Led circuit design vb6proiecte
Proiectul trebuie realizat practic , componentele sunt cumparate .Este vorba de un senzor ultrasonic de distanta HC-SR04 care comunica cu microcontrolerul ATmega328p pe care il contine placa arduino uno .Am incarcat un pdf cu componentele cumparate .Codul trebuie scris in Microchip Studio 7 (atmel) .
Aceasta aplicatie doresc ca atunci cand telefonul atinge un anumit procentaj de incarcare al bateriei(exemplu 100%) sa intrerupa alimentarea incarcatorului, iar cand acest procentaj scade sub un anumit nivel( exemplu 25%) sa reia incarcarea, adica la anumite procentaje ale bateriei sa inchida si sa deschida un circuit(releu). Conectarea aplicatiei sa poata fii facuta prin bluetooth. Va multumesc anticipat, iar pentru mai multe detalii nu ezitati sa ma contactati.
Salut, Am nevoie de 10 articole, cu tema "spoturi led" . Articolele sa aiba minim 500 de cuvinte, sa fie corecte, fara greseli gramaticale. Va rog sa ca bidul sa fie pentru toate 10 articolele si sa includeti in bid si termenul de finalizare.
Salut! Cautam o persoana/agentie care sa creeze clipuri de promovare pentru produsele noastre led. Pentru inceput, dorim sa promovam un kit banda led, am atasat 2 clipuri gasite pe internet, ca sa va faceti o idee la ce produs ne referim. Pentru persoana castigatoare, vom trimite si o mostra de produs. Multumesc
Template Proiect LCD - simulare in Proteus Cerinte de p...care unul sa fie analogic si altul digital. exemplu senzor de umiditate analogic: 5) contine un senzor de lumina (fotorezistenta/fotodioda/modul_lumina). 6) Se va proiecta un circuit cu A.O. pentru conditionarea semnalului de la senzorul de umiditate analogic. 7) Se va face o simulare a proiectului AEMC folosind programul Proteus (senzorii vor fi emulati, acolo unde este posibil). 8) Se va realiza un circuit electronic si PCB-ul. Pe partea PCB bottom se va scrie numele studentilor din echipa. 9) Se va implementa software un ceas cu data si 1 alarma. Numarul de butoane nu este impus. Se va folosi un buzzer audio (activ sau pasiv).
Buna ziua, Va rog sa imi spuneti daca ma puteti ajuta cu integrarea unor draperii cu motor electric Somfy cu sistemul Alexa, precum si cu conectarea unor benzi de leduri la instalatia electrica pentru 4 apartamente cu 1 camera. Surssa de curent este in vecinatatea benzilor led si nu presupune ingroparea in perete doar mascarea cablului. Toate echipamentele exista deja, fiind necesara doar partea de conectare si integrare. Multumesc
Salut , am nevoie si eu de o schema de circuit si o simulare in PS Spice pentru un proiect de facultate cu titlul "Divizor de trepte de tensiune " , las atasat mai jos o posibila schema
.Salut . Am gasit profilul tau pe site cu specificatia cum ca esti pasionat de Arduino. Doresc sa dez...spalatorie auto cu jetoane, tin sa precizez ca detin instalatia pentru spalatorie doar ca doresc sa i fac un upgrade. Am gasit pe internet un exemplu de interfata touch si doresc sa stiu in ce masura se poate realiza si implementa aceasta interfata la spalatoria mea ? Spalatoria mea functioneaza momentan cu un mic display lcd care este conectat la 4 fire, la aceste 4 fire doresc sa conectez o matrice led rgb 128X64 si modulul arduino care sa aiba functia de contdown timer si ceva animatii ca in exemplul urmator : Daca esti interesat de acest proiect astept un raspuns cu detalii despre cum vezi realizabil acest proiect si oferta de pret. Cu stima !
