Oscommerce ssl netsolproiecte
Am nevoie de un freelancer roman care sa ma ajute cu o problema banala. Am reinoit un certificat ssl si cred ca am facut ceva gresit ca nu imi mai merge pagina de kiwi. De asemenea am nevoie de ajutor si cu alte aspecte ale site-ului, in special cu actualizarea continutului.
Am nevoie de urmatoarele: 1. Verificare si remediere link-uri front-end (WordPress/Divi) 2. Remediere erori comenzi Client Area WHMCS 3. Implementare procesator de plati nationale/internationale (Accept propuneri de procesatori. De ex. MobilPay, Stripe) 4. Remediere erori modul SSL Certificates From DigiCert 5. Alte eventuale probleme Ma intereseaza un termen de rezolvare pentru punctele 1-4 in ore/om si un tarif pe ora/om Pentru o buna comunicare, prefer persoane din Romania.
Ceau, m ia expirat ssl la sait si asi avea nevoie de o renoire, astept oferta ta. Multumesc.
Ceau, m ia expirat ssl la sait si asi avea nevoie de o renoire, astept oferta voastra. Multumesc.
Devirusarea unui domeniu WEB ce ruleaza Wordpress , configurarea pe un server Ubuntu 18.04 cu ISPConfig 3.2 si PHP 7. COnfigurare certificate SSL prin Let's Encrypt pentru domeniul respectiv si subdomeniile sale.
- 2 Tipuri de conturi: Utilizator Prestator - Utilizatorul poate efectua plati prin PAYPAL - Integrare API telefon - Integrare API email - Inegrare API Chat - Utilizatorul este decontat cu suma corespunzatoare setata de ADMIN - Interfata de admin unde puteti manageria toti PRESTATORII - Fiecare prestator trebuie Aprobat dupa aplicarea acestuia pe website - Design profe...PAYPAL - Integrare API telefon - Integrare API email - Inegrare API Chat - Utilizatorul este decontat cu suma corespunzatoare setata de ADMIN - Interfata de admin unde puteti manageria toti PRESTATORII - Fiecare prestator trebuie Aprobat dupa aplicarea acestuia pe website - Design profesional (compatibil mobile, desktop, laptop) - Inclus Server gazduire 1 an de zile - Optimizare SEO - Certificat SSL - Integrare ...
Am nevoie de cineva care sa ne ajute cu o solutie pentru a preveni atacurile prin SQL injection deoarece suntem atacati iar serverul nostru este down plus si celelalte solutii pentru prevenirea de atacuri DDoS, XSS and SSL attacks.
I need some help with my website, I need to update my SSL certificate and improve my site. Am nevoie de ajutor cu site-ul meu web, trebuie sa actualizez certificatul SSL si imbunatatesc pagina.
Am nevoie de o pagină de aterizare mică adaptată atât pentru desktop cât și pentru telefoane sau tablete. Pagina în sine va fi albă, va conține o poza de a mea pe care va trebui să...portocaliu iau în spate pe site să se vadă umbră. Site-ul va mai conține și un clip video gazduit de cloudflare, în spatele căruia pe site vreau să se vadă o umbră.. vreau ceva asemănător cu pagina de la Google Ads. Desigur pagina va conține și puțin text și linkuri. Am nevoie de fontul Helvetica. După ce ai terminat de dezvoltat site-ul trebuie doar să îl încarci pe gazuire să activezi certificatul ssl ca să fie disponibil online. Ceva ce eu vreau este ceva foarte simplu și cred că se poate face în 24 de ore. Aplică cu suma care crezi că o merită munca t...
Salut, detin un site dezvoltat pe platforma osCommerce 2.3.4 standard si am nevoie de anumite modificari (mai multe detalii in fisierul atasat). As prefera sa lucrez cu cineva care are experienta pe aceasta platforma, mentionez ca site-ul meu in acest moment are doar modificari minore fata de versiunea standard. Puteti oferi un pret si pentru o parte din dezvoltari, nu neaparat pentru toate.
