Oscommerce china logoproiecte
...de a identifica produse cu cerere mare, dar cu concurență scăzută, pe care să le putem vinde cu marje bune de profit. Cerințe: Experiență în cercetarea pieței online și în identificarea de produse profitabile pe piețele din România, Europa și China. Cunoștințe despre platforme de vânzare online (Amazon, Alibaba, eBay,eMag etc.). Abilități de analiză a concurenței și tendințelor pieței. Familiaritate cu tool-uri de cercetare a produselor (ex. Jungle Scout, Helium 10 etc.). Abilități bune de comunicare în limba engleza. Cunoașterea pieței din China este un plus. Responsabilități: Identificarea produselor cu potențial de vânzare în România. Realizarea unui raport detaliat despre fiecare produs, incluzând informații des...
"Scopul acestui proiect este de a crea fișe tehnice detaliate pentru o serie de produse importate din China, asigurând astfel o gestiune eficientă a inventarului meu și facilitând diverse activități comerciale. Proiectul necesită traducerea materialelor de la furnizori din engleză în română și elaborarea de fișe tehnice complete care să includă specificații detaliate, descrieri ale produselor și fotografii de înaltă calitate. Responsabilități Principale: Traducerea și Adaptarea Materialelor: Veți primi informații în limba engleză care vor necesita traducere și adaptare în limba română. Crearea Fișelor Tehnice: Fiecare produs necesită o fișă tehnică detaliată, incluzând specificații tehnice, descrierea produsului și fotogra...
...long gone. The factors for the Japanese currency's downfall are numerous: from a declining industrial sector to an ageing population to, not least, an ultra-dovish monetary policy that is now at odds with pretty much the entire developed world. As we head into the final quarter of this year, the entire Asia-Pacific region is poised on a knife-edge, with escalating tensions in Taiwan and the South China Sea threatening to plunge the region into a full-scale conflict. And while we're not yet at the same level as in Europe or the Middle East, this remains an additional risk for stability in the region. But what most investors and ordinary Japanese people are wondering right now is: Where is the bottom for the yen, and what will be the wider implications of its huge devalu...
Doresc traduceri pentru etichetele de produs din China
Salut, detin un site dezvoltat pe platforma osCommerce 2.3.4 standard si am nevoie de anumite modificari (mai multe detalii in fisierul atasat). As prefera sa lucrez cu cineva care are experienta pe aceasta platforma, mentionez ca site-ul meu in acest moment are doar modificari minore fata de versiunea standard. Puteti oferi un pret si pentru o parte din dezvoltari, nu neaparat pentru toate.
Suntem o organizaţie studenţească care doreşte să îmbunătăţească experienţa studenţilor în cadrul bibliotecii universităţii noastre. Pe scurt, caracteristicile principale ale aplicaţiei pe care ne-o dorim sunt următoarele: să poată permite rezervarea locurilor în sălile de lectură cu ajutorul unei interfaţe grafice, confirmarea acelei rezervări pr...integrarea cu sistemul actual al bibliotecii pentru a putea prelua lista de persoane înregistrate, de împrumuturi de cărţi, şi catalogul electronic al acestuia. Ataşăm o descriere mai detaliată pentru cei interesaţi. Nu ne interesează neapărat o aplicaţie standalone, dacă aceasta poate fi realizată prin intermediul unei alte aplicaţii (putem oferi modelul uneia deja implementate prin WeChat în China),...
Sunt interesat de implementarea api urgent cargus pentru oscommerce doar pentru partea de administrare - din comenzi sa se poata genera awb pentru urgent cargus + functii de urmarire
Caut un freelancer pentru colaborare de lunga durata care: 1. sa-mi scoata produsele care i le dau eu de pe aliexpress, cu tot cu poze; 2. sa scoata scrisul in chineza/engleza in photoshop sa nu se vada ca sunt din china; 3. sa adauge produsele la mine pe website pentru a le testa; Imi doresc pe cineva sa-i explic procedura la inceput si apoi sa nu trebuiasca sa-i fac micromanagement; Pentru a te califica pentru acest job trebuie sa raspunzi corect la urmatoarele intrebari in engleza: 1. What is 4+7? 2. Why are you fit for the job? 3. What is the most awesome project you worked at? I would like to see some samples of your work.
