Leave management system written vbnetproiecte
1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor
Crearea unui logo pentru o agentie de management si booking artistic.
Angajam persoana activa, agera, inteleapta si deschisa care sa fie capabila sa lucreze cu artisti romani si straini in vederea managementului si si booking-ului. Persoana pe care o cautam trebuie sa cunoasca muzica si istoria scenei romanesti in zona rock, folk, zona underground; sa vorbeasca cel putin limba engleza (scris si vorbit), sa stie sa lucreze cu calculatorul ( xls, ppt, word, navigare internet, utilizare retele sociale), sa aiba carnet de sofer categoria B(sau sa fie dispusa sa urmeze cursurile), sa stie sa comunice cu artistii si cu clientii, sa stie sa negocieze cu artistii si cu clientii, sa stie sa completeze un contract, sa stie cateva notiuni despre finante ( calculare taxe si impozite pentru sumele artistilor, evidenta plati si incasari etc). De preferat experienta in...
Detin un site de anunturi din romania si vreau ca acesta sa aibe un sistem de mesaje in care vizitatorii sa poata trimite catre vanzatori mesaje cu functia de reply indiferent daca cel care trimite sau primeste mesaj este utilizator inregistrat pe site sau ofertele anticipat
...portofoliu de lucrari constituie un avantaj); • sa cunosti conceptele OOP *Esti candidatul ideal daca: • esti student sau absolvent Automatica, Matematica-Informatica, Cibernetica; • esti sigur(a) pe tine si increzator(oare) in calitatea serviciilor livrate si a codului programat; • ai cunostinte legate de design-patterns; • ai lucrat in Linux; • ai experienta in utilizarea sistemelor de management a versiunilor; • ai lucrat cu biblioteca Smarty; • ai experienta in programarea sistemelor de tip ERP si/sau CRM; *Daca iti doresti sa colaboram: • vei dezvolta si extinde platforma noastra de produse web, alaturi de colegii tai; • vei lucra la proiecte de lunga durata ce ruleaza la clientii nostri de peste 10 ani; &bul...
...de hard ca imi cere contactul cu furnizorul pentru generarea unui nou cod (ceva protectie hwid?). Cel putin e blocat pentru hardu' initial. Un coder sa stie sa-l decompileze si sa-mi scoata nenorocitele de protectii ca sa mai pot lucra pe el pana trec la o versiune mai moderna. ***** Hello there, need small help with an veryyyy oooold application, the creator doesn't offer support anymore,written before year 2000, easy to modify for somebody who knows compiling things (I do not know, hahahaha...), need to eliminate shittie protection (allowed maximum data 2.010 !!! from some clipper who calls now a blinker exceeded data ??? - god knows what does it means) and remove also some hwid prot. (hdd based???, also other devices I guess). I repeat, an old win98 based applic...
Noi avem un soft intern de management al activitatilor si suntem destul de avansati cu el dar mai sunt unele lucruri de adaugat si mici bug-uri de timpului am lucrat cu diferite firme de dezvoltare soft si acum dorim sa incercam si varianta unui freelancer dedicat proiectului nostru. Softul este scris in PHP.
Este vorba despre un proiect final, inceputul este facut de mine, ce este de facut este introducerea datelor firmei pentru care fac eu internshipul, si facuta legatura cu toate teoriile si schemele relevante proiectului, la final o concluzie.
Sunt student in Danemarca, este vorba despre Proiectul Final de la AP DEGREE in domeniul Commerce Management. Inceputul proiectului este gata, el va contine in jur de 50 de pagini despre implicatiile mele in companie si gasirea unei solutii pentru a rezolva problemele companiei prin mai multe teorii si scheme deja selectate de mine. Cine e familiarizat cu asa ceva va rog contactati-ma.
Este vorba despre un proiect final, inceputul este facut de mine, ce este de facut este introducerea datelor firmei pentru care fac eu internshipul, si facuta legatura cu toate teoriile si schemele relevante proiectului, la final o concluzie.
Este o interfata intre un aplicatie de document management si o aplicatie de tip ERP.
Proiectul deschis se refera la un sistem de management scolar deja existent. Trebuiesc aduse modificari in script. Mai multe detalii ulterior.
Platforma este conceputa ca o pagina web de prezentare produse si servicii grupate in departamente cu specificul fiecarui serviciu sau...modul de administrare securizat in care poate intra doar administratorul . Administratorul poate clona partial sau total aceasta aplicatie si poate acorda preferential drepuri de administrare altor administratori ai clonelor . Clonele pot fi postate in acelas server dar vor putea fi accesate cu adrese diferite de web . Module si acesorii in pagina de administrare : Organizator informatii Management general al modulelor , accesoriilor , magazinelor si spatiilor publicitare . Accesorii comanda automata . Rapoarte si monitorizarea activitatii departamentelor sau/ si clientilor/agentilor Prefer ca in aplicatie sa fie utilizate frameworks de...
