How to calculate circuit breaker and wire sizeproiecte


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    2,000 how to calculate circuit breaker and wire size proiecte găsite

    EG: I need a professional in Microsoft Word to help me transform a raw manuscript into a well-structured document, ready for publication. The manuscript is written in Romanian, and I'm looking for it to be formatted in Microsoft Word. The document should be structured into chapters and sub-chapters, with appropriate margins, alignment, titles, and subtitles. The ideal candidate should have: - Proficiency in Romanian - Expertise in Microsoft Word - Strong understanding of document structuring, including chapters, margins, alignment, titles, and subtitles - Ability to adjust font size, spacing, numbering, and insert page breaks as needed RO: Căutăm cunoscători ai programului de editare Microsoft Word pentru a transforma un...

    $152 Average bid
    $152 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Aceasta aplicatie doresc ca atunci cand telefonul atinge un anumit procentaj de incarcare al bateriei(exemplu 100%) sa intrerupa alimentarea incarcatorului, iar cand acest procentaj scade sub un anumit nivel( exemplu 25%) sa reia incarcarea, adica la anumite procentaje ale bateriei sa inchida si sa deschida un circuit(releu). Conectarea aplicatiei sa poata fii facuta prin bluetooth. Va multumesc anticipat, iar pentru mai multe detalii nu ezitati sa ma contactati.

    $202 Average bid
    $202 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Template Proiect LCD - simulare in Proteus Cerinte de unul sa fie analogic si altul digital. exemplu senzor de umiditate analogic: 5) contine un senzor de lumina (fotorezistenta/fotodioda/modul_lumina). 6) Se va proiecta un circuit cu A.O. pentru conditionarea semnalului de la senzorul de umiditate analogic. 7) Se va face o simulare a proiectului AEMC folosind programul Proteus (senzorii vor fi emulati, acolo unde este posibil). 8) Se va realiza un circuit electronic si PCB-ul. Pe partea PCB bottom se va scrie numele studentilor din echipa. 9) Se va implementa software un ceas cu data si 1 alarma. Numarul de butoane nu este impus. Se va folosi un buzzer audio (activ sau pasiv).

    $172 Average bid
    $172 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    aplicatie mobila
    S-a încheiat left

    este vorba despre jocul clasic Buzz Wire în care încercați să parcurgeți traseul fără a atinge dispozitivul

    $1438 Average bid
    $1438 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    O noua platforma de reduceri are nevoie de cateva persoane pentru identificare si postare de oferte (reduceri) de la magazinele online din Romania. Trebuie sa locuiesti in Romania. Postarile trebuie sa respecte regulamentul platformei. Doar postarile aprobate sunt calculate pentru plata. 10 postari/zi. Approx 3 RON/postare. Plata la fiecare 70 postari.

    $343 Average bid
    $343 Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    PizzaDelivery in c#
    S-a încheiat left

    Partea I 1. Definirea claselor necesare aplicaţiei 2. Macheta pentru completarea unui formular tipizat (sau proiectat adhoc, dacă nu există tipizat) 3. Validarea datelor; salvarea / restaurarea datelor în/din fişier 4. Acces la câmpuri prin acceleratori, interceptând tastatura 5. Dezvolt...necesare aplicaţiei 2. Macheta pentru completarea unui formular tipizat (sau proiectat adhoc, dacă nu există tipizat) 3. Validarea datelor; salvarea / restaurarea datelor în/din fişier 4. Acces la câmpuri prin acceleratori, interceptând tastatura 5. Dezvoltarea unei interfeţe cu meniuri principale şi contextuale specifice domeniului Partea II 6. Prezentarea grafică a unor date de bază sau calculate 7. Imprimarea unui document 8. Implementarea unor fu...

    $144 Average bid
    $144 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    PizzaDelivery Pizza in c#
    S-a încheiat left

    Partea I 1. Definirea claselor necesare aplicaţiei 2. Macheta pentru completarea unui formular tipizat (sau proiectat adhoc, dacă ...necesare aplicaţiei 2. Macheta pentru completarea unui formular tipizat (sau proiectat adhoc, dacă nu există tipizat) 3. Validarea datelor; salvarea / restaurarea datelor în/din fişier 4. Acces la câmpuri prin acceleratori, interceptând tastatura 5. Dezvoltarea unei interfeţe cu meniuri principale şi contextuale specifice domeniului Partea II 6. Prezentarea grafică a unor date de bază sau calculate 7. Imprimarea unui document 8. Implementarea unor funcţii prin drag & drop / Clipboard Partea III 9. Stocarea şi regăsirea datelor într-o bază de date 10. Realizarea unui control de utilizator folosit în mai multe...

