Pen drive not showing files and foldersproiecte
...unui stat de plata discutat la curs prin programul Saga Altele:1. Suportul de curs – poate fi chiar prezentarea pe slide-uri PPTX a lectorului 2. Materiale didactice – stat de plata, legislatia specifica si modele de calcul 3. Tema de casa – calcul unui stat de plata cu un concediu medical pe o speta data (tema de weekend)4. Corectare tema de casa cu notare de la 1 la 10 si comentarii, pe Google Drive in folderul cursantului in termen de 7 zile 5. Tema proiect examen absolvire - calcul unui stat de plata cu un concediu medical pe o speta data (cu niste date la alegerea cursantului ca sa nu se poata face copy – paste la acelasi proiect de absolvire) 6. Corectare tema proiect examen de absolvire cu notare de la 1 la 10 si comentarii in tabel de examen in t...
...shocked by the historic parity achieved between the US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable to the dollar, but those days are long gone. The factors for the Japanese currency's downfall are numerous: from a declining industrial sector to an ageing population to, not least, an ultra...
Aici sunt fisierele pentru episodul 18 Ce am nevoie este doar ca la fisierul meu, cand vorbeste Radu sa stergi/sa pui silence, iar la fisierul lui Radu cand vorbesc eu sa scoti. Iar daca vorbim in acelasi timp, lasa asa, nu taia. La final, as vrea tot 2 fisiere separate sa ne trimiti si tot .wav, te rog
Descrierea Jobului: Căutam un agent de suport extraordinar, specializat pe ecommerce, care să ne ajute să maximizăm vânzările unui magazin online în România. Fiind un business de comerț online, site-ul nostru se bazează în mod principal pe traficul adus...dedica un loc linistit pentru munca online și are acces la calculator Candidatul ideal este confortabil să poate asista clienți prin apel telefonic și să recupereze o mare parte a vânzărilor care nu au fost concluzionate inițial Experiență necesară: 2+ ani de experiență în customer service sau vânzări în comerț online Experiență precedentă în munca cu software online de tip Slack, Asana, Google Drive, Wordpress/Woocommerce, Zoom, Live Agent etc. Preferăm să lucrăm cu perso...
...faca parte din echipa noastra. Site-ul unde se vor publica articolele este al unui dealer cunoscut din Romania, cu relatii comerciale atat in tara cat si in strainatate. Pe social media stam foarte bine ca si numar de followeri sau like-uri iar articolele publicate vor avea expunere, atat prin prisma vizitelor pe site cat si in social media. Exista posibilitatea sa oferim si masini pentru test-drive, pentru ca avem asa ceva, totul depinde de implicarea si profesionalismul persoanei pe care o vom accepta in echipa. Ne intereseaza in principiu oameni pasionati, oameni cu experienta dar oferim o sansa si celor noi daca exista entuziasm si o baza pentru viitor. Pasiune nu inseamna ca ai citit zilnic 2-3 stiri auto, pasiune inseamna trecut prezent si viitor. Atat cunostinte despre...
Solaris Technologies @Solaristech
3 responsive Html, CSS (SASS), JS layouts for a travel site, executed according to the graphics created in Adobe XD 1. Home - Desktop / Mobile 2. Results page - Desktop / Mobile 3. Hotel detail page - Desktop / Mobile Layouts must be done with a CSS framework, such as Google Material Design Web, .. or a Bootstrap Material Design kit (ex Now UI from Cre...framework will be chosen in agreement with the developer Google Material design kit for web (the graphics were executed in Adobe XD using this kit) * OR something like Css framework from Creative-Tim * * Project layouts
Salut, Tocmai ti-am citit profilul si mi-am dat seama ca esti exact ce am nevoie. Am nevoie de un script pt penetration testing e pt un proiect de scoala... Nu stiu daca esti dispus sa ma ajuti, macar niste informatii cam ce ar putea contine un pen test automatizat? Nu vreau ceva greu ca trebuie sa ii fac si prezentarea Multumesc pentru timpul acordat
Avem nevoie de un Editor Video pentru Video Sales Letters (VSL), care vor fi incarcate pe LP-urile de vanzare. Colaborarea poate fi pe proiect sau permanenta, cu un volum de lucru de 1-2 clipuri de saptamana. VSL-urile pot avea format full...poate fi pe proiect sau permanenta, cu un volum de lucru de 1-2 clipuri de saptamana. VSL-urile pot avea format full video cu mici editari (text, cartoane, subtitrari) sau trebuie create din diferite cadre, animatii, secvente video in conformitate cu tema VSL-ului. Task-uri: - Sa descarcati secventele video filmate (de pe Google Drive) - Sa editati clipul video conform scenariului / scriptului (durata finala 20-40 min) - Sa incarcati fisiere rezultate inapoi la Google Drive. Exemple de VSL gasiti pe sau
Buna ziua! In primul rand avem nevoie de configurarea serverului detinut de catre companie. Migrarea si Modificarea site-ului companiei de la un host pe serverul nostru, si a conturilor de mail. Crearea unei aplicatii de gestionare a resurselor umane si financiare a companiei si de raportare a lucrarilor (incar...primul rand avem nevoie de configurarea serverului detinut de catre companie. Migrarea si Modificarea site-ului companiei de la un host pe serverul nostru, si a conturilor de mail. Crearea unei aplicatii de gestionare a resurselor umane si financiare a companiei si de raportare a lucrarilor (incarcare poze pe server) Platforma web sau pe server de lucru a documentelor intre 4 utilizatori (gen one drive) pentru mai multe intrebari va stau la dispozitie(Removed by Freelancer....