Am deja template-ul.. este vorba despre o pagină mică... se vor înlocui câteva imagini, clipul video de Youtube integrat în site, mici modificări de formulare a textului și adaugare de link-uri în câteva cuvinte... template-ul este semi adaptat la dispozitive mobile.. la versiunea pentru smartphone și tabletă este necesară alinierea textu...pentru smartphone și tabletă este necesară alinierea textului și mărirea acestuia pe alocuri... in partea de jos a paginii am nevoie de un formular de contact care să trimită mesajele la adresa mea de mail... se va mai inserta codul google analytics... cuvinte cheie alese de mine.. un titlu și o descriere pentru motorul de căutare apoi încărcarea site-ului pe net dar și activarea certificatului SSL oferit grati...
- INLATURAREA VIRUSULUI EXISTENT - instalarea si configurarea unui certificat SSL - adaugare taguri ALT la toate imaginile - construirea si implementarea pachetului de 10 icoane Apple - scurtarea tagurilor title si metadescription - ameliorarea raportului text . cod ( de la 8% cat este acum la minim 16 %) - refacerea semanticii antetelor H1-H6 (in acest moment semantica este complet gresita iar titlurile cele mai importante nu sunt definite) - inregistrarea site-ului pe Google Analytics, Google Search Console si Bing Webmaster Tools - ameliorarea vitezei prin comprimarea codului HTML, CSS si javascript - optimizarea imaginilor pentru ameliorarea vitezi
Ce vei avea de facut? - vei extrage un landing page mic, unde vei modifica anumite cuvinte din text si o poza de profil. - vei modifica o imagine de fundal sa vedem daca se vede bine cu noua imagine, iar daca nu o vei restabili la loc. - vei face o marire de text pentru versiunea mobila (doar in partea de jos a site-u...mic, unde vei modifica anumite cuvinte din text si o poza de profil. - vei modifica o imagine de fundal sa vedem daca se vede bine cu noua imagine, iar daca nu o vei restabili la loc. - vei face o marire de text pentru versiunea mobila (doar in partea de jos a site-ului) - vei adauga un link de legatura catre mail (clic to mail) si WhatsApp. - vei adauga cuvintele cheie - vei activa certificatul SSL pus la dispozitie de providerul de hosting, urmand instructiunile...
...Contabilitate bugetară ; • Arhiva electronică ; • Website pentru servicii electronice , verificarea obligațiilor și debit / card de credit electronic ; • Panoul sistemului administrativ . Sistemul este capabil să mențină toți utilizatorii care lucrează simultan on-line. Toate datele sunt stocate într-un DB centralizat. Toate conexiunile sunt făcute prin construirea unui VPN pe internet, utilizând SSL. IIS este construit pe baza celei mai noi tehnologii în sistemele informatice, controlul și gestionarea bazei de date cele mai fiabile și mai sigure. Mediul tehnic al IIS este compatibil din punct de vedere operațional cu curentul și garantează controlul complet al personalului și fiabilitatea ultra-înaltă . IIS este proiectat și constru...
Avem nevoie de SSL - redirectarea site-ului si a scripturilor si instalarea certificatelor Let's Encrypt din platforma cPanel a fiecarui cont
Rog a nu licita la acest proiect daca: Nu puteti face toate aceste modificari in asa fel incat sa nu avem surprize (sa nu se strice ceva) la primul update de plugin-uri sau tema Nu puteti rezolva punctul 2, in special partea cu indexarea diacriticelor Nu puteti rezolva punctul 7 Nu se pot factura serviciile 1. Instalare certificat SSL si configurare in asa fel incat pagina incarcata sa fie 2. Optimizare SEO din toate punctele de vedere (de la instalarea certificatului de mai sus la imbunatatirea vitezei de incarcare a site-ului, recunoasterea diacriticelor de catre google, backlinking pe o lista agreata de site-uri cu ranking mare) 3. Configurat pagina in asa fel incat atunci cand se cauta in google numele companiei sa apara sublink-uri la ancorele din
Sunt interesat de implementarea api urgent cargus pentru oscommerce doar pentru partea de administrare - din comenzi sa se poata genera awb pentru urgent cargus + functii de urmarire
Am nevoie sa mi se construiasca un addon la site, o conexiune cu FB, mutare hosting, instalare SSL.