    $170 Average bid
    $170 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Am nevoie de o aplicatie care poate descompune o fotografie in patrate de dimensiuni egale care pot fi dintr-un set de aprox 70 culori ce se pot predefini (pantone sau cmyk). Explic mai pe larg dupa ce gasesc pe cineva ce o poate realiza. __________________________________________________________________ I need an application that can break down a photo into squares of equal size that can be from a set of about 70 colors that can be predefined (pantone or cmyk). I explain in more detail after I find someone who can do it.

    $486 Average bid
    Acord de confidenţialitate
    $486 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Salut , am nevoie si eu de o schema de circuit si o simulare in PS Spice pentru un proiect de facultate cu titlul "Divizor de trepte de tensiune " , las atasat mai jos o posibila schema

    $123 Average bid
    $123 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Hello! I own an online shop that sells woman shoes! Now if you want to see if your size is on stock you have to enter the product page and select the size and it will tell you if it is on stock! What I want to do is: The variations (sizes) on stock to be displayed on the first page under every product like in the picture! The site is in worldpress it uses woocomerce and ocean wp theme!

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Doresc realizarea unui modul prestashop pentru calculul marimii exacte a unui sutien in functie de datele introduse de catre client in contul sau si/sau direct pe pagina . Varianta 1 Ori crearea unui modul de tipul Ideal Size ( prestashop ) dar cu posibilitatea de preluarea a datelor in functie de tabelul de dimensiuni predefinite / brand Varianta 2 Un modul care sa faca aproximativ ceea ce pe acest site

    $323 Average bid
    $323 Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    Proiectul se poate modifica si adapta cerintelor dvs. ex: putem marii sau micsora casa, se pot adauga camere, se poate adauga beci. Proiectam economic! Toate cantitatile sunt calculate astfel incat sa beneficiati de un cost optim de punere in executie. Asiguram arhitectura functionala fara a pozitiona stalpi in mijlocul livingului sau grinzi ce strica complet aspectul interior al casei. Fundatia casei (beton armat/but) Peretii exteriori ai casei (cotelet 40cm/beton armat 15cm) Planseul casei (beton armat) Canale de ventilatie + canale de canalizare

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Realizeaza un proiect C#
    S-a încheiat left

    Domeniul in care sa se incadreze proiectul: Inchirieri de casete video. CERINTE 1. Definirea claselor necesare aplicaţiei. (Clienti, Filme, Inchirieri) ...aplicaţiei. (Clienti, Filme, Inchirieri) 2. Macheta pentru completarea unui formular tipizat (sau proiectat adhoc, dacă nu există tipizat) 3. Validarea datelor; salvarea / restaurarea datelor în/din fişier 4. Acces la câmpuri prin acceleratori, interceptând tastatura 5. Dezvoltarea unei interfeţe cu meniuri principale şi contextuale specifice domeniului 6. Prezentarea grafică a unor date de bază sau calculate 7. Imprimarea unui document 8. Implementarea unor funcţii prin drag & drop 9. Stocarea şi regăsirea datelor într-o bază de date 10. Realizarea unui control de utilizator folosit în mai mult...

    $56 Average bid
    $56 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    ...telecomenzile traditionale vor functiona la fel ca inainte. Daca aveti vreo indoiala daca deschizatorul dvs. este compatibil cu Nold, nu ezitati sa ne contactati. Daca aveti deja instalat un intrerupator de perete, puteti efectua acest test simplu pentru a verifica compatibilitatea: urmati cele doua fire care vin de la butonul de deschidere la deschizator. In cazul in care se conecteaza la placa de circuit, atingeti-le impreuna pentru o clipa. Daca acest lucru va face usa deschisa, opriti-va si inchideti, atunci deschizatorul de usi de garaj accepta un buton standard, deci va fi compatibil si cu Nold Open. Cu un dispozitiv puteti lega doua porti/usi diferite aflate la cel mult 10 metri una de alta. Functionarea acestora este independenta. In pagina noastra de internet regasiti...

