Racism topics for research paperproiecte
...capabil sa duca la bun sfarsit sarcini noi, cu care nu s-a mai confruntat, cautant pe Google articole si tutoriale (ex. configurare de campanie e-mail marketing, copywriting, etc.) - sarcini ce pot fi indeplinite folosind aceste tutoriale si putina creativitate. Deasemeni sa poata delega sarcini pe freelancer si a le manageria (eg. sa asigure configurarea unui server, web design, scripturi, research etc.), fiind responsabil de rezultatul final. Sunt necesare cunostinte avansate de limba engleza inclusiv vorbit. Tinem evidenta la tot ce facem pe Trello. Mai folosim Google Drive, Slack etc. Postul este full time, remote, cu o perioada de probe platita, program flexibil. Sarcinilie vor fi transmise de regula telefonic, urmand ca dupa fiecare discutie asistentul sa sc...
Am nevoie de realizarea unui studiu de piata asupra unor platforme deja exsitente.
Am nevoie de un traducator PRO. Proiectul include si putin research pe anumite site-uri similare in limba germana pentru o mai buna adaptare a traducerii. Traducerea va fi a site-ului in intregime. Deci nu am putut estimat exact numarul de cuvinte, in jur de 3500. Cei care vor bida trebuie sa imi puna la dispozitie si proiecte finalizate recent pentru o mai buna evaluare.
Buna Andra, Am nevoie de 5 articole in limba romana pentru promovare produse affiliate ...2-3 articole pe zi, pentru inceput, cel putin. Bugetul meu este de $10 fix pentru cele 5 articole, asadar, $2 pe articol (aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte fiecare articol) Daca esti de acord cu termenii propusi de mine si vrei sa lucram impreuna, te rog sa accepti invitatia mea si iti voi trimite subiectele articolelor si site-urile de affiliate pentru fiecare articol in parte, pentru un eventual research. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti pe pagina produsului si sa scrii despre el pe stilul indicat mai sus. Termenul pentru completarea acestor articole initiale este de 3 zile, dar in viitor, daca vom colabora, ma astept la un timp mai scurt ( dupa cum ti-am spus as avea nevoie de 2-3 artico...
Buna Andra, Am nevoie de 5 articole in limba romana pentru promovare produse affiliate ...2-3 articole pe zi, pentru inceput, cel putin. Bugetul meu este de $10 fix pentru cele 5 articole, asadar, $2 pe articol (aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte fiecare articol) Daca esti de acord cu termenii propusi de mine si vrei sa lucram impreuna, te rog sa accepti invitatia mea si iti voi trimite subiectele articolelor si site-urile de affiliate pentru fiecare articol in parte, pentru un eventual research. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti pe pagina produsului si sa scrii despre el pe stilul indicat mai sus. Termenul pentru completarea acestor articole initiale este de 3 zile, dar in viitor, daca vom colabora, ma astept la un timp mai scurt ( dupa cum ti-am spus as avea nevoie de 2-3 artico...
Buna Raluca, Am nevoie de 5 articole in limba...2-3 articole pe zi, pentru inceput, cel putin. Bugetul meu este de $10 fix pentru cele 5 articole, asadar, $2 pe articol (aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte fiecare articol) Daca esti de acord cu termenii propusi de mine si vrei sa lucram impreuna, te rog sa accepti invitatia mea si iti voi trimite subiectele articolelor si site-urile de affiliate pentru fiecare articol in parte, pentru un eventual research. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti pe pagina produsului si sa scrii despre el pe stilul indicat mai sus. Termenul pentru completarea acestor articole initiale este de 3 zile, dar in viitor, daca vom colabora, ma astept la un timp mai scurt ( dupa cum ti-am spus as avea nevoie de 2-3 articole pe zi ) Astept raspunsul tau. Multume...
Buna Raluca, Am nevoie de 5 articole in limba...2-3 articole pe zi, pentru inceput, cel putin. Bugetul meu este de $10 fix pentru cele 5 articole, asadar, $2 pe articol (aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte fiecare articol) Daca esti de acord cu termenii propusi de mine si vrei sa lucram impreuna, te rog sa accepti invitatia mea si iti voi trimite subiectele articolelor si site-urile de affiliate pentru fiecare articol in parte, pentru un eventual research. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti pe pagina produsului si sa scrii despre el pe stilul indicat mai sus. Termenul pentru completarea acestor articole initiale este de 3 zile, dar in viitor, daca vom colabora, ma astept la un timp mai scurt ( dupa cum ti-am spus as avea nevoie de 2-3 articole pe zi ) Astept raspunsul tau. Multume...
