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În primul rând, eu nu vorbesc limba română, așa că nu pot să vă contactez decât prin SMS. De asemenea, folosesc o funcție de traducere, așa că este posibil ca unele dintre texte să nu fie corecte. Vă rugăm să înțelegeți. Intenționez să creez un site în limba română, în special despre îngrijirea părului. Se preconizează că amploarea proiectului va fi de apro...aproximativ 100 de articole. 1 articol: 20lei~40lei Vă vom plăti 1100lei~1900lei pe lună dacă sunteți dispus să gestionați întregul site și să faceți SEO. De asemenea, putem negocia un preț de 4000lei pentru crearea unui site web, managementul general, SEO și livrarea a 100 de articole. Prețul este negociabil, așa că vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne contactați. Translated wit...
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...Foreign vocational student - 1-2 propozitii O-1, O-2 Temporary worker in the sciences - 1-2 propozitii P-1, P-2, P-3 Temporary worker in the arts, athletics in an exchange or cultural program - 1-2 propozitii Q-1, Q-2 Cultural exchange visitor - 1-2 propozitii R-1 Temporary religious worker with a nonprofit organization - 1-2 propozitii TC Professional business worker admitted under U.S. Canada Free Trade Act (NAFTA) - pentru romanii din Canada TN Professional business worker admitted under NAFTA - pentru romanii din Canada sau Mexic...
Site-ul wordpress are nevoie de optimizare pentru a reduce timpii de incarcare. Mentionez ca site-ul ruleaza pe server dedicat, utilizeaza o tema pro si cateva module pro si free. Mai mentionez ca nu intentionez sa dezvolt ceva de la zero. Doar sa imbunatatesc ceea ce exista. Daca ati mai facut asta, va rog mult sa-mi dati un semn in care sa-mi spuneti ce puteti face (o estimare a timpului de incarcare la care va angajati sa ajungeti ar fi perfect!), in cat timp si cu ce resurse.
am pierdut ziua azi discutand cu diverse persoane non-romanians si nu ma pot lauda cu mare progres caut pe cineva cu care sa lucrez la acest hand-out si apoi la orice altceva de la logo, website design, banners samd astept propuneri serioase cu exemple c...lauda cu mare progres caut pe cineva cu care sa lucrez la acest hand-out si apoi la orice altceva de la logo, website design, banners samd astept propuneri serioase cu exemple clare de proiecte similare, daca nu ai mai facut sa nu ne pierdem vremea acesta nu e un proiect gigant ... dar poate duce la proiecte permanente pentru cel cu care asupra calitati si pretului ma inteleg - nu vreau FREE demo dar nici nu o sa arunc cu bani sa vad daca pierd vremea, cine stie sa foloseasca inDesign se misca repede ... multume...
Salve Razvan! as avea nevoie de serviciile tale, daca e posibil, pentru a face unele finisaje la site-ul meu ( - wordpress - avada theme). Pentru toate aceste finisaje iti voi trimite imagini. 1) In primul rand as vrea ca mainmenu-ul sa fie fixed 2) ...Probleme mari sunt intre 801 si 980. De asemenea, in versiunea mobile imaginea sliderului nu se schimba activand unul din cele 4 pulsante de sub el. Merge doar activand sagetutele stanga-dreapta. ---------------------- Apoi mai am unele mici finisaje pe pagina Come Funziona si Vantaggi - versiunea mobile + unele mici finisaje la blog. deocamdata atat. Am valutat undeva la 8 ore X 5€ (PS. 2$ si free nu sunt ok). Dar pretul final il faci tu. Bafta, anunta-ma te rog daca reusesti sa faci aceste ajustari cerute si pretul tau.
...Euplatesc intr-un site wordpress/woocommerce. Particularitatea este faptul ca e nevoie de plati recurente (subscriptions), care sa ofere posibilitatea primei luni gratuite (first month free). Nici un procesator romanesc nu ofera implicit aceasta functionalitate, deci trebuie dezvoltare personalizata. Mai toti procesatorii internationali au implicit aceasta optiune, dar nu-i putem folosi din ratiuni contabile. Pe parcursul proiectului va fi nevoie sa tineti legatura directa si frecventa cu Euplatesc (ei raspund foarte greu sau deloc daca nu se insista). Modalitatea prin care vom obtine acel "Trial Period - first month free" nu prea mai e relevanta, de ex. poate fi o tragere de 1 RON pentru prima luna si apoi recurenta sa mearga normal mai departe. Sau po...
