
Căutările mele recente
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    2,000 free accounts verified proiecte găsite

    ...startup to support two independent caterers who need a simple, functional website to promote their culinary skills and manage their services. We’re looking for a developer to build a prototype with the following features: • Profile Pages: Bios, contact info, image galleries, and customizable menus. • Interactive Calendar: Caterers can schedule their events and plan availability dates. • Customer Accounts: Login/registration to save favorites, manage bookings, and view orders. • Contact form: a way for customers to directly contact the caterers without customers logging in. • Mobile-Friendly Design: Optimized for mobile users. • Admin Panel: A basic dashboard to oversee activity and manage users. We are aiming to complete the prototype ...

    $442 Average bid
    $442 Oferta medie
    40 oferte

    Proiect de virtual office & virtual assistance. Colaboratori pentru VAPBiz. Servicii online pentru : Programăriîntâlniri, efectuare apeluri telefonice, realizam aranjamente de călătorie și gestionare conturile de e-mail, de asemenea,postari pe rețelele sociale și cercetare. Virtual office & virtual assistance project. Contributors...Colaboratori pentru VAPBiz. Servicii online pentru : Programăriîntâlniri, efectuare apeluri telefonice, realizam aranjamente de călătorie și gestionare conturile de e-mail, de asemenea,postari pe rețelele sociale și cercetare. Virtual office & virtual assistance project. Contributors to VAPBiz. Online services for: Scheduling meetings, making phone calls, making travel arrangements and managing e-mail accounts, also po...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    În primul rând, eu nu vorbesc limba română, așa că nu pot să vă contactez decât prin SMS. De asemenea, folosesc o funcție de traducere, așa că este posibil ca unele dintre texte să nu fie corecte. Vă rugăm să înțelegeți. Intenționez să creez un site în limba română, în special despre îngrijirea părului. Se preconizează că amploarea proiectului va fi de apro...aproximativ 100 de articole. 1 articol: 20lei~40lei Vă vom plăti 1100lei~1900lei pe lună dacă sunteți dispus să gestionați întregul site și să faceți SEO. De asemenea, putem negocia un preț de 4000lei pentru crearea unui site web, managementul general, SEO și livrarea a 100 de articole. Prețul este negociabil, așa că vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne contactați. Translated wit...

    $975 Average bid
    $975 Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    ...clienti (fermieri si procesatori / traderi ), in max 24 h de la alocare task. 4. Data entry: introducere si actualizare date de vanzari in MiniCRM ( Roxana se ocupa in prezent, dar cu erori) – import nou sau de update / introducere manuala direct in MiniCRM 5. Research internet / ( avem cont platit) / MADR pt date contact cat mai complete pt diversi parteneri potentiali 6. Small accounts management : follow-up discutii cu clientii initiate de manager vanzari, acolo unde este nevoie. 7. Email management : Sa verifici zilnic mailuri care vin pt vanzari in marele meu Inbox si sa gasesti un sistem sa le pot adresa usor. 8. Primary accounting: Facturare linii noi de venit (nimeni nu se ocupa in prezent ) . Sunt f putine facturi de facut in prezent. Important sa fii / ai: - S...

    $92 Average bid
    $92 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Salut, am template wordpress premium luat, am nevoie de cineva care sa mi l aranjeze putin. Chiar si putem merge pe un alt script la recomandare. Multumesc

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Build A Website
    S-a încheiat left

    professional advocate and accounts work

    $119 Average bid
    $119 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    ...Foreign vocational student - 1-2 propozitii O-1, O-2 Temporary worker in the sciences - 1-2 propozitii P-1, P-2, P-3 Temporary worker in the arts, athletics in an exchange or cultural program - 1-2 propozitii Q-1, Q-2 Cultural exchange visitor - 1-2 propozitii R-1 Temporary religious worker with a nonprofit organization - 1-2 propozitii TC Professional business worker admitted under U.S. Canada Free Trade Act (NAFTA) - pentru romanii din Canada TN Professional business worker admitted under NAFTA - pentru romanii din Canada sau Mexic...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    Optimizare site wordpress
    S-a încheiat left