Cum functioneaza: - reclamele trebuie sa apara la fiecare intrare in app si la tap pe butonul back - cand termini de colorat o poza, trebuie sa apara o animatie cu progresul si 3 butoane: share, rate, more apps - acelasi lucru tre sa se intample si la apasarea pe share (dreapta sus) ...trebui sa poti sa pictezi cu drag (nu punct cu punct). Ce ar mai trebui testat: - tablete mari, mici, telefoane mari, mici. Ar trebui sa functioneze la fel scrollul, zoomul, pictatul etc indiferent de dimensiunea device-ului. In realitate insa cred ca sunt diferente. - cat mai multe versiuni de Android. Suportam incepand cu 4.3. In special pe versiunea 8 e posibil sa fie crashuri. - de testat cu pen - am citit in reviews ca sunt crashuri
Angajez urgent un web developer sa lucreze impreuna cu mine salariu lunar intre 500-1000 euro, depinde de cat avem de munca, cu timpul putem creste salariul, depinde de abilitati, si de interesul oferit Caut o persoana serioasa, nu azi sa lucreze si maine sa dispara Cunostinte necesare: - wordpress - convert psd to wordpress - woo commerce - psd to html - photoshop - responsive design Mai multe detalii in privat Astept oferte
etapa 1 personalizare odoo v10 comunity on premises prin api: - curs valutar automat ron euro - conversii automate preturi produse achizitii vanzari ron euro / euro ron in monetul facturarii - completare partener dupa cui automat minister finante - verificare vies partener direct din program - preturi produse vanzari achizitii in lei / euro - con...odoo v10 comunity on premises prin api: - curs valutar automat ron euro - conversii automate preturi produse achizitii vanzari ron euro / euro ron in monetul facturarii - completare partener dupa cui automat minister finante - verificare vies partener direct din program - preturi produse vanzari achizitii in lei / euro - configurare sync google calendar si google drive ...
Buna ziua Am nevoie de servicii de HTML - de la files design .psd sau .ai pe HTML, pentru email marketing. As dori sa stiu care este rata pe ora. Multumesc.
...ce pot fi indeplinite folosind aceste tutoriale si putina creativitate. Deasemeni sa poata delega sarcini pe freelancer si a le manageria (eg. sa asigure configurarea unui server, web design, scripturi, research etc.), fiind responsabil de rezultatul final. Sunt necesare cunostinte avansate de limba engleza inclusiv vorbit. Tinem evidenta la tot ce facem pe Trello. Mai folosim Google Drive, Slack etc. Postul este full time, remote, cu o perioada de probe platita, program flexibil. Sarcinilie vor fi transmise de regula telefonic, urmand ca dupa fiecare discutie asistentul sa scrie un e-mail care sa clarifice sarcina. Pentru a aplica, raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari: De ce crezi ca esti potrivit pentru job? Ce experienta anterioara ai? Ce te pasionaza? Dupa...
Am nevoie de o aplicatie mobila pentru a colecta date din teren in procesul de evaluare a bunurilor imobiliare sau mobiliare iar care la sfarsitul procesului de identificare sa se poata genera un proces verbal de identificare care sa poata fi trimis pe e-mail sau descarcat in Drive sau Dropbox.
