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    2,000 pass copyscape proiecte găsite

    Expert and professionals in rewriting articles and pass copyscape.

    $1875 Average bid
    $1875 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    Redactare 10 articole
    S-a încheiat left

    - Cautam pe cineva care sa ne scrie aproximativ 10 de articole/descrieri servicii, cu legatura in zona IT (1 articol/minim 1500 caractere) - Atentie, articolele trebuie sa fie redactate unicat, se vor verifica textele cu Copyscape pentru plagiarism, nu copiati/modificati textele de pe alte website-uri! - Articolele se vor livra in format .docx - Daca nu cunosti limba romana la nivel avansat, NU aplica la acest proiect.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    Am nevoie de 5 articole bazate pe 5 keyword uri diferite, fiecare articol trebuie sa contina 3-4 derivate de la keywordul respectiv, toate sunt deja pregatite. Articolele trebuie sa treaca copyscape si sa poata fi citite.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    ...legate de incaltamintea de dama din piele naturala. Vă voi oferi 2 cuvinte cheie separate și veți produce 5 articole separate unice pentru fiecare cuvânt cheie / frază. Toate articolele trebuie să fie: * minimum 500 de cuvinte, (nu se calculeaza titlul) * posedă punctuație perfectă * nu aveți greșeli de ortografie * trebuie să nu fie plagiat * trebuie să treacă testarea Copyscape și Plagium (Dacă un articol nu trece Copyscape sau Plagium, vi se va cere să rescrieți) * fii corect corect * fie captivant și relevant pentru cuvântul cheie / frazele furnizate * Fiți orientat către cititorii din Romania Trebuie să fii un scriitor cu experiență si cunoștințe SEO. Articolele trebuie să fie bogate în conținut, ușor și distractiv de citit. Fiecare articol va inc...

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    Buna . Ma poti ajuta in probleme legate de prestashop ? In primul rand am o problema legata de logarea la back office . Introduc pass si user si nu intra . Nu da nici o eroare ....daca introduc date eronate ....imi spune ca sunt gresite .

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...descrierea meta etc. (vrem ca toate punctele sa fie verzi); - Avem nevoie de 1 cuvânt cheie (Fokus Keyword) pe pagină; - Conținutul trebuie să fie bine formatat și ușor de citit. Exemple ar include utilizarea mai multor pauze de paragrafe, titluri, subrubrici, liste etc. - Suntem siguri că este de la sine înțeles, dar asigurați-vă că tot conținutul va trece testul de conținut duplicat - cum ar fi Copyscape și Grammarly Plagiarism Detector - vrem ca tot conținutul să fie original. - Excelenta in limba Engleza UK si competenta gramatica este necesara. 2. Conținutul SEO pentru 59 Categorii de Pagini care vor fi scrise/rescrise: - vom furniza conținutul original de la producător care poate fi partial doar rescris; - avem nevoie de cel puțin 400 de cuvinte pe pagină; - ...

    $167 Average bid
    $167 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    Caut o persoana care sa scrie 10 articole pentru un blog de fashion, care vor avea dimensiuni variate - intre 500 si 800 de cuvinte fiecare si vor contine anumite cuvinte cheie. Pot fi articole rescrise, preluari de stiri etc. dar va trebui sa treaca de copyscape sau alte verificari de originalitate a textelor. Am rugamintea sa imi prezentati portofoliu sau sa scrieti un articol de proba (care nu va fi publicat). Ofer 65 Euro pentru job, va rog sa dati bid doar daca sunteti de acord cu acest pret. Multumesc

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Oferta medie
    16 oferte

    Salutare! DO NOT APPLY IF YOU DO NOT SPEAK ROMANIAN LANGUAGE!!!!! Redacteaza un eseu cu subiectul " Constitutia Romaniei – istoric si continut" , de 5 pagini. Reguli de redactare: - font Times New Roman 12, spatiere 1 rand - Eseul va fi verificat contra plagiat cu copyscape. - toate sursele rezumate/citate vor fi specificate si evidentiate in text

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Salut, nu te contactez sa te angajez pe 3 lei ci sa iti propun sa ma ajuti sau sa ma inveti sa sparg niste site-uri, sa le virusez, sa le fur in vreun fel mailul, user, pass, etc. M-am uitat pe Youtube la multe filmulete si pare destul de usor cu SQL injection. Stiu ca poate ti-e frica, nu ma cunosti, etc. dar e vb de bani foarte multi, sute de mii, milioane de euro (despre wallet-uri virtuale e vorba, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.). Daca nu se poate, nu se poate, cinste tie si bafta in continuare. Daca crezi ca putem colabora te rog sa ma contactezi.

