Heat load calculation pptproiecte
...Testing: Testing all features of the app to ensure they work as expected, including user interactions, data handling, and background processes. UI/UX Testing: Ensuring the app's user interface and user experience are consistent and optimized for Android 14's design standards. Performance Testing: Testing the app's performance on both high-end and low-end devices to ensure smooth operation, fast load times, and efficient battery usage. Security Testing: Verifying that the app complies with Android 14's security requirements, including data encryption, permission handling, and secure communication. Compatibility Testing: Testing the app across a variety of devices with different screen sizes, hardware configurations, and software customizations to ensure broad c...
Prezentare ppt pentru prezentare servicii marketplace de servicii juridice catre potentiali clienti
Salutare, Avem nevoie de un freelancer ce poate transforma informatille din website-ul nostru intr-un material de prezentare cu scopul de a introduce produsele noastre farmaciilor si magazinelor naturiste din Romania pentru a ii convinge sa ne listeze produsele pe rafturile lor. In principal, prezentarile trebuie sa contina: - Prezentare scurta a firmei ce activeaza din 2020 in mediul online devenind alegerea numarul 1 (in mediul online) pentru nisa noastra de produse. - Prezentare scurta a produsului, ce este, ce beneficii are si cum se administreaza - Produsele sunt aprobate IBA si au toate certificarile necesare - Am mai contactat in trecut alte magazine offline iar obiectiile acestora au fost: 1. Pret mare - Produsele noastre sunt la un pret mai ridicat decat competiti...
Braț de macara cu Arduino - Soft de simulare, docx + ppt
Looking for a person who knows Three.js. The project is for school and it mainly has a few functionalities: - Load models from server - Add models to scene - Select models in order to animate/ move them - Remove models - Somehow copy the code in order to give it to another user who can paste it and see the same canvas with the exact models and their animation
*Only for Romanians* Am nevoie de o persoana care sa imi facă prezentări PowerPoint după un manual de informatica. Prezentarile vor reprezenta cate un capitol din carte. Ideile se vor sublinia de catre mine (nu se va adauga tot). Se vor adauga propozitii sau cuvinte cheie in prezentare. Proiectul consta in adaugare si formatarea textului in pagina (exista un template custom care se va folosi pentru prezentari). Este vorba de un proiect pe termen mediu spre lung (mai am 2 carti care urmeaza sa fie convertite in prezentari). Va rog sa includeti pretul/slide in descrierea dumneavoastra (inca nu se cunoaste numarul exact de slide-uri, dar este vorba de o carte de 230 de pagini)
Pentru un website cu produse si servicii pentru copii caut pe cineva care sa ma ajute cu partea de branding: logo, vizual pagina web, template ppt si word, carti de vizita, template postare Fb/Insta. Mentionez ca am o paleta de culori pe care as dori sa intereseaza pret si timp de executie.
English: At the base is a website presentation of a medical clinique. In addition to this, the site must offer other opportunities for visitors such as: - The possibility for the visitor to interact with the doctor to obtain information. - The possibility for the visitor to up-load scanned documents or images and send them by email to the doctor - The possibility for the visitor to access a documentation section regarding certain diseases (section where presentation articles and of these diseases will be present) - The possibility for the patient to provide feedback after interaction (a simple but relevant questionnaire in which the patient can express his / her lived experience) - Patient to obtain location / orientation information - The possibility that the doctor can simp...
Pozitia pentru care va contactam este cea de Expert Grafica DTP in cadrul unui proiect, iar criteriile minime in vederea ocuparii acestei pozitii sunt urmatoarele: • Cunostinte avansate de limba engleza; • Experienta in pregatirea documentelor pentru tiparire (realizare design materiale, , concept creativ/grafica, machetare, inserare text, asigurarea coer...minime in vederea ocuparii acestei pozitii sunt urmatoarele: • Cunostinte avansate de limba engleza; • Experienta in pregatirea documentelor pentru tiparire (realizare design materiale, , concept creativ/grafica, machetare, inserare text, asigurarea coerentei grafice si de imagine a documentelor) în cadrul a cel putin 4 contracte/proiecte; • Experienta în elaborarea de materiale pentru prezentari (...
Modificare doua prezentari de produse cosmetice realizate in ppt.
