Mlm companies working indiaproiecte
Angajam automatist sau echipa de 2-3 automatisti pentru proiecte de automatizare care controleaza sisteme de conveioare. SCHNEIDER in principal sau SIEMENS. Oferim intre 1000 Euro si 20000 Euro in functie de complexitatea si dimensiunea proiectului, precum si de tipurile de sarcini indeplinite: : PROIECTARE: solutie (layout ...(layout electric), proiectare scheme monofilar, scheme electrice, tablouri electrice, EXECUTIE: tablouri, cablare pe solutia mecanica si legaturi in vederea testarii PROGRAMARE: software PLC, HMI, SCADA etc MANUALE DE OPERARE TESTARE de tip FAT: running and testing la fabrica producator COMMISSIONING si PIF la sediul clientului (Romania, Spania, Franta, Grecia, Anglia, tari din Middle East, Africa, India, America de Sud). Pentru mai multe detalii va stam la d...
Exista o varietate de platforme de recrutare automatizate disponibile pentru afacerile MLM am nevoie de un expert pentru integrarea afacerii mele MLM pe una dintre platformele• Leadpage • ClickFunnels • GetResponse • ActiveCampaign sau altele asemenea.
Buna Andreea F., avem nevoie de un Compliance Policy pentru firma noastra si pentru reprezentanti business. Firma nostra este in industrie de MLM. Faceti serviciu de redactare compliance?
Doresc o platforma de socializare unde userii sa aiba un panou de comanda in sistem MLM in care sa vada reteaua binara de sub ei si punctele acumulate. Platforma sa fie simpla cu o fotografie de profil cu un spatiu unde sa vada userii din reteaua lui si alt spatiu unde sa vada restul userilor. Sa aiba module pentru a pune reclame si spatiu unde sa ruleze stiri si sa poata posta fiecare user. Deasemenea ma intereseaza softul de gestiune pentru reteaua MLM.
Doresc o platforma de socializare unde userii sa formeze o retea mlm si sa aiba un panou de comanda.
We are looking for a web site administrator for our companies, besides the basic general knowledge in IT, we want flexibility and availability.
...audience of the brand: who are we addressing? B2C: 20-50 years / men and women / secondary-higher education / medium to high, high and very high incomes / active people, with a competitive spirit, desire for recognition / hunters and / or collectors of medals and diplomas / interests: healthy lifestyle, travel, exercise, running, cycling, swimming, nature walks, hiking, gadgets B2B: medium and large companies interested in implementing healthy movement programs for employees 4. Tone of voice (Brand Personality) How would you define the brand tone of voice? How would you define the brand personality in three words / phrases? Well-being/ passion for movement / competition 5. Reasons why the audience should gain confidence in the brand and consider it (competitive advantage): The ...
Cu vreo 1 an și jumătate în urma am colaborat cu un freelencer din India sa ma ajute sa îmi deschid un site și sa îmi facă un domeniu, doar sa am siguranță că acel domeniu nu o sa îl ia cineva, si acum am plătit al doilea pentru web design și nu mai știu ce ,dar nu reușesc sa activez acel site. Deocamdată doar vreau sa îl activez.
...unui software ERP pentru o institutie de tip IFN. Software-ul este partial dezvoltat de catre o echipa din India. Contabilitatea este 100% realizata iar zona de creditare este partial dezvoltata. Se va continua si cu echipa din India dar se doreste marirea echipei si o comunicare mai eficienta. Software-ul este dezvoltat in Laravel. Este necesara prezenta constanta la intalnirile echipei. Sediul companiei este in Bucuresti. We want to continue the development of ERP software for an IFN institution. The software is partially developed by a team from India. The accounting is 100% realized and the credit area is partially developed. It will continue with the team from India but it is desired to increase the team and a more efficient communic...
Detinem o platfirma de eCommerce (Prestashop 1.7.5) si dorim integrarea cu centrul de distributie local, din format ASMX cu export XML (produs, stoc, descriere, sku, ean) in timp real sau sub forma unui cron job. Manual implementare complet disponibil la cerere. Doar limba romana (just Romanian language) - India not accepted.