Caut programator PHP care sa cunoasca platforma Opencart. Am mai multe lucruri de facut: 1. Modificare feed produse. 2. Implementare SSL pe cos si admin. 3. Integrare emag marketplace(am deja modulul instalat insa trebuie modificat cumva pentru maparea categoriilor si a marimilor).
Buna. Am preluat ID-ul tau de la un coleg, Marius Serbanescu pe care l-ai ajutat cu ceva probleme legate de site (). Am de asemenea cateva probleme legate de securizarea site-ului propriu dupa ce am achizitionat un certificat SSL. Site-ul este iar una din problemele identificate se refera la faptul ca in site exista inca linkuri cu http in fata in loc de https. Te poti uita te rog putin si apoi sa imi spui daca ma poti ajuta? Multumesc frumos si scuze pentru eventualul deranj.
Proiectul consta in realizarea unui site in limba romana (Wordpress, Joomla, Html5, etc)...comentarii. Commentul si feedbackul este vizibil pentru orice utilizator insa pot fi completate doar de utilizatorii care au aplicat la eveniment. La fiecare comment va exista posibilitatea de rasuns din partea celui care a postat evenimentul - Compatibilitate cu toate browserele si gadgeturile ( pc, mobile & tablete) - Asistenta si configurare plata prin visa si PayPal - Securitate ( Certificate SSL) - Asistenta privind promovarea (SEO) In cazul in care aveți nevoie de un template pot achiziționa unul in vederea modificării si adaptării. Exista posibilitatea continuării colaborării privind operațiuni de întreținere si imbunatatire. Doresc semnarea unui acord de confidenti...
Doresc restaurarea unui backup de pe un hosting vechi, extragerea unui site din acest backup si mutarea lui pe hostingul nou apoi instalarea de certificat ssl pe hostingul nou. Am nevoie ca acest proiect sa fie dus la bun sfarsit azi.
...1920px x 290px + 4 imagini (ex: ) 400px × 260px 3. Gazduire reseller - header 1920px x 290px + 3 imagini 400px × 260px 4. Gazduire cloud - header 1920px x 290px + 3 imagini 400px × 260px 5. Servere VPS - header 1920px x 290px + 4 imagini 320px × 200px 6. Servere Dedicate - header 1920px x 290px + 1 imagine 400px × 260px 7. Certificate SSL - header 1920px x 290px + 2 imagini 400px × 260px 8. Domenii - header 1920px x 290px 9. Web design - header 1980 × 158 px 10. Blog - header 1980 × 158 px 11. Despre noi - header 1920px x 290px + 2 imagini 500px x 120px 12. Contact - header 1980 × 158 px 13. Termeni si conditii, Politica de confidentialitate, Cerere oferta, User login, Modalidati de plata - header 1980 × 158 ...
Vreau sa imi convertesca cineva PSDul intr-un site, Site-ul este unul de vanzare certificate SSL deci trebuie sa aiba si modalitate de plata. cont client etc. IAU IN CONSIDERARE DOAR OFERTELE FREELANCERILOR ROMANI !
Avem un magazin online mai vechi, construit pe osCommerce 2.2-MS2. Serverul unde este gazduit a fost upgradat la PHP 5.4. Din acel moment, magazinul online nu mai functioneaza corect. Una dintre erorile cele mai frecvente este: Unable to determine the page link! Function used: tep_href_link('', '', 'NONSSL') Avem nevoie de o solutie pentru a repune in functiune site-ul. Revenirea la PHP 5.3 este exclusa deoarece site-ul este gazduit pe un shared hosting.
Dorim o estimare de pret si daca este posibila o migrare din oscommerce v2.3.1 in prestashop 1.5.x. Site-urile sunt (os commerce) si (prestashop) Ne intereseaza in primul rand produsele cu prezentarea completa si eventual clientii. Cu respect,
...Portfolio section: A space to showcase our past work. - Homepage slideshow: A dynamic slideshow on the homepage to highlight key messages and visuals. - SSL certificate integration: The site needs to be secure, so integration of an SSL certificate is necessary. The most critical components of the site are the service detail pages, the portfolio section, events calendar, and the client testimonials. No design needed. My web designer has already designed the site. This is a web development project. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress development. - Proficient in integrating Calendar, Portfolio plugins - Familiarity with SSL certificate integration and calendar plugins. - Good understanding of creating responsive, mobile-friendly sites. - Excellent...
