Question answering deep learning githubproiecte
Salutare! Suntem un start-up educational care vrea sa ofere elevilor un proces gamificat de invatare a matematicii. Acum finalizam noua platforma de e-learning si vrem sa ne marim echipa. Avem nevoie de o persoana care sa se ocupe de partea de Ads (Meta Ads, Google ads etc.), dar suntem deschisi si la alte tipuri de promovare. In echipa exista un editor video si un designer care vor ajuta la crearea reclamelor/postarilor. Multumim!
...successfully update the PCISV app for Android 14, we are seeking an experienced mobile app developer with expertise in the following areas: Ionic Framework Expertise: The developer must have extensive experience working with the Ionic framework and be familiar with its various components, including Angular or React, Cordova, and Capacitor. Android Development Knowledge: The developer should have a deep understanding of Android development, including the latest changes introduced in Android 14. API Integration and Troubleshooting: The developer must be skilled in identifying and fixing issues related to API compatibility, especially when upgrading an app to a new Android version. Performance Optimization: Experience in optimizing app performance for both high-end and low-end devi...
Avem nevoie de sprijinul unui copywriter/social media content creator pentru a se alătura echipei noastre într-o campanie de promovare pe termen scurt, cu posibilitatea de extindere, a unor cărți și instrumente de e-learning destinate tinerilor între 18 și 24 de ani care aspiră să devină polițiști. Responsabilități: - Crearea de text/script pentru 14 postări pe săptămână pentru Facebook și Instagram (inclusiv story și reels) și 6 TikTok-uri, cu focus pe produsele editurii - Conținutul trebuie să fie informativ și atrăgător - Utilizarea creativă a textelor, emoticoanelor și formatarea (bold, italic etc.) Oferta: - Colaborare inițială pe o perioadă scurtă, cu posibilitatea de prelungire până după examenul scris din jumătatea lunii iunie, în funcție de p...
Buna, caut un programator care sa ma ajute sa fac o aplicatie de e-learnig care sa fie disponibila în App Store Europa si in Google Play Europa. Detalii in fisierele atasate. Caut doar programatori vorbitori de limba română.
Buna Seara George. Sunt din Norwegia, daca am o casa in Iasi. Sotia mea sunt din Iasi. Eu vorbesc putin romaneste, poate mai bine cand scrie. Vreau sa cunosc pe cineva sa ma ajute cu elemente grafice. Eu scriu pe si eu nu vrea stockphoto. Eu vreau grafica originala. I need to describe the task in english. I am looking for a designer that can create small hero images for me, and original artwork at a agreed price. But first I want to know if this is a job you'd like.
Ești o fire creativă cu experiență în e-learning ca Designer Grafic? În plus, îți dorești o colaborare pe termen lung bazată pe proiecte? Te așteptăm în echipa noastră! Nosco Learning are ca activitate principală dezvoltarea de soluțiile e-learning și implementarea acestora în cadrul organizațiilor. În limbă latină Nosco înseamnă cunoaștere, element definitoriu pentru echipa noastră care se perfecționează constant și se adaptează la noile tendințe și tehnologii din domeniu pentru a oferi servicii de calitate clienților noștri. Nosco Learning este un brand al companiei Pro Fiduciaria care activează pe piața din România începând cu anul 2011. În rolul de Designer Grafic vei dezvolta grafic, cu precă...
This paper aims to evaluate the performance obtained by the V-BLAST detection algorithm in MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) systems. The simulations will be performed by writing lines of code in the Matlab users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real spread codes (Walsh-Hadamard and PN). Different types of equalizers will be implemented at the reception. The evaluation of the performance of the system in question will be performed by drawing graphs of the bit error rate according to the signal-to-noise ratio that will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed...