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Salutare! Caut colaboratori pentru articole pe teme de sănătate/medicină. Voi oferi eu titlurile și sursele de informare, singura condiție e să fie scrise corect gramatical și să treacă de testul copyscape. Vă rog să menționați în bid prețul propus pentru 6000 de caractere. Mulțumesc!

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    Salutare! Caut colaboratori pentru articole pe teme de sănătate/medicină. Voi oferi eu titlurile și sursele de informare, singura condiție e să fie scrise corect gramatical și să treacă de testul copyscape. Vă rog să menționați în bid prețul propus pentru 1000 de cuvinte. Mulțumesc!

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Salut, Caut o persoana care sa cunoasca nisa de FITNESS care sa imi redacteze articole pentru blogul meu in limba romana. Articolele vreau sa aiba cel putin 1000 de cuvinte. Toate articolele trebuie sa fie originale si trebuie sa treaca testul copyscape. Am multe proiecte de acest gen, iar persoana aleasa va avea posibilitatea sa lucreze cu mine pe termen lung. Te rog sa imi arati cateva din articolele scrise de tine pana acum si cat dureaza sa redactezi un articol de 1000 de cuvinte (inclusiv research-ul). Multumesc si astept propunerile voastre.

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Oferta medie
    5 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    Caut un profesionist cu experienta, dispus sa colaboreze la un proiect simplus si serios. Exclus tune-up worpress si alte asemenea. Posibilitati colaborare viitoare. Este necesar un site privat, tip DB result. Exista ceva facut si functional (PHP, MySQL pe Win7+WAMP) insa frontend lasa de dorit plus alte functionalitati cum ar fi sortare/filtrare results, paginare, login+pass, responsive. Simplu si eficient (rapid), fara java, api google, fonturi remote, etc. Datele din $GET se insereaza raw in MySQL. Aici este necesara o filtrare, verificare erori, etc, eventual logare a request-urilor false/eronate. Frontend 2-3 pagini: login, date pe scurt, date detalii si admin

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta medie
    18 oferte
    article writer
    S-a încheiat left

    Cautam colaborare pe termen lung cu scriitori de articole in limba engleza pe nisa Health. Articolele trebuie sa fie 100% originale, unice, correct din punct de vedere gramatical, si sa treaca toate cerintele copyscape. Ofer 60$ - 50 de articole (400-500 de cuvinte / articol)

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    ...T-Shirt ca si un startup. Insa nu este pentru tricouri. Este altceva, la alt nivel. Fashion Luxury. Exclusiv pentru piata externa. As prefera sa lucrez cu cineva care stie romana si care sa vina in acest startup cu partea de integrare/realizare/mentenanta de site. Si sa aiba expertiza solida pe aceste chestii. Strict in regim de dezvoltare la startup. Daca vrei si un dolar iti zic de pe acum pass. Mai multe info le discut face-to-face dupa ce stabilim un prim contact in care sa imi arati: -doua siteuri state of the art facute de tine(voi) pe Magento -ca ai inteles bine partea cu startupul Am vazut ca ai raspuns la aceste doua chestiuni, trecem la mai multe detalii. Am investit suficient de mult (timp si bani) pe partea de dezvoltare pana acum. Am in lucru un editor (Tool...

