How to hire a writerproiecte
Caut sa lucrez ca si content-writer. Am o experienta destul de mare in spate. Ma pricep sa realizez articole cel mai bine pe nisa IT, sport, sinopsis filme, culinar, si cu usurinta ma pot adapta si la alt articol.
Salutare freelanceri, Am nevoie de 1 sau 2 scriitori ce pot face fata cu brio mai multor nise, am nevoie de articole "zilnic", majoritatea vor avea peste 500 cuvinte, dar vom avea si 3000-4000 per articol. Cateva cerinte: - limba romana stapanita bine, engleza constituie un avantaj - 100% unic - coerenta - urmarea specificatiilor privind cuvintele cheie si densitatea lor Impreuna cu bid-ul tau am nevoie de un pret per 500 cuvinte si 3000. Nu am nevoie de exemple, vom avea un test platit. Multumesc, Cosmin Stan.
Cautam content writer pentru scris articole in franceza. Part Time
Am nevoie de un content writer care sa traduca regulat articole de pe , precum si alte ziare similare .Caut un colaborator pe termen o oferta per articol. Atentie, doresc articole de calitate ce vor fi pubicate intr-un ziar online.
Cautam colaborare pe termen lung cu scriitori de articole in limba engleza pe nisa Health. Articolele trebuie sa fie 100% originale, unice, correct din punct de vedere gramatical, si sa treaca toate cerintele copyscape. Ofer 60$ - 50 de articole (400-500 de cuvinte / articol)
Caut persoane pe content writer - concepere, redactare si publicare de articole pe un site dezvoltat in wordpress, in care se publica cu continut zilnic spre un public tinta 60% femei, cu varsta intre 25 - 45 ani. Proiectul este life de 2 ani si pregatim extinderea lui pe zona de informatii relevante si de interes publicate zilnic. Articolele trebuie sa fie relevante si documentate pe teme de interes, si sa nu contina greseli de ortografie sau de scriere. Solicit sa fie realizate cu diacritice si sa fie verificate inainte de publicare. Vreau sa construiesc un parteneriat pe termen lung de aceea caut seriozitate si experienta in domeniu. Nu accept incepatori sau tineri fara experienta! Multumesc.
...Subiectul principal al fiecarui articol va fi unul din cele de mai jos la libera alegere : - Intretinerea corespunzatoare a utilajelor de constructii; - Piese second hand vs piese noi ; avantaje si dezavantaje; - De ce pretul mic nu este intotdeauna cel mai bun? - Piese aftermarket de origine europeana versus piese Asia cu origine incerta; - Cat de mult conteaza suportul tehnic si experienta furnizorilor in identificarea corecta a pieselor ; Acceptam si alte teme propuse de dvs. atata timp cat se incadreaza in domeniul nostru. Stam la dispozitie cu toate informatiile de care aveti nevoie, legate de compania noastra dar va trebui sa faceti si research pentru a avea un articol complet. Bugetul il discutam pe baza propunerilor dumneavoastra, cel trecut este d...
Suntem in cautarea unui content writer care sa scrie articole in limba romana pe teme din sfera turismului. Va rugam sa efectuati bidurile pentru 30 articole de aproximativ 350-400 cuvinte. Multumim!
Writer, Programmer & Designer Salut Ma numesc Serban Alexandru si reprezint o firma din Bucuresti in domeniul IT&C si suntem interesati de o colaborare. Daca esti interesat pentru a discuta mai multe detalii contacteaza-ma pe email artiwebland@
Buna, Am nevoie de un content writer care sa scrie articole si descrieri de 500 de cuvinte despre produse IT, smartphone-uri mai exact. Au prioritate persoanele care au mai scris pe aceasta nisa si inteleg, in mare, specificatiile unui smartphone. cheie de social media. Descrierea jobului: Editare, scriere continut, sugerarea si implementeare de imbunatatiri la profilul companiilor clientilor nostrii. Crearea de noi pagini pentru site-urile clientilor nostrii. Conceperea e-mailurilor de marketing si a textelor pentru materialele destinate sa sustina campaniile de promovare a companiilor clientilor si a produselor/serviciilor acestora. Crearea de noi mesaje care sa poata fi folosite in platformele de socializare (site-uri Social Media) pentru a sustine eforturile de promovare ale companiilor, produselor si serviciilor acestora. Descrierea companiei: Suntem o companie ce ofera servicii de PR, Advertising si Web Development pentru o paleta larga de clienti, atat in Romania,...