Pentru un proiect de e-learning website (vanzare cursuri) dorim: * migrare / copiata tema de la un hosting provider la altul * tema disponibila este un LMS, dorim sa fie implementata toate functionalitatile acesteia ( * adaugare / integrare plugin separat pentru booking online si plata online ( un plugin unde persoanele sa vada calendarul si sa poata face rezervare si sa poata si plati pt sedinta cand fac rezervarea ) * instalare plugin pentru marketing automatizat (free sau cu plata)
...tutorial on how i can do this myself. I don't want you to do it for me. You will have to do it on your onw computer on Laravel 8. What you have to do: Install Laravel 8 Install When installing it you have to use: composer require mrbig00/oblio-php-client The developer made an arror on the documentation on github What i receive: Step by step instruction on how to: - install my self the GitHub wrapped on my Laravel 8 - Make migrations for clients invoices - make migrations for clients foreach invoice there is a payment (card, bank, cash) - Make controller to do all these - Make button for each client "New invoice" - page for invoices foreach client with payments foreach invoice. I don't what other files, i don't need anything else. After i recei... faca schimb de fisiere intre ele. Un fel de chat in care sa faca schimb de mesaje text, poze, video. As vrea sa fie realizata in aplicatia Android Studio. Pasii in intocmirea aplicatiei se gasesc pe acest site: Nu doresc ca proiectul sa fie copiat de acolo sau plagiat din alte surse (video-uri de pe youtube / site-uri precum github). Am atasat site-ul doar pentru inspiratie....
Buna ziua, Reprezint centrul de training si consultanta IT Learning (), “number one” in Romania pe piata de servicii de instruire (online si offline), conform Google, la cautarea dupa cuvintele “curs(uri) Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc” (suita de aplicatii Microsoft Office). Cautam sa identificam un provider cu experienta si agil, care sa ne ofere o solutie completa “all in one” (web design, storyteller, strategie , branding, creative, marketing, etc), pentru a putea vinde acest produs (), al carui potential a fost deja demonstrat. Daca cele de mai sus v-au suscitat interesul, asteptam un raspuns din partea dvs., iar pentru a ne cunoaste si a discuta termenii si conditiile viitoarei colaborari, o
Magazin e-learning romanesc cauta freelanceri pentru promovare facebook ads, cu plata la rezultate (10% din profit)" 1. Crearea de minim 50 de ads/zi cu poze de impact si textele aferente, din care sa fie pastrate cele care produc pana intr-o rata de conversie de 35%, cu un buget cat mai mic de maxim 100-150 lei/zi 2. Crearea a minim 3 landingpages dedicate si testate in permanenta cu reclamele de mai sus, toate cu pixel-ul implementat 3. Optimizarea funnel-urilor de plata 4. Identificarea/Testarea/Crearea de noi audiente Lookalike 5. Marirea constanta a bugetului cu 10-20% la durata si ad-urile ce produc 6. Dezactivarea/Rotirea reclamelor imediat daca el nu produc rata de conversie dorita 7. Duplicarea/Testarea grupurile de ads care produc 8. Automatizarea crearii/gestionar...
Jobul presupune promovarea serviciilor de turism si E-learning. Ca promoter al brandului nostru vei avea acces la clubul nostru exclusivist de turism, prin care tu si cei carora le promovezi oferta veti avea parte de discounturi considerabile la hoteluri, bilete de avion, etc. Pe langa asta, oferim si cursuri pentru dezvoltare personala, motivational si psihologie, precum si cursuri despre Binary trading, Forex si Crypto. Daca esti o persoana comunicativa si intreprinzatoare te asteptam cu bratele deschise.
...package; - accessing by place and place; - modification of the measures in the pandas package; - group functions; - treatment of missing values; - deleting columns and records; - statistical processing, grouping and aggregation of data in the pandas package; - processing of data sets with joining / joining; - graphic representation of the after with the matplotlib package; - use of the scikit-learning package (clustering, logistic regression); - static packet models (multiple regression)....
Daca vrei sa activezi in educatia alternativa noi cautam colegi care isi dau voie sa treaca prin repetate transformari si descoperiri interioare alaturi de alti colegi pasionati. Echipa noastra se mareste cu 2 Facilitatori (Learning Facilitators)!