MLM concept mobile app property based
Vinde ceva pentru mine Am nevoie de 3 membri de echipa din Romania (Cluj daca se poate, dar nu neaparat), pentru a-mi dezvolta echipa intr-o companie MLM americana, care vinde produse din extracte de seminte, ajuta la sanatatea corpului. Firma e Rain International, investitia de inceput este de 130 USD.
Companie multinationala cauta parteneri pentru dezvoltare activitate de vanzari MLM. Persoanele interesate sunt intreprinzatori si persoane fizice independente. Se lucreaza pe baza de comision din volumul de vanzari fiecarei persoane este intre 250 si 750 euro
I need a new website. I need you to design and build a website for my small business. Un sistem mlm, utilizatorii nu trebuie sa cumpere nimic, trebuie doar sa isi faca cont 1. Pentru inregistrare se plateste 10e lunar 2. In contul lui sa aiba un link de referal cu care poate inregistra utilizatori noi. 3. Cand inregistreaza pe cineva sa ii intre bani automat in cont. 4. Sa vada pe cine a inscris de cine a fost inscris, cati bani are in cont. 5. Daca are mai mult de 10e sa ii opreasca automat sistemul. 6. Platile se fac cu paypal
Am nevoie de un nou site web Proiectează-l și construiește-l Altele sau nu sunt sigur MLM site
Am nevoie de un nou site web Proiectează-l și construiește-l Altele sau nu sunt sigur MLM site 7 nivele
...multe proiecte in fiecare saptamana. Avem capacitate de livrare dar nu am timp de ofertare. Proiectele pe care le livram deja sunt pe baza clientilor existenti. Mi-ar placea sa existe cineva cunoscator de engleza, bun vanzator, rabdator si atent care sa ma ajute in acest domeniu. Plata la proiect semnat/platit si bonus lunar. Va rog nu ma deranjati daca traduceti acest anunt si sunteti din India , Pakistan si alte tari exotice, nu e nimic personal dar nu ne-am intelege. Ma ocup personal de training, de resurse dar nu vreau sa pierd vremea! Astept CV si scrisoare de intentie in care sa inteleg de ce te consideri potrivit, daca ai mai facut asa ceva si ce te motiveaza mai mult. Oferte COPY/PASTE ... nu sunt necesare. Multumesc. Please don't translate this pos...
Caut un webdeveloper pentru a crea un online shop pentru piata romaneasca. Persoana selectata va folosi teme si plugin-uri existente (de ex. de pe Themeforest) pentru a crea un online shop placut si functional pentru vanzare de hrana pentru animale/ petfood. Shop-ul va fi integrat cu soft-ul...curierat. Datorita relatiei stranse pe care dorim s-o construim cu persoana care se va ocupa de acest proiect, luam in considerare doar furnizori vorbitori de lb. romana (cel mai probabil din Romania sau Moldova). Vom evalua o oferta comerciala doar din partea furnizorilor care se vor intalni cu noi personal (Bucuresti) sau prin Skype. Please, please, please DO NOT REPLY if you are from India, Bangladesh, China. I have no doubt that you can build sites, but in this case WE NEED SOMEON...
...requirements mentioned below and i want to add property rentals as well need to create a portal through which rentacar companies could showcase their cars to the general business and customers in Qatar or anyone traveling to Qatar. will be needing SEO help as well. Mobile application will also be built accordingly so the website structure should be very sophisticated in order to be enhanced to any level at any time. company registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter thei...
Am nevoie de oameni care sa construiasca retele in singurul mlm 100% romanesc, 100% legal, cu cel mai bun plan de recompensare pe care l-am intalnit pana acum, FARA TAXA DE INTRARE. Plata saptamanala, depinde doar de implicarea ta cat vrei sa castigi. Mai multe detalii pe chat.
...what i need exactly with little legal requirements mentioned below. need to create a portal through which rentacar companies could showcase their cars to the general business and customers in Qatar or anyone traveling to Qatar. will be needing SEO help as well. Mobile application will also be built accordingly so the website structure should be very sophisticated in order to be enhanced to any level at any time. company registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter their da...