Site de stiri sportive, cauta persoane cu experienta in cheie de social media. Descrierea jobului: Editare, scriere continut, sugerarea si implementeare de imbunatatiri la profilul companiilor clientilor nostrii. Crearea de noi pagini pentru site-urile clientilor nostrii. Conceperea e-mailurilor de marketing si a textelor pentru materialele destinate sa sustina campaniile de promovare a companiilor clientilor si a produselor/serviciilor acestora. Crearea de noi mesaje care sa poata fi folosite in platformele de socializare (site-uri Social Media) pentru a sustine eforturile de promovare ale companiilor, produselor si serviciilor acestora. Descrierea companiei: Suntem o companie ce ofera servicii de PR, Advertising si Web Development pentru o paleta larga de clienti, atat in Romania,...
Need Urgent a Content Writer. Need Urgent a Content Writer. Need Urgent a Content Writer.
Am nevoie de un content writer cu experienta pentru scrierea unor articole in limba romana. Articolele sunt variate ca si tematica.
Am nevoie de un content writer cu experienta pentru scrierea unor articole in limba romana. Articolele sunt variate ca si tematica.
I need a Romanian writer to collaborate with in writing articles on various topics. Long term job for the right writer. Please bid for 10 articles. I will ask for samples before hiring.
Am nevoie de un content writer cu experienta pentru scrierea unor articole in limba romana. Articolele sunt variate ca si tematica.
Caut content writer serios cu am nevoie de minim 2-3 articole pe zi pentru un site de mobila si inca unul de reparatii laptop.
Salut, citind portofoliul tau nu stiu sigur daca esti apt pentru acest task si m-am gandit sa te contactez sa ma asigur ca poti duce la bun sfarsit un proiect in guest posting si article writing in germana , as-i avea nevoie pe termen lung ... eventual daca ai ceva portofoliu pe aceasta tema ar fii bine venita Cu Stima, Muller
Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie articole originale! (limba romana). Am nevoie de 5 articole pe zi, 20 de zile pe luna(250-300 de cuvinte ). Platesc 1 Euro pe articol. Caut o colaborare de lunga durata Pentru detalii astept mesajele voastre!
Caut o persoana cu experienta in writting. Va trebuie sa scrie un articol pe care il voi trimite la trusturile online de presa pentru publicare. Articolul nu trebuie sa fie foarte mare, ci undeva intre 250-350 de cuvinte. Nu trebuie sa exagerati cu laudele ci sa descrieti site-ul in viziunea voastra, cat mai aproape de realitate (cu laudele de rigoare). Astept ofertele voastre. Va rog sa includeti si cateva articole publicate de voi anterior ca sa-mi fac o idee.
Caut o persoana cu experienta in writting. Va trebuie sa scrie un articol pe care il voi trimite la trusturile online de presa pentru publicare. Articolul nu trebuie sa fie foarte mare, ci undeva intre 250-350 de cuvinte. Nu trebuie sa exagerati cu laudele ci sa descrieti site-ul in viziunea voastra, cat mai aproape de realitate (cu laudele de rigoare). Astept ofertele voastre. Va rog sa includeti si cateva articole publicate de voi anterior ca sa-mi fac o idee.
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Student la Facultatea de Comunicare si Relatii publice, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau text simpu in functie de nevoile si cerintele clientului Nota originala, cursivitate, rapiditate si corectitudine in exprimare Garantez siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie.
Caut un content writer care sa scrie lunar in jur de 10 articole in limba romana. (Fara copy paste - sa fie total unic) Post-urile sa fie despre baruri, cafenele, timp liber sau catering
AOVarchitecture cauta content writer pentru noua pagina inca nelansata. Avem nevoie de o persoana capabila in a scrie articole originale despre arhitectura, design, structuri, noutati in materiale si constructii, etc.
Need a content writer to manage various pages on social networking sites and various other blogs. Additionally the person would need to help in building the content for the main
This job is related to people who can write articles in Romanian language. Caut un content writer care sa scrie articole pe un blog despre iphone 6. Articolele pot fi inspirate de pe alte site-uri care au deja informatii despre acest produs, insa nu trebuie sa fie copiate. Astept ofertele voastre.
