Joomla drupal casino websiteproiecte
Salut, Am un website de costumizat in joomla proiectul in mare parte e facut deoarece e template. Imi trebuie cineva cu experienta pentru a-l finaliza Multumesc
Buna ziua, numele meu este Andrei din Romania. In urmatoarele 2 luni urmeaza sa deschid un web site specializat in pariuri sportive, live casino, RNG games. Am citit ca aveti experienta la SEO cu astfel de activitati. Pentru a putea sa imi ajustez bugetul de marketing pe un an as dori sa stiu la ce costuri as ajunge lunar cu PPC, SEO.. din partea Dvs. aproximativ. Doresc sa ajung la un minim de 10000 de click-uri pe luna, pe un public targhetat, ascesta fiind barbat cu varsta intre 18 - 45 ani. Orice raspuns imi este de ajutor. Multumesc Anticipat Niri Andrei @
Conectarea unei platforme Joomla (versiunea 2.5) la o aplicatie scrisa in php. Care sunt cerintele: 1. aplicatia are 5 module (fluxuri de date) diferite 2. in momentul in care se creaza un user in joomla - trebuie sa se creeze un user si in aplicatie 3. userul alege din pagina joomla un modul si il cumpara - se va folosi paypal (care permite si plata prin card) 4. joomla va afisa o pagina cu modulul / modulele cumparate 5. prin accesarea unui modul, userul va avea acces la o noua pagina de joomla care va permite accesul la aplicatie prin SSO intr-un iframe 6. modificare metoda de autentificare in aplicatia php sa permita mecanismul SSO
Clientul meu cauta un expert seo pentru promovare seo site(template joomla) si magazin online (platforma shopmania) - (textele se vor modifica). Domeniul este comercializare stupi din poliuretan, deci cuvintele cheie vor fi din acea categorie. Astept analiza si oferta. Se doreste colaborare pe termen lung. Multumesc.
Buna seara, Ati lucrat vreodata cu AlphaUserPoints si Docman. Am achizitionat de curand acest plug-in Din pacate el merge decat cu ( This plugin for AlphaUserPoints 1.9.x assigns or remove points on a weblink click (native weblinks component of Joomla).),doresc crearea unui plug-in dupa el dar care sa functioneze cu Docman weblinks
Buna seara, Ati lucrat vreodata cu AlphaUserPoints si Docman. Am achizitionat de curand acest plug-in Din pacate el merge decat cu ( This plugin for AlphaUserPoints 1.9.x assigns or remove points on a weblink click (native weblinks component of Joomla).),doresc crearea unui plug-in dupa el dar care sa functioneze cu Docman weblinks
Buna seara, Ati lucrat vreodata cu AlphaUserPoints si Docman. Am achizitionat de curand acest plug-in Din pacate el merge decat cu ( This plugin for AlphaUserPoints 1.9.x assigns or remove points on a weblink click (native weblinks component of Joomla).),doresc crearea unui plug-in dupa el dar care sa functioneze cu Docman weblinks
Cautam un programator PHP cu experienta in Joomla pentru colaborare de lunga durata, part time sau de acasa, preferabil din Cluj-Napoca
Prezint mai jos noul nostru proiect pe care vrem sa-l facem impreuna. El se refera la notificarile pe care le primeste clientul incepand de la crearea de cont pana la finalizarea unei comenzi. Asadar in arhiva atasata este cate un fisier html pentru fiecare notificare astfel: automata de confirmare la crearea unui cont vrem sa fie inlocuita cu cea din Pentru conturile clientilor din Japonia dorim sa se trimita notificarea automata cand comanda se pune automat in confirmed (nu mai este in pending adica s-a aprobat plata). Notificarea este 2_confirmare_orderEN.html. Pentru clientii din Japonia ea este manuala de incepere a procesarii comenzii - acum ea este trimisa atunci cand manual trecem comanda in Processing. Aici am dori sa introduci un status nou Processing (in proces... afisate pe site. 13. In cazul persoanelor fizice site-ul sa trimita automat in data zilei de nastere a persoenei inscrise pe site un mail de La multi ani. 14. In cazul tuturor inscrisilor pe site (persoane fizice sau juridice) site-ul sa trimita automat mail cu urarile de rigoare cu ocazia sarbatorilor importante din an (Pasti, Craciun, Revelion etc) 15. Site-ul poate fi realizat in cod, Joomla sau Wordpress functie de dorintelele fiecarui freelancer. 16. Orice alta imbunatatire a site-ului de catre fiecare programator este binevenita. 17. Functionalitatea actuala a site-ului cu toate campurile acestuia reprezinta conditiile minime de realizare a acestuia. 18. Un blog atasat site-ului ar fi binevenit pentru functionalitatea acestuia viitoare. 19. Ofertantii au data li...
