How to password protect a folder macproiecte
...faca o aplicatie android tip to do list numita EUROBASGAZ, aceasta aplicatie o sa fie folosita de USER Master pentru a introduce comenzile primite de la clienti. Basuc user Master, Stefan, Alin, Ionut, Petrica si Cristi astia o sa fie useri normali. 1. Aplicatia va rula pe un server vps virgin ce trebuie configurat. 2. seteaza direct useri si parolele dupa cum urmeaza Basuc 8C@aractere Stefan nastas@ Alin mog@ Ionut b@diu Petrica c1rnu Cristi com@n 2. Din aplicatie se vor suna clienti cu Twilio. ‼️ userii normali nu trebuie sa vada numerele de telefon ale clientilor 3. la pornirea aplicatiei sa avem doua casute de introducere text , una pentru introducere Nume si folosita pentru a intorduce username si a doua numita Parola pentru a i...
Am nevoie de extragerea unor anumite date dintr-un fisier pdf si exportul intr-un excel. Daca urc un pdf intr-un folder trebuie extrase anumite date si importate in excel, daca apare ualt pdf, va fi extras la fel, daca modific un pdf existent date trebuie sa se modifice in excel
...termenelor ( minim 3 termene / proiect). Activitati planificate cu posibilitatea de a putea adauga si sterge activitati, de a seta un termen limita si un responsabil ( o mica agenda). Totusi, partea cu termenele nu este esentiala . 2. Introducere contract : Beneficiar, Nr., Data , Tipul de client ( public/ privat), tip contract ( active sau finalizat), Valoarea, data la care se preconizeaza incasarea ( pot fi mai multe transe de plata ) - Contractul se finalizeaza ori cand punem noi o bifa undeva, ori automat cand s-a platit integral - Trebuie sa existe posibilitatea sa se introduca, cat s-a platit din contract si sa se poate genera o situatie cu : incasat, rest de plata, si un cashflow pe luni cu data la care s-a incasat si cand se estimeaza in...
Studiu de caz - Aplicatie Web- Programare consultatii medicale. - Avantajele utilizarii bazei de date serverless Firestore - Nosql in dezvoltarea aplicatiilor moderne SPA - limbaje si tehnologii utilizate : librarie React, javascript, html css - utilizarea aplicatiei: Modul de autentificare utilizator: cu multiple conturi de gmail, facebook, password Pagina de prezentare servicii ale medicului de familie Formular de inregistrare consultatie la medicul de familie Modul de administrare cu user role - formular de prescriere retete eliberata de medicului de familie
Studiu de caz - Aplicatie Web- Programare consultatii medicale. - Avantajele utilizarii bazei de date serverless Firestore - Nosql in dezvoltarea aplicatiilor moderne SPA - limbaje si tehnologii utilizate : librarie React, javascript, html css - utilizarea aplicatiei: Modul de autentificare utilizator: cu multiple conturi de gmail, facebook, password Pagina de prezentare servicii ale medicului de familie Formular de inregistrare consultatie la medicul de familie Modul de administrare cu user role - formular de prescriere retete eliberata de medicului de familie
Salut, as avea nevoie de un (poate sa foloseasca librari open source) care odata accesat se conecteaza cu user si parola la un cont de mail si: 1) downloadeaza/salveaza pe server fisierele atasate mailurilor doar din inbox. 2) multa mailurile intr-un folder de mail (procesate) In cazul in care nu reuseste salvarea atasamentelor sa trimita reply cu un mesaj"nu am reusit sa salvez atasamentul" dar daca atasamentul este vizibil este obligatoriu sa le salveze. am reusit si eu sa salvez asamentele la unele mailuri, dar la unele nu imi explic de ce nu le salveaza. poate sa fie vorba ca e forwardat intr-un anumit fel sau sa fie ceva cu fisierul atasat desi in mail se vede corect. In cazul in care nu are atasamente il muta in "procesate" fara sa salveze nimic
Am un laptop Mac book Pro cu Windows 10 instalat pe partiția de BootCamp, Windows 10 pe care vreau să-l import și în aplicația Parallels care este instalată pe Mac, pentru a-l putea folosi atât din Parallels cat și din BootCamp. Nu am reușit importul pentru că partiția de BootCamp nu apare disponibilă in MAC OS si astfel Parallels nu o vede...