Salut, Vreau sa refac CSS-ul site-ul E facut destul de rau si foloseste h tags. Este vorba de 3 pagini. Pagina trebuie sa aiba pentru galerie lazy load. Poti sa imi spui un pret aproximativ si cand am putea povestii mai multe detalii. Multumesc, Cristian
The website to be modified is The source code should be modified according to specifications, while the website aspect should remain (almost) identical. The project has two tasks: 1. Optimize the load time of the home page (slider, parallax effects), by modifying the source code and, if necessary, the required JavaScript libraries 2. Modify the source code of the HTML pages as follows: - every page should have only one H1 heading - every page should have between 0 and N H2 headings, where N is depending on the page - there should be no H3, H4 and H5 tags - all headings should be placed in the main area, not in the header or footer H1: FII EXTRA PREGĂTIT PENTRU EVALUAREA NAȚIONALĂ LA CLASA A VIII-A! H2: ACCES GRATUIT
...rirmata Muzica lenta Cclientul meu va accesa saitul meu, isi face un cont si intra in el. Clientul meu are 10magazine in care trebuie sa ruleze muzica de pe serverul central plus spoturi publicitare care trebuie sa ruleze la un animit interval orar. Deci el intra pe contul lui selecteaza MUZICA RITMATA si intervalul orar, dupa care selecteaza MUZICA LANTA si intervalul orar. Mai are un buton de load pentru a-si incarca spotul publicitar si din cite in cite minute sa cante si in ce interval orar. Dupa asta selecteaza magazinele in care sa cante aceasta muzica si spoturile publicitare, da finish si se intampla asta. La fiecare magazin exista un pc pe care noi instalam daca e cazul un program. Muzica care se afla pe serverul central se afla si local pe fiecare instalam...
Buna ziua, Revin prin intermediul acestui mesaj cu o confirmare a finalizarii proiectului demarat, cel de (re)branding RoofArt. Contra bugetului de 350 Euro, va rog sa ne trimiteti conceptul grafic nr. 1, aplicat pe urmatoarele materiale: Template prezentari ppt Materiale de comunicare: foi antet, carti de vizita, bloc notes, plicuri de diferite marimi, mapa A4 de prezentare, factura fiscala, layout CD, background pentru PC si smartphone Semnatura email Semnalistica outdoor (steag, billboard 6x3m) Insigne, Ecusoane Echipamente de lucru, tricou, sapca, camasa, cravata, esarfa Branding auto (Dacia Logan alba) Orice alte elemente ajutatoare de care aveti nevoie, vi le pot trimite la solicitare. De exemplu, poze cu produsele RoofArt in ideea constructiei unui model de panou exterior/bi...
Implementare script sau modul pentru up load produse in platforma Prestashop si Opencart. In plus implementare API pentru furnizor de produse in vederea corelarii stocurilor intregii game de produse.
Realizare script notificari pe mail cand apar modificari in linia/produsul solicitat de utilizator, cu cronjob. Modul de cautare in baza de date (specificul este ca va trebui sa se realizeze cautare in 300 de tabele ale bazei de date, cu peste 4 mil de randuri). Esentiala este rapididatea returnarii rezultatelor, un load pe sercev mic. De preferat un programator CU EXPERIENTA din Bucuresti, pentru o discutie in prealabil.
Salut, Vreau sa deschid pana pe 1 decembrie un magazin online (la inceput maxim 500 produse) pe platforma opencart si am nevoie de cineva care sa configureze si sa optimizeze un server dedicat pentru magazin online. De asemenea ma intereseaza sa stiu (daca traficul va cere) sa imi spuneti daca poti face: – setarea mai multor CDN-uri pentru continutul static – round robin dns load balancing pentru baza de date si script *chiar daca va ma trebui inchiriat un server pt asta Ca si firma de hosting vreau sa inchiriez un server dedicat (am atasat o poza cu configuratia aleasa) de la intrucat lucrez cu ei de mai bine de 3 ani pe shared hosting si de fiecare data cand am avut o problema indiferent de ora primeam raspuns si rezolvare in maxim 15 min prin mail si au s...