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    The numerator used will have entrance to R asynchronous. It will only use the 4000 series circuits. The clock oscillator will provide two rectangular signals with frequencies of 3Hz, 5Hz and 360kHz and a tact signal manually. Divizor fix de frecvență cu 68. Numărătorul folosit va avea intrarea R asincronă. Se vor utiliza numai circuite din seria 4000. Oscilatorul va furniza semnale dreptunghiulare cu frecvențele de 3,5 Hz, respectiv 360kHz și un semnal de tact manual.

    $47 Average bid
    $47 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    oiectul se poate modifica si adapta cerintelor dvs. ex: putem marii sau micsora casa, se pot adauga camere, se poate adauga beci. Proiectam economic! Toate cantitatile sunt calculate astfel incat sa beneficiati de un cost optim de punere in executie. Asiguram arhitectura functionala fara a pozitiona stalpi in mijlocul livingului sau grinzi ce strica complet aspectul interior al casei. 166 mp 3 dormitoare 2 bai fundatia casei ( beton armat termoizolat pe interior si exterior)+ peretii casei ( beton armat termoizolat pe interior si exterior) + planseul casei ( beton armat termoizolat pe interior si exterior) + canale ventilatie + canale canalizare.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 oferte
    Redactează un raport
    S-a încheiat left

    Proiectul se poate modifica si adapta cerintelor dvs. ex: putem marii sau micsora casa, se pot adauga camere, se poate adauga beci. Proiectam economic! Toate cantitatile sunt calculate astfel incat sa beneficiati de un cost optim de punere in executie. Asiguram arhitectura functionala fara a pozitiona stalpi in mijlocul livingului sau grinzi ce strica complet aspectul interior al casei. Mai mult:

    $12 - $18 / hr
    $12 - $18 / hr
    0 oferte

    Salut! Am nevoie de o persoană care să poată scrie articole în limba Română despre business în general (idei de afaceri, management, etc.) Articolul trebuie să aibă o pagină A4, caracter Times New Roman size 12. Cuvinte cheie - înființare firmă Majoritatea articolelor trebuie sa fie de gentul 5 motive pentru a inființa o firmă sau 7 lucruri despre cum sa manageriezi un business, 4 tipuri de business... etc Am nevoie inițial de 10 articole, după care câte unul pe zi. Mai multe detalii, in PM.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    Am nevoie pentru un site realizat in joomla de niste modificari la k2. Template-ul este unul platit dar suportul lasa de dorit. Am nevoie ca item-urile din k2 sa aiba o optiune sa setez un ribbon pe imagine care sa apara atat in item efectiv cat si in lista de afisare. Trebuie sa pot scrie sau sa atasez o imagine in coltul din dreapta sau stanga ( early booking, circuit, revelion) Atasez o poza sa va dati seama la ce ma refer.

    $69 Average bid
    $69 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    Robot forex
    S-a încheiat left

    ...Robotul se adapteaza la orice pereche valutara si la orice spread. Robotul este usor de utilizat si ofera un numar mic de setari. Robotul functioneaza cu orice suma. El trebuie utilizat pe graficul M15. Calculeaza automat volumul pozitiilor. Cerinte: 1) Avand in vedere faptul ca robotul poate calcula pana la 100.000 de combinatii diferite, este necesar un procesor puternic. 2) Toate datele calculate sunt stocate în memoria RAM. RAM necesar liber: Risc mic - 1 MB / pereche valutara, Risc mediu - 10 MB / pereche valutara și Risc mare - 100 MB / pereche valutara. 3) Dacă EA sau terminalul este repornit, logica internă de sistem este de a genera noi pozitii, ceea ce poate duce la inchiderea pozitiilor anterioare. Rezultate pe cont real:

    $1465 - $2931
    $1465 - $2931
    0 oferte

    Am folosit un scraper pentru a importa produse intr-un magazin opencart. Caut pe cineva sa imi editeze baza de date sa imi scoata o anume fraza din descrierea produselor (ex: For our full range of Mens Plus Size Tops visit SportsDirect). Daca nu se poate face direct din baza de date accept si folosirea unor module care sa faca acest lucru, apoi traducerea produselor. Platesc!