Caut colaborator serios cunostinte pentru oricare. Magento Wordpress Joomla Opencart, Design web, si altele. De preferabil pentru cei din Bucuresti, Sunt bineveniti si freelanceri noi. Open for bidding.
Salut, Am nevoie de o echipa deja formata din cel putin un web designer, web developer si specialist seo. Proiectele vor fi site-uri web de prezentare create de la zero, in platformele Wordpress sau Joomla si site-uri web de comert electronic pe platformele Prestashop, Magento etc. Poate fi o firma sau persoane fizice. Ofer un comision foarte avantajos la fiecare proiect preluat de la client. Caut o echipa serioasa pentru o colaborare pe termen lung, localizata in Romania.
Salut Am vazut profilul tau, si doresc sa te intreb daca te intereseaza un job. Am situl si vreau sa-i creez un motor de cautare autovehicule, in functie de marca/model/motor/... etc... l afel ca la celelalte situri de profil din tara. Pe urma ar mai fi si alte mici modificari. daca te intereseaza, te rog sa ma contactezi: titicheveresan@ 0734775912 0723542408 Merci
Salut Am vazut profilul tau, si doresc sa te intreb daca te intereseaza un job. Am situl si vreau sa-i creez un motor de cautare autovehicule, in functie de marca/model/motor/... etc... l afel ca la celelalte situri de profil din tara. Pe urma ar mai fi si alte mici modificari. daca te intereseaza, te rog sa ma contactezi: titicheveresan@ 0734775912 0723542408 Merci
Cautam un programator HTML5. Experienta cu HTML5 one-page apps cu back-end-uri in node.js. Experienta cu CSS3 e un plus.
Salut, Am nevoie de un coleg (colega) colaborator pentru realizarea de site-uri web pe platforme administrabile precum Wordpress si Joomla. Initial vei realiza siteuri de prezentare si bloguri urmand ca pe parcurs sa te ocupi si de magazine online. Trebuie sa ai ceva experienta in crearea de websiteuri de la zero. Ofer un comision foarte avantajos la fiecare proiect preluat de la client. Caut pe cineva serios care vrea o colaborare pe termen lung si care sa fie din Romania.
Creare a 2 template-uri de rapoarte pt CSVI sau alta solutie compatibila configuratia existenta a site-ului, care sa contina campurile din atasament pentru ambele versiuni - japoneza si engleza (1 raport pentru varianta site-ului in engleza, 1 raport pentru varianta site-ului in japoneza) In plus am mai adaugat un template de raport care sa contina toti clientii inregistrati pe site asezati in ordinea descrescatoare dupa suma totala a comenzilor. Acest raport ar trebui sa aiba 4 coloane - nume si prenume, suma totala comenzi, numar comenzi, data ultima comanda.
a 2 template-uri de rapoarte pt CSVI sau alta solutie compatibila configuratia existenta a site-ului, care sa contina campurile din atasament pentru ambele versiuni - japoneza si engleza (1 raport pentru varianta site-ului in engleza, 1 raport pentru varianta site-ului in japoneza) plus am mai adaugat un template de raport care sa contina toti clientii inregistrati pe site asezati in ordinea descrescatoare dupa suma totala a comenzilor. Acest raport ar trebui sa aiba 4 coloane - nume si prenume, suma totala comenzi, numar comenzi, data ultima comanda.
