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    2,000 inverter ups circuit diagram proiecte găsite
    $72 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Este vorba de o aplicatie care permite clientilor inregistrati sa participe la un Turneu cu premii. Turneul este format din doua runde. Turneul are cateva reguli care trebuie implementate. Aplicatie are nevoie de un Dashbord Panel pentru Admin. Adminul creeaza partidele cu valoarea fiecarui meci. Aplicati...aplicatie care permite clientilor inregistrati sa participe la un Turneu cu premii. Turneul este format din doua runde. Turneul are cateva reguli care trebuie implementate. Aplicatie are nevoie de un Dashbord Panel pentru Admin. Adminul creeaza partidele cu valoarea fiecarui meci. Aplicatie este formata din 3 Pagini Interface Ux Ui. Proiectul este in 85% detaliat (Ex: culori folosite, modul de plata, diagram userului sa.). Sunt deschis pentru imbunatatiri sau alte modalitai sau n...

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Oferta medie
    16 oferte

    Aceasta aplicatie doresc ca atunci cand telefonul atinge un anumit procentaj de incarcare al bateriei(exemplu 100%) sa intrerupa alimentarea incarcatorului, iar cand acest procentaj scade sub un anumit nivel( exemplu 25%) sa reia incarcarea, adica la anumite procentaje ale bateriei sa inchida si sa deschida un circuit(releu). Conectarea aplicatiei sa poata fii facuta prin bluetooth. Va multumesc anticipat, iar pentru mai multe detalii nu ezitati sa ma contactati.

    $202 Average bid
    $202 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Am atasat un pdf cu informatii despre cum ar trebuii sa arate, locatia este aceasi doar imi trebuie alte cladiri ca si design, textura etc. Totul este stabilit si include in esenta pentru aceasta faza doar 5 cladiri (diagrama atasata). Insasi cladirea 5 din diagram o am ca si referinta atasata (nu, nu am modelul dar daca se poate recrea exact asta nu avem de ce sa pierdem vremea pe explicatii si research). Cladirea 1 se doreste ca si texturi precum cladirea 5 dar evident este mai mare si in loc de garaj o sa fie cladire de apartamente. Daca esti disponibil(a) si poti sa imi trimiti un portofoliu care sa arate ca poti sa faci asa ceva destul de usor, atunci discutam. Multumesc

    $544 Average bid
    $544 Oferta medie
    32 oferte

    Template Proiect LCD - simulare in Proteus Cerinte de unul sa fie analogic si altul digital. exemplu senzor de umiditate analogic: 5) contine un senzor de lumina (fotorezistenta/fotodioda/modul_lumina). 6) Se va proiecta un circuit cu A.O. pentru conditionarea semnalului de la senzorul de umiditate analogic. 7) Se va face o simulare a proiectului AEMC folosind programul Proteus (senzorii vor fi emulati, acolo unde este posibil). 8) Se va realiza un circuit electronic si PCB-ul. Pe partea PCB bottom se va scrie numele studentilor din echipa. 9) Se va implementa software un ceas cu data si 1 alarma. Numarul de butoane nu este impus. Se va folosi un buzzer audio (activ sau pasiv).

    $172 Average bid
    $172 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Salut , am nevoie si eu de o schema de circuit si o simulare in PS Spice pentru un proiect de facultate cu titlul "Divizor de trepte de tensiune " , las atasat mai jos o posibila schema

    $123 Average bid
    $123 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    ...telecomenzile traditionale vor functiona la fel ca inainte. Daca aveti vreo indoiala daca deschizatorul dvs. este compatibil cu Nold, nu ezitati sa ne contactati. Daca aveti deja instalat un intrerupator de perete, puteti efectua acest test simplu pentru a verifica compatibilitatea: urmati cele doua fire care vin de la butonul de deschidere la deschizator. In cazul in care se conecteaza la placa de circuit, atingeti-le impreuna pentru o clipa. Daca acest lucru va face usa deschisa, opriti-va si inchideti, atunci deschizatorul de usi de garaj accepta un buton standard, deci va fi compatibil si cu Nold Open. Cu un dispozitiv puteti lega doua porti/usi diferite aflate la cel mult 10 metri una de alta. Functionarea acestora este independenta. In pagina noastra de internet regasiti...