...same URLs and structure. 5 hidden pages: Accessible only via custom links, as currently configured. 15 blog articles: To be transferred without modifications, including content and images. SEO-Friendly: Optimization of the structure, clean URLs, and retention of the current SEO strategies. Speed and Performance: Image optimization and the use of cache plugins to ensure fast loading times. Security SSL Certificate: Maintaining secure connections (https). Firewall and Anti-Malware Protection: Implementation of plugins like Wordfence or similar to ensure security. Regular Updates: Configuration of the site to allow easy updates of WordPress, themes, and plugins. Technical Features Hosting: The site will be hosted on our infrastructure. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Testing and optimi...
I need a high-resolution, bold and colorful t-shirt design that incorporates pop culture illustrations. This design should be based on a provided example. The ideal designer for this project should have a strong portfolio in creating vibrant, engaging t-shirt graphics, particularly thos...illustrations. This design should be based on a provided example. The ideal designer for this project should have a strong portfolio in creating vibrant, engaging t-shirt graphics, particularly those featuring pop culture references. Key Requirements: - Design should be bold and colorful - Incorporate pop culture illustrations - High-resolution for printing - Must include EST 2025 in place of SSL 929 Please include examples of your previous work in your proposal. I look forward to seeing your c...
I...(HAPROXY) and Letsencrypt (ACME) on Pfsense. The goal is to route inbound SSL traffic to different web servers based on both subdomains and path-based URLs. Key Requirements: - Inbound SSL traffic needs to be routed based on domain, subdomains (e.g., , ) and path-based URLs (e.g., ). - Traffic will be routed to more than 5 web servers. - I need advice on SSL configuration as I am not sure if some servers require special SSL configurations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with HAPROXY and Letsencrypt (ACME). - Strong background in managing and configuring Pfsense. - Expertise in routing traffic based on URLs. - Ability to provide clear advice on SSL configurations. - Urgent availability to complete the task today.
...and live dealer games. RNG-certified gaming software - software for games will be provided Secure user registration and login system. KYC (Know Your Customer) verification. User dashboard for account management. Secure Payment System: Integration with major payment methods (Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Skrill, cryptocurrency). Support for multi-currency (GBP, EUR, etc.). Regulatory Compliance: SSL encryption for data security. Features for responsible gambling (self-exclusion, deposit limits). GDPR compliance for user data privacy. Backend Management: Admin panel to manage users, payments, and game content. Analytics and reporting tools. Additional Features: Affiliate program integration. Bonus systems (e.g., welcome bonuses, free spins). SEO-optimised content for marketing. Y...
...cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, USDT, etc.) directly through the platform. 4. Security Features Authentication & Authorization Use OAuth2 for user login and JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for session management and user authentication. Secure password storage using bcrypt or Argon2 encryption. Data Encryption All sensitive data (passwords, API keys, transaction details) must be encrypted in transit using SSL/TLS encryption. End-to-end encryption for sensitive communications. Security Alerts Notify users via email or SMS if there is suspicious activity such as failed login attempts or unauthorized withdrawals. Regular Security Audits Perform regular penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities, and apply patches as needed. 5. Monetization Features Fee Structure Implement a ...
... • 5 hidden pages: Accessible only via custom links, as currently configured. • 15 blog articles: To be transferred without modifications, including content and images. • SEO-Friendly: Optimization of the structure, clean URLs, and retention of the current SEO strategies. • Speed and Performance: Image optimization and the use of cache plugins to ensure fast loading times. 3. Security • SSL Certificate: Maintaining secure connections (https). • Firewall and Anti-Malware Protection: Implementation of plugins like Wordfence or similar to ensure security. • Regular Updates: Configuration of the site to allow easy updates of WordPress, themes, and plugins. 4. Technical Features • Hosting: The site will be hosted on our infrastruct...