    Site-ul wordpress are nevoie de optimizare pentru a reduce timpii de incarcare. Mentionez ca site-ul ruleaza pe server dedicat, utilizeaza o tema pro si cateva module pro si free. Mai mentionez ca nu intentionez sa dezvolt ceva de la zero. Doar sa imbunatatesc ceea ce exista. Daca ati mai facut asta, va rog mult sa-mi dati un semn in care sa-mi spuneti ce puteti face (o estimare a timpului de incarcare la care va angajati sa ajungeti ar fi perfect!), in cat timp si cu ce resurse.

    $146 Average bid
    $146 Oferta medie
    30 oferte

    Doresc o aplicatie web pe care preia informatii dintr-un calendar opendental - soft de stomatologie ()-free sours si sa le afiseze intr-un calendar pe pagina web a cabinetului dentar astfel incat programarile online si offline sa nu se suprapuna. Aplicatia va prelua datele din opendental, va afisa orele disponibile pe web si atunci cand se rezerva o ora online acesta sa scrie in opendental datele pacientului si ora solicitata astfel incat ora sa devina indisponibila (ocupata). Programarea online, pentru a fi scrisa in opendental va fi validata de un operator din receptie. Pacientul va primi un email prin care i se confirma programarea. Aplicatia va trebui sa contina si cateva manopere, cele mai importante pentru care vor fi setate intervale orare diferite (ex: consultatie 1/2h

    $273 Average bid
    $273 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    am pierdut ziua azi discutand cu diverse persoane non-romanians si nu ma pot lauda cu mare progres caut pe cineva cu care sa lucrez la acest hand-out si apoi la orice altceva de la logo, website design, banners samd astept propuneri serioase cu exemple c...lauda cu mare progres caut pe cineva cu care sa lucrez la acest hand-out si apoi la orice altceva de la logo, website design, banners samd astept propuneri serioase cu exemple clare de proiecte similare, daca nu ai mai facut sa nu ne pierdem vremea acesta nu e un proiect gigant ... dar poate duce la proiecte permanente pentru cel cu care asupra calitati si pretului ma inteleg - nu vreau FREE demo dar nici nu o sa arunc cu bani sa vad daca pierd vremea, cine stie sa foloseasca inDesign se misca repede ... multume...

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Oferta medie
    6 oferte
    Project for tymysrazvan
    S-a încheiat left

    Salve Razvan! as avea nevoie de serviciile tale, daca e posibil, pentru a face unele finisaje la site-ul meu ( - wordpress - avada theme). Pentru toate aceste finisaje iti voi trimite imagini. 1) In primul rand as vrea ca mainmenu-ul sa fie fixed 2) ...Probleme mari sunt intre 801 si 980. De asemenea, in versiunea mobile imaginea sliderului nu se schimba activand unul din cele 4 pulsante de sub el. Merge doar activand sagetutele stanga-dreapta. ---------------------- Apoi mai am unele mici finisaje pe pagina Come Funziona si Vantaggi - versiunea mobile + unele mici finisaje la blog. deocamdata atat. Am valutat undeva la 8 ore X 5€ (PS. 2$ si free nu sunt ok). Dar pretul final il faci tu. Bafta, anunta-ma te rog daca reusesti sa faci aceste ajustari cerute si pretul tau.

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Do some data entry
    S-a încheiat left a căror expresie a cuantificării se traduce în cifre, aș inspira împăcat. :) Ori măcar să introduc text și cifre, fără prea mare tehnoredactare ori respectiv prelucrare sau postprocesare. Sper să nu mă fi autosabotat prea tare scriind totul ”într-un suflet” și mai mult în stilul confesiv; decât în propoziții scurte, clare și întru eficiența operativității. Mai spre ambiguu ori mai spre free-style inedit, noua mea tastatură achiziționată astăzi s-a bucurat de prima ei folosire, în metoda oarbă bineînțeles, deși cu tastele-i luminate, pentru cine știe ce posibilă combinație de taste; în mediul nocturn. Dacă ajută în vreun fel în cadrul vreunui proiect, înainte de a trece la următoare...