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Doresc o baza de date creata in Microsoft Access 2010 care sa cuprinda date avansate despre personal (calculate, relationate etc), evolutia acestuia in meserie, rezultate la evaluari, diverse interogari etc.

    $418 Average bid
    $418 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    Creat Artwork packaging
    S-a încheiat left

    Size : Height 19.20cm Lenght : 8.60cm Positio precut pen : Lenght : 1.60cm Height : 14.40cm

    $41 Average bid
    $41 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Salut vreau si eu un script javascript sau cumva care da click automat pe playerul embed de video cand cineva intra pe site exemplu tu intri pe site-ul meu si cand intri mouse-ul tau va fi directionat cate clipul youtube embed si face click apoi videoclipul porneste. in asa fel se va conta ca views in youtube. youtube nu may youtube nu may contorizeaza viewsulrile din autoplay din embed-uri. sunt disponibil sa platec 10 dollari daca merge si contorizeaza am gasit cateva pe net dar nu merg de nicio culoare primesti 5 dollari inainte de a incepe munca si daca merge iti mai dau 5 dollari doar dupa ce am testat eu pe site-ul meu fara boti si roboti trafic real in site videoclipul poate fi ascuns adica 1x1 la size sau 300x300 size astept rapsuns de la tine ionutp23 e...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Salut vreau si eu un script javascript sau cumva care da click automat pe playerul embed de video cand cineva intra pe site exemplu tu intri pe site-ul meu si cand intri mouse-ul tau va fi directionat cate clipul youtube embed si face click apoi videoclipul porneste. in asa fel se va conta ca views in youtube. youtube nu may youtube nu may contorizeaza viewsulrile din autoplay din embed-uri. sunt disponibil sa platec 10 dollari daca merge si contorizeaza am gasit cateva pe net dar nu merg de nicio culoare primesti 5 dollari inainte de a incepe munca si daca merge iti mai dau 5 dollari doar dupa ce am testat eu pe site-ul meu fara boti si roboti trafic real in site videoclipul poate fi ascuns adica 1x1 la size sau 300x300 size astept rapsuns de la tine ionutp23 e...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    Caut un freelancer din Bucuresti (colaborari punctuale de lunga durata), care sa creeze un site de licitatii de transporturi similar cu shiply, deliverysupermarket si anyvan. Functionalitate aproximativ ca in cazul ebay, (calificative, plati cu cardul, paypal, sms, Site-ul imi doresc sa fie usor de utilizat intuitiv, design modern, responsive design, widescreen and seo friendly. Ma intereseaza si aspectele care tin de logo, branding,neaparat implementare functii harti google. tehnologie: - Platforma trebuie să fie atât de bazat pe web și pe mobil, tableta. - Ar trebui să fie posibil să se realizeze toate funcțiile în mod constant și cu branding similare și experiența de utilizare pe ambele desktop și dispozitive mobile. Funcții: consumatorii - A...

    $1855 Average bid
    $1855 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    ... cu parametrii: a. action = get_offers b. username = username c. password = password Username si password sunt primiti in prealabil pe email. Metoda va intoarce toate ofertele prezente in acel moment pe site-ul nostru. Recomandam folosirea ei de maxim 2 ori pe zi, pentru a evita load-ul mare pe server. Ex raspuns (1 item): {"id":"8","type":"circuit","departure_id":"4","departure_destination_id":"0","departure_destination_title":"","departure_destination_url":"","search_id":"15866","intern":"0","search_url":"src0h513874c3ecc81","result_id":"47591","package_id":"0...

    $158 Average bid
    $158 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    Design Banners
    S-a încheiat left

    I need some banners for a website ( an classified ads site ): Size: 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 Classified ads site adress url: Text: - Anunturi de tot felul - Anunturi imobiliare din toata Romania - Adauga anuntul tau gratuit pe

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Article Writer
    S-a încheiat left

    I am looking for writers interested in writing or rewriting articles on a regular basis (long time colaborati...interested in writing or rewriting articles on a regular basis (long time colaboration). At the moment i have Article-Set-Pack (3-5 Articles/pack) to offer but i will increase that size continuously. Every 1 or 2 day i will send you packs to write. One Article-Pack contains Main-Keywords-Articles, each of 300-500 words in length. INFO: I will provide you with all of the articles to be rewritten as well as all keyword phrases. The Keywords/Keyphrases will be in the same market/niche of each Article-Pack but Topics will change from article set to article set. All articles must be unique related to the Keyword. I pay $1.50 per 400 w...

