Free convert quark word documentproiecte
I am not able to attach a pdf. Please email me if you are interested: vilniustelaviv@ Please send me a quote for the work and when are you going to be done. Consiliului de Administratie acţionând cate doua persoane în mod solidar (împreună), pentru a se ocupa de oricare şi toate formalităţile necesare în vederea îndeplinirii tuturor cerinţelor legale în legătură cu hotărârile adoptate în adunare, incluzând dar fără a se limita la publicarea şi/sau înregistrarea la oricare autorităţi sau instituţii a tuturor documentelor rezultate ca urmare a aplicării hotărâriJor adunării. Acest punct al ordinii de zi a fost propus spre aprobare deoarece <lupa adoptarea hotararilor adunarii, se vor intocmi documente legale care sa duca ...
Design si dezvoltare website cinematograf. O descriere succinta se regaseste in documentul atasat. In document am omis partea de autentificare/inrolare Avem nevoie atat de parte publica cat si zona de administrare.
Freelance writer convert from pdf to word
Un document de aproximativ 2 pagini standard care necesita traducere în limba română sau engleză. Vă rog să mă contactați pe adresa de e-mail Mulțumesc!
Pot completa tabele in excel sau scrie in word , proiecte in power preferat in limba romana.
Acest bid este pentru vorbitorii nativi de limba romana si presupune scrierea unui mini curs in limba romana despre SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Persoana care se va ocupa de aces proiect trebuie: - sa aiba cunostinte tehnice ...cuprins cu capitole si subcabitole - realizarea continutului fiecarui capitol cu exemple si informatie teoretica. Rezultatul final trebuie sa fie bine documentat tehnic si 100% original. Exemplu curs seo (rezultatul final va fi in romana, nu neaparat la fel de cuprinzator): Nu ma intereseaza formatarea, aceasta poate fi minimala. Se livreaza ca documente word. Termenul de executie de de maxim 30 zile (nu ma intereseaza sa fie gata cat mai repede ci cat mai bine). Eu voi detine toate drepturile de copywrite.
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Buna ziua, Sunt importator de scaune masaj din China in Romania. Doresc un site internet , cu design f. inspirat si adecvat, cat si promovare excelenta in internet pt. vanzari engros si endetail. Va trimit alaturat un document cu poza si descriere tehnica a primului produs ep care vrem sa/l punem in vanzare. Va rog sa-mi faceti o oferta de pret, eventual si o propunere generala de grafica a site-ului internet si a procesului de promovare internet, eventual cu vanzare online. cu stima, Gabriel Jarn gjarnea@
Salut, te rog sa ma scuzi daca te deranjez prin aceasta metoda de contact insa mi-a fost mai la indemana. Am vazut ca ai postat un job pentru traducerea catorva site-uri web din engleza in romana si invers. Eu caut u...respectiv traducere insa abia m-am inscris pe freelancer si nu am de gand sa le platesc lor pentru a da nu stiu ce examene. Sunt roman, dupa cum probabil ti-ai dat seama, dar cunosc engleza destul de bine zic eu, vorbind-o de la 5 ani zilnic. Nu am certificari sau alte documente care sa ateste stiu eu ce calificare, insa ce stiu pot demonstra oricand si oricum, prefer un test practic decat un document fara valoare. Daca esti interesat de o colaborare sau macar un test, te rog sa ma contactezi la Salut si sper sa colaboram pe viitor, mi-ar face placere!
ma intereseaza un player video pe web html sau flash care sa stie sa faca play la link uri : youtube si alte site-uri asemanatoare si mp4, flv, dintr o lista de 20-30 linkuri date de mine random, autoplay, autostart, AUTOFULL SCREEN. filmele trebuie sa porneasca singure la accesarea paginii in full screen si sa ruleze random la nesfarsit. este atasat un document cu 3 link-uri ca exemplu ce vreau sa ruleze.