Salutari ! Am nevoie de ajutorul vostru . Am nevoie sa extrag un document dintr-un proiect postat pe github , opensource , mai exact am nevoie de documentul in care sunt listate afecțiunile și simptomele pentru a le putea transmite mai departe unui serviciu de traduceri medicale ca mai apoi sa îl integrez înapoi in site . Acest proiect este disponibil aici : iar pentru aceasta cred ca este nevoie sa obtineți o licența gratuită UMLS in numele meu . Caut o colaborare mai amplă pentru acest proiect , însă acesta este doar primul pas pe care va trebui sa îl fac , ulterior după ce primesc traducerea documentului voi reveni la dumneavoastră , dacă totul decurge bine pentru a putea lucra împreuna in continuare . Mulțumesc !
Scrie articole legate de chatbots si inteligenta artificiala si devino partener/redactor permanent pentru publicatia nostra. Este vorba despre o publicatie nisata cu articole despre chatbos, inteligenta artificiala, NLP, machine learning, etc. Tematica este vasta si aveti de unde alege. Poti incepe ca Jr. Content Writer, indiferent de stil si experienta. Documentarea articolului Chiar daca subiectul articolului va este foarte familiar, este recomandat sa aveti la indemana cateva surse de incredere de informare precum articole de research,publicatii, lucrari de specialitate etc. Materialele folosite in documentarea pentru articol se vor indica la finalul articolului intr-o sectiune “Bibliografie”. Daca documentarea a fost facuta online, se vor mentiona site...
...“Termeni si conditii” si “Prelucrarea datelor personale” de la indexare in google – inclusiv sa nu mai apara ca sublink-uri la pagina principala cand cineva cauta numele companiei 6. De activat heatmap si configurat – hotjar 7. De facut header din acest link (si toate paginile nou create prin crearea de postari) sa arate ca header din acest link ) 8. De facut ca aici sa nu mai ceara completarea campurilor de Categorie si Tag 9. Stilizarea listelor din articolele de la Noutati si publicatii (blog) si orice alte stilizari pentru a face articolele usor de citit si placute din punct de vedere vizual 10. De stilizat butoanele din acest link http://atipics
Am nevoie de un programator PHP, pentru modificarea unor aplicatii web. Aplicatiile exista, sunt functionale si sunt destinate gestionarii procedurilor unor firme, procesului de audit intern, contractelor, documentelor, userilor, proiectelor, procesului de E-Learning. Bugetul va fi negociat pentru fiecare aplicatie in parte in functie de gradul de complexitate al modificarilor.
Dorim sa colaboram cu un profesionist pentru crearea unul logo pentru un eveniment medical care sa transmita un mesaj de :future generation , medicine, learning. Detaliile complete le vom oferi in privat.
Am nevoie de un programator care sa lucreze la modificarea si optimizarea unui site construit in laravel. Cunostinte necesare: - php / html - mysql - laravel framework - utilizare Github
Am nevoie de un programator care sa lucreze la modificarea si optimizarea unui site construit in laravel. Cunostinte necesare: - php / html - mysql - laravel framework - utilizare Github
Cautam programator profesionist LARAVEL pe termen lung. Cunostinte necesare: - framework laravel - php - html - css - mysql - utilizare github
Doresc un site pentru E-Learning cu urmatoarele cerinte: -sa aibe o baza de date -sa fie 3 tipuri de utilizatori (student, profesor, admin) -studentii sa se inregistreze la cursurile profesorilor si sa dea teste -profesorii sa adauge cursuri/teste -admin-ul are control total
Doresc sa incarc o tema de wordpress cumparata pe un domeniu .ro si sa ajustez tema la nevoile afacerii pe care o incep si anume Confectionarea Costumelor pentru Barbati La Comanda. Tema contine cam tot ce avem nevoie chiar daca nu este o tema pentru fashion ci una pentru sa stiu daca pot beneficia de Si alte servicii necesare functionarii acestui tip de site cum ar fi modificari in tema daca este posibil.? Mai jos este adresa temei
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Need a person to assist me with Git and Github'
Am de facut niste modificari mai mari la un site de e-learning, care se va dezvolta pe o tema WP si plugin-ul WPLMS (). Modificarile care trebuiesc facute la nivel de cod sunt: - Toate tranzactiile facute de utilizatori se vor inregistra in fisiere speciale - Raportari periodice a detaliilor privind accesul in sistem a utilizatorilor - Modificarea permisiunilor pentru anumite grupuri de utilizatori, modificari ce nu se pot face din interfata de administrare - Raportari cu filtre multicriteriale : nume tutor, categorie curs, nume curs. Setul de interogare trebuie sa poata fi salvat, impreuna cu rezultatele returnate, pentru o folosire ulterioara. Salvarea va avea un nume si o descriere si va fi afisata in josul paginii