    $7057 Average bid
    $7057 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Caut persoana care sa stie sa posteze articole online (platforma Wdrdpress) conform indicatiilor primite. Ce trebuie sa faci: -formatare text -adaugare linkuri -adaugare 1-2 poze din Google Images / 1-2 videoclipuri din Youtube -publicare articol sau programare pt publicare -tinut evidenta articolelor publicate Toate detaliile for fi furnizate (adresa login / user & pass / detalii linkuri / articol). Tu va trebui sa cauti imagini related pe Google si sau videoclipuri related pe Youtube si sa le embed-uiesti in articol. Daca ai cunostiinte bune de limba Engleza, putem discuta si pentru task-uri aditionale (traducere articole diverse). Te rog sa licitezi un pret pentru postarea a 60 de articole (lunar). Caut persoana serioasa, pentru colaborare de lunga durata.

    $165 Average bid
    $165 Oferta medie
    36 oferte

    Caut colaboratori de lunga durata pentru redactarea de articole in Romana si / sau Engleza. Am nevoie de continut original, unic, sa treaca toate cerintele SEO si copyscape In medie vor fi 100 - 200 articole in fiecare luna, din diferite domenii. In momentul in care plasati o oferta, va rog sa specificati urmatoarele lucruri: - pret pentru articol in Romana - pret pentru articol in Engleza (daca este cazul) - nr de articole pe care le puteti finaliza / luna (Romana si /sau Engleza) Multumesc

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Salut. Am nevoie de un specialist in domeniul sanatatii( medicina) care sa-mi scrie 5 articole despre candidoza si 5 articole despre cancer .Articolele trebuie sa fie originale sa fie seo si sa treaca copyscape.

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Creerea unei baze de date pentru clienti: - administare clienti/contracte (cu adrese de livrare multiple) - inserare comenzi (de admin dar si de client prin user si pass) - printare liste de comenzi pentru soferi - diferite rapoarte in functie de clienti, comenzi - administrare abonamente lunare - trimitere informari pe mail catre clienti

    $669 Average bid
    $669 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Cautam scriitori de articole in limba engleza pe site-ul Articolele trebuie sa treaca testul copyscape (sa nu fie plagiat). Articolele trebuie sa fie originale, corecte din punct de vedere tehnic si gramatical si sa aiba sens. Corectitudinea gramaticala si ortografica reprezinta conditie de efectuare a platii. Fiecare articol trebuie sa contina cel putin o imagine. Tema articolelor trebuie sa fie legata de electronica, robotica, tehnologie .. trebuie sa se potriveasca pe tematica generala a site-ului. Copyright-ul articolelor este transferat catre noi si nu este permisa reutilizarea lor. Articolele trebuie sa fie scrise direct pe site (voi oferi un cont pe site). Articolele trebuie sa fie asezate in pagina corect si sa contina si tag-uri. Va rugam sa licitati

    $102 Average bid
    $102 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Cautam scriitori de articole in limba engleza pe site-ul Articolele trebuie sa treaca testul copyscape (sa nu fie plagiat). Articolele trebuie sa fie originale, corecte din punct de vedere tehnic si gramatical si sa aiba sens. Corectitudinea gramaticala si ortografica reprezinta conditie de efectuare a platii. Fiecare articol trebuie sa contina cel putin o imagine. Tema articolelor trebuie sa fie legata de electronica, robotica, tehnologie .. trebuie sa se potriveasca pe tematica generala a site-ului. Copyright-ul articolelor este transferat catre noi si nu este permisa reutilizarea lor. Articolele trebuie sa fie scrise direct pe site (voi oferi un cont pe site). Va rugam sa licitati pentru un total de 50 de articole, de aproximativ 500 cuvinte fiecare

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Salut, am si eu nevoie de ajutorul tau sa fac un control pannel pentru un website de lineage2... sa contina register forgot pass un log la cine s-a logat si sa mute in baza de date la mysql donatia efectuata (adica metoda de payment securizat)

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Articole in Limba Engleza
    S-a încheiat left

    ...sănătate , ecologie, camping , călătorie , fitness , frumusete , celebritate , moda ... etc .. ) Trebuie să fie, punctual, de încredere și gata pentru un contract pe termen lung . 1 . Rată fixă $ 1,5 / 400W ( dacă nu sunteți de acord cu asta , nu licitati ) trebuie să fie livrate până la sfârșitul zilei ( CET ) Nu accept intarzieri. 3 . Tot conținutul trebuie să treacă de Copyscape ( alertele de plagiat nu sunt plătite ) 4 . Conținutul trebuie sa fie perfecr ( gramatica , semne de punctuație , paragrafe) Articolele trebuie să fie gata pentru publicare imediata . 5 . Trebuie să fie disponibil pentru comunicare , revizii și informații suplimentare prin intermediul unui serviciu de chat și e-mail ( nu te voi deranja dacă nu este foarte important ) . C...

