Indoor air quality testing standardsproiecte


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    2,000 indoor air quality testing standards proiecte găsite
    Testing zoom calling
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    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    testing new project
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    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this new Android version. Finally, we aim to publish the app on the Google Play Store after completing the update process, ensuring it is available for download by a broader audience. This update is crucial not only for current users who have transitioned to Android 14 but also for new users who will be operating on this platform. As t...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Angajam automatist sau echipa de 2-3 automatisti pentru proiecte de automatizare care controleaza sisteme de conveioare. SCHNEIDER in principal sau SIEMENS. Oferim intre 1000 Euro si 20000 Euro in functie de complexitatea si dimensiunea proiectului, precum si de tipurile de sarcini indeplinite: : PROIECTARE: solutie (layout electric), proiectare scheme monofilar, scheme electrice, tablouri electrice, EXECUTIE: tablouri, cablare pe solutia mecanica si legaturi in vederea testarii PROGRAMARE: software PLC, HMI, SCADA etc MANUALE DE OPERARE TESTARE de tip FAT: running and testing la fabrica producator COMMISSIONING si PIF la sediul clientului (Romania, Spania, Franta, Grecia, Anglia, tari din Middle East, Africa, India, America de Sud). Pentru mai multe detalii va stam la d...

    $9094 Average bid
    $9094 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Project for Arpit A.
    S-a încheiat left

    ...Putem discuta detaliile pe chat. 1 50 5 days complete design of admin and agent panel 2 300 7 days admintagentlogin, product/supplier/employee add/edit/delete/stock/, agents will see prod PO, Chat, order form, order confirmation, sales process, sms gateway 4 100 5 days I nvoice, barcode generation,adding and remove the products by scanning barcodes, convert to Romania language 5 150 2 days Testing and live Total 600 28 days ...

    $600 - $600
    $600 - $600
    0 oferte
    Creează un Logo
    S-a încheiat left

    We are a company of memorable activities, unique events in nature, both b2b and b2c. See our activity on With the changes brought by Covid 19 in the field of outdoor activities, it would turn our attention to indoor activities in online. We want to launch a motion platform called SmartRaces. It will offer virtual races for sale, the completion of the races being rewarded with a real medal. Similar project example: What do we need? SmartRaces project logo Colors: black + orange / white + orange - Code orange: # f7941d, rgb (247,148,29) Logo type: Icon + name / icon with name integrated in the design / icon from the initials S R Elements that we would include in the design: globe / moving person / running shoe sole, other elements that induce the

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Oferta medie
    31 oferte

    Editare video pentru un vlog culinar. Practic o filmare contine o sesiune de gatit indoor sau outdoor care dureaza de la 20-30 minute. Dupa editare, imagine si sunet as vrea sa aiba intre 7 si 15 minute.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Salut, Tocmai ti-am citit profilul si mi-am dat seama ca esti exact ce am nevoie. Am nevoie de un script pt penetration testing e pt un proiect de scoala... Nu stiu daca esti dispus sa ma ajuti, macar niste informatii cam ce ar putea contine un pen test automatizat? Nu vreau ceva greu ca trebuie sa ii fac si prezentarea Multumesc pentru timpul acordat

    $118 Average bid
    $118 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Bună, Top Quality Experts. Ți-am remarcat profilul și vreau să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I need a Romanian developer who can help me with some tasks. Knowledge of Romanian language is mandatory. Am nevoie de ajutor in rezolvare a 4 lucrari de laborator la disciplina "Testarea produselor software" (vezi linkul cu documentul atasat). Budget: $50 Deadline: 18.05.19 (pina simbata seara) Eu voi lasa 5-star feedback detaliat pentru un lucru calitativ.

    $77 Average bid
    $77 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Firma export vin Europa si America. caracteristici logo: Transylvania ,Calitate,Vin

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Oferta medie
    27 oferte

    Hello everyone, I need a plugin for Woocomerce, to syncronize my products with romanian marketplace eMag. They have a recomended plugin, but i don't know how to configure, also developer not answer to my email, to help me, so i want a person who can do that, a new plugin or configure the actual one. I pay just AFTER i see some result, i am boring to pay just for testing, if you are really professional and you sure that you can help me, i wait to aply to my project. Thank you! Salut, Sunt in cautare de un freelancer care poate creea un plugin de sincronizare a produselor mele dintr-un magazin online pe platforma Woocommerce cu marketplace-ul eMag. Emag are un plugin recomandat dar nu reusesc sa il configurez corect iar developer-ul nu oferta suport, nici platit (am incercat...