    $980 Average bid
    $980 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    am nevoie de cineva sa ma ajute cu traficul my free cams

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Oferta medie
    19 oferte
    Project for nechiformarian
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, Marian! Nu te cunosc, nu ma cunosti (funny) .Iti trimit acest mesaj cu gandul ca poate ma poti ajuta :) Sunt nou in acest domeniu an 1 la Calculatoare(fac doar C , free cad , vrml ,c++) . As vrea sa stiu daca ma poti indruma? gen: ce proiect as putea sa fac ce ar trebui sa invat pentru ca la un moment dat sa pot castiga ceva:) Ce ofer? idk daruire si ajutor cu orice pot:) Mulțam!

    $8 Average bid
    $8 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Platforma educationala php
    S-a încheiat left

    este nevoie de dezvoltarea unei platforme educationale in php cu urmatoarele functionalitati: user cu confirmare pe mail, pagina de administrare si introducere date de catre beneficiar, newsletter, plati prin sms card, gamificare si puncte pentru rezultate, teste grila contratimp, clasament rezultate utilizatori. utilizatori free si cu plata

    $1096 Average bid
    $1096 Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    Accounts, cut & Pasting, sum, Sheet setting

    $358 Average bid
    $358 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    poti sa imi faci si mie un site free si iti fac cumparatori ........................................................

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    CCleaner Free
    S-a încheiat left

    Recomand merge mai repede pc si nu nu face nimic dai doar 2 clikuri si gata. merge stat si daca ai calculatorul low ..

    $1466 - $2932
    $1466 - $2932
    0 oferte

    Salul Alec, Pentru el am nevoie de realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe sa se vada cam ce vreau sa obtin. Banner mare: 650x390 (6buc) Banner mic dreapta: 220x169 (4 buc) Baner mic jos: 200x154 (12 buc) Dimensiunile sunt in pixeli. Bannerele sa fie cu colturi rotunjite, imagini free, text care sa ii faca curiosi pe vizitatori... Proiectul include realizarea unor bannere asemanatoare si pentru un alt magazin online, si ulterior actualizarea lor la fiecare 3 luni Am nevoie de un banner demo.

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Buy Facebook page verified Cumpar paginii de facebook verificate skype - razvan21_cr

    min $4899
    min $4899
    0 oferte

    Salut man , am un proiect pentru tine , sper sa poti sa ma ajuti cu el :) As dori un program , script , soft cu proxy free ... ceva ce sa poata sa faca Youtube Views ... NU VREAU sa cumpar , vreau CEVA , ce poate sa-mi ofere Yotube Views... Daca chiar nu poti sa faci asa ceva , da-mi macar de stire :) Multumesc !

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    ...lor. - Furnizorii ar trebui să fie în măsură să răspundă la mesaje / oferte de transport de la consumatori. agenții de publicitate - Ar trebui să fie capabil de a selecta locatii de publicitate necesare. - Auto-administreze și să plătească pentru aceste anunțuri. - Încărcați și de a gestiona Cateva detalii suplimentare: 1. Free to register 2. Register user and provider 3. must be simple and friendly use 4. Providers needs to be verified once registered online, * 5. Listing options. 6. Provider ability to change fee structure. 7. Customer automatically sent payment request via Paypal / CC / internet banking 8. Dashboard for users and providers 9. Feedback score. 10. Box for additional information 11. Calender. * 12. Auction in r...

    $1855 Average bid
    $1855 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Buna! Am un proiect video salvat in versiunea free a software-ului Movavi video editor. Proiectul e salvat, editat complet in movavi. Am nevoie sa fie salvat ca video, intr-un format cunoscut: avi, mpg, mp4 sau wmv. Ma poti ajuta?