    $431 Average bid
    $431 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    Salut, Suntem interesati de promovare online si de marirea numarului de utilizatori pe care ii are clubul Stud Pass. Mai multe detalii despre proiectul nostru gasesti pe Daca consideri ca ne poti ajuta, putem discuta pe baza ofertei noastre de reprezentare - mai multe detalii gasesti aici - Cu prietenie, Echipa Stud Pass office@studpass ro

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    Hi Google Tag Manager and DOM Programming Experts, We are seeking an expertise to ensure deposit data is consistently passed to the Facebook Pixel regardless of how the dialog is closed. (Refer to deposit image) Task 2: The betting information being transmitted to the Facebook Pixel reflects incorrect amounts. We require a review and adjustment of the tag configuration to ensure the correct values are passed. (Refer to betslip image) Task 3: We would like to capture and pass user details—including username, first name, last name, and contest entry fee—to the Facebook Pixel when a user clicks the confirmation button. (Refer to contest entry image) Access to Google Tag Manager and staging website login credentials will be provided. The GTM tag code is attache...

    $52 Average bid
    $52 Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    I need dedicated app testers to evaluate my Android application in a closed test group. Your focus will be on the following aspects: - Test the app for 14 straight days as per google requirement. - App should pass go to the production - User Interface and Experience: Assess the intuitiveness, accessibility, and overall design appeal of the app. - Functionality and Performance: Verify if the app operates as intended, checking for speed, responsiveness, and any potential bugs or glitches. - Security and Privacy: Test the app's ability to safeguard user data and maintain privacy. The app needs to be tested on both smartphones and tablets, across multiple versions of the Android OS. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in app testing, especially for Android,...

    $78 Average bid
    $78 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    ...proxy setup, auto install by adding root user pass ssh port ip adress and auto install -> when installed, it should forward from server ip forwared ports in reverse proxied servers iptables tables. - manage server ( overview transcoding server, change ports for streaming, rtmp/hls/http etc), see if reverseproxy is installed, show reverseproxy ip adres, possible change main server ip adress, reinstall reverseproxy, add loadbalancers, split streams/users between multi loadbalancers,get realtime status of loadbalancers and main transcoding server, total channels, list of channels show, total user connections,reverse proxy installations for loadbalancers - nginx settings / possible restart nginx/ change streaming ports /rtmp ports/ etc / admin pass change - whitelist / ...

    $185 Average bid
    $185 Oferta medie
    22 oferte

    ...backlinks to be created on the bone inlay furniture page. Source Websites: The links should be sourced from 40+ DR websites, which could include: Home Decor-related websites Business Listings (like LBB, yourstory, etc.) Guest Posts Article Submissions Other quality backlink sources in line with the requirements Link Distribution: 80% Do-Follow: The majority of the links should be do-follow to pass link equity. 20% No-Follow: A portion of the links should be no-follow to maintain a natural backlink profile. Anchor Text Distribution: 70% Branded: Most backlinks should use the branded anchor text "Jodha Furniture." 20% Partial Match: Use relevant partial match keywords like "Luxury Home Decor," "Bone Inlay Furniture," "Luxury Furniture," a...

    $65 Average bid
    $65 Oferta medie
    69 oferte

    ...You'll need to break down the equipment into its individual parts, designing each one to fit perfectly into the overall machinery. - Ergonomic analysis: It's crucial that the equipment is designed with user comfort and efficiency in mind. You should be able to assess and optimize the design for ease of use and minimal strain on the operator. - Functional & Safety Testing: The design must be able to pass safety ratings and be functional in a real-world setting. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in product design, particularly with industrial equipment. - Experience with detailed component design. - Proficiency in ergonomic analysis. - Familiarity with safety standards for industrial equipment. Please provide examples of your previous work in product des...

