Finance and accounting outsourcing trendsproiecte
TMC România este o companie de outsourcing și consultanță tehnică, parte a unui grup internațional cu prezență în 16 țări și peste 2,800 de specialiști la nivel global. Oferim expertiză în diverse domenii tehnologice, inclusiv inginerie, IT, energie și proiectare, având un model de colaborare flexibil și adaptat nevoilor clienților noștri. În prezent, suntem în căutarea unui Inginer Proiectant de Joasă și Medie Tensiune pentru unul dintre clienții noștri (B2B), specializat în dezvoltarea parcurilor fotovoltaice. Această oportunitate oferă posibilitatea de a lucra într-un mediu profesional, cu proiecte de amploare și focus pe sustenabilitate.
Compania noastra are nevoie de un programator SAP, care sa inteleaga si sa incorporeze nevoile de business in sistemul SAP. Nevoile noastre sunt in urmatoarele zone: - Finance and Controlling (FICO) - Materials Management (MM) - Sales and Distribution (SD) Skilluri necesare: - Intelegerea sistemului SAP (versiuni mai vechi) - Experienta in modulele mentionate anterior - Experienta in zona de programare dar si de configurare Ideal, avem nevoie de o persoana, care sa ne poata ajuta la nivel de proiect cu necesitatile noastre stranse in ultima perioada, iar ulterior pe termen lung, intrucat dinamica business-ului este destul de mare si necesitatea de a aduce modificari are o frecventa crescuta.
...on dropping as worldwide interest rates rise Fri, 10/20/2023 - 11:15 BACK Financial News Many people in Europe were shocked by the historic parity achieved between the US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable to the dollar, but those days are long gone. The factors for the Japanese curre...
Cine suntem? Suntem un studio de Animație și Vfx progresist, care creează spoturi publicitare și desene animate. La baza succesului nostru stă un portofoliu de peste 200 de proiecte implementate la nivel național și internațional, o echipa dinamică și multă creativitate. Sarcinile și atribuțiile postului: să cauți și să elaborezi bază de date cu potențiali clienți; deservirea clienților actuali; recepționarea si managementul comenzilor primite; să programați și desfășurați întâlniri / întâlniri Zoom cu clienții; să efectuarea prezentărilor de produs; să negocierea și semnarea contractelor; să construiești relații cu clienții de lungă durată; să faci constant follow-up către clienții indeciși; să conduci clientul către încheierea tranzacției; elaborarea unui b...
It's about a Personal Finance App which has the goal to help users to forecast their future incomes and also help them with their costs & and so on.
...MiniCRM 5. Research internet / ( avem cont platit) / MADR pt date contact cat mai complete pt diversi parteneri potentiali 6. Small accounts management : follow-up discutii cu clientii initiate de manager vanzari, acolo unde este nevoie. 7. Email management : Sa verifici zilnic mailuri care vin pt vanzari in marele meu Inbox si sa gasesti un sistem sa le pot adresa usor. 8. Primary accounting: Facturare linii noi de venit (nimeni nu se ocupa in prezent ) . Sunt f putine facturi de facut in prezent. Important sa fii / ai: - Solution finder : sa intelegi task-ul fara 3 tone de context, sa stii ce intrebari sa pui sa ai sufficient context pt indeplinirea cu succes si in termen a task-ului. - Disponibilitate de timp: 30 min zilnic in intervalul 09:30 – 17:00 si 1-4 h every ...
pentru un proiect de blockchain creare dapps pentru un proiect finance numai vorbitori de limba romana web3 NodeJS UI Application
Dorim continuarea dezvoltarii unui software ERP pentru o institutie de tip IFN. Software-ul este partial dezvoltat de catre o echipa din India. o comunicare mai eficienta. Software-ul este dezvoltat in Laravel. Este necesara prezenta constanta la intalnirile echipei. Sediul companiei este in Bucuresti. We want to continue the development of ERP software for an IFN institution. The software is partially developed by a team from India. The accounting is 100% realized and the credit area is partially developed. It will continue with the team from India but it is desired to increase the team and a more efficient communication. The software is developed in Laravel. Constant attendance at team meetings is required. The company headq...
Caut freelanceri pentru diverse proiecte in regim de outsourcing pentru o agentie de marketing
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I want to develop a management application for GSM service! -inputs and exits from service with issuance of documents (entry sheet, notice note, guarantee certificate, etc.) -posts of repair -localization of products in service or outsourcing -Guest of customers -stage store - product management - invoice issuance, proforma, house register, management report, non-fiscal receipt -marketing - sms, mail -all import / export data vcf. csv I also have some application models of this type that can be used as an example!