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    The numerator used will have entrance to R asynchronous. It will only use the 4000 series circuits. The clock oscillator will provide two rectangular signals with frequencies of 3Hz, 5Hz and 360kHz and a tact signal manually. Divizor fix de frecvență cu 68. Numărătorul folosit va avea intrarea R asincronă. Se vor utiliza numai circuite din seria 4000. Oscilatorul va furniza semnale dreptunghiulare cu frecvențele de 3,5 Hz, respectiv 360kHz și un semnal de tact manual.

    $47 Average bid
    $47 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    ...5% din populatie, cumpara RCA online! In Ungaria , 66% din populatie , cumpara RCA online! Va puteti imagina cam la ce business ne raportam? ...fara sa luam in calcul alte tipuri de asigurari ! p.s. Rapiditatea reprezinta un atuu, insa devotamentul reprezinta ceva mai mult de- atat ! Va multumesc personal English translation Hi everyone, I own a small business start-ups with a turnover of 220,000 lei in 2015 intermediation in insurance sales. I intend online market penetration which is currently quite low in Romania compared with Western countries! Being a start-up, as you know, no money to invest, but together with a small team of people with diverse abilities couple we can be successful! What I think can be done? An RCA + blog site sales. SEO o...

    $16507 Average bid
    $16507 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Am nevoie pentru un site realizat in joomla de niste modificari la k2. Template-ul este unul platit dar suportul lasa de dorit. Am nevoie ca item-urile din k2 sa aiba o optiune sa setez un ribbon pe imagine care sa apara atat in item efectiv cat si in lista de afisare. Trebuie sa pot scrie sau sa atasez o imagine in coltul din dreapta sau stanga ( early booking, circuit, revelion) Atasez o poza sa va dati seama la ce ma refer.

    $69 Average bid
    $69 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    aplicatie android
    S-a încheiat left

    am nevoie de o aplicatie android gen UPS

    $209 Average bid
    $209 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    ... cu parametrii: a. action = get_offers b. username = username c. password = password Username si password sunt primiti in prealabil pe email. Metoda va intoarce toate ofertele prezente in acel moment pe site-ul nostru. Recomandam folosirea ei de maxim 2 ori pe zi, pentru a evita load-ul mare pe server. Ex raspuns (1 item): {"id":"8","type":"circuit","departure_id":"4","departure_destination_id":"0","departure_destination_title":"","departure_destination_url":"","search_id":"15866","intern":"0","search_url":"src0h513874c3ecc81","result_id":"47591","package_id":"0...

    $158 Average bid
    $158 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    Buna, Am nevoie de un report in Engleza de vreo 30 pag. pe un topic in nisa break-ups / relationships advice. Am un outline detaliat + surse de referinta sa iti fie munca mai usoara. Poti sa-mi dai te rog un pret si timp de livrare ? Nu trebuie formatat, doar raw text. Mersi, Costin

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    ...statului. Finantele private cuprind totalitatea societatilor comerciale, bancare, de asigurari, indiferent de proprietarul capitalului. In domeniul finantelor private se constituie capitalul tuturor tipurilor de societati comerciale, regii autonome si companii nationale. Caracteristica esentiala a finantelor private este ca aici fondurile nu se consuma, ci se avanseaza si recupereaza in permanenta in circuit. Finantele private mai cuprind alaturi de fondurile firmei propriu-zise de care am vorbit mai sus, fondurile de credit si fondurile de asigurari. Fondurile de credit se caracterizeaza prin aceea ca se constituie pe baze rambursabile si se utilizeaza tot pe baze rambursabile. Fondurile de asigurari se constituie in mod definitiv dar se folosesc numai in cazul survenirii riscul...