...Facebook; rna5. Toate persoanele cu acces B2 si B3 sa poata fi puse în drepturi de catre Admin conform punctelor a2, a3 si a4 printr-o procedura simpla; rn rnb. Caracteristici site: rnb1. Obligatoriu posibilitatea de utilizare diacritice în toata structura; rnb2. Paginile din zona B trebuie sa fie editabile gen wikipedia, si sa suporte operatia de Lipire din procesorul de text Word sau OpenDocument Text; rnb3. Integrare retele sociale, fiecare pagina; rnb4. Logare simpla direct cu ID Facebook pentru toti utilizatorii; rnb5. Orice user logat, inclusiv nivel B4 sa poata posta subiecte noi pe forum, si sa poata raspunde la subiectele existente; rnb6. Toate paginile de continut sa afiseze Toolbox pentru editare de...
Buna ziua Cautam Urgent pe cineva care sa reuseasca sa creeze un design pentru compania noastra ,o revista de 12 pe cineva sa puna in imagini fragmente din activitatea noastra .Prezentarea inseamna,gasirea unor poze reprezentative ,sortarea pozelor,creearea unui document unic si aparte intr-un format final pentru printat. Asteptam cu interes contacte
I am looking for writers interested in writing or rewriting articles on a regular basis (long time colaboration). At the moment i have Article-Set-Pack (3-5 Articles/pack) to offer but i will increase that size continuously. Every 1 or 2 day i will send you packs to write. One Article-Pack contains Main-Keywords-Articles, each of 300-500 words in length. INFO:...Article-Pack contains Main-Keywords-Articles, each of 300-500 words in length. INFO: I will provide you with all of the articles to be rewritten as well as all keyword phrases. The Keywords/Keyphrases will be in the same market/niche of each Article-Pack but Topics will change from article set to article set. All articles must be unique related to the Keyword. I pay $1.50 per 400 word articles and $0.75 per 300 w...
Tehoredactare si traducere franceza-italiana-romana de calitate in Word, Excel. Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine.
Pot crea prezentari powerpoint, pot completa tabele in excel sau scrie in word, dactilografia lucrari de diploma sau licente, de preferat in romana. Am rapiditate la introdus date si corectitudine. De asemenea pot cauta pe net sau trimite mailuri sau orice tine de folosirea calculatorului si internet. Pot traduce materiale si orice fel de documente in/din limba engleza in limba romana, pot face asezari in pagina, redacta documente, pot tehnoredacta orice fel de document (carti, proiecte, etc). POt concepe si redacta orice fel de contract de vanzare-cumparare.
Pot crea prezentari powerpoint, pot completa tabele in excel sau scrie in word, dactilografia lucrari de diploma sau licente, de preferat in romana. Am rapiditate la introdus date si corectitudine. De asemenea pot cauta pe net sau trimite mailuri sau orice tine de folosirea calculatorului si internet.
...dezvoltare nu este sprijinit oficial de către Google.[4][5] Lansarea platformei Android la 5 noiembrie 2007 a fost anunțată prin fondarea Open Handset Alliance, un consorțiu de 48 de companii de hardware, software și de telecomunicații, consacrat dezvoltării de standarde deschise pentru dispozitive mobile.[6] Google a lansat cea mai mare parte a codului Android sub licența Apache, o licență de tip free-software și open source.[7] În iulie 2005 Google a achiziționat Android, Inc, o mică companie de tip startup cu sediul în Palo Alto, California, SUA.[8] Cofondatorii companiei Android, care au continuat să muncească la Google, au fost Andy Rubin (cofondator al Danger[9]), Rich Miner (cofondator al Wildfire Communications, Inc[10]), Nick Sears (fost vicepreședinte al...
am un document pdf pe care vreau sa il convertesc in document word mai multe detali dupa aceptarea proiectului am un document pdf pe care vreau sa il convertesc in document word mai multe detali dupa aceptarea proiectului am un document pdf pe care vreau sa il convertesc in document word mai multe detali dupa aceptarea proiectului
Pot crea prezentari powerpoint, pot completa tabele in excel sau scrie in word, dactilografia lucrari de diploma sau licente, de preferat in romana. Am rapiditate la introdus date si corectitudine. De asemenea pot cauta pe net sau trimite mailuri sau orice tine de folosirea calculatorului si internet.
Pot completa tabele in excel (cu formule de calcul )sau scrie in word, preferabil in romana,engleza sau italiana. De asemenea, pot face diverse situatii in excel...depinde ce doreste fiecare. Can fill tables in Excel (with formulas) or write in Word, preferably in Romanian, English or Italian. They can also make various situations in excel ... depends on what each wants.