    $132 Average bid
    $132 Oferta medie
    6 oferte
    Testing Pixelmania
    S-a încheiat left

    Cum functioneaza: - reclamele trebuie sa apara la fiecare intrare in app si la tap pe butonul back - cand termini de colorat o poza, trebuie sa apara o animatie cu progresul si 3 butoane: share, rate, more apps - acelasi lucru tre sa se intample si la apasarea pe share (dreapta sus) - ca sa pictezi mai repede o ilustratie poti sa faci tap & hold: se blocheaza scrollul si ar trebui sa poti sa pictezi cu drag (nu punct cu punct). Ce ar mai trebui testat: - tablete mari, mici, telefoane mari, mici. Ar trebui sa functioneze la fel scrollul, zoomul, pictatul etc indiferent de dimensiunea device-ului. In realitate insa cred ca sunt diferente. - cat mai multe versiuni de Android. Suportam incepand cu 4.3. In special pe versiunea 8 e posibil sa fie crashuri. - de testat cu pen - am citit ...

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Extensia de chrome trebuie sa fie 3 in 1si sa ofere aceleasi informatii cum, cu toate task-urile lor: a. JS varianta PRO sau AMZScout () b. DS Amazon Quick View, varianta Extended(https://chrom...nicdahjemapkniikeh) Am nevoie de 6 luni te desting si support dupa ce este gata extensia. Vreau sa conectezi extensia la website, deoarece vreau sa le ofer oamenilor care se inscriu aceasta extensie gratuit. Vreau un site de prezentare si vreau si inscrierea pe google market (pentru extensie) Modalitate de plate cu cardul prin Mobilpay, in engleza Timp de lucru 3-4 luni + 6 luni testing si support Mai multe detalii despre proiect o sa ofer celuia pe care o sa il aleg pentru proiect.

    $2293 Average bid
    $2293 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    Am nevoie de o persoana ce poate face acest proiect despre indoor trebuie sa contina atat o parte teoretica,cat si una practica.

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Cautam programatori, ROMANI, cu o engleza buna, experienta solida (preferabil senior), care sa lucreze de acasa sau la sediul nostru daca sunt dispusi sa se relocheze in Timisoara, FULL TIME, pe partea de JAVA Web, pentru un proiect ce ar putea sa dureze intre 6 luni - 8 luni. Exista posibilitatea de angajare pe firma din Ro...developers si 1 Java tester. Avem disponibile 3 poziti de Senior Java developeri si un tester pe fiecare echipa. Mai jos cerintele pentru aceste pozitii: • -AngularJS 1.5 or higher (no Beta) • -Jasmine • -Spring-Boot • -TestNg • -Maven • -Spring MVC (to use web services for AngularJS, not the full MVC) • -Spring Security • -Spring Session • -Spring Data JPA • -Java 1.8 • -Testing...

    $503 Average bid
    $503 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Despre Job: Vei lucra pentru un startup international intr-o echipa de 4 romani pentru a lansa un web-app care va fi folosit de o multitudine de oameni. Mai multe detalii vor fi oferite in timpul interviului pe skype. Ce oferim: Contract de 6 saptamani cu posibilitatea de prelungire. Salar competitiv. Munca va fi la distanta, 8 ore pe zi, iar programul ti-l faci cum vrei. Cerinte: ...Node js, React, Ember js, Backbone sau similare). Stii cum sa scrii codul sa functioneze pe toate browserele principale folosind OOP. Engleza nivel mediu (vorbit). Stapanesti HTML si CSS. Te descurci sa inveti lucruri noi si sa rezolvi probleme singur. Poti sa rezolvi taskurile la timp chiar si atunci cand deadline-ul este aproape. Constituie un plus: PHP Google Maps api Linux Git T...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'I need Quality Manual Backlinks'

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Am folosit un scraper pentru a importa produse de pe intr-un magazin facut pe platforma opencart. Am nevoie de cineva sa editeze produsele direct in baza de date, sa scoata anumite cuvinte din descriere.. (Exemplu de fraze ce trebuie scoase: For our full range of Mens Indoor Football Trainers visit SportsDirect; For our full range of Athletics visit SportsDirect; For our full range of Mens Shorts visit SportsDirect; For our full range of Mens Golf Tops visit SportsDirect) Product code: 263239