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Remodelare site web
    S-a încheiat left

    ...obligatorii cu specificatia faptului ca CNP-ul (sau CUI-ul ) este obligatoriu pentru emiterea facturii fiscale (trebuie citat textul de lege). 6. Planurile tarifare trebuie sa fie exact ca si cele actuale cu posibilitatea de modificare a acestora din panoul de administrare. 7. Posibilitatea de comentarii la fiecare lucrare a utilizatorilor. 8. In formularul de contact cei care sunt inscrisi pe planul free mail-ul nu va fi trimis catre persoana inscisa pe site ci catre mail-ul de office sau admin al site-ului urmand ca un operator sa il citeasca si sa ia legatura cu cel inscris pe site. 9. In momentul postarii unei lucrari si aprobarii acesteia de catre operator aceasta sa iba posibilitata de publicare pe conturile noastre de socializare(facebook, twitter si linkedin). 10. ...

    $1648 Average bid
    $1648 Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    This task takes less than 5 minutes of your time daily We are creating a website where people can read headline news and engage or start a discussion to express their free will opinion, reaction, suggestions about news they read as well as make new friends with people of substance. User can also customise which news they would like to get update on in their feed. We will have an extensive list of news categories from Celebs, fashion, personal, football and many more. We need intelligent people to help us start up the discussion so this project require you to create a real profile account on our website and engage/ leave a reaction to any news that catch your fancy. Note that this is not a compulsory comments. If you dont have anything to say , you shouldn't talk as we ar...

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Oferta medie
    11 oferte
    Totul despre android
    S-a încheiat left

    ...dezvoltare nu este sprijinit oficial de către Google.[4][5] Lansarea platformei Android la 5 noiembrie 2007 a fost anunțată prin fondarea Open Handset Alliance, un consorțiu de 48 de companii de hardware, software și de telecomunicații, consacrat dezvoltării de standarde deschise pentru dispozitive mobile.[6] Google a lansat cea mai mare parte a codului Android sub licența Apache, o licență de tip free-software și open source.[7] În iulie 2005 Google a achiziționat Android, Inc, o mică companie de tip startup cu sediul în Palo Alto, California, SUA.[8] Cofondatorii companiei Android, care au continuat să muncească la Google, au fost Andy Rubin (cofondator al Danger[9]), Rich Miner (cofondator al Wildfire Communications, Inc[10]), Nick Sears (fost vicepreședinte al...

    $15 - $25 / hr
    $15 - $25 / hr
    0 oferte

    We are seeking an expert to assist in the redevelopment of a specialized marketplace platform. Below are the comprehensive requirements for the project: 1. API Retrieval and Optimization: Retrieve integrated APIs (Eden AI, Salesforce, Getty Images, Azure, OpenAI). Assistance may be required for inaccessible accounts due to geographical restrictions. 2. Domain & Email Integration for Local Market: Build a robust system for selling AI domains and email registration, specifically catering to the region of Anguilla. Ensure compliance with local copyright laws. 3. Enhanced User Experience via Icons: Replace traditional category representations with visually appealing side-by-side icons for all features. Description texts will be provided and need to be properly placed. 4. Regulatory...

    $544 Average bid
    $544 Oferta medie
    22 oferte
    Bold & Edgy Clothing Brand Identity
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    i have a clothing brand and need an expert in brand identity and social media content creation, particularly for Instagram FEED. Key Responsibilities: - Create a visually appealing Instagram feed layout that resonates with the brand's bold and edgy style. - Incorporate a mix of product photos and lifestyle shots, styled in a way that captures the essen...layout. - Help in establishing a cohesive brand identity across all content. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media content creation, particularly Instagram. - Strong understanding of brand identity development. - Exceptional visual design skills. - Experience with the bold and feminine , expressive aesthetic. - Ability to work with provided inspiration accounts. Please DM for more specific instructions and inspir...

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    88 oferte
    App & Website Integration with MLM
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    Website and App 1. Core Features for the App User Accounts & Profiles: Customers and contractors should have individual profiles, storing order history, preferences, and custom pricing. Product Catalog & Ordering: Full integration with the website’s product listings, allowing easy browsing, adding to cart, and one-click reordering. Click & Collect & Delivery Options: Users should be able to select between pickup at their nearest warehouse or delivery to their job site. 24/7 Availability & Instant Access: Orders can be placed anytime, with live stock availability updates. Custom Pricing Per User: Contractors should see different price sheets based on their agreements and bulk purchases. MLM Integration: Customers should be able to track their referral bonus...