Am un formular de contact, il gasiti in atasament, care dupa completarea datelor, trimite datele in google drive intr-o foaie de calcul cu numele shopdisc1. A fost creat pe zengGdata si numai lucreaza. Vreau sa-l repar sau sa creez o solutie alternativa care face aceleasi functii, trimite datele in google drive intr-o foaie de calcu, aveti si exemplu la foaia de calcul in atasament. Si asi mai vrea si un design mai bun la pagina de formular, sau eventual posibilitatea de integrat acest formular intr-o pagina de wordpress.
Buna! Am nevoie de un Video de prezentare, si de promovare, in domeniul hrana pentru albine. pagina web este Am 3 produse pe care trebuie prezentate intrun mod dinamic, si professional. Am numai cateva poze despre produse deci trebuie creat in mod graphic de la a-z tot. Videoul sa fie realistic, si in 3D si normal. Si o varianta animata de secolul 21. deci modern. Produsele sunt urmatoarele: ApiSweet, ApiFood, ApiDrink ApiSweet cu inlocuitor de polen, ApiFood simpla, ApiDrink lichid sirop.
Size : Height 19.20cm Lenght : 8.60cm Positio precut pen : Lenght : 1.60cm Height : 14.40cm
Se da: Un fisier pe google drive - foaie de calcul - Am site-ul - cu pagina de produse - Se cere: Sincronizarea Sheet-urilor din google drive cu produsele de pe site Fiecare sheet din foaia de calcul contine cate un tabel pentru fiecare produs, shet-ul se va numi cu numele produsului respectiv Aceste tabele din foaia de calcul trebuie adaugate pe paginile de produse respective. Asa arata originalul - Acesta este site-ul care trebuie sincronizat - Aceasta este foaia de calcul -
Salut, eu sun un fotograf, si as dori ca pentru clientii mei sa le inscriu pe disc sau pe usb drive fotografiile in forma de un meniu. Unde clientul sa poate usor si placut sa vizioneze pozele. Nu doresc ceva sofisticat, doar sa fie citeva categorii de fotografii, buton dreapta / stinga si posibil pe viitor auto slideshow. Mai pe scurt eu am desenat in exemplu mai de jos cum asa dori sa arate produsul final.
Programul trebuie sa opereze un drive head cu piston pe 2 directii (X si Y) sa ia un token si sa il puna intr-un container cilindric + sa verifice cand cilindrul e plin. Am toata descrierea programului cu o lista de inputs,outputs&co care trebuie respectata, cu video-uri si pasi ce trebuie urmati. Am nevoie de cineva care stie sa foloseasca i Trilogi si poate sa urmeze instructiunile exact cum sunt trecute acolo. Pot sa ofer si kit-ul de instalare pentru i-Trilogi educational.
trimite pe privat o adresa de email sau un id de skype, nu pot sa iti raspund la un proiect pe care nu l-am castigat.rnsi te pot ajuta cu ce mai ai nevoie. rnrnrndo not bid rndo not bidrntest project.rnThanks
I have about 1300 files that are saved in a format that is not readable / recognized by Excel. - I need each file to be opened using a program that reads the file format (program will be provided) - I need each file to be extracted / saved under the same file name but as an Excel file
...ID) and Serilog.Enrich.Exception. And I have tired to add OpenTelemetry traceability and custom metrics. All of this is working in the console log - I can see Serilog logs on the console. I can see my custom meters on the console. And I can see OpenTelemetry traces' instrumentation on the console. And the entire system, both applications, the Aspire Dashboard, etc, all currently starts with "docker compose up" That is all working currently. I am trying to send all the logs, metrics and traces to Aspire Dashboard's docker container image :latest. However, while I see all the logs, metrics, and traces on the console, none of that shows up on the Aspire Dashboard. This job is to get logs (including trace ID and...
I work with wide format printers I want a designer who can create pdfs from dxf files. The dxf file is a cnc ready file to drive router to cut a shape in a 8' x 4' sheet. They can be converted to Jpgs or pdfs using free online tools or other software. My printer prints 40" or 36" wide from a 100m roll The file has about 15 simple elements, which will need to be relayed out to fit on a file 40' or 36' roll and as long as needed. There is no limit on the length There are a number of stages to the project Now - Prove it works with 1 design. In future - If sucessful convert and complete a further 50+ designs
...our customizations and compatibility settings. For instance, the minimum operating system supported by our compiled binary is Windows XP without any service packs installed, and this compatibility needs to be retained. The resulting self-extractor must also be able to take advantage of compiler intrinsics for the fastest extraction speeds on the latest generation of CPU hardware. To help you accurately estimate the scope of work, here's a non-exhaustive summary of the current customizations: Localization support via string tables Splash screen support Showing progress on taskbar Changing taskbar progress color upon errors/messages Extraction location changed to ProgramData Minimum extraction support (a very limited subset of archive) Silent extraction suppo...