am nevoie sa modific o extensie joomla sa adaug cate ceva si sa scot pentru a construi un magazin online
Salut! Am nevoie de o componenta pentru un site pe joomla 2.5 cu urmatoarele linii mari. 1. Are 2 clase de conturi: Clienti si Firme 2. Firmele pot avea 3 abonamente, de la cel gratuit la cel mai scump ai cateva facilitati in plus. 3. Clientii au un panou de control gen " Cererile mele, Cereri finalizate, cauta firme, profilul meu", iar ce fac butoanele e de la sine inteles. Clientii pun cereri, iar firmele din domeniul auto (pt ca vorbim de un site soferilor) le raspund clientilor cu o oferta de pret. Clientul alege oferta, pe care firma o vede in contul lui ca "Oferte castigate". 4. Firmele au panoul de control "Cereri, Ofertele mele, Oferte castigate, Abonamentul meu, Alerte (unde aleg ce mailuri de notificare sa primeasca gen " cereri noi c...
Site-ul isi propune prezentarea unei primarii, incluzand module clasice: Articole, Anunturi, Galerie foto, Galerie Video. Structura site-ului este asemanatoare cu cea prezentata in denumirea proiectului insa pentru formarea unei imagini de a...ansamblu se pot avea in vedere si aceste site-uri: Atentie nu se vor implementa module de genul: plati online, petitii online, stadiu cereri depuse. Din punct de vedere al design-ului acesta este unul simplu similar (nu neaparat 100%) cu site-urile date ca exemplu. De asemenea pentru acest site se va implementa si o platforma(de preferat deja implementata de genul Joomla CMS) de administrare a continutului. Analiza pentru acest site este finalizata (nu intr-un format electronic), insa se va prezenta ulterior.
Site-ul isi propune prezentarea unei primarii, incluzand module clasice: Articole, Anunturi, Galerie foto, Galerie Video. Structura site-ului este asemanatoare cu cea prezentata in denumirea proiectului insa pentru formarea unei imagini de a...ansamblu se pot avea in vedere si aceste site-uri: Atentie nu se vor implementa module de genul: plati online, petitii online, stadiu cereri depuse. Din punct de vedere al design-ului acesta este unul simplu similar (nu neaparat 100%) cu site-urile date ca exemplu. De asemenea pentru acest site se va implementa si o platforma(de preferat deja implementata de genul Joomla CMS) de administrare a continutului. Analiza pentru acest site este finalizata (nu intr-un format electronic), insa se va prezenta ulterior.
Dorim sa implementam urmatoarele modficari: 1. Pentru 2 produse din catalog sa se faca plata doar cu Paypal. Optam pentru varianta hardcoded cu rugamintea de a livra si o mica procedura care sa ne indrume cum sa facem noi modificarile pentru un eventual nou produs. In cazul in care in cos exista si produsele in speta de mai sus si alte produse atunci tot cosul se directioneaza catre PayPal. 2. a. Am descoperit de curand ca optiunea de reset password nu functioneaza - iti transmite token-ul si desi in introduci nu il ia in seama b. Ne dorim optiunea de login cu contul de facebook, twitter, etc - de stabilit exact care c. Avem un script care la un interval de 20 zile de la plasarea comenzii trimite un mesaj pentru a cere feedback. Am dori sa modificam acest interval si sa modificam putin ...
Site-uri web pentru a fi reînnoită în grafică și funcționalitate. Dezvoltarea de site-uri e-commerce mai multe limbi. Grafica trebuie să fie modernă. Folosind PHP Java și HTML 5.
Am deja un site in joomla as vrea sa-i dau un nou look si reparat ceva buguri tot ce este design vreau sa fie total schimbat in principiu cu aceleasi functionalitati.