Buna seara, Caut o persoana din Galati interesata in a lucra la un proiect de data entry/research. Sunt necesare abilitati minime/medii de research in motorul de cautare Google, conexiune buna la internet. Training-ul va fi oferit in 2-3 sedinte in oras. Proiectul va dura cam 6-12 luni. Plata pentru inceput $3/ora. Persoana va trebui sa lucreze minim 25 de ore de luni-vineri si maxim 40. Rog seriozitate. Multumesc
writing newspaper articles on topics of polyol external event , Moldova , in general articles about countries of Europe is seeking EU membership scrierea unor articole de presă pe teme de poliotică externă, eveniment, moldova, în general articole despre state ale Europei de este care doresc aderarea la UE
Am nevoie de un traducator PRO. Proiectul include si putin research pe anumite site-uri similare in limba maghiara pentru o mai buna adaptare a traducerii. Traducerea va fi a site-ului in intregime. Deci nu am putut estimat exact numarul de cuvinte, in jur de 3500. Cei care vor bida trebuie sa imi puna la dispozitie si proiecte finalizate recent pentru o mai buna evaluare.
Salut, Job-ul nu este foarte greu si nu necesita mult timp. Doresc sa creez o baza de date a firmelor ce comercializeaza instrumente de masura(nivele, rulete, lasere etc) in regim de distributie sau retail. Aria de cautare este pe teritoriul Romaniei, in locatii specificate. Datele preluate vor fi apoi introduse intr-un fisier tip, in format excel ce va fi pus la dispozitia freelancerului. Dorinta este de a gasi un colaborator serios, intrucat datele introduse vor fi verificare pentru validarea terminarii job-ului. Plata se va stabili in urma negocierii. O zi cat mai frumoasa.
Cautam persoana care sa scrie articole pentru doua website-uri de prezentare din portofoliul nostru. Firma noastra se ocupa cu vanzarea de piese pentru utilaje de constructii si utilaje agricole iar articolel...bun? - Piese aftermarket de origine europeana versus piese Asia cu origine incerta; - Cat de mult conteaza suportul tehnic si experienta furnizorilor in identificarea corecta a pieselor ; Acceptam si alte teme propuse de dvs. atata timp cat se incadreaza in domeniul nostru. Stam la dispozitie cu toate informatiile de care aveti nevoie, legate de compania noastra dar va trebui sa faceti si research pentru a avea un articol complet. Bugetul il discutam pe baza propunerilor dumneavoastra, cel trecut este doar informativ. Va rugam specificati costul pe un articol/numar d...
Am nevoie de un traducator PRO. Proiectul include si putin research pe anumite site-uri similare in limba engleza pentru o mai buna adaptare a traducerii. Traducerea va fi a site-ului in intregime. Deci nu am putut estimat exact numarul de cuvinte, in jur de 3500. Cei care vor bida trebuie sa imi puna la dispozitie si proiecte finalizate recent pentru o mai buna evaluare.
Am nevoie de cineva cu experiența in scris articole si research. Articolele sunt legate de industria transporturilor si corelate cu platforma pe care o promovez. Nu pot preciza dimensiunea pentru ca nu știu cat de multe date se găsesc.
Avem nevoie de un researcher roman pentru a construi o lista cu cu firmele de transport din romania care au un website si pot fi gasite folosit google. Datele trebuiesc arangajate intr-un anumit format pentru a fi mai simplu de folosit. Avem nevoie de numele firmei, locatia, website-ul , numar de telefon, adresa de e-mail ( daca poate fi gasita ). Cu cat ai multe cu atat mai bine. Proiectul trebuie incheiat in maximum 10 zile din data acordarii.
Avem nevoie de un researcher roman pentru a construi o lista cu cu firmele de transport din romania care au un website si pot fi gasite folosit google. Datele trebuiesc arangajate intr-un anumit format pentru a fi mai simplu de folosit. Avem nevoie de numele firmei, locatia, website-ul , numar de telefon, adresa de e-mail ( daca poate fi gasita ). Cu cat ai multe cu atat mai bine. Proiectul trebuie incheiat in maximum 10 zile din data acordarii.
I need a Romanian writer to collaborate with in writing articles on various topics. Long term job for the right writer. Please bid for 10 articles. I will ask for samples before hiring.