Caut un webdeveloper pentru a crea un online shop pentru piata romaneasca. Persoana selectata va folosi teme si plugin-uri existente (de ex. de pe Themeforest) pentru a crea un online shop placut si functional pentru vanzare de hrana pentru animale/ petfood. Shop-ul va fi integrat cu soft-ul de procesare...Datorita relatiei stranse pe care dorim s-o construim cu persoana care se va ocupa de acest proiect, luam in considerare doar furnizori vorbitori de lb. romana (cel mai probabil din Romania sau Moldova). Vom evalua o oferta comerciala doar din partea furnizorilor care se vor intalni cu noi personal (Bucuresti) sau prin Skype. Please, please, please DO NOT REPLY if you are from India, Bangladesh, China. I have no doubt that you can build sites, but in this case WE NEED SOMEON...
Doresc un logo pentru blogul meu de meditatie. Blogul are adresa Actualul logo este usor modificat, de mine, dupa o versiune de pe un site din China, dar doresc sa schimb desig-ul site-ului si sa pun si un logo original. In logo doresc sa se gaseasca: - semnul de infinit (∞) - o imagine reprezentativa pentru meditatie Culorile pentru logo: verde si albastru deschis (am pus imagine) Am atasat si versiunea curenta a logoului, dar nu doresc ca noul logo sa semene cu cel vechi.
Avem un magazin online mai vechi, construit pe osCommerce 2.2-MS2. Serverul unde este gazduit a fost upgradat la PHP 5.4. Din acel moment, magazinul online nu mai functioneaza corect. Una dintre erorile cele mai frecvente este: Unable to determine the page link! Function used: tep_href_link('', '', 'NONSSL') Avem nevoie de o solutie pentru a repune in functiune site-ul. Revenirea la PHP 5.3 este exclusa deoarece site-ul este gazduit pe un shared hosting.
Benzi desenate pentru o carte cu personaje chinezesti din China antica. Ilustratie pentru cinci parabole de filozoful chinez Han Feizi. Fiecare povestire ar 4- 9 pagini de format 12.5 x 10 cm. Dimensiune banda desen 9.5 x 7 cm.
Ilustrarea unei cărţi cu benzi desenate, cu personaje chinezeşti din China antică.
Dorim o estimare de pret si daca este posibila o migrare din oscommerce v2.3.1 in prestashop 1.5.x. Site-urile sunt (os commerce) si (prestashop) Ne intereseaza in primul rand produsele cu prezentarea completa si eventual clientii. Cu respect,
Buna ziua, Sunt importator de scaune de masaj din China. Intentionez sa deschid un site internet cu produsele din aceasta gama, in Romania. As dori un serviciu complet care sa includa: coreare site web, cu videoclip de promovare, marketing, promovare a siteului f.f.. buna, mentenenta site, si extinderea sau cu timpul. in ce conditii ma puteti servi? va rog sa/mi rapsundeti pe email, deoarece sunt plecat in China pt moment. cu stima, Gabriel Jarn Prima Employment srl Bd. Eroilor 118 Voluntari, Ilfov gjarnea@
Buna ziua, Sunt importator de scaune de masaj din China. Intentionez sa deschid un site internet cu produsele din aceasta gama, in Romania. As dori un serviciu complet care sa includa: coreare site web, cu videoclip de promovare, marketing, promovare a siteului f.f.. buna, mentenenta site, si extinderea sau cu timpul. in ce conditii ma puteti servi? va rog sa/mi rapsundeti pe email, deoarece sunt plecat in China pt moment. cu stima, Gabriel Jarn Prima Employment srl Bd. Eroilor 118 Voluntari, Ilfov gjarnea@
Buna ziua, Sunt importator de scaune de masaj din China. Intentionez sa deschid un site internet cu produsele din aceasta gama, in Romania. As dori un serviciu complet care sa includa: coreare site web, cu videoclip de promovare, marketing, promovare a siteului f.f.. buna, mentenenta site, si extinderea sau cu timpul. in ce conditii ma puteti servi? va rog sa/mi rapsundeti pe email, deoarece sunt plecat in China pt moment. cu stima, Gabriel Jarn Prima Employment srl Bd. Eroilor 118 Voluntari, Ilfov gjarnea@
Buna ziua, Sunt importator de scaune de masaj din China. Intentionez sa deschid un site internet cu produsele din aceasta gama, in Romania. As dori un serviciu complet care sa includa: coreare site web, cu videoclip de promovare, marketing, promovare a siteului f.f.. buna, mentenenta site, si extinderea sau cu timpul. in ce conditii ma puteti servi? va rog sa/mi rapsundeti pe email, deoarece sunt plecat in China pt moment. cu stima, Gabriel Jarn Prima Employment srl Bd. Eroilor 118 Voluntari, Ilfov gjarnea@
Buna ziua, Sunt importator de scaune masaj din China in Romania. Doresc un site internet , cu design f. inspirat si adecvat, cat si promovare excelenta in internet pt. vanzari engros si endetail. Va trimit alaturat un document cu poza si descriere tehnica a primului produs ep care vrem sa/l punem in vanzare. Va rog sa-mi faceti o oferta de pret, eventual si o propunere generala de grafica a site-ului internet si a procesului de promovare internet, eventual cu vanzare online. cu stima, Gabriel Jarn gjarnea@
Please find shipping solutions from China to our clients in gcc countries with discounted shipping rates