Freelance writer convert from pdf to word
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru introducere date,rescriere articol,postare anunturi,procesare date,transcriere,asistenta telefonica,asistenta tehnica,am terminat Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti,detin o buna stapanire a instrumentelor Microsoft Office ( Word,Excel,Power Point).
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Absolvent Facultate de Jurnalism, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau pur si simpu, asa cum il vrea clientul. Nota originala, cursivitate, am siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie. Experienta in urmatoarele domenii: economic, turism, editura, alimentatie.
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru scriere articole in lb romana si studenta in anul 3 la drept,am cunostiinte gramaticale bune si talent poezii si romane in timpul liber
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Absolvent Facultate de Jurnalism, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau pur si simpu, asa cum il vrea clientul. Nota originala, cursivitate, am siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie. Experienta in urmatoarele domenii: economic, turism, editura, alimentatie.
I am looking for writers interested in writing or rewriting articles on a regular basis (long time colaboration). At the moment i have Article-Set-Pack (3-5 Articles/pack) to offer but i will increase that size continuously. Every 1 or 2 day i will send you packs to write. One Article-Pack contains Main-Keywords-Articles, each of 300-500 words in length. INFO: I will provide you with all of the articles to be rewritten as well as all keyword phrases. The Keywords/Keyphrases will be in the same market/niche of each Article-Pack but Topics will change from article set to article set. All articles must be unique related to the Keyword. I pay $1.50 per 400 word articles and $0.75 per 300 word articles.
Hello, I need translate from English to following Language English to German English to Chinese English to Japanese English to Korean English to Italian English to Turkish English to Hungarian English to Dutch Total Words: 2850 I NEED NATIVE WRITER .. LOOKING FOR HUMAN TRANSLATION AND NATIVE SPEAKER! NO GOOGLE TRANSLATOR.. Thanks :)
Tyler Kania is a rugby player, coach, cybersecurity salesman, cryptocurrency entrepreneur, stonemason, painter, and writer, from Columbia, Connecticut. Tyler suffers from Bipolar I Disorder, and his rugby career has been marred by the very rare and traumatic ruptured patellar tendon, twice. He is an avid reader, and writer, and his first book, The Maniac with No Knees, is an exciting, and introspective memoir, that dives deep into the severity of his mental illness. In the book, Tyler describes being a star on the Central Connecticut State University Rugby Club, where he played the Fly Half position for two conference championship victories, as well as Connecticut Cup victory, where he was named player of the match. He later balance men's rugby and a...
We are a 12-year-old research and tech consulting company working in private sector and we are in need of a seasoned proposal writer to help with all sections of a government RFPs - The primary aim is to write a technical proposal, a cost proposal, and a management proposal, all with the focus on securing government contracts. - The ideal candidate should have experience in writing successful government contract proposals. - Strong skills in technical writing, cost analysis, and management strategy formulation are a must. - Experience in government procurement processes will be highly beneficial.
Christian Fiction book ready to be formatted. I had a bad experience with Fiverr website. Someone suggested I try Freelancer. Must live in US. Prefer in Charleston, South Carolina time zone. I used to write 75,000 - 86,000-word novels. Now I write "skinny novels" 25,000 - 30,475-word books for the casual reader and also for life coaching and relationship coaching clients as well. This is my 4th novel. I am a very hands-on author and upload files to Amazon/KDP self-publishing platform myself. I also come up with the concept/idea for all my custom book covers, and provide the images, art direction and details. The eBook cover and paperback covers as finished. But due to an unforeseen problem the cover designer may not have calculated the to...
...with our investments, and for years, we’ve run a joint business together. A couple of months ago, we decided to explore cryptocurrency as an investment option and came across a platform that appeared legitimate with promising reviews. We invested a significant portion of our savings, totaling $178,000 in Bitcoin. Initially, everything seemed fine, and we even saw some returns, encouraging us to invest more. However, things took a turn when the platform began demanding additional payments to unlock more funds or access our profits. Eventually, we realized it was a scam, and all our money had disappeared, leaving us frustrated and helpless. During this difficult time, I came across a post about Asset Rescue Specia...
