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...objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this new Android version. Finally, we aim to publish the app on the Google Play Store after completing the update process, ensuring it is available for download by a broader audience. This update is crucial not only for current users who have transitioned to Android 14 but also for new users who will be operating on this platform. As technology advances and users increasingly migrate to the latest Android version, maintaining app compatibility is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction, retaining market share, and expanding our ...
Ceau Ionel, am o problema cu Upgrade la prestshop imi da Errors Download complete but MD5 sum does not match (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e). am am avut un proiect lehat se ssh care l ai rezolvat in trecut, astept un raspuns de la tine daca ma poti ajuta cu noua problema care o am. Multumesc
Descriere pasi proiect: - Importul si prelucrarea comenzilor in format xml (download de pe ftp) - Alocare produse din stoc pe codurile comandate(codurile de baza) cu posibilitatea de editare .Explicatie procedura:Exista un tabel in excel care contine codurile de baza(codurile de categorie) si codurile de sortiment (ex pe culori:cod produs rosu, cod produs galben, cod produs portoclaiu,etc), fiecare cod de sortiment are o anumita disponibilitate(stoc). In momentul in care vine comanda(pe ftp) de la clientul x, trebuie verificat daca suma stocurilor de sortiment este indeajuns astfel incat sa satisfacem comanda si se proceseaza catre urmatorul suma stocului de sortiment nu este satisfacatoare (sub comanda sau chiar 0) trebuie interogat userul: nu livram acest produs catre client
...optiuni: - analog jack 3.5mm - HDMI - Bluetooth - rebroadcasting (compatibil Sonos) – compatibilitate programe DarkIce si Icecast2; d) Modificarea softului existent pentru a citi din fisierul de configurare descris la punctul (b) care este mediul de stocare utilizat pentru stocarea datelor sub forma cuvintelor cheie QberryStorage= (USB, SD) d) actualizarea configuratiei software prin download fisier de configurare mentionat la pct (b) utilizand conexiuni securizate FTPS cu verificare perioadica necesitate actualizare si fara interventia remote pe dispozitivul Raspberry Pi pentru act...
...ridicarea unui shop pentru produse online pe platforma Shopify: 1. Configurare Tema Shopify in limba romana 2. Configurare produse cu download instant 3. Facturier (o aplicatie prietenoasa cu contabilul) 4. Configurare produse cu membership - dupa ce plata a fost facuta sa fie creat un cont automat pe o platoforma unde poate viziona un curs online (ca alternativa, o aplicatie care poate oferi acces pe baza de user si parola in mod automat dupa ce plata a fost facuta) 5. Integrare module de plata (gen mobil pay) 6. Integrare curier (fancurier/dhl) 7. Rezolvare probleme ce pot aparea in urma implementarii modulelor. Shopul va contine 6 produse dintre care 2 sunt cu download instant; 1 curs online; 2 cursuri online + varianta fizica DVD + 1 carte insotita de alte fisiere do...
1. Buton de vazut bookinguri pe bilet ( sa arate si numele ghidului ) 2. Afisare toate orele pe ecranu de live booking 3. Creem clasa nou de utilizatori numiti ghid 4. Inlocuim Tour Guide cu utilizatorii veniti din clasa "ghid". 5. In orders sa apara numele ghidului care a fost atribuit biletului 6. In managament butonul de export listeaza pe aceasi pagina si facem inca unul de download sa poti salva exportul. 7. La person types adaugam pret de custom price 8. In pagina de export din management facem statistica cu pretul original al biletului. 9. In ecranul de orders filtru dupa agent 10. In ecranul de management scoatem filtrarea pe ora punem doar pe zi 11. Adaugam filtru de range pentru management 12. Mai adaugam un tip de pret care sa apara doar la case 13. Panou sepa...
