Myspace backgrounds night clubproiecte


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    2,000 myspace backgrounds night club proiecte găsite

    ...spreads Oil and gas volatile as geopolitical instability spreads. © 2023, Libertex Risk Warning: Trading in financial instruments is a risky activity and can bring not only profits, but also losses. The amount of possible losses is limited by the amount of the deposit. Libertex is a trademark of Libertex International Company LLC. is operated by Forex Club International LLC, a company registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (Registration No. 1277 LLC 2021), and by MAEX LIMITED, a company registered in the Republic of Mauritius (Registration No. 158250 C1/GBL and Licence № С118023400 issued by the Financial Services Commission, Mauritius, Silicon Avenue, 40 Cybercity The Cyberati Lounge, C/o Credentia International Management Ltd, Ground F...

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 oferte

    Am nevoie de cateva exemple de imprimare hanorace culoare negru cu logouri de inscrisuri al unei asociatii denumita DINAMO SOCIOS 2023 . Hanoracele mot reproduce modele care sa imbine stiluri gentleman club , fotbal . club fotbal , etc...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta medie
    30 oferte
    Project for Cristian I.
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, Sunt interesata de o oferta de pret pentru 5 articole ( Seo content) pentru urmatorul site: Articolele vreau sa aibe ...5 articole ( Seo content) pentru urmatorul site: Articolele vreau sa aibe urmatoarele cuvinte cheie targhetate: - agende barbati - pixuri - cani cafea - pahare de whiski - halbe de bere Articolele sa fie de minim 500 de cuvinte fiecare. Multumesc!

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Doresc o platforma de socializare unde userii sa aiba un panou de comanda in sistem MLM in care sa vada reteaua binara de sub ei si punctele acumulate. Platforma sa fie simpla cu o fotografie de profil cu un spatiu unde sa vada userii din reteaua lui si alt spatiu unde sa vada restul userilor. Sa aiba module pentru a pune reclame si spatiu unde sa ruleze stiri si sa poata posta fiecare user. Deasemenea ma intereseaza softul de gestiune pentru reteaua MLM.

    $675 Average bid
    $675 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    S-a încheiat left


    $196 Average bid
    $196 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    I would prefer silhouettes instead of images that is more professional and expressive but well shaped especially the desert, I have to choose the desert two different backgrounds that merge with related elements

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta medie
    69 oferte
    Cerere de sponsorizare
    S-a încheiat left

    Suntem un club sportiv si vrem un dosar o cere de sponsororizare.

    $123 Average bid
    $123 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Premiul este pentru 1 articol, cu oricare din titlurile de mai jos. 1. Cele mai bune carti de citit 2. Cele mai bune parfumuri barbatesti 3. Cele mai bune parfumuri de dama 4. Cum sa slabesti 5. Cum sa te ingrasi 6. Tinute de club 7. Tinute casual 8. Haine ieftine si bune 9. Sportul si sanatatea 10. Importanta sportului in viata omului *Important: Fiecare articolul trebuie sa contina minim 500 cuvinte. Fiecare fraza din articol sa contine max. 20 cuvinte. In fiecare articol sa mentionati de 2-3 ori titlul. NU copiati continut de pe alte site-uri. Daca totusi ati gasit un articol care v-a placut va rog sa-l reinterpretati (rescrieti cu cuvintele voastre). Castigatorul va avea sansa sa scrie mai multe articole in viitor!

    $11 Average bid
    Project for Dragos1307
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut Dragoş, Numele meu este Mihai şi sunt QA Engineer la Voila Travel GmbH (). Echipa are 6 membri şi momentan lucrăm din TechHub Bucureşti (1 x iOS, 2 x BE, 1 x FE, 1 x QA, 1 x UX/PM). Îţi scriu pentru că avem nevoie de ajutorul unui Android Developer full-time. Proiectul are o vechime de 7 luni, a fost onorat cu premiul Best Travel Technology 2016 de către Travel Industry Club, a intrat în 500 Startups () şi este evaluat la 7 mil EUR. Momentan ne aflăm în runda 2 de finaţare. Bugetul pentru post este 3000-4500 EUR, în funcţie de skill-uri si experienţă. Aş vrea să ştiu dacă eşti interesat şi dacă am putea seta un call în care să-ţi acord mai multe detalii despre proiect. Mihai Razvan QA Engineer 0766492328