Caut un bun pCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document care sa caute si sa colecteCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document date dupa an umite site-uri. ApoCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.i sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.
Pot completa tabele in excel sau scrie in word, dactilografia lucrari de diploma sau licente, de preferat in romana, dar ma descurc si in engleza. am rapiditate la introdus date si corectitudine. De asemenea pot cauta pe net sau trimite mailuri sau orice tine de folosirea calculatorului si internet.
Caut un bun pCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document care sa caute si sa colecteCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document date dupa an umite site-uri. ApoCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.i sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.
Tehoredactare de calitate in Word, Excel. Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine.
We need coders to code our websites. The websites are already designed (PSD), all the content is created and the final site is approved by the client already. We simply convert the PSD to HTML5/CSS3/JS sites and send them back!I am looking for somebody who can start right now and could deliver the results in next 24 hours. We are looking for a long term relationship with the right candidates. Must have experience in Twitter Bootstrap Responsive design. please see 3 attach file.
Tehnoredactare de calitate orice fel de lucrare (teze, referate, articole etc.) in Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Corecturi lucrari. Efectuez monitorizare surse deschise si analize de specialitate din surse deschise. Seriozitate, calitate si operativitate.
Joc de table care sa permita utilizatorilor posibilitatea sa joace in varianta free sau pe bani reali. Trebuie sa existe si posibilitatea de practice ( se joaca cu calculatorul) In varianta free se primesc bani virtuali ( o anumita suma fixa la inscrierea pe site - ex: 35 usd) dupa care zilnic se primeste o anumita suma de bani ( ex 15 usd zilnic). Cu banii virtuali ca de altfel si cu banii reali se joaca la mese cu valori predefinite, de exemplu masa de 1 cent, 5 centi , 1 usd, 2 usd , de 3usd , 5 usd, etc fiecare masa in parte are grafica si design diferit ( ex: denumire de orase ex: Las Vegas, New York, London, Sydney etc:. In cazul ca se joaca pe bani reali trebuie deschis un cont cu date de identificare corecte. Pentru exemplificare se poate face download la aplicatia 8p...
Tehoredactare de calitate in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe, Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine.
I'm looking for a professional who can convert point cloud data into a highly detailed mesh for simulation purposes. The final deliverable should be in the OBJ file format. Files needs to open in Autodesk Fusion. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in 3D modeling and simulation - Proficient in converting point cloud data to mesh - Able to deliver high-detail meshes - Expert in producing and delivering files in OBJ format
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I have a Word document (a bibliography) in which titles of articles are set off by characters, a capital A at the beginning and an at sign @ at the end. Thus: Almagia, Roberto. 1914. ALe piu antiche rappresentazioni cartographiche della regione albanese.@ Bolletino Geografica Italiana i want that turned into: Almagia, Roberto. 1914. "Le piu antiche rappresentazioni cartographiche della regione albanese." Bolletino Geografica Italiana The whole document is less than 100 pages and should be a snap if you know how to run macros.
I need a professional to convert my PDF files to PDF/X-1a using Adobe Acrobat. I seem to be unable to do so and get past Preflight and do the fixes so that it will convert. I will need one file with all interior content and a second file with just the front cover. The conversion should include: - Embedding of the Color profiles - Use of High-resolution images - Font embedding Please note, only freelancers with experience in high-quality PDF to PDF/X conversions using Adobe Acrobat will be considered.
I need a professional to convert my Word document (over 200 pages) into a PDF. The pages need to stay the same on the page, as this is for a book I'm publishing on Amazon. Key Requirements: - Convert a Word document (over 200 pages) to a PDF. - Ensure all fonts and formatting are preserved. - Deliver a PDF where the pages align perfectly. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Word and PDF conversion. - Attention to detail to ensure perfect page alignment. - Ability to preserve complex formatting and fonts.