...that: Accepts a PDF file and printer name as arguments. Dynamically detects the PDF’s dimensions (in mm). Configures CUPS temporarily (if needed) and prints the PDF 1:1 without scaling. Example command: bash Copy ./ -p "Printer_Name" -f "" Test PDFs: I will provide 3 PDFs with unique sizes (e.g., 132x96 mm, 340x110 mm, 80x50 mm). Technical Constraints: Use only command-line tools (lp, pdfinfo, awk). No persistent CUPS configuration changes (e.g., avoid lpadmin if possible). Handle printers with hard-coded margins (content must be centered as much as hardware allows). Key Focus: Ensure the printer uses the exact paper size of the PDF (no cropping/stretching). Graceful error handling for unsupported sizes (e.g., Error: Printer X does ...
...Hey everyone, I’m reaching out because I’m in a tough spot and could really use some help. I’ve poured my heart, soul, and every last penny into building my business, Lavish Furnishes. My site is finally live, showcasing a wide range of over 4,000 products—from everyday furniture to beautiful handmade pieces crafted with care. We also offer trusted appliances from brands like LG, Samsung, and Whirlpool, and a DIY tool category for home renovation enthusiasts looking to enhance their living spaces! However, I’m currently facing a hurdle that feels insurmountable. While the website is well-built and my suppliers are solid, I’m in desperate need of a loan or any support to help me cover costs and drive s...
...extract product descriptions and customer reviews for liquor products from various platforms. The primary sources for this project include Google Shopping, Online Liquor Stores, and Review Websites. Key Requirements: - Proficient in web scraping techniques - Prior experience with eCommerce data scraping - Familiarity with liquor product market (preferred but not necessary) - Ability to deliver data in an organized and usable format Ideal Skills: - Data Analysis - Python or equivalent programming languages - Attention to detail Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've completed. Your bid will be evaluated based on your experience, the quality of your previous work, and your proposed timeline for the project. Please make sure you se...
I'm seeking a professional well-versed in local SEO, specifically with enhancing my presence on local business listings. Currently, my business is listed on Google My Business and Bing Places, and I need assistance optimizing these platforms to drive more local traffic to my business. In addition, I require some minor enhancements to my website. The primary focus is on functionality improvements. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven track record in local SEO - Proficiency with Google My Business and Bing Places - Web development skills, particularly in improving site functionality - Excellent understanding of small business needs
I need an experienced developer to integrate Affirm on two o...experienced developer to integrate Affirm on two of my Shopify websites. The integration should include: - Displaying Affirm as a payment option at checkout - Showing Affirm cost breakdown on product pages - Adding Affirm promotional banners across the sites I have the necessary Affirm credentials ready for the integration. However, the design of the Affirm logos and payment options needs to match my websites' current design theme. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient in Java and other coding languages - Extensive experience with Shopify and its payment integrations - Strong understanding of web design and ability to match existing design themes - Pre...
...Manager, and an SEO Specialist. - **Marketing Expert**: Your primary goal will be to increase our brand awareness. We're seeking a professional with a proven track record in strategizing and executing effective marketing campaigns. - **Social Media Manager**: You'll be responsible for managing our presence across various social media platforms. Your role will involve creating engaging content and interacting with our audience to boost our brand visibility. - **SEO Specialist**: We're looking for an expert who can help improve our search engine rankings and drive organic traffic to our site. Your role will involve conducting keyword research, optimizing our website content, and implementing SEO best practices. Ideal candidates ...
I am seeking a dedicated Cold Caller / Appointment Setter for my website design agency. The focus of this role is to target small local businesses across the nation. The ideal candidate will: - Have a proven track record in cold calling - Be skilled in setting appointments - Understand the nuances of pitching web design services to small busin...small local businesses across the nation. The ideal candidate will: - Have a proven track record in cold calling - Be skilled in setting appointments - Understand the nuances of pitching web design services to small businesses This role is commission-based, providing an opportunity for high earnings based on performance. Experience in the web design industry is a plus but not a requirement. A tenacious spirit and a drive t...