Salut Sorin. Am gasit profilul tau pe site cu specificatia cum ca esti pasionat de Arduino. Doresc sa...spalatorie auto cu jetoane, tin sa precizez ca detin instalatia pentru spalatorie doar ca doresc sa i fac un upgrade. Am gasit pe internet un exemplu de interfata touch si doresc sa stiu in ce masura se poate realiza si implementa aceasta interfata la spalatoria mea ? Spalatoria mea functioneaza momentan cu un mic display lcd care este conectat la 4 fire, la aceste 4 fire doresc sa conectez o matrice led rgb 128X64 si modulul arduino care sa aiba functia de contdown timer si ceva animatii ca in exemplul urmator : Daca esti interesat de acest proiect astept un raspuns cu detalii despre cum vezi realizabil acest proiect si oferta de pret. Cu stima !
Salutare. Doresc sa realizez pentru o spalatorie auto o interfata touch screen bazata pe arduino si matrix led 128x64 ca cea din exemplul: Aceasta interfata doresc sa o realizez din plexiglass cu grafica ca cea din filmuletul de prezentare. Astept pareri si oferte pentru realizarea unui asemenea proiect !!
...telecomenzile traditionale vor functiona la fel ca inainte. Daca aveti vreo indoiala daca deschizatorul dvs. este compatibil cu Nold, nu ezitati sa ne contactati. Daca aveti deja instalat un intrerupator de perete, puteti efectua acest test simplu pentru a verifica compatibilitatea: urmati cele doua fire care vin de la butonul de deschidere la deschizator. In cazul in care se conecteaza la placa de circuit, atingeti-le impreuna pentru o clipa. Daca acest lucru va face usa deschisa, opriti-va si inchideti, atunci deschizatorul de usi de garaj accepta un buton standard, deci va fi compatibil si cu Nold Open. Cu un dispozitiv puteti lega doua porti/usi diferite aflate la cel mult 10 metri una de alta. Functionarea acestora este independenta. In pagina noastra de internet regasiti...
Dorim mai multe articole pe site-ul nostru despre cum se aleg si folosesc becuri led, prizele si intrerupatoare electrice modulare ,scule electrice,electrocasnicele comercializate de noi. Sunt multe articole pe aceste teme dar dorim ca si ale noastre sa fie relevante contina acele cuvinte cheie care sa ne genereze trafic pe site si eventual pe alte platforme.
Buna ziua, Detin un magazin online care pe langa partea de magazin are si un BLOG. Am nevoie de cineva care sa imi faca niste articole pentru acest BLOG. Magazinul este bazat pe produse de iluminat cu led. Aceste articole vreau sa fie bazate tot pe aceasta tema, energia electrica/iluminatul cu led in principal/energie verde/economii dar si iluminat fara led. Sunt interesat de o colaborare pe termen lung daca si dumnevoastra doriti acest lucru!
The numerator used will have entrance to R asynchronous. It will only use the 4000 series circuits. The clock oscillator will provide two rectangular signals with frequencies of 3Hz, 5Hz and 360kHz and a tact signal manually. Divizor fix de frecvență cu 68. Numărătorul folosit va avea intrarea R asincronă. Se vor utiliza numai circuite din seria 4000. Oscilatorul va furniza semnale dreptunghiulare cu frecvențele de 3,5 Hz, respectiv 360kHz și un semnal de tact manual.
Caut un freelancer, pentru o colaborare pe termen lung pentru creare de banere pt reclame pe facebook/google/site ca si test vreau un banner pt site home, pentru google/facebook pentru produsul :
Salut, Am nevoie de un site de prezentare pentru produse LED. Te intereseaza un astfel de proiect. Am nevoie de el in limba romana si engleza. 0745985007 si watsapp
Am nevoie pentru un site realizat in joomla de niste modificari la k2. Template-ul este unul platit dar suportul lasa de dorit. Am nevoie ca item-urile din k2 sa aiba o optiune sa setez un ribbon pe imagine care sa apara atat in item efectiv cat si in lista de afisare. Trebuie sa pot scrie sau sa atasez o imagine in coltul din dreapta sau stanga ( early booking, circuit, revelion) Atasez o poza sa va dati seama la ce ma refer.