...date a căror expresie a cuantificării se traduce în cifre, aș inspira împăcat. :) Ori măcar să introduc text și cifre, fără prea mare tehnoredactare ori respectiv prelucrare sau postprocesare. Sper să nu mă fi autosabotat prea tare scriind totul ”într-un suflet” și mai mult în stilul confesiv; decât în propoziții scurte, clare și întru eficiența operativității. Mai spre ambiguu ori mai spre free-style inedit, noua mea tastatură achiziționată astăzi s-a bucurat de prima ei folosire, în metoda oarbă bineînțeles, deși cu tastele-i luminate, pentru cine știe ce posibilă combinație de taste; în mediul nocturn. Dacă ajută în vreun fel în cadrul vreunui proiect, înainte de a trece la următoare...
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Salut, Marian! Nu te cunosc, nu ma cunosti (funny) .Iti trimit acest mesaj cu gandul ca poate ma poti ajuta :) Sunt nou in acest domeniu an 1 la Calculatoare(fac doar C , free cad , vrml ,c++) . As vrea sa stiu daca ma poti indruma? gen: ce proiect as putea sa fac ce ar trebui sa invat pentru ca la un moment dat sa pot castiga ceva:) Ce ofer? idk daruire si ajutor cu orice pot:) Mulțam!
este nevoie de dezvoltarea unei platforme educationale in php cu urmatoarele functionalitati: user cu confirmare pe mail, pagina de administrare si introducere date de catre beneficiar, newsletter, plati prin sms card, gamificare si puncte pentru rezultate, teste grila contratimp, clasament rezultate utilizatori. utilizatori free si cu plata
Campania de cel mult 7 emailuri care au scopul de a converti un utilizator care cere Trial-ul unui produs software intr-un client. Primul mail ar trebui sa contina urmatoarele linkuri : link catre aplicatie, link catre pagina de support, link catre pagina cu documentatie. Ultimul mail un chestionar cu 3-5 intrebari care arata cat de satisfacut a fost clientul pe durata testarii produsului. (Trialul este de 7 zile, deci cel mult 7 emailuri.)
poti sa imi faci si mie un site free si iti fac cumparatori ........................................................
Recomand merge mai repede pc si nu nu face nimic dai doar 2 clikuri si gata. merge stat si daca ai calculatorul low ..
...50 b. single black $13.50 c. 5 black pack $64 - $11.90ea d. 5 pack rest of colours $58 - $11.60ea e. 10 pack 2 of each colour $108 - $10.80ea f. 10 pack black $119 – $11.90ea Boy Leg a. single $12.50 b. single black $13.50 c. 5 black pack $64 - $11.90ea d. 5 pack rest of colours $58 - $11.60ea e. 10 pack 2 of each colour $108 - $10.80ea f. 10 pack black $119 - $11.90ea 1 of each trial pack a. 1 gstring, 1 boyleg, 1 bikini, 1 fullbrief ...$39 – any colour F&B PRODUCTS TO LIST LADIES G-String a. single $8.50 b. single black $9.50 c. 5 black pack $43 - $8.60ea d. 5 pack rest of colours $39 - $7.80ea e. 10 pack 2 of each colour $75 - $7.50ea f. 10 pack black $77 - $7.70ea Bikini a. single $11.50 b. single black $12.50 c. 5 bl...
...50 b. single black $13.50 c. 5 black pack $64 - $11.90ea d. 5 pack rest of colours $58 - $11.60ea e. 10 pack 2 of each colour $108 - $10.80ea f. 10 pack black $119 – $11.90ea Boy Leg a. single $12.50 b. single black $13.50 c. 5 black pack $64 - $11.90ea d. 5 pack rest of colours $58 - $11.60ea e. 10 pack 2 of each colour $108 - $10.80ea f. 10 pack black $119 - $11.90ea 1 of each trial pack a. 1 gstring, 1 boyleg, 1 bikini, 1 fullbrief ...$39 – any colour F&B PRODUCTS TO LIST LADIES G-String a. single $8.50 b. single black $9.50 c. 5 black pack $43 - $8.60ea d. 5 pack rest of colours $39 - $7.80ea e. 10 pack 2 of each colour $75 - $7.50ea f. 10 pack black $77 - $7.70ea Bikini a. single $11.50 b. single black $12.50 c. 5 bl...