Angajam persoana activa, agera, inteleapta si deschisa care sa fie capabila sa lucreze cu artisti romani si straini in vederea managementului si si booking-ului. Persoana pe care o cautam trebuie sa cunoasca muzica si istoria scenei romanesti in zona rock, folk, zona underground; sa vorbeasca cel putin limba engleza (scris si vorbit), sa stie sa lucreze cu calculatorul ( xls, ppt, word, navigare internet, utilizare retele sociale), sa aiba carnet de sofer categoria B(sau sa fie dispusa sa urmeze cursurile), sa stie sa comunice cu artistii si cu clientii, sa stie sa negocieze cu artistii si cu clientii, sa stie sa completeze un contract, sa stie cateva notiuni despre finante ( calculare taxe si impozite pentru sumele artistilor, evidenta plati si incasari etc). De preferat experi...
Te salut Charlie, Ma numesc Cezar, si am nevoie sa-mi faci si mie un site ...l-am inceput si find extrem de ocupat nu pot sa stau si de el. Am nevoie sa aiba un impact extarodinar si sa fie super ok din punct de vedere seo. Ma voi ocupa eu de el pe parcurs. Deci am nevoie ca siteul sa fie accesibil, sa nu consume resurse f multe, sa se incarce repede, sa pot vinde on-line pe el. Plugins-urile sa nu fie foarte stufoase. Intr-un cuvant design futurist simplu, viteza de load, accesibilitate. In privinta design-ului vom discuta. Am nevoie de ceva care sa imbine chimia cu produsele verzi (naturale, vegetale, clare, non toxice) Poti sa-mi faci o estimare? Ai putea sa-mi faci ceva frumos cu un super impact vizual si public ? Multumesc mult de tot, astept un raspuns. Numai ganduri b...
...Datele se preiau prin apelul CURL. Un exemplu: Se apeleaza de forma cu parametrii: a. action = get_offers b. username = username c. password = password Username si password sunt primiti in prealabil pe email. Metoda va intoarce toate ofertele prezente in acel moment pe site-ul nostru. Recomandam folosirea ei de maxim 2 ori pe zi, pentru a evita load-ul mare pe server. Ex raspuns (1 item): {"id":"8","type":"circuit","departure_id":"4","departure_destination_id":"0","departure_destination_title":"","departure_destination_url":"","search_id":"15866","intern":"0","search_url":"src0h513874c3ecc81"...
Realizare design website pentru o firma de constructii Creare template ppt, word pentru materiale de prezentare
Doresc o prezentare generala pentru o companie din domeniul !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...performance, specifically targeting: - Page Load Time - Server Response Time - Image Optimization - design upgrade for best mobile experience for visitors - I am currently using Elementor Pro and would prefer to continue using it for this project. Your expertise with Elementor and WordPress will enhance my website's performance. I am seeking a professional who can deliver a faster, more efficient site without compromising quality or user experience. Ideal Skills: - Design ideas for digital products, courses and blogs - Extensive experience with WordPress and Elementor Pro - Proficiency in website speed and performance optimization - Skills in image optimization and server response enhancement - Excellent understanding of best practices for page load time improv...
I'm looking for an engineering professional who can perform a thermodynamics simulation in EES version 5 or above. The focus of this project is on convection heat transfer analysis. Key requirements: - Conduct a thermodynamics simulation in EES v5 or above. - Analyze convection heat transfer. - Generate clear plots for temperature distribution at varying temperatures+ - matlab codes may also be required Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in EES software. - Solid understanding of thermodynamics and convection heat transfer. - Experience in generating and interpreting engineering data plots.
I'm looking for a professional who can drastically improve my website's page load time and optimize my on-page SEO. Key Requirements: - Enhance page load time for an e-commerce website - Comprehensive on-page SEO optimization Ideal Skills: - Expertise in website speed enhancement - Proficient in on-page SEO techniques - Familiarity with e-commerce site dynamics Please provide a bid if you can help me improve my website's performance.
I need a skilled PHP developer to help me fix some issues on my website that have recently arisen. The problems include: - Pages not loading - Error messages being displayed - Slow performance These issues started following a recent update to the site. I'm looking for someone who can troubleshoot and resolve these problems swiftly, so my site can get back to normal operation. Experience with PHP and web server management is crucial for this job. I believe it will take 2-3 hours.