Salutare. Am de programat un Arduino Mega 2560 care trebuie sa faca urmatoarele chestiuni: - sa transmita semnal PWM catre LDD-uri care alimenteaza grupuri de leduri, sa faca sunset, sunrise. - sa poata fi selectata intensitatea maxima la care poate ajunge un Led - senzor de temperatura care sa fie conectat la radiator, atunci cand temperatura ajunge la o anumita valoare sa porneasca ventilatia, cand temperatura ajunge la o valoare mai joasa prestabilita, sa opreasca ventilatoarele. - ar fi ideal ca ventilatoarele sa fie dimate PWM, sa creasca turatia odata cu temperatura, sa o scada la scaderea temperaturii. - odata ajuns la un anumit punct critic de temperatura sa scada intensitatea ledurilor. Astea in mare, am toate componentele deja achizitionate, daca esti curios da-mi un semn...
Un soft pentru Arduino care sa emita semnal PWM folosit in dimarea unei lampi led DIY, controlul racirii cu un ventilator in functie de elementele transmise de un senzor de temperatura.
Cautam o persoana care sa posteze copy/paste pe forumuri si sa puna comment-uri pe orice site-uri romanesti din domeniul prestabilit. Facem o campanie de informare/marketing. Trebuie cautat pe google de exemplu "televizor led" apoi in primele 50 de site-uri care apar, sa intre si sa puna commenturi sau sa scrie pe forumuri cateva texte prestabilite si sa le editeze in functie de situatie sau in functie de discutia de pe acel forum. La fiecare comment lasat trebuie luat link-ul si pus intr-un excel pentru a putea fi verificat. Experienta si calitate nu prea exista la acest proiect asa ca vom alege cel mai mic pret. Plata va fi pe comment. Din experienta noastra adaugarea unui comment dureaza max 5 min cu tot cu crearea unui cont nou. Astfel la 8 ore sunt 96 de commenturi...
... cu parametrii: a. action = get_offers b. username = username c. password = password Username si password sunt primiti in prealabil pe email. Metoda va intoarce toate ofertele prezente in acel moment pe site-ul nostru. Recomandam folosirea ei de maxim 2 ori pe zi, pentru a evita load-ul mare pe server. Ex raspuns (1 item): {"id":"8","type":"circuit","departure_id":"4","departure_destination_id":"0","departure_destination_title":"","departure_destination_url":"","search_id":"15866","intern":"0","search_url":"src0h513874c3ecc81","result_id":"47591","package_id":"0...
Am nevoie de un soft pentru o afacere care o dezvolt . Consta in gestionarea cozilor de așteptare . In instituții îmi trebuie un soft mai complet si aici ma refer ca pe panoull led trebuie sa apară nr de așteptare plus ghișeul unde trebuie sa ajungă persoana respectiva , de asemeni fiecare Ghișeu trebuie sa fie conectat la panou pentru a putea sa cheme persoanele la Ghișeu când acesta este liber. Îmi trebuie si un soft mai simplu magazine , medic etc unde o sa fumctioneze pe baza unor bonuri iar pe display sa apară doar nr de ordine iar persoana respectiva sa dea un click de la calc pt a arată ca e disponibil
salut, vreu o functie in vb6 care sa formateze un fisier in format textual. e simplu. daca te intereseaza scriemi si eu te contactez. mersi
Doresc sa colaborez pentru productia "Panou luminos economic" , am proiectul verificat practic. Este un mic afisaj luminos pe matrici de LED-uri, de genul panourilor OPEN/CLOSE puse la usa magazine.
Doresc sa colaborez pentru productia "Panou luminos economic" , am proiectul verificat practic. Este un mic afisaj luminos pe matrici de LED-uri, de genul panourilor OPEN/CLOSE puse la usa magazine.
...statului. Finantele private cuprind totalitatea societatilor comerciale, bancare, de asigurari, indiferent de proprietarul capitalului. In domeniul finantelor private se constituie capitalul tuturor tipurilor de societati comerciale, regii autonome si companii nationale. Caracteristica esentiala a finantelor private este ca aici fondurile nu se consuma, ci se avanseaza si recupereaza in permanenta in circuit. Finantele private mai cuprind alaturi de fondurile firmei propriu-zise de care am vorbit mai sus, fondurile de credit si fondurile de asigurari. Fondurile de credit se caracterizeaza prin aceea ca se constituie pe baze rambursabile si se utilizeaza tot pe baze rambursabile. Fondurile de asigurari se constituie in mod definitiv dar se folosesc numai in cazul survenirii riscul...