    $66 Average bid
    $66 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Am folosit un scraper pentru a importa produse de pe intr-un magazin facut pe platforma opencart. Am nevoie de cineva sa editeze produsele direct in baza de date, sa scoata anumite cuvinte din descriere.. (Exemplu de fraze ce trebuie scoase: For our full range of Mens Indoor Football Trainers visit SportsDirect; For our full range of Athletics visit SportsDirect; For our full range of Mens Shorts visit SportsDirect; For our full range of Mens Golf Tops visit SportsDirect) Product code: 263239

    $63 Average bid
    $63 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Game Developer
    S-a încheiat left

    • Actionscript 3, Flash, AIR, OOP, FLEX, JAVASCRIPT ; • Experience in game developement ; FLASH and HTML5;

    $675 Average bid
    $675 Oferta medie
    6 oferte
    SEO site Blue Air
    S-a încheiat left

    Atunci cand se da un search pe de genul “zbor Bucuresti-Londra” (valabil pentru toate destinatiile Blue Air) sa apara site-ul Blue Air pe prima pagina de rezultate (search organic).

    $414 Average bid
    $414 Oferta medie
    15 oferte
    Test web portal
    S-a încheiat left

    Construirea unei platforme web de testing monitorizare surse deschise si analize de specialitate din surse deschise. Seriozitate, calitate si operativitate.

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    I'm looking for a skilled front-end developer to build a portfolio website from scratch. The site will primarily include an 'About Me' section, and I am open to your suggestions for other potential key sections. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Experience with responsive web design - Understanding of UX/UI principles - Knowledge of SEO best practices Experience:...'About Me' section, and I am open to your suggestions for other potential key sections. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Experience with responsive web design - Understanding of UX/UI principles - Knowledge of SEO best practices Experience: - Previous portfolio site development is a plus - Proven track record of front-end development - Familiarity ...

    $390 Average bid
    $390 Oferta medie
    51 oferte

    Description: I am looking for a skilled and experienced chemist with expertise in laboratory work, particularly in inorganic chemistry, to assist with my science project. The project involves c...should have prior experience in academic or industrial chemistry, particularly in reaction formulation and product synthesis. Please provide details of your previous projects, especially any work involving inorganic reactions or product development. This project is crucial for my science research, and I am looking for someone who can deliver accurate, reliable results while adhering to high standards of safety and precision. If you meet these qualifications and are interested in collaborating on this scientific project, please submit your proposal, including relevant experience and quali...

    $7 - $17
    $7 - $17
    0 oferte

    My Joomla website, primarily a Blog/News platform, needs an upgrade from 3.x to 5.x. There are no custom extensions or plugins to worry about, and I want to keep the current design and layout. Ideal Skills: - Deep understanding of Joomla, specifically versions 3.x and 5.x - Experience in upgrading Joomla sites - Excellent attention to detail to worry about, and I want to keep the current design and layout. Ideal Skills: - Deep understanding of Joomla, specifically versions 3.x and 5.x - Experience in upgrading Joomla sites - Excellent attention to detail to maintain the current design Please note, the job entails: - Upgrading the site to the latest Joomla version - Ensuring the design and layout remain unchanged post upgrade - Testing the site thoroughly post upgrade for ...

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Oferta medie
    39 oferte

    ... etc.). ✅ Monitor campaign performance (bounce rate, open rate, click-through rate) and provide insights. ✅ A/B testing to improve campaign performance and engagement. ✅ Provide a detailed report on campaign performance and future recommendations. Requirements: ✔ Proven experience in email marketing and deliverability best practices ✔ Expertise in setting up bulk email systems with services like Amazon SES, Mailgun, Brevo, or similar ✔ Strong knowledge of SPF, DKIM, DMARC configuration to improve deliverability ✔ Understanding of IP warm-up strategies and how to avoid blacklisting ✔ Experience in handling large-scale email lists (500K+ subscribers) ✔ Proficiency in A/B testing, segmentation, and automation ✔ Ability to provide ongoing monitoring and optimization ✔ Strong...