Buna ziua, Am facut download la modulul de plati cu cardul de la mobilpay special pentru WHMCS. Am nevoie de cineva care sa-l configureze sa functioneze plata cu cardul. Multumesc
Realizarea unui feed de remarking pentru campania de promovare prin Adwords. Acesta va permite ca remarketingul sa se actualizeze zilnic, automat. Mentiuni: - Scopul acestui feed este setarea campaniei de Remarketing in contul Adwords. - Fisierul trebuie sa fie .txt in format CSV sau TSV (Tab Separated Values) si sa fie afisat pe pagina (deci sa nu se faca download) - Fisierul trebuie sa fie codat in formatul UTF-8. - spatiile din url-uri trebuie inlocuite cu *** 20. - Ordinea coloanelor si denumirile trebuie sa fie identice cu acestea. - 'item category' este subcategoria de produs, cea mai apropiata de produs. De exemplu la al doilea produs nu este 'Accesorii' ci 'Casti Bluetooth' - 'item title' este nu...
Am nevoie de download si adaugare subtitrare pentru un filmulet de pe youtube care are 4 min. Am nevoie sa am fisierul cel tarziu miercuri, 29 iunie, la ora 12.
Un modul in Opencart, mai exact in cosul de cumparaturi trebuie facut un formular care sa preia automat ce selecteaza clientul, ulterior trebuie stocat intr-o baza de date astfel incat sa ramana daca se intoarce clientul si vrea sa continue comanda, tot ce va selecta clientul in formular sa se trimita si in comanda pe e-mail la client si la administrator, modulul poate continua si cu un download automat dupa ce clientul cumpara.
Salut, Am 2 siteuri web recent creeate si caut un baiat serios sa adauge zilnic articole, nu trebuie sa scrieti articolul simplu copy paste de pe aste site-uri si la sfarsit scriem sursa! Siteul 1: Download Muzica este un site de descarcat muzica gratuit, trebuie sa uploadati zilnic cel putin 10 melodii pe site. Nu trebuie sa descarcati si sa faceti upload, luati linkuri de download direct de pe internet. Siteul 2: Stiri online, copy paste de pe alte siteuri cu sursa la sfarsit. Minim 15 articole in fiecare zi, 5 pana in ora 10 dimineata, intre ora 12:00 - 22:00 iar inca 5 seara intre ora 18:30 si 20:00 Plata se va face aici pe freelancer! Doar bidderi seriosi va rog! Scrieti in oferta care este timpul de care ai nevoie pe zi si pretul pe zi pentru aceasta munca...
This is a very small task, but it will get a successful freelancer a 5-star...la lipsa de coerenţă a cadrului juridic românesc privind jocurile de noroc", prezenta ordonanţă de urgenţă propune reglementări legislative care să evite încălcarea prevederilor Tratatului privind funcţionarea Uniunii Europene, dar în acelaşi timp să servească intereselor consacrate prin monopolul de stat în domeniul jocurilor de noroc. The quote is from this source: We need a replacement quote for the same fact, or another quote confirming that ordinary Romanian people are not punished for gambling online, even in an unlicensed casino. The quote needs to come from an official source. We need the original quote, plus English translation.
...pagina care nu condite decat un text in partea stanga , iar in partea dreapta un buton de download pentru produs . Sa se poata plati prin transfer bancar , sms si cu cardul direct si raburs ( de asta ma ocup eu cu procesatorul de plati , insa doar implementarea am nevoie ) . Domeniul si gazduirea o voi lua azi . NU doresc folosirea unei platforme integrate care sa imi ofere ei gazduire . Doresc gazduirea cumparata de mine , pe banda si trafic cumparat de mine . Cred ca opencart ar fi ok . Mai mult de 30 minute nu cred ca dureaza toata operatia ( am inclus si pornirea calculatorului ) , eu trebuie sa ma ocup de alte detalii legate de site , ca l-as face eu . Deci text ( deja scris de mine ) buton de download cu pretul afisat , plata si detalii despre persoana , firma , pe...
Buna ziua, Doresc sa initiez un proiect care consta in realizarea unei platforme Ecommerce, cu file de format ( ). Ideea este ca, materialele inregistrate in formatul precizat, sa fie disponibile, pentru vizualizare fara a exista posibilitatea de download. Sau, sa fie o metoda prin care , utilizatorii cursurilor inregistrate, sa nu poata downloada si disemnina informatiile.