Salut sti sa faci sunet pentru jocuri? Am un project la care lucrez este vorba despre un joc 3d cu tancuri furturistice. Cautamsound artist. Deocamdat ar fi vorba despre free work. Dar dupa ce pornim se va plati munca depusa. daca te intereseaza contact me: tankforge@
Salul Alec, Pentru el am nevoie de realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe www.carparts4...de realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe sa se vada cam ce vreau sa obtin. Banner mare: 650x390 (6buc) Banner mic dreapta: 220x169 (4 buc) Baner mic jos: 200x154 (12 buc) Dimensiunile sunt in pixeli. Bannerele sa fie cu colturi rotunjite, imagini free, text care sa ii faca curiosi pe vizitatori... Proiectul include realizarea unor bannere asemanatoare si pentru un alt magazin online, si ulterior actualizarea lor la fiecare 3 luni Am nevoie de un banner demo.
Salut man , am un proiect pentru tine , sper sa poti sa ma ajuti cu el :) As dori un program , script , soft cu proxy free ... ceva ce sa poata sa faca Youtube Views ... NU VREAU sa cumpar , vreau CEVA , ce poate sa-mi ofere Yotube Views... Daca chiar nu poti sa faci asa ceva , da-mi macar de stire :) Multumesc !
...obligatorii cu specificatia faptului ca CNP-ul (sau CUI-ul ) este obligatoriu pentru emiterea facturii fiscale (trebuie citat textul de lege). 6. Planurile tarifare trebuie sa fie exact ca si cele actuale cu posibilitatea de modificare a acestora din panoul de administrare. 7. Posibilitatea de comentarii la fiecare lucrare a utilizatorilor. 8. In formularul de contact cei care sunt inscrisi pe planul free mail-ul nu va fi trimis catre persoana inscisa pe site ci catre mail-ul de office sau admin al site-ului urmand ca un operator sa il citeasca si sa ia legatura cu cel inscris pe site. 9. In momentul postarii unei lucrari si aprobarii acesteia de catre operator aceasta sa iba posibilitata de publicare pe conturile noastre de socializare(facebook, twitter si linkedin). 10. ...
...dezvoltare nu este sprijinit oficial de către Google.[4][5] Lansarea platformei Android la 5 noiembrie 2007 a fost anunțată prin fondarea Open Handset Alliance, un consorțiu de 48 de companii de hardware, software și de telecomunicații, consacrat dezvoltării de standarde deschise pentru dispozitive mobile.[6] Google a lansat cea mai mare parte a codului Android sub licența Apache, o licență de tip free-software și open source.[7] În iulie 2005 Google a achiziționat Android, Inc, o mică companie de tip startup cu sediul în Palo Alto, California, SUA.[8] Cofondatorii companiei Android, care au continuat să muncească la Google, au fost Andy Rubin (cofondator al Danger[9]), Rich Miner (cofondator al Wildfire Communications, Inc[10]), Nick Sears (fost vicepreședinte al...
I'm in need of a skilled technician to repair and repipe the PVC connections around my pool. The leaks are primarily near the filter. Key Requirements: - Assess and identify the extent of the damage - Perform necessary repairs and repiping - Ensure all connections are secure and leak-free Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with pool equipment repair - Proficient in plumbing and repiping - Able to provide long-lasting solutions Please note, these PVC connections have never been worked on before, so a thorough inspection and careful handling is paramount. I am looking for a professional who can ensure the job is done right the first time.
You must be an Expert with years of experience in SDR Software Defined Radio so...resources, native files, and source files when completed. I will release the full milestone when the work is fully completed, tested, and accepted by me. I do not pay any milestones until the work is fully completed, all files delivered, all designs, all code delivered, tested, and accepted by me. You must provide all instructions to assemble, install and configure the designs to make sure it is bug free and works perfectly. You must allow me sufficient time to test each feature as you have it built and ready for me to check. If your work is High Quality and exactly what I need I would be interested in considering you for Future projects. I don't communicate on Sundays and I don't expect you...
!!!! *** NO AI generated project *** !!!! We are looking for a talented designer or creative team to develop a premium and distinctive packaging and labe...“Stralsunder Vodka” should stand out prominently. Additional icons, crests, or maritime symbols are welcome if they complement the overall concept. Quality & Professionalism: The design should reflect our commitment to quality and inspire confidence in customers. Contest Details Please submit your designs along with a brief explanation of your creative decisions and the materials/colors/fonts used. Feel free to present different variations or detailed ideas — the more insight we have into your style and concepts, the better! We reserve the right to make changes or adjustments to the final design to ensure op...