    $1640 Average bid
    $1640 Oferta medie
    75 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in brand promotion and sales on social media. I specifically need someone who can link my Shopify store with my social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, allowing for direct purchase options on these platforms. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with META business and marketing. - Expertise in integrating Shopify with social media. - Ability to set up the store for optimal brand visibility and sales conversion. Note: The ideal freelancer should have a strong background in using META Business Suite for brand promotion, particularly with ads management. Required language: Spanish

    $145 Average bid
    $145 Oferta medie
    37 oferte

    Accounts Administrator Job Type: Freelance OR Part-time Working Periods: Working days with flexible working hours (mostly task based) Location: Remote Our UK training business is looking for a skilled accounts administrator to oversee accounts payable and accounts receivable across the entire organization. The accounts administrator will be responsible for reviewing and reconciling all company accounts. They will process payments to our external partners and maintain up-to-date records of all invoices and receipts. The candidate will also provide support to our training business finance team and will delegate accounting duties to other trained members as the team grows. Objectives of this role • Provide support and oversight to the company&...

    $528 Average bid
    $528 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    I'm looking for a talented writer to help me craft my autobiography into both a printed book and an e-book. The book should be written in a first-person narrative style, capturing my written in a first-person narrative style, capturing my personal voice and experiences. The level of detail should be a mix of high-level overviews of key events, alongside more detailed accounts of both my personal and professional life. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Exceptional writing and storytelling skills - Experience with autobiography writing or ghostwriting - Ability to translate personal experiences into engaging narrative - Familiarity with both print and e-book formats - Strong understanding of first-person narrative style - Ability to balance high-level overviews with de...

    $1148 Average bid
    $1148 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    I have a script that calculates wallet holders of my SPL token and figures out how much to send to each. It's nearly complete, but I'm having trouble making the actual batch transactions and airdrops. Your tasks would primarily involve: - Assisting with transaction structuring - Handling empty or non-minted wallets - Potentially setting up initial SPL token accounts for wallets that don't have one The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive knowledge of Node and Java, as well as experience with batch airdropping. You should be able to troubleshoot and provide solutions quickly, as I need help with this now. Looking for help right now to bang this out really quick!

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    I need a professional editor who has a conservative Christian perspective and experience in proofreading American political biographies. My book is about how ...than between $150 and $200.00 USD. My book is political and Christian leaning and please, if you are of other or no religion, do not apply as I would not want you to be reading the Bible verses in my book by force or without understanding what it means as just a job. No offense, just try to respect others' believe as well as mine. Key requirements: - Proofreading expertise to ensure the text is free from errors and reads smoothly. - Experience with political biographies. - Conservative Christian viewpoint to align with the book's perspective. Please share your relevant experience, and why you would be a good f...

    $459 Average bid
    $459 Oferta medie
    60 oferte

    My C++ trading code is experiencing an authentication failure while trying to connect to the Deribit API. This is hindering my ability to manage my trading accounts. Key Requirements: - Diagnose and fix authentication issues with Deribit API - Experience with C++ and Deribit API is a plus - Proficient in troubleshooting in Windows environment This project calls for a professional who can efficiently resolve the problem, allowing me to resume trading activities.