Cautam persoana cu experienta de lucru in SPSS, Quantum si Quanvert pentru exportarea/importarea de baze de date dintr-o platforma in alta.
[Doar Pentru Romani ] - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi promoveze reteaua PPD proaspata deschisa. -Durata Proiectului: 30 de zile - Buget 250 $ - Platesc pe referral activ adus ( 25$/ref activ) - deci cand sunt adusi 10 referrali activi proiectul se incheie cu succes. - Se intelege prin Referral activ orice membru al retelei PPD care a cumulat minim 10 $ in 30 de zile (nu e greu deloc) - Membri adusi trebuie sa fie persoane reale (fara conturi multiple, conturi falese etc.) in caz contrar se intrerupe colaborarea [CERINTE] 1. Persoana interesata trebuie sa stie stie ce inseamna o retea PPD sau sa fi lucrat la un momentdat cu o astfel de retea (dreamcash, sharecash etc) interesata trebuie sa se descurce binisor sa scrie in engleza interesata trebuie sa imi trimita raporturi cu sit...
[Doar Pentru Romani ] - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi promoveze reteaua PPD proaspata deschisa. -Durata Proiectului: 30 de zile - Buget 250 $ - Platesc pe referral activ adus ( 25$/ref activ) - deci cand sunt adusi 10 referrali activi proiectul se incheie cu succes. - Se intelege prin Referral activ orice membru al retelei PPD care a cumulat minim 10 $ in 30 de zile (nu e greu deloc) - Membri adusi trebuie sa fie persoane reale (fara conturi multiple, conturi falese etc.) in caz contrar se intrerupe colaborarea [CERINTE] 1. Persoana interesata trebuie sa stie stie ce inseamna o retea PPD sau sa fi lucrat la un momentdat cu o astfel de retea (dreamcash, sharecash etc) interesata trebuie sa se descurce binisor sa scrie in engleza interesata trebuie sa imi trimita raporturi cu sit...
Doresc sa adaug posibilitatea platii prin SMS pe un website (offline, fara redirectionare pe site-ul mobilpay), dupa cum urmeaza: 1. vizitatorul acceseaza pagina de detalii produs 2. se afiseaza mesajul: "pentru a descarca acest produs, trimite un sms cu textul X la numarul Y si introdu mai jos codul primit pe telefon." 3. vizitatorul trimite sms-ul, primeste pe telefon un cod, il introdu...mobilpay), dupa cum urmeaza: 1. vizitatorul acceseaza pagina de detalii produs 2. se afiseaza mesajul: "pentru a descarca acest produs, trimite un sms cu textul X la numarul Y si introdu mai jos codul primit pe telefon." 3. vizitatorul trimite sms-ul, primeste pe telefon un cod, il introduce intr-un input text, apasa pe butonul de langa input si daca se valideaza codul se prompteaza ...
...the book can be sold, we can discuss. You will also get a 10$ bonus if you sell 20 books (e-books). This project is for 20 books sold by you. The book is called "Immortality" and you can discover the secret of immortality if you read this book. The book has been kept secret for a while but now I want it to be released to the public. The book is an essay and the reader confronts with areas of: quantum physics, psychology, dreams, relativity, philosophy, mathematics, poetry, esoteric field etc. Now the translation into Romanian: Caut un freelancer experimentat pentru a vinde o carte pentru mine. Cartea este disponibila deasemenea si in format e-book (format electronic; .pdf). Eu sunt autorul cartii (ambele versiuni). Cartea este in limba romana (momentan). Va fi disp...
Aş vrea să creez un site pentru Download, şi anume de Download-at jocuri full gratuite.
...un pret pentru urmatorul site: Un landing page in care sa fie 4 butoane: Client, Trainer, Manager, Administrator Client: -cont si parola primita, sa nu aiba posibilitatea sa se inscrie singur -sa aiba cateva taburi cu: firma program/orar date cont : tutore si cursant prezenta/absente (o lista cu toate sedintele si sa apara prezent sau absent) facturi (unde se aiba posibilitatea de download) plati (unde vede o lista cu toate platile care le-a facut de-a lungul timpului) Trainer: -cont si parola primita catalog cu nr la fiecare client sa poata pune absente/prezente sa poata pune platile program Manager: -cont si parola primita prezente/absente lista completa de la toti trainerii plati restanti de la toti cursantii care au venit si nu au platit catalog cu...