Scriu acest post in romana pentru ca accept doar coderi romani . Am o sursa a unui program facut de un prieten are cateva bug-uri . Toata sursa este comentata , trebuie sa stii c# nivel mediu zic eu . Interfata este facuta in VB6 dar nu cred ca trebuie sa modifici mai nimic in ea (daca stii si vb6 este si mai bine) Am de reparat 5 bug-uri + cateva lucruri noi de implementat Bugetul este de 500 usd momentan. Rog seriozitate.
Iphone led cover design Product design
I need an expert circuit designer to help me work on a circuit based on the schematics from the Brilliant Labs Frame AI Glasses. The goal is to maintain the original design accuracy while optimizing the component layout. The circuit uses the nRF52840 MCU from Nordic, the Crosslink-NX LIFCL-17 FPGA from Lattice, and the OV09734 camera sensor from Omnivision.
...manually. I want to modify the design to include a stepper motor for automated rotation and add a compartment to house electronic components (boards, battery, etc.). Additionally, I need some aesthetic and structural changes to improve the design. Required Modifications Add a Stepper Motor: Attach the stepper motor to the back of the design. The motor body should be screwed to the body of the dispenser. Connect the motor shaft to the wheel using a 5mm flange to enable rotation of the dispensing mechanism. Add a Compartment: Create a compartment with dimensions 20cm x 10cm x 5cm to house: Circuit boards Electronic components Battery Ensure the compartment is easily accessible for maintenance. if you have knowledge on Arduino UNO and electronic components, ma...
I'm in need of professional soldering workers for circuit board assembly. Key Requirements: - Expert in soldering on multi-layer circuit boards - Proficient with handling both Surface-mount devices (SMD) and Through-hole components - Detail-oriented to ensure high-quality assembly Ideal Skills: - Previous experience in circuit board and soldering work - Knowledge of circuit board design and assembly principles - Ability to work under tight deadlines without compromising quality.
*** OVERVIEW *** - Ten US dollars per hour. - One hour per day (or per night). - You will help me design, code, and develop an IoT product using MicroPython running on an ESP32 microchip. - You do *not* need any experience with microcontrollers, electronics, electrical engineering, mechatronics, Arduino, PCB, circuit design, or Python. - If Freelancer.com prevents you from bidding on this project or if you want to avoid “spending” one of your Freelancer bids you can apply "passively” for this project by pasting "MicroPython_ESP32_11_September_2019" into your Freelancer profile. Please see the section below in this posting called *** APPLYING "PASSIVELY" *** for more information. *** LOCATION *** You must ...
...Type C plug for India users. Intuitive Design Include automatic battery backup in case of power cuts. Gas leak detector adopts Easy-to-install Design, can be used by plugging directly into the power socket to detect leaked gas. Low warm up time (<1 Minute) Reboot system button LED with Alarm indicator, state indicator and power/low battery indicator. Type 2: Gas leak detector with Mobile App Ability to detect LPG(Methane), natural gas, coal gas, gas fuel, artificial gas, liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied natural gas etc. Alarm in case of Gas leakage. Digital readout of the GAS concentration Speaker to alert (85 Db) on Gas leakage Low battery warning Support 230 V 50 Hrtz electricity input Should have Type C plug for India users. Intuitive Design Inclu...
I need a mobile app for both iOS and Android...Android that interfaces with my ESP32 C3 on a PCB. The ESP32 controls a simple LED and a timer turning the LED on and off. The app should display the LED status and timer countdown using a combination of text and graphics. Specific requirements: - The app should be able to control multiple sensors, primarily a load cell. - Ideal skills for the job include experience in mobile app development, particularly with iOS and Android, and familiarity with ESP32 microcontrollers. - A background in designing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to display real-time data would be highly beneficial. The goal of this project is to create an interactive and user-friendly app that allows for real-time monitoring and control of the LE...
I'm in need of a soft copy of the circuit/wiring diagram for the Carestream DRX Evolution X-Ray. The diagram should be in PDF format and detail the connections from the X-ray console to the generator, the chest bulky, and the tube head with moderate detail, including key connections. Simply put, I'm looking for: - A PDF circuit/wiring diagram for the Carestream DRX Evolution X-Ray - Diagram detailing key connections to specific components - Moderate detail level with key connections If you have access to this document, I'm happy to pay for it. Please get in touch. Thank you.