Realizez site-uri in Joomla cu gazduire inclusa timp de 1 an de zile. Ce site-uri se pot realiza cu ajutorul aplicatiei Joomla? Putem spune ca posibilitatile sunt nelimitate daca ne referim la constructia unui site cu ajutorul Joomla. Mai jos sunt doar cateva din tipurile de site-uri ce pot fi realizate in aceasta aplicatie: Website de prezentare Portaluri web Magazin online (Magazin virtual) Website-uri destinate IMM-urilor Website-uri adresate organizatiilor non-profit Website-uri guvernamentale Website-uri pentru scoli si institutii de invatamant Pagini web personale Website tip retea sociala Website-uri adresate revistelor si ziarelor (in general toata industria media). developer for my online casino website. The project encompasses both the user interface and user experience design equally. Key Responsibilities: - Designing the UI/UX of the entire website with a focus on both the homepage and the games section. - Overseeing the back end development. - Enhancing the UI/UX and back end of the games section. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven experience in UI/UX design, particularly for online gaming or casino websites. - Strong full stack software development background. - Capability to improve game graphics, user interaction and loading speed. The ideal candidate will have a comprehensive understanding of both UI/UX and back end development, with a keen interest in enhancing the overall user experience o...
I'm seeking an experienced application developer to create an engaging, real cash money mobile game, akin to casino games, rummy circle, or aviator. Key Features: - Player Authentication: The game must have a robust player verification system to ensure fair play and security. - Multiplayer Functionality: This game should allow multiple players to participate, making it competitive and exciting. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in mobile game development for iOS and Android. - Prior experience in developing real cash money games. - Strong skills in implementing player authentication systems and multiplayer functionality.
I'm looking for an experienced Senior Drupal Developer to assist with both basic and complex website updates. The role will eventually involve transitioning to a new CMS system for our Marketing team. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing necessary updates on our current Drupal-based websites - Preparing for a future transition to a new CMS - Collaborating closely with the Marketing team Ideal Candidate: - Must have advanced familiarity with Drupal - Experience in CMS transition is a plus - Proficient in implementing design, functionality and content updates Please share your resume at your earliest convenience if you're interested.
...of our team as a YouTube Product Manager. Join us in crafting captivating visual experiences that truly connect with our target audience! Why We Want You! To support the expansion of our Media department, we are in search of a Product Manager for our YouTube Channel designed specifically for the Czech Republic Market. This YouTube Channel will have a focused theme on Gambling, covering both Casino and Sports Betting. If you're a dedicated professional ready to take on this serious endeavor, we encourage you to apply to join our team! Who are we looking for? We're seeking a talented individual who will be able to: Establish a thriving YouTube Channel from the ground up ? Handle video production independently, including scriptwriting, voice recording, precise vid...
We are a non-profit organization with a mission to facilitate voluntary blood donations. Our association has four divisions, organizing donation campaigns in collaboration with local hospitals. We host blood drives at our premises three times a year, where collected blood is donated free of charge to hospitals for patients in need. Our current website, , was built using Joomla CMS and the FlexiContent component. However, the system is outdated and lacks robust filtering and reporting functionalities. Project Description: We want to develop a web-based application to manage and monitor voluntary blood donations efficiently. Backend Requirements: Tables: Administrators Cities Countries Work Units Blood Groups Users (Name, Gender, Address, City, Phone, Email, Blood Group) Blo...
We need help with a number of updates to our existing, functional, website. 1. Update Drupal and core modules. We have a production environment and no others. 2. Website Calendar – Currently, the website does not automatically delete reservations. After the number of total reservations becomes high, the calendar will fail to load for frequent users of the calendar (such as the Reservation Admin role). The solution to date has been to manually delete a large number of the oldest (past) reservations. We would like the website to automatically delete reservations that are older than 24 months (based on the Updated date, not the date of the reservation). 3. Document Lists – Currently, there are two lists of documents (visible in the drop down ...