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    I'm in need of a professional to assist in setting up a IPsec tunnel (site-to -site) across two FortiGates. Both of these FortiGate's have local console access via telnet and interfaces already configured. Both running FortiOS 7.2.10. IPsec tunnels needs to be setup to be able to pass traffic across the two firewalls Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in configuring Fortinet IPsec tunnels - Experienced in site-to-site network setups - Knowledgeable in office network security measures

    $145 Average bid
    $145 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    3D Logo Animation for Website
    5 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a creative 3D logo animation that zooms in and out. This animation will be used on my website before the landing page. I am thinking of an eye in 3d. A veil will cover it momentarily, and then the eye will be unveiled. The eye will slowly zoom in on until it's almost full screen. As the eye gets closer to you, I would like my real estate project photos to pass one after another on the revolving eyeball. After this, it will become obvious when a view can click into a landing page video. Key requirements: - Experience in 3D animation, particularly with the zoom in/out style - Prior work with website logo animations - Ability to provide creative input on color and design, as I have a general idea but would welcome suggestions - Strong attention to detail and ...

    $10 - $3000
    Recomandat Sigilat
    $10 - $3000
    28 oferte

    ...allocated/linked as objects to leads and deals (and vice versa) when leads and deals are created. We will provide templates for the PDF quotation, PDF invoice. The 3rd-party PDF generator must be proposed by yourself. Xero or Quickbooks is optional for creating the PDF quotes and invoices. We will provide the table formats required for each database (leads, deals, users, and properties). Leads and deals pass through various statuses in their respective process flows, triggering specified actions such as creating a record, sending a mail, generating a PDF etc. We may require your ad hoc support after the project completion when additions or improvements are required....

    $1303 Average bid
    $1303 Oferta medie
    25 oferte

    Fix ABA (Australian Bankers’ Association) file generation issues in a React-based web app. Ensure ABA files pass bank validation checks. Identify formatting errors and correct header, transaction, and footer records. Current Tech Stack Frontend: React (TypeScript), Vite, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui. State Management: TanStack Query (React Query). File Processing: JavaScript/TypeScript logic for text-based ABA file creation. Key Objectives ✅ Analyze & Fix ABA File Structure – Ensure proper formatting, spacing, and field alignments. ✅ Implement Validation Checks – Prevent invalid ABA files from being generated. ✅ Test ABA Files – Validate against bank portal and other verification tools. ✅ Enhance User Experience (Optional) – UI feedback for errors, previ...

    $128 Average bid
    $128 Oferta medie
    57 oferte

    I need an Excel spreadsheet template for a quality control inspection report tailored for a machine shop. Key Requirements: - The template should include an inspection checklist - There should be a section for Pass/Fail criteria - The template should be user-friendly and easy to navigate - The design should be professional and suitable for a machine shop context Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience with quality control processes in machine shops - Ability to create clear, concise, and professional templates

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    Fix Error on Online Exam Report Page Link to portal: school admin username: goxford1 password: orange@1 student username: GOS/577 password: LADO TEACHERS USERNAME: GOS/Odedeji PASSWORD 07063457814 1. Hide the pass/fail menu on online exam report page and create a column to show pass or fail for each entry. fix it such that the list stops showing replicated entries, and only result of the last attempt is shown in the entries. To see this error, on the online exam portal page, select online exam - '2ND TERM AGRIC SCIENCE', then clas - 'SS2', the section - 'SS2'. don't select any student so it can show you the results of all students who have taken the exam. 2. also hide this online exam report from the menu of the teacher portal and st...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    ...Example: Requirement: You need to have a Dribbble portfolio. If you don't have one, there is no need to apply; your application will be declined. Trial Run: This is a hire for a trial run. You will be asked to make a few hero concepts from limited briefs. Multiple people are getting the same briefs. The hourly rate for the trial run is $15/hour. If you pass the trial run, you will get a new offer at $30-$50/hour depending on your skill set with a cap of 25 hours per week. My team's schedule is Mon/Tue and Thu/Fri max 6 hours per day. We prioritize quality over quantity and understand the value of having time for yourself each week so as not to burn out. If you are passionate about design, and most importantly following directions then please apply