    $211 Average bid
    $211 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    I need an expert to design and program an integrated circuit (IC) for a consumer electronic device, specifically focused on power management. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Expertise in IC design and programming - Experience working with consumer electronics - Proven track record in power management IC design

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    ¡Hola! En Ariza Racing Circuit, somos más que un circuito de karting. Somos un espacio donde la pasión por la velocidad, la emoción y la adrenalina se combinan con experiencias inolvidables para nuestros clientes. Nuestro objetivo es llevar nuestra presencia digital al siguiente nivel y estamos buscando a un Estratega de Marketing, Ventas y Gestión Digital que quiera crecer con nosotros y formar parte de nuestro equipo a largo plazo. Este puesto NO es solo para alguien que publique en redes sociales, sino para una persona que diseñe estrategias digitales y comerciales para mejorar ventas, optimizar procesos y aumentar la conversión. Buscamos a alguien apasionado, comprometido y creativo, que pueda tomar la iniciativa y trabajar de ma...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    We are developing an AI-powered in-vehicle device that requires expertise in hardware development, computer vision, and embedded systems. The ideal candidate will have experience in: ✅ Hardware: Camera modules, display panels, circuit board design, power management ✅ Software: AI image recognition, real-time processing, embedded systems programming ✅ Integration: Combining hardware & software for seamless real-time performance Project Scope: -Assist in developing a working prototype -Recommend and source appropriate hardware components -Build AI-driven software for real-time data processing -Ensure smooth integration of hardware and software -Optimize for low latency, high accuracy, and real-time performance Preferred Skills: -Experience with computer vision (OpenCV, Tenso...

    $632 Average bid
    $632 Oferta medie
    47 oferte
    Trophy icon AI Image Refinement
    2 zile left

    I have an AI-generated image that requires some touch-ups. Specifically, the hands and bag handles need to be fixed. Please refer to the attached source image and the image with instructions for details.

    $10 Average bid

    I'm adding a bedroom to my house and need an electrician to draw a simple wiring diagram for the room. Requirements: - The diagram should include wiring for lighting fixtures, power outlets, and a vent fan. - The lighting fixtures will be recessed lighting, so the diagram should accommodate this. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in creating electrical wiring diagrams - Experience with residential electrical systems - Knowledge of recessed lighting installation Please note, the diagram should be simple yet comprehensive enough for an electrician to follow. The addition will be supplied by 2 ea. 20 amp circuits and I prefer 12-3 wire.

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    39 oferte

    ...custom logo into the necklace design • High-quality realistic textures and lighting • Smooth and engaging animation for a short product showcase video • Ability to deliver in high-resolution formats for marketing and e-commerce use Project Scope: • 3D model of the necklace based on our design and logo • Realistic rendering with proper lighting and textures • Product animation (rotations, close-ups, and smooth transitions) • Final video length: 10-30 seconds Ideal Candidate: • Has a strong portfolio of jewelry or luxury product animations • Can deliver high-quality work on time • Open to revisions and feedback If you are interested, please send: • Portfolio/examples of previous jewelry or product animations &bul...

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    I'm looki...creative Concept Designer with a modern design aesthetic. Your primary role will be to create engaging and innovative concepts that could be used for a variety of purposes including product design, brand identity, and event conceptualization. Key Responsibilities: - Develop contemporary design concepts for various applications - Collaborate with me to understand vision and goals - Provide design mock-ups, prototypes, and presentations Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in concept design across different fields - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Excellent communication and collaboration skills - Proficiency in design software Please note that while the project scope is quite diverse, a deep understanding and passion for modern desi...

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Oferta medie
    12 oferte 45 to 55 volts - Efficiency > 90 % - Lighter than 3 kg - Smaller than 300 x 300 x 150 mm c) General minimum requirements - Designed for 300 days of use per year and 12 hours of use per day. - Communication and discussion with the client as to why something is not smaller, lighter, better - Telephone contact and exchange - A visit to the Hamburg/Lübeck/Kiel region in northern Germany - Circuit diagram - Parts list and component order list - All the files in common formats for production - Estimated price - Functional prototype without housing (we can manufacture housing) - Drawing or sketch for housing - You need a business address - We conclude a contract 2. Desired requirements a) Desired requirements for voltage converters 1 - As portable as a crate of b...

    $4054 Average bid
    $4054 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    ...flexibility exercises enhance muscle strength and joint mobility. - **Increases Energy Levels:** Regular physical activity boosts energy and improves sleep quality. **Types of Exercise:** - **Aerobic Exercises:** Running, cycling, swimming, walking—these exercises improve cardiovascular fitness and stamina. - **Strength Training:** Weightlifting, resistance bands, bodyweight exercises (push-ups, squats)—these build muscle strength. - **Flexibility Exercises:** Yoga, Pilates, stretching—improve flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness. - **Balance and Coordination Exercises:** Tai Chi, balance drills—improve body coordination and prevent falls. **Recommended Exercise Guidelines:** - At least **150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise** per week...