...fisierul trebuie introdusa o linie de cod ('suppress_filters' => false) pentru ca templat-ul sa poata interpreta corect modulul de limba (WPML). Problema actuala: Articolele din prima pagina a site-ului sunt afiste in ambele limbi: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mai jos indicatiile celor de la : The template in question as far as I can see is home.php. You are querying the database in an incorrect way. This bypasses all of the filters, including WPML. You should use get_posts instead Make sure that you also specify: suppress_filters=false in the query arguments. ------------------------------------ Fisierul =
...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...
...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...
...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...
...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...
...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...
...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...
...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...
...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...
We need to increase facebooks likes of our Facebook page. We need likes with special preference in Mexico, looking for more than 10,000 likes. These are the requirements for the facebook likes: +Needed real likes with authentic profiles with more than 200 friends, also wi...year OUR BUDGET IS 30 USD For being accepted you need to answer the next questions or give the next information: +Likes procedence (we are special atracted to America and the Euro zone) +Delivery time (to complete the project) +The amount of likes you are going to give us for the actual budget +How are you going to guarantee the permanence of this likes YOU ARE FREE TO ASK ANY QUESTION TO PRESENT YOUR OFFER NOTE: IF YOU DONT ANSWER OR GIVE THAT INFORMATION WE ARE NOT GOING TO CONSIDER ..., which I sold to fully dedicate myself to trading. Now, five years later, I am a consistently profitable trader, and I’ve gained a deep understanding of how the markets move and how to profit from them. My portfolio generates an average annual return of around 50%, with a strong focus on risk management. As an entrepreneur, I’m eager to expand my trading business and allow others to benefit from my knowledge. My goal is to attract investors who are interested in copying my trades and linking their accounts to my trading portfolio. However, my main challenge lies in attracting and finding investors, as marketing is not my strong suit. So, my question is: Are you skilled in marketing and investor outreach? Would you like to earn a significant income b...
I'm looking for an expert to help me optimize my WordPress-based travel booking website for mobile, aiming for a perfect PageSpeed Insights score of 100. Key Areas of Focus: - Primarily enhancing the page structure and content for optimal website for mobile, aiming for a perfect PageSpeed Insights score of 100. Key Areas of Focus: - Primarily enhancing the page structure and content for optimal speed and performance - Ensuring all optimizations contribute to a seamless user experience for potential trip bookers Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in website optimization, particularly for WordPress and mobile - Deep understanding of PageSpeed Insights criteria and techniques for achieving a perfect score - Experience with e-commerce travel web...
I'm seeking an expert game hack developer who can assist in creating a speed hack for the mobile game, Rush. Key requirements: - Deep understanding of mobile game mechanics and security - Proven experience in developing game hacks, specifically speed hacks - Ability to deliver a hack that is effective yet undetectable to game security systems.
It's a multiple search engine for finding some materials. Basicly, Users search some materials, find where they are, then be navigated to selected place. We can say it has 4 steps for demo; 1- Main screen for search lines (multiple search) 2- List of search results 3- Page for places details 4- Navigation for selected place with Google Maps, Yandex etc. Important...Facebook or other options of entrance. For sign up basic user infornation like; name, surname, e-mail, date of birth, gender needed. Graphic Design is not important for first step. Basic design can be used. This is a demo for a project, so we're looking for a candidate to work with long term. Candidates should show example portfolios of previous jobs before start this demo project. For any question, ...