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    Virtual be able to record your screen for footage (be able to clear and customize your screen to match our branding). We'll work from 11 AM to 11 PM EST, M to F. We would communicate face-to-face via Google Meet. 8+ Years in Marketing, VA or equivalent needed. Spanish is a must. Well educated, good eye for aesthetics, good taste is a bonus. I need a real pro. Not someone attempting to pass as one. Be prepared to execute fast. Be prepared to be through. This won't be easy. Be prepared to send a video introduction to apply for this position, telling me why you are the best for this role. Start your proposal with the word "Hola" to ensure you are not a bot and have read this in its entirety. All others will be swiftly ignored. Important: Read th...

    $5409 Average bid
    $5409 Oferta medie
    43 oferte

    ...Fundamentals of Cybersecurity - Privacy Tools - Securing Remote Work The teaching materials should be detailed at an intermediate level for key platforms, with a focus on setting up and using video conferencing and chats and collaborative features. The style of the materials should be formal and professional. Each part should should include: - 15 to 20 pages of original, well-structured content (to pass plagiarism and AI chatbot checks) - 2-3 pages of assessments to reinforce learning and comprehension - 20 quiz questions (with one correct answer out of 5 choices) Thus in total 30-40 pages of text, 5-6 pages for assessments from topics and 40 quiz questions delivered in the MS Word. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in digital communication...

    $123 Average bid
    $123 Oferta medie
    53 oferte

    JD LCT is looking for SMEs for new gaming projects based on Unity tool, Visual Studio and C# skills. The candidate should be ...plugins External libraries if any Debugging and Profiling tools A few physics and rendering packages Visual Studio 2022 If interested and have these software tools installed, please revert with your resume and screenshots of Unity, Unity Editor, and VS 2022 at <mention hr email id>. If shortlisted, you would be giving a small test. If you pass the test, we will be giving you training of 2 days (1-2 hours each day) on writing content too. To get work, you need to pass the post-training assessment in which you would be asked to refine your own hiring test as per the inputs gained from the training videos. Remuneration will be 2000-2500 INR per ...

    $34 / hr Average bid
    $34 / hr Oferta medie
    5 oferte
    Secure API Example in .NET Core
    2 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm in need of a sample code in REach and .NET Core that takes a single input (a name) and calls an API to pass this name. The primary focus of this project is to implement robust security measures so that the API can only be accessed via login and is protected from hacking attempts or manipulation via tools like Postman. Key Requirements: - Development of a sample .NET Core and REach code - The API should accept one input: a name - Robust security implementation to prevent unauthorized access To be considered for this project, please specify in your bid how you plan to secure the API. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in .NET Core and REach - Extensive experience with API security implementation - Familiarity with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) - Understanding of HTTPS and ...

    $532 Average bid
    $532 Oferta medie
    102 oferte

    I am seeking an experienced ERPNext professional to implement and customize the ERPNext system for my manufacturing company. The project involves the following: - Customizing various modules: Inventory, HRMS, Payroll, Asset, Stores Warehouse, Fleet, Bills, Gate Pass, Approvals, Attendance. - Focusing on the Inventory module which requires specific customization to handle 'issue and return for manufacturing'. Ideal candidates should be well-versed in ERPNext with a strong background in manufacturing processes. Ability to design a system that meets our company's unique needs is crucial. Experience with the specific features required in the Inventory module is a plus. The project completion timeline is 1-2 months.