...page using a modern tech stack (e.g., HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript). Include sections such as: Hero section with a call-to-action (CTA). Overview of services. Key features and benefits. Testimonials or case studies. Contact form or lead capture form. Brand Integration Implement custom fonts and imagery as per brand guidelines. Backend Setup Hosting to be done by me. Configure the domain and SSL certificate for secure access. Optimize page load speed and performance (e.g., image compression, lazy loading, minified scripts). Ensure proper DNS configurations. Email Setup Configure a professional business email address using the custom domain (e.g., info@ and a few others Integrate the email setup with a reliable email hosting service (e.g., Google Workspace, Microsoft 365...
Website down issue 2. Issue SSL certs
Fix the website which is down and also SSL certificate
...address should be generated where the customer can send the payment. Payment verification: The system should verify when the payment is confirmed on the Bitcoin blockchain. Notifications: Both the customer and the admin should be notified about payment confirmations. Transaction fees: The system should notify customers of any transaction fees associated with using Bitcoin. 3. Security: Implement SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption to ensure secure data transmission for all transactions. Fraud prevention: Measures to protect against fraud, such as replay attacks or unconfirmed payments. Secure data storage: Ensure that customer data is stored safely and protected from data breaches. 4. Inventory and Order Management: Inventory system: The system should allow for product stock con...
I need an experienced professional to help with my Proxmox box, which is r...and adjust custom rules on my Firewalla Gold firewall if necessary. As the management method for my Let's Encrypt certificates hasn't been set up yet, I would appreciate your expertise in selecting and implementing an appropriate client for this task. Ideal Skills: - Proxmox experience. - Debian OS proficiency. - iRedMail server knowledge. - Firewall configuration and troubleshooting skills. - SSL certificate management experience, particularly with Let's Encrypt. Please note, you will need to work within a Debian environment and have a good understanding of Proxmox and iRedMail. Your ability to diagnose connectivity issues and adjust firewall settings will be crucial. Skills Required Syst...
My Wordpress website is down currently on IONOS. I have SFTP and SSH access, as well as a database backup available. I need the entire site to be migrated to Hostinger, with all design and functionality remaining the same. In addition to the website, all my email accou...IONOS. I have SFTP and SSH access, as well as a database backup available. I need the entire site to be migrated to Hostinger, with all design and functionality remaining the same. In addition to the website, all my email accounts need to be migrated as well. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expertise in Wordpress migration - Experience with Hostinger and IONOS - Email migration skills - SSL setup capabilities All tasks must be completed while keeping the current design and functionality of the website ...
I need to transfer my company website from WIX (.com) to Crazy Domains Web Hosting (.). The content should remain identical to the original. After the migration, please set up the already purchased SSL certificate. If above is not achievable, I would like to setup https (Secure site) on crazy domains and setup web forwarding to the .com website on WIX Ideal Skills: - Web Hosting Experience - WIX Platform Knowledge - Crazy Domains Proficiency - SSL Installation Skills - Website Migration Expertise
I'm looking for an expert who can configure Varnish with Nginx for my Magento 2.4.7 site on Ubuntu 24.04. The primary goal is to set up effective content caching to enhance the site's performance. Key ...is to set up effective content caching to enhance the site's performance. Key Requirements: - Varnish needs to be configured to prioritize caching of product pages, category pages, and the check-out process. - As my site is already secured with SSL/TLS, the configuration should seamlessly integrate with the existing security measures. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience with Varnish and Nginx configuration, particularly for Magento sites. - Strong understanding of content caching and its impact on site performance. - Familiarity with SSL/TLS i...
I need an experienced professional to help with my Proxmox box, which is running a Debian OS and hosting my iRedMail ...and adjust custom rules on my Firewalla Gold firewall if necessary. As the management method for my Let's Encrypt certificates hasn't been set up yet, I would appreciate your expertise in selecting and implementing an appropriate client for this task. Ideal Skills: - Proxmox experience. - Debian OS proficiency. - iRedMail server knowledge. - Firewall configuration and troubleshooting skills. - SSL certificate management experience, particularly with Let's Encrypt. Please note, you will need to work within a Debian environment and have a good understanding of Proxmox and iRedMail. Your ability to diagnose connectivity issues and adjust firewall ...