    $290 Average bid
    $290 Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    I need an expert who can help me improve the content quality of my website, , in order to get approval from Google AdSense. Key Responsibilities: - Assess the current content on my website and identify areas that do not adhere to AdSense guidelines. - Provide recommendations on how to improve content quality to meet AdSense standards. - Assist with the application process for AdSense approval. Ideal Skills: - Deep understanding of Google AdSense guidelines and policies. - Proven track record of helping websites gain AdSense approval. - Excellent content assessment and improvement suggestions. - Familiarity with website content in the entertainment industry.

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I'm looking for a web developer who can design and implement an e-commerce site for my printing business. The site needs to facilitate online ordering for various products, including business cards, brochures, and posters. Key requirements: - E-commerce functiona...and posters. - Custom design tool: A crucial aspect of the project is the integration of a bespoke design tool. This will allow customers to create their own prints online. Ideal skills and experience: - E-commerce website development - Integration of custom design tools - Knowledge of printing industry standards would be a plus - UX/UI design skills The successful freelancer will be able to demonstrate a portfolio of similar projects and have a proven track record in delivering high-quality, user-friendl...

    $513 Average bid
    $513 Oferta medie
    125 oferte

    I'm in need of a skilled developer proficient in Flutterflow to create a mobile utility application for both iOS and Android. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Flutterflow for mobile application development - Proven experience in designing utility/tool apps - Cross-platform development skills (i...create a mobile utility application for both iOS and Android. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Flutterflow for mobile application development - Proven experience in designing utility/tool apps - Cross-platform development skills (iOS and Android) - Strong understanding of mobile UX/UI principles Your role will be to transform my vision into a functional, user-friendly utility app that meets the standards of both the iOS and Android platforms. Please provide examples of previous wo...

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Oferta medie
    26 oferte
    Commercial Revit File Creation
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in Revit to build a comprehensive Revit file for a commercial building. The Revit file should primarily focus on architectural design elements. Key requirements: - The Revit file must be compliant with local building codes - this is a non-negotiable aspect of the project. - A st...non-negotiable aspect of the project. - A strong understanding and experience in architectural design is essential. - Proficiency in Revit is a must. Ideal candidates will have a deep understanding of the intricacies of commercial architectural design, with a proven track record of creating Revit files that meet stringent local building codes. Your attention to detail and ability to adhere to these standards will be crucial to the success o...

    $136 Average bid
    $136 Oferta medie
    29 oferte

    I'm in need of a talented medical writer with extensive experience in crafting Phase I clinical trial reports. Your role will involve transforming complex data and findings into clear, concise, and scientifically rigorous documents. Key Responsibilities: - Interpret and write up Phase I clinical trial data - Ensure adherence to scientific and regulatory standards - Collaborate with our research team to understand trial outcomes Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in medical writing, specifically with clinical trial reports - Strong understanding of Phase I clinical trial processes - Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal - Ability to translate complex medical data into approachable language

    $429 Average bid
    $429 Oferta medie
    23 oferte
    Google Form Creation & Data Analysis
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...analysis. - Implementation of conditional logic to adapt form questions based on responses. - Setting up automatic syncing of form data with Google Sheets. - Thorough testing of the created Google Form or Web form for functionality and errors. - Setup of custom notifications or alerts based on specific form submissions. - Incorporation of user authentication to ensure data security. - Ensuring the form is responsive and works well on different devices. - Providing user training materials or a brief tutorial on how to use the form. - Ensuring the form is accessible to people with disabilities in compliance with relevant standards. - Establishing a system for regular backups of the data collected. The data collected will be used for: - Reporting and visualization - Data v...

    $2100 Average bid
    $2100 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    UPDATE 1: We work in fresh, frozen and dried fruits and vegetables. As well as Fruit pulses. Please include them in your designs. I need a modern and sleek social media post designed for LinkedIn, announcing Samaha & Saleh Exporting Company (SSE) presence at Gulfood, taking place from 17-21 February. The post should incorporate the provided logos and effectively convey our presence at the event. Ideal skills and experience include: - Graphic design - Social media marketing - Understanding of LinkedIn's platform and audience Please ensure the design reflects a modern and sleek aesthetic, in line with the company's image. The post should be ready for immediate use on LinkedIn. The best freelancer will be assigned more complex work in creating a company profile, catalogu...