Ajută-mă cu afacerea Doresc deschiderea unui service auto pentru restaurari auto. In orasul meu nu se afla asa ceva si nici in tara nu sunt multi care fac asa ceva. Sunt pasionat de acest lucru si doresc sa fac acest lucru.
Buna Gabriel, as avea nevoie de un frontend developer care sa fie un adevarat freelancer, deoarece as putea avea nevoie de multe ore pe saptamina, pina la un full time complet in rare cazuri si perioade. Am multe lucrari, de mai ...dimensiuni, de la optimizarea unui template la situl meu , pina la crearea unui noi template, pentru acelasi website, pornind de la filuri Psd furnizate de un designer, si inca alte customizari pentru 5 sectii al sitului (acum exista doar o singura sectie speciala, dar in viitor 4 sectii din 6 vor fi speciale, cu un template diferit, pe modelul Yahoo unde de exemplu sectia finance este un adevarat site). Am nevoie sa ai un VAT number, nu stiu cum se spune pe romana, si sa-mi facturezi. Putem vorbi in chat de toate detaliile. O zi placuta. Bogdan
I will need SEO optimization for a newly created accounting wordpress based website with the below keywords in focus. Please only whitehat SEO usage, describe full process, RESULTS BASED PAYMENT ONLY!!! contabil bucuresti contabila bucuresti contabilitate bucuresti contabil sector 6 contabila sector 6 contabilitate sector 6 tarif contabilitate bucuresti pret contabilitate bucuresti contabil bun bucuresti contabilitate primara bucuresti
Dezvoltator planuri de afaceri, idei profitabile, proiecte bine concepute, caut finantatori pentru implementarea lor.
Consultanta pe legiile din romania. Mai multe se vor discuta in privat. Caut pe cineva care are experienta in domeniu firmelor, legilor si juridicelor din romania!
Lucrez pentru o firma de outsourcing din Polonia si in momentul de fata avem nevoie de un nou membru in echipa, care sa aibe cunostiinte solide de Bootstrap, PHP, HTML, MySQL, CSS, pentru a ne ajuta in livrarea impecabila a serviciilor. Avantaje: - program flexibil - revenue lunar de maxim 700 USD, in functie de performante
Salutare, Sunt in cautare de un developer (sau mai multi) pentru o aplicatie iOS. Nu este ceva complex, structura este simpla si basic, iar o parte din flow se repeta. Tema aplicatie este money/finance management. Design-ul este deja facut. In cadrul aplicatiei totul se face manual, nu sunt comunicatii cu alte aplicatii third-party. Eventual o baza de date cloud, dar doar atat pentru inceput. Mai sunt niste detalii legate de partea de Settings, cateva mici stilizari a aplicatie pe care utilizatorul le poate face (gen simple-view si extended-view al listei de tranzactii, etc). Poate si un mic sistem de securitate, code sau swipe undeva dupa splashscreen. Inca o chestie de mentionat, vor fi doua variante a aplicatiei: una simpla, iar una premium/extended/vip whatever. Nu e foarte ...
Detin o casa la sat cu aproape un hectar de teren cu dorii sa investim ampreuba pt.a face o pensiune sau o tabara cu detin fonduri un sponsor ,am anteles ca sunt accesibile si fonduri idei si sfaturi. fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum Nod...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de Freelencer ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precu...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de BestJobs ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum ...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de Freelancer ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precu... fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum Nod...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de Freelencer ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precu...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de BestJobs ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum ...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de Freelancer ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precu...
...Description: I am looking for a skilled and dedicated Social Media Content Editor to help build and grow my brand on TikTok and Instagram. This person will be responsible for editing, posting, and repurposing content 3-4 times per week on both platforms. The content will primarily be focused on educating and engaging my audience about Amazon FBA, eCommerce, and my coaching services. Responsibilities: Edit and repurpose videos from existing content for TikTok and Instagram (Reels, Stories, Posts). Ensure content aligns with my brand voice and resonates with the target audience. Schedule and post content 3-4 times a week on both platforms. Engage with followers and respond to comments where necessary. Occasion...
I'm in need of professional guidance focusing on job search strategies within the technology sector. Key areas of focus: - Comprehensive job search strategies tailored for the tech industry - Mock interview sessions to prepare for real-life scenarios Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in tech industry job placement - Expertise in conducting mock inte...professional guidance focusing on job search strategies within the technology sector. Key areas of focus: - Comprehensive job search strategies tailored for the tech industry - Mock interview sessions to prepare for real-life scenarios Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in tech industry job placement - Expertise in conducting mock interviews - Strong understanding of current tech industry trends...