    $2933 Average bid
    $2933 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Design a Logo
    S-a încheiat left

    hello .o sa imi deschid in curand un club si as dori jutor oentru un logo .numele clubului o sa fie index si m-am gandit ca numele sa fie scris in'deX alternative .si sub X sa fie scris alternative .simbolul clubului as vrea sa fie o carte deschisa .daca se poate pana luni ar fi ok .va multumsc

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    22 oferte
    Creează un Logo
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, Am nevoie de un logo pentru un lounge ce se va deschide in curand. Cerintele sunt urmatoarele: BAHA Lounge&Club nevoie de 2 logo-uri, unul mai complex si altul mai simplu exprime in primul rand frumusetea, bunul gust si calitatea exprima: "A unique Persian name which means splendour and value."

    $63 Average bid
    $63 Oferta medie
    35 oferte

    Descriere : Se doreste ca intrarea sa se faca doar pe baza unui soft de amprentare. De asemenea, cei care recomanda clienti sa fie rasplatiti. Astfel s-a ajuns la idea de SPONSOR-Client. Clientul vine, pune amprenta pe cititor iar softul o ...intra si se inregistreaza ca membru normal. Dupa un timp , limitat, acestia doresc sa devina membri VIP. 3. Fingerprint LOG: Calendar selectabil in care sa alegi intervalul sau data sis a vezi toti membrii intrati , defalcati pe categorii si daca au venit impreuna cu sponsorul lor( care nu face parte din staff). Se doresc rapoarte in fiecare seara trimise pe mail cu: cati clienti au intrat in club , defalcat pe tipul de clienti si cati au fost cu sponsor si fara. Mentiuni: Nu se folosesc nume sau orice fel de date personale ale cli...

    $1023 Average bid
    $1023 Oferta medie
    5 oferte
    Access prin Amprentare
    S-a încheiat left

    Descriere : Se doreste ca intrarea sa se faca doar pe baza unui soft de amprentare. De asemenea, cei care recomanda clienti sa fie rasplatiti. Astfel s-a ajuns la idea de SPONSOR-Client. Clientul vine, pune amprenta pe cititor iar softul o ...intra si se inregistreaza ca membru normal. Dupa un timp , limitat, acestia doresc sa devina membri VIP. 3. Fingerprint LOG: Calendar selectabil in care sa alegi intervalul sau data sis a vezi toti membrii intrati , defalcati pe categorii si daca au venit impreuna cu sponsorul lor( care nu face parte din staff). Se doresc rapoarte in fiecare seara trimise pe mail cu: cati clienti au intrat in club , defalcat pe tipul de clienti si cati au fost cu sponsor si fara. Mentiuni: Nu se folosesc nume sau orice fel de date personale ale cli...

    $1061 Average bid
    $1061 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Soft Access Amprentare
    S-a încheiat left

    Descriere : Se doreste ca intrarea sa se faca doar pe baza unui soft de amprentare. De asemenea, cei care recomanda clienti sa fie rasplatiti. Astfel s-a ajuns la idea de SPONSOR-Client. Clientul vine, pune amprenta pe cititor iar softul o ...intra si se inregistreaza ca membru normal. Dupa un timp , limitat, acestia doresc sa devina membri VIP. 3. Fingerprint LOG: Calendar selectabil in care sa alegi intervalul sau data sis a vezi toti membrii intrati , defalcati pe categorii si daca au venit impreuna cu sponsorul lor( care nu face parte din staff). Se doresc rapoarte in fiecare seara trimise pe mail cu: cati clienti au intrat in club , defalcat pe tipul de clienti si cati au fost cu sponsor si fara. Mentiuni: Nu se folosesc nume sau orice fel de date personale ale cli...

    $1322 Average bid
    $1322 Oferta medie
    6 oferte
    Scrie un software
    S-a încheiat left

    Soft Amprentare Accesul in club se face numai prin softul de aprentare. Exista 3 tipuri de membri : 1. menbru normal 2. VIP - ajungi automat la un nr de 20 de intrari intr-un an calendaristic 3. GOLD - Acestia sunt setati automat ori la inregistrare , ori ulterior, fiind intr-o limita maxima de 10 oameni. La intrare, clientul pune amprenta iar softul o cauta in baza de date: 1) daca nu o are, il face client nou. Acest client nou poate avea un sponsor, care este unic. Cand il introduce ca si client nou, softul intreaba daca acel client are sponsor: 1.1) Daca are sponsor, este rugat sa introduca amprenta sponsorului. Daca sponsorul nu exista, este introdus ca si client nou si la fel intrebat daca are sponsor. In acest caz, sponsorul nu va exista si va introduce a...