...stories from satisfied patients, enhancing trust and social proof. Offers & Promotions: A section highlighting our current offers or promotions to entice potential clients to act quickly. Key Prominent Sections: to Action (CTA) Buttons: Strategically placed CTAs throughout the page, designed to guide visitors toward the next steps (e.g., schedule a consultation, call now, get a free estimate, etc.). Ideal Skills and Experience: 1. Lead Generation-Focused Web Design: Experience in designing websites with a focus on capturing leads and driving conversions. 2. Conversion Rate Optimization: Knowledge of UI/UX principles to enhance user flow and maximize conversions. 3. Trust-Building Content Creation: Ability to create engaging content that reassures visitors and motivates t...
As a small business, I require a USA Toll-Free number with 5 extensions, set up on an urgent basis. Only requirement is that there should be Daily Change in the number. I mean that the number should b changed daily and unlimited incoming facility is required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Knowledge and experience with setting up Toll-Free numbers - Familiarity with configuring extensions properly. -NUMBER should b changed on Daily Basis. - Proficiency with Text-to-Speech technology - Excellent communication skills for understanding requirements -Unlimited Incoming facility.
...until December 31st 2024, there are a total of 38 bank entries (25 of these entries are bank service charges of USD/SGD 10 / 15/ 35). There will be no sales or purchases during this period, only accounts receivable and payable. - I have previous year’s ledgers, trial balance, cash flow, PnL and balance sheet which will be provided for reference. - The final documents will need to be prepared in Excel. The final financial statements should include: - A balance sheet - A profit and loss statement (PnL) - A statement of cash flows - A trial balance No assistance with tax filings is required, only the preparation of the financial statements. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Basic experience in accounting and financial statement preparation - Profic...
...company names, etc.), but many fields remain blank. Not all job listings are fetched; the script currently stops at ~157 jobs out of ~410 listed. Fallback HTML parsing is insufficient, leaving many fields incomplete. Requirements: Comprehensive Data Extraction: Fetch all job listings from Adzuna for the provided URL. Extract key fields, including: Job Title Company Name Description (cleaned and free of HTML tags) Location Posting Date ( Ensure no blank fields Pagination Support: Ensure the scraper navigates through all pages of the search results, capturing every job listing. Fallback Mechanism: If JSON-LD is unavailable or malformed, extract data reliably using HTML selectors for titles, company names, descriptions, etc. Error Handling: Implement robust error handling for i...
...orders). o Restaurant admin app (to manage orders, modify backend and operations). o Restaurant Branch User app (to manage orders and operations). o Delivery app (for drivers). 6. UI/UX Design: o A clean, modern, and user-friendly design is required. o Mobile Friendly 7. WordPress-Based Solution: o Use WordPress as the base platform, with easy-to-manage CMS features and a page builder for quick, code-free edits. o Hybrid Apps Important: Please confirm the following in your proposal: • Your ability to meet the $500 budget. • A detailed list of functionalities you will include. • The estimated timeline for delivery. • Samples of your previous work using WordPress or similar solutions. Thank you for understanding the importance of adhering to the budget. I look f...
I am looking for a talented illustrator to create a unique and appealing meme coin figure for our new crypto project. The figure will be used on our website, social media platforms and in various marketing materials. The style should be [Like Pepe or MAD]. It is important that the character is customizable and scalable so that it can be used in different sizes and formats, such as logos...to create a unique and appealing meme coin figure for our new crypto project. The figure will be used on our website, social media platforms and in various marketing materials. The style should be [Like Pepe or MAD]. It is important that the character is customizable and scalable so that it can be used in different sizes and formats, such as logos, icons and banners. Translated with (free version...
...Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok) and Google Ads. Design, test, and refine ad creatives (video, image, carousel ads) to optimize performance. Cold Outreach Optimization: Improve our cold email outreach strategy by integrating it with social media and retargeting campaigns. Ensure campaigns are tailored to roofing contractors and restoration businesses. Lead Generation: Create and manage funnels for trial sign-ups and demo bookings. Leverage platforms like LinkedIn Sales Navigator, , and Google Ads to generate quality leads. Content and SEO Strategy: Develop engaging blog content targeting roofers and restoration contractors. Optimize landing pages and ads for SEO and conversion. Analytics and Reporting: Monitor and analyze performance metrics (CTR, ROI, lead conversion rates). Adj...