As an eCommerce shop focusing on h...we're in need of a specialist who can identify trending baby products and create short, engaging video ads for them. Your responsibilities will include: - Identifying trending baby essentials - Selecting top-performing video ads for these products - Recreating multiple, optimized short clips (under 15 seconds) for Facebook and Instagram Your role is crucial in boosting our product sales and expanding our reach to parents worldwide. Ideal candidates will have: - Strong experience in product research within the baby niche - Proven track record in ad creation and understanding of social media trends - Ability to create engaging, high-quality video content Please include examples of your previous work in product re...
I'm seeking a professional CV writer to craft a compelling, bilingual (French & English) CV for senior-level positions in the technology industry. The CV should highlight my skills and experiences relevant to the tech sector, and be tailored for job applications. Key requirements: - Proven experience in CV writing, particularly for the technology sector - Bilingual proficiency in French and English - Understanding of senior-level tech job requirements - Ability to translate complex technical skills into appealing CV content - Familiarity with industry-specific jargon and trends
I am looking for a professional with expertise in footwear design, and proofreading and editing services, to assist me in my project. Key Responsibilities: - Design innovative and stylish footwear that aligns with current fashion trends. - Proofread and edit all design-related content to ensure clarity, precision, and professionalism. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in footwear design. - Strong background in proofreading and editing. - A keen understanding of current fashion trends. - Excellent communication and creative skills.
I'm looking to establish a TikTok shop ...establish a TikTok shop focused on dropshipping trending items. I need an expert who can help identify and source these items, as well as manage the shop. Key Responsibilities: - Identify trending items suitable for dropshipping - Set up and manage the TikTok shop - Source suppliers and handle logistics - Monitor shop performance and adjust strategy as necessary Ideal Skills: - Experience with dropshipping and e-commerce - Familiarity with TikTok and its trends - Excellent market research skills - Strong logistics and supplier management experience I am open to selling anything that is currently trending. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong understanding of current...
...Developer with React and Expertise We are seeking a talented Full-Stack Developer to join our team full-time on a monthly basis. The ideal candidate will have strong proficiency in web development technologies, particularly React and , with a solid understanding of both front-end and back-end development. The role involves contributing to the ongoing development of an AI-powered web application tailored for the construction industry. This is an exciting opportunity to work on a cutting-edge project that leverages artificial intelligence to address real-world challenges in construction. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with the team to design, develop, and maintain the web application. - Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code for both fro...
I'm seeking a creative and proactive Social Media Manager to oversee my Facebook and Twitter account. The role primarily involves content creation and community management, with a focus on producing engaging images, graphics, and videos alongside compelling text posts. We have two facebook accounts and one twitter account. Focus: Attract huge followers, drive post engagements, drive contents to earnings. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a content strategy that aligns with our brand identity and engages our audience - Create high-quality images, graphics and videos to capture audience attention - Write engaging text posts that encourage interaction and drive conversation - Monitor community engagement, resp...
I am looking for an experienced resume editor who can help tailor my resume for general job hunting in the technology sector. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in the tech industry, understanding its trends and requirements. - Proficient in resume editing and formatting. - Excellent command over English grammar and spelling. - Ability to tailor content to specific industries and job roles. The primary purpose of this project is to enhance my chances of standing out in the competitive tech job market.
I am looking for an experienced agency to run ads and create content on Google, specifically tailored for the blue-collar industry. Only agencies will be considered, as I am seeking a long-term partnership. I’m looking to pay around $400 to $600 monthly Requirements: • Proven Track Record: Provide examples of ad campaigns with clear ROI results and high-quality content you’ve created. • ROI Expectations: For the first few months, the return on investment (ROI) should range between 1x and 3x, with continuous improvements month over month. The goal is to consistently achieve the best possible results. Expectations: 1. Competitor Analysis: • Research competitors’ ads to identify strategies that work and uncover opportunities for...
I'm looking for an expert in social media marketing, particularly Instagram, to help promote my physical products. The ideal freelancer should have a media marketing, particularly Instagram, to help promote my physical products. The ideal freelancer should have a proven track record of successful product promotion on Instagram and a deep understanding of the platform's algorithms, trends, and audience. Key responsibilities: - Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy - Create engaging content to attract potential buyers - Monitor and report on the effectiveness of the campaign Skills and experience required: - Extensive knowledge of Instagram - Proven experience in social media marketing - Strong content creation skills - Ability...