... Take advantage of the start! - We are looking urgently for MLM leaders who want to develop a newly appeared MLM business! - You know too that those who start early have the greatest benefits! - This MLM business is unique all over the planet and has a reward plan which pleases even the ones who aren`t interested in MLM! - We address to those who love to read novels and personal development books, namely a market of tens of millions of people. - Our product is a virtual package consisting of several highly spectacular personal development books and a novel which has a unique worldwide subject, a subject which you have never seen in any other novel or movie. - This is the only MLM business that promotes online ...
...internationala si posibilitatea relocarii pe alte proiecte • asigurare medicala, tichete de masa • salariu competitiv Cei interesati pot transmite candidatura pe recruiting[at]brusch[dot]ro. Multumim pentru interes. Descrierea companiei We are an European software and IT consulting company. As a service provider for IT projects (nearshore) and personnel recruiting (IT sourcing), we support companies to find and establish flexible sourcing decisions, to overcome a temporary gap of personnel and to decrease costs. The efficiency of a company will be increased by making advantage of the international IT services of our company. Especially for well educated, experienced and multilingual IT experts there are always good chances for limited and interesting onsite ...
Platforma este conceputa ca o pagina web de prezentare produse si servicii grupate in departamente cu specificul fiecarui serviciu sau tip de produs . Deasemenea fiecare departament pe langa magazinul virtual in care sunt prezentate serviciile sau produsele , are mai multe tipuri de formulare feed-back prin care se comunica cu vizitatorul sau clientul . Header , footer , margine dreapta si margine stanga spatii publicitare gestionabile . Platforma are un modul de administrare securizat in care poate intra doar administratorul . Administratorul poate clona partial sau total aceasta aplicatie si poate acorda preferential drepuri de administrare altor administratori ai clonelor . Clonele pot fi postate in acelas server dar vor putea fi accesate cu adrese diferite de web . Module si ...
Made and posted on various and multiple sites advertising commercials and advertisements and commercials for various private companies and individuals. I promote my shop online through various businesses. Do not hesitate, prices are low and negotiable. Create and manage Facebook pages Plateaus individuals and private companies, post ads and online marketing advertising and commercial companies, financial companies, auctions, stock exchanges, banks and financial institutions, businessmen, stars and movie stars, fashion, etc
Hello Ma'm My name is Ravi i am from India, i am freelaner i can do data entry works (DATA ENTRY-- COPY PASTE---- AD POSTING-- FORM FILING- ARTICLE SUBMIT ION --- WORD-EXCEL POWER POINT PRESENTATION ---- ORDER PROCESSING --- Virtual Assistant -VIDEO’S UPLOAD GENERAL OFFICE --- DATA PROCESSING --- EMAIL HANDLING) well. i have 3 years experienced person as a freelancer worker.... this is my freelancer profile link
Construirea unei retele mlm care inca nu este lansat oficial in Romania. Se va plati pentru fiecare membru adus in retea.
MLM binar aparut pe piata romaneasca. Se cauta lideri pentru a contrsui reteaua de distributie
Am nevoie de cineva fffff serios si priceput la SEO pt optimizarea la site-ul meu agentie care vreau sa fie gasita in google ro dar si in alte tari prin cuvinte romana si engleza.... mai am si un site care vreau sa fie gasit pe google in dubai : cu cuvintele escorts in dubai ,escorts in abu dhabi rog seriozitate fara scoruri mari pt c anu imi sa ... agentie care vreau sa fie gasita in google ro dar si in alte tari prin cuvinte romana si engleza.... mai am si un site care vreau sa fie gasit pe google in dubai : cu cuvintele escorts in dubai ,escorts in abu dhabi rog seriozitate fara scoruri mari pt c anu imi sa preciez ca de 2ani caut pe cineva pt bed46 am dat numa de tot felu de asa zizi experti pe internet...din india etc..
Am mai multe produse intr-o retea MLM si ma intereseaza sa fac clipuri video animate de prezentare-vinzare in stilul asta: Cu tot cu sonorizare, insemnind text citit si melodie de fundal. Clipurile le vreau de 1-2 minute fiecare. Vreau sa stiu cit ma costa un clip cu finalizat, sau pretul pe minut.