Doresc centralizarea datelor de de la aceeleasi adrese dar din fisiere diferite (devize de lucrari) aflate in acelasi folder, intr-un table excel. Doresc ca in ,momentul introducerii unui nou deviz in acel folder raportul sa preia si datele din noul deviz.
Articole si produse la fel ca cel din attach. Se traduce descrierea, se salveaza pozele, fisele tehnice si brosura produsului intr-un singur folder. Mai multe detalii pe mail sau la telefon.
Salut, schimbam tema la o platforma de elearning si avem nevoie de un expert UX care sa realizeze niste mockupuri cu noua tema achizitionata de noi, integrata cu functionalitatile platformei. Simte-te liber sa vii cu propuneri de eficientizare ale paginilor existente din perspectiva UX. Munca ta va fi folosita de front end devs. Vrem o atentie crescuta in zona de editor cursuri. Aceas...integrata cu functionalitatile platformei. Simte-te liber sa vii cu propuneri de eficientizare ale paginilor existente din perspectiva UX. Munca ta va fi folosita de front end devs. Vrem o atentie crescuta in zona de editor cursuri. Aceasta este tema noua: Platforma o gasesti la: credentiale: Username: student Password: password
Am nevoie de un script, care sa imi adauge in photoshop, pe un sablon o imagine apoi sa salveze , si tot asa la infinit cu toate pozele din folder. Specific ca fiecare poza o sa aibe rezolutie diferita, si ca vreau sa aibe o anumite inaltime maxima. Ma intereseaza doar romani.
Doresc o aplicatie in C# care gestioneaza fisiere video din mai multe foldere cu posibilitatea de a le programa durata de rulare pentru fiecare folder. Detalii pe chat.
Am nevoie de o persoana priceputa, care a mai lucrat la proiecte de genul si stie sa puna in lumina un produs, sa creeze ceva atractiv. # Avem nevoie de creative speciale pentru Black Friday, dupa cum urmeaza: (atat generale cat si adaptate la categorie, cu mesaje si imagini cu produse din categoria pe care o promoveaza) - top dimensiuni: 300x250 ; 336x280 ; 728x90 ; 970x250 ; 120x600 ; 160x600 ; 300x600 ; 200x200 ;250x250. Sunt foarte importante formatele mari 970x250 si 300x600. # Facebook Single Image Ads Dimensiune necesara : 1200x1200 px si 1080x1920 px ( pentru FB & Insta Story) # Facebook Carousel Ads Dimensiuni : Cate 5 imagini la dimensiunea : 1200x1200 px Exemplu : Ideal ar fi sa avem mai multe carouseluri grupate pe categorii de produse (cate un
Am o aplicatie in C# care gestioneaza fisiere video din mai multe foldere cu posibilitatea de a le programa durata de rulare pentru fiacare folder. Doresc o modificare.
din semințe și cereale 80g (floarea-soarelui, susan alb/negru,semințe de bostan,semințe și arahide etc) 2. Uleiuri presate la rece 250 ml (armurariu, in, cânepă, migdale, nuci, struguri, floarea-soarelui, susan, chia, mac etc) 0,5l de cereale 200g (cu cacao, fără zahăr, fără gluten etc) medicinale/alimentare ți 350-500g(cu glazură de ciocolată, fitness, cu umplutură etc) 7. Fructe și legume uscate 100-400g (prune, mere, măces, paducel,gutui, morcov, sfeclă etc) 8. Miere-gem 50-110g (mentă, zmeură, coacăză, cătină, ghimbir cu lămâie etc) 9. Fructe, pomușoare și condimente liofilizate 10-50g (merișoare, afine, zmeură,coacăze, usturoi, oregano, sfeclă, căpșuni etc) 10. Articole textile pentru bărbați/ femei/copii (rochii, bluze, costume, pijamale
Aplicatia este una ce usureaza fluxul pozelor din service, pentru agentiile de asigurare. Aceasta ar trebui sa lucreze in felul urmator : se logheaza pe aplicatie ii cere numarul de inmatriculare al masinii face pozele necesare sunt stocate pe un server, intr-un folder cu numele autoturismului cu poze poate fi accesat de ceilalti utilizatori doar de pe calculator
Am nevoie de un sistem de protectie a galeriilor foto. De ex: creez o galerie foto(folder) pe server pt un anumit user iar acesta poate accesa galeria numai pe baza de parola. Sistemul perfect pt mine ar fi:creare user(s)>setare parola->link catre galerie(link-ul sa fie protejat) Daca creare user se face in front end sau in phpAdmin,pt mine nu conteaza. fie simplist, nu necesita un design sofisticat, ci doar unul basic cat sa pot indeplini cerintele. am urmatoarele cai la dispoziție: o Prin cereri HTTP configurate (conform serviciului REST oferit de RDF4J) o Prin librării dedicate (precum EasyRDF din PHP) o Pentru Java, RDF4J oferă și un folder LIB cu fișiere .jar integrabile Cerinţe de pentru baza de grafuri: • Să includă atât instanțe cât și o terminologie (vocabular RDF) inventată de voi și construită cu RDF Schema • Ierarhia de clase a vocabularului să ofere cel puţin două utilizări ale relației rdfs:subClassOf între clase propuse de voi (inventate de voi sau preluate din ) • Ierarhia de proprietăți să ofere cel puțin două utilizări ale relației rdfs:subPropertyOf în...