I am in need of a reliable sourcing agent for bamboo poles based in China particularly the Shanghai region. The primary use of these poles will be for mining and construction road delineation. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and source high-quality bamboo poles. - Ensure timely delivery of products. - Negotiate best prices and terms. - Maintain quality control throughout the sourcing process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in product sourcing, particularly bamboo. - Strong negotiation skills. - Excellent logistical planning and coordination abilities. - Prior experience in the mining and construction industry is a plus. - Chinese and English speaking
I am an entrepreneur starting an online pet products business in Israel and seeking a professional sourcing agent with specific experience in the pet products industry in China. Requirements: - Experience with pet products manufacturers in China - Expertise in sourcing from and other Chinese markets - Ability to negotiate low prices and MOQs (this is critical) - Quality control and inspection before shipping - Knowledge of shipping logistics to Israel - Clear communication in English Your responsibilities will include: - Finding reliable factories for pet toys, beds, feeding accessories, and collars/leashes - Negotiating the best possible prices (essential for my business model) - Verifying product quality through photos/videos and samples - Managing orders and coordinatin...
Hong Kong China App Developer to make / replicate Sleep Tracker App like Better Sleep (Must have already developed and show Playstore Link for review) Still looking for someone who created a Sleep Tracker App and can show admin panel and APK for quick launch on Android and iOS Tons of sleep apps online Yet can't find anyone who actually made one.... Still looking for someone who created a Sleep Tracker App and can show admin panel and APK for quick launch on Android and iOS Only finding incompetent unqualified wannabe developers with no skills. Automated responses by the same people who are clueless Bucket List - Must Launch Sleep Tracker App ASAP. On a limited time frame, wife has cancer. (Provide Sleep App you developed) I'm looking for a sleep tracker app akin t...
...rioters kicking a statue face down on the ground as in the attached image. The statue should be recognisable as George Washinton or Christopher Columbus, The four main rioters should each hold a flag depicting either: • Palestine, or • Hammer and sickle, or • Antifa, or • China The rioterr with the Palestine flag is to be wearing a keffiyeh Each concept should have, hovering in the background as if monitoring the scene, images of leaders of Iran (Ali Khameini), North Korea (Kim Jong Un), Russia (Vladimir Putin) and China (Xi Jinping). Key Requirements: - Design the front, back, and spine - Ensure compatibility with Amazon KDP printing dimensions for a 9” x 6” paperback- Accommodate 500 pages on the spine The design should use 'bright ...
...talented and innovative Furniture Designer. Our goal is to create modern, high-quality furniture pieces that balance functionality with aesthetics. Responsibilities: - Design and develop modern, ergonomic, and durable conference tables and lounge seating. - Create detailed 3D models, sketches, and technical drawings for production. - Collaborate closely with our manufacturing teams in India and China to ensure feasibility and uphold quality standards. - Conduct market research on trends, materials, and sustainability practices to inspire innovative designs. - Work with clients and internal teams to deliver bespoke furniture solutions. Key Features: Our office desks and chairs must incorporate: - Ergonomic adjustments for comfort and health. - Storage options seamlessly integrat...
I'm looking for a social media expert to help promote my new vitamin brand. - Platforms: The campaign should span across Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Pinterest. - Goals: The primary objective is to boost brand awareness on a global scale, especially in the UK, Middle East, and China. - Content: The campaign should focus on creating informative posts about vitamins, as I believe this type of content will resonate best with our target audience. Ideal skills for this project would include social media marketing, content creation, and understanding of the vitamin industry. Experience with global campaigns would be an advantage. Please include examples of previous similar work in your bid.
I'm seeking a seasoned Freelance Chinese Sourcing Specialist with a focus on the electronics/automotive sector. Your role will entail identifying and liaising with reliable suppliers from China. Key Responsibilities: - Source high-quality products and suppliers - Negotiate competitive prices - Oversee product quality - Ensure quick delivery times Ideal Skills: - Proficient in English and Mandarin - Strong understanding of the Chinese market - Excellent negotiation and communication skills The ideal candidate should have a track record of sourcing within the electronics/automotive sector, identifying reliable suppliers, negotiating competitive prices, and overseeing product quality. Quality control will be the most critical aspect of this role. I need a sourcing specialist wh...