EuroTriade este o companie specializata in servicii de recrutare specialisti, middle si top management pentru mediul industrial. Clientii nostri sunt companii multinationale din mediul industrial si automotive. In ce consta colaborarea? EuroTriade: Realizeaza partea comerciala (obtine proiectele) Stabileste profilul cu clientul, determina strategia de recrutare si modalitatea optima de cautare. Ofera suport colaboratorului pentru o buna intelegere a profilului si a modalitatii optime de cautare. Oferta modelul de format in care trebuie prezentati candidatii. Valideaza potrivirea candidatilor prezentati de catre freelanceri Acompaniaza clientul si candidatul pana la faza finala de recrutare. EuroTriade face plata pe proiect in functie de nivelul la caee a ajuns proiectul (...
Web Management Consult, în cadrul aceluiași grup de firme alături de Comodo, dezvoltă o platforma de social-shopping ce are incorporate multe elemente interesante :zona de social - wall, prieteni, grupuri, mesagerie, zona de shopping - parteneri, oferte, vouchere, zona de apps - games & prizes. Avem nevoie de un programator senior pro-activ, caruia ii place sa dezvolte lucruri noi, sa vina cu idei si propuneri. Va lucra in cadrul unui singur mega proiect ce isi propune sa aduca ceva nou si revolutionar pe piata din Romania. Job pe perioada nedeterminata.
Buna seara, Suntem un grup de companii de event management care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei
Buna seara, Suntem un grup de companii de event management care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei
Buna seara, Suntem un grup de companii de event management care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei
Buna seara, Suntem un grup de companii de event management care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei
Buna seara, Suntem un grup de companii de event management care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei
Te pricepi la facebook ? Cautam o persoana cu experienta in social media. Caracteristicile sunt: 1. management zilnic pagina facebook 2. creere de concursuri basic 3. editare basic photo pentru ceea ce se posteaza pe pagina
Hello, I am in need of a professional SEO service provider. I have had many bad experiences in the past with this type of work and will be very particular in my milestones and in the work and provider i choose. You must have a very extensive background in this type of work. ...like to have maintenance built in for the first 3 months after rank is reached. This means, the SEO provider should maintain and keep rank for the first 3 months, after this we can discuss future partnership for maintaining the site! Looking for a long term relationship, we are planning to have many sites needing this work. We need someone trustworthy and professional! IN PRIVATE MESSAGE, LEAVE YOUR "FREELANCER.COM" name and so we may discuss further. If not name is left, you wont be cho...
Buna ziua, ma numesc Anca Simona Pintilie si sunt fondatorul conceptului si firmei 9PM-Running Coach. Mi-am deschis proaspat afacerea si am nevoie de vanzare pentru produsele si serviciile oferite. Ofer deci: produse deja construite - training online pe subiectele de Inteligenta Emotionala si Psihologie Cognitiva in Management Avantajele principale ale clientului sunt: - obtinerea increderii in fortele proprii - obtinerea unui KIT - pachet informational minim necesar pentru a-si schimba radical viata, in bine - exemple din viata reala si de business in care interactiunea cu stimulii, diverse decizii luate si interactiunea cu sine si cu alti oameni conduc la succesul actiunilor planificate - probleme punctuale rezolvabile: start-up-ul propriei afaceri, pierderea in greut...
Buna ziua, ma numesc Anca Simona Pintilie si sunt fondatorul conceptului si firmei 9PM-Running Coach. Mi-am deschis proaspat afacerea si am nevoie de vanzare pentru produsele si serviciile oferite. Ofer deci: produse deja construite - training online pe subiectele de Inteligenta Emotionala si Psihologie Cognitiva in Management Avantajele principale ale clientului sunt: - obtinerea increderii in fortele proprii - obtinerea unui KIT - pachet informational minim necesar pentru a-si schimba radical viata, in bine - exemple din viata reala si de business in care interactiunea cu stimulii, diverse decizii luate si interactiunea cu sine si cu alti oameni conduc la succesul actiunilor planificate - probleme punctuale rezolvabile: start-up-ul propriei afaceri, pierderea in greut...