...someone with a strong background in this area to help us create top-notch applications targeting both desktop and mobile users. Key Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Laravel, Tailwind, Livewire , Filament, PHP, JavaScript, and SQL Database. - Experience with MVC Frameworks. - Creative UI development skills. - Strong understanding of user experience considerations including easy navigation, fast load times, and aesthetic design. - Previous work as a UI designer is a plus. - Familiarity with the Livewire Laravel package. The selected developer will enjoy a three-year fixed contract and will be part of the company payroll. If you believe you meet these requirements and are willing to work under these conditions, we would love to hear from you. Please refrain from bidding i...
I'm seeking a skilled Go developer to enhance my existing RTSP-to-WebRTC streaming channel project. Currently, this project operates as a standard WebRTC client, and I'm looking to implement Pion SFU to scale up its capacity and alleviate CPU load when adding subscribers. Key Objectives: - Increase the viewer capacity of the stream - Reduce CPU utilization for each new subscriber While I don't have concrete performance metrics or benchmarks in mind, I do have general improvements I would like to see. The ideal candidate for this project would be someone with extensive experience in Go, WebRTC, and Pion SFU, with a proven track record of improving stream quality and increasing viewer capacity.
...Subnets). Knowledge of routing, switching, and DNS configurations in platform-agnostic environments. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): similar terminology in Azure Understanding of virtual networking concepts such as isolated network environments, subnets, route tables, and NAT gateways. Ability to design and manage VPCs or equivalent virtual networks across any platform. Load Balancing: Proficiency in configuring and managing load balancers (application-level and network-level) to ensure high availability. Traffic Management: Skills in managing traffic flows, including ingress/egress rules, bandwidth optimization, and minimizing latency. Security and Access Control Security Groups and Firewall Management: Ability to define and manage security group rules, firewalls, and ac...
I need a system that uses...infographicsDeploy the system on a scalable cloud platform (AWS, GCP, or Azure) using container orchestration tools like Kubernetes for high availability. Use message queues (e.g., Kafka, RabbitMQ) for handling concurrent requests. Implement caching (e.g., Redis, Memcached) to improve response time for frequently accessed summaries. b. Performance Optimization Dynamic Workload Balancing: Implement load balancers to distribute incoming workloads evenly. Processing Pipeline Optimization: Use asynchronous processing for resource-intensive tasks like summarization and video generation. c. Data Privacy & Compliance Ensure compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR or FERPA by anonymizing user data. Encrypt data in transit and at rest using protocols lik...
...Secure Payments: Payment Methods: Support for UPI, cards, wallets, and bank transfers. Escrow System: Hold payments in escrow until both parties confirm the transaction is complete. Invoices: Automatically generate and send invoices after every transaction. 5. Logistics & Delivery: Packaging & Delivery Support: Handle packaging and partnering with logistics providers for delivery. Shipping Cost Calculation: Automatically calculate delivery costs based on distance and product weight. 6. Ratings & Reviews: Farmers and Retailers: Rate each other based on transaction quality. Feedback System: Consumers can leave reviews after each order, improving transparency and trust. 7. Analytics & Reporting: Farmers: View sales performance, track inventory, and manage harvest...
Before submitting a proposal please read the project description...or MongoDB. Microservices vs Monolithic: Start monolithic for simplicity and refactor into microservices as you scale. APIs: RESTful or GraphQL to facilitate communication between front-end and back-end. Hosting & Deployment: Cloud Providers: AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform. CI/CD: Implement continuous integration and deployment pipeline (Jenkins, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI). Scalability: Use load balancers and auto-scaling groups. Timeline: We are looking to complete this project within 4-6 weeks. Budget: $500 - $750 USD We welcome proposals from experienced developers with a portfolio of relevant projects. Please include a detailed timeline, proposed technologies, and any additional recommendations in you...
I'm looking for an experienced Android developer who can create a calculation app for basic arithmetic. Key features of the app: - The app should support all basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. - The interface should be user-friendly and intuitive to cater to users of all ages. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in Android app development. - A portfolio showcasing similar apps they've developed. - Skills in UI/UX design to make the app accessible and easy to use.
... • Add deadlines and alerts for overdue tasks. • Defect and Waste Tracking: • Log defective items with reasons (e.g., material issue, labor error). • Calculate financial loss due to defects. Profit/Loss Analysis • Automated Calculations: • Compare total costs with sales revenue for each batch or production cycle. • Display profit/loss percentage and trends over time. • Cost per Unit Calculation: • Automatically calculate production cost per unit based on total investment and usable output. Payment Distribution • Worker Payments: • Automate worker payments based on completed tasks and hours worked. • Maintain logs for pending and completed payments. • Vendor Payments: • Track vendor invoices, due ...