I'm in need of a dedicated professional to handle my business bookkeeping. This will primarily involve managing invoicing and billing as well as tracking all business-related expenses. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in bookkeeping and accounting - Proficiency in software like QuickBooks, Xero or similar - Strong organizational skills - Excellent attention to detail - Good communication skills - Understanding of business financials
I'm looking for a skilled web design...for customers with solar panels. The page should primarily feature an easy-to-navigate sign-up form and should include discount offers as an incentive for potential subscribers. Key Requirements: - Expertise in web design and UI/UX principles - Experience with creating subscription-based pages - Ability to incorporate elements to encourage sign-ups, such as promotional offers Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and relevant web design software - Understanding of solar energy and its market trends - Ability to create visually appealing and informative content The goal is to have a seamless sign-up process that ultimately boosts our customer base. A keen eye for detail and a crea...
I'm in need of a YouTube thumbnail designer who can create balanced text and image thumbnails for my educational and tutorial channel. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience with YouTube Thumbnail creation - Understanding of YouTube's design trends and specifications Key Requirements: - The thumbnails should convey a friendly and approachable tone. - The designer should be able to balance text and images, ensuring that the thumbnails are not overly text-heavy or image-focused. The goal is to engage viewers and encourage clicks while maintaining a professional look appropriate for educational content. Please provide a portfolio or examples of your previous work in your bid.
Wir suchen ein erfahrenes Entwicklerteam oder eine Agentur, um ein skalierbares und effizientes Analysesystem zu erstellen. Dieses System soll Unternehmen dabei unterstützen, Daten zu sammeln, Trends zu identifizieren und strategische Entscheidungen auf Basis von Erkenntnissen zu treffen. Das System wird auf einer neu eingerichteten WordPress-Installation mit dem Impreza-Template entwickelt und auf maximale Erweiterbarkeit ausgelegt. Hauptmerkmale: Datenüberwachung: Automatisierte Erfassung und Verarbeitung von Daten. Berichte und Benachrichtigungen: Automatisch generierte Berichte und Alerts bei relevanten Veränderungen. Dashboard: Übersichtliche Darstellung der analysierten Daten mit Filtern. Mehrsprachige Unterstützung: Integration von 5 Sprachen (De...
I'm in need of a skilled logo designer who can create a modern logo for me. The ideal design would incorporate a symbol or icon, rather than relying solely on text or initials. Key Requirements: - Ability to design a logo that encapsulates a sense of 'Creativity and Innovation' - Proficient in modern design techniques and trends - Experience in logo design particularly with the use of symbols or icons Please include a portfolio of your previous logo designs, preferably those that align with a modern aesthetic, to aid in the selection process.
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create bold and colorful social media graphics specifically for my Instagram account. Key Requirements: - Strong portfolio of social media graphics - Experience with Instagram's graphic specifications - Ability to create eye-catching, vibrant designs that stand out - Understanding of current Instagram trends and aesthetics Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Creative and out-of-the-box thinker - Strong attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines
...Stellen, das muss korrigiert werden. Bei der Ansicht auf dem Iphone ist zudem das Logo vollkommen verzerrt. 3. Unter Google findet sich: FBS-digital Finance and Business Services. Darunter beginnt ein Text, was weniger schön ist. Aber auch diese Ansicht ist bei Laptop und jedem Smartphone unterschiedlich. Ganz plötzlich finden sich zudem sehr viele Firmen, die ebenfalls FBS-Digital heißen. Das läßt sich evtl. auf KI-generierte Logos zurückführen, die bei kostenlosen Anbietern generiert wurden. Bei den kostenlosen Versionen sind alle erstellten KI-Erzeugnisse für alle sichtbar. Daher wäre eine einheitliche Sicht auf allen Geräten sinnvoll, z.B. Finance & Business Services (Digital) - FBS-Digital. Das Logo ist...
...daily and monthly expenses efficiently. The application leverages user-friendly interfaces and AI-powered analytics to provide users with insights into their spending habits, set budgets, and achieve financial goals. Core Features: Expense Tracking: Allow users to log daily expenses with a simple and intuitive interface. Categorize expenses (e.g., Food, Transport, Entertainment, Bills, etc.). Include support for adding notes and photos for each expense entry. Budget Management: Users can create monthly budgets for specific categories. Provide visual indicators when nearing or exceeding budget limits. Option to carry over unused budgets to the next month. Reports and Insights: Generate weekly, monthly, and yearly reports with gr...