    $1445 Average bid
    $1445 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Am nevoie de o diploma tip format portret fundal negru logo excellence dance cup elemente text+logo aurii (pentru imprimare folio) design tricolor ca in exemplu silueta dansatorilor toate documentele sunt in link ul de drop box text necesar : Diploma Se acorda locul _______ Perechii_____________...elemente text+logo aurii (pentru imprimare folio) design tricolor ca in exemplu silueta dansatorilor toate documentele sunt in link ul de drop box text necesar : Diploma Se acorda locul _______ Perechii_________________ la categoria de vârstă______________ clasa_____ Organizatior Clubul Sportiv Stop&Dance Presedinte Club

    $65 Average bid
    $65 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    Vreau sa creez o platforma gen Facebook / MySpace / sa contina urmatoarele Pagina profil utilizator cu fotrogafie si bio + status pe platforma (nivel de experienta si medalii obtinute + timpul de cand este utilizator si cate eventuri a desfasurat) Un homepage tip "Facebook global timewall" care sa contina in top un event tip "challenge" saptamanal sau lunar. Cei care aplica si duc la indeplinirea lui sa fie recompensati cu nivele de experienta si medalie status in functie de dificultate! Ceilalti utilizatori pot creea eventuri tip challenge si sa oblige pe unul din prieteni sa le indeplineasca in timp limita, Daca eventul este indeplinit si aprobat de Moderator utilizatorul provocat castiga punctaj + moneda joc, cel care a provocat, pierde moneda jocului d...

    $1400 Average bid
    $1400 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Corporate identity
    S-a încheiat left

    creeare logo pentru tenis club amg

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Oferta medie
    5 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    creeare logo pentru tenis club amg

    $51 Average bid
    $51 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    ...e-mail cu o parola aleatoare se trimite automat la e-mailul pe care l-a furnizat clientul. Clientului i se solicita mai tarziu schimabrea parolei temporare. Angajatul trece orele cumparate in contul clientului. Din acel moment clientul are acces la cont si poate verifica abonamentul si orele din simulator .Clientul se poate uita acuma in calendarul saptamanal, care este disponibil doar membrilor de club, pentru a face programarea la simulator. Odata ce rezervarea a fost facuta, clientului i se trag orele din abonamentul facut. In calendarul săptămânal această perioadă de timp va fi afișata ca ocupata evitand posibilitatea de a mai ocupa acea perioada. Acest calendar săptămânal este vizibil pe site și va fi afișat in dreptul celor două simulatoare. Calendarul trebuie ...

    $1300 Average bid
    $1300 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    sa am un site in care sa isi poata face co...un magazin(doar cu acordul meu si cu poza), restul raman doar utilizatori care pot face rezervare si plata. sa fie un orar cu intervale de jumatate de ora, cu program prestabilit impreuna cu cel care are acel magazin(ex. de la ora 07-23). (ex un club cu 10 mese de biliard are un magazin cu 10 orare, unde omul bifeaza cate casute de o jumatate de ora vrea din orarul existent disponibil si pentru cate mese vrea). obligatoriu cu cardul pentru confirmarea rezervarii pe a)categorii,b)tara,c)judet,d)oras, club(magazin) 5. sa fie in limba romana si engleza, cu posibilitatea de a mai adauga si alte limbi -- biciclete,biliard sunt categorii, sa ramana posibilitatea sa mai adaugam si altele cu stima lazar remus

    $703 Average bid
    $703 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    sa am un site in care sa isi poata face co...un magazin(doar cu acordul meu si cu poza), restul raman doar utilizatori care pot face rezervare si plata. sa fie un orar cu intervale de jumatate de ora, cu program prestabilit impreuna cu cel care are acel magazin(ex. de la ora 07-23). (ex un club cu 10 mese de biliard are un magazin cu 10 orare, unde omul bifeaza cate casute de o jumatate de ora vrea din orarul existent disponibil si pentru cate mese vrea). obligatoriu cu cardul pentru confirmarea rezervarii pe a)categorii,b)tara,c)judet,d)oras, club(magazin) 5. sa fie in limba romana si engleza, cu posibilitatea de a mai adauga si alte limbi -- biciclete,biliard sunt categorii, sa ramana posibilitatea sa mai adaugam si altele cu stima lazar remus