...SEO-optimized, and written in an engaging and easy-to-read tone. Key Requirements: Primary Keyword: Sheesham wood vs teak wood Secondary Keywords (To be used naturally): Sheesham wood furniture Teak wood furniture Sheesham wood Teak wood Content Guidelines: Word Count: 2000 words. The content must be human-written, plagiarism-free, and pass AI content detectors. Maintain a Grammarly score above 85 with a readability score above 55. Avoid keyword stuffing. All keywords should be integrated seamlessly and naturally. The content should demonstrate E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) principles. Tone of Voice: Engaging, easy to read, yet authorita...
I'm seeking a minimalist, professional logo. - Style: The logo should be minimalistic, avoiding unnecessary details and focusing on simplicity and clarity. - Feeling: It should convey a sense of professionalism, suitable for a corporate or business context. - Color: You're free to choose the colors. A monochrome palette or the use of subtle hues would be preferred. Ideal skills and experience include logo design, graphic design, and a strong understanding of minimalist aesthetics. Previous work with corporate clients would be a plus. Please provide a portfolio of relevant designs.
General Requirements: -Refine all text across all pages (grammar, punctuation, sentence structure). -Ensure all pages are Google-appropriate and error-free. -Make the website mobile-friendly across all devices. -Simplify and customize the chatbox. Remove unnecessary features and make it functional. Page-Specific Tasks Home Page: -Ensure headings are on one line and visually appealing. -Apply the same heading style to all other pages (About, Projects, Capabilities, Why Choose Us, FAQs, Director Profile, Careers, Contact Us). -Fix the subheading to read: “Our Vision, Our Mission & Our Core Values.” Our Vision, Our Mission & Our Core Values Page: -Make all headings, subheadings, and body text the same size, style, and color as the Home Page. -Adjust sentences, lin...
...compilation - Integrate music and memes in a way that enhances the comedic elements - Ensure the final product is between 4-7 minutes long Ideal Candidate: - A golf enthusiast or someone who regularly consumes YT golf content from the US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or similar. A second language speaker may struggle to understand the comedic angle I'm going for, but if you think you can, feel free to apply. - Familiar with gaming humour - Able to understand and execute on a specific comedic angle - Has a strong sense of timing and rhythm for editing to an upbeat and energetic soundtrack - Capable of incorporating witty and verbal humour into the edit The below link is a great example of a gaming video with the kind of style I want - but imagine replacing the gaming...
...existing articles from a source website. The goal is to create 4000 entirely new, unique, and plagiarism-free articles for publication on our website. The rewritten content must maintain the original meaning and factual accuracy of the source material while sounding natural, engaging, and human-written. We want to avoid any robotic or AI-generated tone. Project Scope: Content Volume: 4000 articles Source Material: Provided in CSV format (containing article titles and content). Deliverables: 4000 rewritten articles in a specified format (e.g., .docx, .txt, or directly into a WordPress staging environment – to be discussed). Content Requirements: Uniqueness: 100% original content, free from plagiarism (verified using plagiarism detection tools). Accuracy: Maintain th...
... Design Elements - Incorporate product images - Brand logo prominently featured - Use of makeup usage tips or slogans Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Branding - Advertising design Experience in makeup or beauty industry design would be a plus. Please include relevant portfolio pieces in your proposal. I’ve attached a PDF containing different forms of the logo for you to review. Please feel free to select one or two logos that you think would work best for the backdrop design. For reference, the brand’s colors are powdered pink, rose gold, and champagne, but you’re not restricted to using all of them. If you have another creative vision, we’re open to your ideas. I’ve also included pictures of the products we want to promote. You can either grou...
I'm looking for an expert who can help me create a comprehensive strategy for a lead generation campaign. The primary goal of the project is to generate leads and ultimately drive sales. Objectives - The main objective is to develop a strategy that is effective in reaching potential customers and converting them into lea...outlining the campaign's different components. - Suggested content for various platforms, tailored to engage the target audience. - Key performance indicators to measure the success of the campaign. Additional Notes - I have a flexible budget and am open to investing in this project to ensure its success. - I would appreciate timely updates and communication throughout the process. Please feel free to reach out if you need more information or clarific...