Workdone by me sofar - Added a custom api file upload - Developed apis to interact with srfax - Added custom pdf formatting - Added validations - Redesigned mobile view ( as much as webflow allowed ) - Hosted a vm on gcp - Added nginx, cerbot domain and ssl
...Records Management • Search and view records by name, location, package, car type, and more. • Email reminders for subscription renewals. • Edit and extend subscription dates. 15. Advanced Analytics • Traffic reports using Google Analytics or similar tools. • Eco-driving scores and alerts for hard braking, sharp turns, and sudden acceleration. 16. Security Features • Password encryption, IP tracking, SSL integration. • Detailed activity logs for all user actions. 4. User Interface Design UI Principles • Clarity: Clean, intuitive design. • Consistency: Uniform styles and navigation. • Accessibility: WCAG compliance. Key UI Elements • Real-Time Map Interface • Interactive maps with live vehicle icons and status indicators...
I need a professional to install, configure,...Linux Ubuntu, and I want specific focus on implementing robust security features. Key Responsibilities: - Install KiwiIRC on my Ubuntu server. - Configure KiwiIRC according to best practices. - Implement a solid firewall configuration to protect the server. - Set up SSL/TLS for secure data transmission. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Linux, specifically Ubuntu. - Extensive experience with KiwiIRC installation and configuration. - Strong understanding of firewall setup and configuration. - Previous work involving SSL/TLS implementation. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. I'm looking for someone who can do this professionally, ensuring the server is secure and the installation is do...
...Hosting: Host the website and data on scalable cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. Data Encryption: All sensitive data (personal information, property data, etc.) will be encrypted using AES-256. Compliance: Ensure the platform adheres to necessary regulations (GDPR, CCPA, SOC 2) for data protection and privacy. Cloud Hosting: AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure Security: SSL encryption, JWT for session management Compliance: GDPR, CCPA, SOC 2 standards 9. Admin Dashboard for Property Management Objective: Provide an intuitive admin dashboard for managing listings, golf course data, user activity, and analytics. Property Management: Admins should be able to add/edit/delete property listings and link them to specific golf courses. Golf Course Management: ...
...Fiction game development project. This site will be updated in the Spring/Summer 2025. Thanks for visiting" Hosting already purchased: GoDaddy - Windows Ultimate (Plesk) Domain: Required work 1) Let me know a bit about yourself and provide any useful advice 2) Suggest low cost SSL certificate option (not yet purchased) to work with GoDaddy page in HTTPS. £100 maximum price. Do you know any good options. 3) Request temporary GoDaddy login (or actions to perform) 4) Set up the SSL certificate and HTTPS access for the site 5) Create blank MVC ASP.NET project with text and image provided (Visual Studio solution) 6) Upload the page for public access to the site. Visiting should show the page with no issues 7) Share the ASP.NET Visual Studio solution
...project requires security hardening against reverse engineering, API interception, SSL unpinning, MITM attacks, Frida/Xposed-based attacks, HLS Video piracy security and other advanced security threats. The ideal candidate should have deep knowledge of mobile application security, penetration testing, obfuscation techniques, runtime security, anti-debugging strategies, and HLS Video Protection without using DRM. Key Responsibilities: ✅ Reverse Engineering Prevention – Implement security measures to protect the app from reverse engineering attempts. ✅ API Security & Interception Prevention – Secure APIs against unauthorized access and prevent API intercept attacks. ✅ SSL Pinning & Bypass Protection – Ensure robust SSL pinning and prevent c...
I'm looking for a professional with experience in SSL certificate management. I have main/sub sites that require their SSL certificates to be updated. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with SSL certificate installation and troubleshooting - Familiarity with various types of SSL certificates (Single domain, Wildcard, Multi-domain) - Experience with different server types (Apache, Nginx, IIS) - Excellent problem-solving skills - Good communication skills to provide updates and explanations as needed.