...12 ani, dcs plus ofera solutii software business-critical pentru industria de turism din intreaga lume. Compania are sediul central in Bucuresti si 2 birouri locale in Paris, Franta si in Johannesburg, Africa de Sud. Printre clientii nostri se numara agentii de turism mari din peste 40 de piete, printre care: Romania, Rusia, USA, Turcia, Marea Britanie, Ucraina, Elvetia, Emiratele Arabe Unite, India, Australia, Egipt, etc. APLICATII: @
...nevoie de ajutorul unui programator la implementarea urmatoarelor lucruri - modulele de mai jos. Site-ul va fi in wordpress. Module gasite conform criteriilor clientului: - payperview sistem: - mlm: - membership wpmu pentru control acces: - logare prin facebook in cont - plata prin card bancar, mobilpay (ori prin membership plugin wpmu ori prin mlm). Un brief sumar la ceea ce doreste clientul: - tv online – difuzare video - sectiune free 24 / 24 difuzare program - in timp preschimbare abonament lunar cu acces la toate materialele - sectiune pay per view – materiale video securizate
Platforma este conceputa ca o pagina web de prezentare produse si servicii grupate in departamente cu specificul fiecarui serviciu sau tip de produs . Deasemenea fiecare departament pe langa magazinul virtual in care sunt prezentate serviciile sau produsele , are mai multe tipuri de formulare feed-back prin care se comunica cu vizitatorul sau clientul . Header , footer , margine dreapta si margine stanga spatii publicitare gestionabile . Platforma are un modul de administrare securizat in care poate intra doar administratorul . Administratorul poate clona partial sau total aceasta aplicatie si poate acorda preferential drepuri de administrare altor administratori ai clonelor . Clonele pot fi postate in acelas server dar vor putea fi accesate cu adrese diferite de web . Module si ...
NO bidders from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. 25-50 link-uri de pe pagini de turism sau știri din turism minim PR3 (PR-ul paginii pe care e link-ul). Buget: $100 Termen: maxim 30 zile Cerințe: - link-uri ONE WAY, permanente, do-follow; link-urile șterse în termen de 12 luni vor fi înlocuite - link-uri de pe pagini PR3+, minim 10 link-uri PR4+, minim 1 link PR5+; - link-uri de pe domenii diferite și adrese IP diferite - link-uri de pe pagini cu maxim 50 de link-uri - link-uri de tip href, fără tehnici javascript - cuvintele cheie vor fi comunicate ulterior - nu se acceptă comentarii în bloguri, forumuri, social bookmarking - se vor folosi NUMAI tehnici white hat. Propunerea va include numărul de link-uri pe care le puteți oferi și exemple de link-ur...
Pentru prelucrarea tutunului a fabrica tigari de calitate si redistribuirea produselori.,si comercealiza in multe domeni.
Salut,nnAm vazut proiectul tau, si vreau sa te ajut. Crezi ca ma poti angaja? :)nPretul il stabilesti tu.
Pentru prelucrarea tutunului a fabrica tigari de calitate si redistribuirea produselori.,si comercealiza in multe domeni.
I'm seeking a proactive freelancer to acquire clients for my staffing and recruiting firm. The focus will primarily be on the Information Technology (IT) sector, targeting established SAP companies. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and approach potential IT & Non-IT clients. - Deliver at least two quality leads per week. - Explore opportunities for staffing solutions, executive search, and project-based hiring. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in client acquisition, preferably in the IT sector. - Strong networking skills, with the ability to reach out to established companies. - Familiarity with freelancing platforms for lead generation. - Excellent understanding of staffing solutions and executive search processes.
I have a website made in pure php, which currently works on version 8.0 of php. I updated to the latest version of php (8.3 php) and the whole site works correctly, except that the emails for orders with transfer payment (with card it DOES WORK) do not go away. I think the site uses PhpMailer I am looking for someone to correct this. site:
I'm seeking assistance with data scalping for my Khakhra business. The objective is to identify and compile information on wholesale distributors in West India who are involved in buying or selling Khakhra in bulk. The final deliverable should be a well-structured spreadsheet containing: - Contact information of the wholesale distributors - Variety of Khakhra products they offer Experience in data mining, market research, and familiarity with the food wholesale industry will be highly advantageous. Your work will directly contribute to expanding my business reach across India. We Insist for not to use G-Map Extractor, JD Extractor etc. We need fresh and clean data.