I'm a financial advisor looking for an experienced telemarketer to help me convert leads into qualified prospects for investment management services. Criteria for Qualified Leads: - The primary criterion for a lead to be considered qualified is their interest in investment management. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in telemarketing, particularly in the financial services sector, is highly sought after. - Strong understanding of, and ability to discuss, stocks and bonds. - Excellent communication skills, with a knack for engaging potential prospects. - Proven track record of lead conversion and sales. If you're capable of turning leads into valuable prospects, I would love to hear from you.
I need a professional who can add a website link to two areas of my one-page resume in Adobe PDF. Key Requirements: - The link should be placed in the Contact Information section. - The link should be displayed as a clickable button. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe PDF - Experience in editing resumes - Ability to create functional, clickable elements within a PDF document This task is straightforward and should not take long for someone experienced with PDF editing. Looking forward to your bids.
To Do: I have an app in WPF C# that uses feeds in Node.Js API for some Json document and layout. My App doesn’t generate properly the rendering of the documents Invoice, Bill, Purchase Order, Sale Order You need to look at some models document online, to be able to fix the code. What I provide: - Code sharing on Github Technical Knowledge: - Good knowledge of WPF, especially sizing and calculation of the elements - Good knowledge of C# - Good knowledge of Json Functional Knowledge: - Good communication - Functional knowledge of Invoice, Bill, - Functional knowledge of Documents Header, Footer, Details Requirements Environment: - C#, WPF, Windows 10, Node JS, Visual Studio 2022 - Account with GitHub for sharing Important, I don’t answer to such propos...
I need a professional to convert a form or interactive Word document to a PDF. This project requires maintaining the original layout and design of the document. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word and PDF conversion tools. - Experience with converting interactive documents. - Attention to detail to ensure the original layout and design is preserved.
Create a tool that scrapes online business profile reviews for any business I input. Key Requirements: - The tool should allow me to input the name of a business with online reviews - It should capture ALL the reviews in a single excel document like the attached Timeline is 2 to 3 days
The purpose of this project is to test the feasibility of using AI to convert certain custom developed JD Edwards EnterpriseOne industry specific add-on modules to be 100% independent of JDE. The result will be a multi-tenant 100% cloud-based solution architected with modern tools and platform. This first project will include converting a single JDE CRUD application. If this Proof-Of-Concept succeeds, we'll consider a separate, very large project to convert an entire JDE Custom Module (example scrap metal processing, casinos, or mining). STOP: You must have all of the following: 1) JDE E1 development experience; 2) Extensive full-stack experience for web-based cloud-based large-scale systems; 3) Experience converting and writing code using Claud,ai or some other AI sy...
...spelling errors, ensuring it is completely error-free. Enhance sentence structure, clarity, and overall readability while maintaining the original voice. Add engaging content where necessary to make the book more comprehensive and appealing. Table of Contents Creation: Develop a clear and well-structured table of contents to organize the book's material effectively. Design: Add visually appealing designs, illustrations, and graphics that align with the theme of the book. Format the book layout for both ebook and print versions. Book Formatting: Ensure the content is formatted for various digital platforms (Kindle, iBooks, etc.) and for print. Incorporate appropriate typography, spacing, and alignment to enhance readability. Ebook Conversion: Convert the book into ... the Allianz Modern Consulting Finance WordPress theme showcased on ThemeForest. Key Requirements: - The site should prominently feature our expertise in Strategy Consulting. - It should be designed with the intent to convert visitors into clients, so a clear call-to-action and easy navigation are crucial. - SEO best practices should be integrated into the site to enhance visibility and reach. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development, particularly with WordPress. - Strong understanding of SEO strategies. - Previous work on consulting or finance-related websites will be a plus. - Excellent
I'm looking for a developer to create a VoIP Auto Caller application for me. This application should be able to make calls to a specific list of Toll-free IVR numbers and navigate through the IVR system automatically to reach the Balance Enquiry step. Key Features: 1. Input of Toll-Free numbers to call. 2. Capability to upload a plain text file with 1,000 to 10,000 account details for balance enquiry. 3. The application should make a call for every data field in the uploaded file and input the account number and pin automatically. The response from the balance enquiry should be saved next to each corresponding field. The software needs to be compatible with Windows. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience in VoIP application development, familiarity with I...