...developer with strong SEO skills to help optimize my forum for increased traffic. The focus will be on enhancing individual thread pages, as they are the priority. Key Areas of SEO Optimization: - Meta Tags and Descriptions: Crafting relevant and compelling meta tags and descriptions for each thread to boost visibility on search engines. - Page Loading Speed: Implementing techniques to improve load times, as speed is a key factor in user retention and SEO ranking. - Mobile Responsiveness: Ensuring all thread pages are fully optimized for mobile viewing. - Backlinks: Developing a strategy to increase quality backlinks to the forum. The ultimate goal of this project is to increase traffic to my forum. Therefore, a deep understanding of SEO strategies and how they can be applied t...
I have completed architectural blueprints for a single-family home and require a ...architectural blueprints for a single-family home and require a structural engineer to produce necessary structural drawings. This includes: - Foundation Design: The design must ensure the home is stable and secure. - Framing Plans: These should outline how the structure will be supported. - Load Calculations: This must detail how weight will be distributed throughout the home. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in residential structural engineering, deep understanding of load calculations and framing plans, and a proven track record of designing stable foundations. Please provide samples of similar projects you've completed in your bid. Must provide PE ...
...smoothly on various devices and screen sizes. End-to-End Scenarios: Test from booking initiation to payment completion for both web and mobile. 3. Claris Health Care Web and Mobile Application: API Testing: Validate API endpoints for data retrieval related to health metrics. Security Testing: Ensure the secure handling of sensitive health data (HIPAA compliance). Performance Testing: Verify app load time and stress testing under high traffic scenarios. 4. Verasys Web Application: Module Testing: Validate configuration, integration, and monitoring features. Access Control Testing: Ensure roles and permissions are functioning as intended. Compatibility Testing: Test for seamless integration with third-party systems. 5. Fifth Sense Mobile Application: Usability Testing: Evaluate app...
I'm in need of a comprehensive Excel workbook that can assist in managing and scheduling both staff and volunteers. The workbook should be capable of: - Scheduling staff and tracking days off - Computing hours and calculating salaries Additionally, the workbook should enable viewing the schedule in Gantt charts. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background i...Computing hours and calculating salaries Additionally, the workbook should enable viewing the schedule in Gantt charts. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in Excel, particularly in creating complex workbooks with various functions. Experience in HR or volunteer management is a plus. Please note, I will be providing the data necessary for hours computation and salary c...
...Contracts and DEXs: Familiarity with Uniswap v3, Sushiswap, and other decentralized exchanges. • API Integration & Blockchain Development: Experience with APIs like Ankr or any third-party node service, and interacting with Ethereum or other blockchains. • Node.js & JavaScript Expertise: Solid experience in Node.js, especially for blockchain-related scripting and real-time monitoring. • Price Calculation & Arbitrage Algorithms: Ability to implement logic for calculating prices from sqrtPriceX96 and detecting arbitrage opportunities. Example Tools: • API Integration: Use APIs such as Ankr or any third-party RPC providers for fetching blockchain data. • Blockchain Interaction: Use for interacting with smart contracts on Ethereum or other ...
I'm in need of a professional who can create a product sales invoice in Excel for my business. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Excel and be able to incorporate specific features into the invoice. Key features include: - Automatic tax calculation - Discount options - Customizable logo and branding Each invoice needs to detail each product with: - Product description - Quantity and unit price - Product code or SKU It's crucial that the freelancer understands how to design an invoice that is both functional and visually appealing, reflecting my brand identity.
...urgent crises of our time, with increasing threats to life, infrastructure, economies, and ecosystems worldwide. Climate change is no longer a distant concern; its effects are being felt now and are projected to intensify if emissions continue unabated. The consequences are severe and irreversible for people today, with rapidly shrinking glaciers and ice sheets, rising sea levels, and more intense heat waves already occurring. Scientists predict even more profound impacts, such as an increase in the frequency and intensity of wildfires, extended drought periods, and stronger tropical cyclones. By 2100, sea levels could rise by up to 6.5 feet1, displacing coastal communities and disrupting ecosystems. In the U.S., the effects vary by region—wildfires in the West have doubled...