[Doar Pentru Romani ] - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi promoveze reteaua PPD proaspata deschisa. -Durata Proiectului: 30 de zile - Buget 250 $ - Platesc pe referral activ adus ( 25$/ref activ) - deci cand sunt adusi 10 referrali activi proiectul se incheie cu succes. - Se intelege prin Referral activ orice membru al retelei PPD care a cumulat minim 10 $ in 30 de zile (nu e greu deloc) - Membri adusi trebuie sa fie persoane reale (fara conturi multiple, conturi falese etc.) in caz contrar se intrerupe colaborarea [CERINTE] 1. Persoana interesata trebuie sa stie stie ce inseamna o retea PPD sau sa fi lucrat la un momentdat cu o astfel de retea (dreamcash, sharecash etc) interesata trebuie sa se descurce binisor sa scrie in engleza interesata trebuie sa imi trimita rapor...
Buna seara, am nevoie de un plug-in sau o noua regula ( care se face in xml ) pentru docman. Am cumparat deja de aici acest plug-in ,doresc sa il fac compatibil cu docman. Cand cineva va descarca linkuri din docman se vor aplica aceleasi reguli pe care le detine deja acel plug. Crezi ca poti face asa ceva.... Am pierdut deja 30 + 20 $,2 tepe una de la un indian si una desigur de la un roman. Voi plati numai dupa ce vei reusi sa faci acest plug si nu inainte cum am platit pana acum.
am nevoie de un soft prin intermediul cariua vizitatorii de pe siteul meu sa poata descarca fisiere mp3 puse la download
Am nevoie de un soft pentru un site de mp3, prin intermediul caruia vizitatorii sa poate descarca melodiile gasite pe siteul meu.
Am nevoie de cineva care imi poate vinde un continut digital in 2000 de exemplare, vanzarile vor fi urmarite si vom primi un raport, dorim ca freelencer-ul care se va ocupa de acest serviciu sa ne garanteze cele 2000 de vanzari.
I need a Word press Responsive Html. Serious Designer Can bid.. Please download the attached PSD file.. Need within an hour. Must have previous experience with responsive Designs. Budget: ~ 500 INR
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Joc de table care sa permita utilizatorilor posibilitatea sa joace in varianta free sau pe bani reali. Trebui...virtuali ca de altfel si cu banii reali se joaca la mese cu valori predefinite, de exemplu masa de 1 cent, 5 centi , 1 usd, 2 usd , de 3usd , 5 usd, etc fiecare masa in parte are grafica si design diferit ( ex: denumire de orase ex: Las Vegas, New York, London, Sydney etc:. In cazul ca se joaca pe bani reali trebuie deschis un cont cu date de identificare corecte. Pentru exemplificare se poate face download la aplicatia 8pool (android / iphone)- de la . Acolo este un joc de biliard dar acelasi lucru il vreau pentru varianta de alte detalii urmeaza sa discutam ulterior. Rog sa prezentati oferta de pret si timpul aferent proiectului. Multumesc anticipat
...PHP+MySQL, ce integreaza un forum phpBB, un album foto bazat pe și o sectiune de download bazata pe pafileDB, intr-un nou format cu un design unic, cu elemente de identitate pentru suporterii unui club de fotbal, care sa fie bazat pe paltforma Wordpress. Proiectul include realizarea a doua logo complet diferite, ce ar putea fi schimbate intre ele si care identifica unic website-ul conform sugestiilor voastre. Particularitati: Noua solutie bazata pe Wordpress va trebui sa preia integral structura informatiilor si baza de date existente la momentul migrarii si va trebui sa integreze in noul design al site-ului atat forumul bazat pe phpBB cat si albumul foto bazat pe 4images.de. Sectiunea de download va trebui sa fie bazata pe o extensie stabila a Wordpress care sa permi...