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'login system in existing script'
Salut, Am nevoie de traduceri din romana in franceza pentru site-uri personale care sunt in domeniul software de business. Subiecte abordate: - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - software de business - software de facturare - software de management al unei companii etc Am nevoie de un colaborator (aproape) permanent pe limba franceza care sa poata sa ma ajute constant pe partea aceasta. In aplicatie te rog sa incluzi pretul per pagina, disponibilitatea de lucru (ore/saptamana) si daca detii vreo certificare pe limba franceza. Astept cu interes propunerile voastre.
Salut, Am nevoie sa traduc mai multe site-uri din romana in engleza si din engleza...agentii de turism Solutii pentru specialisti in marketing Mai multe detalii o sa primiti pe mesaj privat. Aplicati doar daca sunteti vorbitori nativi de romana si intelegeti bine limba engleza. O certificare de limba engleza va fi necesara in cazul unei colaborari pe termen mai lung. Pentru a aplica va rog sa trimiteti 2 propozitii despre ce este acela un CRM (Customer Relationship Management) folosind propriile cuvinte in limba engleza. De asemenea va rog sa mentionati pretul per pagina de traducere pe care il acceptati. Un scurt interviu telefonic poate sa fie cerut pentru a clarifica pe termen lung o potentiala colaborare. Toata aplicatia in afara celor 2 fraze poate fi in lim...
...fashion, personal, football and many more. We need intelligent people to help us start up the discussion so this project require you to create a real profile account on our website and engage/ leave a reaction to any news that catch your fancy. Note that this is not a compulsory comments. If you dont have anything to say , you shouldn't talk as we are only looking for intelligent people to participate. You are only required to leave a minimum of ONE comment a day with a minimum of 25 words between today and friday inclusive. We are paying the same money irrespective of how many comments you leave. Our standard commission will be $3 for the three days At the end of friday we will pay you $3 ONLY and nothing more. NOTE: We do not allow spam so if you...
...Romania. Suntem deschisi la sugestiile si propunerile dvs. de parteneriat si promovare. Asteptam raspunsul si sugestiile dvs. si speram sa va incante acest proiect, avand in vedere potentialul turistic imens pe care il ofera tara noastra. PS: Scopul principal al acestui proiect este acela de promovare a imaginii Romaniei si de dezvoltare a comunitatilor romanesti din tara, prin oferirea unui management turistic profesionist. Cu stima, Mugurel Oprea General Manager Romania's Friends Travel Agency...
Online Booking System pentru evenimente cu urmatoarele capabilitati: - Sa trimita email-uri tip newsletter cu invitatii cu text custom la o lista de invitati (care sa poata fi populata cu import feature. date stocate: Nume, Prenume, Email). Acestea trebuie sa se autopopuleze cu „nume/prenume” si link custom pentru ca acesta sa poata ajunge in pagina unde sa se inscrie la o anumita data/ora a evenimentului. - Pagina unde invitatul poate sa se inscrie la una din datele evenimentului. - Pagina de inregistrare esuata in cazul in care la acea data grupa deja este formata. - Pagina de confirmare a inregistrarii daca totul este ok. - Notificare pe e-mail in momentul in care invitatul s-a inregistrat cu succes la eveniment. - Sa stranga inregistrarile si sa le trimita intr...
Project Scope This project aims to develop a web-based application to streamline the management of casual employees (to begin with, teachers) and their availability for employers (to begin with, primary/elementary schools and secondary/high schools). The system will facilitate efficient communication and scheduling. Employee features: ● Employee authentication (SMS verification OTP/email OTP, automatic log out weekly) ● Employees can manage their profiles, update and maintain personal information, including contact details, CV, and professional license (e.g., teaching registration) details. ● Employees can manage their availability. ● Employees can specify skills and qualifications (subjects) (subject to verification by the school manager) ...
...expert in Odoo to activate and configure the system for my business needs. The system will serve as an all-encompassing platform for accounting, financial management, and employee affairs. Key Features Required: - Invoicing and Billing: The system should facilitate seamless invoicing and billing processes. - Expense Tracking: I need a comprehensive tool to monitor and manage expenses. - Financial Reporting: The system should generate detailed financial reports. - Project Management: The system should assist in documenting and managing different projects simultaneously with comparative reports and detailed accounts for each project or product. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Odoo with a strong background in accounting and pr...
I'm looking for an expert in React Native, Redux, and the Glue Stack library to help me m... Key Requirements: - Complete migration of the current Redux project to React Native. - Implementation of all project components using React Native. - Use of Glue Stack library for optimal performance. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Redux and React Native. - Familiarity with the Glue Stack library. - Strong understanding of user interface elements, navigation, and state management in React Native. - Previous work in full application migrations will be highly regarded. This is a comprehensive project requiring both deep technical knowledge and practical experience. Your ability to fully integrate all components of the existing project into React Native will be key ...
