop an alert system for stock shortages. - Integrate an intelligent substitution solution and update quotes in Sage. Preferred Technologies: Python, Web Scraping (BeautifulSoup, Scrapy), REST API, Sage. Estimated Duration: 2 weeks Work Mode: Remote freelance

    $531 Average bid
    $531 Oferta medie
    69 oferte

    I'm seeking a seasoned developer proficient in OCR, RPA, and Sage integration to revolutionize our invoice and supplier management system. Key Responsibilities: - Build an OCR tool to seamlessly extract crucial details from invoices. - Connect this tool with Sage for hassle-free record maintenance. - Streamline invoice matching with purchase orders and contracts. - Set up an automated supplier reminder system. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Python and AI OCR (Tesseract, Google Vision). - Proficient in Sage API and RPA tools (UiPath, Power Automate). - Previous experience in automating invoice systems. I'm looking to complete this project in approximately 3 weeks. The work will be done remotely.

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Oferta medie
    54 oferte

    ...AI-based or rule-based pricing tools to adjust prices in real time. Sales & Revenue Forecasting: Analyze historical sales data to forecast future revenue. Identify seasonal trends and adjust marketing and pricing strategies accordingly. Product Selection & Profitability Analysis: Identify high-margin and high-demand products. Remove low-performing SKUs to optimize the product catalog. Analyze supplier costs, shipping fees, and refund rates. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Improve product page design, descriptions, and CTAs to enhance conversions. Conduct A/B testing for different product pricing and promotional offers. Marketing & Discount Strategies: Develop and monitor promotional campaigns, including flash sales and bundle deals. Collaborate with PPC and SE...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Oferta medie
    36 oferte

    Sales Agent Opportunity – Commission-Based | Furniture Hardware (Door Handles & Locks) | USA Market About Us:We are a leading manufacturer and exporter , supplier of high-quality Furniture Hardware, specializing in Furniture Door Handles and Locks. With a strong presence in the industry, we are now looking to expand our business in the USA market by partnering with proactive and results-driven Sales Agents. Opportunity Overview:We are seeking independent Sales Agents who can help us grow our B2B sales by identifying and engaging with potential clients such as furniture hardware importers, wholesalers, furniture manufacturers, and retailers in the USA. This role is purely commission-based, meaning the agent will earn a commission only when a deal is successfully closed an...

    $239 Average bid
    $239 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    3D Print of Intricate Sci-Fi Model
    5 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm in need of a highly detailed, 3D printed model kit of the 'Ultron Quinjet' from the sci-fi genre. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 3D modelling and printing - Ability to create high-level intricate details - Experience with sci-fi model kits The final product will serve as a display piece, so craftsmanship and attention to detail are paramount. Please provide examples of similar projects you have worked on.

    $373 Average bid
    $373 Oferta medie
    58 oferte
    Odoo Customisation Expert
    5 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    -Entry of products for arrangement: When a product (shirt, for example) enters the system for repair, the product code will be automatically recognized from the inventory and will be associated with a repair order after the sale is executed. - Fix details record: The details of the arrangement (type of modification) are recorded and associated with the garment. - Internal Arrangement: The internal arrangement subtype must not be blocked when entering a part (it is not in returns blocking) - Blocking returns: If at any time an attempt is made to return a product that has already been fixed, the system must automatically block it. (aspects of internal arrangements). - Unlocking returns by authorized user: Only a user with special privileges will be able to disable this res...

    $524 Average bid
    $524 Oferta medie
    54 oferte

    I need an experienced developer to configure the eBroker Real Estate Kit. The admin panel is already installed—your task is to set up the web app and Flutter mobile app to integrate with it. Scope Web App: Deploy to a live server Mobile App: Requirements Experience with , Flutter, Firebase Timeline: 3–5 days.

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Oferta medie
    12 oferte