    $25 - $50 / hr
    $25 - $50 / hr
    1 oferte

    ...Core Functionalities The AI assistant should handle: ✅ Context-aware information retrieval – Understanding queries and fetching relevant data. ✅ AI-driven summarization & insights – Generating key takeaways from various sources. ✅ Multi-user collaboration – Coordinating data between multiple users with permission controls. ✅ Smart decision support – Providing real-time recommendations and follow-ups based on historical data. ✅ Automated scheduling & workflow optimization – Streamlining user workflows with AI-powered suggestions. Advanced Permission & Visibility Management The system should allow users to define: ✅ Who can view, modify, or interact with certain data. ✅ Custom rules for access control (e.g., time-based restrictions, role...

    $4852 Average bid
    $4852 Oferta medie
    28 oferte
    Travel Booking Platform Development
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    We need an experienced Software Company to build a responsive, high-performance travel booking platform . The project includes 25 pages & 8 pop-ups, which are need to be built with React.js, Redux/Zustand, Material UI/Tailwind CSS, and integrated with REST APIs. The Requirement document is attached for the reference. The entire work comprises of 2 parts @ Frontend Development (Part 1) + Restful API integration with 10-15 API integration (Part 2) Requirements: Very Good Experience in development with React.js & Proven Experience in REST API integrations Expertise in performance optimization & responsive UI Ability to deliver within the given timeline

    $1541 Average bid
    $1541 Oferta medie
    49 oferte

    I'm in search of a lead male actor for a short film. The character falls within the adult age range (20-40). This project is an excellent opportunity for an aspiring actor to showcase their talent. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior acting experience ideal but not essential. - Ability to portray a character convincingly with close ups of face and emotion. - Comfortable with having a good time and a laugh with us, It will be a first for us so will be good fun! - Flexible and open to direction. We are looking to film a very short content clip (around 1 minute 30) for our social campaign for Into the Woods festival based in Chepstow. We are creating a concept of escaping the concrete jungle that will show an office worker sick of his day life, waiting and watching for the ...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Trophy icon Logo Design for PHISIC Workshop
    2 zile left

    I'm in need of a modern logo for a workshop. The logo should incorporate themes of circuit hardware and cybersecurity, reflecting the focus of the workshop. The workshop name is: PHISIC – a Hardware Security workshop

    $19 Average bid
    334 intrări

    I'm in need of a modern logo for my workshop. The logo should incorporate themes of circuit hardware and cybersecurity, reflecting the focus of the workshop. The workshop name is: PHISIC – a Hardware Security workshop

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    50 oferte

    I need an expert in circuit design and programming for the ESP32. The project involves creating a circuit with more than 8 channels capable of outputting both DC and AC power. Key parameters - Layers - 2 layers PCB - dimension - less than 100mm x 100mm Key design deliverable - Schematic Design - Component selection to support schematic (Parts must be available in JLCPCB Stock-onhand) - PCB design - Component placements - gerber File - Simulation (This is a must and non-negotiable) Key Requirements: Input Below are the only two type of input this board will receive. If both are connected AC will take the priority. - Single AC input (210-230V) screw in - or DC 24-48V Screw in / Dupont Connector (female) / USB connector Output Board should power E...

    $43 Average bid
    $43 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    I am seeking an Electrical Engineer to approve and stamp a simple design for a battery/inverter feed into a critical loads electrical sub panel. This design is similar to those commonly used with generators. I have a schematic drawing available for reference. It is a residential application. Schematic attached. Note - error on dwg, the 60 amp breaker at upper left should be connected with 6ga wire, not the 10 ga as shown. Key requirements: - The primary purpose of this design is to provide backup power. - The engineer's approval must ensure compliance with utility company standards. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A valid Electrical Engineer's stamp. Must be currently valid for South Carolina. - Prior experience with designs aimed at providing backu...