I'm looking for a skilled developer with expertise in AI-based facial recognition technology to create a real-time face attendance system for me. Key Features: - The system should send real-time alerts and detailed reports to an admin dashboard. - It should integrate seamlessly with our existing hardware. - Attendance should be marked automatically by facial recognition. Detailed Reporting: - The system should keep a comprehensive attendance history. - It should provide insights into employee analytics. - A daily summary of attendance should be included. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with AI-based facial recognition technology. - Excellent understanding of creating systems with real-time alert features. - Strong skills in developing detaile...
Project description: Introduction This proposal outlines the development plan for a comprehensive Nursery Management Web Application. The application is designed to meet the needs of nursery owners, parents, and administrators by providing essential functionalities such as child management, attendance tracking, billing, and more. Technology Stack** • Front-end: React and • Backend: PHP (Laravel framework) • Database: MySQL Deliverables 1. Main Application Account • Dashboard • Customizable with widgets and graphical elements. • Client Account Management • Create, suspend, delete client accounts. • Access Control • Give access rights to certain features. • Billing with Deposits and Discounts • Implement basic fu...
I need an Android-based system to control fishing boats. This system will be used by government controllers equipped with Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE tablets with BLE PHY support. The primary function is to identify boats from around 300 meters distance and verify if the license plate corresponds to the declared boat. The aim is to combat false license plates and ensure only authorized boats are fishing in regulated areas. Key components: - An Excel file will be used as the database. This file needs to store various details about each boat, the corresponding license information and inspection records. - Each boat's specific details to be included in the Excel file are the boat name and registration number, owner's contact information and the boat's dimensions and...
... Currently, I don't have a management system in place for shipments. Key Requirements: - Integration of Shiprocket courier service into the website. - Implement features for sellers including: - Ability to pay for their own pickups. - Option to generate commissions for pickups. - A seller dashboard for managing pickups. - Configure the above with the Dokan plugin. - Allow sellers to process multiple orders in bulk for shipping. - Enable sellers to print shipping labels directly from their dashboard. - Automate shipment tracking updates for both sellers and buyers. - Add options for sellers to import and export shipment data via CSV files. - Integrate real-time shipping rate calculation based on package dimensions and destination. - Implement notification system...
-Human written content with 0 plagiarism and grammar errors. Proper optimization SEO point of view on relevant sites only! *DA scores of those blog sites will be 45+ *10x guest posting for client Keywords + Links will be provided in chat *10x guest posting for client Keywords + Links will be provided in chat
...assist with the visual layout mockups for a web-based asset interactive management and sales platform for event venues. Key Responsibilities: - Develop Figma (or similar alternative software) mockups focusing on the visual layout of the platform. - Create interactive prototypes that specifically detail the sales process flow. - Combine 2D (layered PDF/IMAGE) files into the 'portal' to use as a viewer tool. - Combine 3D models pre-rendered into the platform viewer tool. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in user interface design and visual layout creation in Figma (or similar alternative software). - Strong understanding of interactive prototype development. - Previous experience with asset management tools, particularly related to venue inform...
I'm in need of a skilled professional to assist with data collection and verification from a trade fair website. The aim is to enhance my sales outreach efforts. Tasks will include: 1. Checking the exhibitor page for company names and existing contact details 2. Searching for missing information on the internet 3. Finding and adding LinkedIn profiles of individuals in top and mid-management positions within these companies Ideal candidates should have: - Excellent research skills - Proficiency in data collection and verification - Familiarity with LinkedIn and able to identify relevant profiles - Understanding of sales outreach processes Excel format will be given to collect the data.
...hyperlinks to our Instagram and Facebook account. UNDERNEATH THE HEADER: I would like a looped video that starts playing automatically. (Soft wash video 1) UNDERNEATH THE VIDEO: I would like an “About us” section with dot points underneath. The dot points will include; Exterior surface cleaning specialists, servicing residential and commercial property sales and management, family owned business, maximising client sales/leasing management opportunities, fully insured and professional staff all in that order. UNDERNEATH THE “ABOUT US’’ SECTION: I would like an “Our services” section. This must include three separate services. Surface pressure cleaning (Surface pressure cleaning Video 1), soft washing (soft washing video 2) and se...