    $166 Average bid
    $166 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    ...statului. Finantele private cuprind totalitatea societatilor comerciale, bancare, de asigurari, indiferent de proprietarul capitalului. In domeniul finantelor private se constituie capitalul tuturor tipurilor de societati comerciale, regii autonome si companii nationale. Caracteristica esentiala a finantelor private este ca aici fondurile nu se consuma, ci se avanseaza si recupereaza in permanenta in circuit. Finantele private mai cuprind alaturi de fondurile firmei propriu-zise de care am vorbit mai sus, fondurile de credit si fondurile de asigurari. Fondurile de credit se caracterizeaza prin aceea ca se constituie pe baze rambursabile si se utilizeaza tot pe baze rambursabile. Fondurile de asigurari se constituie in mod definitiv dar se folosesc numai in cazul survenirii riscul...

    $211 Average bid
    $211 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    ...need an expert to help improve the response time of my WordPress site, The site is built with the Divi theme and uses MemberPress. Although I've recently changed hosting providers and the site is faster than before, it's still significantly slower than my other sites built with the same architecture. Key Areas of Focus: - Identifying and fixing issues related to content size, particularly images and media files which are suspected to be contributing to the slow response time. - Optimizing the remaining unoptimized images for web use to enhance loading speed. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience with WordPress and the Divi theme. - Expertise in site speed optimi...

    $124 Average bid
    $124 Oferta medie
    56 oferte

    ...The camera starts to approach and accelerate 2-(Voice over) It is called a pixel. (Scene explanation) Until we reach a pixel in the middle These small dots combine to form the image we see clearly. 3-(Voice over) Each pixel is like a cell in the digital system. Despite its small size, its role is crucial. The image is not complete without the interaction of these small units. (Scene explanation) The pixels begin to appear close together to form an artistic image from the city of Sharjah as the camera moves away until we see the image clearly. 4-(Voice over) Like the pixel in the image, the cell in a living organism is the basic unit that contributes to the formation of the entire organism. (Scene explanation) The camera approaches the ...

    $1779 Average bid
    $1779 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    I am looking for a skilled designer to create a professional and aesthetically pleasing product label for my 10ml roll-on perfume oil. This specific fragrance is a comparison to Sol De Janeiro’s Cheirosa 59, so the design should reflect a luxurious, tropical, and high-end aesthetic. This will be a contest, and I will award the prize to the first designer who follows all instructions and delivers a perfect design. Label Details: Size: 2.375 inches (L) x 1.25 inches (H) (Exact dimensions must be followed) Requirements (Must Be Included on the Label): • Bottle size: 10ml • UPC code (leave placeholder for it) • Ingredients List • Directions for Use • Safety Disclaimer • “Made in ...

    $20 Average bid

    My motherboard for an EDM machine is having issues that I suspect are caused by component failure, particularly with Integrated Circuits (ICs). I have partially identified a faulty IC but need confirmation and assistance to pinpoint the exact issue. Key requirements: - Experience in diagnosing and repairing motherboards, particularly for EDM machines - Ability to identify and replace faulty integrated circuits - Experience with soldering and desoldering components - Good understanding of electronics and circuit boards Please note that I am looking for someone who can not only help troubleshoot but also repair the motherboard if needed.

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr Oferta medie
    11 oferte
    Supplier Needed for Luxury dog brand
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...harness, lead, and poo bag holder, all made from vegan leather with brass metal wear. Key requirements include: - Capacity for customisation: All pieces should be adjustable in size, available in custom colors, and able to be personalized with my brand or engraved. - Standard pre-designed patterns: While I want to use standard pre-designed patterns, I also need the ability to customise these designs. - Aesthetic appeal: The materials used must not only be durable and eco-friendly, but appealing to the eyes as well. Ideally, I would like to start with a minimum order quantity below 200, with the potential to scale as the business grows. Please provide samples of your products. Our ideal supplier would be located in...