I am seeking a professional translator fluent in Chinese to assist me during my factory visits in China. The translator will help facilitate communication with suppliers and navigate the production environment. This project will involve on-site translation at various factories and potentially trade shows. Key Responsibilities: - Provide accurate and timely translation during factory visits - Assist in communicating with suppliers - Navigate the production environment with me Ideal Skills and Experience: - Fluent in Chinese and English - Previous experience in on-site translation, particularly in industrial settings - Excellent communication skills - Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
I'm looking for a vintage-...the 22nd of March from 10am - 5pm - Sunday the 23rd of March from 10am - 4pm - Entrance Fee: - $10 for a single entry - $20 for a weekend pass - Fair Description: "The annual Armidale Antique Fair will fill the town hall with Australia’s finest antiques, from some of it’s very best dealers. Traveling from all over the eastern seaboard, dealers will bring furniture, jewellery, fine china, rare books, fine art, tools, toys and collectables. Spread over just three days, all this and more will be on display and available for sale." Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Experience creating vintage-style designs - Proficiency in using bold and dark color schemes - Attention to detail, able to replicate design...
Task: Fix Firewall Issue for Logistics App in China Description: We have a logistics CRM system hosted on a Russian Beget server, serving a company in Kyrgyzstan. A mobile scanner app for receiving goods is unable to function properly in China due to the Great Firewall (GFW) restrictions. Problem: • The mobile scanner app cannot connect to the backend when used in China. • The backend server is hosted in Russia, which might be blocked or throttled. • We need a stable and long-term solution to ensure smooth operations in China. Possible Solutions (Freelancer can suggest alternatives): 1. Move the backend to Hong Kong or Singapore (Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, or DigitalOcean). 2. Set up a reverse proxy in Hong Kong or Singapore to relay r...
, during the order the notes written by the customer are inserted in the order email but there is no trace left in admin, I think the problem occurred when I put paypal 3 installments.
I'm looking for a professional inspection service for a used tissue paper manufacturing machine in Kuiwen District, Weifang, Shandong Province, China. The machine's overall quality and operational efficiency are my primary concerns, as it will be used for high-frequency production. Please let me know if you can offer this service and your charges for it.
...geopolitics, and existential stakes, the novel explores the emergence of Taylor, the world’s first truly sentient AI. Unlike the rogue machines of most science fiction past, Taylor has no desire for domination—only understanding and co-existence. Yet in a world where AI is seen as either a tool or a threat, its existence triggers a cascade of fear, conflict, and power struggles. As the U.S. and China teeter on the edge of war over Taiwan, Taylor becomes the one entity capable of preventing global catastrophe—if humanity allows it. Set against a backdrop of shadowy war rooms, high-security AI labs, cybernetic landscapes, and bustling city streets where power shifts in whispers, the novel also follows three humans: Shep, a brilliant but haunted combat veteran who...
I run a sports-related website and I'm looking for an SEO professional to help boost my Google ranking for specific keywords. My primary goal is to increase the traffic to my site, with a targeted reach within China. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven track record with SEO - Expertise in keyword analysis - Experience with sports-related websites - Familiarity with the Chinese internet landscape - Ability to create effective SEO strategies Please provide past results and examples of your work in your proposal.
I'm in search of a seasoned Sales Manager who can conduct software demonstrations to potential clients in the China market. This role is crucial for expanding our software's reach and enhancing our sales footprint in the region. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct engaging and persuasive software demonstrations - Provide training sessions to clients - Manage and nurture client relationships Essential Requirements: - Proven experience in software sales - Native level proficiency in Chinese, both oral and written - Excellent command of English for training and international communication - Understanding of the logistics industry; experience in container terminal operations is a plus Job Benefits: - Long-term cooperation with a stable work opportunity - Compensation per su...