Avem un template si 2 smart objects. Se doreste inlocuirea celor 2 smart object-uri cu imagini consecutive dintr-un folder (aprox 300 imagini). Dupa fiecare inlocuire a smart object-urilor cu o imagine din folder, documentul trebuie salvat cu extensia .pdf luand numele imaginii incarcate.
I want a project that contains visual identity design for the following : logo Business card Presentation folder personalized bill badge car design A4 and A5 envelopes I want that project to use colors that denote seriousness. The project to be done in Illustrator or Corel Draw The company is called FunIMOB and its field of activity , real estate Doresc un proiect de identitate vizuala care sa contina design pentru urmatoarele: Logo Carte de vizita Mapa de prezentare factura personalizata ecuson car design plicuri A4 si A5 Doresc ca in proiect sa se foloseasca culori care denota seriozitate. Proiectul sa fie realizat in Illustrator sau Corel Draw Firma se numeste FunIMOB si are ca domeniu de activitate, imobiliare
Doresc crearea unui site simplu care sa contina pagina de inregistrare si interfata user. Pagina de inregistrare sa contina (Add username/Password/Email/Country) Pagina interfata user sa contina un link de referal generat pentru acel user, cand cineva da click pe link-ul sau sa primeasca in timp real 0.05$. Sa mai contina un grafic si o statistica cu click-uri (din ce tara provin, de pe ce site provin si suma primita pe acel click adica 0.05) In stanga un meniu care sa contina (Dashboard, Account, Request payout).Plata sa poata fi primita la suma de 100$ si inainte de a putea primi plata sa apara un popup in care eu sa pun orice mesaj ce inchide popup sa poata adauga email de paypal si submit payout. Din admin panel sa pot trimite mesaje popup (care sa apara c...
As vrea sa fac o aplicatie(player de mp3) care porneste automat si canta random dintr-un folder atunci cand nu exista semnal audio din placa de sunet. Cand porneste audio pe browserul de internet, playerul da pauza si lasa prioritate de fiecare data cand apare semnal audio pe placa de sunet din browser. Software-ul am nevoie sa fie pentru linux
Am nevoie de un program care sa: - caute intr-un folder daca exista un fisier .xml nou si sa extraga informatii (Nume serviciu, Pret, TVA, Bacsis, etc...) din acel pe care sa le transmita mai departe programului caselor de marcat romanesti de la Datecs (FPrint) Programul de gestiune pe care il detin genereaza un fisier .xml cu toate informatiile unei note de plata dintr-un salon de coafura iar ideea este ca acele informatii sa fie preluate de un program si sa fie transmise mai departe aplicatiei FPRINT (aplicatia oficiala a caselor de marcat din Romania) iar in final sa iasa bonul fiscal imprimat cu informatiile extrase din fisierul .xml In print screen exista un mic exemplu din acest .xml
Detin un magazin online prestashop si am nevoie de o aplicatie ceva care sa importe produsele prin api. Detin biblioteca php de la furnizor, utilizator api, password cat si un feed json si xml ...La importul csv nu au link pentru imaginea produsului de aceea doresc api.
Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application
...Telefonul se inregistreaza prin 3 parametrii: Server Username Password (campurile username si password devin hash-uri si nu pot fi vazute in clar) Telefonul functioneaza atat pe protocolul SIP cat si pe IAX2. Telefonul poate deschide oricate linii in paralel. Eventual, fiecare linie noua deschisa, le trece pe celelalte pe Hold, in sensul ca se aude numai linia activa. Atunci cand se inchide o linie, din oricare motiv in afara de apasarea efectiva pe butonul Hang-up, telefonul incearca sa o redeschida la infinit (sau de un nr de ori care poate fi setat din meniu dar care poate fi si infinit). Mesajele de eroare sunt setabile din meniu (ex: lipsa conexiune internet, linie care nu se conecteaza dupa "n" incercari, fail to register, etc) ...
Se doreste implementarea unei aplicatii de oferte turistice de la Christian Tour. Datele se preiau prin apelul CURL. Un exemplu: Se apeleaza de forma cu parametrii: a. action = get_offers b. username = username c. password = password Username si password sunt primiti in prealabil pe email. Metoda va intoarce toate ofertele prezente in acel moment pe site-ul nostru. Recomandam folosirea ei de maxim 2 ori pe zi, pentru a evita load-ul mare pe server. Ex raspuns (1 item): {"id":"8","type":"circuit","departure_id":"4","departure_destination_id":"0","departure_destination_title":"","departure_destination_url":"","search_id&qu...
...modficari: 1. Pentru 2 produse din catalog sa se faca plata doar cu Paypal. Optam pentru varianta hardcoded cu rugamintea de a livra si o mica procedura care sa ne indrume cum sa facem noi modificarile pentru un eventual nou produs. In cazul in care in cos exista si produsele in speta de mai sus si alte produse atunci tot cosul se directioneaza catre PayPal. 2. a. Am descoperit de curand ca optiunea de reset password nu functioneaza - iti transmite token-ul si desi in introduci nu il ia in seama b. Ne dorim optiunea de login cu contul de facebook, twitter, etc - de stabilit exact care c. Avem un script care la un interval de 20 zile de la plasarea comenzii trimite un mesaj pentru a cere feedback. Am dori sa modificam acest interval si sa modificam putin me...
I'm looking for a password generator that creates passwords based on specific, repeating sequences. This project requires a strong understanding of coding and security principles to create a tool that is both functional and secure. The ideal freelancer will have experience in programming and password security.
I'm seeking a skilled FPGA developer with comprehensive knowledge in Verilog and Ethernet standards. The project involves implementing a 10 Gigabit Ethernet Physical Coding Sublayer/Physical Medium Attachment (PCS/PMA) and Media Access Control (MAC) in an Artix Ultrascale+ FPGA, utilizing SFP+ ports. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a Verilog module for basic data transmission via 10GbE. - Ensure compatibility with Artix Ultrascale+ FPGA. - Utilize Vivado for all simulations, testing and final implementation. Ideal Candidates: - Proficient in Verilog and FPGA design, particularly with Artix Ultrascale+ series. - Extensive experience with designing Ethernet PCS/PMA and MAC layers. - Familiar with Vivado and its simulation capabilities. -...
I've developed a faculty attendance app using PHP, React, XAMPP server, and MySQL. Currently, it allows only faculty to log in, view the timetables and courses they handle, see all the students in a course, and generate reports. I want to enhance this app by allowing students to log in as well. Key Requirements: - Implement a Student ID and password login system for students. - Enable students to view course materials and their attendance - Students should not have access to their attendance reports, only faculty can view detailed attendance reports. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP, React, XAMPP, and MySQL. - Experience in implementing secure login systems. - Knowledge in developing user interfaces for web applicatio...
I need a website to track customers from login until they receive a service. This site will be built on existing backend APIs and an API gateway, with the deployment of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Key Requirements: - The website should monitor customer data, including login details, service usage patterns, and demographic information. - A machine learning model integration is needed to predict defects in X-ray images during the service process. (ML already exist ) - Customer authentication will be via email and password. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development and API integration. - Extensive experience with Google Cloud Platform. - Strong knowledge and experience in integrating machine learning models. - Expertise in e...