I'm in need of a tester from Brazil who can test some Android apps with casino offers. The testing is primarily focused on the functionality of the app, specifically the login and registration processes. All you need to do is test some apps from google play (Without strange apk's or something) that ill send to you. Summary here is 6-8 apps and all task shouldnt take you more than hour (Because i did it today and finish in 30 minutes. But i need someone from Brazil with normal network to check this. For some reason, proxy's with brazil geo works really bad last month) I will send to you my draft to clearly explain what you need to do. About task: Download an app, go through registration process and when it ask you to deposit money into it - close the app. Nothing di...
Hello, i search for tester from Brazil who can test some android apps with casino offers. All work can be done in less that a hour
I'm looking to increase the traffic to my casino website. The ideal freelancer will have experience with promoting through social media and SEO. Key Responsibilities: - Promote the casino via social media and SEO strategies. - Create and distribute engaging content across various platforms. Content Types: - Blog posts and articles - Videos and livestreams - Graphic ads and banners Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in SEO and social media marketing - Content creation and distribution - Experience in promoting online casinos is a plus. Note: Please include examples of your previous work in your proposal.
Project Summary: The goal of this project is to improve the mobile PageSpeed Insights score for the ConverterHub currency conversion page by addressing key performance metrics, fixing identified issues, and ensuring smooth interactivity (INP). Scope of Work: Optimize Loading Speed: Eliminate render-blocking resources (CSS and JavaScript). Minify and defer unused JavaScript. Reduce initial server response time (currently 770ms). Image Optimization: Convert all images to next-gen formats (e.g., WebP). Properly size images and add explicit width and height attributes. Fix Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Ensure all dynamic elements (e.g., ads, images) have fixed dimensions. Use font-display: swap for fonts to prevent layout instability. Enhance Core Web Vitals: Reduce First Contentful Paint (...
I'm seeking a skilled professional in Joomla 3 and RSForm to create a user-friendly, visually appealing, multilingual form on my Joomla 3.10.12 website. Key Features: - A variable-size table where users can add or remove rows - Conditional fields - Designed with the responsive layouts of UIkit 3.21.6 - Optimized for all device types: Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile - Aesthetically aligned with the look and feel of my site This form's primary purpose is data collection, and it needs to support both English, Duch and French. The ideal candidate will be proficient in Joomla 3 and RSForm, capable of creating visually appealing designs, and experienced in responsive design. The quality and responsiveness of the design are just as important as the form's...
I'm on the hunt for a talented graphic designer and video creator who can help promote my casino through sophisticated and elegant promotional videos. Key Responsibilities: - Create high-quality promotional videos with a sophisticated and elegant style. - Incorporate live-action footage and custom animations into the videos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design and video production. - Strong understanding of creating content for casino promotion. - Ability to deliver sophisticated and elegant video content. - Experience with incorporating live-action footage and custom animations. - Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
I am looking for working source code for a web-based sports betting platform, similar to 1xbet, bet365, or heeraexchange. The provided s...betting platform, similar to 1xbet, bet365, or heeraexchange. The provided source code should include: - Live Betting: The possibility to place bets during an ongoing game. - Casino Games: Integration of various online casino games. - Virtual Sports: An array of virtual sports where bets can be placed. In terms of payment methods, I require support for all forms of payment in INR. Ideal candidates for this project should demonstrate: - Profound experience in developing sports betting websites. - Proficiency in integrating various payment methods, specifically fitting with INR. - Knowledge on live betting, casino games, and virt...
I'm looking to build a high-end, luxury betting website focused primarily on casino games, with a unique twist of incorporating colour trading from esports. Key Features: - A wide range of casino games - Integration of colour trading for esports betting - A sleek, user-friendly interface that exudes luxury - A seamless, high-quality user experience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing high-end, interactive websites - Deep understanding of casino games and esports betting - Proficiency in creating luxury-grade web interfaces - Excellent track record in delivering engaging, user-friendly websites
Telegram botumuzu bir üst seviyeye taşıyacak, yeni özellikler ekleyip mevcut yapıyı optimize edecek bir Python geliştirici arıyoruz. Botumuz, otomatik gönderiler, çekilişler, affiliate takibi sağlıyor. Versiyon 2 için yeni entegrasyonlar ve gelişmiş otomasyon özellikleri eklemeyi planlıyoru...taşıyacak, yeni özellikler ekleyip mevcut yapıyı optimize edecek bir Python geliştirici arıyoruz. Botumuz, otomatik gönderiler, çekilişler, affiliate takibi sağlıyor. Versiyon 2 için yeni entegrasyonlar ve gelişmiş otomasyon özellikleri eklemeyi planlıyoruz. ? Aranan Yetkinlikler: Python (3+ yıl deneyim) API entegrasyonları, web scraping ve otomasyon araçları konularında deneyim Tercihen bahis casino sektörüne aş...