Am nevoie de cineva minutios si experimentat pentru research folosind google care sa indeplineasca cateva taskuri.
Canditatul ideal: - sa cunoasca foarte bine limba romana (exprimare naturala si cursiva, fara greseli gramaticale sau de exprimare) - sa respecte targetul stabilit; un articol va avea in medie 750 de cuvinte (sa includa keyword research) - sa aleaga subiectul articolului dintr-o categorie primita, in asa fel incat sa fie atractiv si util pentru cititori - sa scrie articolul in jurul unui cuvant cheie pe care il va alege singur si va respecta o densitate de 0,5 - 1% a cuvantului / expresiei cheie in cadrul articolului - sa furniza doar articole unice si de calitate Postul presupune: - gasirea de noi surse de informare pentru articole - citirea si intelegerea surselor de informatie, urmate de rescrierea articolelor in limba romana, fara sa se copie sau sa se traduca mot-a-mo...
Am nevoie de un economics paper. Toate detaliile sunt in documentul atasat. E un introductory core class la care am 91% dar de care nu am timp sa ma ocup. Am double major si am alte proiecte finale de care trebuie sa ma ocup. Pretul l-am pus ca trebuie. Astept oferta ta.
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
Cautam o persoana capabila sa faca research la un nivel avansat. Este nevoie de realizarea profilului detaliat al unor companii, dupa anumite puncte de reper care vor fi date. Redactarea informatiilor se face in limba engleza.
cv30 proiectecteaza viitorul tinerilor, ii indruma, oferind unelte celor in cautare de oferte educationale. Job-ul de fata consta in cautarea informatiilor corecte de la ofertantii de programe educationale (programe de licenta, masterat, doctorat, programe extracurriculare, burse, scoli de vara, internshipuri). Fiecare intrare (intrare = program de licenta, masterat, doctorat, program extracurricular, bursa, internship) este platita cu 1 RON, va puteti desfasura activitatea de acasa. Pragul minim de remunerare este de 120 de intrari, iar in fiecare luna top performer-ul este bonusat.
Freelancer, imi ofer serviciile in internet marketing,social media,inscriu in directoare de articole,data entry,web research.
Salut, Am nevoie de 1000 de inregistrari privind hotelurile si pensiunile din Romania intr-un excel cu 3 coloane care sa contina numele pensiunii/hotelului, adresa web si email (este foarte importanta adresa email, o inregistrare este considerata valida doar daca contine adresa de mail), precum si gruparea lor pe statiuni: sinaia, predeal, busteni, azuga, litoral, baile herculane, sovata, baile felix, etc. Fixed price - 12 USD. Se va alege freelancerul cu cel mai mic pret.
Salutare, Am nevoie de cateva articole despre anumite statiuni. 1. Articolul o sa urmeze o structura cu titlu, subtitlu, etc - o sa trimit structura cu detalii 2. Un articol trebuie sa aiba intre 500 si 700 cuvinte (nu vreau sa se taie din el informatii utile doar ca s-a ajuns la 500 de cuvinte) 3. Informatiile prezentate in articol trebuie sa fie relevante (se va face research pe forumuri, site-uri, etc). 4. Articolele sunt scrise in limba romana (fara diacritice) Pretul pentru acest proiect vreau sa fie pe un pachet de 3 articole. Intr-un mesaj imi puteti trimite un pret pe alt pachet de 3 articole dar cu tema impresii (povestiri, text liber). PS: Am nevoie de foarte multe pachete de genul asta (as vrea o colaborare pe termen lung) ! Multumesc
I am looking for writers interested in writing or rewriting articles on a regular basis (long time colaboration). At the moment i have Article-Set-Pack (3-5 Articles/pack) to offer but i will increase that size continuously. Every 1 or 2 day i will send you packs to write. One Article-Pack contains Main-Keywords-Articles, each of 300-500 words in length. INFO: I will provide you with all of the articles to be rewritten as well as all keyword phrases. The Keywords/Keyphrases will be in the same market/niche of each Article-Pack but Topics will change from article set to article set. All articles must be unique related to the Keyword. I pay $1.50 per 400 word articles and $0.75 per 300 word articles.
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My name is Bhuvanesh Madaiah and I work for MarketingPRO, an Italian marketing service company well active in the area of international market intelligence surveys. For more company info, please surf I’m writing this while we are discussing a potential market survey in Japan (preferably Tokyo greater-area) in the Automotive sector. We are looking for a professional contact person interested in having an active role in this survey. Below is some general information in regards to the project: THE ACTIVITY We would need the contact person to gather market retail prices of a precise list of Automotive spare parts. Just to make an example, we will provide the person with part numbers short-listed of parts (like oil filter insert, alternator, rear bumper and so on&...