    $46 Average bid
    $46 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    I'm seeking assistance to integrate Google Ads with my Highlevel CRM, specifically on how to track and report conversions back to Google Ads. I know Highlevel pretty well but next to nothing about Google Ads. Your expertise will help me monitor: - All form submissions from selected forms - Specifically, submissions from the Free Consultation form Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Google Ads and Highlevel CRM - Experience with conversion tracking - Ability to provide clear, step-by-step instructions on setup

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    18 oferte

    ...all proficiency levels." Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: "Book Your Free Trial Class Today" "Message Us" (WhatsApp Icon) Supporting Image: Smiling students engaged in a virtual and classroom learning experience. Why Learn with AlLahjah Institute? At AlLahjah Institute, we specialize in teaching Emirati Arabic to students of all ages and backgrounds. Here’s what sets us apart: Expert Instructors: Native Emirati speakers with years of teaching experience. Flexible Learning: Choose between in-person classes in the UAE or online classes worldwide. Tailored Programs: Courses designed for kids (ages 5+) and adults at all proficiency levels. Interactive Approach: Engaging lessons that make learning fun and effective. CTA: "Book Your Free Trial ...

    $100 Average bid
    11 intrări
    Urgent Fix Needed: Gmail Bounce Issue
    19 ore left
    Cont confirmat

    My domain's emails are being bounced by Google (Gmail). After a marketing company conducted a high volume of sending for just one day, normal emailing has been blocked. Despite stopping the elevated sending, the issue persists. Google support has been unable to provide a solution. Key Details: - Our domain's DMARC, DKIM, and SPF records have been intact for years with no changes. - We have verified that our IP address is not blacklisted. - We are receiving specific bounce-back error messages from Google, primarily a 550 error. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in email server management. - Experience dealing with Gmail bounce issues. - Familiarity with DMARC, DKIM, and SPF records. - Ability to interpret bounce-back error messages. - Proven track record of resolvi...

    $47 / hr Average bid
    $47 / hr Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    ...customization, app integration, Shopify Plus knowledge is a plus). Experience in tire & wheel e-commerce (understanding of tire fitment, vehicle compatibility, and related services). Familiarity with mechanical/automotive services (knowledge of tire installation, balancing, and wheel alignment would be beneficial). Experience optimizing Shopify for service-based businesses (appointment booking, customer accounts, private product collections). Project Scope Enhancing our tire sales page for better user experience and conversions. Improving our appointment booking system for customer tire services. Streamlining the customer car information storage system within Shopify. Helping us scale and optimize our e-commerce strategy as we grow...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Oferta medie
    123 oferte

    Înregistrează-te sau Conectează-te pentru a vedea detaliile.

    Recomandat Sigilat Acord de confidenţialitate

    I'm seeking a skilled social media manager to handle my accounts on Instagram and Facebook. This role involves crafting engaging written posts and captions that resonate with my audience and promote interaction. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media management, particularly on Instagram and Facebook - Excellent writing skills with the ability to create engaging and interactive content - Familiarity with current social media trends and algorithms - Ability to strategize for audience growth and engagement - Experience with social media analytics and reporting Please provide examples of your past work in your proposal.

    $432 Average bid
    $432 Oferta medie
    80 oferte

    I'm in need of a skilled Flutter Developer to create a comprehensive E-commerce app for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Payment Gateway Integration: The app must securely handle various payment methods. - User Account Creation and Management: Users should be able to create accounts, log in, and manage their profiles seamlessly. - Product Catalog and Search: The app should have an organized product catalog with a robust search functionality. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in Flutter app development, particularly E-commerce apps. - Strong knowledge of integrating payment gateways. - Expertise in creating user account systems within apps. - Proficiency in designing product catalogs and search features. Please provide examples of similar projects you have com...

    $345 Average bid
    $345 Oferta medie
    21 oferte

    I'm looking for a SwiftUI expert who's capable of building a high-quality video editing iOS app. Key Features: - Cutting and trimming - Merging videos - Speed adjustment - Video overlay - Undo / Redo The ideal candidate would have: - Extensive experience with SwiftUI and iOS app development - A strong port...Video overlay - Undo / Redo The ideal candidate would have: - Extensive experience with SwiftUI and iOS app development - A strong portfolio of video editing apps, or similar - Excellent understanding of user experience in video editing software - Ability to work collaboratively and communicate effectively. Only apply if you are a full time and independent developer. I will ignore team or agency accounts. Please share your past iOS video editing app link. Don'...