    $828 Average bid
    $828 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    Obiectiv general: Trecerea continutului actual al unui website bazat pe o solutie proprie ce foloseste PHP+MySQL, ce integreaza un forum phpBB, un album foto bazat pe și o sectiune de download bazata pe pafileDB, intr-un nou format cu un design unic, cu elemente de identitate pentru suporterii unui club de fotbal, care sa fie bazat pe paltforma Wordpress. Proiectul include realizarea a doua logo complet diferite, ce ar putea fi schimbate intre ele si care identifica unic website-ul conform sugestiilor voastre. Particularitati: Noua solutie bazata pe Wordpress va trebui sa preia integral structura informatiilor si baza de date existente la momentul migrarii si va trebui sa integreze in noul design al site-ului atat forumul bazat pe phpBB cat si albumul foto bazat pe

    $1331 Average bid
    $1331 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    I run a youtube channel called "SagaTheYoungin" I'm seeking a talented line artist proficient in Adobe Illustrator to create cartoonish 2D backgrounds for urban settings. You will be provided with reference images to guide your work. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator - Experience creating cartoonish 2D backgrounds Please email the gmail at bkartistscenetest to apply.

    $280 Average bid
    $280 Oferta medie
    38 oferte

    ...Proficient in designing and managing NoSQL databases (MongoDB) for storing user profiles, meal logs, and recipes. Dietary and Nutrition Expertise (Preferred): Understanding of dietary needs and health goals to implement accurate recipe filtering and nutrient tracking systems. Intuitive UI/UX Design: Capable of designing an interface that’s visually appealing and intuitive for users of all technical backgrounds. Expected Deliverables Fully functional calorie tracking website with the described features. Intuitive recipe selection and saving interface. Backend systems for: Image recognition and meal logging. Macronutrient and micronutrient tracking. Recipe recommendation and management. Comprehensive user account management system. Visual dashboard for daily and weekly nutr...

    $266 Average bid
    $266 Oferta medie
    45 oferte

    ...two parts taking a total of 1 hour and 15 minutes. I would like the tasks completed within a week. Scope of Work Part 1: Image Editing (4 Tasks, 40 Minutes) 1. Create High-Resolution Image Versions ◦ Resize images to specified dimensions. ◦ Add white borders and adjust canvas size. 2. Prepare A2 Size Images with Signatures ◦ Position the image within a pre-designed Photoshop template. ◦ Blend backgrounds for natural integration. ◦ Add and adjust the artist’s signature for visibility without obscuring the subject. 3. Create Instagram Story Images ◦ Adapt images to Instagram Story dimensions. ◦ Update text layers with project details. 4. Generate Canvy Room Images ◦ Upload artwork to Canvy (free online tool). ◦ Adjust dimensions and place artwork within a virtual room. Part...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    I'm seeking a modern logo for my soccer club. The logo should creatively incorporate a soccer ball and the club initials, and it should utilize a vibrant color scheme. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Identity - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop or similar software - Strong understanding of modern design principles and trends

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Oferta medie
    73 oferte

    ...ancient wisdom to inspire life-changing spiritual connection in just two minutes a day. The cover should communicate: Transformation: A message of personal renewal and peace through connection with God’s Word. Faith and Inspiration: A spiritual tone that appeals to readers searching for purpose, calm, and meaning. Approachability: Modern, clean, and inviting design to attract readers of all backgrounds. Key Elements to Include Title & Tagline Placement Title: "The Ultimate Habit" should be bold, impactful, and stand out immediately. Tagline: "Two Minutes a Day: Breathe God’s Word, Exhale Peace, and Transform Your Life Forever" should be clear and complementary to the title. Imagery Use light, breath, or radiance as central themes to symboli...

    $100 Average bid
    Recomandat Garantat Concurs de top
    208 intrări
    AI-Based Image Processing App Upgrade
    8 ore left
    Cont confirmat

    ...and Node.js development Experience working with AI models for image processing Deep understanding of image processing and manipulation Experience in client-server integration Ability to work with existing code and system upgrades Scope of Work: Infrastructure Preparation Phase: Development of mechanism for converting and saving data to image format Integration with AI models for removing backgrounds from model photos Interface Development Phase: Upgrade of existing interface to display multiple items in one image Development of new user interface for displaying processed images Integration Phase: Full integration between the application and server Implementation of changes in the existing system Comprehensive testing to ensure system functionality Additional Requireme...