I am looking for an experienced industrial designer to create two aluminum unisex fixie bike frames, along with a matching fork and handlebars. The design should be delivered in 3D and 2D formats (PDF/STEP/IGS/DWG), ready for manufacturing. Project Requirements: 1. Bike Frame Specifications: Two aluminum fixie frame designs (same geometry, different braking systems) Frame 1: Compatible with V-brakes Frame 2: Compatible with disc brakes Unisex frame size designed for riders between 1.70m - 1.95m Geometry: Optimized for a balanced ride position, suitable for urban riding Belt Drive Compatibility: Must support a carbon belt drive (e.g., Gates Carbon Drive) Internal Cable Routing: For brake cables Wheel & Tire Compatibility: 28-inch wheels, max tire widt...
I'm searching for an expert who can help me effectively reach retail investors ...without further action necessary! Algo 1: Low-Risk Algo 2: High-Risk Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and utilizing effective platforms, including but not limited to social media and financial forums, to reach potential investors. - Crafting compelling messages to raise interest and drive investment. - Direct Marketing - What every method works to bring people to copy Please note, I already have a presence on Facebook, LinkedIn and my own website. I am open to any other effective means you may suggest. The remuneration will be based on a highly lucrative commission structure.
I'm in need of detailed shop drawings for the security systems of a commercial building. The drawings should encompass: - Wiring Diagrams: Detailed layouts showing how the wiring will connect the various components of the security system. - Equipment Placement: Strategic positioning of all security devices within the building. - Control Panel Layouts: Schematics for the control panels that will manage the security system. Ideal candidates for this project should have substantial experience in creating shop drawings for commercial security systems. Proficiency with CAD software and understanding of security systems is crucial. Past portfolio showcasing similar projects will be highly regarded.
...the actual comment chat box is no longer showing up on any of my photos throughout Facebook but it does show up on videos I post. Please refer to the images provided showing how the chat box is not an available option anymore on my photos. Please ONLY respond to this project if you have fixed an issue like this before. If you are able to get the problem resolved within no more than a few hours. Lastly, I will not pay until the end of completion to my satisfaction of said project. If you can agree to all of this, please reach out on chat to me directly to discuss further. Here's a breakdown of the situation: - The problem is isolated to my personal profile, as my business page and phone are functioning correctly. - I can comment on videos, but ...
I'm in need of a virtual assistant who can help drive signup for a online house cleaning service through cold call and cold DMs. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and Attract potential leads via cold calls to Americans who are interested to book a FREE home cleaning visit and convince them to signup for the FREE VISIT - Affiliate link and potential leads will be given by me. - Engage with each lead to generate interest in the services, one-to-one. Details required by the user: Zipcode, Name, personal email id, USA registered phone number, American home address, booking confirmation upon submit over email. No ads, only organic traffic required- Cold calls and cold DMS preferred Target audience- USA only Pay- 1 USD per customer Daily Target-...
...Automate receives the candidate details (name, position, etc.) from SuccessFactors and triggers the next step in the workflow. ________________________________________ Step 3: Power Automate Pushes Candidate Documents to SuccessFactors 1. Power Automate collects the required candidate documents (certificates, passport details, etc.) from the candidate, usually via email, external file uploads, or a form. 2. After the documents are collected, Power Automate attempts to upload them to SuccessFactors. o Scenario 1: If SuccessFactors has an area to store documents Power Automate uploads the documents directly to the correct SuccessFactors object (e.g., Candidate or Onboarding Record). o Scenario 2: If SuccessFactors does not have a dedicated area to store documents: Power...
...Description: We are seeking an experienced and results-driven Business Development Manager (BDM) to join our team on a full-time basis. Our company, Canopus Silicon Valley, specializes in non-IT recruitment, and we are looking for a skilled professional who can help us expand our client base and drive revenue growth. Responsibilities: Identify and generate new business opportunities in the non-IT recruitment industry. Develop and maintain relationships with clients, hiring managers, and decision-makers. Understand client staffing needs and provide customized recruitment solutions. Negotiate contracts and agreements with clients. Collaborate with the recruitment team to ensure successful candidate placements. Stay updated ...