    $20 Average bid

    I'm in need of a version for market testing. Key Features: - A comprehensive product catalog, complete with a search function to help users easily find what they're looking for. - Integration of a secure online payment system, as transactions will be a crucial part of the app's functionality. User Registration: - All users should be able to register via email or mobile number. In addition to the above, the ideal freelancer for this project should have a solid background in app development, specifically for the Android platform. Experience in creating e-commerce applications will be a significant advantage. Understanding of no-code platforms will also be beneficial. Your bid should reflect your ability to deliver a functional, user-friendly app that can be...

    $358 Average bid
    $358 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    ...product manager, order manager). **Payment Integration and Security:** - Integrate a secure payment gateway (such as Stripe, PayPal, eSewa, mobile banking) for processing transactions. **Scalability and Performance Optimization:** - Ensure the application supports at least 1,000 concurrent users and maintains fast page load times (ideally within 3 seconds). **Testing and Quality Assurance:** - Conduct thorough testing (both automated and manual) covering functional, security, and performance aspects. **Documentation and Deployment:** - Provide user and technical documentation (including API documentation and setup instructions). - Deploy the web application on a cloud hosting platform. --- ### 5. Functional Requirements Focus on the "Must Have&qu...

    $1095 Average bid
    $1095 Oferta medie
    37 oferte
    Trophy icon Need to Publish an eBook Online
    29 zi left

    I'm looking for an experi...Publishing the eBook on popular platforms like Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play Books. - Ensuring the eBook meets all the necessary standards for online publication. I already have an eBook cover, so this project does not include cover design. Above is link to ebook Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in eBook publishing. - Proficiency in converting PDF files into different eBook formats. - Familiarity with major eBook publishing platforms. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure the eBook meets all necessary standards. Link to ebook above

    $17 Average bid

    I'm seeking a skilled engineer or contractor to create a comprehensive repair plan for a foot ...contractor to create a comprehensive repair plan for a foot bridge. Key Requirements: - Diagnose and outline a strategy for addressing damage to the support beams and corrosion of metal components. - Deliver a plan that ensures the bridge meets all necessary safety standards and can withstand future wear and tear. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in structural engineering or similar field. - Proven track record of developing effective repair strategies for similar structures. - Strong understanding of safety regulations and standards. Please note, the damage is moderate, so a thorough and careful approach is required. Your expertise will ensure the longevity and safet...

    $439 Average bid
    $439 Oferta medie
    40 oferte

    I am in need of an experienced automation tester who primarily uses Python. The main focus of this project will be web automation tasks using Selenium. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python, especially in the context of web automation - Extensive exper...using Selenium. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python, especially in the context of web automation - Extensive experience with Selenium - Familiarity with C#, PowerShell, and SpecFlow would be a plus - Experience using Visual Studio and SpecFlow for automation testing - Knowledge of various web browsers, although specific browser testing was not mentioned, familiarity with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge is beneficial The ideal freelancer would be able to handle the automation tasks seamlessly and provide a comprehensive...

    $207 Average bid
    $207 Oferta medie
    31 oferte

    I am seeking a professional fundraiser who can ethicall...Energy Creation Initiative". Payment will be performance-based, with $500 awarded for successful fundraising within two weeks. I am particularly interested in: - Using any ethical strategies to promote the campaign, with a focus on highlighting its community impact. - Utilizing various platforms, predominantly Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, but with a commitment to maintaining high ethical standards. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in fundraising and social media marketing, with a proven track record of driving successful GoFundMe campaigns. Excellent communication skills and a strong network of potential donors are essential. Please note, if the target is not reached, no paymen...

    $407 Average bid
    $407 Oferta medie
    15 oferte
    Project Manager
    6 zile left

    ...concerns.- Manage client expectations by ensuring a clear understanding of project scope and timelines. -Conduct thorough quality checks to ensure websites meet design, functionality, and performance standards. -Coordinate user testing and gather feedback for necessary improvements before launch. -Identify potential project risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate their impact. -Proactively address issues during the project to prevent escalation. -Maintain comprehensive project documentation, including plans, schedules, meeting notes, and client communications. -Ensure all documentation is organized and accessible for future reference. -Conduct Cinal reviews and user testing to ensure websites meet all requirements. -Coordinate website launch and manag...