    $250 - $750
    Urgent Sigilat
    $250 - $750
    47 oferte

    ...meets these requirements. Website Development Guide for JAM Mission **Homepage** 1. **Hero Banner**: - Rotating images highlighting: - Animal therapy, animals at school or church event and petting zoo experiences. - The greenhouse, food forest, and vibrant gardens. - Glamping setups, cozy tiny homes, treehouse and the scenic pond in Tuskegee, AL. - Families enjoying events and workshops, poetry night, celebrations, or nature-based activities. **Taglines**: - *"Connect with Nature. Heal with Purpose."* - *"Discover the JAM Mission: Wellness, Community, and Adventure."* - **Call-to-Action (CTA)**: "Schedule or Book Now" buttons prominently displayed. Quick Links Section: - "Explore Our Services" - "Visit Our Garden" - "Book...

    $591 Average bid
    $591 Oferta medie
    225 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a comprehensive website for my field hockey club. The primary purpose of the site is to handle member registration and management efficiently. Key Features: - Member Registration: The site should have an online registration form that is easy to use and accessible. - Member Login Area: A secure area for members to log in and access exclusive content, updates, and their personal information. - Payment Processing: The site should be capable of handling payment processing for membership fees and other club-related costs. Website Sections: - About Us: This section will provide information about our club, its history, mission, and values. - Teams and Players: A dedicated section to showcase our teams and players. ...

    $365 Average bid
    $365 Oferta medie
    119 oferte

    ...main element is a hovering alien spaceship in the night sky. The ship could be illuminated from below with some ambient glowing lights (maybe green) to make it pop against the dark background. Aliens in the ship: Through the ship’s window, show two silhouetted aliens working on something inside the spaceship. They should be in the background, not the focal point, to keep the attention on the ship and the setting. They could be interacting with alien technology or working at a control panel. The idea is to make it subtle but intriguing. Stars & Planets: Add stars and distant planets to the background to give the scene depth. Keep the background simple but atmospheric. Logo placement: The Playground 51 logo should be placed somewhere in the night sky, perhaps faint...

    $355 Average bid
    $355 Oferta medie
    59 oferte

    ...corresponding tracking management, websites. IT governance: they do policy and handling PMO roles. The current IT Operation having 3 main employees and 2 contractors The one contractor managing assets and the other one managing the Level one support in a day shift and Printer support. While the main employees managing: Employee 1: onboarding, day shift, email issue. Sharing services. Employee 2: night shift, L1 support. Employee 3: L1 support external location, day shift, external services, and executive users. ** usually the employees are busy fixing large issue passing by users one by one as the systems cannot reach the users devices. Installing windows, or agents or other apps. In general, we need to activate the below 1. Service Management: Implementing and managing IT se...

    $100 Average bid
    Garantat Acord de confidenţialitate
    15 intrări
    App Development Like Ola/Rapido
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ... and enhancing urban mobility with sustainable solutions. Key Features of the Service: Affordable Pricing: Competitive and budget-friendly fare structure. User Convenience: Easy-to-use app for booking rides, payment integration, and ride tracking. Safety Features: Real-time tracking, driver ratings, and safety protocols for passengers. 24/7 Availability: Rides available at any time of day or night in designated service areas. App Development Requirements: Platform: iOS and Android App Features: User Registration & Profile Creation: User sign-up via email, phone number, or social media. Ride Booking: Easy ride booking interface to select destination, type of vehicle, and payment method. Live Tracking & Google Maps Integration: Real-time GPS tracking of both drivers and...

    $960 Average bid
    $960 Oferta medie
    37 oferte
    Trophy icon Logo Design for Edtech Platform
    1 zi left

    ...emphasize innovation and progress. --- ### **3. Color Palette** - **Primary Colors:** - **Blue (#1E90FF):** Symbolizes trust, technology, and professionalism. - **Orange (#FFA500):** Represents energy, creativity, and accessibility. - **Secondary Colors:** - **Dark Gray (#333333):** For text, ensuring a clean and professional look. - **Light Gray (#F5F5F5):** For neutral backgrounds, maintaining a modern and fresh aesthetic. - **Color Meaning:** The blue-orange combination creates a perfect balance of reliability and vibrancy, reflecting a dynamic learning experience. --- ### **4. Typography** - **Font Style:** - **Primary Font:** A bold, modern sans-serif typeface (e.g., **Montserrat Bold**) for the "Lvalue" text. - **Secon...