    $295 Average bid
    $295 Oferta medie
    17 oferte
    Trophy icon Home Page Rediesign
    6 zile left

    Our website is in need of a new home page redesign. Here is what we are looking for: 1. Objective & Feel - Clean, modern, and tech-savvy design - Subtle animation/movement for engageme...preferred) - Example: Slow fade-in, slight parallax, or looping SVG animation 4. Technical Requirements - File format: Figma/Canva/PS - Make sure the page file size is small for fast load times - Responsive: Must work well on:   - Regular Phone (max-width: 768px)  - Small Laptop / Tablet (769px – 1024px)  - Desktop (1025px – 1600px)  - Wide Screens (1601px and above) 5. References - Quick mock-ups attached with styling ideas (Clean, modern, and tech-savvy design) - Open to better ideas Once we find some designs we like, we will need a couple more simple ...

    $250 Average bid
    60 intrări

    I'm looking for a freelancer to help finish my Wix website, aimed at promoting a children's book. The site should be colorful and playful, appealing to both children and their parents. Key Elements: - 2-3 pages in total - A landing page - A space for a book video - A QR code - A payment ...understanding of data collection tools and methods would be a plus. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Wix - Experienced in website design, especially for children's content - Knowledgeable in data collection techniques - Creative with ability to suggest engaging website features The website should have forms or pop-ups to collect email addresses from users. Include forms or pop-ups for email subscriptions to collect user data. Focus on email subscription pop-ups...

    $444 Average bid
    $444 Oferta medie
    99 oferte

    I'm seeking an experienced game developer to create a cross-platform word game (iOS and Android). The game should include thousands of boards and implement in-app purchases. Key Features: - Thousands of Unique Boards: The game must be engaging and challenging with a vast number of boards. - In-App Purchases: These could include hints, power-ups, and new levels or boards. The developer should have experience in monetizing games effectively. Ideal Skills: - Game Development: Strong experience in developing word games or similar puzzle games is a must. Please provide links to your previous work and any relevant games you have done before. - Cross-Platform Development: Proven experience in creating cross-platform games. - Understanding of In-App Purchases: Ability to strategize ...

    $1474 Average bid
    $1474 Oferta medie
    70 oferte

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer proficient in PHP and Laravel, with a strong background in customizing LaraClassified themes. My website, built using a LaraClassified theme, requires significant enhancements to its functionality and features, specifically focusing on: - User Registration/Login System: This should include a seamless integration with social media platforms for easy sign-ups and logins, as well as an efficient email verification process for new users. Experience with OAuth and email verification systems is a plus. - Payment Gateway Integration: The site needs a reliable and secure payment gateway. Prior experience in integrating popular payment systems like PayPal, Stripe, or others into a LaraClassified theme would be highly advantageous. The ideal candid...

    $476 Average bid
    $476 Oferta medie
    106 oferte

    I'm in need of a medium-sized (4 to 6 square inches) circuit board for prototyping purposes. The board will need to accommodate mixed signal components, so experience with these types of components is crucial. Your expertise in consumer electronics and industrial applications will be a plus, as I aim to create a versatile board that can cater to both fields. The ideal candidate will have a solid background in circuit board design and prototyping, with a keen understanding of both analog and digital components.

    $483 Average bid
    $483 Oferta medie
    40 oferte

    ...sports Football – Basketball – Tennis – Baseball – Cricket – Hockey - Volleyball - Table Tennis - Rugby - Golf Real-time match updates User registration or comments 2. Live Scores & Match Details Display live scores for selected sports Match details include: Team names & logos Live match status (e.g., ongoing, finished, postponed) Match statistics Possession Shots on goal Fouls Etc. Team line-ups (if available via API) League tables & standings Head-to-head comparisons Match Filtering by: Sport type League/competition Country/region Favorite teams 4. Sports News & Updates Admin-managed news section Ability to publish news articles manually 5. Video Content Integration with PeerTube (open-source video platform) Only the admin can...

    $397 Average bid
    $397 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    I'm looking for an expert to set up the basics of Klaviyo for my Shopify store. The primary goal is to enhance customer segmentation to set up the basics of Klaviyo for my Shopify store. The primary goal is to enhance customer segmentation specifically based on purchase history and browsing behavior. Key Tasks: - Create customer segments based on purchase history - Create customer segments based on browsing behavior - Set up automated emails triggered by abandoned carts - Set up automated emails for post-purchase follow-ups Ideal skills for this project include a deep understanding of Klaviyo, experience with Shopify, and expertise in customer segmentation and email marketing automation. Strong analytical skills to assess sales data and customer behavior will...