I'm a writer, poet, and novelist looking for someone to help translate my text, originally written in Czech and also already in English, into Cockney, Geordie, Jamaican and Caribbean Standard English, Liverpool Scouse, and Mackem dialects. The story is humorous and satirical, and it’s crucial to maintain the tone of speech. Task of hilarity: Translate the text into Cockney, Geordie, Caribbean Standard English, Liverpool Scouse and Mackem dialects. Translate and proofread into Danish, Portuguese, Swedish, Greenlandic, Norwegian and German. Translation into Welsh, Irish, Gaelic, and Cornish (Kernewek) will be much appreciated. The text is not long and pretty simple, exactly 208 words, and it's a snippet from a new novel, a humorous and satirical short story. Budg...
I'm seeking a driven and experienced Sales Manager to help promote Tatabye Tours, Dmc Of Maldives in the Punjab market. The ideal candidate should have a strong network and ...businesses, particularly travel agencies. - Organizing and overseeing promotional events to increase brand awareness. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Deep understanding and experience in the Punjab market is crucial. - Proven track record in sales and marketing. - Experience in the tourism industry is a plus but not mandatory. - Strong interpersonal and networking skills. - Event planning and management experience. Your main focus will be on targeting travel agencies to promote corporate and individual travel to Maldives. If you have the passion for tourism and the skills to drive sales, I would love to...
I'm looking for an expert in PPC ad management to help improve the performance of my Google Ads campaign. The main goal is to boost sales internationally. Key responsibilities: - Optimizing current ad performance - Suggestions and implementing tastings to enhance ad performance - Strategic planning for targeting international customers Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record with Google Ads - Experience in managing PPC campaigns aimed at boosting sales - Ability to reach and engage with an international audience - Strong analytical skills for ad performance evaluation and improvement.
I'm in need of a seasoned System Admin with extensive experience in Linux, specifically Ubuntu. The tasks will primarily involve server setup and configuration, as well as implementing security hardening measures to ensure the server's resilience against potential threats. 1. Configure 3 subdomains and links to each one active 2. configure cloudflare 3. make all urls point to https. http,www etc redirection to https 4. make https url live
...Market Order Analysis - Assess activity of buyers and sellers using market orders. - Adjustable time interval for analysis. - Threshold values for market order activity to confirm signals. 3. Combined Analysis - Ensure two conditions are met: 1. Imbalance in the order book. 2. Imbalance in market orders. - Open a position only when both conditions align. 4. Position Management - Automatically open positions when the conditions are met. - Position size is defined as a fixed dollar amount from the account balance. - Adjustable leverage setting. - Automatically set stop-loss and take-profit levels immediately after a position is opened. Customizable Parameters 1. Order Book Imbalance: Threshold for determining dominant side (default: 60%). 2....
I'm in need of a detail-oriented and responsible administrative professional to assist with managing candidates' CVs and handling data entry and record keeping tasks. The ideal candidate should be a strong communicator, able to manage sensitive information discreetly, and committed to delivering high-quality work consistently. Key Responsibilities: - Managing candidates' CVs - Data entry and record keeping Requirements: - Proficiency in handling Word Documents - Strong attention to detail - Excellent communication skills - High level of responsibility and reliability Please note that updated CVs and records will need to be sent via email. Previous experience in an administrative support role, particularly in handling CVs, is highly desirable. I look forward to hearing fro...
More details: What are the main objectives of revamping your WordPress website? Improved user experience Which payment gateways do you need integrated into your WordPress website? ICICI, Razorpay What kind of content management system (CMS) features are you looking for? CMS to Generate Donation Certificates and Other Certificates in PDF
...experiences. Monitor and respond to comments and messages to engage with our diving community. Collaborate with the dive team to capture exciting moments and share updates. Track social media analytics and adjust strategies to boost reach and engagement. Stay up to date with social media trends and apply them creatively to our content. ? Requirements: Proven experience in social media management. Strong content creation skills, including photography, videography, and editing (Canva, Lightroom, or similar tools). Excellent writing and communication skills. Ability to work independently and manage multiple platforms effectively. Passion for diving (having a diving certification is a plus but not required). Knowledge of social media analytics tools and best practices....
I'm looking for a talented web developer to develop and implement the scheduling management aspect of my gymnastics event website, similar to www.rgform.eu. The primary focus of this project will be to: - a Registration and Scoring System designed for gymnastics events. It serves as a platform for event registration, scheduling, and scoring management. The system is utilized by various gymnastics competitions, such as the Miss Valentine tournament and the Montenegro Cup. - Additionally, the KSIS platform is referenced in official gymnastics documentation, indicating its role in registration and event management processes. - The website also features photos and updates related to gymnastics events, highlighting its active involvement in the gymna...