    $303 Average bid
    $303 Oferta medie
    21 oferte

    ...mugs, bags, etc., with company branding). Minimum order size of $500. Valid business email addresses (company domain). Physical business address in the USA or Canada (no P.O. boxes). Reporting & Coordination: Maintain accurate records of leads and outreach efforts. Provide detailed information on each lead (name, email, phone number, product interest, etc.). Once a qualified lead is identified, pass the information to us for follow-up and quote requests. Project Requirements: Proven experience in B2B lead generation and outreach. Ability to qualify leads based on specific criteria. Strong communication skills and experience with cold calling, email marketing, and social media outreach. Familiarity with CRM tools or lead management software is a plus. Deliverables: A list of q...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Define and setup load cases for structural analysis of dining table frame design through direct collaboration on files within Fusion 360. The following breakdown of tasks is proposed based on client discussion and two passes of the load case suite. 1st pass to be based on current design with no generative design elements to ensure baseline design can meet requirements. 2nd pass to be based on outputted generative design components. A max total of 18 hours is estimated to complete the works with a total project budget of $1,530 . This is based on the client provided model and data being of a sufficient level for FEA. 1. Develop an analysis plan detailing load cases 1-4, including loading, constraints analysis methods and assumptions. Deliverable as a brief document or prese...

    $52 / hr Average bid
    $52 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...tracking detects all traffic as coming from a real Taboola campaign. It should pass all necessary Taboola-related referral and tracking parameters. Redirection & Traffic Handling: The setup should allow me to send normal traffic (organic, social, or any other) to the link without needing an actual Taboola campaign. Traffic can either be redirected through my website before reaching the link or sent directly while appearing as Taboola traffic. Technical Implementation: The solution can be a PHP script, JavaScript, server-side setup, or any effective method that ensures the provider detects traffic exactly as if it came from a Taboola campaign. It should manipulate referrer data, user agents, and UTM parameters correctly to pass all verification checks. The script shoul...

    $136 Average bid
    $136 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    I'm seeking a web scrapper who can pass the login of seeking alpha.

    $134 Average bid
    $134 Oferta medie
    36 oferte

    I am seeking an experienced English teacher who is knowledgeable about teaching methods and can guide me preparing to pass my interview for an English language teaching position. The teacher I am looking for should have: A CELTA, TESOL, TEFL, or other well-recognized certification in English language teaching.

    $31 / hr Average bid
    $31 / hr Oferta medie
    41 oferte

    ...models such as Random Forest, SVM, LSTM, and XGBoost. - Process network traffic and system logs using tools like Kafka, Flink, or Spark Streaming. - Build a dashboard (Python Dash or Streamlit) for real-time visualization. - Ensure the system runs locally with clear installation instructions. - Write a plagiarism-free and AI-free final report following academic standards. - The report must pass Turnitin and checks (AI confidence below 40%). More Details: Full project requirements are provided in Google Docs: [Link to PID Document] - [Link to Final Report Guidelines] - Requirements:

    $751 Average bid
    $751 Oferta medie
    49 oferte

    ...capture all information as per the predefined checklist. Role also include obtaining confirmation on correctness of document provided during verification like identification papers, salary slip and other KYC verifications. Entire Checklist and Training of work scope will be provided to the executive. Note: Fresher may also be eligible but should be either under graduate but not less than 12th Class Pass and should be aged 20 Years or more The verification services should cover the following locations: Rajasthan, MP, UK, UP, Delhi NCR. All visits will be supported by visit photographs with Selfee of executive and Geo tagged. Verifications will be conducted multiple times in a day. Each verification must be completed within 24 hours. Verification reports should be detailed and co...

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    ...Patron ? Job Description: ? Project Overview: I need a fully automated telehealth system that runs 24/7 with minimal manual intervention. The system must handle patient intake, eligibility screening, payments, and records management using Microsoft 365, Power Automate, Spruce, and Care Patron. ? Key Features: ✅ Automated patient intake forms & consents ✅ Eligibility screening & decision-making (Pass/Fail system) ✅ Secure patient payments processing ✅ Automated patient notifications & scheduling ✅ Integration with Care Patron for secure patient records storage ? Deliverables: ✅ Step 1: Patient Intake Form (Microsoft Forms & Microsoft 365) Patients click the embedded form link on my website. They fill out intake details, sign consents, and enter payment informat...

    $1115 Average bid
    Acord de confidenţialitate
    $1115 Oferta medie
    7 oferte