    $8 Average bid

    I'm looking for a Python script that leverages RoBERTa to automate the identification of potential candidates from both LinkedIn and their resumes. The script should analyze candidates based on their skills, experiences, personal statements, educational backgrounds, etc. Key Requirements: - Data Processing: The script should be able to process both LinkedIn profiles and uploaded resumes. - Data Preprocessing: The script needs to carry out critical preprocessing steps such as synonym replacement, sentiment label mapping, and implementing data augmentation and class balancing. - Analysis and Evaluation: The script should perform correlation analysis and generate a heat map. The model's effectiveness should be evaluated using metrics like accuracy, F1 score, precision, recal...

    $115 Average bid
    $115 Oferta medie
    46 oferte

    I attach file as example of massege oil 4 in 1 The difference point :- We need same type with same words but change name of product to X night instead of enjoy by nature with different design We need three design with the four types with X night 1- massage oil 4 in 1 ( 4 type as attached ) 2- lubricant ( 1 type from your choice ) 3 spraying ( 1 type from your choice ) Reminder All difference point I remind keep it The remain words as same the attached file Note : all ai design will be rejected

    $71 Average bid
    112 intrări

    I attach file as example of massege oil 4 in 1 We need same type with same words but change name of product to X night with different design We need three design with the four types with X night 1- massage oil 4 in 1 2- lubricant 3 spraying

    $105 Average bid
    $105 Oferta medie
    39 oferte

    We are looking for a talented designer to create a sleek and modern logo for our all-natural, plant-based hair care product line. The logo should embody minimalism while reflecting that is a hair product. It must incorporate both an icon and text, ensuring that it is easily recognizable and readable...browns, beiges) to evoke a connection to nature. Elements: A combination of an icon and text that complements the natural theme. Readability: Clear and professional text that works well in various sizes and formats. Scalability: The logo should look great on packaging, websites, and promotional materials. Deliverables: A primary logo design (icon + text). Variations for light and dark backgrounds. Vector files (AI, EPS) and high-resolution PNG/JPG files. Color palette used in t...

    $44 Average bid
    $44 Oferta medie
    115 oferte

    ¡Hola! En 22 Agency estamos buscando un diseñador gráfico freelance para desarrollar la identidad visual de una campaña vinculada a un equipo grande del fútbol argentino. El proyecto tiene una duración aproximada de 60 días y se requiere un diseño de identidad, la creación de piezas gráficas estáticas y animadas adaptadas a redes sociales y plataformas digitales, medios de comunicación masivo, etc. Requisitos: • Experiencia comprobable en diseño deportivo. • Capacidad para crear identidades visuales sólidas y contenido gráfico alineado con campañas electorales. • Manejo avanzado de Photoshop, Illustrator y After Effects. • Habilidad para trabajar con de...

    $290 Average bid
    $290 Oferta medie
    26 oferte
    Modern Paddle Tennis Club Design
    5 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a modern architectural design for a paddle tennis club on a 6000m2 plot in Dar es Salaam. The club should incorporate a few key elements: Key Facilities: - A restaurant - A kids' play area Shopping Outlets: - A sports equipment store - A cafe - A clothing boutique Ideal candidate should have experience in designing sports facilities, understanding of modern architectural styles and ideally, some experience with designing for family-friendly venues. Location pin:

    $391 Average bid
    $391 Oferta medie
    51 oferte

    I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer to assist with modifying my WordPress template. The project involves altering the colors and shapes of various elements to fit a monochromatic color scheme. Key Aspects of the Project: - Color Modifications: Changes will be primarily focused on the header, footer, backgrounds, and widgets, all to adhere to a monochromatic color scheme. - Shape Modifications: The shapes of buttons, icons, and sections will also need to be adjusted. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress - Strong understanding of design principles, particularly monochromatic schemes - Experience with customizing WordPress templates - Ability to modify shapes of various elements

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Oferta medie
    93 oferte
    Trophy icon Luxury Skincare Brand Logo Design
    6 zile left

    ...Optimized for web and apps. Raster Formats: PNG – High-resolution with transparent background. JPEG – High-quality file for standard use. PDF – Easy sharing with vendors. b. Logo Variations Primary Logo: The complete, full-color version of the logo. Secondary Logo: A simplified or stacked layout. Monochrome Logo: A single-color version (black, white, or grayscale). Inverted Logo: For use on dark backgrounds. Icon/Mark: A standalone element of the logo (e.g., initials or symbol) for small-scale use. c. Branding Guidelines Color Codes: Hex, RGB, CMYK, and Pantone values for the color palette. Font Details: Names and usage guidelines for any fonts used. Clear space around the logo. Background Options d. Mockups and Real-World Applications mockups to visua...