    $378 Average bid
    $378 Oferta medie
    52 oferte
    Unique LinkedIn Campaign Boost
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    Project Title: LinkedIn Reposting and Commenting – 50 Reposts from Unique US-Based Accounts Description: We are seeking a freelancer to help us boost the visibility of a LinkedIn post. The project requires reposting and commenting on a specific LinkedIn post from 50 unique accounts. These accounts must meet the following criteria: Location: Must be US-based. Connections: Each account must have at least 100 connections. Reposts: The freelancer must secure 50 reposts from 50 different accounts. Engagement: The freelancer must also facilitate meaningful comments on the post from these accounts. Requirements: Only US-based LinkedIn accounts with a minimum of 100 connections. Reposts should be made organically and with appropriate engagement. C...

    $69 Average bid
    $69 Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    I'm looking for a talented Virtual Assistant who is also a Social Media Marketer and Manager, as well as a Content Creator, to help boost my Shopify sales. Key Responsibilities: - Manage my social media accounts including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest. - Schedule posts and engage with followers. - Create compelling video content to attract and retain customers. - Analyze social media metrics to optimize performance and strategy. - Develop and implement targeted ads. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing and management. - Strong skills in content creation, particularly video. - Proficiency in analyzing social media metrics. - Experience with Shopify is a plus. - Excellent communication and organizational skills.

    $61 Average bid
    $61 Oferta medie
    32 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional app developer to create a mobile gaming tournament app for both iOS and Android platforms. This app will feature tournaments for mobile games only. Key Features: - User Registration: The app should allow users to create accounts and register for tournaments. Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform mobile app development - Experience in creating gaming apps - Knowledge in implementing user registration systems in apps - Familiarity with iOS and Android development standards Please note, the app will not initially include features such as live streaming or a chat feature, but I may consider their incorporation in future updates depending on the app's success. Your expertise in creating a scalable app would be highly valued.

    $15 - $30
    $15 - $30
    0 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional app developer to create a mobile gaming tournament app for both iOS and Android platforms. This app will feature tournaments for mobile games only.nn**Key Features:**n- User Registration: The app should allow users to create accounts and register for tournaments.nn**Ideal Skills:**n- Cross-platform mobile app developmentn- Experience in creating gaming appsn- Knowledge in implementing user registration systems in appsn- Familiarity with iOS and Android development standardsnnPlease note, the app will not initially include features such as live streaming or a chat feature, but I may consider their incorporation in future updates depending on the app's success. Your expertise in creating a scalable app would be highly valued.

    $15 - $30
    $15 - $30
    0 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional app developer to create a mobile gaming tournament app for both iOS and Android platforms. This app will feature tournaments for mobile games only. **Key Features:** - User Registration: The app should allow users to create accounts and register for tournaments. **Ideal Skills:** - Cross-platform mobile app development - Experience in creating gaming apps - Knowledge in implementing user registration systems in apps - Familiarity with iOS and Android development standards Please note, the app will not initially include features such as live streaming or a chat feature, but I may consider their incorporation in future updates depending on the app's success. Your expertise in creating a scalable app would be highly valued.

    $15 - $30
    $15 - $30
    0 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional app developer to create a mobile gaming tournament app for both iOS and Android platforms. This app will feature tournaments for mobile games only. **Key Features:** - User Registration: The app should allow users to create accounts and register for tournaments. **Ideal Skills:** - Cross-platform mobile app development - Experience in creating gaming apps - Knowledge in implementing user registration systems in apps - Familiarity with iOS and Android development standards Please note, the app will not initially include features such as live streaming or a chat feature, but I may consider their incorporation in future updates depending on the app's success. Your expertise in creating a scalable app would be highly valued.

    $15 - $30
    $15 - $30
    0 oferte

    I need a creatively designed postcard to increase brand awareness for my small-scale, artisan alcoholic drinks company. Two sided. Key elements to include: - Our company logo and tagline - Contact details Skills needed: - Graphic design - Branding - Print design Experience with designing for the alcoholic beverage industry is a plus. I'm open to different design styles, so feel free to showcase your creativity.

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Oferta medie
    159 oferte