    $52 Average bid
    Acord de confidenţialitate
    $52 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    My Excel sheet requires some urgent formatting adjustments to properly calculate and display the gross profit (GP) of items. Key Issues: - Formatting problems predominantly in the cells and tables Necessary Skills: - Advanced Excel expertise - Experience with data validation and conditional formatting - Attention to detail to ensure accurate GP calculations Your role will be to troubleshoot and rectify the formatting issues to ensure the sheet operates correctly and efficiently. Your expertise will allow for the implementation of necessary data validation and conditional formatting to improve the functionality of the sheet.

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Oferta medie
    25 oferte
    Simple Air Travel Calculator in Excel
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I need a straightforward travel calculator focused solely on air travel. This tool should be built in Excel and utilize a simple user form with concealed tables that house the necessary data sets. Key Features: - The calculator should handle only air travel. - It should factor in flight distance and also calculate frequent flyer points based on the journey. - The user input form needs to encompass departure and arrival locations, class of service, and booking class. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel, particularly in creating interactive user forms and concealed data tables. - Understanding of air travel metrics and frequent flyer point systems. - Ability to create a user-friendly, simple yet effective travel calculator.

    $267 Average bid
    $267 Oferta medie
    62 oferte

    I need a classic and formal business card design. The card should include my name and title, contact details (phone, email, address), and our company logo. It also needs to use our company brand colors. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, brand identity development, and experience with business card design. A strong portfolio demonstrating classic and formal design aesthetics will be highly regarded. Specs for the Business card are Standard size ( 91mm x 55mm) Full Bleed Size 2.28" x 3.7" / 58 x 94 mm Document Trim Size 2.17" x 3.58" / 55 x 91 mm Safety Area 2.05" x 3.46" / 52 x 88 mm Logo and corporate colours attached.

    $45 Average bid
    $45 Oferta medie
    86 oferte

    ...experience in medical devices to modify my existing CAD file for a medical device accessory that I have prototype on. This accessory is intended to more efficiently deliver oxygen. The modifications will involve: - Changing a fixed part to be interchangeable - A few adjustments involving standard shelf items The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in CAD design, preferably within the medical field. Experience with 3D printing is also essential as the modified design will need to be printed. I require a professional who can pay meticulous attention to detail and deliver high-quality work. Key requirements: - CAD design - Medical device design experience - 3D printing knowledge - Detail-oriented The modifications ...

    $349 Average bid
    $349 Oferta medie
    59 oferte
    Photo Sorting for Brochure Site
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I have a static brochure site with hundreds of photos. Many of these photos are duplicates, just in different sizes and shapes. I need someone to go through the photos and create a new folder with only the largest photo of each. Specific Instructions: - Organize the unique largest photos by their original name in the new folder. - Rename each photo to match its main name. For example, "PLANE-body-of-page-1-700x500" should be renamed to "PLANE-body-of-page-1". - Save the final photos in JPG format. - Keep the first encountered photo when dealing with duplicates of the same size. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in file management and photo handling. - Attention to detail to ensure duplicates are not mist...

    $104 Average bid
    $104 Oferta medie
    144 oferte

    I'm working on an automatically movable stage. This project requires a proficient Python coder with experience in robotics and automated control systems. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Python code that will control the movement of the stage across three axes - Ensure the coding facilitates smooth and precise movements Required Skills: - Expertise in Python coding - Previous experience working with automated control systems - Familiarity with robotics and physical product coding I was wondering if you could code for me so that a stage holding a petri dish with two x axes , one y axis, and one z axis that have stepper motors in them can move automatically to keep a fish inside the petri dish in the focus of a Ti2 inverted microscope's camer...

    $1037 Average bid
    $1037 Oferta medie
    43 oferte

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to create a steel dumpster enclosure for me. The enclosure should be made of durable steel, painted in a standard gray color. Key Requirements: - Expertise in metal work, specifically with steel - Experience in creating dumpster enclosures - Ability to provide a high-quality painted finish Please include examples of your previous work with steel and metal enclosures in your proposal. 1. Steel Posts Description: Structural steel posts for the enclosure frame. Specifications: 4"x4" square steel tubing. Wall thickness: 3/16" or 1/4". Length: 8 feet each (to include 1.5 feet embedment in concrete). Quantity: Corner posts: 4. Mid-support posts: 4 (2 on each long side for additional support). Hinged ...