I'm seeking a professional who can assist me in migrating my e-commerce site from WooCommerce to a better platform. The current WooCommerce platform has become bloated with too many plugins, which has led to performance issues. I need a new platform that is efficient, easy to navigate, and doesn't require excessive reliance on plugins. We are considering these options : 1.) Hydrogen by Shopify 2.) Sylius 3.) BigCommerce Open SaaS (Headless Option) 4.) OroCommerce If you have others we will consider those also. ALL options MUST be self hosted ! I am looking for a professional who can deliver a high-quality, efficient site that meets these requirements.
...states in real-time: when an LED is turned on, the corresponding button changes colour to green, and changes to red when turned off. - The app includes an OTP-based authentication system for secure access. - The app is designed with a simple and clean UI. - The app can be configured to work with multiple devices. - There is no requirement for a server or database, all communication is handled via the SIM800L module. - A refresh button is available in the app to manually sync the app with the current state of the LEDs. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Native Android (Java/Kotlin) development. - Experience with Arduino and SIM800L modules. - Prior work with real-time data transmission in mobile apps. - Knowledge of implementing OTP-based authentication in apps. - UI/UX design ...
I need a touch switch for a multipurpose radio studio microphone. The switch's functionalities should include muting and unmuting the microphone, as well as turning a LED indicator on and off. The switch must be designed to be universal, not tailored to a specific microphone model. Key Requirements: - The touch switch will be positioned near the audio mixer. - It should be user-friendly, allowing for seamless integration into the radio studio setup. Skills and Experience: - Experience with designing touch switches for microphones. - Understanding of radio studio setups. - Ability to create a universal, user-friendly product.
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I need a simple and minimal iOS app to monitor my PCB running an ESP32 C3 controller. The task is straightforward: the PCB turns on an LED and starts a countdown. Once the countdown is complete, the LED turns off. Key Requirements: - The app should communicate with the ESP32 C3 over Wi-Fi. - The interface needs to be simple and minimal, in line with Apple's design philosophy. - The app should be developed exclusively for the iOS platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in iOS app development, with a portfolio of simple and minimal apps. - Familiarity with Wi-Fi communication protocols for IoT devices. - Prior experience working with ESP32 C3 controllers will be a plus.
...filling the space. But it wasn’t always easy. The early years were a struggle. The team faced defeats, financial challenges, and the uncertainty that all new clubs endure. Yet, what set [Club Name] apart was its unwavering spirit. The players, coaches, and supporters all believed in something bigger—an identity, a tradition, and a shared love for the game. By the [decade], things started to change. Led by visionary managers and rising stars, the club began to gain recognition. Its players, once overlooked by the larger clubs, began to shine. The team's youth academy flourished, producing top-tier talent that would go on to play on the world stage. The energy surrounding the club grew, and with it, the fanbase. The streets around the stadium filled with supporte...
...László Kubala, a Hungarian star, revolutionized the team. His skill and charisma helped Barcelona to numerous domestic titles, paving the way for their first European success in the 1950s. The Cruyff Era (1970s): Total Football Revolution The 1970s brought a new dawn when Johan Cruyff, the Dutch genius, joined as a player. His arrival transformed the team into a force of nature. In 1974, Cruyff led Barcelona to a famous 5–0 victory over Real Madrid at the Santiago Bernabéu—a moment etched into history. Cruyff later returned as coach in 1988 and introduced his philosophy of “Total Football.” Under his leadership, Barcelona won their first European Cup (1992), with players like Pep Guardiola, Ronald Koeman, and Michael Laudrup becomin...
Call for Female Freelance Designers or Women-Led Agencies: Support Our Social Project We are looking for a talented freelance designer or an agency led by women, or even a single female designer, who is passionate about empowering and protecting women’s rights and lives. Our nonprofit organization is on a mission to create three impactful WordPress Multisite websites, each addressing critical issues women face: 1. Femicide and Domestic Violence 2. Sextortion in the Digital World 3. Injustice in Foster Care for Migrant Children in Germany Project Details: - Multisite WordPress Setup: All three websites will be part of a single WordPress multisite installation but must have unique designs, colors, and themes for distinction. - Menu & Navigation: ...