Quero um mod menu para o jogo Free Fire com funções, um especialista que crie e desenvolva um MOD com login e senha, podemos negociar valores e tirar duvidas via chat
Quero um mod menu para o jogo Free Fire com funções, um especialista que crie e desenvolva um MOD com login e senha, podemos negociar valores e tirar duvidas via chat
I'm in need of a Tally Prime code specifically designed to assist with managing product descriptions. Key features: - The code should facilitate the handling of product descriptions efficiently, allowing for easy navigation and updates as needed. Ideally, the freelancer should: - Have exte...features: - The code should facilitate the handling of product descriptions efficiently, allowing for easy navigation and updates as needed. Ideally, the freelancer should: - Have extensive experience with Tally Prime and coding for it. - Understand inventory management and product description systems. - Be able to provide a trial TCP for testing the code before final delivery. Please note that I will need to be able to check the functionality of the code using a trial TCP be...
I'm looking for an expert who can help me create a comprehensive strategy for a lead generation campaign. The primary goal of the project is to generate leads and ultimately drive sales. Objectives - The main objective is to develop a strategy that is effective in reaching potential customers and converting them into lea...outlining the campaign's different components. - Suggested content for various platforms, tailored to engage the target audience. - Key performance indicators to measure the success of the campaign. Additional Notes - I have a flexible budget and am open to investing in this project to ensure its success. - I would appreciate timely updates and communication throughout the process. Please feel free to reach out if you need more information or clarific...
I am looking for a skilled proofreader to review my 3-page economics academic paper. The proofreading should particularly focus on: there needs to be in text citations and refrences can only be from 2021-2025 - Grammar and punctuation - Citation and formatting Please ensure that the paper is free from any grammatical errors and appropriately formatted according to academic standards. Experience in proofreading academic papers, particularly in the field of economics, would be highly beneficial.
...its benefits: financial tips, investment guidance, and a supportive community. - Share the Telegram link (will share later) strategically. 3. Track Progress: - Provide weekly updates on contacts made, groups/pages targeted, and new members added to the channel. Key Goal: - Successfully onboard 1,000 new members while maintaining professionalism and avoiding spam tactics. Feel free to adjust based on your specific requirements....
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Freelancer Wanted: Shopify Website Customization Expert We are looking for an experienced Shopify website design...freelancer I hire must be willing to do the work first before being paid to ensure the job is done in its entirety and the way envisioned. The site and apps desired must be fully functional in order to be paid. To secure that you will be paid, I will put the money in a Freelancer Broker holding account so you know you will be paid when the job is completed. I've been outsourcing for many years so feel free to see my reviews. If things work out nicely between us, this will become a long-term job with other site designs and updates. We look forward to finding the right talent to bring our vision to life! Sincerely, Michael Baker, Project Manager Project Mana...
... Shreddage 3 Stratus Free: RJS Classic Electric: Hammersmith Free: The Experience - New York S&S Model B: The Experience - Fazioli F308: Sweetcase: CollaB3: Vital: Surge XT: Syntronik 2 CS: Tyrell N6: BBC Discover: The Free Orchestra: Kilohearts
Since personal security has recently appeared to be the most important problem in society, it threatens especially sensitive categories, like women, children, s...with their device. The target audience includes individuals walking alone, students walking to classes, children traveling to school, and elderly people living independently. This development project will incorporate the mobile development frameworks, voice recognition APIs, real-time GPS tracking, and secure messaging protocols. Silent Help is focused on rising demand for covert, hands-free personal security solutions. The app aims to enhance personal security and provide peace of mind in potentially dangerous situations. Keywords: SOS, voice command, personal safety, GPS, emergency alert, mobile ap...
I am looking for an experienced developer who can create a fully automated, hands-free futures trading system for Quantower. The system needs to be well-designed, backtested, and displaying a small drawdown while aiming to capture a wider spread. Key Requirements: - Implement key features such as take-profit targets and stop-loss mechanisms. - Backtesting capabilities: The system should be able to test its effectiveness on historical data before real-time trading. - Low drawdown: The system should exhibit a small drawdown, indicating a stable performance under various market conditions. - Wide spread capture: The system should be designed to aim for capturing a wider spread. The trading system should be capable of trading in commodities. I have a few ideas for features I w...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create a landing page for me. The primary goal of this page is to generate leads. Key Features: - Email ...developer to create a landing page for me. The primary goal of this page is to generate leads. Key Features: - Email Collection: I need the page to collect email addresses from visitors. This is crucial for nurturing potential leads and converting them into customers. - Call-to-Action: The landing page should have a clear and compelling Call-to-Action (CTA) to encourage visitors to request a free trial of my product. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in web development, with experience designing lead generation pages. Skills in UX/UI design, SEO, and digital marketing will be a ...