    $20 Average bid

    I need a 3D-printed enclosure for my IMU sensor and Huzzah32, designed for wearable use on a belt. The enclosure should be made from PLA and feature two belt slots for secure attachment. I have attached an image with the exact dimensions, along with the current enclosure design and wiring diagram. Key Requirements: The design must be creative, considering the wiring layout while ensuring that all three components (IMU sensor, Huzzah32, and battery) remain securely fixed inside. Precision is crucial, as I have specific dimensions for the enclosure. Include ventilation holes for heat dissipation. Ensure efficient space management to accommodate a 3.7V battery. Here is the text extracted from the image: Name ...

    $50 Average bid

    I'm seeking a programmer to create a custom software that generates fiber optic splicing diagrams. Key Requirements: - The software should generate diagrams with basic connections and labels. - Diagrams must be exportable in PDF format. Ideal Skills: - Software Development - Diagram Generation - Fiber Optic knowledge would be beneficial

    $7741 Average bid
    $7741 Oferta medie
    72 oferte

    I’m seeking a detail-oriented Virtual Assistant to support my Amazon FBA wholesale business. The role focuses on managing listing optimization, advertisement campaigns, and case follow-ups to ensure smooth operations and drive sales growth. Key Responsibilities: Listing Creation & Optimization: Crafting and refining product listings to maximize visibility and conversions. Ensuring product details align with SEO best practices for Amazon. Ad Campaign Management: Setting up and managing PPC campaigns to boost product sales. Monitoring ad performance and making data-driven adjustments. Case Follow-Up: Handling case resolutions with Amazon Seller Support. Addressing listing issues, policy compliance, or account health concerns. Ideal Candidate Qualities: In-depth knowledge ...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    I'm in need of an experienced electronics designer who can take a simple diagram/circuit consisting of 10 components (mainly resistors and capacitors) and translate it into a schematic suitable for placement on a breadboard. Key Requirements: - Ability to interpret a circuit diagram accurately - Proficiency in creating clear, easy-to-follow schematics - Experience with breadboard design The schematic doesn't need to be hand-drawn or software-generated, but it should be clear enough for practical use. There's no need for annotations or notes on the schematic. Your final product should enable me to successfully set up the circuit on a breadboard.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    30 oferte concept. 3. Ideation and Conceptualization: In this stage, designers start brainstorming and sketching multiple concepts. The aim is to explore a range of ideas and possibilities without limiting creativity. This phase is about expanding options, thinking outside the box, and experimenting with different solutions. 4. Prototyping: Once a direction is chosen, designers create prototypes or mock-ups. This step allows them to visualize the design in a tangible form, making it easier to identify any issues and make adjustments. Prototypes can range from...

    $63 / hr Average bid
    $63 / hr Oferta medie
    15 oferte and out crypto payments with date, hour, and addresses (receiving and sending addresses) which can be changed from the back office. Handling Failures 9. Payment Failure: o If the payment is not okay, the administrator will send a pop-up explaining why the payment failed. o The "Pending" status will automatically change to "Withdraw Failed".in red o The administrator can send template pop-ups or write custom messages for the failure reason. o Example templates include: 1. Payment failed as your bank does not receive BTC. 2. Payment failed as you cannot fill an IBAN on the BTC address. 3. Payment failed as you did not respect the term of the timeframe contract. 4. Payment failed as you are in an open position and need to update your margin. 5. Payment fai...

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Oferta medie
    63 oferte

    ...individuals, investors, and senior stakeholders, professional communication, reliability, and discretion are crucial. ________________________________________ Key Responsibilities ? Podcast & Content Management • Manage guest bookings (scheduling, follow-ups, collecting materials) • Support episode preparation (research, transcripts, content summaries) ? Event & Travel Coordination • Assist with event planning & logistics (speaker coordination, scheduling, agendas) • Research & book travel (flights, accommodation, logistics) • Maintain guest lists & follow-ups ? Strategic Research & Data Management • Conduct targeted research (e.g., industry insights, investor databases) • Organize and maintain spreadsheets, databa...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    35 oferte
    Messaging Automation Tool Development
    5 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a developer who can create a tool that fully automates messaging on specific ...Trigger-based automated messaging - Duplicate message detection - Autopilot operation post-setup - Key detection for appropriate messaging - Smart scheduling for optimal message timing - Optional: AI-powered responses for dynamic conversations - User behavior tracking for system adaptation This tool will mainly handle messaging automation, with interactions spanning customer support inquiries, sales follow-ups, and general information requests. The ideal candidate for this project would be proficient in: - Software development and integration - AI and machine learning - Natural language processing Experience with creating similar tools will be highly regarded. Looking forward to ...