I'm seeking an experienced content writer to craft formal, engaging descriptions for my informational website aimed at the general public. Your role will be pivotal in enhancing the site's content quality and accessibility.
I am seeking a talented children's book writer to craft a captivating story aimed at 3-5 year olds. The book should be educational and centered around the subject of science. Key Requirements: - Experience writing for the 3-5 year old age group - Strong background in science - Creative storytelling ability - Understanding of educational content delivery - Ability to make complex concepts simple and fun
I'm seeking a seasoned medical writer to craft engaging and informative blog articles for my established healthcare business. Your primary task will be to translate complex medical concepts into accessible and relatable content for our readers. Key Responsibilities: - Researching and writing high-quality, accurate medical blog posts - Ensuring all content aligns with our brand voice and ethos - Potentially participating in content strategy discussions Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in medical writing, particularly for blogs - Strong understanding of healthcare topics - Excellent research and writing skills - Ability to simplify complex topics for a general audience - Previous experience in a similar role for a...
I need a talented writer to pen a feature article for a magazine centered around the theme of Health and Wellness, with a particular focus on Physical Fitness. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in health and fitness writing, with the ability to present complex ideas in an engaging and accessible way. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough research on current trends and insights in physical fitness. - Interview experts in the field, if necessary. - Write an engaging, informative, and well-structured feature article. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in magazine writing, particularly feature articles. - Strong understanding and knowledge of physical fitness. - Excellent research and interviewing skills. -...
I'm new on this platform and excited to connect with you all. I need a talented creative writer, specifically skilled in crafting engaging romance narratives. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional command of the English language - Proven experience in creative writing, specifically within the romance genre - Ability to create compelling characters and gripping plotlines - Strong understanding of the nuances of romance writing If you're passionate about romance and can weave enchanting tales, I would love to hear from you.
I'm seeking a professional resume writer with experience in the UK job market, particularly for remote HR, admin, or secretarial roles. I have been applying for junior-level and entry level positions since last May, but despite having my CV redone multiple times, I've had no success. The job market is highly competitive, and I need a polished, tailored CV that stands out. Your expertise should include: Understanding of what recruiters value in the junior-level remote job market Ability to highlight my suitability for roles such as HR, Administrative Assistant, Executive Secretary, and Human Resources Experience with crafting resumes for the UK, Europe, American, and Middle East job markets. Open to adding more experience to CV if requ...
I am seeking an experienced resume writer to help craft a standout resume that highlights my skills and achievements effectively. The ideal candidate will understand current industry trends and employ best practices to ensure my resume captures the attention of potential employers. This project requires a keen eye for detail and the ability to translate my experience into compelling narratives. If you have a proven track record of creating impactful resumes, I would love to hear from you!
I'm looking for a professional writer to help me craft a compelling 750-word Statement of Purpose (SOP) for my MBA application. The primary focus of the SOP should be on my career goals. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Previous experience in writing SOPs, particularly for MBA programs - Strong understanding of how to articulate career goals succinctly and effectively - Excellent writing and editing skills - Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure
I'm seeking a freelance writer with a knack for crafting engaging and informative health articles. The main focus of the article is on physical fitness, specifically tailored for beginners. It should incorporate healthy lifestyle tips to encourage and guide readers towards a healthier lifestyle. The ideal candidate should have experience in health and fitness writing, with a strong understanding of how to communicate complex ideas in a simple and relatable way.
I am seeking a talented content writer to create compelling and informative content for my website. The primary purpose of this content is to inform visitors effectively. Please note: this content is for the escort industry but is strictly non-pornographic. Requirements: People-first approach: The content must prioritise the reader’s needs and engagement. Non plagiarised content Word count 750 a piece. Strong headers: Ability to craft impactful and clear headers to guide readers. Keyword integration: I will provide all relevant keywords for optimisation. British English: Proficiency in British English is essential. SEO knowledge: Understanding of SEO principles to enhance website visibility. Additionally, I can provide links ...
I'm seeking a skilled resume writer to help me craft a compelling resume tailored for a Manager position in the restaurant industry. The primary purpose of this resume is to secure interviews for new job opportunities. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven experience in resume writing, particularly for the restaurant industry - Understanding of what hiring managers in the restaurant industry look for - Excellent writing and editing skills - Ability to highlight my skills and experiences in a way that stands out - Knowledge of current resume trends and formats