    $264 Average bid
    $264 Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    ...concerns.- Manage client expectations by ensuring a clear understanding of project scope and timelines. Conduct thorough quality checks to ensure websites meet design, functionality, and performance standards. -Coordinate user testing and gather feedback for necessary improvements before launch. -Identify potential project risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate their impact. -Proactively address issues during the project to prevent escalation. Maintain comprehensive project documentation, including plans, schedules, meeting notes, and client communications. -Ensure all documentation is organized and accessible for future reference Conduct Cinal reviews and user testing to ensure websites meet all requirements. -Coordinate website launch and manage po...

    $267 Average bid
    $267 Oferta medie
    15 oferte
    Commercial Architect Needed
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...they meet both aesthetic and functional requirements. With a strong focus on sustainability and compliance, you will play a key role in delivering high-quality, efficient, and innovative building solutions. Key Responsibilities: Develop concept designs, technical drawings, and specifications for various projects. Work closely with clients to understand their requirements and translate them into creative and functional architectural solutions. Coordinate with engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders to ensure seamless project execution. Ensure designs comply with UK building regulations, planning policies, and sustainability standards. Conduct feasibility studies, site inspections, and project assessments. Use industry-standard software such as AutoCAD, Revit, Sketch...

    $2311 Average bid
    $2311 Oferta medie
    50 oferte

    I need a highly detailed 3D model of a classic car. This model will be used in a video game, so it needs to be optimized for performance without sacrificing detail. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive experience in 3D modeling, particularly for video games - A deep understanding of classic car design - Ability to create high-quality, detailed models - Experience with game engine integration and optimization - Strong understanding of maintaining detail while optimizing for performance

    $239 Average bid
    $239 Oferta medie
    52 oferte
    Building Service Mechanical engineer
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...contribute to energy-efficient, sustainable, and compliant building solutions that enhance occupant comfort and operational performance. Key Responsibilities: Design and develop mechanical building services systems, including HVAC, plumbing, heating, and ventilation. Conduct feasibility studies, energy assessments, and decarbonisation strategies. Ensure compliance with building regulations, industry standards, and sustainability goals. Work closely with architects, structural engineers, and other stakeholders to integrate mechanical systems seamlessly. Provide technical support during installation, commissioning, and maintenance phases. Use industry-standard software such as AutoCAD, Revit, IES, or similar for system design and simulations. Identify innovative solutions to impro...

    $1186 Average bid
    $1186 Oferta medie
    32 oferte posts and replies. The project should be completed within 3-4 weeks. Include advanced moderation features such as post approval workflows, user bans, and report handling. Prioritize implementing post approval workflows. Preference is to build a new forum system rather than modify the existing one. A new design for the forum needs to be created to ensure it aligns with our updated UI/UX standards....

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    My Flutter app requires urgent attention. I'm encountering SDK-related issues flagged by the Google Play Store. Specifically, I need: - A complete declaration for the foreground service permission. The app primarily uses this for location services. - An update to the Banuba Flutter Video SDK, currently at version 2.x, to resolve these issues. Ideal candidates for ...successful app submission. The project needs to be completed within one week. Please ensure detailed logging is enabled for all changes and fixes implemented. Please ensure the Banuba Flutter Video SDK is updated to the latest stable version. Only update the SDK without adding any new features. Make sure to update the Banuba Flutter Video SDK to the latest stable version. Please conduct basic testing before subm...

    $40 Average bid
    $40 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Django API Unit Test Development
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm in need of a skilled Python/Django developer to write unit tests for my API service. The tests will need to cover various aspects of the service, ensuring each component functions as intended. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Python and Django - Prior experience with API service development - Strong understanding of unit testing principles and practices - Ability to write clear, efficient, and effective test scripts. We also have external RPC calls that are made that need to be mocked too

    $364 Average bid
    $364 Oferta medie
    63 oferte 2)Basic Chat System: One-to-one messaging. Real-time notifications for messages. Option to block/report users. Should be able to send images / attachments via the chat 3)Payment Integration: Secure integration with payment gateway (Stripe, PayPal, etc) Support for multiple currencies Display currency conversions Transaction history for each user Compliance with payment security standards (PCI DSS) 4) Hosting and Support: Full end-to-end support required including setup of web and data hosting. Database management Server configuration and optimization for performance and security. 5) Additional Features: Push notifications for both Android and Apple mobile platforms. User verification process to prevent spam accounts. Privacy settings for users. User must accept Te...

    $562 Average bid
    $562 Oferta medie
    74 oferte