Bond Yields & Portfolio Diversification Essay I need an essay of 2,500 words on two topics relating to finance and investments. 1) Using illustrative examples, distinguish between the interest yield and the redemption yield of a bond, and discuss the likely consequences for the above yields if the default risk of a bond increases. 2) Show, using a hypothetical example, how diversification can reduce portfolio risk and analyse how dependent is the effect of such diversification on the coefficients of correlation between returns on the various securities in the portfolio. The essay should adopt a balanced approach of both theoretical explanations and practical examples, written in a formal academic style with an introduction, body and conclusion. Please note: - A compre...
I need an essay of 2,500 words in total on two topics relating to finance and investments. 1) Using illustrative examples, distinguish between the interest yield and the redemption yield of a bond, and discuss the likely consequences for the above yields if the default risk of a bond increases. 2) Show, using a hypothetical example, how diversification can reduce portfolio risk and analyse how dependent is the effect of such diversification on the coefficients of correlation between returns on the various securities in the portfolio. The essay should adopt a balanced approach of both theoretical explanations and practical examples, written in a formal academic style with an introduction, body and conclusion. Please note: - A comprehensive understanding of the time value o...
I'm seeking a professional to help clean up my Wikipedia page. The page contains fake stories, specifically misinformation and false facts that need to be addressed. Tasks include: - Identifying and removing these inaccuracies from the page Ideal candidates should have strong research skills, a keen eye for detail, and experience with editing Wikipedia pages.
I'm looking for a professional context-aware text editing expert to translate my English academic papers in Business and Economics into Chinese. The translation must be at a professional level, suitable for academic publication. Skills and experience: - Proficiency in both English and Chinese, with a deep understanding of the nuances of both languages. - Experience in translating academic papers, particularly in the field of Business and Economics. - Excellent understanding of context and ability to convey the same meaning, tone and intent in the target language. - Prior experience with publication-ready translations is a plus. Please provide samples of your previous translation work, particularly in the field of Business and Economics, when applying for the jo...
We are seeking a dedicated Market Research Specialist based in Indonesia to conduct a detailed survey and provide actionable insights for our teak wood products business. This freelance role requires a keen eye for detail, strong organizational skills, and the ability to work independently. Job Description: As a Market Research Specialist, your primary responsibility will be to gather comprehensive data and insights across key areas critical to our business operations in Indonesia. This includes supplier sourcing, price analysis, rental market research, and workforce recruitment strategies. Responsibilities: Supplier Sourcing for End Grain Teak Wood Cutting Boards Identify reliable suppliers specializing in end grain teak wood cutting boards. V...
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I'm seeking a t...designing business process flows. Key Responsibilities: - Design and optimize the user interface to ensure an intuitive user experience. - Conduct UX research to understand user needs and preferences. - Prototype and test new designs and features in an iterative process. The designer should focus on: - Creating a seamless and engaging user interface. - Prototyping and testing to refine designs and ensure usability. - Conducting UX research to inform design decisions. The platform is web-based, so experience in optimising user experience for web platforms is essential. Candidates should have strong skills in UI design, prototyping, and UX research, with a proven track record in B2B SaaS companies. Excellent communication skills and a cus...
...seeking a talented ghostwriter to help elevate our agency's clients' personal brands across various social media platforms. Your writing will help shape their online presence on LinkedIn, Instagram, Blogs and beyond. Scope of Work: - Craft engaging and impactful content for LinkedIn posts, Instagram captions, and Blog articles. - Able to switch between a range of tones and styles: from Professional and formal to Casual and conversational, and even Inspirational and motivational. - Content will cover diverse industries and topics, so flexibility and adaptability are key. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media copywriting and ghostwriting. - Strong understanding of different social media platforms and what content works best on each. - E...
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer to create a full-page (one-side), color flyer for my campground store. The design should have an outdoorsy theme, reflecting the spirit of camping and the outdoors in a coastal environment. My location is adjacent to the Atlantic ocean, and boat rentals are offered on a fresh water lake. ** This is URGENT. I'd like to get this done today, January 10, 2025 ** Note: My current flyers are attached. They SUCK! I need an awesome flyer that is effective and visually appealing. Key Features: - Highlight our products and services: We're offering guided tours and rentals, as well as RV, camping, and beach supplies. - Store contact information: Include our phone number, store hours, website, and a QR code for easy ...