...collection and organize leads in a CRM or Google Sheets. - Assist with outreach messaging to landlords. Property Management Tasks: - Use software like Guesty (or similar tools) to manage listings, guest communication, and calendar syncing. - Coordinate with cleaning services and other vendors. Automation & SOPs: - Set up and manage workflows using tools like Zapier to streamline operations. - Document processes into clear Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to support business growth. Requirements - Experience with property management tools (Guesty, Airbtics, or similar). - Familiarity with automation tools like Zapier or Make (strong plus). - Highly organized with excellent attention to detail. - Strong communication skills in English and Spanish. - Willingness to take i...
I'm seeking a translator to convert an Islamic book from Urdu into English. There are at least three books I need translated. This project is for the first one which is a large voluminous work called Fatawa Razawiya by Ala Hazrat. The translation needs to embody a spiritual and contemplative tone. This requires not just language skills, but also a deep understanding of the spiritual nuances of the text. It is a large project. It consists of 30 volumes each of at least 500 pages. Key requirements: - Translate into English with footnotes for Islamic terms. The translator should have a good grasp of Islamic terminology and be able to translate these terms in a way that is accessible to non-Arabic speakers
I'm in need of a word-based logo using my name, and an initial-based favicon. The logo should be simple, yet elegant and in line with a classic aesthetic. It should also be easily recognizable and scalable for various uses. Ideal skills and experience for the job would include graphic design and branding expertise, with a strong portfolio of similar classic designs. Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop is also essential. Experience in creating favicons would be a plus. Please note that I haven't specified a font type or color scheme - but do have colours in mind, but also open to your professional recommendations.
I need a skilled frontend developer to convert a PDF document into HTML for optimal web display. The HTML must be responsive across all devices, ensuring a seamless viewing experience whether on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. Key Requirements: - Expertise in frontend development, specifically HTML and CSS. - Proven experience in creating responsive web designs. - Ability to accurately convert PDF content into HTML. Note: The PDF does not contain any interactive elements, such as forms or hyperlinks; it is purely content conversion.
Develop a Web and Desktop Application using Azure Document Intelligence (Azure Form Recognizer) to recognize and process invoice formats. 1. Integration of Azure Document Intelligence with the Application Configure Azure Document Intelligence: Create an Azure Form Recognizer resource in the Azure portal. Use its “Custom Model” functionality to train the AI with specific invoice examples (at least 5 for each format). Export the model and get the API credentials (Endpoint and Key). 2. Application Development: Create a module that allows uploading invoices (PDF, images) from the backend, portal, directory, email, etc . Use Azure credentials to send documents to the API and receive processed responses. 3...
I'm in need of a formal editing expert with the ability to undertake major and minor differential revisions on a business document. This document is an internal report that requires substantial editing and rephrasing to enhance its overall quality and clarity. Key Tasks: - Modify the document to a formal tone suitable for a business setting - Change major and minor differential topics to ensure a wholesome paraphrase - Implement different aspects of editing to improve the document Focus Areas: - Grammar and punctuation - Clarity and conciseness - Formatting and structure Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in editing business documents - Excellent command of English grammar and punctuation - Ability to enhance the clarity and conciseness of ...
Type "Riyal" so ik you are not bot and i will send u msg I'm looking for a skilled React or developer who can convert my traditional HTML/CSS/JS files into a project. Please note that I am looking for a freelancer/developer and not an agency with high quotes. Do not ask for budget, just provide your quote and turnaround time. Key Requirements: - Proficient in React and - Experience with converting HTML/CSS/JS to - Ability to work independently as a freelancer - Familiarity with adhering to specific design or style guidelines Additional Information: - I do not have any existing backend or APIs that need to be integrated - The project is fully static, so no complex state management is needed - I have a design or style guide that needs to be followed. creating a comprehensive Business Requirements Document (BRD) for our development team. The ideal candidate should have strong research skills, an understanding of business and system requirements, and the ability to translate complex findings into clear and actionable documentation. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough research on asset management systems like Yardi, TRIRIGA, and other relevant platforms. - Identify and document key features, components, and workflows of each system. - Analyze and compare functionalities to determine best practices and potential enhancements for our needs. - Collaborate with stakeholders to gather additional insights and requirements. - Draft a detailed and structured Business Requirements Document (BRD) that outlines func...