Russian Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Russian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 66 short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $3 dollar for 66 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
...content website. This site will primarily feature courses and lessons, so experience in developing e-learning platforms or similar is a plus. Website Features: - User Registration: The site needs to have a secure and user-friendly registration system. Ideally, the developer would have experience implementing similar systems in the past. - Downloadable Resources: There will be materials for users to download. This feature should be easy to navigate and access for all users. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Prior experience creating educational or e-learning websites - Knowledge in implementing user registration systems - Ability to design a site with accessible downloadable resources - Understanding of creatin...
This project is a marketing initiative for an application currently available on the Play Store and App Store. The primary objective is to increase downloads and promote active usage of the application. Attached is the video description. The payment will be done on download and usage target and renewed few times. Every 500
...database by customers. 3. Data Editing (Grid-based) • Data Grid: • Display data in a spreadsheet-like format. • Includes filtering and search functionality. • Editable Cells: • Customer data and analysis results can be edited in real-time. • Edit Logs: • Automatically save all modification history. • Logs include data before and after modification, along with timestamps. 4. Excel/CSV Export • Download grid-based data as Excel or CSV files. 5. Compressed File Processing • Automatically extract files when compressed files are uploaded to the server. 6. Selective Export • Export visible data on the grid as Excel or CSV. • Options to export only selected data. Automated Process Workflow 1. Data Upload and Email Attachment...
So I want to sell a few sound files and PDF's, I want the ability to listen to a snipet, the ability to pay for them through Stripe and after payment, you can download the specific file or all the files. On that one page.
Russian Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Russian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 66 short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $3 dollar for 66 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
1- Task is to visit Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences physically and take 6-7 geotagged photos of the name board of the institutes captured from outside the building and preferably inside too. Download app for geotagged pics from the link: If you can't get the app, just note down the latitudes and longitudes of the location when you're there and get simple pictures. 2- Get the verification forms filled, signed and stamped by the HR or relevant authority of these locations. 3- Get the details of verifier that is their name, designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal statement with stamp or sign as a proof. If they don't give written, ask them that you want to record them saying their reason and...
Looking to create the same application as 'Merlin Bird ID' in a week. Need the exact same app including the data but graphics will be slightly different for an upcoming project. It should be compatible with iOS and Android. We will not be able to provide you with the database of the birds involved. Should be available for download on App Store and Google Play. Please do not reply till you have the app downloaded and are able to view he complete details. The app will be owned by us for a lifetime.
I’m am sealing a professor to help me build my framework called the Constant. It’s very unique and with AI I have the ability so it seems to do very interesting things in mathematics, whether it’s generating a quantum keys or predicting the weather. The algorithms I have developed need someone else’s eyes so I am told. I have been working on a framework with various ways of collecting data and performing tasks better than most. I have validated as much as I can. I am in discussions for patents and I need someone whom has the ability to discuss advanced mathematical and theoretical theory. I need the freelancer to be familiar with various libraries for pythons, to include the ability to test code for blockchain and encryption. Key generations etc. Under...
...social media platform. Key responsibilities: - Download viral videos categorized under #FYP, #Viral, #Trending, and others. - Ensure video quality is a minimum of 720p. - Re-upload the videos to my social network. To apply, please: - Download the app Y Video from the App Store, create a profile, and add a profile picture. - Submit a screenshot of your profile along with your application. - Based on your contributions, I will hire top performers as virtual assistants. Ideal candidates will have: - Experience with social media and content curation. - Understanding of trending video categories. - Ability to source high-quality, watermark-free content. Need people to download and reupload viral videos from Youtube shorts/Instagram
...management. 11. Sustainability and ESG Features Eco-Friendly Property Tools: Green certifications and sustainability scoring for properties. Carbon offset calculators for transactions. Smart Cities Integration: Tools for mapping urban development, public transit, and energy-efficient properties. 12. Metaverse and Quantum Metaverse: Tools for buying, selling, and developing virtual properties. Augmented reality (AR) for interactive property design and visualisation. Quantum Computing: Advanced property market forecasting with cutting-edge analytics. 13. Networking and Community Professional Network: A global ecosystem connecting agents, brokers, and service providers. Peer-to-peer referral systems and industry forums. Community Engagement: Livability...