I'm seeking an experienced Amazon Account Manager to assist with produ...we are adequately stocked to meet demand. - Analyze sales performance metrics to drive strategic decisions. - Create and manage Amazon PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising campaigns. A significant aspect of the role will be keyword research: - You will be responsible for finding the best keywords to include in our product listings, with the primary aim of increasing our sales. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience managing an Amazon account. - Strong understanding of product listing and optimization. - Excellent inventory management skills. - Proficient in keyword research. - Previous experience in increasing sales on Amazon. We are seeking moderate growth in sales. Provide weekly progress updates ...
...you are looking for. Job Description: We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented individual to join our team as a Website and E-commerce Specialist. In this role, you will be responsible for managing and optimizing our website, eBay, and Amazon platforms. Your primary focus will be to ensure that our online presence is up-to-date, user-friendly, and competitive in terms of pricing. This is a remote position, allowing you to work from the comfort of your own home. Responsibilities: Website Management: Regularly update and maintain our company website, ensuring accurate product listings, pricing information, and images. E-commerce Platforms: Manage our presence on eBay and Amazon, including adding new products, updating existing listings, and optimizing conten...
I'm seeking a seasoned SEO content writer to enhance our landing pages with high-quality, SEO-optimized content aimed primarily at lead generation. The ideal candidate sho...Exceptional writing and editing skills - Proven ability to create engaging content that ranks well on search engines Your responsibilities will primarily revolve around crafting SEO-friendly content for our landing pages, with potential for other content types including blog posts, product descriptions, and articles, depending on your skills and our needs. Please note, while I have not specified topics for the content, a broad understanding and interest in technology, health and wellness, and finance and investing will be beneficial. Your ability to conduct thorough research a...
We are looking for an experienced and highly skilled Google Ads professional to manage, optimize, and grow our paid advertising campaigns on Google. Our goal is to drive high-quality traffic, improve conversion rates, and maximize the ROI of our advertising spend. Key Responsibilities: Campaign Setup and Management: Create and manage Google Ads campaigns (Search, Display, Shopping, and Video). Develop compelling ad copy and select appropriate keywords. Set up effective targeting options (location, demographics, interests). Performance Monitoring and Optimization: Analyze performance data regularly (CPC, CTR, Conversion Rate, etc.). Adjust bids, budgets, and targeting to improve campaign performance. Conduct A/B testing of ad creatives and landing pages. Optimize for both ...
We are looking for an experienced content writer with expertise in the furniture or home decor niche to create a 2000-word blog post on the topic "Sheesham Wood vs Teak Wood: Pros, Cons, and Key Differences." The blog should be detailed, well-researched, SEO-optimized, and written in an engaging and easy-to-read tone. Key Requirements: Primary Keyword: Sheesham wood vs teak wood Secondary Keywords (To be used naturally): Sheesham wood furniture Teak wood furniture Sheesham wood Teak wood Content Guidelines: Word Count: 2000 words. The content must be human-written, plagiarism-free, and pass AI content detectors. Maintain a Grammarly score above 85 with a readability score above 55. Avoid...
I need a voice-over artist for recording project. The task involves reading 1000 short sentences from a script to (Audio book). The recordings will be used for internal research purposes, so a clear and professional tone is essential.
Project Title: Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses Project Description: In today's competitive market, a strong online presence is essential for the success of any business. As a seasoned digital marketing expert, I offer a comprehensive digital marketing strategy tailored specifically for small businesses looking to expand their reach and boost their online visibility. Key Services Offered: SEO Optimization: Improve your website's search engine ranking with keyword research, on-page SEO, and backlink building. Social Media Management: Create and manage engaging social media campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Content Marketing: Develop high-quality, relevant content that attracts and ret...
More details: The book is Titled "The Jigsaw Effect" Subject matter: Research, record regarding the design and delivery of a house. There will be 12 journals that is the prelude to a book, videos, podcast. There is need for a website What style do you want for the journal covers? Minimalistic and soft What main colours would you like for the journal covers? Bold Colours. "Don't even consider this journal unless your are capable of change" Phase 1 of The Jigsaw Effect. What type of content will be included in the 60 pages? Mixed (lined and blank) Two column's 25mm wide on each side of the page Soft Cover Wanted AI Generated - Three options for a design consideration. Branded colour scheme/Design. Corporate Colours B...