I'm looking for an experienced circuit designer to create a buck-boost converter for me. The specifications are as follows: - Input Voltage: The converter should accept input voltages ranging from 16.5V to 48V. - Output Voltage: The output voltage of the converter needs to be fixed at 24V. - Current Rating: The converter should be able to handle a maximum output current of 10A. Key characteristics that are crucial for this design: - Cost Efficiency: The design needs to be low-cost, so creativity in sourcing materials and components will be appreciated. Components must be used tl494, voltage driver ir2110 , potentiometer and inductor.
...detailed 3D model for manufacturing. The model must be 250mm in height and diameter, incorporating intricate traditional Mongolian patterns, a ger (yurt), and horses. This model will serve as a prototype, therefore precision is paramount. - I need a STEP file that can edit the original file. - The wall thickness must be thin because the LED lights will be on inside Key Requirements: - The model must be hollow with provisions for functional lighting. - The design should closely replicate the provided reference image. Ideal Candidates should have: - Extensive experience in 3D modeling and prototyping. - A deep understanding of traditional Mongolian cultural patterns. - Ability to incorporate functional elements into a model. - Strong attention to detail as the Mongolian p...
...highly detailed 3D model for manufacturing. The model must be 250mm in height and diameter, incorporating intricate traditional Mongolian patterns, a ger (yurt), and horses. This model will serve as a prototype, therefore precision is paramount. -I need a file that can edit the original file. -The wall thickness must be thin because the LED lights will be on inside Key Requirements: - The model must be hollow with provisions for functional lighting. - The design should closely replicate the attached reference image. Ideal Candidates should have: - Extensive experience in 3D modeling and prototyping. - A deep understanding of traditional Mongolian cultural patterns. - Ability to incorporate functional elements into a model. - Strong attention to detail as the Mongolian pa...
I'm in need of a professional electronics engineer to design a low voltage control system circuit for me. The circuit will be used in an embedded control system, so it needs to be compact, efficient and well-optimized for such applications. Key requirements: - Design a circuit for a control system - Low voltage (below 50V) - For use in an embedded control system Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive knowledge in circuit design - Experience with embedded control systems - Understanding of low voltage power distribution - Proficient in designing compact and efficient circuits
I'm looking for a skilled PCB designer who can develop a circuit drawing in Gerber file from a reference sample. This project involves working on a medium-sized PCB, specifically between 5cm x 5cm and 15cm x 15cm. The circuit is intended for a power supply and will require a double-layer design. Requirements: - Proficiency in PCB design software - Experience in creating Gerber files - Understanding of power supply circuits - Capability to design double-layer PCBs - Attention to detail and ability to replicate from a reference sample Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of similar projects. Please include examples of your work with your bid.
Architect to design and position of block of bachelor flats, the. On private area position and design of house 1, house 2, guest rooms , entertainment room, and store room. driveway , garden . Details below , only 1 designer with best proposal and design will be granted the award to draw plans officially, 3d. Video, 3d drawing, interior designing, complete solution. Please see request below. 1: 4x bachelor flats designed in one building. Average size per flat between 20 to 26square metre Each flat need to have a small kitchen with 1x sink, allocation for washing machine, TV room, bed room to have allocation for king size bed, at least 1800mm of toilet, basin , walkin shower. Double wall between flats for sound proofing. A 30l geyser for bathroom, led light...
We are looking for a talented and experienced hardware engineer who have...hardware engineer who have full knowldge of cash and digital payment integration hardware to design and develop the hardware components for cash-handling and cash counting machine and all digital payment and including various other components Knowledge and Responsibilities Integrate payment hardware system Design the electronic circuits Select and Integrate Microcontrollers Sensor and Actuator Integration Payment System Integration Fraud Detection Hardware-Software Integration Required Skills: Payment Hardware System Embedded Systems Design Circuit Design & PCB Developmen Sensor Integration: Security Systems: Microcontroller Programming Hardware Debugging Experience wit...