    $148 Average bid
    $148 Oferta medie
    33 oferte
    Commercial Optical Floor Plan Design
    6 zile left
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    ...including office spaces, retail areas, and specific rooms tailored for an optical business. The primary aim is to optimize space usage throughout the layout. Key Areas to Include: - A single eye exam room and an aesthetics room, both identical in size and equipped with small sinks. - A smaller contact lens training room, with small sink - An office designed with enough room for a Murphy desk/bed and a sitting area, as well as small kitchenette area (hotel room style with workspace) - A designated optical lab area where lens edging, finishing, check out, and jobs on order will be stored - Four dispensing areas, which can be consolidated into one or two desk spaces. - A compact check-in desk positioned at the front of the property....

    $254 Average bid
    $254 Oferta medie
    77 oferte

    Project Overview The goal is to create a professional price comparison and application-based platform with a clean design and user-friendly experience. Unlike large-scale websites like “,” we want a more focused and manageable solution. Main Pages 1. Home Page Highlight the price comparison feature. Showcase membership system and application form. Provide an overview of website functionality. 2. About Us Information about the purpose of the website. Details about the team or organization behind the website. 3. Contact Us Include a contact form, email, phone number, and optionally, a map. The application form if our user wants to purchase from our website. The application form contains the familiar information like “&rdqu...

    $1130 Average bid
    $1130 Oferta medie
    119 oferte

    I'm in need of a highly efficient and 100% profitable trading robot specifically designed for the Forex market. The robot should employ a scalping strategy and trade primarily on indices. Key Requirements: - Develop a trading robot that operates exclusively within the Forex market. - The trading strategy to be implemented is scalping. - The robot should focus on trading indices. - Ensure the robot is 100% profitable. - Auto calculate lot size and number of trades. - Take trades from just minimum of 10$ Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Forex trading and scalping strategy. - Expertise in developing trading robots. - Deep understanding of trading indices. - Proven track record of creating 100% profitable trading systems. Pleas...

    $1696 Average bid
    $1696 Oferta medie
    16 oferte
    PCB Design
    9 zile left

    Hi, this is the to be the PCB design quotation. The PCB of the power supply circuit is required to be designed with the Schematics. Software simulation files and PCB will be delivered.

    $95 Average bid
    $95 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I'm looking for an experienced Excel professional to create a comprehensive spreadsheet for tracking my stock trading activities. This spreadsheet needs to be efficient and effective, capturing all relevant data points. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel (preferably with experience in creating financial spreadsheets). - Ability to efficiently track and calculate critical metrics such as purchase dates, sale dates, and profit percentages. The ideal candidate will have a keen understanding of stock trading and can translate this into an effective tracking tool.

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta medie
    25 oferte
    Blog Load Time Optimization
    6 zile left
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    I need a skilled web developer to improve my WordPress blog's load time. The focus areas include: - Minimizing scripts - Improving server response time - Reducing JavaScript execution time - Reducing the impact of third-party code - Improving the largest content paintful element - Reducing unused JavaScript - Avoiding excessive DOM size - Eliminating render-blocking resources - Avoiding serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers - Reducing unused CSS Your expertise in identifying and implementing the necessary optimizations is crucial. Experience with WordPress is a must, and a proven track record of improving site speed will be highly regarded. Please, include a portfolio of similar projects in your proposal.

    $547 Average bid
    $547 Oferta medie
    160 oferte

    ...development team to design and build a custom HR software solution tailored to our needs for payroll processing and attendance tracking. The solution will automate employee payroll, manage attendance, and generate reports for HR. We aim to build a secure, user-friendly, and scalable system that will improve the efficiency of our HR team and provide a smooth experience for employees. Project Requirements: Payroll Processing: Employee Salary Calculations: Automate the calculation of employee wages, tax deductions, overtime, bonuses, and any other variable payments. Pay Stub Generation: Create automated pay stubs for employees. Tax Calculations: Implement a feature for tax calculations based on regional tax laws. Payment Integ...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    I'm working on a project to try and help locate lost and stolen pets. I want to start by increasing the range of a pet microchip scanner to be able to read the microchip number from further away. The current range is only 8cm. I believe this can be done by increasing the size of the antenna and adding a stronger power source. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Knowledge of electronics and RFID - Knowledge of pet microchip technology

    $183 Average bid
    $183 Oferta medie
    16 oferte