I need an experienced Android developer to modify my existing "Simple Photo Emailer" app. Currently, the app uses a Gmail method for sending emails, but I want to switch this to SMTP with Authentication. Key modifications needed: - Users should be able to enter custom SMTP settings within the app's interface. The configurable items should include the SMTP Server, Port, and Username/Password. - The type of authentication for SMTP should be set to 'Login'. - The app should save the SMTP configuration locally for future use. I can provide the app's source code in a ZIP file.
...rtmpe rtmps-e hls http mpegts This system will include a cloud-based CMS installer, server connections, and automated installation processes, ensuring everything works smoothly. Key Features List: including the attachtmet file txt Example dashboard is not mine, It should like that i will give you dashboard template you design it Cloud-Based CMS Installer (vps server wille be used as cloud server) CMSID Creation with Admin & Password DNS Record Linking to CMS Cloud Server Installer for First-Time Server Configuration Support for 4 Migration Panel Options Database Import & Replacement for Migration Fresh Installation with Server Details (IP & DNS, Proxy Setup yes/no(reverse proxy)) Main Server & Load Balancer Connection Automatic Folder &...
I'm looking for a developer to create a social media application that helps me increase my followers and group members across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with the push of a button. The app should perform actions such as following users, joining groups, and liking posts. Key Features: - Target all major social media platforms - Automate actions to boost visibility and engagement - All-in-one user authentication system: Username and password, Social media login, Email verification Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in app development for social media - Experience with automation tools - Understanding of social media algorithms and growth strategies - Knowledge in creating secure and efficient user authentication systems.
Hey freelancers! I'm a musician looking for a skilled and creative video editor to transform raw reaction footage into engaging and polished video content. I have a collection of videos featuring YouTubers and Twitch streamers reacting to and reviewing my music. I need someone to bring this footage to life! Here's what I need: Editing and Syncing: Edit the reaction footage, syncing it perfectly with my music. Creative Compilations: Craft dynamic compilations showcasing different reactors enjoying and commenting on my tracks. Focus on positive feedback and highlight those awesome moments! Visual Enhancements: Add eye-catching special effects, text overlays, graphics, transitions, and any other visual elements you think will ...
**Design of Catering Services folder of Branded Print Materials for California Cookout Catering to provide to venue managers** ## Project Overview: California Cookout, a catering company specializing in weddings, corporate events, and social gatherings, is seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a cohesive set of print materials. These materials will be assembled into a branded folder and distributed to potential venue partners in the Upland, California area. The goal is to visually showcase our menus, testimonials, and company information in a way that reflects our brand’s quality, reliability, and professional flair. ## Deliverables: 1. **Folder Design:** - Front and back cover with...
I've developed a faculty attendance app using PHP, React, XAMPP server, and MySQL. Currently, it allows only faculty to log in, view the courses they handle, see all the students in a course, and generate reports. I want to enhance this app by allowing students to log in as well. Key Requirements: - Implement a Student ID and password login system for students. - Enable students to view course materials. - Students should not have access to their attendance reports, only faculty can view detailed attendance reports. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP, React, XAMPP, and MySQL. - Experience in implementing secure login systems. - Knowledge in developing user interfaces for web applications.
Project Overview We are seeking a skilled freelancer to develop a trading terminal that integrates with the Binance API and potentially other centralized exchanges (CEXs) to provide users with a robust platform for trading cryptocurrencies. The terminal should offer real-time data, order execution capabilities, portfolio management features, and a monetization strategy through fee structures. Objectives To create an intuitive and user-friendly trading terminal. To ensure seamless integration with the Binance API and other CEXs for liquidity. To implement security best practices to protect user data and transactions. To establish a fee structure for monetizing the platform. Key Features 1. Us...
I'm looking to develop an application that replicates features from existing short-term car insurance apps like Cuvva, Veygo, or Tempcover. The app should be available on both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Short-term car insurance functionality - User authentication via Email and password, and Biometric methods (fingerprint/face recognition) Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in mobile app development (iOS and Android) - Proven track record in developing insurance-related applications - Expertise in implementing secure user authentication methods Your bid should reflect your understanding of the requirements and your ability to deliver a high-quality, secure, and user-friendly application.