...slot is found. - Have a single office application to manage Chrome instances quickly. - Can manage multiple Chrome instances simultaneously and configure them separately. - Manage several BLS accounts at the same time. - Open a BLS account and create a BLS alias. - Automatic login. - Automatic CAPTCHA verification via an inserted API. - Automatically fills out forms and clicks. - Automatic image download in applicant details. - Retrieves and enters OTPs sent to the user's email for verification during the booking process. - A proxy extension for Chrome to bypass the 403/429 error that changes the IP address automatically when site error detection occurs. - Bypass the biometric verification on the site - A mobile application for Android/iOS for remote selfies in case the
Russian Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Russian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 66 short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $3 dollar for 66 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
We will only respond to tailored bids, with the bidders describing the application that we have asked them to download in their bid I am looking to create a mobile application very similar to Yuno. This app will serve to upload bite-sized stories about the Sikh faith, tailored for children and adults. The goal is to help them learn about their religion in an engaging manner. Key Features Needed: - A robust content management system (CMS) to facilitate the addition of stories and imagery - Similar functionalities to Yuno, including tracking user progress and quizzing them after each story. - Options for free trials and paid subscriptions. - The ability to upload and listen to audio content by admin. The ideal candidate should be proficient in both iOS and Android app development...
I have approximately 30-50GB of emails spanning 10 accounts. I am looking for a freelancer to download and organize these emails and their attachments. The output should be organized into folders as outlined below, and I would prefer the data to be synced to a shared Dropbox folder for ease of access and collaboration. Folder Structure Required: • Main Folder: Email address (e.g., abc[at]) • Sub-folder 1: Emails (saved in PDF format, or another readable format like TXT if easier) • Sub-folder 2: Attachments (organized into folders) Specific Requirements: 1. Emails: • Download all emails from the provided accounts. • Save emails in a readable format (preferably PDF, but TXT or similar is acceptable). 2. Attachments: • Extract and save at...
I am looking for immediate help with the following 1. Update Moodle to the Newest Version Steps: Backup Everything: Take full backups of the Moodle database, codebase, and moodledata folder. Check Requirements: Ensure the server meets the requirements for the latest Moodle version (PHP, database, etc.). Download the Update: Download the latest Moodle release from Moodle Downloads. Upgrade Process: Replace old Moodle files with the updated ones (except and custom plugins/themes). Visit your Moodle site, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade. Test Thoroughly: Ensure the site runs smoothly after the update and resolve any plugin compatibility issues. 2. Ensure the Site Works Well Steps: Conduct a full site audit to identify bugs, broken links, or outda...
...or attachment) to the original forwarding address (or a configured distribution list) with the processed PDFs. Security & Privacy Scope of Work Email Parsing Implement a mechanism to receive incoming emails (e.g., via IMAP, SMTP, or a mailhook service). Extract the WeTransfer link and password from the email body (or from a standard format field). Automated File Download Integrate with wetransferpy or a similar API to download the files, including subfolders, from WeTransfer. Handle large file sizes and subfolder structures. If password protection is detected, prompt for or retrieve the password from the email or a secure vault. File Conversion to PDF Implement a reliable conversion pipeline that supports common file formats (DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, JPG, ...
Russian Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Russian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 575 short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $10 dollar for 575 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
Spain Spanish Recording Project We have a project, that needs Native Spanish speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 612 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $10 dollar for 612 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
...available for download only once after purchase. Preview: Buyers can preview document content before purchasing. Multivendor Dashboard: Vendors can manage products, track sales, and view payments. SEO & Analytics: Optimize the store for search engines and integrate Google Analytics. Design Requirements: Figma Design: Create a modern, minimalist design using Figma, ensuring a professional look that aligns with competitors like , , and wuolah.com. The design should be responsive and optimized for mobile and tablet devices. Development Requirements: Develop the platform using Shopify, ensuring all features (e.g., product upload, vendor dashboard, payment integration) are seamlessly integrated. Implement secure file download functionality and a single-use download...