I am working on a research project for AI-based early detection of congenital heart defects (CHDs) using a 12,000-labeled echocardiog...and visualizations (accuracy metrics, confusion matrix, etc.). Proper documentation of the steps and methodology. I have an example Google Colab notebook that can be shared as a starting point. The preferred deadline is Monday, January 13, but I can extend the timeline slightly if additional time is needed to ensure quality results. Skills Required: Expertise in Python, TensorFlow/Keras, and deep learning. Experience with GANs and CNNs, particularly in medical imaging or related fields. Familiarity with Google Colab and handling large datasets. Ability to document the work professionally. Budget: Open to discussion based on the timeline and...
...further enhance it while integrating it with a newly developed mobile application. #### Scope of Work: 1. **Mobile Application Development (Flutter)**: - Develop a completely new mobile application using **Flutter**, fully integrated with our existing educational platform (for student Users Only). - The app will provide key features such as student and teacher dashboards, interactive learning tools, notifications, and more. 2. **Ongoing Platform Development (CodeIgniter)**: - Customize, enhance, and maintain our existing web-based platform. - Add and optimize features like testing modules, rewards systems, API integrations, and skill tracking tools. 3. **Task-based Approach**: - The tasks can vary in size, complexity, and duration. They will be ...
I'm looking for a simple program that enables a sender to dispatch control commands over RS485 to receivers via XBee radio links. The sender will be an ESP32S3 equipped with a 7" LVGL display, while the receivers will be to send control commands. - The receivers should report their operational status back to the sender. - Communication between the display and the ESP32S3 should be via UART. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in programming with ESP32S3 and ESP32. - Experience with RS485 and XBee radio links. - Knowledge of UART communication protocol. - Familiarity with LVGL display programming. Samples codes from github : As modbusRTU variant :
I need a self-serve solution for policy creation from CRUD operations. Currently, we manually create a CSV file and use it to run a Spinnaker pipeline for policy creation. Key Requirements: - Automate policy creation from CR...Requirements: - Automate policy creation from CRUD operations. - Develop a web-based dashboard as the self-serve interface. - Use React for the dashboard framework. - Fullstack development knowledge is essential. - Proficient in Python, Spinnaker, and Docker. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in fullstack development with proven experience in creating web-based dashboards using React. A deep understanding of Python, Spinnaker, and Docker is crucial for this project. The goal is to streamline our current process and make it more efficient and le...
I'm looking for a seasoned SAP SuccessFactors Consultant with a deep expertise in the following modules: Employee Central, Recruiting Management, and Performance & Goals. The ideal candidate should be able to provide: - Insights on best practices - Configuration assistance - Implementation support Your experience with SAP SuccessFactors and your ability to navigate and configure its various modules will be key to the success of this project.
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LLM Configuration and Training Specialist (Llama 3) We are looking for a Machine Learning specialist with experience in large language models (LLM), specifically Llama 3.1. The objective is to configure a training environment (on-premise or in the cloud), for training a specific model for analyzing responses to a sociological survey, fine tuning the model must be carried out and an evaluation pipeline must be designed. The objective is to collaborate with a research team to train a unique and specialized survey data analysis model. Main responsibilities: Configure and maintain training infrastructure (PyTorch, Python, GPU, etc.). Collaborate in the selection and cleaning of data. Adjust the Llama 3 model to respond to specific sociology prompts. Monitor and evaluate the quali..., which I sold to fully dedicate myself to trading. Now, five years later, I am a consistently profitable trader, and I’ve gained a deep understanding of how the markets move and how to profit from them. My portfolio generates an average annual return of around 50%, with a strong focus on risk management. As an entrepreneur, I’m eager to expand my trading business and allow others to benefit from my knowledge. My goal is to attract investors who are interested in copying my trades and linking their accounts to my trading portfolio. However, my main challenge lies in attracting and finding investors, as marketing is not my strong suit. So, my question is: Are you skilled in marketing and investor outreach? Would you like to earn a significant in...