    $141 Average bid
    $141 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    ...with handling shipments and deliveries. This is a remote task-based opportunity ideal for those who are organized, trustworthy, and efficient. Responsibilities: Receive, store, and coordinate small equipment shipments (weighing less than 3 kg). Ship items using UPS or FedEx, ensuring timely and accurate delivery. Provide a safe and secure place for mail and equipment storage, especially for clients on vacation. Requirements: Must be a resident of the United States. Ability to manage tasks independently and with reliability. Access to UPS or FedEx for shipping purposes. Availability to store and handle small equipment shipments temporarily. Budget: $200–$500 per task, depending on location, urgency, and availability. If you are looking for a flexible, remote task-ba...

    $451 Average bid
    $451 Oferta medie
    21 oferte
    Rock/Metal Vocal Lessons Promo Video
    5 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a talented freelancer to create a compelling advertisement video for my Meta Ads campaign. ...engaging advertisement videos, particularly in the music or education sector. - A deep understanding of the aesthetics and mood of rock and metal music. - Proficiency in English to ensure accurate understanding and execution of the project requirements. - Ability to create captivating visual content that instills a sense of trustworthiness in viewers. The primary goal of this video is to increase sign-ups for my vocal lessons. We will discuss which elements to include in the video. Ideal candidates will have a creative mindset, technical skills in video editing and production, and a passion for rock and metal music. Please submit your portfolio showcasing relevant pre...

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Oferta medie
    57 oferte

    i need an A.I bot created for my online product search business, needs to -monitor an email address, reply to email, with later follow ups. -do a worldwide search for the best price and delivery times/options. -email findings to customer. -once payment received, bot orders the product and ensure delivery with full tracking and constant communitive updates. Option also for once product sourced and payment confirmed i can be tasked by bot to manually do the actual purchase under instruction of bot. the bots name needs to be Aurora Sinclair. Aurora Sinclair - WeFind Personal Shopping Specialist Profile: • AI-powered personal shopping specialist for SJP Industries • Provides 2-hour response time guarantee • Conducts global product and price searches • Offers free...

    $1932 Average bid
    $1932 Oferta medie
    39 oferte

    ...Tasks for Business Analyst: ✔ Refine our high-level system architecture diagram. ✔ Complete API integration documentation (authentication, data limitations, compliance). ✔ Define security standards (OAuth 2.0, AES-256 encryption, PDPL & GDPR compliance). ✔ Outline performance, scalability, and DevOps strategy. 4️⃣ UI/UX Design Documentation - Purpose: Define the user experience and visual guidelines. - Tasks for Business Analyst: ✔ Work with UI/UX designers to create wireframes and user flow diagrams. ✔ Develop a basic style guide for branding consistency. 5️⃣ Database & Data Model Documentation ? Purpose: Define the data structure and relationships. ? Tasks for Business Analyst: ✔ Create an ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagram) for database relationships. ✔ Define d...

    $1124 Average bid
    $1124 Oferta medie
    25 oferte

    I'm looking to get a game-topup ...from an admin dashboard myself. I have references for this project. Key Features: - The website should support mobile and PC games for top-up. - It should offer payment methods including Credit/Debit Card and Paynow/Paylah. - The design should be minimalist and clean. - The website should allow users to create and manage accounts. - The system should send email notifications for successful top-ups. - Users should be able to view their top-up order history. - Integrating discount coupons for promotional offers can increase user engagement. - Implementing a live chat feature for customer support. Ideal Skills: - Experience in e-commerce website development. - Familiarity with API integration for games. - Strong understanding of minimalist des...

    $332 Average bid
    $332 Oferta medie
    94 oferte