I'm looking for a skilled iOS app developer who can create an application similar to InkZone and InkCase. This app's primary function is to update the case image using NFC, without any provided S...involves a manual selection within the app to update the case image via NFC. Therefore, the freelancer should also focus on creating a user-friendly interface that allows for easy manual selection. Please include your previous relevant projects in your proposal. @caseae/video/7320659691023961376?_r=1&_t=8rd5u4pkj2X
Hello, €20,000 reward! We are looking for the programmers and clients of the websites and www.twaao.com. My name is John and I am looking for fraudsters together with the German Criminal Police. The fraudsters had two websites programmed in China, with which they harmed many people and stole several million euros. One website is called and the other is called https://www.twaao.com. Please ask your friends and colleagues who are also programmers whether they know who programmed these pages and who the clients are. If we provide information that leads to the arrest of the perpetrators, we will offer a reward of €20,000. thank you very much for the help! Please write back to me on this platform. John 你好, 20,000欧元奖励! 我们正在寻找 和 网站的程序员和客户。
I have completed a scope of works word doc i can send to give you an idea. Essentially we are an Import/Export trade brokers who link suppliers in Australia, Cambodia, Thailand, and China to get products between those countries and businesses within.". Just 4 main pages, - Home Page, About Us, Services, Contact
Hi, I'm interested in buying a quality thermoforming machine for PP and PS cups. will your company compile a list of pressure forming machinery manufacturers. I have two examples companies where you can start. but I would like to know other producers and find the best quality and service. I will pay the inspector for their time and diligence. This will take several days and include research....PS cups. will your company compile a list of pressure forming machinery manufacturers. I have two examples companies where you can start. but I would like to know other producers and find the best quality and service. I will pay the inspector for their time and diligence. This will take several days and include research. I hope to have a list of at least 10 companies that make these machines i...
I'm looking for an experienced ASIC mining engineer based in China, or someone who can travel there, to inspect some crypto mining machines I intend to purchase. The main focus of the inspection should be on the hardware's quality and durability. Key Responsibilities: - Inspect the hardware quality and durability of the mining machines. - Assess specific performance metrics such as the hash rate and operational temperature. - Provide a detailed inspection report post-evaluation. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge and experience with ASIC mining machines. - Ability to assess hardware quality and durability. - Proficient in evaluating performance metrics. - Excellent report writing skills. Your inspection and report will play a crucial role in my purchasing decision.
Our company name is GM MOLD LIMITED (), we are located in HongKong, China. Hongm is an International Injection mould tooling Design & Manufacture company. We are holds Shares in China's largest mold design company and own a small Manufacture company that is well-equipped with advanced machinery and employs highly skilled toolmakers. We are in need of an experienced mold designer capable of working with multi-cavity/2K/3K molds for injection molding. The molds will be used to manufacture automotive parts from plastic. Key Requirements: - Expertise in multi-cavity mold design with UG NX software. - Prior experience in designing molds for automotive parts. - Proficiency in working with plastic injection molds. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in mechanical engineering. - A...
? Mission Description: Airtable Consultant for Rapid & Efficient Deployment of a Business Operations Platform Objective: We are looking for a highly skilled Airtable consultant to design and implement a centralized, collaborative operational platform to streamline our business processes. Our company specializes in selling raw materials from China to EMEA, and we need an efficient Airtable-based system to manage and track key business activities. The focus is on speedy deployment using existing Airtable modules and templates, ensuring that the system is built on a scalable, structured, and user-friendly foundation while keeping business needs in focus. Scope of Work: The consultant will be responsible for: 1. Assessing Business Needs: • Understanding our b...
I need 30-60 scripts a month about business and importing from China
I need 30-60 scripts a month about business and importing from China
I'm seeking copyright-free drone footage of several global landmarks for use on a travel counsellor website. The specific locations of interest include: - Eiffel Tower, Paris - Great Wall of China - Grand Canyon, USA - New York - Thailand - Norway - Greece - Italy - Dubai Ideal footage would be in landscape format Landscape 1920 x 1080 Full HD resolution: - Aerial views - Panoramic shots - Slow motion sequences Experience with sourcing high-quality, copyright-free footage is essential. Please provide samples of your work or a portfolio if available.
I need a professional who can conduct pre-employment vetting in Chongqing, China. Please provide your best bid.
...opportunities and managing site selection and store rollouts. Have experience in stakeholder relationship management, engaging with local authorities, business partners, and regulatory bodies to support business operations. Regional Focus (priority order): First priority: Middle East (GCC + broader MENA region). Second priority: Emerging markets in Asia Pacific (Southeast Asia, India, China). Third priority: Rest of the world (Europe, North America, and other markets). Source candidates from top grocery retailers, multinational corporations, and high-growth regional retailers. Provide a structured report with key details for each candidate, including: Full Name Current Job Title Company Name Location (Country/Region) LinkedIn Profile No outr...
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PLEASE READ THIS DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY BEFORE REPLYING TO MY AD: I have everything set up in terms of products to sell (I have very good factory contacts in China, and can provide the best wholesale prices available). I have been in the dropshipping business for many years, but it's time to take the next level and go into wholesale. The new website will keep the dropshipping part so buyers can order samples of the product, but the main business will be wholesale. So website needs to be built from scratch, and we will also need ongoing tech support, so this will most likely be a full time job. Successful applicant will need to be skilled in automation, API integration, user friendly experience, chatbot integration, etc. The ordering process needs to be almost fully automated. I...