Scope of Work: User Registration and Login: Simple email/password authentication. Dashboard: Display a list of saved applications with edit/delete options. Form Builder: Simple multi-step form with hardcoded sections: Personal Information. Work Experience (optional toggle). Export to PDF: Generate a basic PDF of the completed form. Backend: Use a lightweight database (e.g., Firebase or SQLite). Deliverables: Functional MVP with the features described. Deployed application on a free-tier hosting platform Clean and well-documented code
I'm looking for an AppleScript expert who can help me automate the printing of a PDF document from my local storage. The project involves writing a script that will send the document to my printer when executed. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AppleScript - Experience with automating print commands - Familiarity with Mac OS Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm in need of a Shopify expert to help me with some basic updates to my site. I am looking for someone who can make a series of small changes. I have saved the first set of changes on here: On these three pages, you will find 9 reasonably simple requested changes. You can visit the website at , and use the password "BENbenBENben" to enter. I am using the Concept theme by RoarTheme. Once these changes have been completed, I will share another list of changes for an extra fee. Please provide a portfolio of your previous Shopify design work, and please find a creative way to let me know you've reviewed all of the requirements.
I have a few videos that I need someone to piece together of a presentation that was done. The new video will be 3-5 minutes. The video files are quite large (2.35 GB each), so I would need a folder I can put them in to get them to you. I am unable to transfer them with my dropbox account, as they are too large. I would like a short intro to be added, maybe some transitions between them, and an end slide with our information on it. This is the description you will be getting to put the video together: (Video 1 STriaght) Intro 1:03-1:34 (Video 1 Straight) ST summary 2:03-2:17 (Video 1 Straight) Googles rule 2:19-3:50 (Video 1 Straight) Dawn websites 4:30-4:36 (Video 2 R Side) 5:25-5:40, (Video 2 R Side) ...
I'm looking for a web-based application that allows users to create and manage standardized, reusable application forms. The platform should enable users to input their data once, customize sections for different purposes (e.g., job applications, college admissions), and export the completed forms in various formats such as PDF, Word Document, XML, JSON, and CSV. Key Features: - User Authentication: Simple and secure email and password login - Customizable Forms: Incorporate custom sections, pre-built templates, and a drag-and-drop interface. - Advanced Customization: Dynamic section management, section re-ordering, and conditional logic. - Multiple Export Formats: Ability to export forms to PDF, Word Document, XML, JSON, and CSV. Ide...
I'm seeking a creative designer for a prototype of a multi-functional dog treats and poop bags. The design should embody a modern and sleek aesthetic while incorporating the following essential features: - Waterproof: To ensure durability and protect the contents from moisture. - Re-sealable: To maintain freshness and convenience for the user. The ideal candidate should have a background in design and a strong understanding of pet product. Experience in designing is a plus, as I am committed to sustainability. A keen eye for modern design trends and the ability to translate them into functionality will be key to making this project a success. need it to attach to l...
I'm looking to build a comprehensive e-commerce site, ideally using a React.js Backend with a Tailwind front end, or PHP/Laravel. The site needs to have several key features including: - Shopping functionality - UPI payment integration - WhatsApp API integration - Ability to upload products via CSV/Excel sheets - User recommendation form connected through WhatsApp API for scheduling meetings I would prefer MySQL as the database for this project. The admin panel should specifically allow me to manage product inventory. User accounts will use standard email/password, social login authentication. New freelancers are welcome to bid, but you need to demonstrate your skills or provide a detailed plan on how...
I'm in need of a cross-platform (iOS & Android) mobile application designed for tracking medical treatments, capturing consent, and storing anamnesis data. The app should be tailored for use in dermatology and cosmetic surgery primarily. Key Features: - Ability to save and compare before/after pictures from various angles side by side. - Digital forms that can be filled out, signed and saved in a patient-specific directory. - Local storage for patient data, ensuring confidentiality and security. - An email function to send signed documents and pictures to clients. - A modern, user-friendly, and responsive UI suitable for all tablet sizes. - An integrated backend for administration within the main app. - Simple username and password...
I need assistance to launch my Node project locally on my Mac. I'm not sure what type of Node project I'm working on, but I have Node.js installed and ready to go. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in Node.js - Experience with MacOS systems - Ability to explain technical processes simply - Troubleshooting skills to diagnose project type Bidders should be able to guide me step by step on how to get my project up and running.