I'm in search of a proficient freelancer to finalize an informational website project using Django CMS. The site will comprise 10-12 pages with all necessary HTML, content, images, fonts, and text being provided. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Django CMS - Strong web development skills - Ability to work independently (companies and teams will not be considered) If the project meets our expectations, a long-term collaboration will be on offer.
I'm seeking a skilled Android React Native and ios developer to assist with extensive design changes in m...notifications - who can finish in 2 days and make app live - budget USD 200 all apis of the app will be provided, app is fully working and any functional changes are not required, only setting the screens and tabs, icons The ideal candidate should possess: - Proficient experience in Android and React Native development - Strong UI/UX skills - Ability to make design changes across all screens of the app - Capability to assist with design, given the absence of specific references or style guides. Please note, this project does not require any functional changes to the app, only aesthetic modifications. Attaching the Package json file of the app for ur reference Comp...
We are seeking an agency to assist in collecting selfies and videos from 800 brown teenagers for AI training purposes. The agency should help us collect data from 800 Brown teenagers (aged 9-15) from Egypt or Southeast Asian countries (excluding India). The collected data will consist of one selfie photo and two speaking videos per participant, adhering to the requirements listed below. Requirements: Target Demographic: Teenagers aged 9-15. Ethnicity: Brown (from Egypt or Southeast Asian countries, excluding India). Skin tone must align with provided examples (details in the attached document). Collection Content: Photo: One selfie per participant, resolution of 1080p (1920x1080), file size of at least 1MB. Videos: Two speaking videos per participant, recorded ...
I am Looking for a freelance photographer who can work for a few hours on order basis click pis of school children passport and group
Matka | Call 9082947846 | India Matka | Matka Guessing | Boss Matka | Matka Boss | Tara Matka | Indian Matka | Satta Batta | Kalyan Chart | Matka Jodi Fix | Kalyan Guessing | Satta Jodi Fix | Golden Matka | Lakshmi Chart | India Sattal Indian Satta | Dpboss | Satta Matka Result | Fix Fix Fix Satta Number Satta Matka Kalyan Vip Matka Kalyan Matka Kalyan Matka Dive into Satta Matka, Kalyan Matka, and Satta Market and be a good Satta Matka player with sattamatka press which is the best platform for you. We offer help to Satta Matka players at every step with our experts, having years of experience. We ensure you make significant profits with the best strategies. This website is known for offering best Matka Results in the form of Matka Jodi Charts and Matka
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a classic and timeless logo for my new company, Global Biofuel Exchange. This company is a sustainable trading house for fuels and energy. Key Elements...have an understanding of brand development and be able to create a logo that accurately represents the company's mission and values. - Color Theory: A strong understanding of color theory will be beneficial. The designer should be able to effectively use the dark green and grey color scheme to create a striking and memorable logo. Experience: - Previous work with sustainable brands or energy companies will be a plus. - A portfolio demonstrating classic and timeless logo designs will be highly regarded. - Experience with creating logos that incorporate specific design elements...
...founded by a French-Moroccan expatriate in Indonesia. We offer a fresh fusion of global flavors and modernized versions of cultural dishes, catering to corporate clients in BSD City and Jakarta. Your Role: We’re looking for a proactive and results-driven Telemarketing Freelancer to represent Misu Catering and help us reach out to corporate companies in BSD City and Jakarta. As our first point of contact with potential clients, you will: Call corporate companies to introduce our catering services. Clearly explain our offerings and propose free food sample tastings to the person in charge of events, catering, or office management. Follow up via email to finalize tasting schedules and provide any additional information. Provide detailed feedback on telemarketing ou...
I need a Wordpress & Woocommerce enabled homepage and site template for our company selling apparel and promo items to various real estate companies (I will need to be able to use this template for many sites). On the homepage, I need 3 categories: Apparel - Promo Items - Signs Subcategories for each category would be a nice feature as well - i.e. under Apparel subcategories for Ladies / Men's, Outerwear, Dress Wear, T-Shirts, etc Needs to look clean and professional. Potential for much more work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm looking to establish a robust e-commerce platform for selling physical products, primarily focusing on clothing an...