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer who can turn my PowerPoint concepts into professional looking scientific illustrations and diagrams. The desired style is a clean, flat vector style which is widely used in scientific publications. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator - Experience in creating scientific graphics - Ability to understand and interpret scientific concepts - Strong attention to detail - Ability to deliver in multiple formats: AI, SVG, and PDF Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly any scientific graphics you've created in the flat vector style.
I'm in need of a minimalist and modern website to showcase my Chatbot. The site will utilize a registered domain and include a pitch video. The successful applicant will embed Gradio onto the webpage and implement load balancing and a timeout page. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - A proven track record in Chatbot/LLM development with a strong portfolio. - Prior experience working with Gradio and ideally with Modal. - A collaborative spirit and a reasonable hourly rate. Optional tasks, based on your professional experience, may include: - Promoting the website using GoDaddy tools. - Proposing other relevant activities to enhance the site. The project timeframe is between 14 to 20 days.
...rate changes. Technological improvements. Natural Rate of Unemployment Determination by job separation and job finding rates. Government strategies to reduce the natural rate of unemployment. Closed Economy Model Analysis Planned expenditure as a function of income. Equilibrium income determination. Impact of increased government spending on equilibrium income. Government spending multiplier calculation. Adjustments needed to derive the IS curve. SRAS-LRAS-AD Model Analysis Effects of: Decreased money supply by the central bank. Decreased tax rate by the government. Increased future expected interest rates. Labor market liberalization and its impact on natural unemployment. Open Economy and IS-LM Model** Role of exogenous interest rates. Deriving IS* and LM* curves. Equilibrium ...
...on a shared screen, reviewing various aspects of the site. Key Topics to Cover: 1. Content Management 2. Performance Optimization (Focus on Page Load Speed) 3. SEO (Emphasis on Keyword Optimization) 4. Plugin and Theme Maintenance 5. Security Check 6. Navigation and Usability 7. Analytics and Insights 8. Backup and Export 9. User and Subscriber Management 10. Design and Branding 11. Legal and Compliance 12. Customer Engagement The ideal freelancer should have a deep understanding of , excellent SEO skills particularly in keyword optimization, and a strong background in performance optimization. Experience with analysing page load speed and implementing necessary improvements is crucial. Please note that this may require more than one session, billed at an hourly rate....
My WordPress site is experiencing slow page load times, particularly with blog posts. I need a professional who can optimize the database, as it has a lot of slow queries and the Yoast SEO plugin. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress - Proficient in database optimization - Familiar with Yoast SEO plugin - Knowledgeable in speed enhancement techniques - Able to conduct a thorough site assessment Please note that I have not tried any database cleanup or caching plugins yet. Your expertise in enhancing my site's performance is crucial.
I need a graphic designer who can convert a PowerPoint illustration into a flat design infographic. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software - Experienced in creating infographics - Can deliver high-quality work under tight deadlines Requirements: - Transform a PPT illustration into a flat design infographic - Deliver the completed design on the same day
I'm in need of an experienced electrical engineer to create a comprehensive load schedule for my industrial building. The load schedule should encompass: - Lighting and power outlets The building has fully detailed electrical plans, so you won't need to start from scratch. However, a deep understanding of industrial-scale electrical systems is necessary. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience in working with industrial buildings, and should be able to interpret and utilize detailed electrical schematics.
I need an inspection of my shop, front, and back porch for load-bearing capacity on my main home. This is needed for a loan application. - Main Concern: The primary reason for this inspection is to satisfy the requirements of the loan. - Key Inspection Area: The back porch is the specific part of the property that is most crucial for the inspection. - Reporting: I need a summary with key findings from the inspection. Ideal skills for the job include structural engineering and home inspection expertise. Experience in preparing reports for loan requirements will be an added advantage.
I need a professional Keynote presentation created from a PowerPoint (PPT) for a marketing pitch. The ideal freelancer for this project should be an expert in PowerPoint and Keynote, with a keen eye for professional and corporate design. The presentation will need to include: - Charts and graphs: These will need to be designed in a clear and visually appealing way, to effectively communicate our marketing data. - Images and icons: A selection of relevant images and icons will need to be sourced and incorporated into the presentation, to maintain audience engagement and support our key messages. The overall style of the presentation should be professional and corporate, with a consistent and coherent theme throughout. Experience in creating corporate presentations is a plus.