    $50 Average bid
    1320 intrări

    I'm seekin...Kanade". The scene should depict her sitting by her keyboard, with her gentle smile illuminating a moment of peace and inspiration in a dreamy starry night sky. Key aspects of the project: - Kanade's character should be drawn in her original style, capturing the essence of the anime. - The background is a starry night sky, so the illustration needs to convey a sense of calmness and tranquility. - The overall atmosphere should have a dim ambiance, reflecting a soft, peaceful moment. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in digital illustration, particularly in anime style. - Experience with creating detailed, immersive backgrounds. - Understanding of character design to accurately depict Yoisaki Kanade. - Good grasp of convey...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta medie
    31 oferte

    I'm in need of a skilled photo editor to help with removing backgrounds from my pictures. The edited images should have a clean white background after the removal. The volume of work is between 11 to 50 images. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or similar - Experience in background removal - Attention to detail to ensure clean and professional results Please respond with your portfolio and turnaround time for this project.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta medie
    54 oferte

    Project Requirements 1. Logo Design and Variations: • Recreation of a logo (picture attached) with all necessary variations, including: • Horizontal and vertical layouts for websites. • Watermark version. • Icon-only version. • PNG formats with transparent backgrounds. • Scalable vector format (SVG, EPS, or AI). • Social media-ready formats. 2. Brand Identity Application: • Application of the logo and brand colors to a Shopify store, ensuring consistency and alignment with the new branding. 3. Shopify Store Optimisation: • Optimisation of the Shopify store, including SEO improvements to enhance visibility and performance. 4. Competency: • Only bid if you can confidently deliver all three components of the project: 1. L...

    $199 Average bid
    $199 Oferta medie
    121 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional who can resize and change the background for over 50 images for my Shopify store. Key Requirements: - Resize images to fit Shopify's specifications - Change backgrounds to a more appealing or uniform one - Ensure images maintain their quality post-editing Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in image editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or similar - Prior experience with e-commerce image requirements - Attention to detail and ability to uphold high standards of image quality

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Oferta medie
    23 oferte

    I need a competent Photoshop photo editor to remove the backgrounds of 114 images. Key Requirements: - Remove backgrounds of 114 product images - Provide all working project files once complete - Deliverables are: . HIGH RES JPEG with clean white background . HIGH RES PNG version with no background Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Photoshop with strong background removal experience - Able to provide high-resolution exports - Attention to detail Note: The images are simple and easy to edit, requiring a basic level of detail for the background removal. No additional editing or enhancements are required.

    $56 Average bid
    $56 Oferta medie
    81 oferte

    I need a skilled photo editor who can help enhance my photos and transform them into engaging reels for my social media platforms, mainly Instagram and Facebook. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software - Experienced in creating social media content - Knowle...reels for my social media platforms, mainly Instagram and Facebook. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software - Experienced in creating social media content - Knowledgeable about trends on Instagram and Facebook Please Note: - The specifics of the edits will be discussed, as I have not finalized them yet. - Understanding of color correction, adding text or graphics, and removing backgrounds will be essential. Your expertise in making visually appealing content will help me enhance my social media...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    25 oferte

    ...specifications to complete the design. Key Elements: - Patterns: The design will incorporate various patterns. - Retro Fonts: You'll be using retro-style typography throughout the design. - Front Logo: The 7 logo will go on the front left breast of the shirt. Need the 1922 to be formed around the bottom right corner of the 7 logo. - Back Logo: Wilshire Bowl Cafe will instead read, “Wilshire Run Club” 5665 Wilshire Los Angeles will instead read, “Baker2Vegas 2025” - Right Sleeve Logo: The retro BMW logo will go on the right sleeve of the shirt and we need it to say “Sponsored by” above the logo and “Beverly Hills BMW” below the logo. Attached is a previously used logo. Color Specifics: - The T-shirt will be a cream color, so ...

    $68 Average bid
    $68 Oferta medie
    77 oferte