Must have build a Provability fair game before and can provide demo of previous games. I'm looking for a skilled Unity developer to help with my crash game. Your role will encompass game mechanics development, backend integration, and UI/UX design. Key Responsibilities: - Developing engaging game mechanics - Integrating a robust backend for real-time communication - Designing a user-friendly UI/UX The backend will primarily involve real-time communication. Experience in this area is crucial. I prefer using an SQL-based database for this project. Please, bring your expertise in database management and game development to the table. Your ability to design intuitive UI/UX will be key in driving user engagement in the game.
I'm looking for a professional with experience in creating casino platforms. While I haven't decided on the specific types of games yet, the platform should ideally be able to accommodate a variety of games, including but not limited to slots, poker, and blackjack. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in casino game development - Ability to create a scalable platform - Knowledge of user account management systems (although I am currently undecided on this feature, it may be necessary) - Understanding of both casual and professional gaming needs Please provide examples of similar platforms you have developed in the past.
I am looking for a skilled Joomla developer to make several modifications on my site: 1. Implement a user role-based access control that allows the owner to specify who can view their certain files. This feature is for none-register and registered users. And they can select a single or multiple users/emails to view their files. Registered users can edit this feature. 2. disable Presets tap and text of it. 3. Group Tape keep Public, Registered, Administrator and Super User (Other group disable or hide them.) Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with Joomla, a good understanding of user role-based access control systems, and the ability to implement custom features. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. here is my website that yo...
...create a comprehensive sports and casino betting script akin to platforms like bet365, 4rabet, or 1xbet. The system should include both an admin panel and a user panel. Key Features: - Sports Inclusion: The script should cater for betting on Football, Basketball, and Tennis, in addition to casino games. - Betting Options: The platform should support live betting exclusively. - Payment Methods: The system must accommodate a variety of payment options including Credit/Debit Cards, Cryptocurrency, and E-wallets. - Agent System The project is web-based. User authentication will be via email and password. The admin panel will require basic management features. Ideal skills for this project include: - Web development - Scripting - Knowledge of sports and casino bettin...
I am in need of a sophisticated API that integrates a diamond exchange system specifically for slot games in a casino environment. This API should interface with various sports data, including football, basketball, tennis, and cricket, and support multiple features with a sports API. Key Requirements: - Development of a diamond exchange API for slot games - Integration with a sports API to support various features - Interface with comprehensive sports data, including football, basketball, tennis, and cricket Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing casino game APIs, particularly for slot games - Familiarity with diamond exchange systems - Proficient in working with sports data APIs - Strong software development skills with a focus on gaming application...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create eight sleek and contemporary banners for my website, The project requires four desktop banners (1812x360 pixels) and four mobile banners (330x162 pixels), all tailored for different categories: Sports, Casino, Payment Methods, and Affiliate. Key Requirements: - The color scheme should be consistent with the website. - The design style should be modern and clean, with a minimalist aesthetic. - The final deliverables need to be in webp format. - The banners should incorporate text content, images/graphics, and logos/icons. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in modern and clean design trends - Experience in web banner design - Ability to source and integrate additional graphics - Familiarity with the webp form...
Dibutuhkan / dicari jasa pembuatan website slot/casino/judi online, yang sudah berpengalaman dalam pembuatan website slot/casino online, atau yang sudah menyediakan dengan white lable Tolong lampirkan juga portofolio website slot/casino online yang sudah pernah dibuat Di utamakan dari Indonesia Terima kasih
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