I need an engaging advertisement campaign for diclofenac injection across all major platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads. The primary goal of this campaign is to drive direct sales. Key Responsibilities: - Design and run a comprehensive ad campaign targeting potential buyers. - Create engaging image-based content for the advertisement posts. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in running sales-focused advertisement campaigns - Proficiency in creating compelling image-based content - Knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry would be a plus. Please provide examples of previous similar projects you have undertaken. I look forward to your bids.
I am looking for a highly creative architectural designer with experience in tropical home design and rainwater harvesting systems to refine and improve the design of a house. The goal is to transform it into an ultra-modern, while ensuring functionality and environmental harmony. Project Scope: - Modernization: The house should be pimped to achieve an ultra-modern look. - The Balcony on the 1st floor is a creation. I need help refining its design to enhance the house's aesthetics. - Rainwater Harvesting System: The ideal placement and integration of a rainwater tank into the design, ensuring it blends naturally with the environment. - Glass Railings for Safety: Transparent glass railings need to be added on the lower terrace to secure the pool area for yo...
I'm looking for a professi...a professional who can create a high-detail, realistic 3D animated model of our clinic. The animation should comprehensively explain every step and every part of the patient's journey from entry to exit. Key Areas to Include: - The reception and waiting area The animation will need to be intricate and thorough, showing all elements of these areas in a realistic manner. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in creating high-detail, realistic 3D animations - A strong portfolio of similar works - Excellent attention to detail and ability to follow precise instructions Please note, while this project only focuses on the reception and waiting area, the model should be versatile enough to potential...
...product, 'RingFence', will alert households and small businesses with WiFi base security systems that they are under attack, by sounding a siren. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and select the most suitable equity-based crowdfunding platform for our campaign. - Develop the campaign with a strong emphasis on the comparative advantages of our technology to protect existing wireless security systems. - Manage all aspects of the campaign launch, ideally ready within a week working closely witht he client. About Us: - We have registered the trademark 'RingFence', which is currently under contest by Amazon, but their claim is weak so we will launch anyway. Content for the campaign is readily available, including information on a BBC program, ...
...log into a specific website manually to check who has contacted me, as these messages don't appear in my email inbox. I need a program that can do the following: - For a single property: - Log into the website and stay logged in. - Extract contacts at a set interval and save them to an XLSX file on the desktop. - If I have 2 to 5 properties: - The script should stay logged in on multiple Chrome browser instances (up to 5 properties). - Extract the contact information and create 5 folders on the desktop. - Save the contacts every 2 hours inside their respective folders. I would be inputting the login credentials manually each time. The contact information should be saved in an XLSX file. The script must be able to re-login automatica...
I'm looking for a Python and Selenium expert who can create a script that will automate the process of logging into a real estate website, extracting contact information, and saving it to an XLSX file on my desktop. Key Features: - For a single property: - Log into the website and remain logged in. - Extract contacts at a preset interval and save them to an XLSX file on the desktop. - For multiple properties (2 to 5): - The script should manage multiple Chrome browser instances (up to 5 properties). - Extract contact information and create 5 folders on the desktop. - Save the contacts every 2 hours inside their respective folders. Contact Information to be Extracted: - Name and message - Email address I h...
I need somebody to fix the email confirmation template on Shopify. We updated the design on the email confirmation when customers place orders, but the items they order aren't showing correctly and the total amount of receipt as well.
I n...layout, including key landmarks and features. Key Requirements: - The 3D rendering must be able to illustrate the following: - Starting from Meadow Prong Rd, turning onto Baptist Drive, and entering Galbreath Arms. - The location of the Basketball Court and Fenced Area. - The positioning of the dwelling, septic tank, and water well. - Use of realistic textures to give a lifelike appearance. - Inclusion of annotated landmarks. File Format: - The final product can be in any professional and informative format. Please ensure it looks polished and suitable for presentation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D rendering software. - Experience in creating detailed and accurate property renderings. - ...
...who can not only pen a gripping web series but also help develop the concept from scratch. The series will fall under the categories of drama, action, suspense, and thriller, targeting both teenagers and adults. Key Requirements: - Expertise in screenwriting with a portfolio of action-thriller dramas - Strong idea development skills - Good understanding of books and TV shows - Ability to depict both urban and rural settings - Knowledge of the tastes and preferences of teenagers and adults Your role would include crafting a compelling narrative that traverses both urban and rural landscapes, keeping the viewers on the edge of their seats. A deep knowledge of literature and television is crucial to create relatable ch...